Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.opensilk.cast.manager;

import android.content.Context;
import android.text.TextUtils;


import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.opensilk.cast.R;
import org.opensilk.cast.callbacks.IMediaCastConsumer;
import org.opensilk.cast.exceptions.CastException;
import org.opensilk.cast.exceptions.NoConnectionException;
import org.opensilk.cast.exceptions.OnFailedListener;
import org.opensilk.cast.exceptions.TransientNetworkDisconnectionException;
import org.opensilk.cast.util.CastPreferences;
import org.opensilk.cast.util.LogUtils;
import org.opensilk.cast.util.Utils;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import static org.opensilk.cast.util.LogUtils.LOGD;
import static org.opensilk.cast.util.LogUtils.LOGE;

 * A concrete subclass of {@link BaseCastManager} that is suitable for casting video contents (it
 * also provides a single custom data channel/namespace if an out-of-bound communication is
 * needed).
 * <p>
 * This is a singleton that needs to be "initialized" (by calling <code>initialize()</code>) prior
 * to usage. Subsequent to initialization, an easier way to get access to the singleton class is to
 * call a variant of <code>getInstance()</code>. After initialization, callers can enable a number
 * of features (all features are off by default). To do so, call <code>enableFeature()</code> and
 * pass an OR-ed expression built from one ore more of the following constants:
 * <p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>FEATURE_DEBUGGING: to enable GMS level logging</li>
 * <li>FEATURE_NOTIFICATION: to enable system notifications</li>
 * <li>FEATURE_LOCKSCREEN: to enable lock-screen controls on supported versions</li>
 * </ul>
 * Callers can add {@link MiniController} components to their application pages by adding the
 * corresponding widget to their layout xml and then calling <code>addMiniController()</code>. This
 * class manages various states of the remote cast device.Client applications, however, can
 * complement the default behavior of this class by hooking into various callbacks that it provides
 * (see {@link IMediaCastConsumer}). Since the number of these callbacks is usually much larger
 * than what a single application might be interested in, there is a no-op implementation of this
 * interface (see {@link VideoCastConsumerImpl}) that applications can subclass to override only
 * those methods that they are interested in. Since this library depends on the cast
 * functionalities provided by the Google Play services, the library checks to ensure that the
 * right version of that service is installed. It also provides a simple static method
 * <code>checkGooglePlayServices()</code> that clients can call at an early stage of their
 * applications to provide a dialog for users if they need to update/activate their GMS library. To
 * learn more about this library, please read the documentation that is distributed as part of this
 * library.
public class MediaCastManager extends BaseCastManager implements OnFailedListener {

     * Volume can be controlled at two different layers, one is at the "stream" level and one at
     * the "device" level. <code>VolumeType</code> encapsulates these two types.
    public static enum VolumeType {

    private static final String TAG = LogUtils.makeLogTag(MediaCastManager.class);
    private static MediaCastManager sInstance;
    private RemoteMediaPlayer mRemoteMediaPlayer;
    private VolumeType mVolumeType = VolumeType.DEVICE;
    private int mState = MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_IDLE;
    private int mIdleReason;
    private final String mDataNamespace;
    private Cast.MessageReceivedCallback mDataChannel;
    private final Set<IMediaCastConsumer> mVideoConsumers;

     * Initializes the MediaCastManager for clients. Before clients can use MediaCastManager, they
     * need to initialize it by calling this static method. Then clients can obtain an instance of
     * this singleton class by calling {@link getInstance()} or {@link getInstance(Context)}.
     * Failing to initialize this class before requesting an instance will result in a
     * {@link CastException} exception.
     * @param context
     * @param applicationId the unique ID for your application
     * @param targetActivity this points to the activity that should be invoked when user clicks on
     * the icon in the {@link MiniController}. Often this is the activity that hosts the local
     * player.
     * @param dataNamespace if not <code>null</code>, a custom data channel with this namespace
     * will be created.
     * @return
     * @see getInstance()
    public static synchronized MediaCastManager initialize(Context context, String applicationId,
            String dataNamespace) {
        if (null == sInstance) {
            LOGD(TAG, "New instance of MediaCastManager is created");
            if (ConnectionResult.SUCCESS != GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(context)) {
                String msg = "Couldn't find the appropriate version of Goolge Play Services";
                LOGE(TAG, msg);
                Utils.saveBooleanToPreference(context, CastPreferences.KEY_CAST_ENABLED, false);
            sInstance = new MediaCastManager(context, applicationId, dataNamespace);
            mCastManager = sInstance;
        return sInstance;

     * Returns the initialized instances of this class. If it is not initialized yet, a
     * {@link CastException} will be thrown.
     * @return
     * @throws CastException
     * @see initialize()
    public static MediaCastManager getInstance() throws CastException {
        if (null == sInstance) {
            LOGE(TAG, "No MediaCastManager instance was built, you need to build one first");
            throw new CastException();
        return sInstance;

     * Returns the initialized instances of this class. If it is not initialized yet, a
     * {@link CastException} will be thrown. The {@link Context} that is passed as the argument
     * will be used to update the context for the <code>MediaCastManager</code> instance. The main
     * purpose of updating context is to enable the library to provide {@link Context} related
     * functionalities, e.g. it can create an error dialog if needed. This method is preferred over
     * the similar one without a context argument.
     * @param context the current Context
     * @return
     * @throws CastException
     * @see {@link initialize()}, {@link setContext()}
    public static MediaCastManager getInstance(Context context) throws CastException {
        if (null == sInstance) {
            LOGE(TAG, "No MediaCastManager instance was built, you need to build one first "
                    + "(called from Context: " + context + ")");
            throw new CastException();
        LOGD(TAG, "Updated context to: " + context);
        sInstance.mContext = context;
        return sInstance;

    private MediaCastManager(Context context, String applicationId, String dataNamespace) {
        super(context, applicationId);
        LOGD(TAG, "MediaCastManager is instantiated");
        mVideoConsumers = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<IMediaCastConsumer>());
        mDataNamespace = dataNamespace;
        if (null != mDataNamespace) {
            Utils.saveStringToPreference(mContext, PREFS_KEY_CAST_CUSTOM_DATA_NAMESPACE, dataNamespace);

    /*========== Utility Methods =================================================================*/

     * Returns the active {@link RemoteMediaPlayer} instance. Since there are a number of media
     * control APIs that this library do not provide a wrapper for, client applications can call
     * those methods directly after obtaining an instance of the active {@link RemoteMediaPlayer}.
     * @return
    public final RemoteMediaPlayer getRemoteMediaPlayer() {
        return mRemoteMediaPlayer;

     * Determines if the media that is loaded remotely is a live stream or not.
     * @return
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
     * @throws NoConnectionException
    public final boolean isRemoteStreamLive() throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        MediaInfo info = getRemoteMediaInformation();
        return null != info && info.getStreamType() == MediaInfo.STREAM_TYPE_LIVE;

     * A helper method to determine if, given a player state and an idle reason (if the state is
     * idle) will warrant having a UI for remote presentation of the remote content.
     * @param state
     * @param idleReason
     * @return
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
     * @throws NoConnectionException
    public boolean shouldRemoteUiBeVisible(int state, int idleReason)
            throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        switch (state) {
        case MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING:
        case MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED:
        case MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_BUFFERING:
            return true;
        case MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_IDLE:
            if (!isRemoteStreamLive()) {
                return false;
            return idleReason == MediaStatus.IDLE_REASON_CANCELED;
        return false;

     * A simple check to make sure mRemoteMediaPlayer is not null
    private void checkRemoteMediaPlayerAvailable() throws NoConnectionException {
        if (null == mRemoteMediaPlayer) {
            throw new NoConnectionException();

     * Sets the type of volume.
     * @param vType
    public final void setVolumeType(VolumeType vType) {
        mVolumeType = vType;

     * Returns the url for the movie that is currently playing on the remote device. If there is no
     * connection, this will return <code>null</code>.
     * @return
     * @throws NoConnectionException If no connectivity to the device exists
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException If framework is still trying to recover from
     * a possibly transient loss of network
    public String getRemoteMediaUrl() throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        if (null != mRemoteMediaPlayer && null != mRemoteMediaPlayer.getMediaInfo()) {
            MediaInfo info = mRemoteMediaPlayer.getMediaInfo();
            return info.getContentId();
        } else {
            throw new NoConnectionException();

     * Indicates if the remote movie is currently playing (or buffering).
     * @return
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public boolean isRemoteMediaPlaying() throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        return mState == MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_BUFFERING || mState == MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING;

     * Returns <code>true</code> if the remote connected device is playing a movie.
     * @return
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public boolean isRemoteMediaPaused() throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        return mState == MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED;

     * Returns <code>true</code> only if there is a media on the remote being played, paused or
     * buffered.
     * @return
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public boolean isRemoteMediaLoaded() throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        return isRemoteMediaPaused() || isRemoteMediaPlaying();

     * Returns the {@link MediaInfo} for the current media
     * @return
     * @throws NoConnectionException If no connectivity to the device exists
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException If framework is still trying to recover from
     * a possibly transient loss of network
    public MediaInfo getRemoteMediaInformation()
            throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        return mRemoteMediaPlayer.getMediaInfo();

     * Gets the remote's system volume. If no device is connected to, or if an exception is thrown,
     * this returns -1. It internally detects what type of volume is used.
     * @throws NoConnectionException If no connectivity to the device exists
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException If framework is still trying to recover from
     * a possibly transient loss of network
    public double getVolume() throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        if (mVolumeType == VolumeType.STREAM) {
            return mRemoteMediaPlayer.getMediaStatus().getStreamVolume();
        } else {
            return Cast.CastApi.getVolume(mApiClient);

     * Sets the volume. It internally determines if this should be done for <code>stream</code> or
     * <code>device</code> volume.
     * @param volume Should be a value between 0 and 1, inclusive.
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
     * @throws CastException If setting system volume fails
    public void setVolume(double volume)
            throws CastException, TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        if (volume > 1.0) {
            volume = 1.0;
        } else if (volume < 0) {
            volume = 0.0;
        if (mVolumeType == VolumeType.STREAM) {
            mRemoteMediaPlayer.setStreamVolume(mApiClient, volume)
                    .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<RemoteMediaPlayer.MediaChannelResult>() {

                        public void onResult(MediaChannelResult result) {
                            if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
                                onFailed(R.string.failed_setting_volume, result.getStatus().getStatusCode());
        } else {
            try {
                Cast.CastApi.setVolume(mApiClient, volume);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new CastException(e);
            } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                throw new CastException(e);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new CastException(e);

     * Increments (or decrements) the volume by the given amount. It internally determines if this
     * should be done for <code>stream</code> or <code>device</code> volume.
     * @param delta
     * @throws NoConnectionException If no connectivity to the device exists
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException If framework is still trying to recover from
     * a possibly transient loss of network
     * @throws CastException
    public void incrementVolume(double delta)
            throws CastException, TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        double vol = getVolume() + delta;
        if (vol > 1) {
            vol = 1;
        } else if (vol < 0) {
            vol = 0;
        //Save new volume
        CastPreferences.putFloat(mContext, CastPreferences.KEY_REMOTE_VOLUME, (float) vol);

     * Increments or decrements volume by <code>delta</code> if <code>delta &gt; 0</code> or
     * <code>delta &lt; 0</code>, respectively. Note that the volume range is between 0 and {@link
     * RouteInfo.getVolumeMax()}.
     * @param delta
    public void updateVolume(int delta) {
        if (null != mMediaRouter.getSelectedRoute()) {
            RouteInfo info = mMediaRouter.getSelectedRoute();

     * Returns <code>true</code> if remote device is muted. It internally determines if this should
     * be done for <code>stream</code> or <code>device</code> volume.
     * @return
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public boolean isMute() throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        if (mVolumeType == VolumeType.STREAM) {
            return mRemoteMediaPlayer.getMediaStatus().isMute();
        } else {
            return Cast.CastApi.isMute(mApiClient);

     * Mutes or un-mutes the volume. It internally determines if this should be done for
     * <code>stream</code> or <code>device</code> volume.
     * @param mute
     * @throws CastException
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public void setMute(boolean mute)
            throws CastException, TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        if (mVolumeType == VolumeType.STREAM) {
            mRemoteMediaPlayer.setStreamMute(mApiClient, mute);
        } else {
            try {
                Cast.CastApi.setMute(mApiClient, mute);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGE(TAG, "Failed to set volume", e);
                throw new CastException("Failed to set volume", e);

     * Returns the duration of the media that is loaded, in milliseconds.
     * @return
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public long getMediaDuration() throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        return mRemoteMediaPlayer.getStreamDuration();

     * Returns the current (approximate) position of the current media, in milliseconds.
     * @return
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public long getCurrentMediaPosition() throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        return mRemoteMediaPlayer.getApproximateStreamPosition();

    /*========== Implementing Cast.Listener ======================================================*/

    private void onApplicationDisconnected(int errorCode) {
        LOGD(TAG, "onApplicationDisconnected() reached with error code: " + errorCode);
        synchronized (mVideoConsumers) {
            for (IMediaCastConsumer consumer : mVideoConsumers) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGE(TAG, "onApplicationDisconnected(): Failed to inform " + consumer, e);
        if (null != mMediaRouter) {

    private void onApplicationStatusChanged() {
        String appStatus = null;
        if (!isConnected()) {
        try {
            appStatus = Cast.CastApi.getApplicationStatus(mApiClient);
            LOGD(TAG, "onApplicationStatusChanged() reached: " + Cast.CastApi.getApplicationStatus(mApiClient));
            synchronized (mVideoConsumers) {
                for (IMediaCastConsumer consumer : mVideoConsumers) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LOGE(TAG, "onApplicationStatusChanged(): Failed to inform " + consumer, e);
        } catch (IllegalStateException e1) {
            // no use in logging this

    private void onVolumeChanged() {
        LOGD(TAG, "onVolumeChanged() reached");
        double volume = 0;
        try {
            volume = getVolume();
            boolean isMute = isMute();
            synchronized (mVideoConsumers) {
                for (IMediaCastConsumer consumer : mVideoConsumers) {
                    try {
                        consumer.onVolumeChanged(volume, isMute);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LOGE(TAG, "onVolumeChanged(): Failed to inform " + consumer, e);
        } catch (Exception e1) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Failed to get volume", e1);


    void onApplicationConnected(ApplicationMetadata appMetadata, String applicationStatus, String sessionId,
            boolean wasLaunched) {
        LOGD(TAG, "onApplicationConnected() reached with sessionId: " + sessionId + ", and mReconnectionStatus="
                + mReconnectionStatus);

        if (mReconnectionStatus == ReconnectionStatus.IN_PROGRESS) {
            // we have tried to reconnect and successfully launched the app, so
            // it is time to select the route and make the cast icon happy :-)
            List<RouteInfo> routes = mMediaRouter.getRoutes();
            if (null != routes) {
                String routeId = Utils.getStringFromPreference(mContext, PREFS_KEY_ROUTE_ID);
                for (RouteInfo routeInfo : routes) {
                    if (routeId.equals(routeInfo.getId())) {
                        // found the right route
                        LOGD(TAG, "Found the correct route during reconnection attempt");
                        mReconnectionStatus = ReconnectionStatus.FINALIZE;
        try {
            mSessionId = sessionId;
            // saving device for future retrieval; we only save the last session info
            Utils.saveStringToPreference(mContext, PREFS_KEY_SESSION_ID, mSessionId);
                    .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<RemoteMediaPlayer.MediaChannelResult>() {

                        public void onResult(MediaChannelResult result) {
                            if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
                                onFailed(R.string.failed_status_request, result.getStatus().getStatusCode());

            synchronized (mVideoConsumers) {
                for (IMediaCastConsumer consumer : mVideoConsumers) {
                    try {
                        consumer.onApplicationConnected(appMetadata, mSessionId, wasLaunched);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LOGE(TAG, "onApplicationConnected(): Failed to inform " + consumer, e);
        } catch (TransientNetworkDisconnectionException e) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Failed to attach media/data channel due to network issues", e);
            onFailed(R.string.failed_no_connection_trans, NO_STATUS_CODE);
        } catch (NoConnectionException e) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Failed to attach media/data channel due to network issues", e);
            onFailed(R.string.failed_no_connection, NO_STATUS_CODE);


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see onConnectivityRecovered()
    public void onConnectivityRecovered() {

     * called when we sucessfully stopped application
    void onApplicationStopped() {
        synchronized (mVideoConsumers) {
            for (IMediaCastConsumer consumer : mVideoConsumers) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGE(TAG, "onApplicationStopped(): Failed to inform " + consumer, e);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see (int)
    public void onApplicationStopFailed(int errorCode) {
        synchronized (mVideoConsumers) {
            for (IMediaCastConsumer consumer : mVideoConsumers) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGE(TAG, "onApplicationStopFailed(): Failed to inform " + consumer, e);

    public void onApplicationConnectionFailed(int errorCode) {
        LOGD(TAG, "onApplicationConnectionFailed() reached with errorCode: " + errorCode);
        if (mReconnectionStatus == ReconnectionStatus.IN_PROGRESS) {
            if (errorCode == CastStatusCodes.APPLICATION_NOT_RUNNING) {
                // while trying to re-establish session, we
                // found out that the app is not running so we need
                // to disconnect
                mReconnectionStatus = ReconnectionStatus.INACTIVE;
        } else {
            synchronized (mVideoConsumers) {
                for (IMediaCastConsumer consumer : mVideoConsumers) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LOGE(TAG, "onApplicationLaunchFailed(): Failed to inform " + consumer, e);

            if (null != mMediaRouter) {

    /*========== Playback methods ================================================================*/

     * Loads a media. For this to succeed, you need to have successfully launched the application.
     * @param media
     * @param autoPlay If <code>true</code>, playback starts after load
     * @param position Where to start the playback (only used if autoPlay is <code>true</code>.
     * Units is milliseconds.
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public void loadMedia(MediaInfo media, boolean autoPlay, int position)
            throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        loadMedia(media, autoPlay, position, null, new ResultCallback<RemoteMediaPlayer.MediaChannelResult>() {

            public void onResult(MediaChannelResult result) {
                if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
                    onFailed(R.string.failed_load, result.getStatus().getStatusCode());


     * Loads a media. For this to succeed, you need to have successfully launched the application.
     * @param media
     * @param autoPlay If <code>true</code>, playback starts after load
     * @param position Where to start the playback (only used if autoPlay is <code>true</code>).
     * Units is milliseconds.
     * @param customData Optional {@link JSONObject} data to be passed to the cast device
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public void loadMedia(MediaInfo media, boolean autoPlay, int position, JSONObject customData,
            ResultCallback<RemoteMediaPlayer.MediaChannelResult> callback)
            throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        LOGD(TAG, "loadMedia: " + media);
        if (media == null) {
        if (mRemoteMediaPlayer == null) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Trying to load a video with no active media session");
            throw new NoConnectionException();

        mRemoteMediaPlayer.load(mApiClient, media, autoPlay, position, customData).setResultCallback(callback);

     * Plays the loaded media.
     * @param position Where to start the playback. Units is milliseconds.
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public void play(int position) throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        LOGD(TAG, "attempting to play media at position " + position + " seconds");
        if (mRemoteMediaPlayer == null) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Trying to play a video with no active media session");
            throw new NoConnectionException();

     * Resumes the playback from where it was left (can be the beginning).
     * @param customData Optional {@link JSONObject} data to be passed to the cast device
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public void play(JSONObject customData) throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        LOGD(TAG, "play(customData)");
        if (mRemoteMediaPlayer == null) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Trying to play a video with no active media session");
            throw new NoConnectionException();
        }, customData).setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<MediaChannelResult>() {

            public void onResult(MediaChannelResult result) {
                if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
                    onFailed(R.string.failed_to_play, result.getStatus().getStatusCode());


     * Resumes the playback from where it was left (can be the beginning).
     * @throws CastException
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public void play() throws CastException, TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {

     * Stops the playback of media/stream
     * @param customData Optional {@link JSONObject}
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
     * @throws NoConnectionException
    public void stop(JSONObject customData) throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        LOGD(TAG, "stop()");
        if (mRemoteMediaPlayer == null) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Trying to stop a stream with no active media session");
            throw new NoConnectionException();
        mRemoteMediaPlayer.stop(mApiClient, customData).setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<MediaChannelResult>() {

            public void onResult(MediaChannelResult result) {
                if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
                    onFailed(R.string.failed_to_stop, result.getStatus().getStatusCode());


     * Stops the playback of media/stream
     * @throws CastException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
     * @throws NoConnectionException
    public void stop() throws CastException, TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {

     * Pauses the playback.
     * @throws CastException
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public void pause() throws CastException, TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {

     * Pauses the playback.
     * @param customData Optional {@link JSONObject} data to be passed to the cast device
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public void pause(JSONObject customData) throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        LOGD(TAG, "attempting to pause media");
        if (mRemoteMediaPlayer == null) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Trying to pause a video with no active media session");
            throw new NoConnectionException();
        mRemoteMediaPlayer.pause(mApiClient, customData)
                .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<MediaChannelResult>() {

                    public void onResult(MediaChannelResult result) {
                        if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
                            onFailed(R.string.failed_to_pause, result.getStatus().getStatusCode());


     * Seeks to the given point without changing the state of the player, i.e. after seek is
     * completed, it resumes what it was doing before the start of seek.
     * @param position in milliseconds
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public void seek(int position) throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        LOGD(TAG, "attempting to seek media");
        if (mRemoteMediaPlayer == null) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Trying to seek a video with no active media session");
            throw new NoConnectionException();
        }, position, RemoteMediaPlayer.RESUME_STATE_UNCHANGED)
                .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<MediaChannelResult>() {

                    public void onResult(MediaChannelResult result) {
                        if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
                            onFailed(R.string.failed_seek, result.getStatus().getStatusCode());


     * Seeks to the given point and starts playback regardless of the starting state.
     * @param position in milliseconds
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
     * @throws CastException
    public void seekAndPlay(int position) throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        LOGD(TAG, "attempting to seek media");
        if (mRemoteMediaPlayer == null) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Trying to seekAndPlay a video with no active media session");
            throw new NoConnectionException();
        ResultCallback<MediaChannelResult> resultCallback = new ResultCallback<MediaChannelResult>() {

            public void onResult(MediaChannelResult result) {
                if (!result.getStatus().isSuccess()) {
                    onFailed(R.string.failed_seek, result.getStatus().getStatusCode());

        };, position, RemoteMediaPlayer.RESUME_STATE_PLAY)

     * Toggles the playback of the movie.
     * @throws CastException
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    public void togglePlayback()
            throws CastException, TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        boolean isPlaying = isRemoteMediaPlaying();
        if (isPlaying) {
        } else {
            if (mState == MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_IDLE && mIdleReason == MediaStatus.IDLE_REASON_FINISHED) {
                loadMedia(getRemoteMediaInformation(), true, 0);
            } else {

    private void attachMediaChannel() throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        LOGD(TAG, "attachMedia()");
        if (null == mRemoteMediaPlayer) {
            mRemoteMediaPlayer = new RemoteMediaPlayer();

            mRemoteMediaPlayer.setOnStatusUpdatedListener(new RemoteMediaPlayer.OnStatusUpdatedListener() {

                public void onStatusUpdated() {
                    //                            LOGV(TAG, "RemoteMediaPlayer::onStatusUpdated() is reached");

            mRemoteMediaPlayer.setOnMetadataUpdatedListener(new RemoteMediaPlayer.OnMetadataUpdatedListener() {
                public void onMetadataUpdated() {
                    //                            LOGV(TAG, "RemoteMediaPlayer::onMetadataUpdated() is reached");

        try {
            LOGD(TAG, "Registering MediaChannel namespace");
            Cast.CastApi.setMessageReceivedCallbacks(mApiClient, mRemoteMediaPlayer.getNamespace(),
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Failed to set up media channel", e);

    private void reattachMediaChannel() {
        if (null != mRemoteMediaPlayer && null != mApiClient) {
            try {
                LOGD(TAG, "Registering MediaChannel namespace");
                Cast.CastApi.setMessageReceivedCallbacks(mApiClient, mRemoteMediaPlayer.getNamespace(),
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGE(TAG, "Failed to setup media channel", e);
            } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                LOGE(TAG, "Failed to setup media channel", e);

    private void detachMediaChannel() {
        LOGD(TAG, "trying to detach media channel");
        if (null != mRemoteMediaPlayer) {
            if (null != mRemoteMediaPlayer && null != Cast.CastApi) {
                try {
                    Cast.CastApi.removeMessageReceivedCallbacks(mApiClient, mRemoteMediaPlayer.getNamespace());
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGE(TAG, "Failed to detach media channel", e);
            mRemoteMediaPlayer = null;

     * Returns the playback status of the remote device.
     * @return Returns one of the values
     * <ul>
     * <li> <code>MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING</code>
     * <li> <code>MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED</code>
     * <li> <code>MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_BUFFERING</code>
     * <li> <code>MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_IDLE</code>
     * <li> <code>MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_UNKNOWN</code>
     * </ul>
    public int getPlaybackStatus() {
        return mState;

     * Returns the Idle reason, defined in <code>MediaStatus.IDLE_*</code>. Note that the returned
     * value is only meaningful if the status is truly <code>MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_IDLE
     * </code>
     * @return
    public int getIdleReason() {
        return mIdleReason;

    /*========== DataChannel callbacks and methods ===============================================*/

     * If a data namespace was provided when initializing this class, we set things up for a data
     * channel
     * @throws NoConnectionException
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException
    private void attachDataChannel() throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mDataNamespace)) {
        if (mDataChannel != null) {
        mDataChannel = new MessageReceivedCallback() {

            public void onMessageReceived(CastDevice castDevice, String namespace, String message) {
                synchronized (mVideoConsumers) {
                    for (IMediaCastConsumer consumer : mVideoConsumers) {
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            LOGE(TAG, "onMessageReceived(): Failed to inform " + consumer, e);
        try {
            Cast.CastApi.setMessageReceivedCallbacks(mApiClient, mDataNamespace, mDataChannel);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Failed to setup data channel", e);
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Failed to setup data channel", e);

    private void reattachDataChannel() {
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mDataNamespace) && null != mDataChannel && null != mApiClient) {
            try {
                Cast.CastApi.setMessageReceivedCallbacks(mApiClient, mDataNamespace, mDataChannel);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGE(TAG, "Failed to setup data channel", e);
            } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                LOGE(TAG, "Failed to setup data channel", e);

    private void onMessageSendFailed(int errorCode) {
        synchronized (mVideoConsumers) {
            for (IMediaCastConsumer consumer : mVideoConsumers) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGE(TAG, "onMessageSendFailed(): Failed to inform " + consumer, e);

     * Sends the <code>message</code> on the data channel for the namespace that was provided
     * during the initialization of this class. If <code>messageId &gt; 0</code>, then it has to be
     * a unique identifier for the message; this id will be returned if an error occurs. If
     * <code>messageId == 0</code>, then an auto-generated unique identifier will be created and
     * returned for the message.
     * @param message
     * @return
     * @throws IllegalStateException If the namespace is empty or null
     * @throws NoConnectionException If no connectivity to the device exists
     * @throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException If framework is still trying to recover from
     * a possibly transient loss of network
    public void sendDataMessage(String message)
            throws TransientNetworkDisconnectionException, NoConnectionException {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mDataNamespace)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No Data Namespace is configured");
        Cast.CastApi.sendMessage(mApiClient, mDataNamespace, message)
                .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Status>() {

                    public void onResult(Status result) {
                        if (!result.isSuccess()) {

     * Remove the custom data channel, if any. It returns <code>true</code> if it succeeds
     * otherwise if it encounters an error or if no connection exists or if no custom data channel
     * exists, then it returns <code>false</code>
     * @return
    public boolean removeDataChannel() {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mDataNamespace)) {
            return false;
        try {
            if (null != Cast.CastApi && null != mApiClient) {
                Cast.CastApi.removeMessageReceivedCallbacks(mApiClient, mDataNamespace);
            mDataChannel = null;
            Utils.saveStringToPreference(mContext, PREFS_KEY_CAST_CUSTOM_DATA_NAMESPACE, null);
            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Failed to remove namespace: " + mDataNamespace, e);
        return false;


    /*========== MediaChannel callbacks ==========================================================*/

     * This is called by onStatusUpdated() of the RemoteMediaPlayer
    private void onRemoteMediaPlayerStatusUpdated() {
        LOGD(TAG, "onRemoteMediaPlayerStatusUpdated() reached");
        if (null == mApiClient || null == mRemoteMediaPlayer || null == mRemoteMediaPlayer.getMediaStatus()) {
            LOGD(TAG, "mApiClient=" + mApiClient + ", mRemoteMediaPlayer=" + mRemoteMediaPlayer
                    + ", so will not proceed");
        mState = mRemoteMediaPlayer.getMediaStatus().getPlayerState();
        mIdleReason = mRemoteMediaPlayer.getMediaStatus().getIdleReason();

        try {
            double volume = getVolume();
            boolean isMute = isMute();
            synchronized (mVideoConsumers) {
                for (IMediaCastConsumer consumer : mVideoConsumers) {
                    try {
                        consumer.onVolumeChanged(volume, isMute);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LOGE(TAG, "onRemoteMediaPlayerStatusUpdated(): Failed to inform " + consumer, e);
        } catch (TransientNetworkDisconnectionException e) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Failed to get volume state due to network issues", e);
        } catch (NoConnectionException e) {
            LOGE(TAG, "Failed to get volume state due to network issues", e);


     * This is called by onMetadataUpdated() of RemoteMediaPlayer
    public void onRemoteMediaPlayerMetadataUpdated() {
        //        LOGV(TAG, "onRemoteMediaPlayerMetadataUpdated() reached");
        synchronized (mVideoConsumers) {
            for (IMediaCastConsumer consumer : mVideoConsumers) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGE(TAG, "onRemoteMediaPlayerMetadataUpdated(): Failed to inform " + consumer, e);

    /*========== Registering IMediaCastConsumer listeners ========================================*/

     * Registers an {@link IMediaCastConsumer} interface with this class. Registered listeners will
     * be notified of changes to a variety of lifecycle and media status changes through the
     * callbacks that the interface provides.
     * @param listener
     * @see VideoCastConsumerImpl
    public synchronized void addCastConsumer(IMediaCastConsumer listener) {
        if (null != listener) {
            synchronized (mVideoConsumers) {
            LOGD(TAG, "Successfully added the new CastConsumer listener " + listener);

     * Unregisters an {@link IMediaCastConsumer}.
     * @param listener
    public synchronized void removeCastConsumer(IMediaCastConsumer listener) {
        if (null != listener) {
            synchronized (mVideoConsumers) {

    public synchronized void nukeConsumers() {
        synchronized (mVideoConsumers) {
            Iterator<IMediaCastConsumer> ii = mVideoConsumers.iterator();
            while (ii.hasNext()) {
                IMediaCastConsumer c =;

    /*========== Implementing abstract methods of BaseCastManage =================================*/

    void onDeviceUnselected() {
        mState = MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_IDLE;

    Builder getCastOptionBuilder(CastDevice device) {
        Builder builder = Cast.CastOptions.builder(mSelectedCastDevice, new CastListener());
        if (isFeatureEnabled(FEATURE_DEBUGGING)) {
        return builder;

    public void onDisconnected() {
        mState = MediaStatus.PLAYER_STATE_IDLE;

    class CastListener extends Cast.Listener {

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see (int)
        public void onApplicationDisconnected(int statusCode) {

         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see ()
        public void onApplicationStatusChanged() {

        public void onVolumeChanged() {

    public void onFailed(int resourceId, int statusCode) {
        LOGD(TAG, "onFailed: " + mContext.getString(resourceId) + ", code: " + statusCode);
        super.onFailed(resourceId, statusCode);
