Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2009 in partnership with the Southern California
 * Earthquake Center (SCEC, at the University of Southern
 * California and the UnitedStates Geological Survey (USGS;
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package org.opensha.commons.geo;

import static*;

import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Precision;
import org.dom4j.Element;


 * A <code>GriddedRegion</code> is a <code>Region</code> that has been
 * discretized in latitude and longitude. Each node in a gridded region
 * represents a small area that is some number of degrees in width and height
 * and is identified by a unique {@link Location} at the geographic (lat-lon)
 * center of the node. <img style="padding: 30px 40px; float: right;"
 * src="{@docRoot} /img/gridded_regions_border.jpg"/> In the adjacent figure,
 * the heavy black line marks the border of the <code>Region</code> . The light
 * gray dots mark the <code>Location</code>s of nodes outside the region, and
 * black dots those inside the region. The dashed grey line marks the border,
 * inside which, a <code>Location</code> will be associated with a grid node.
 * See {@link GriddedRegion#indexForLocation(Location)} for more details on
 * rules governing whether a grid node is inside a region and whether a
 * <code>Location</code> will be associated with a grid node.<br/>
 * <br/>
 * A <code>GriddedRegion</code> may be initialized several ways (e.g. as a
 * circle, an area of uniform degree-width and -height, or a buffer around a
 * linear feature). See constructor documentation for illustrative examples.
 * Each constructor comes in two formats, one that takes a single 'spacing'
 * value, and one that takes two spacing values, one each for latitude and
 * longitude.<br/>
 * <br/>
 * The <code>Location</code>s of the grid nodes are indexed internally in order
 * of increasing longitude then latitude starting with the node at the lowest
 * latitude and longitude in the region. <code>GriddedRegion</code>s are
 * iterable as a shorthand for <code>getNodeList().iterator()</code>. <br/>
 * <br/>
 * To ensure grid nodes fall on specific lat-lon values, all constructors take
 * an anchor <code>Location</code> argument. This location can be anywhere in-
 * or outside the region to be gridded. If the region contains the anchor
 * location, the anchor will coincide with a grid node. For example, given a
 * grid spacing of 1&deg; and an anchor <code>Location</code> of 22.1&deg;N
 * -134.7&deg;W, grid nodes within any region will fall at whole valued
 * latitudes + 0.1&deg; and longitudes - 0.7&deg;. If an anchor
 * <code>Location</code> is <code>null</code>, it is automatically set as the
 * Location defined by the minimum latitude and longitude of the region's
 * border.<br/>
 * <br/>
 * <a name="note"></a> <b><i>NOTE:</i></b> Due to rounding errors and the use of
 * an {@link Area} internally to define a <code>Region</code>'s border,
 * {@link Region#contains(Location)} may not always return the expected result
 * near a border. See {@link Region#contains(Location)} for further details. For
 * a <code>GriddedRegion</code>, this results in values returned by calls
 * {@link #getMinGridLat()} etc. for which there may not be any grid nodes. To
 * guarantee node coverage for a <code>GriddedRegion</code>, say for eventual
 * map output, 'best-practice' dictates expanding a region slightly.
 * @author Nitin Gupta
 * @author Vipin Gupta
 * @author Peter Powers
 * @version $Id: 9729 2012-11-07 21:33:01Z kmilner $
 * @see Region

public class GriddedRegion extends Region implements Iterable<Location> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public final static String XML_METADATA_NAME = "evenlyGriddedGeographicRegion";
    public final static String XML_METADATA_GRID_SPACING_NAME = "spacing";
    public final static String XML_METADATA_ANCHOR_NAME = "anchor";
    public final static String XML_METADATA_NUM_POINTS_NAME = "numPoints";

    /** Convenience reference for an anchor at (0&#176;, 0&#176;). */
    public final static Location ANCHOR_0_0 = new Location(0, 0);

    // grid range data
    private double minGridLat, minGridLon, maxGridLat, maxGridLon;
    private int numLonNodes, numLatNodes;

    // the lat-lon arrays of node edges
    private double[] lonNodeEdges;
    private double[] latNodeEdges;

    // Location at lower left corner of region bounding rect
    private Location anchor;

    // lookup array for grid nodes; has length of master grid spanning
    // region bounding box; all nodes outside region have values of -1;
    // all valid nodes point to position in nodeList; gridIndices increase
    // across and then up
    private int[] gridIndices;

    // list of nodes
    private LocationList nodeList;

    // grid data
    private double latSpacing;
    private double lonSpacing;
    private int nodeCount;

    // private int gridSize;

     * Initializes a <code>GriddedRegion</code> from a pair of <code>
     * Location</code>s. When viewed in a Mercator projection, the region will
     * be a rectangle. If either both latitude or both longitude values are the
     * same, an exception is thrown.<br/>
     * <br/>
     * <b>Note:</b> In an exception to the rules of insidedness defined in the
     * {@link Shape} interface, <code>Location</code>s that fall on northern or
     * eastern borders of this region are considered inside. See
     * {@link Region#Region(Location, Location)} for implementation details.
     * @param loc1 the first <code>Location</code>
     * @param loc2 the second <code>Location</code>
     * @param latSpacing of grid nodes
     * @param lonSpacing of grid nodes
     * @param anchor <code>Location</code> for grid; may be <code>null</code>
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the latitude or longitude values in
     *         the <code>Location</code>s provided are the same or
     *         <code>spacing</code> is outside the range 0&deg; &lt;
     *         <code>spacing
     *       </code> &le; 5&deg;
     * @throws NullPointerException if either <code>Location</code> argument is
     *         <code>null</code>
     * @see Region#Region(Location, Location)
    public GriddedRegion(Location loc1, Location loc2, double latSpacing, double lonSpacing, Location anchor) {
        super(loc1, loc2);
        initGrid(latSpacing, lonSpacing, anchor);

     * Initializes a <code>GriddedRegion</code> from a pair of <code>
     * Location</code>s. When viewed in a Mercator projection, the region will
     * be a rectangle. If either both latitude or both longitude values are the
     * same, an exception is thrown.<br/>
     * <br/>
     * <b>Note:</b> In an exception to the rules of insidedness defined in the
     * {@link Shape} interface, <code>Location</code>s that fall on northern or
     * eastern borders of this region are considered inside. See
     * {@link Region#Region(Location, Location)} for implementation details.
     * @param loc1 the first <code>Location</code>
     * @param loc2 the second <code>Location</code>
     * @param spacing of grid nodes
     * @param anchor <code>Location</code> for grid; may be <code>null</code>
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the latitude or longitude values in
     *         the <code>Location</code>s provided are the same or
     *         <code>spacing</code> is outside the range 0&deg; &lt;
     *         <code>spacing
     *       </code> &le; 5&deg;
     * @throws NullPointerException if either <code>Location</code> argument is
     *         <code>null</code>
     * @see Region#Region(Location, Location)
    public GriddedRegion(Location loc1, Location loc2, double spacing, Location anchor) {
        this(loc1, loc2, spacing, spacing, anchor);

     * Initializes a <code>GriddedRegion</code> from a list of border locations.
     * The border type specifies whether lat-lon values are treated as points in
     * an orthogonal coordinate system or as connecting great circles.
     * @param border Locations
     * @param type the {@link BorderType} to use when initializing; a
     *        <code>null</code> value defaults to
     *        <code>BorderType.MERCATOR_LINEAR</code>
     * @param latSpacing of grid nodes
     * @param lonSpacing of grid nodes
     * @param anchor <code>Location</code> for grid; may be <code>null</code>
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the <code>border</code> does not have
     *         at least 3 points or <code>spacing</code> is outside the range
     *         0&deg; &lt; <code>spacing</code> &le; 5&deg;
     * @throws NullPointerException if the <code>border</code> is
     *         <code>null</code>
     * @see Region#Region(LocationList, BorderType)
    public GriddedRegion(LocationList border, BorderType type, double latSpacing, double lonSpacing,
            Location anchor) {
        super(border, type);
        initGrid(latSpacing, lonSpacing, anchor);

     * Initializes a <code>GriddedRegion</code> from a list of border locations.
     * The border type specifies whether lat-lon values are treated as points in
     * an orthogonal coordinate system or as connecting great circles.
     * @param border Locations
     * @param type the {@link BorderType} to use when initializing; a
     *        <code>null</code> value defaults to
     *        <code>BorderType.MERCATOR_LINEAR</code>
     * @param spacing of grid nodes
     * @param anchor <code>Location</code> for grid; may be <code>null</code>
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the <code>border</code> does not have
     *         at least 3 points or <code>spacing</code> is outside the range
     *         0&deg; &lt; <code>spacing</code> &le; 5&deg;
     * @throws NullPointerException if the <code>border</code> is
     *         <code>null</code>
     * @see Region#Region(LocationList, BorderType)
    public GriddedRegion(LocationList border, BorderType type, double spacing, Location anchor) {
        this(border, type, spacing, spacing, anchor);

     * Initializes a circular <code>GriddedRegion</code>. Internally, the
     * centerpoint and radius are used to create a circular region composed of
     * straight line segments that span 10&deg; wedges. <img
     * style="padding: 30px 40px; float: right;" src="{@docRoot}
     * /img/gridded_regions_circle.jpg"/> In the adjacent figure, the heavy
     * black line marks the border of the <code>Region</code>. The light gray
     * dots mark the <code>Location</code>s of nodes outside the region, and
     * black dots those inside the region. The dashed grey line marks the
     * border, inside which, a <code>Location</code> will be associated with a
     * grid node. See {@link GriddedRegion#indexForLocation(Location)} for more
     * details on rules governing whether a grid node is inside a region and
     * whether a <code>Location</code> will be associated with a grid node.<br/>
     * <br/>
     * @param center of the circle
     * @param radius of the circle
     * @param latSpacing of grid nodes
     * @param lonSpacing of grid nodes
     * @param anchor <code>Location</code> for grid; may be <code>null</code>
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>radius</code> is outside the
     *         range 0 km &lt; <code>radius</code> &le; 1000 km or <code>spacing
     *       </code> is outside the range 0&deg; &lt; <code>spacing</code> &le;
     *         5&deg;
     * @throws NullPointerException if <code>center</code> is null
     * @see Region#Region(Location, double)
    public GriddedRegion(Location center, double radius, double latSpacing, double lonSpacing, Location anchor) {
        super(center, radius);
        initGrid(latSpacing, lonSpacing, anchor);

     * Initializes a circular <code>GriddedRegion</code>. Internally, the
     * centerpoint and radius are used to create a circular region composed of
     * straight line segments that span 10&deg; wedges. <img
     * style="padding: 30px 40px; float: right;" src="{@docRoot}
     * /img/gridded_regions_circle.jpg"/> In the adjacent figure, the heavy
     * black line marks the border of the <code>Region</code>. The light gray
     * dots mark the <code>Location</code>s of nodes outside the region, and
     * black dots those inside the region. The dashed grey line marks the
     * border, inside which, a <code>Location</code> will be associated with a
     * grid node. See {@link GriddedRegion#indexForLocation(Location)} for more
     * details on rules governing whether a grid node is inside a region and
     * whether a <code>Location</code> will be associated with a grid node.<br/>
     * <br/>
     * @param center of the circle
     * @param radius of the circle
     * @param spacing of grid nodes
     * @param anchor <code>Location</code> for grid; may be <code>null</code>
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>radius</code> is outside the
     *         range 0 km &lt; <code>radius</code> &le; 1000 km or <code>spacing
     *       </code> is outside the range 0&deg; &lt; <code>spacing</code> &le;
     *         5&deg;
     * @throws NullPointerException if <code>center</code> is null
     * @see Region#Region(Location, double)
    public GriddedRegion(Location center, double radius, double spacing, Location anchor) {
        this(center, radius, spacing, spacing, anchor);

     * Initializes a <code>GriddedRegion</code> as a buffered area around a
     * line. In the adjacent figure, the heavy black line marks the border of
     * the <code>Region</code>. <img style="padding: 30px 40px; float: right;"
     * src="{@docRoot} /img/gridded_regions_buffer.jpg"/> The light gray dots
     * mark the <code>Location</code>s of nodes outside the region, and black
     * dots those inside the region. The dashed grey line marks the border,
     * inside which, a <code>Location</code> will be associated with a grid
     * node. See {@link GriddedRegion#indexForLocation(Location)} for more
     * details on rules governing whether a grid node is inside a region and
     * whether a <code>Location</code> will be associated with a grid node.<br/>
     * <br/>
     * <br/>
     * @param line at center of buffered region
     * @param buffer distance from line
     * @param latSpacing of grid nodes
     * @param lonSpacing of grid nodes
     * @param anchor <code>Location</code> for grid; may be <code>null</code>
     * @throws NullPointerException if <code>line</code> is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>buffer</code> is outside the
     *         range 0 km &lt; <code>buffer</code> &le; 500 km or <code>spacing
     *       </code> is outside the range 0&deg; &lt; <code>spacing</code> &le;
     *         5&deg;
     * @see Region#Region(LocationList, double)
    public GriddedRegion(LocationList line, double buffer, double latSpacing, double lonSpacing, Location anchor) {
        super(line, buffer);
        initGrid(latSpacing, lonSpacing, anchor);

     * Initializes a <code>GriddedRegion</code> as a buffered area around a
     * line. In the adjacent figure, the heavy black line marks the border of
     * the <code>Region</code>. <img style="padding: 30px 40px; float: right;"
     * src="{@docRoot} /img/gridded_regions_buffer.jpg"/> The light gray dots
     * mark the <code>Location</code>s of nodes outside the region, and black
     * dots those inside the region. The dashed grey line marks the border,
     * inside which, a <code>Location</code> will be associated with a grid
     * node. See {@link GriddedRegion#indexForLocation(Location)} for more
     * details on rules governing whether a grid node is inside a region and
     * whether a <code>Location</code> will be associated with a grid node.<br/>
     * <br/>
     * <br/>
     * @param line at center of buffered region
     * @param buffer distance from line
     * @param spacing of grid nodes
     * @param anchor <code>Location</code> for grid; may be <code>null</code>
     * @throws NullPointerException if <code>line</code> is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>buffer</code> is outside the
     *         range 0 km &lt; <code>buffer</code> &le; 500 km or <code>spacing
     *       </code> is outside the range 0&deg; &lt; <code>spacing</code> &le;
     *         5&deg;
     * @see Region#Region(LocationList, double)
    public GriddedRegion(LocationList line, double buffer, double spacing, Location anchor) {
        this(line, buffer, spacing, spacing, anchor);

     * Initializes a <code>GriddedRegion</code> with a <code>Region</code>.
     * @param region to use as border for new <code>GriddedRegion</code>
     * @param latSpacing of grid nodes
     * @param lonSpacing of grid nodes
     * @param anchor <code>Location</code> for grid; may be <code>null</code>
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>spacing
     *       </code> is outside the range 0&deg; &lt; <code>spacing</code> &le;
     *         5&deg;
     * @throws NullPointerException if <code>region</code> is <code>null</code>
     * @see Region#Region(Region)
    public GriddedRegion(Region region, double latSpacing, double lonSpacing, Location anchor) {
        initGrid(latSpacing, lonSpacing, anchor);

     * Initializes a <code>GriddedRegion</code> with a <code>Region</code>.
     * @param region to use as border for new <code>GriddedRegion</code>
     * @param spacing of grid nodes
     * @param anchor <code>Location</code> for grid; may be <code>null</code>
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>spacing
     *       </code> is outside the range 0&deg; &lt; <code>spacing</code> &le;
     *         5&deg;
     * @throws NullPointerException if <code>region</code> is <code>null</code>
     * @see Region#Region(Region)
    public GriddedRegion(Region region, double spacing, Location anchor) {
        this(region, spacing, spacing, anchor);

     * Returns the longitudinal grid node spacing for this region.
     * @return the longitudinal grid node spacing (in degrees)
    public double getLatSpacing() {
        return latSpacing;

     * Returns the latitudinal grid node spacing for this region.
     * @return the latitudinal grid node spacing (in degrees)
    public double getLonSpacing() {
        return lonSpacing;

     * Returns the grid node spacing for this region. If the lat and lon node
     * spacing differs, method defaults to {@link #getLatSpacing()}.
     * @return the grid node spacing (in degrees)
    public double getSpacing() {
        return latSpacing;

     * Returns whether the lat and lon spacing are the same.
     * @return <code>true</code> if lat and lon spacing are the same;
     *         <code>false</code> otherwise.
    public boolean isSpacingUniform() {
        return latSpacing == lonSpacing;

     * Returns the total number of grid nodes in this region.
     * @return the number of grid nodes
    public int getNodeCount() {
        return nodeCount;

     * Alternative to getNodeCount().
     * @return
    public int getNumLocations() {
        return getNodeCount();

     * Returns whether this region contains any grid nodes. If a regions
     * dimensions are smaller than the grid spacing, it may be empty.
     * @return <code>true</code> if region has no grid nodes; <code>false</code>
     *         otherwise
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return nodeCount == 0;

     * Returns the index of the node at the supplied <code>Direction</code> from
     * the node at the supplied index.
     * @param idx to move from
     * @param dir to move
     * @return index at <code>Direction</code> or -1 if no node exists
     * @throws NullPointerException if supplied index is not a valid grid index
    public int move(int idx, Direction dir) {
        Location start = locationForIndex(idx);
        checkNotNull(start, "Invalid start index");
        Location end = new Location(start.getLatitude() + latSpacing * dir.signLatMove(),
                start.getLongitude() + lonSpacing * dir.signLonMove());
        return indexForLocation(end);

     * Compares this <code>GriddedRegion</code> to another and returns
     * <code>true</code> if they are the same with respect to aerial extent
     * (both exterior and interior borders), grid node spacing, and location.
     * This method ignores the names of the <code>GriddedRegion</code>s. Use
     * <code>GriddedRegion.equals(Object)</code> to include name comparison.
     * @param gr the <code>Regions</code> to compare
     * @return <code>true</code> if this <code>Region</code> has the same
     *         geometry as the supplied <code>Region</code>, <code>false</code>
     *         otherwise
     * @see GriddedRegion#equals(Object)
    public boolean equalsRegion(GriddedRegion gr) {
        if (!super.equalsRegion(gr))
            return false;
        if (!gr.anchor.equals(anchor))
            return false;
        if (gr.latSpacing != latSpacing)
            return false;
        if (gr.lonSpacing != lonSpacing)
            return false;
        return true;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (!(obj instanceof GriddedRegion))
            return false;
        GriddedRegion gr = (GriddedRegion) obj;
        if (!getName().equals(gr.getName()))
            return false;
        return equalsRegion(gr);

    public int hashCode() {
        return super.hashCode() ^ anchor.hashCode() ^ Double.valueOf(latSpacing).hashCode()
                ^ Double.valueOf(lonSpacing).hashCode();

     * Returns an exact, independent copy of this <code>GriddedRegion</code>.
     * @return a copy of this <code>Region</code>
    public GriddedRegion clone() {
        return new GriddedRegion(this, latSpacing, lonSpacing, anchor);

     * Creates a new <code>GriddedRegion</code> from this (the parent) and
     * another <code>Region</code>. The border of the new region is the
     * intersection of the borders of the parent and the passed-in region. <img
     * style="padding: 30px 40px; float: right;" src="{@docRoot}
     * /img/gridded_regions_sub.jpg"/> The new region also inherits the grid
     * spacing and node-alignment of the parent. The method returns
     * <code>null</code> if the two regions do not overlap.<br/>
     * <br/>
     * Note that the returned <code>GriddedRegion</code> may be devoid of grid
     * nodes, e.g. in cases where the sub-region is too small to contain any
     * nodes of the parent grid. Such a situation may arise if the sub-region
     * represents the area of influence of a small magnitude earthquake or
     * aftershock. If the closest point to the sub-region in the parent grid is
     * desired, then compute the subRegionCentroid and use:
     * <pre>
     * if (newGriddedRegion.isEmpty()) {
     *    int idx = indexForLocation(subRegionCentroid);
     *    if (idx != -1) {
     *       Location loc = locationForIndex(idx);
     *    }
     * }
     * </pre>
     * <br/>
     * @param region to use as border for sub-region
     * @return a new GriddedRegion or <code>null</code> if the the sub-region
     *         does not intersect its parent (<code>this</code>)
     * @see GriddedRegion#isEmpty()
    public GriddedRegion subRegion(Region region) {
        Region newRegion = Region.intersect(this, region);
        if (newRegion == null)
            return null;
        return new GriddedRegion(newRegion, latSpacing, lonSpacing, anchor);

     * Overridden to throw an <code>UnsupportedOperationException</code> when
     * called. The border of a <code>GriddedRegion</code> may only be set on
     * initialization. To create a <code>GriddedRegion</code> that has interiors
     * (donut-holes), first create a <code>Region</code> with the required
     * border and interiors using {@link Region#addInterior(Region)} and then
     * use it to initialize a <code>GriddedRegion</code>.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
     * @see Region#addInterior(Region)
    public void addInterior(Region region) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("A GriddedRegion may not have an interior Region set");

    public Iterator<Location> iterator() {
        return nodeList.iterator();

     * Returns the locations of all the nodes in the region as a
     * <code>LocationList</code>.
     * @return a list of all the node locations in the region.
    public LocationList getNodeList() {
        return nodeList;

     * Returns the <code>Location</code> at a given grid index. This method is
     * intended for random access of nodes in this gridded region; to cycle over
     * all nodes, iterate over the region.
     * @param index of location to retrieve
     * @return the <code>Location</code> or <code>null</code> if index is out of
     *         range
    public Location locationForIndex(int index) {
        try {
            return nodeList.get(index);
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            return null;

     * Returns the list of grid indices spanned by the bounds of the supplied
     * region. Bounds refers to the rectangle that completely encloses a region.
     * Note that this is a list of all nodes for which any part, however small,
     * overlaps the supplied rectangle and is not restricted to grid centers.
     * @param rect to process
     * @return the list of grid indices that intersect the bounding box of the
     *         supplied region
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the supplied rectangle is not
     *         completely enclosed by thei {@code Region}
    public List<Integer> indicesForBounds(Rectangle2D rect) {
        try {
            // fast lookups MAY fail as intial contains(rect) test may
            // pass when a corner vertix is in fact absent
            return indexLookupFast(rect);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return indexLookupSlow(rect);

    /* Efficiently finds relevant indicis without intersection testing */
    private List<Integer> indexLookupFast(Rectangle2D rect) {
        Location pLL = new Location(rect.getMinY(), rect.getMinX());
        Location pUL = new Location(rect.getMaxY(), rect.getMinX());
        Location pLR = new Location(rect.getMinY(), rect.getMaxX());
        int idxLL = indexForLocation(pLL);
        int idxUL = indexForLocation(pUL);
        int idxLR = indexForLocation(pLR);

        // indices of row starts
        List<Integer> rowStarts = Lists.newArrayList();
        int rowStartIdx = idxLL;
        int lastRowStartIdx = idxUL;
        while (rowStartIdx <= lastRowStartIdx) {
            Location currLoc = locationForIndex(rowStartIdx);
            Location nextLoc = new Location(currLoc.getLatitude() + latSpacing, currLoc.getLongitude());
            rowStartIdx = indexForLocation(nextLoc);

        // row length
        int len = idxLR - idxLL + 1;

        // build list
        List<Integer> indices = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (Integer idx : rowStarts) {
            addRange(indices, idx, len);
        return indices;


    /* Brute force approach does intersect test for all region node polys */
    private List<Integer> indexLookupSlow(Rectangle2D rect) {
        //      System.out.println("Sloooooooow");
        List<Integer> indices = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
            Area area = areaForIndex(i);
            if (area.intersects(rect))
        return indices;

    /* Adds an inclusive range of ints to a list */
    private static void addRange(List<Integer> ints, int start, int num) {
        for (int i = start; i < start + num; i++) {

     * Returns the {@code Region} that bounds a node
     * @param index of the node of interest
     * @return the bounding region of the specified node
    public Area areaForIndex(int index) {
        Location p = locationForIndex(index);
        return RegionUtils.getNodeShape(p, lonSpacing, latSpacing);

     * Alternative to locationForIndex(int index)
     * @param index
     * @return
    // TODO not needed; only used 1 place
    public Location getLocation(int index) {
        return locationForIndex(index);

     * Returns the index of the grid node associated with a given
     * <code>Location</code> or -1 if the associated grid node is ouside this
     * gridded region. For a <code>Location</code> to be associated with a node,
     * it must fall within the square region on which the node is centered. Note
     * that this allows for some <code>Location</code>s that are outside the
     * region border to still be associated with a node. Conversely, a
     * {@link Region#contains(Location)} may return <code>true</code> while this
     * method returns -1. Users interested in node association should always use
     * this method alone and test for -1 return value.
     * {@link Region#contains(Location)} should <i>NOT</i> be used a as a test
     * prior to calling this method. <br/>
     * <br/>
     * The figure and table below indicate the results produced by calling
     * <code>contains()</code> or <code>indexForLocation()</code>. The arrows in
     * the figure point towards the interior of the <code>Region</code>. The
     * dots mark the centered <code>Location</code> of each grid node and the
     * numbers indicate the index value of each. Remember that both methods test
     * for insidedness according to the rules defined in the {@link Shape}
     * interface. <br/>
     * <img style="padding: 20px; display: block; margin-left:auto;
     * margin-right:auto;" src="{@docRoot} /img/node_association.jpg"/> <br/>
     * <table id="table-a">
     * <thead>
     * <tr>
     * <th>Location</th>
     * <th><code>contains(Location)</code></th>
     * <th><code>indexForLocation(Location)</code></th>
     * </tr>
     * <thead> <tbody>
     * <tr>
     * <td><b>A</b></td>
     * <td><code>true</code></td>
     * <td>-1</td>
     * </tr>
     * <tr>
     * <td><b>B</b></td>
     * <td><code>false</code></td>
     * <td>3</td>
     * </tr>
     * <tr>
     * <td><b>C</b></td>
     * <td><code>false</code></td>
     * <td>3</td>
     * </tr>
     * <tr>
     * <td><b>D</b></td>
     * <td><code>false</code></td>
     * <td>-1</td>
     * </tr>
     * <tr>
     * <td><b>E</b></td>
     * <td><code>true</code></td>
     * <td>3</td>
     * </tr>
     * <tr>
     * <td><b>F</b></td>
     * <td><code>true</code></td>
     * <td>3</td>
     * </tr>
     * <tr>
     * <td><b>G</b></td>
     * <td><code>true</code></td>
     * <td>4</td>
     * </tr>
     * </tbody>
     * </table>
     * @param loc the <code>Location</code> to match to a grid node index
     * @return the index of the associated node or -1 if no such node exists
    public int indexForLocation(Location loc) {
        int lonIndex = getNodeIndex(lonNodeEdges, loc.getLongitude());
        if (lonIndex == -1)
            return -1;
        int latIndex = getNodeIndex(latNodeEdges, loc.getLatitude());
        if (latIndex == -1)
            return -1;
        int gridIndex = ((latIndex) * numLonNodes) + lonIndex;
        return gridIndices[gridIndex];

     * Returns the minimum grid latitude. Note that there may not actually be
     * any nodes at this latitude. See class <a href="#note">note</a>. If the
     * region is devoid of nodes, method will return <code>Double.NaN</code>.
     * @return the minimum grid latitude
     * @see Region#contains(Location)
    public double getMinGridLat() {
        return minGridLat;

     * Returns the maximum grid latitude. Note that there may not actually be
     * any nodes at this latitude. See class <a href="#note">note</a>. If the
     * region is devoid of nodes, method will return <code>Double.NaN</code>.
     * @return the maximum grid latitude
     * @see Region#contains(Location)
    public double getMaxGridLat() {
        return maxGridLat;

     * Returns the minimum grid longitude. Note that there may not actually be
     * any nodes at this longitude. See class <a href="#note">note</a>. If the
     * region is devoid of nodes, method will return <code>Double.NaN</code>.
     * @return the minimum grid longitude
     * @see Region#contains(Location)
    public double getMinGridLon() {
        return minGridLon;

     * Returns the maximum grid longitude. Note that there may not actually be
     * any nodes at this longitude. See class <a href="#note">note</a>. If the
     * region is devoid of nodes, method will return <code>Double.NaN</code>.
     * @return the maximum grid longitude
     * @see Region#contains(Location)
    public double getMaxGridLon() {
        return maxGridLon;

    public Element toXMLMetadata(Element root) {
        Element xml = root.addElement(GriddedRegion.XML_METADATA_NAME);
        xml.addAttribute(GriddedRegion.XML_METADATA_GRID_SPACING_NAME, this.getSpacing() + "");
        Element xml_anchor = xml.addElement(GriddedRegion.XML_METADATA_ANCHOR_NAME);
        xml.addAttribute(GriddedRegion.XML_METADATA_NUM_POINTS_NAME, this.getNodeCount() + "");

        return root;

     * Initializes a new <code>Region</code> from stored metadata.
     * @param root metadata element
     * @return a <code>GriddedRegion</code>
    public static GriddedRegion fromXMLMetadata(Element root) {
        double gridSpacing = Double
        Region geoRegion = Region.fromXMLMetadata(root.element(Region.XML_METADATA_NAME));
        LocationList outline = geoRegion.getBorder();
        Location xml_anchor = Location
        return new GriddedRegion(outline, BorderType.MERCATOR_LINEAR, gridSpacing, gridSpacing, xml_anchor);

     * Returns the node index of the value or -1 if the value is out of range.
     * Expects the array of edge values.
    private static int getNodeIndex(double[] edgeVals, double value) {
        // If a value exists in an array, binary search returns the index
        // of the value. If the value is less than the lowest array value,
        // binary search returns -1. If the value is within range or
        // greater than the highest array value, binary search returns
        // (-insert_point-1). The SHA rule of thumb follows the java rules
        // of insidedness, so any exact node edge value is associated with
        // the node above. Therefore, the negative within range values are
        // adjusted to the correct node index with (-idx-2). Below range
        // values are already -1; above range values are corrected to -1.
        int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(edgeVals, value);
        idx = (idx < -1) ? (-idx - 2) : idx;
        return (idx == edgeVals.length - 1) ? -1 : idx;

    /* grid setup */
    private void initGrid(double latSpacing, double lonSpacing, Location anchor) {
        setSpacing(latSpacing, lonSpacing);

    /* Sets the gid node spacing. */
    private void setSpacing(double latSpacing, double lonSpacing) {
        String mssg = "spacing [%s] must be 0\u00B0 \u003E S \u2265 5\u00B0";
        checkArgument((latSpacing > 0 && latSpacing <= 5), "Latitude" + mssg, latSpacing);
        checkArgument((lonSpacing > 0 && lonSpacing <= 5), "Longitude" + mssg, lonSpacing);
        this.latSpacing = latSpacing;
        this.lonSpacing = lonSpacing;

     * Sets the grid anchor value. The Location provided is adjusted to be the
     * lower left corner (min lat-lon) of the region bounding grid. If the
     * region grid extended infinitely, both the input and adjusted anchor
     * Locations would coincide with grid nodes.
    private void setAnchor(Location anchor) {
        if (anchor == null)
            anchor = new Location(getMinLat(), getMinLon());
        double newLat = computeAnchor(getMinLat(), anchor.getLatitude(), latSpacing);
        double newLon = computeAnchor(getMinLon(), anchor.getLongitude(), lonSpacing);
        this.anchor = new Location(newLat, newLon);

    /* Computes adjusted anchor values. */
    private static double computeAnchor(double min, double anchor, double spacing) {
        double delta = anchor - min;
        double num_div = Math.floor(delta / spacing);
        double offset = delta - num_div * spacing;
        double newAnchor = min + offset;
        newAnchor = (newAnchor < min) ? newAnchor + spacing : newAnchor;
        // round to cleaner values: e.g. 1.0 vs. 0.999999999997
        return Precision.round(newAnchor, 8);

    /* Initilize the grid index, node edge, and Location arrays */
    private void initNodes() {

        // temp node center arrays
        double[] lonNodes = initNodeCenters(anchor.getLongitude(), getMaxLon(), lonSpacing);
        double[] latNodes = initNodeCenters(anchor.getLatitude(), getMaxLat(), latSpacing);

        // node edge arrays
        lonNodeEdges = initNodeEdges(anchor.getLongitude(), getMaxLon(), lonSpacing);
        latNodeEdges = initNodeEdges(anchor.getLatitude(), getMaxLat(), latSpacing);

        // range data
        numLatNodes = latNodes.length;
        numLonNodes = lonNodes.length;
        minGridLat = (numLatNodes != 0) ? latNodes[0] : Double.NaN;
        maxGridLat = (numLatNodes != 0) ? latNodes[numLatNodes - 1] : Double.NaN;
        minGridLon = (numLonNodes != 0) ? lonNodes[0] : Double.NaN;
        maxGridLon = (numLonNodes != 0) ? lonNodes[numLonNodes - 1] : Double.NaN;
        int gridSize = numLonNodes * numLatNodes;

        // node data
        gridIndices = new int[gridSize];
        nodeList = new LocationList();
        int node_idx = 0;
        int grid_idx = 0;
        Location loc;
        for (double lat : latNodes) {
            for (double lon : lonNodes) {
                loc = new Location(lat, lon);
                if (contains(loc)) {
                    gridIndices[grid_idx] = node_idx++;
                } else {
                    gridIndices[grid_idx] = -1;
        nodeCount = node_idx;

     * Initializes an array of node centers. The first (lowest) bin is centered
     * on the min value.
    private static double[] initNodeCenters(double min, double max, double width) {
        // nodeCount is num intervals between min and max + 1
        int nodeCount = (int) Math.floor((max - min) / width) + 1;
        double firstCenterVal = min;
        return buildArray(firstCenterVal, nodeCount, width);

     * Initializes an array of node edges which can be used to associate a value
     * with a particular node using binary search.
    private static double[] initNodeEdges(double min, double max, double width) {
        // edges is binCount + 1
        int edgeCount = (int) Math.floor((max - min) / width) + 2;
        // offset first bin edge half a binWidth
        double firstEdgeVal = min - (width / 2);
        return buildArray(firstEdgeVal, edgeCount, width);

    /* Node edge and center array builder. */
    private static double[] buildArray(double startVal, int count, double interval) {

        double[] values = new double[count];
        double val = startVal;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // round to cleaner values: e.g. 1.0 vs. 0.999999999997
            values[i] = Precision.round(val, 8);
            val += interval;
        return values;
