Java tutorial
/* * * Jaqpot - version 3 * * The JAQPOT-3 web services are OpenTox API-1.2 compliant web services. Jaqpot * is a web application that supports model training and data preprocessing algorithms * such as multiple linear regression, support vector machines, neural networks * (an in-house implementation based on an efficient algorithm), an implementation * of the leverage algorithm for domain of applicability estimation and various * data preprocessing algorithms like PLS and data cleanup. * * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Pantelis Sopasakis & Charalampos Chomenides & Lampovas Nikolaos * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contact: * Pantelis Sopasakis * * Address: Iroon Politechniou St. 9, Zografou, Athens Greece * tel. +30 210 7723236 * */ package org.opentox.jaqpot3.qsar.util; import Jama.Matrix; import; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.StandardDeviation; import org.dmg.pmml.DataDictionary; import org.dmg.pmml.DataField; import org.dmg.pmml.DerivedField; import org.dmg.pmml.PMML; import org.dmg.pmml.TransformationDictionary; import org.jpmml.evaluator.ExpressionUtil; import org.jpmml.evaluator.FieldValue; import org.jpmml.evaluator.PMMLEvaluationContext; import org.jpmml.manager.PMMLManager; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.opentox.jaqpot3.exception.JaqpotException; import org.opentox.jaqpot3.qsar.IClientInput; import org.opentox.jaqpot3.qsar.InstancesUtil; import org.opentox.jaqpot3.qsar.exceptions.QSARException; import static org.opentox.jaqpot3.qsar.util.AttributeCleanup.AttributeType.nominal; import static org.opentox.jaqpot3.qsar.util.AttributeCleanup.AttributeType.numeric; import static org.opentox.jaqpot3.qsar.util.AttributeCleanup.AttributeType.string; import org.opentox.toxotis.client.VRI; import org.opentox.toxotis.core.component.Feature; import org.opentox.toxotis.core.component.Model; import org.opentox.toxotis.core.component.Substance; import org.opentox.toxotis.util.aa.AuthenticationToken; import org.opentox.toxotis.util.json.DatasetJsonDownloader; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.converters.CSVSaver; import weka.filters.Filter; import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Add; import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove; /** * * @author Pantelis Sopasakis * @author Charalampos Chomenides * @author Nikolaos Lampovas */ public class WekaInstancesProcess { private static WekaInstancesProcess instanceOfThis = null; public static final WekaInstancesProcess proc = getInstance(); private static WekaInstancesProcess getInstance() { if (instanceOfThis == null) { instanceOfThis = new WekaInstancesProcess(); } return instanceOfThis; } public static Map<String, Double> getInstanceAttributeValues(Instance inst, int numAttributes) { //numAttributes need to be set before adding the new attributes Map<String, Double> featureMap = new HashMap(); if (numAttributes > 0) { double res; for (int i = 0; i < numAttributes; ++i) { res = (!Double.isNaN(inst.value(i))) ? inst.value(i) : 0; res = (!Double.isInfinite(res)) ? res : 0; featureMap.put(inst.attribute(i).name(), res); } } return featureMap; } public static PMMLEvaluationContext getInstanceAttributeFieldRefValues(Instance inst, int numAttributes, PMMLEvaluationContext context, List<DataField> dataFields) { //numAttributes need to be set before adding the new attributes for (DataField dataField : dataFields) { for (int i = 0; i < numAttributes; ++i) { if (StringUtils.equals(inst.attribute(i).name(), dataField.getName().toString())) { context.declare(dataField.getName(), inst.value(i)); break; } } } return context; } public static List<Integer> getDescriptorsIndexArray(Instances inputData, List<Feature> independentFeatures, Feature dependentFeature) { List<Integer> tempArray = new ArrayList(); int NAttr = inputData.numAttributes(); if (!independentFeatures.isEmpty()) { //get the index of the uri to be kept, this URI must be first and preceedes the independent features for (int i = 0; i < NAttr; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < independentFeatures.size(); ++j) { String uri = independentFeatures.get(j).getUri().toString(); if (StringUtils.equals(inputData.attribute(i).name().toString(), uri)) { tempArray.add(i); break; } } } } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dependentFeature.getUri().toString())) { for (int i = 0; i < NAttr; ++i) { if (StringUtils.equals(inputData.attribute(i).name().toString(), dependentFeature.getUri().toString())) { tempArray.add(i); break; } } } return tempArray; } public static Instances getFilteredInstances(Instances inputData, List<Feature> independentFeatures, Feature dependentFeature) throws JaqpotException { try { List<Integer> indexArray = getDescriptorsIndexArray(inputData, independentFeatures, dependentFeature); //apply filter for deleting the attributes other than these descriptors int[] intArray = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(indexArray.toArray(new Integer[indexArray.size()])); int m = 1; Remove rm = new Remove(); rm.setOptions(new String[] { "-V" }); rm.setAttributeIndicesArray(intArray); rm.setInputFormat(inputData); Instances filteredData = Filter.useFilter(inputData, rm); return filteredData; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new JaqpotException(ex); } } public static Instances removeInstancesAttributes(Instances inputData, List<Integer> indexArray) throws JaqpotException { try { int[] intArray = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(indexArray.toArray(new Integer[indexArray.size()])); Remove rm = new Remove(); rm.setInvertSelection(false); rm.setAttributeIndicesArray(intArray); rm.setInputFormat(inputData); Instances filteredData = Filter.useFilter(inputData, rm); return filteredData; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new JaqpotException(ex); } } public static Instances addNewAttribute(Instances filteredData, String nextFeatureUri) throws JaqpotException { Add attributeAdder = new Add(); attributeAdder.setAttributeIndex("last"); attributeAdder.setAttributeName(nextFeatureUri); try { attributeAdder.setInputFormat(filteredData); filteredData = Filter.useFilter(filteredData, attributeAdder); if (filteredData == null) throw new JaqpotException("no instances data"); } catch (Exception ex) { String message = "Exception while trying to add prediction feature to Instances"; throw new JaqpotException(message, ex); } return filteredData; } public static Instances loadJustCompounds(Instances inputSet) throws JaqpotException { AttributeCleanup justCompounds = new AttributeCleanup(true, nominal, numeric, string); Instances compounds = null; try { compounds = justCompounds.filter(inputSet); } catch (QSARException ex) { String message = "Exception while filtering compounds"; throw new JaqpotException(message, ex); } return compounds; } public static Instances handleMissingValues(Instances inst, IClientInput ClientParams) throws JaqpotException { Instances rv; try { SimpleMVHFilter mvh = new SimpleMVHFilter(); mvh.parametrize(ClientParams); rv = mvh.filter(inst); } catch (JaqpotException ex) { String message = "Exception while trying to handle missing values"; throw new JaqpotException(message, ex); } return rv; } public static void toCSV(Instances inst, String Filename) { File file = new File(Filename); CSVSaver cs = new CSVSaver(); try { cs.setRetrieval(1); cs.setFile(file); cs.setInstances(inst); cs.writeBatch(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } public static Map<String, Object> transformDataset(Instances inst, PMML pmmlObject) throws JaqpotException { Map<String, Object> resMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<String> attributeNames = new ArrayList<String>(); try { if (pmmlObject != null && inst != null) { PMMLManager pmmlManager = new PMMLManager(pmmlObject); PMMLEvaluationContext context = new PMMLEvaluationContext(pmmlManager); DataDictionary dataDictionary = pmmlManager.getDataDictionary(); List<DataField> dataFields = dataDictionary.getDataFields(); //Get the Derived fields (math formulas) of the PMML file TransformationDictionary trDir = pmmlManager.getTransformationDictionary(); if (trDir != null) { List<DerivedField> dfVar = trDir.getDerivedFields(); if (!dfVar.isEmpty()) { int numAttributes = inst.numAttributes(); int numInstances = inst.numInstances(); int targetAttributeIndex = numAttributes; //foreach transformation for (int i = 0; i < dfVar.size(); ++i) { //add a new attribute String attrName = (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dfVar.get(i).getName().getValue())) ? dfVar.get(i).getName().getValue() : "New Attribute" + i; attributeNames.add(attrName); inst = WekaInstancesProcess.addNewAttribute(inst, attrName); Double res; // foreach transformation's instances for (int j = 0; j < numInstances; j++) { context = new PMMLEvaluationContext(pmmlManager); context = getInstanceAttributeFieldRefValues(inst.instance(j), numAttributes, context, dataFields); FieldValue val = ExpressionUtil.evaluate(dfVar.get(i), context); res = (Double) val.getValue(); res = (!Double.isNaN(res)) ? res : Double.MIN_VALUE; inst.instance(j).setValue(targetAttributeIndex, res); } ++targetAttributeIndex; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { String message = "Exception while trying to transform Instances"; throw new JaqpotException(message, ex); } resMap.put("instances", inst); resMap.put("exAttributeNamesDoA", attributeNames); return resMap; } public static List<Integer> getTransformationFieldsAttrIndex(Instances inst, PMML pmmlObject) throws JaqpotException { List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<Integer>(); try { if (pmmlObject != null) { //Get the Derived fields (math formulas) of the PMML file TransformationDictionary trDir = pmmlObject.getTransformationDictionary(); if (trDir != null) { List<DerivedField> dfVar = trDir.getDerivedFields(); if (!dfVar.isEmpty()) { int numAttributes = inst.numAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < dfVar.size(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < numAttributes; j++) { if (StringUtils.equals(dfVar.get(i).getName().getValue(), inst.attribute(j).name())) { res.add(j); break; } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { String message = "Exception while trying to transform Instances"; throw new JaqpotException(message, ex); } return res; } /* Creates the csv data for a dataset to be published. */ //TODO: API EXT fix endpoint category public static String getCSVOutput(Model model, AuthenticationToken token, Instances inst, VRI datasetURI, String VRIprefix, String ownerName) { String res, name; Map<String, String> UUIDMap; int noAttributes = inst.numAttributes(); int noInstances = inst.numInstances(); // make a list for predicted features List<String> predictedFeaturesUris = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Feature> predictedFeatureList = model.getPredictedFeatures(); for (Feature temp : predictedFeatureList) { predictedFeaturesUris.add(temp.getUri().getUri()); } //get the json object of the dataset to retrieve info for the properties VRI input = new VRI(datasetURI); DatasetJsonDownloader jsn = new DatasetJsonDownloader(input); JSONObject obj = jsn.getJSON(token); //create the header of the csv res = getCSVHeader(inst, jsn, obj, predictedFeaturesUris); //get a map for binding the substance uris to their names UUIDMap = jsn.bindUUIDsToNames(obj, VRIprefix); //get the names of the substances and their values in the properties for (int i = 0; i < noInstances; ++i) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(UUIDMap.get(inst.attribute(0).value(i)))) { name = ownerName + UUIDMap.get(inst.attribute(0).value(i)); res += name; for (int k = 1; k < noAttributes; ++k) { res += "," + inst.instance(i).value(k); } res += "\n"; } } //if not trimmed then new empty substance will be created res = StringUtils.removeEnd(res, "\n"); return res; } /* Iterates through instances and searches for the first substance. Then gets the value of the key in the info of the json object of GET /substance */ public static String getSubstanceKeyFromInstances(AuthenticationToken token, Instances inst, String key) { int noInstances = inst.numInstances(); String substance_uri, keyRes = ""; for (int i = 0; i < noInstances - 1; ++i) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(inst.attribute(0).value(i))) { substance_uri = inst.attribute(0).value(i); keyRes = Substance.getSubstanceKey(token, substance_uri, key); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(keyRes)) { break; } } return keyRes; } /* Create the csv data for publishing a dataset. */ public static String getCSVHeader(Instances inst, DatasetJsonDownloader jsn, JSONObject obj, List<String> featuresUris) { int noAttributes = inst.numAttributes(); String headerStr = "", enStr = "", mStr = "", condStr = "", unStr = ""; String units, sameAs, medium, attrName, res, title; for (int k = 1; k < noAttributes; ++k) { attrName = inst.attribute(k).name(); List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); keys.add("feature"); keys.add(attrName); keys.add("units"); units = jsn.traverse(keys, obj); keys = new ArrayList<String>(); keys.add("feature"); keys.add(attrName); keys.add("annotation"); keys.add("o"); medium = jsn.traverse(keys, obj); keys = new ArrayList<String>(); keys.add("feature"); keys.add(attrName); keys.add("sameAs"); sameAs = jsn.traverse(keys, obj); keys = new ArrayList<String>(); keys.add("feature"); keys.add(attrName); keys.add("title"); title = jsn.traverse(keys, obj); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(title)) { // if feature uri not in dataset then search in features list if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sameAs) || StringUtils.equals(sameAs, "")) { title = attrName; } else { title = sameAs; } } headerStr += ","; enStr += "," + title; mStr += "," + medium; //TODO: API EXT place model, and in the future dont bind it with condition condStr += ","; unStr += "," + units; } res = "EndpointCategory" + headerStr + "\n" + "Protocol" + headerStr + "\n" + "Guideline" + headerStr + "\n" + "type_of_study" + headerStr + "\n" + "type_of_method" + headerStr + "\n" + "data_gathering_instruments" + headerStr + "\n" + "Endpoint" + enStr + "\n" + "Cell" + headerStr + "\n" + "MEDIUM" + mStr + "\n" + "Condition" + condStr + "\n" + "Designation" + headerStr + "\n" + "Units" + unStr + "\n"; return res; } /* Create the csv data for publishing a property When posting to /substance all values of the substances being posted are removed. Thus the substance name is SubstancePredicted. */ //TODO: API EXT zeta potential from uuiclid //use the endpoint of the dataset in order to get info for the header of the predicted descriptor public static String getCSVOutputForProperty(AuthenticationToken token, Instances inst, String units, String title, VRI datasetURI, String VRIprefix) { String res, attrName, medium; List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); VRI input = new VRI(datasetURI); DatasetJsonDownloader jsn = new DatasetJsonDownloader(input); JSONObject obj = jsn.getJSON(token); attrName = inst.attribute(1).name(); keys.add("feature"); keys.add(attrName); keys.add("annotation"); keys.add("o"); medium = jsn.traverse(keys, obj); res = "EndpointCategory,\n" + "Protocol,\n" + "Guideline,\n" + "type_of_study,\n" + "type_of_method,\n" + "data_gathering_instruments,\n" + "Endpoint,Predicted " + title + "\n" + "Cell,\n" + "MEDIUM," + medium + "\n" + "Condition,\n" + "Designation,\n" + "Units," + units + "\n" + "SubstancePredicted,0\n"; return res; } private static double attributeMinValue(Instances dataInst, int attributeIndex) { return dataInst.kthSmallestValue(attributeIndex, 1); } private static double attributeMaxValue(Instances dataInst, int attributeIndex) { double maxVal = Double.MIN_VALUE; double currentValue = maxVal; int nInst = dataInst.numInstances(); for (int i = 0; i < nInst; i++) { currentValue = dataInst.instance(i).value(attributeIndex); if (currentValue > maxVal) { maxVal = currentValue; } } return maxVal; } private static double normedValue(Instances dataInst, int attributeIndex) { double[] attrValues = dataInst.attributeToDoubleArray(attributeIndex); StandardDeviation std = new StandardDeviation(); return std.evaluate(attrValues); } public static HashMap<VRI, Double> setMinValuesToModel(Instances dataInst, List<Feature> independentFeatures) { HashMap<VRI, Double> minVals = new HashMap<VRI, Double>(); int nAttr = dataInst.numAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < nAttr; i++) { Attribute attribute = dataInst.attribute(i); Feature selected = null; for (Feature temp : independentFeatures) { if (StringUtils.equals(temp.getUri().getUri(), { selected = temp; break; } } if (attribute.isNumeric() && selected != null) { //TODO: Create in-house private methods to find min and max values minVals.put(selected.getUri(), attributeMinValue(dataInst, i)); } } return minVals; } public static HashMap<VRI, Double> setScalingMaxValuesToModel(Instances dataInst, List<Feature> independentFeatures) { HashMap<VRI, Double> maxVals = new HashMap<VRI, Double>(); int nAttr = dataInst.numAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < nAttr; i++) { Attribute attribute = dataInst.attribute(i); Feature selected = null; for (Feature temp : independentFeatures) { if (StringUtils.equals(temp.getUri().getUri(), { selected = temp; break; } } if (attribute.isNumeric() && selected != null) { //TODO: Create in-house private methods to find min and max values maxVals.put(selected.getUri(), attributeMaxValue(dataInst, i)); } } return maxVals; } public static HashMap<VRI, Double> setNormalizedValuesToModel(Instances dataInst, List<Feature> independentFeatures) { HashMap<VRI, Double> normedVals = new HashMap<VRI, Double>(); int nAttr = dataInst.numAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < nAttr; i++) { Attribute attribute = dataInst.attribute(i); Feature selected = null; for (Feature temp : independentFeatures) { if (StringUtils.equals(temp.getUri().getUri(), { selected = temp; break; } } if (attribute.isNumeric() && selected != null) { //TODO: Create in-house private methods to find min and max values normedVals.put(selected.getUri(), normedValue(dataInst, i)); } } return normedVals; } public static Instances scaleInstances(Instances inst, List<Feature> independentFeatures, Map<String, Double> mins, Map<String, Double> maxs) { int Ninst = inst.numInstances(); String nextFeatureStr = null; Attribute currentAttribute = null; double currentMin; double currentMax; double currentValue = 0; for (Feature nextFeature : independentFeatures) { nextFeatureStr = nextFeature.getUri().getUri(); currentMin = mins.get(nextFeatureStr); currentMax = maxs.get(nextFeatureStr); currentAttribute = inst.attribute(nextFeatureStr); for (int iInst = 0; iInst < Ninst; iInst++) { currentValue = inst.instance(iInst).value(currentAttribute); currentValue = (currentValue - currentMin) / (currentMax - currentMin); inst.instance(iInst).setValue(currentAttribute, currentValue); } } return inst; } public static Instances normalizeInstances(Instances inst, List<Feature> independentFeatures, Map<String, Double> mins, Map<String, Double> norms) { int Ninst = inst.numInstances(); String nextFeatureStr = null; Attribute currentAttribute = null; double currentMin; double currentStdev; double currentValue = 0; for (Feature nextFeature : independentFeatures) { nextFeatureStr = nextFeature.getUri().getUri(); currentMin = mins.get(nextFeatureStr); currentStdev = norms.get(nextFeatureStr); currentAttribute = inst.attribute(nextFeatureStr); for (int iInst = 0; iInst < Ninst; iInst++) { currentValue = inst.instance(iInst).value(currentAttribute); currentValue = (currentValue - currentMin) / (currentStdev); inst.instance(iInst).setValue(currentAttribute, currentValue); } } return inst; } public static Map<String, Double> getVRIkeyMapToDoublekeyMap(Map<VRI, Double> scalingVals) { if (scalingVals == null) { return null; } Map<String, Double> simpleMap = new HashMap<String, Double>(); if (!scalingVals.isEmpty()) { Iterator<Map.Entry<VRI, Double>> iterator = scalingVals.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<VRI, Double> entry =; simpleMap.put(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue()); } } return simpleMap; } public static Instances getLeverageDoAInstances(Instances inst, Model m) throws JaqpotException { try { List<String> excludeAttributes = m.getActualModel().getExcludeAttributesDoA(); if (excludeAttributes.size() > 0) { Attribute attr; List<Integer> indices = new ArrayList(); for (String temp : excludeAttributes) { attr = inst.attribute(temp); if (attr != null) { indices.add(attr.index()); } } inst = removeInstancesAttributes(inst, indices); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new JaqpotException(ex); } return inst; } public static Matrix getLeverageDoAMatrix(Instances inst) throws JaqpotException { Matrix omega = null; if (inst != null) { int noInstances = inst.numInstances(); int noAttributes = inst.numAttributes(); double[][] dataArray = new double[noInstances][noAttributes]; for (int i = 0; i < noInstances; i++) { dataArray[i] = inst.instance(i).toDoubleArray(); } Matrix dataMatrix = new Matrix(dataArray); omega = (dataMatrix.transpose().times(dataMatrix)).inverse(); } return omega; } public static Instances getLeverageDoAPredictedInstances(Instances processedinst, Instances inst, String datasetUri, Model model) throws JaqpotException { double gamma = model.getActualModel().getGamma(); Matrix matrix = model.getActualModel().getDataMatrix(); try { AttributeCleanup removeCompounds = new AttributeCleanup(false, string); processedinst = removeCompounds.filter(processedinst); } catch (Exception ex) { } List<String> excludeAttributes = model.getActualModel().getExcludeAttributesDoA(); if (excludeAttributes.size() > 0) { Attribute attr; List<Integer> indices = new ArrayList(); for (String temp : excludeAttributes) { attr = processedinst.attribute(temp); if (attr != null) { indices.add(attr.index()); } } processedinst = removeInstancesAttributes(processedinst, indices); } int numInstances = processedinst.numInstances(); int numAttributes = processedinst.numAttributes(); double[] indicator = new double[numInstances]; //calculate DoA Matrix x = null; for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++) { x = new Matrix(processedinst.instance(i).toDoubleArray(), numAttributes); indicator[i] = Math.max(0, (gamma - x.transpose().times(matrix).times(x).get(0, 0)) / gamma); } //add new DoA attribute Add attributeAdder = new Add(); attributeAdder.setAttributeIndex("last"); attributeAdder.setAttributeName("DoA" + datasetUri); try { attributeAdder.setInputFormat(inst); inst = Filter.useFilter(inst, attributeAdder); } catch (Exception ex) { String message = "Exception while trying to add prediction feature to Instances"; throw new JaqpotException(message, ex); } int newNumInstances = inst.numInstances(); int newNumAttributes = inst.numAttributes(); //set the DoA values for (int i = 0; i < newNumInstances; i++) { inst.instance(i).setValue(newNumAttributes - 1, indicator[i]); } return inst; } }