Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2003 - 2014 and its owners. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of OpenSubsystems. * * OpenSubsystems is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.opensubsystems.core.util.servlet; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.FileCleanerCleanup; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload; import; import org.opensubsystems.core.error.OSSInvalidDataException; import org.opensubsystems.core.util.Config; import org.opensubsystems.core.util.FileUtils; import org.opensubsystems.core.util.GlobalConstants; import org.opensubsystems.core.util.Log; import org.opensubsystems.core.util.OSSObject; import org.opensubsystems.core.util.PropertyUtils; import org.opensubsystems.core.util.TwoElementStruct; /** * Collection of useful methods to work with servlet parameters. * * @author bastafidli */ public final class WebParamUtils extends OSSObject { // Configuration settings /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Name of the property to specify maximal size of files that can be uploaded. * @see #REQUEST_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT */ public static final String REQUEST_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE = "oss.upload.max.size"; /** * Name of the property to specify threshold for uploaded files so that if the * files are smaller than this value, they will be kept in memory. * @see #REQUEST_UPLOAD_MEMORY_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT */ public static final String REQUEST_UPLOAD_MEMORY_THRESHOLD = "oss.upload.memory.threshold"; // Constants //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Default value for the REQUEST_UPLOAD_MEMORY_THRESHOLD. * @see #REQUEST_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE */ public static final int REQUEST_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT = 1000000; /** * Default value for the REQUEST_UPLOAD_MEMORY_THRESHOLD. * @see #REQUEST_UPLOAD_MEMORY_THRESHOLD */ public static final int REQUEST_UPLOAD_MEMORY_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 4096; /** * Name of attribute used to store parsed parameters passed in via multipart * request keyed by the name of the parameter */ public static final String REQUEST_PARAMS_MAP = "ossrequestparamsmap"; // Cached values //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Logger for this class */ private static Logger s_logger = Log.getInstance(WebParamUtils.class); // Constructors ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Private constructor since this class cannot be instantiated */ private WebParamUtils() { // Do nothing } // Logic //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get parameter as a String and if it is not present provide user friendly * error message. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @param strParamName - parameter name to get * @param strDisplayName - display name used for this parameter * @param bRequired - is this value required or not * @return String - value of the parameter * @throws OSSInvalidDataException */ public static String getParameterAsString(String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request, String strParamName, String strDisplayName, boolean bRequired) throws OSSInvalidDataException { String strValue; strValue = getParameter(strLogPrefix, request, strParamName); if (strValue == null) { // Not a user error, use strParamName throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, strParamName + " parameter is missing in the request"); } else if ((bRequired) && (strValue.trim().length() == 0)) { throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, strDisplayName + " wasn't specified"); } return strValue; } /** * Get parameter as a Integer. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @param strParamName - parameter name to get * @return Integer - value of the parameter or null if it doesn't exist * @throws OSSInvalidDataException */ public static Integer getParameterAsInteger(String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request, String strParamName) throws OSSInvalidDataException { String strValue; Integer iValue = null; strValue = getParameter(strLogPrefix, request, strParamName); if ((strValue != null) && (strValue.trim().length() != 0)) { try { iValue = Integer.parseInt(strValue); } catch (NumberFormatException nfeExc) { throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, "Incorrecly formatted value of parameter " + strParamName); } } return iValue; } /** * Get parameter as a Integer and if it is not present provide user friendly * error message. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @param strParamName - parameter name to get * @param strDisplayName - display name used for this parameter * @param bRequired - is this value required or not * @return Integer - value of the parameter * @throws OSSInvalidDataException */ public static Integer getParameterAsInteger(String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request, String strParamName, String strDisplayName, boolean bRequired) throws OSSInvalidDataException { String strValue; Integer iValue = null; strValue = getParameter(strLogPrefix, request, strParamName); if (strValue == null) { // Not a user error, use strParamName throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, strParamName + " parameter is missing in the request"); } else { try { iValue = Integer.parseInt(strValue); } catch (NumberFormatException nfeExc) { // Not a user error, use strParamName throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, strParamName + " parameter is not valid number: " + strValue); } // TODO: Verify if it is a valid number, e.g. from a list of valid // number and if it is not use the strDisplayName to provide user // friendly message/ } return iValue; } /** * Get parameter as a Long. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @param strParamName - parameter name to get * @return Long - value of the parameter or null if it doesn't exist * @throws OSSInvalidDataException */ public static Long getParameterAsLong(String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request, String strParamName) throws OSSInvalidDataException { String strValue; Long lValue = null; strValue = getParameter(strLogPrefix, request, strParamName); if ((strValue != null) && (strValue.trim().length() != 0)) { try { lValue = Long.parseLong(strValue); } catch (NumberFormatException nfeExc) { throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, "Incorrecly formatted value of parameter " + strParamName); } } return lValue; } /** * Get parameter as a Long and if it is not present provide user friendly * error message. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @param strParamName - parameter name to get * @param strDisplayName - display name used for this parameter * @param bRequired - is this value required or not * @return Long - value of the parameter * @throws OSSInvalidDataException */ public static Long getParameterAsLong(String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request, String strParamName, String strDisplayName, boolean bRequired) throws OSSInvalidDataException { String strValue; Long lValue = null; strValue = getParameter(strLogPrefix, request, strParamName); if (strValue == null) { // Not a user error, use strParamName throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, strParamName + " parameter is missing in the request"); } else { try { lValue = Long.parseLong(strValue); } catch (NumberFormatException nfeExc) { // Not a user error, use strParamName throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, strParamName + " parameter is not valid number: " + strValue); } // TODO: Verify if it is a valid number, e.g. from a list of valid // number and if it is not use the strDisplayName to provide user // friendly message/ } return lValue; } /** * Get parameter as a Collection of Long, Values and if it is not present * provide user friendly error message. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @param strParamName - parameter name to get * @param strDisplayName - display name used for this parameter * @param bRequired - is this value required or not * @return Collection<Long> - value of the parameter * @throws OSSInvalidDataException */ public static Collection<Long> getParameterAsLongCollection(String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request, String strParamName, String strDisplayName, boolean bRequired) throws OSSInvalidDataException { String[] arValue; Collection<Long> colValues = null; arValue = getParameterValues(strLogPrefix, request, strParamName); if (arValue == null) { // Not a user error, use strParamName throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, strParamName + " parameter is missing in the request"); } else if (arValue.length == 0) { // Not a user error, use strParamName throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, strParamName + " parameter contains no values."); } else { Long lValue = null; colValues = new ArrayList<>(arValue.length); for (String strValue : arValue) { try { lValue = Long.parseLong(strValue); colValues.add(lValue); } catch (NumberFormatException nfeExc) { // Not a user error, use strParamName throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, strParamName + " parameter is not valid number: " + strValue); } // TODO: Verify if it is a valid number, e.g. from a list of valid // number and if it is not use the strDisplayName to provide user // friendly message/ } } return colValues; } /** * Get parameter as a Boolean and if it is not present provide user friendly * error message. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @param strParamName - parameter name to get * @param strDisplayName - display name used for this parameter * @param bRequired - is this value required or not * @return Boolean - value of the parameter * @throws OSSInvalidDataException */ public static Boolean getParameterAsBoolean(String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request, String strParamName, String strDisplayName, boolean bRequired) throws OSSInvalidDataException { String strValue; Boolean bValue = null; strValue = getParameter(strLogPrefix, request, strParamName); if (strValue == null) { // Not a user error, use strParamName throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, strParamName + " parameter is missing in the request"); } else { bValue = Boolean.parseBoolean(strValue); // TODO: Verify if it is a valid boolean, e.g. from a list of valid // booleans and if it is not use the strDisplayName to provide user // friendly message/ } return bValue; } /** * Get parameter as a List of Strings. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @param strParamName - parameter name to get * @param bFilterEmptyStrings - if true then empty strings will be removed * @return Long - value of the parameter or null if it doesn't exist * @throws OSSInvalidDataException */ public static List<String> getParameterAsList(String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request, String strParamName, boolean bFilterEmptyStrings) throws OSSInvalidDataException { String[] strValues; List<String> lstValues = null; strValues = getParameterValues(strLogPrefix, request, strParamName); if (strValues != null) { lstValues = Arrays.asList(strValues); if (bFilterEmptyStrings) { // The above list is read only so we need to reinitialize it lstValues = new ArrayList<>(lstValues); for (Iterator<String> values = lstValues.iterator(); values.hasNext();) { if ( == 0) { values.remove(); } } } } return lstValues; } /** * Get parameter as a file stored on a disk and if it is not present provide * user friendly error message. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @param strParamName - parameter name to get * @param strDisplayName - display name used for this parameter * @param bRequired - is this value required or not * @return File - value of the parameter * @throws OSSInvalidDataException */ public static File getParameterAsDiskFile(String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request, String strParamName, String strDisplayName, boolean bRequired) throws OSSInvalidDataException { File fileValue; FileItem uploadedFile; Object temp; Map<String, FileItem> mpFiles; TwoElementStruct<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, FileItem>> params; params = getMultipartParameters(strLogPrefix, request); mpFiles = params.getSecond(); uploadedFile = mpFiles.get(strParamName); if (uploadedFile == null) { if (bRequired) { throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, strDisplayName + " wasn't specified"); } fileValue = null; } else { // TODO: Improve: Consider calling // FileUtils.createTemporarySubdirectory // as done in legacy Formature.DocumentTemplateServlet.getFormToProcess // to store the temporary files per session and request String strTempDir = FileUtils.getTemporaryDirectory(); try { fileValue = File.createTempFile("oss-", ".upload", new File(strTempDir)); try { uploadedFile.write(fileValue); } catch (Exception exc) { throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, "Unable to save the uploaded file to disk.", exc); } } catch (IOException exc) { throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, "Unable to generate temporary file to save the uploaded" + " file to disk.", exc); } } return fileValue; } /** * Get single parameter value correctly handling regular and multipart requests. * Returns the value of a request parameter as a String, or null if the parameter * does not exist. Request parameters are extra information sent with the request. * For HTTP servlets, parameters are contained in the query string or posted * form data. You should only use this method when you are sure the parameter * has only one value. If the parameter might have more than one value, use * getParameterValues(java.lang.String). If you use this method with a * multivalued parameter, the value returned is equal to the first value in * the array returned by getParameterValues. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @param strParamName - parameter name to get * @return String - a single (first) value of the parameter or null if the * parameter values were not specified * @throws OSSInvalidDataException - an error has occurred */ public static String getParameter(String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request, String strParamName) throws OSSInvalidDataException { String strValue; boolean bIsMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request); if (!bIsMultipart) { strValue = request.getParameter(strParamName); } else { Object temp; temp = getMultipartParameterValueAsObject(strLogPrefix, request, strParamName); if (temp != null) { if (temp instanceof String) { strValue = (String) temp; } else { List<String> lstValues; lstValues = (List<String>) temp; strValue = lstValues.get(0); } } else { strValue = null; } } return strValue; } /** * Get all parameter value correctly handling regular and multipart requests. * Returns an array of String objects containing all of the values the given * request parameter has, or null if the parameter does not exist. If the * parameter has a single value, the array has a length of 1. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @param strParamName - parameter name to get * @return String[] - an array of String objects containing the parameter's * values or null if the parameter values were not specified * @throws OSSInvalidDataException - an error has occurred */ public static String[] getParameterValues(String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request, String strParamName) throws OSSInvalidDataException { String[] arValues; boolean bIsMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request); if (!bIsMultipart) { arValues = request.getParameterValues(strParamName); } else { Object temp; temp = getMultipartParameterValueAsObject(strLogPrefix, request, strParamName); if (temp != null) { if (temp instanceof String) { arValues = new String[1]; arValues[0] = (String) temp; } else { List<String> lstValues; lstValues = (List<String>) temp; arValues = lstValues.toArray(new String[lstValues.size()]); } } else { arValues = null; } } return arValues; } /** * Get map of all parameters correctly handling regular and multipart requests. * Returns a java.util.Map of the parameters of this request. Request * parameters are extra information sent with the request. For HTTP servlets, * parameters are contained in the query string or posted form data. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @return Map<String, String[]> - an immutable java.util.Map containing * parameter names as keys and parameter * values as map values. The keys in the * parameter map are of type String. The * values in the parameter map are of type * String array. * @throws OSSInvalidDataException - an error has occurred */ public static Map<String, String[]> getParameterMap(String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request) throws OSSInvalidDataException { Map<String, String[]> mpParamMap; boolean bIsMultipart; bIsMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request); if (!bIsMultipart) { mpParamMap = request.getParameterMap(); } else { String[] arValues; Object temp; Map<String, Object> mpParams; TwoElementStruct<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, FileItem>> params; params = getMultipartParameters(strLogPrefix, request); mpParams = params.getFirst(); mpParamMap = new HashMap(mpParams.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : mpParams.entrySet()) { temp = entry.getValue(); if (temp != null) { if (temp instanceof String) { arValues = new String[1]; arValues[0] = (String) temp; } else { List<String> lstValues; lstValues = (List<String>) temp; arValues = lstValues.toArray(new String[lstValues.size()]); } } else { arValues = null; } mpParamMap.put(entry.getKey(), arValues); } } return mpParamMap; } /** * Parse multipart request and separate regular parameters and files. The * files names are also stored as values of the parameters that are used to * upload them. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @return TwoElementStruct<Map<String, String>, Map<String, FileItem>> - the * first element is map of parameter names and their values. * For uploaded files the files names are also stored here as * values of the parameters that are used to upload them. * If there is only one value of the parameter then the value * is stored directly as String. If there are multiple values * then the values are stored as List<String>. * The second element is map of parameter names and the files * that are uploaded as these parameters. * @throws FileUploadException - an error has occurred */ public static TwoElementStruct<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, FileItem>> parseMultipartRequest( String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request) throws FileUploadException { if (GlobalConstants.ERROR_CHECKING) { assert ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request) : "Specified request is not multipart"; } TwoElementStruct<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, FileItem>> returnValue; FileCleaningTracker fileCleaningTracker; String strTempDir; DiskFileItemFactory factory; Properties prpSettings; int iMaxInMemorySize; int iMaxSize; ServletFileUpload upload; List<FileItem> items; // TODO: Improve: Consider calling // FileUtils.createTemporarySubdirectory // as done in legacy Formature.DocumentTemplateServlet.getFormToProcess // to store the temporary files per session and request strTempDir = FileUtils.getTemporaryDirectory(); prpSettings = Config.getInstance().getProperties(); iMaxInMemorySize = PropertyUtils.getIntPropertyInRange(prpSettings, REQUEST_UPLOAD_MEMORY_THRESHOLD, REQUEST_UPLOAD_MEMORY_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT, "Maximal size of uploaded file that is kept in memory", 1, // 0 is allowed Integer.MAX_VALUE); iMaxSize = PropertyUtils.getIntPropertyInRange(prpSettings, REQUEST_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE, REQUEST_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT, "Maximal size of uploaded file", 1, // 0 is allowed Integer.MAX_VALUE); fileCleaningTracker = FileCleanerCleanup.getFileCleaningTracker(request.getServletContext()); // Create a factory for disk-based file items factory = new DiskFileItemFactory(); factory.setFileCleaningTracker(fileCleaningTracker); // Set factory constraints factory.setSizeThreshold(iMaxInMemorySize); factory.setRepository(new File(strTempDir)); // Create a new file upload handler upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory); // Set overall request size constraint upload.setSizeMax(iMaxSize); // Parse the request items = upload.parseRequest(request); if ((items != null) && (!items.isEmpty())) { Map mpParams; Map mpFiles; String strParamName; String strValue; Object temp; List<String> lstValues; mpParams = new HashMap(items.size()); mpFiles = new HashMap(); returnValue = new TwoElementStruct(mpParams, mpFiles); for (FileItem item : items) { strParamName = item.getFieldName(); if (item.isFormField()) { strValue = item.getString(); } else { strValue = item.getName(); mpFiles.put(strParamName, item); } temp = mpParams.put(strParamName, strValue); if (temp != null) { // There was already an value so convert it to list of values if (temp instanceof String) { // There are currently exactly two values lstValues = new ArrayList<>(); lstValues.add((String) temp); mpParams.put(strParamName, lstValues); } else { // There are currently more than two values lstValues = (List<String>) temp; } lstValues.add(strValue); } } } else { returnValue = new TwoElementStruct(Collections.emptyMap(), Collections.emptyMap()); } return returnValue; } // Helper methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get all parameter value correctly handling regular and multipart requests. * Returns Object that represents either a single String value of the parameter * or an array of String objects containing all of the values the given * request parameter has, or null if the parameter does not exist. If the * parameter has a single value, the array has a length of 1. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @param strParamName - parameter name to get * @return Object - an array of String objects or a String containing the * parameter's values or null if the parameter values were * not specified * @throws OSSInvalidDataException - an error has occurred */ protected static Object getMultipartParameterValueAsObject(String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request, String strParamName) throws OSSInvalidDataException { Object temp; Map<String, Object> mpParams; TwoElementStruct<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, FileItem>> params; params = getMultipartParameters(strLogPrefix, request); mpParams = params.getFirst(); temp = mpParams.get(strParamName); return temp; } /** * Get map of parsed multipart parameters. * * @param strLogPrefix - log prefix used for all log output to tie together * the same invocations * @param request - request to get parameter from * @return TwoElementStruct<Map<String, String>, Map<String, FileItem>> - the * first element is map of parameter names and their values. * For uploaded files the files names are also stored here as * values of the parameters that are used to upload them. * If there is only one value of the parameter then the value * is stored directly as String. If there are multiple values * then the values are stored as List<String>. * The second element is map of parameter names and the files * that are uploaded as these parameters. * @throws OSSInvalidDataException - an error has occurred */ protected static TwoElementStruct<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, FileItem>> getMultipartParameters( String strLogPrefix, HttpServletRequest request) throws OSSInvalidDataException { Object temp; Map<String, Object> mpParams; TwoElementStruct<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, FileItem>> params; temp = request.getAttribute(REQUEST_PARAMS_MAP); if (temp == null) { try { params = parseMultipartRequest(strLogPrefix, request); } catch (FileUploadException exc) { throw new OSSInvalidDataException(strLogPrefix, "Cannot parse multipart request", exc); } request.setAttribute(REQUEST_PARAMS_MAP, params); } else { params = (TwoElementStruct<Map<String, Object>, Map<String, FileItem>>) temp; } return params; } }