Java tutorial
/* Copyright Rene Mayrhofer * File created 2006-03-20 * Modified by Roswitha Gostner to use Swing instead of SWT * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ package org.openuat.apps; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.openuat.apps.BinaryBlockStreamer; import org.openuat.apps.IPSecConfigHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class IPSecConnectorAdmin extends IPSecConnectorCommon { /** Our logger. */ protected static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(IPSecConnectorAdmin.class.getName()); /** This string holds the temporary file name of the certificate that * has been created. It is also used as a state variable for synchronizing * with the background thread that is creating it: if it is set to null, * then no thread is running, if it is set to the empty string "", then a * thread is currently running, and if it is set to a non-empty string, the * thread has finished creating the certificate. * * @see #asyncCreateCertificate */ private String certificateFilename = null; /** This object is just used for synchronizing access to the * certificateFilename object. * @see #certificateFilename */ private Object certificateFilenameLock = new Object(); /** This is the X.509 certificate generator used to create new certificates. * It is initialized in the constructor. * * @see #asyncCreateCertificate */ private X509CertificateGenerator certGenerator; /** This represents the configuration of the IPSec tunnel. It is initialized * in the constructor by loading a configuration file and is used in the * authentication success handler to generate the XML config block to * transmit to the client. */ private IPSecConfigHandler config; /** The shared key as agreed by the spatial authentication protocol. Is is set * in the authentication success events and used in issueCertificate. */ private byte[] sharedKey = null; /** Remembers the TCP socket to the remote host, as passed in the authentication * success message. */ private RemoteConnection toRemote = null; private AuthenticationEventsHandler guiHandler = null; public IPSecConnectorAdmin(Configuration relateConf, String caFile, String caPassword, String caAlias, String configFilename, MeasurementManager mm) throws IOException { super(true, relateConf, mm);"Initializing IPSecConnectorAdmin"); // also initialize the certificate generator try { logger.finer("Initializing certificate authority from " + caFile + "(alias " + caAlias + ")"); certGenerator = new X509CertificateGenerator(caFile, caPassword, caAlias, true); } catch (Exception e) { String text = "Could not create X.509 certificate generator: "; logger.severe(text + e); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text + "\n" + e, "Certificate Generator"); if (!System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows CE")) { System.exit(1); } } // the the config block"Reading configuration from " + configFilename); config = new IPSecConfigHandler(); if (!config.parseConfig(new FileReader(configFilename))) { String text = "Could not load IPSec configuration from "; logger.severe(text + configFilename); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text + configFilename, " Crating IPSEcConfigHandler"); if (!System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows CE")) { System.exit(2); } } // and if the CA DN is not pre-set, fetch it from the CA if (config.getCaDistinguishedName() == null) { config.setCaDistinguishedName(certGenerator.getCaDistinguishedName());"Set CA distinguished name from loaded CA: '" + config.getCaDistinguishedName() + "'"); } else {"Using pre-set CA distinguished name: '" + config.getCaDistinguishedName() + "'"); } // and finally create the shell (with all information now available)"End of constructor"); } /** * save the last id in progress... this is useful for a failaire -> redo. */ private int actualid = -1; // TODO: activate me again when J2ME polish can deal with Java5 sources! //@Override public void AuthenticationProgress(Object sender, Object remote, int cur, int max, String msg) { super.AuthenticationProgress(sender, remote, cur, max, msg); try { String number = remote.toString(); int id = Integer.parseInt(number); actualid = id; if (guiHandler != null) { guiHandler.progress(sender.toString(), remote.toString(), id, cur, max, msg); } } catch (Exception e) { // logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Can't update progress bar", e); } } public boolean AuthenticationStarted(Object sender, Object remote) { // just ignore for now, but should update the GUI return true; } public void AuthenticationSuccess(Object sender, Object remote, Object result) { Object[] remoteParam = (Object[]) remote;"Received relate authentication success event with " + remoteParam[0] + "/" + remoteParam[1]); System.out.println("SUCCESS ... with " + sender + " remote: " + remote); // since we use RelateAuthenticationProtocol with keepSocketConnected=true, ... sharedKey = (byte[]) ((Object[]) result)[0]; toRemote = (RemoteConnection) ((Object[]) result)[1]; if (guiHandler.adminconfig != null) { guiHandler.adminconfig.enableButton(); } } // TODO: activate me again when J2ME polish can deal with Java5 sources! //@Override public void AuthenticationFailure(Object sender, Object remote, Exception e, String msg) { super.AuthenticationFailure(sender, remote, e, msg); guiHandler.setPaintingToFreeze(false); String text = " Authenciation Failure: " + msg + "\n Would you like to restart Authenctication for id=" + actualid + "?"; int option = guiHandler.showYesNoMessageBox(text, "Authentication Failure"); if (option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION && actualid != -1) { try { guiHandler.doAutenticationForId(actualid); } catch (UnknownHostException e1) { guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox("Error:" + e1.getMessage(), "Uknown Host Exception"); } catch (IOException e1) { guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox("Error:" + e1.getMessage(), "IO Exception"); } } else { guiHandler.adminFrame.setVisible(false); } } /** * dialog to set up the dongle configuration. */ private static Configuration configureDialog(String[] ports, String[] sides, String[] types) { JTextField username = new JTextField(); JComboBox cport = new JComboBox(ports); JComboBox csides = new JComboBox(sides); JComboBox ctypes = new JComboBox(types); int option = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, new Object[] { "User Name:", username, "Choose your port", cport, "On which side of your Device is the Dongle plugged into:", csides, " What type of Device:", ctypes, }, " Relate Dongle Configuration", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, null, null); if ((option == JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION) || (option == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION)) { System.exit(0); } Configuration config = new Configuration(cport.getSelectedItem() + ""); config.setType(ctypes.getSelectedIndex()); config.setSide(csides.getSelectedIndex()); config.setUserName(username.getText()); config.setDeviceType(Configuration.DEVICE_TYPE_DONGLE); // logger.finer(config); return config; } public static void main(String[] args) throws DeviceException, IOException { String serialPort = null, caFile = null, confFile = null; if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows CE")) { serialPort = "COM8:"; caFile = "\\relate\\ca-ipsec.p12"; confFile = "\\relate\\ipsec-conf.xml"; } else { serialPort = null; caFile = "ca.p12"; confFile = "ipsec-conf.xml"; } /* if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows CE")) { System.out.println("Configuring log4j"); PropertyConfigurator.configure(""); }*/ // if we have an IP address as argument, then start in simulation mode Configuration relateConf = null; if (args.length > 0) { serialPort = null; } else {"Initializing with serial port " + serialPort); relateConf = configureDialog(Configuration.getDevicePorts(), Configuration.SIDE_NAMES, Configuration.TYPES); } SerialConnector connector = SerialConnector.getSerialConnector(relateConf.getDevicePortName(), relateConf.getDeviceType()); connector.registerEventQueue(EventDispatcher.getDispatcher().getEventQueue()); // this will start the SerialConnector thread and start listening for incoming measurements MeasurementManager man = new MeasurementManager(relateConf); EventDispatcher.getDispatcher().addEventListener(MeasurementEvent.class, man); IPSecConnectorAdmin thisClass = new IPSecConnectorAdmin(relateConf, caFile, "test password", "Test CA", confFile, man); // set up all necessary things for the handler. connector.setHostInfo(relateConf.getHostInfo()); HostInfoManager hostInfoManager = HostInfoManager.getHostInfoManager(); EventDispatcher.getDispatcher().addEventListener(DeviceInformationEvent.class, hostInfoManager); // filtered MM MeasurementManager fman = new MeasurementManager(relateConf); EventDispatcher.getDispatcher().addEventListener(MeasurementEvent.class, fman); FilterList filters = new FilterList(); filters.addFilter(new FilterInvalid()); filters.addFilter(new FilterTransducerNo(2)); //filters.addFilter(new FilterOutlierDistance()); filters.addFilter(new KalmanFilter()); filters.addFilter(new FilterInvalid()); fman.setFilterList(filters); NLRAlgorithm nlrAlgorithm = new NLRAlgorithm(relateConf); fman.addMeasurementListener(nlrAlgorithm); Model model = new Model(); nlrAlgorithm.addListener(model); if (hostInfoManager != null) { hostInfoManager.addListener(model); } AuthenticationEventsHandler selectionGui = AuthenticationEventsHandler(relateConf, hostInfoManager, model); thisClass.setAuthHandler(selectionGui); createAndShowGUI(selectionGui); } private void setAuthHandler(AuthenticationEventsHandler selectionGui) { guiHandler = selectionGui; } /** * Create the GUI and show it. For thread safety, * this method should be invoked from the * event-dispatching thread. */ private static void createAndShowGUI(JComponent pane) { //Create and set up the window. JFrame frame = new JFrame(" ~ ~ IPSec Admin ~ ~"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); frame.getContentPane().add(pane, BorderLayout.CENTER); //Display the window. frame.setSize(550, 500); frame.setVisible(true); } private class AuthenticationEventsHandler extends RelateGridDemo { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected AdminConfigDialog adminconfig = null; private JFrame adminFrame; public AuthenticationEventsHandler(Configuration config, HostInfoManager manager, Model model) { // force the GUI to display the authentication menu entry even if // it does not locally use it super(false, config, manager, model); } private void authenticationStarted(String serialPort, String remoteHost, int remoteRelateId, byte numRounds) throws UnknownHostException, IOException { // logger.debug("start Authentication with "+remoteHost + " at port " + serialPort + " where id is: "+ remoteRelateId+ " and the number of round is "+ numRounds); authp.startAuthentication(remoteHost, remoteRelateId, numRounds); } // TODO: activate me again when J2ME polish can deal with Java5 sources! //@Override public void success(String serialPort, String remoteHost, int remoteRelateId, byte numRounds, byte[] sharedSecret, Socket socketToRemote) { super.success(serialPort, remoteHost, remoteRelateId, numRounds, sharedSecret, socketToRemote); // remember the shared key and the socket sharedKey = sharedSecret; toRemote = new RemoteTCPConnection(socketToRemote); } // TODO: activate me again when J2ME polish can deal with Java5 sources! //@Override public void progress(String serialPort, String remoteHost, int remoteRelateId, int cur, int max, String msg) { super.progress(serialPort, remoteHost, remoteRelateId, cur, max, msg); } /** * ovewrites the action perform ... basically, it * just adds the possible user actions, deriving from * the admin interface only. */ // TODO: activate me again when J2ME polish can deal with Java5 sources! //@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { super.actionPerformed(e); if (e.getActionCommand().equals(SEC_CON)) { try { startSecureConnection(e); } catch (UnknownHostException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals(AdminConfigDialog.GENERATE)) { if (adminconfig != null) { adminconfig.generateCertificate(); issueCertificate(adminconfig.getCertName(), adminconfig.getDays(), adminconfig.getRelateId()); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals(AdminConfigDialog.CANCEL)) { if (adminFrame != null) { adminFrame.setVisible(false); } } } /** * the user has selected one of the items, and would like to * establish a secure connection; the event comes from actionPerformed * and is delegated to this method here. * @param e * @throws IOException * @throws UnknownHostException */ private void startSecureConnection(ActionEvent e) throws UnknownHostException, IOException { if (e.getSource() instanceof JMenuItem) { RelateMenuItem item = (RelateMenuItem) e.getSource(); int relateId = item.getRelateId(); doAutenticationForId(relateId); } } private void doAutenticationForId(int relateId) throws UnknownHostException, IOException { Configuration c = hostManager.getConfigurationForId(relateId); String remoteAddress = null; // logger.finer("For id: "+relateId+" hostInfoManager offers this configuration: "+c); if (c != null && c.getInetAddress() != null) { remoteAddress = c.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); String error = "For id: " + relateId + " we have this ip address: " + remoteAddress; // logger.finer(error); } if (remoteAddress == null) { String text = "Could not lookup up address of device id " + relateId + ".\nHas the secure authentication code been enabled on the other host?"; //; showErrorMessageBox(text, "Start Secure Authentication"); return; } if (auth != null) { if (!auth.startAuthenticationWith(remoteAddress, (byte) relateId, 10)) { // logger.finer( "start the authentication."); return; } } RelateIcon icon = (RelateIcon) relDevices.get(new Integer(relateId)); icon.setProgressBar(true); setPaintingToFreeze(true); createAdminUI(relateId); authenticationStarted(relateConfig.getPort(), remoteAddress, (byte) relateId, (byte) 10); } private void createAdminUI(int id) { //Create and set up the window. adminFrame = new JFrame("Admin Config Pane for " + id); adminFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); int x = getBounds().width; int y = 20; adminFrame.setLocation(x, y); //Create and set up the content pane. adminconfig = new AdminConfigDialog(id); adminconfig.setCancelButtonListener(this); adminconfig.setGenerateButtonListener(this); adminFrame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); adminFrame.getContentPane().add(adminconfig, BorderLayout.CENTER); adminFrame.setVisible(true); adminFrame.pack(); setFocusable(true); } public void issueCertificate(String commonNameInput, int days, int relateId) { // logger.finer ("issue Certificate"); // ok, got the shared password - use it to create the certificate (in the background) // (and need to get the text fields in the SWT UI thread) asyncCreateCertificate(commonNameInput, days, new String(Hex.encodeHex(sharedKey)), relateId); // first of all, wait for the certificate to be generated (if not already) synchronized (certificateFilenameLock) { if (certificateFilename == null) { // hmm, thread not started yet - can't cope String text = "Certificate generation thread was not started properly, can not continue"; // logger.severe(text); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text, "Waiting for Certificate Creation"); toRemote.close(); return; } else { if (certificateFilename.equals("")) { // ok, thread still running, wait for it to end try { certificateFilenameLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // just ignore that } } // here, the thread must have finished already if (certificateFilename.startsWith("ERROR")) { // ouch, generation failed String text = "Certificate generation failed: " + certificateFilename; // logger.severe(text); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text, "Certificate Generation Failed"); toRemote.close(); return; } } } // if we come till here, certificateFilename contains the path to a new certificate // open our "binary block" channel to the client BinaryBlockStreamer s = null; try { s = new BinaryBlockStreamer(null, toRemote.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { String text = "Could not open output stream to remote host: "; // logger.severe(text + e); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text + "\n" + e, " OutputStream to Remote Host "); toRemote.close(); return; } try { // first transmit the configuration for the tunnel StringWriter confBlock = new StringWriter(); if (!config.writeConfig(confBlock)) { String text = "Could not export IPSec configuration to XML"; // logger.severe(text); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text, "Export of IPSec Configuration"); toRemote.close(); return; } String confTmpBlock = confBlock.toString(); // logger.finer("Sending configuration block of " + confTmpBlock.length() + "B to client"); s.sendBinaryBlock(BLOCKNAME_CONFIG, new ByteArrayInputStream(confTmpBlock.getBytes()), confTmpBlock.length()); // and now the certificate File certFile = new File(certificateFilename); // logger.finer("Sending certificate block of " + certFile.length() + "B to client"); s.sendBinaryBlock(BLOCKNAME_CERTIFICATE, new FileInputStream(certFile), (int) certFile.length()); } catch (IOException e) { String text = "Could not send to remote host: "; // logger.severe(text + e); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text + "\n" + e, "Sending to Remote Host"); return; } finally { // and be sure to close the socket properly toRemote.close(); } guiHandler.setPaintingToFreeze(false); } /** This method encapsulates the creation of a X.509 certificate in a background * thread. It will fire off a thread, which will then post its result to the * certificateFilename member. * * If the certificate generation failed after starting the background thread, the * certificateFilename member will contain the string "ERROR", optionally followed * by an exception converted to a string that caused the abort. * On success, the certificateFilename member will contain the name of a temporary * file with the newly created certificate. * In both cases, certificateFilename.notify() will be called after modifying it, * so that other threads can wait for it to be modified. * * @param commonName The common name to use for the DN field of the certificate. * @param validityDays The number of days this certificate should be valid. * @param exportPassword The password to export the certificate and the matching * private key with. * @return true if the thread was started successfully, false otherwise. * * @see #certificateFilename */ protected boolean asyncCreateCertificate(String commonName, int validityDays, String exportPassword, final int relateId) { // logger.finer("Starting thread to create certificate for CN='" + // commonName + "' valid for " + validityDays + " days"); synchronized (certificateFilenameLock) { // this states that it is not yet ready, and that the thread is running certificateFilename = ""; certificateFilenameLock.notify(); } // create a new temporary file for the certificate File tempCertFile = null; try { tempCertFile = File.createTempFile("newCert-", ".p12"); } catch (IOException e) { String text = "Unable to create temporary file for certificate: "; // logger.severe(text + e); guiHandler.showErrorMessageBox(text + "\n" + e, " Creating Temporary File"); return false; } tempCertFile.deleteOnExit(); // logger.finer("Created temporary file '" + tempCertFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); final String cn = commonName; final int val = validityDays; final String file = tempCertFile.getAbsolutePath(); final String pass = exportPassword; // and start the certificate generation in the background new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { // logger.finer("Certificate creation thread started"); try { if (certGenerator.createCertificate(cn, val, file, pass)) { // logger.finer("Finished creating certificate with success"); informAdminPanelofSuccess(relateId); adminFrame.setVisible(false); // ok, finished creating the file - store the name and wake up other threads that might be waiting synchronized (certificateFilenameLock) { certificateFilename = file; certificateFilenameLock.notify(); } } else { // logger.severe("Finished creating certificate with error"); // error during creating synchronized (certificateFilenameLock) { certificateFilename = "ERROR"; certificateFilenameLock.notify(); } } } catch (Exception e) { // logger.severe("Certificate generation failed with: " + e); synchronized (certificateFilenameLock) { certificateFilename = "ERROR: " + e; certificateFilenameLock.notify(); } } } }).start(); return true; } private void informAdminPanelofSuccess(int relateId) { authDevices.add(new Integer(relateId)); } } }