Java tutorial
/* Copyright Rene Mayrhofer * File created 2006-03-20 * Modified by Roswitha Gostner to use Swing instead of SWT * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ package org.openuat.apps; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.openuat.apps.BinaryBlockStreamer; import org.openuat.apps.IPSecConfigHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class IPSecConnectorClient extends IPSecConnectorCommon { /** Our logger. */ private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(IPSecConnectorClient.class.getName()); private byte[] sharedKey = null; private File tempCertFile = null; /** This represents the configuration of the IPSec tunnel. It is used * to parse the XML-encoded config block received from the admin end. */ private IPSecConfigHandler config; private CAEventsHandler guiHandler = null; public IPSecConnectorClient(Configuration relateConf, MeasurementManager man) throws IOException { super(false, relateConf, man); } /** * dialog to set up the dongle configuration. */ /* private static Configuration configureDialog(String[] ports, String[] sides, String[] types) { JTextField username = new JTextField(); JComboBox cport = new JComboBox(ports); JComboBox csides = new JComboBox(sides); JComboBox ctypes = new JComboBox(types); int option = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, new Object[] { "User Name:", username, "Choose your port",cport, "On which side of your Device is the Dongle plugged into:", csides, " What type of Device:", ctypes,}, " Relate Dongle Configuration", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, null, null); if ((option == JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION) || (option == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION)) { System.exit(0); } Configuration config = new Configuration(cport.getSelectedItem()+""); config.setType(ctypes.getSelectedIndex()); config.setSide(csides.getSelectedIndex()); config.setUserName(username.getText()); config.setDeviceType(Configuration.DEVICE_TYPE_DONGLE); logger.finer(config); return config; }*/ public static void main(String[] agrs) throws DeviceException, IOException { /* Before this is run, be sure to set up the launch configuration (Arguments->VM Arguments) * for the correct SWT library path in order to run with the SWT dlls. * The dlls are located in the SWT plugin jar. * For example, on Windows the Eclipse SWT 3.1 plugin jar is: * installation_directory\plugins\org.eclipse.swt.win32_3.1.0.jar */ // TODO: this should be detected instead of hard-coded // Configuration relateConf = configureDialog(Configuration.getDevicePorts(), Configuration.SIDE_NAMES, Configuration.TYPES); Configuration relateConf = new Configuration("COM4"); relateConf.setSide(Configuration.BACK); relateConf.setDeviceType(Configuration.DEVICE_TYPE_DONGLE); SerialConnector connector = SerialConnector.getSerialConnector(relateConf.getDevicePortName(), relateConf.getDeviceType()); connector.registerEventQueue(EventDispatcher.getDispatcher().getEventQueue()); // this will start the SerialConnector thread and start listening for incoming measurements MeasurementManager man = new MeasurementManager(relateConf); EventDispatcher.getDispatcher().addEventListener(MeasurementEvent.class, man); // TODO: check if we need these //helper.getHostInfoManager(); //helper.getMDNSDiscovery(); IPSecConnectorClient thisClass = new IPSecConnectorClient(relateConf, man); // set up all necessary things for the handler. connector.setHostInfo(relateConf.getHostInfo()); HostInfoManager hostInfoManager = HostInfoManager.getHostInfoManager(); EventDispatcher.getDispatcher().addEventListener(DeviceInformationEvent.class, hostInfoManager); // filtered MM MeasurementManager fman = new MeasurementManager(relateConf); EventDispatcher.getDispatcher().addEventListener(MeasurementEvent.class, fman); FilterList filters = new FilterList(); filters.addFilter(new FilterInvalid()); filters.addFilter(new FilterTransducerNo(2)); //filters.addFilter(new FilterOutlierDistance()); filters.addFilter(new KalmanFilter()); filters.addFilter(new FilterInvalid()); fman.setFilterList(filters); NLRAlgorithm nlrAlgorithm = new NLRAlgorithm(relateConf); fman.addMeasurementListener(nlrAlgorithm); Model model = new Model(); nlrAlgorithm.addListener(model); if (hostInfoManager != null) { hostInfoManager.addListener(model); } CAEventsHandler selectionGui = CAEventsHandler(relateConf, hostInfoManager, model); thisClass.setAuthHandler(selectionGui); createAndShowGUI(selectionGui); } private static void createAndShowGUI(CAEventsHandler selectionGui) { //Create and set up the window. JFrame frame = new JFrame(" ~ ~ IPSec Client ~ ~ "); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); frame.getContentPane().add(selectionGui, BorderLayout.CENTER); //Display the window. frame.setSize(400, 500); frame.setVisible(true); } private void setAuthHandler(CAEventsHandler caeh) { guiHandler = caeh; } private class CAEventsHandler extends RelateGridDemo { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Integer remoteId; private int side; public CAEventsHandler(Configuration config, HostInfoManager manager, Model model) { super(false, false, config, manager, model); side = -1; remoteId = null; } // TODO: activate me again when J2ME polish can deal with Java5 sources! //@Override public void progress(String serialPort, String remoteHost, int remoteRelateId, int cur, int max, String msg) { //-> i know that serial connection is not really there. //-> remote Host ist the Name of the Host -> could get IPInet. and from there, I could get the Id. and // then calculationg back, and the initial message. // logger.finer("Store the Admin' s relate id"+ remoteHost); try { if (remoteId == null) { int id = Integer.parseInt(remoteHost); Service s = getServiveForId(id); side = CoordinateHelper.getRelationFromCoordinates(s.getX(), s.getY()); remoteId = new Integer(id); } } catch (Exception e) { // logger.severe("Can't update progress bar", e); } this.setPaintingToFreeze(true); this.setLocalProgressBar(cur, max); } private int getSide() { return side; } } /** This is an implementation of the AuthenticationProgressHandler interface. */ // TODO: activate me again when J2ME polish can deal with Java5 sources! //@Override public void AuthenticationProgress(Object sender, Object remote, int cur, int max, String msg) { super.AuthenticationProgress(sender, remote, cur, max, msg); /** * in the beginning the object is an IP4NetAddress... and changes then to the remote address. */ guiHandler.progress(null, remote.toString(), -1, cur, max, msg); } public boolean AuthenticationStarted(Object sender, Object remote) { // just ignore for now, but should update the GUI return true; } public void AuthenticationSuccess(Object sender, Object remote, Object result) { Object[] remoteParam = (Object[]) remote; logger.finer("Received relate authentication success event with " + remoteParam[0] + "/" + remoteParam[1]);"SUCCESS"); guiHandler.setPaintingToFreeze(false); // since we use RelateAuthenticationProtocol with keepSocketConnected=true, ... sharedKey = (byte[]) ((Object[]) result)[0]; RemoteConnection toRemote = (RemoteConnection) ((Object[]) result)[1]; byte[] certificate = null; // open our "binary block" channel to the server BinaryBlockStreamer s = openBinaryBlockChannel(toRemote); try { // first receive the configuration for the tunnel ByteArrayOutputStream confBlock = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); StringBuffer confName = new StringBuffer(); int recvSize = s.receiveBinaryBlock(confName, confBlock); if (recvSize <= 0) { String text = "Unable to receive configuration block from admin"; logger.severe(text); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text, "Receving Certificate block"); toRemote.close(); return; } if (!confName.toString().equals(BLOCKNAME_CONFIG)) { String text = "Binary block name is '" + confName + "' instead of the expected '" + BLOCKNAME_CONFIG + "'. Is the admin application running on the other end?"; logger.severe(text); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text, "Receving Certificate block"); toRemote.close(); return; } logger.finer("Received configuration block from admin (" + recvSize + "B), parsing now"); config = new IPSecConfigHandler(); if (!config.parseConfig(new StringReader(confBlock.toString()))) { String text = "Could not parse IPSec configuration from XML"; logger.severe(text); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text, "Receving Certificate block"); toRemote.close(); return; } // // and now the certificate ByteArrayOutputStream certBlock = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); StringBuffer certName = new StringBuffer(); recvSize = s.receiveBinaryBlock(certName, certBlock); if (recvSize <= 0) { String text = "Unable to receive certificate block from admin"; logger.severe(text); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text, "Recevied Certificate block"); toRemote.close(); return; } if (!certName.toString().equals(BLOCKNAME_CERTIFICATE)) { String text = "Binary block name is '" + certName + "' instead of the expected '" + BLOCKNAME_CERTIFICATE + "'.\nIs the admin application running on the other end?"; logger.severe(text); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text, "Recevied Certificate block"); toRemote.close(); return; } logger.finer("Received certificate from admin (" + recvSize + "B)"); certificate = certBlock.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException e) { String text = "Could not read from remote host: "; logger.severe(text + e); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text + "\n" + e, "Recevied Certificate"); return; } finally { // and be sure to close the socket properly toRemote.close(); } // create a new temporary file for the certificate tempCertFile = null; try { tempCertFile = File.createTempFile("newCert-", ".p12"); tempCertFile.deleteOnExit(); new FileOutputStream(tempCertFile).write(certificate); } catch (IOException e) { String text = "Unable to create or write to temporary file for certificate: "; logger.severe(text + e); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text + "\n" + e, "Create Certificate File"); return; } logger.finer("Wrote received certificate to temporary file " + tempCertFile.getAbsolutePath()); // and display some details from the certificate" Authentification is now finished ... "); String certName; String certTime; try { certName = X509CertificateGenerator.getCertificateDistinguishedName(new FileInputStream(tempCertFile), new String(Hex.encodeHex(sharedKey)), X509CertificateGenerator.KeyExportFriendlyName, false);" THIS IS NOW TO bet set.. " + certName); certTime = Integer.toString(X509CertificateGenerator.getCertificateValidity( new FileInputStream(tempCertFile), new String(Hex.encodeHex(sharedKey)), X509CertificateGenerator.KeyExportFriendlyName, false));" this must be set to ... " + certTime); } catch (IOException e) { String text = "Unable to open certificate: "; logger.severe(text + e); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text + "\n" + e, "Open Certificate"); return; } // finally allow the button to be clicked for the user to continue letUserImportCertificate(certName, certTime); } private void letUserImportCertificate(String name, String days) { int side = guiHandler.getSide(); String text = ""; logger.finer("what does the gui give us for a side " + side); String sSide = ""; if (side == Configuration.LEFT || side == Configuration.RIGHT || side == Configuration.BACK) { sSide = Configuration.SIDE_NAMES[side]; text = "\nThe Admin on your [" + sSide + "] side tries to authenticate you!\n"; } else if (side == Configuration.FRONT) { sSide = Configuration.SIDE_NAMES[side]; text = "\nThe Admin directly in [" + sSide + "] of you tries to authenticate you!\n"; } else if (side == Configuration.BACK) { sSide = Configuration.SIDE_NAMES[side]; text = "\nThe Admin behind you tries to authenticate you!\n"; }"now the Client needs to import the certificate... "); text = text + "\nThe Gateway is: " + config.getGateway(); text = text + "\nThe RemoteNetwork is: " + config.getRemoteNetwork(); text = text + "\nThe Cert. Authority Name is:" + config.getCaDistinguishedName(); text = text + "\nYour Certificate Name is:" + name; text = text + "\nHow long is the Certificate valid:" + days + "\n"; text = text + "\nDo you want to import the certificate?"; int option = guiHandler.showYesNoMessageBox(text, "Certificate Import"); if (option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { importCertifiate(); } else { guiHandler.setLocalAuthSuccess(false); } } private BinaryBlockStreamer openBinaryBlockChannel(RemoteConnection toRemote) { BinaryBlockStreamer s = null; try { s = new BinaryBlockStreamer(toRemote.getInputStream(), null); } catch (IOException e) { String text = "Could not open input stream to remote host: "; logger.severe(text + e); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text, "Receving Certificate block"); toRemote.close(); return null; } return s; } private void importCertifiate() { // and import into the registry (overwriting existing certificates) IPSecConnection conn = IPSecConnection_Factory.getImplementation(); /* * the import does not work for MacOS X -> no IpSec Implementation * available for that OS; */ try { conn.importCertificate(tempCertFile.getAbsolutePath(), new String(Hex.encodeHex(sharedKey)), true); // finally, everything is in place, start the IPSec connection conn.init(config.getGateway(), config.getRemoteNetwork(), config.getRemoteNetmask()); // TODO: make the persistent flag configurable conn.start(config.getCaDistinguishedName(), true); String text = "You have successfully estabilished a secure " + "connection\n to the wireless network.";; guiHandler.showInfoMessageBox(text, "Established Secure Connection"); guiHandler.setLocalAuthSuccess(true); } catch (Exception e) { //; // guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox("Error by establishing secure Connection:\n"+e.getMessage(), "Error Establishing Secure Connection"); // guiHandler.setLocalAuthSuccess(false); /** *FIXME: for the study, we do not care, if something goes wrong at this stage. *because the IPSec isn't implemented for all platform, and this is not part *of what we are studying. We fake the "established connection" */ String text = "You have successfully estabilished a secure " + "connection\n to the wireless network.";; guiHandler.showInfoMessageBox(text, "Established Secure Connection"); guiHandler.setLocalAuthSuccess(true); } } /** This is an implementation of the AuthenticationProgressHandler interface. */ // TODO: activate me again when J2ME polish can deal with Java5 sources! //@Override public void AuthenticationFailure(Object sender, Object remote, Exception e, String msg) {"Received relate authentication failure event with " + remote); guiHandler.setLocalAuthSuccess(false); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(msg, "Authentication Failure"); } }