Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009 in partnership with * the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC, * at the University of Southern California and the UnitedStates Geological * Survey (USGS; * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EventObject; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.dom4j.Attribute; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.opensha.commons.param.ParameterList; import org.opensha.commons.param.constraint.impl.DoubleConstraint; import org.opensha.commons.param.constraint.impl.DoubleDiscreteConstraint; import org.opensha.commons.param.constraint.impl.IntegerConstraint; import org.opensha.commons.param.constraint.impl.StringConstraint; import org.opensha.commons.param.event.ParameterChangeEvent; import org.opensha.commons.param.event.ParameterChangeListener; import org.opensha.commons.param.event.TimeSpanChangeListener; import org.opensha.commons.param.impl.DoubleDiscreteParameter; import org.opensha.commons.param.impl.DoubleParameter; import org.opensha.commons.param.impl.IntegerParameter; import org.opensha.commons.param.impl.StringParameter; /** * <b>Title:</b> TimeSpan<p> * * <b>Description:</b> This object represents a start time and a duration in the UTC time zone.<p> * * The start-time is represented with a Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, * and Millisecond, all of which are stored internally with IntegerParameter objects. * The default constraints (range of allowed values) for these parameters are:<p> * <UL> * <LI>Year - 0 to Integer.MAX_VALUE (AD or "common erra") * <LI>Month - 1 to 12 * <LI>Day - 1 to 31 * <LI>Hour - 0 to 23 * <LI>Minute - 0 to 59 * <LI>Second - 0 to 59 * <LI>Millisecond - 0 to 999 * </UL><p> * <p> * Important Notes: 1) the Month parameter constraint here (min=1, max=12) differs from the 0-11 * range in the java.util.GregorianCalendar object. This means that what's returned from * the getStartTimeMonth() method is always one greater than what's obtained using * getStartTimeCalendar().get(Calendar.MONTH)). Keep this in mind if you use the setStartTimeCalendar(), * getStartTimeCalendar(), or getEndTimeCalendar methods. 2) the Day and Hour fields here correspond * to the DATE and HOUR_OF_DAY fields, respecively in java.util.GregorianCalendar (the HOUR field of * GregorianCalendar goes from 0 to 11 rather than 0 to 23).<p> * * The above start-time parameter constraints can be overridden using the * setStartTimeConstraint() method. * * The startTimePrecision field specifies the level of precision. For example, if this * is set as "Days", then one cannot set or get the Hours, Minute, Second, or Millisecond * parameter values (and the associated methods throw exceptions). Setting the startTimePrecsion * as "None" indicates that only the Duration is relevant (e.g., for a Poissonian forecast). * Presently one can only set the startTimePrecision in the constructor, but we could relax * this later. If one gets a GregorianCalendar using the getStartTimeCalendar() method, the * fields that are not within the specified precision are set to their minimum * value. <p> * * Before a value is returned from any one of the getStartTime*() methods, it is * first confirmed that the start-time parameter settings correspond to an acutual * date. For example, assuming the startTimePrecision is "Months", one could execute * the method: setStartTime(2003,2,29). However, when they go to get one of these * fields (e.g., getStartYear() or getStartMonth()) an exception will be thrown * because there are not 29 days in Feburary (unless it's a leap year). This check * is made in the get* rather than set* methods to allow users to finish their settings * (e.g., in a GUI) before checking values. * * The Units on the Duration field must presently be set in the constructor, (this could be * relaxed later). These Units are assumed when using the getDuration() and * setDuration(double duration) methods. If one wishes to get or set the duration with other * units (e.g., to avoid having to check what the internal units are), they can use the * setDuration(String units, double duration) and getDuration(String units, double duration) * methods, but note that the internal "chosen" units will not have changed. * The constraints on the units can be set using the setDurationConstraint() * method. NOTE: in converting between duration units it is assumed there are 365.25 days * per year (correct only for durations in years that are an integer when divided by four). * This limitation can be fixed, but will require some thought.<p> * * Finally, one can get an end-time calendar object that corresponds to the start time * plus the duration (getEndTimeCalendar()). Note, that because this invoves a duration * unit conversion, it is assumed that there are 365.25 days per year (see discussion * above).<p> * * TO DO LATER:<p> * Make the Duration units adjustable after construction. This could be done by * allowing an "Adjustable" opting for the duration units in the constructor. For * this case, make the units field of the durationParameter empty, and use the * value set in the durationUnitsParameter for the getDuration() and setDuration() * methods. Also add durationUnitsParameter to the list returned by the * getAdjustableParamsList(). This raises the question of how non-default constraints * can be applied if the user is changing the units (perhaps only default constraints * can be applied in this case). Care will be required in using the getDuration() and * setDuration() methods if other objects can change the units (perhaps these should * throw and non-usable exception).<p> * * We might need a setNonEditable() method here (e.g., to prevent ouside entities from * changing constraints). * * * * * @author Edward Field, based on an earlier version by Sid Hellman and Steven W. Rock. * @created March, 2003 * @version 1.0 */ public class TimeSpan implements ParameterChangeListener, Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1567318877618681307L; /** The name of this class, used for debug statements */ protected final static String C = "TimeSpan"; public final static String XML_METADATA_NAME = "TimeSpan"; /** Static boolean whether to print out debugging statements */ protected final static boolean D = false; protected GregorianCalendar startTimeCal; // Start-Time Parameters public final static String START_YEAR = "Start Year"; private IntegerParameter startYearParam; private IntegerConstraint startYearConstraint = new IntegerConstraint(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); private final static Integer START_YEAR_DEFAULT = new Integer(2003); public final static String START_MONTH = "Start Month"; private IntegerParameter startMonthParam; private IntegerConstraint startMonthConstraint = new IntegerConstraint(1, 12); private final static Integer START_MONTH_DEFAULT = new Integer(1); public final static String START_DAY = "Start Day"; private IntegerParameter startDayParam; private final static Integer START_DAY_DEFAULT = new Integer(1); private IntegerConstraint startDayConstraint = new IntegerConstraint(1, 31); public final static String START_HOUR = "Start Hour"; private IntegerParameter startHourParam; private final static Integer START_HOUR_DEFAULT = new Integer(0); private IntegerConstraint startHourConstraint = new IntegerConstraint(0, 59); public final static String START_MINUTE = "Start Minute"; private IntegerParameter startMinuteParam; private final static Integer START_MINUTE_DEFAULT = new Integer(0); private IntegerConstraint startMinuteConstraint = new IntegerConstraint(0, 59); public final static String START_SECOND = "Start Second"; private IntegerParameter startSecondParam; private final static Integer START_SECOND_DEFAULT = new Integer(0); private IntegerConstraint startSecondConstraint = new IntegerConstraint(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); public final static String START_MILLISECOND = "Start Second"; private IntegerParameter startMillisecondParam; private IntegerConstraint startMillisecondConstraint = new IntegerConstraint(0, 999); private final static Integer START_MILLISECOND_DEFAULT = new Integer(0); // Misc Strings (e.g., for setting units) public final static String YEARS = "Years"; public final static String MONTHS = "Months"; public final static String DAYS = "Days"; public final static String HOURS = "Hours"; public final static String MINUTES = "Minutes"; public final static String SECONDS = "Seconds"; public final static String MILLISECONDS = "Milliseconds"; public final static String NONE = "None"; private final static String START_TIME_ERR = "Start-Time Precision Violation: "; // For Duration Units Parameter private final static String DURATION_UNITS = "Duration Units"; private final static String DURATION_UNITS_DEFAULT = YEARS; private StringParameter durationUnitsParam; // For Duration Parameter public final static String DURATION = "Duration"; private final static Double DURATION_DEFAULT = new Double(50.); private DoubleConstraint durationConstraint = new DoubleConstraint(0.0, Double.MAX_VALUE); private DoubleParameter durationParam; private DoubleDiscreteParameter discreteDurationParam; private boolean isDurationDiscrete; // default is false // to define the maximum precision for the start time public final static String START_TIME_PRECISION = "Start-Time Precision"; private String START_TIME_PRECISION_DEFAULT = YEARS; private StringParameter startTimePrecisionParam; // this vector will hold all the listeners of this time span object // whenver any change is made in this timespan object, all the listeners are notified private transient ArrayList changeListeners; /** * Constructor * @param startTimePrecision * @param durationUnits */ public TimeSpan(String startTimePrecision, String durationUnits) { initParams(); setStartTimePrecision(startTimePrecision); setDurationUnits(durationUnits); } /** * Initialize Parameters */ private void initParams() { // Start Time Parameters startYearParam = new IntegerParameter(START_YEAR, startYearConstraint, START_YEAR_DEFAULT); startMonthParam = new IntegerParameter(START_MONTH, startMonthConstraint, START_MONTH_DEFAULT); startDayParam = new IntegerParameter(START_DAY, startDayConstraint, START_DAY_DEFAULT); startHourParam = new IntegerParameter(START_HOUR, startHourConstraint, START_HOUR_DEFAULT); startMinuteParam = new IntegerParameter(START_MINUTE, startMinuteConstraint, START_MINUTE_DEFAULT); startSecondParam = new IntegerParameter(START_SECOND, startSecondConstraint, START_SECOND_DEFAULT); startMillisecondParam = new IntegerParameter(START_MILLISECOND, startMillisecondConstraint, START_MILLISECOND_DEFAULT); // Duration Units Parameter StringConstraint durationUnitsConstraint = new StringConstraint(); durationUnitsConstraint.addString(YEARS); durationUnitsConstraint.addString(DAYS); durationUnitsConstraint.addString(HOURS); durationUnitsConstraint.addString(MINUTES); durationUnitsConstraint.addString(SECONDS); durationUnitsConstraint.addString(MILLISECONDS); durationUnitsConstraint.setNonEditable(); durationUnitsParam = new StringParameter(this.DURATION_UNITS, durationUnitsConstraint, DURATION_UNITS_DEFAULT); // Duration Parameters (continuous versus discrete; only one used at any one time) durationParam = new DoubleParameter(DURATION, durationConstraint, DURATION_UNITS_DEFAULT, DURATION_DEFAULT); discreteDurationParam = new DoubleDiscreteParameter(DURATION, DURATION_UNITS_DEFAULT, DURATION_DEFAULT); isDurationDiscrete = false; // continuous is the default // Start Time Precision Parameter StringConstraint precisionConstraint = new StringConstraint(); precisionConstraint.addString(YEARS); precisionConstraint.addString(MONTHS); precisionConstraint.addString(DAYS); precisionConstraint.addString(HOURS); precisionConstraint.addString(MINUTES); precisionConstraint.addString(SECONDS); precisionConstraint.addString(MILLISECONDS); precisionConstraint.addString(NONE); // this one is for start-time independent models (e.g., Poissonian) precisionConstraint.setNonEditable(); startTimePrecisionParam = new StringParameter(START_TIME_PRECISION, precisionConstraint, START_TIME_PRECISION_DEFAULT); // add a listener to each of these parameter // various other objects like ERFs can listen to Timespan // whenever any parameter changes, it will notify to all the listeners startYearParam.addParameterChangeListener(this); startMonthParam.addParameterChangeListener(this); startDayParam.addParameterChangeListener(this); startHourParam.addParameterChangeListener(this); startMinuteParam.addParameterChangeListener(this); startSecondParam.addParameterChangeListener(this); startMillisecondParam.addParameterChangeListener(this); durationParam.addParameterChangeListener(this); discreteDurationParam.addParameterChangeListener(this); startTimePrecisionParam.addParameterChangeListener(this); } /** * This method allows one to override the default constraints for any of the * start-time parameters. The name options (start-time parameter names) are: * "Start Year", "Start Month", "Start Day", "Start Hour", "Start Minute", * "Start Second", or "Start Millisecond". Note that you cannot set the min * and max outside the default bounds (e.g., min and max for "Start Hour" must * be between 0 and 23). Note also that this method ignores the start-time precision * (e.g., you can set new constraints on "Start Minute" even if the start-time * precision has been set as "Years"). * @param name - the name of the start-time parameter * @param min - the new minimum * @param max - the new maximum */ public void setStartTimeConstraint(String name, int min, int max) { // make the new constraint IntegerConstraint constraint = new IntegerConstraint(min, max); if (name.equals(START_YEAR)) { //check that min and max are within the originally defined constraint (absolute constraint) if (startYearConstraint.isAllowed(min) && startYearConstraint.isAllowed(max)) startYearParam.setConstraint(constraint); else throw new RuntimeException( "TimeSpan.setStartTimeConstraint(): max or min is outside absolute bounds for \"" + name + "\""); } else if (name.equals(START_MONTH)) { //check that min and max are within the originally defined constraint (absolute constraint) if (startMonthConstraint.isAllowed(min) && startYearConstraint.isAllowed(max)) startMonthParam.setConstraint(constraint); else throw new RuntimeException( "TimeSpan.setStartTimeConstraint(): max or min is outside absolute bounds for \"" + name + "\""); } else if (name.equals(START_DAY)) { //check that min and max are within the originally defined constraint (absolute constraint) if (startDayConstraint.isAllowed(min) && startYearConstraint.isAllowed(max)) startDayParam.setConstraint(constraint); else throw new RuntimeException( "TimeSpan.setStartTimeConstraint(): max or min is outside absolute bounds for \"" + name + "\""); } else if (name.equals(START_HOUR)) { //check that min and max are within the originally defined constraint (absolute constraint) if (startHourConstraint.isAllowed(min) && startYearConstraint.isAllowed(max)) startHourParam.setConstraint(constraint); else throw new RuntimeException( "TimeSpan.setStartTimeConstraint(): max or min is outside absolute bounds for \"" + name + "\""); } else if (name.equals(START_MINUTE)) { //check that min and max are within the originally defined constraint (absolute constraint) if (startMinuteConstraint.isAllowed(min) && startYearConstraint.isAllowed(max)) startMinuteParam.setConstraint(constraint); else throw new RuntimeException( "TimeSpan.setStartTimeConstraint(): max or min is outside absolute bounds for \"" + name + "\""); } else if (name.equals(START_SECOND)) { //check that min and max are within the originally defined constraint (absolute constraint) if (startSecondConstraint.isAllowed(min) && startYearConstraint.isAllowed(max)) startSecondParam.setConstraint(constraint); else throw new RuntimeException( "TimeSpan.setStartTimeConstraint(): max or min is outside absolute bounds for \"" + name + "\""); } else if (name.equals(START_MILLISECOND)) { //check that min and max are within the originally defined constraint (absolute constraint) if (startMillisecondConstraint.isAllowed(min) && startYearConstraint.isAllowed(max)) startMillisecondParam.setConstraint(constraint); else throw new RuntimeException( "TimeSpan.setStartTimeConstraint(): max or min is outside absolute bounds for \"" + name + "\""); } else throw new RuntimeException("TimeSpan.setStartTimeConstraint(): invalid name"); } /** * Sets the Start-Time Precision. Options are "Years", "Months", "Days", * "Hours", "Minutes", "Seconds" and "Milliseconds". "None" can also be * set if the start-time is not needed (e.g., for Poissonian models). * @param startTimePrecision */ private void setStartTimePrecision(String startTimePrecision) { startTimePrecisionParam.setValue(startTimePrecision); } /** * This returns the start-time precision's integer equivalent (0 for NONE, * 1 for YEARS, 2 for MONTHS, 3 for DAYS, 4 for HOURS, 5 for MINUTES, 6 for * SECONDS, and 7 for MILLISECONDS). * @return precision integer */ private int getStartTimePrecInt() { String precisionUnitString = (String) startTimePrecisionParam.getValue(); if (precisionUnitString.equalsIgnoreCase(NONE)) return 0; else if (precisionUnitString.equalsIgnoreCase(YEARS)) return 1; else if (precisionUnitString.equalsIgnoreCase(MONTHS)) return 2; else if (precisionUnitString.equalsIgnoreCase(DAYS)) return 3; else if (precisionUnitString.equalsIgnoreCase(HOURS)) return 4; else if (precisionUnitString.equalsIgnoreCase(MINUTES)) return 5; else if (precisionUnitString.equalsIgnoreCase(SECONDS)) return 6; else return 7; // milliseconds } } /** * This returns the Start-Time Precision String * @return */ public String getStartTimePrecision() { return (String) startTimePrecisionParam.getValue(); } public int getStartTimeFromType(String type) { if (type.equals(START_DAY)) return getStartTimeDay(); else if (type.equals(START_HOUR)) return getStartTimeHour(); else if (type.equals(START_MILLISECOND)) return getStartTimeMillisecond(); else if (type.equals(START_MINUTE)) return getStartTimeMinute(); else if (type.equals(START_MONTH)) return getStartTimeMonth(); else if (type.equals(START_SECOND)) return getStartTimeSecond(); else if (type.equals(START_YEAR)) return getStartTimeYear(); else throw new RuntimeException("Type '" + type + "' is not a valid start time precision!"); } /** * @return Start-time year * @throws RuntimeException if year is not within the start-time precision. */ public int getStartTimeYear() throws RuntimeException { if (getStartTimePrecInt() >= 1) { // check the start-time parameter settings (e.g., to make sure day exists in chosen month) checkStartTimeValues(); return ((Integer) startYearParam.getValue()).intValue(); } else { String str = "cannot use the getStartTimeYear() method because start-time precision is \""; String prec = getStartTimePrecision(); throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + str + prec + "\""); } } /** Note that our indexing on Month goes from 1 to 12, whereas that for the * GregorianCalendar.MONTH goes from 0 to 11. * @return Start-time month * @throws RuntimeException if month is not within the start-time precision. */ public int getStartTimeMonth() throws RuntimeException { if (getStartTimePrecInt() >= 2) { // check the start-time parameter settings (e.g., to make sure day exists in chosen month) checkStartTimeValues(); return ((Integer) startMonthParam.getValue()).intValue(); } else { String str = "cannot use the getStartTimeMonth() method because start-time precision is \""; String prec = getStartTimePrecision(); throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + str + prec + "\""); } } /** * @return Start-time day * @throws RuntimeException if day is not within the start-time precision. */ public int getStartTimeDay() throws RuntimeException { if (getStartTimePrecInt() >= 3) { // check the start-time parameter settings (e.g., to make sure day exists in chosen month) checkStartTimeValues(); return ((Integer) startDayParam.getValue()).intValue(); } else { String str = "cannot use the getStartTimeDay() method because start-time precision is \""; String prec = getStartTimePrecision(); throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + str + prec + "\""); } } /** * @return Start-time hour * @throws RuntimeException if hour is not within the start-time precision. */ public int getStartTimeHour() throws RuntimeException { if (getStartTimePrecInt() >= 4) { // check the start-time parameter settings (e.g., to make sure day exists in chosen month) checkStartTimeValues(); return ((Integer) startHourParam.getValue()).intValue(); } else { String str = "cannot use the getStartTimeHour() method because start-time precision is \""; String prec = getStartTimePrecision(); throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + str + prec + "\""); } } /** * @return Start-time minute * @throws RuntimeException if minute is not within the start-time precision. */ public int getStartTimeMinute() throws RuntimeException { if (getStartTimePrecInt() >= 5) { // check the start-time parameter settings (e.g., to make sure day exists in chosen month) checkStartTimeValues(); return ((Integer) startMinuteParam.getValue()).intValue(); } else { String str = "cannot use the getStartTimeMinute() method because start-time precision is \""; String prec = getStartTimePrecision(); throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + str + prec + "\""); } } /** * @return Start-time second * @throws RuntimeException if second is not within the start-time precision. */ public int getStartTimeSecond() throws RuntimeException { if (getStartTimePrecInt() >= 6) { // check the start-time parameter settings (e.g., to make sure day exists in chosen month) checkStartTimeValues(); return ((Integer) startSecondParam.getValue()).intValue(); } else { String str = "cannot use the getStartTimeSecond() method because start-time precision is \""; String prec = getStartTimePrecision(); throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + str + prec + "\""); } } /** * @return Start-time millisecond * @throws RuntimeException if millisecond is not within the start-time precision. */ public int getStartTimeMillisecond() throws RuntimeException { if (getStartTimePrecInt() >= 7) { // check the start-time parameter settings (e.g., to make sure day exists in chosen month) checkStartTimeValues(); return ((Integer) startMillisecondParam.getValue()).intValue(); } else { String str = "cannot use the getStartTimeMillisecond() method because start-time precision is \""; String prec = getStartTimePrecision(); throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + str + prec + "\""); } } /** * Sets the units for the duration; presently private until we know how to * handle changes after instantiation. Options are "Years", "Days", "Hours", * "Minutes", "Seconds", and "Milliseconds". * @param durationUnits */ private void setDurationUnits(String durationUnits) { durationUnitsParam.setValue(durationUnits); durationParam.setUnits(durationUnits); discreteDurationParam.setUnits(durationUnits); } /** * Gets the units for the duration * @return */ public String getDurationUnits() { return (String) durationUnitsParam.getValue(); } /** * This sets the duration assuming the previously set units. * @param duration */ public void setDuration(double duration) { if (isDurationDiscrete) discreteDurationParam.setValue(new Double(duration)); else durationParam.setValue(duration); } /** * This sets the duration from the units specified. Duration-unit options * are "Years", "Days","Hours", "Minutes", "Seconds", or "Milliseconds". This * does not change the "chosen" units held internally. * @param duration - in the units supplied * @param units - the units of the passed in duration */ public void setDuration(double duration, String units) { String desiredUnits = (String) durationUnitsParam.getValue(); double newValue = convertDurationUnits(duration, units, desiredUnits); if (isDurationDiscrete) discreteDurationParam.setValue(new Double(newValue)); else durationParam.setValue(newValue); } /** * This puts a new constraint on the duration parameter, although the new * min and max must be within the default values (0 and Double.MAX_VALUE, * respectively). * @param min - new minimum * @param max - new maximum */ public void setDuractionConstraint(double min, double max) { // make sure new values are within the originals if (durationConstraint.isAllowed(min) && durationConstraint.isAllowed(min)) { DoubleConstraint constraint = new DoubleConstraint(min, max); durationParam.setConstraint(constraint); isDurationDiscrete = false; } else throw new RuntimeException(C + "setDuractionConstraint - negative values not allowed"); } /** * This puts a new discrete constraint (list of doubles) on the duration * parameter. All the new values must be within the default values * (0 and Double.MAX_VALUE, respectively). * @param doubles - a vector of doubles */ public void setDurationConstraint(ArrayList<Double> doubles) { // make sure new values are all positive (within the originals) for (double d : doubles) { if (d < 0) throw new RuntimeException(C + "setDuractionConstraint - negative values not allowed"); } DoubleDiscreteConstraint constraint = new DoubleDiscreteConstraint(doubles); discreteDurationParam.setConstraint(constraint); isDurationDiscrete = true; } /** * This converts the input duration in it's present units into the desired units. * Duration-unit options are "Years", "Days","Hours", "Minutes", "Seconds", or * "Milliseconds". This assumes that there are 365.25 days per year (correct only * when the duration in years is an integer when divided by 4). * @param duration - the duration after units conversion * @param presentUnits - units of the input * @param desiredUnits - units of the output * @return */ private double convertDurationUnits(double duration, String presentUnits, String desiredUnits) { // convert the duration to milliseconds double msecs; if (presentUnits.equals(YEARS)) msecs = duration * 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; else if (presentUnits.equals(DAYS)) msecs = duration * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; else if (presentUnits.equals(HOURS)) msecs = duration * 60 * 60 * 1000; else if (presentUnits.equals(MINUTES)) msecs = duration * 60 * 1000; else if (presentUnits.equals(SECONDS)) msecs = duration * 1000; else // must be milliseconds msecs = duration; // now convert to the units desired for output double outDur; if (desiredUnits.equals(YEARS)) outDur = msecs / (365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); else if (desiredUnits.equals(DAYS)) outDur = msecs / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); else if (desiredUnits.equals(HOURS)) outDur = msecs / (60 * 60 * 1000); else if (desiredUnits.equals(MINUTES)) outDur = msecs / (60 * 1000); else if (desiredUnits.equals(SECONDS)) outDur = msecs / 1000; else // must be milliseconds outDur = msecs; return outDur; } /** * Gets the duration in the default (internally specified) units * @return */ public double getDuration() { if (isDurationDiscrete) return ((Double) discreteDurationParam.getValue()).doubleValue(); else return ((Double) durationParam.getValue()).doubleValue(); } /** * This returns the duration in the units specified (it leaves the units * specified internally unchanged). Duration-unit options are "Years", * "Days","Hours", "Minutes", "Seconds", or "Milliseconds". * @param units - the desired units * @return */ public double getDuration(String units) { String presentUnits = (String) durationUnitsParam.getValue(); double duration; if (isDurationDiscrete) duration = ((Double) discreteDurationParam.getValue()).doubleValue(); else duration = ((Double) durationParam.getValue()).doubleValue(); return convertDurationUnits(duration, presentUnits, units); } /** * Sets the start time if start-time precision = "Years". * @param year * @throws RuntimeException if start-time precision is not "Years" */ public void setStartTime(int year) throws RuntimeException { if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 1) startYearParam.setValue(new Integer(year)); else { String prec = (String) startTimePrecisionParam.getValue(); String method = "setStartTime(int year)"; throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + "can't use the " + method + " method because start-time precision is \"" + prec + "\""); } } /** * Sets the start time if start-time precision = "Months". * @params year, month * @throws RuntimeException if start-time precision is not "Months" */ public void setStartTime(int year, int month) throws RuntimeException { if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 2) { startYearParam.setValue(new Integer(year)); startMonthParam.setValue(new Integer(month)); } else { String prec = (String) startTimePrecisionParam.getValue(); String method = "setStartTime(int year, int month)"; throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + "can't use the " + method + " method because start-time precision is \"" + prec + "\""); } } /** * Sets the start time if start-time precision = "Days". * @params year, month, day * @throws RuntimeException if start-time precision is not "Days" */ public void setStartTime(int year, int month, int day) throws RuntimeException { if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 3) { startYearParam.setValue(new Integer(year)); startMonthParam.setValue(new Integer(month)); startDayParam.setValue(new Integer(day)); } else { String prec = (String) startTimePrecisionParam.getValue(); String method = "setStartTime(int year, int month, int day)"; throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + "can't use the " + method + " method because start-time precision is \"" + prec + "\""); } } /** * Sets the start time if start-time precision = "Hours". * @params year, month, day, hour * @throws RuntimeException if start-time precision is not "Hours" */ public void setStartTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour) throws RuntimeException { if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 4) { startYearParam.setValue(new Integer(year)); startMonthParam.setValue(new Integer(month)); startDayParam.setValue(new Integer(day)); startHourParam.setValue(new Integer(hour)); } else { String prec = (String) startTimePrecisionParam.getValue(); String method = "setStartTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour)"; throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + "can't use the " + method + " method because start-time precision is \"" + prec + "\""); } } /** * Sets the start time if start-time precision = "Minutes". * @params year, month, day, hour, minute * @throws RuntimeException if start-time precision is not "Minutes" */ public void setStartTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute) throws RuntimeException { if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 5) { startYearParam.setValue(new Integer(year)); startMonthParam.setValue(new Integer(month)); startDayParam.setValue(new Integer(day)); startHourParam.setValue(new Integer(hour)); startMinuteParam.setValue(new Integer(minute)); } else { String prec = (String) startTimePrecisionParam.getValue(); String method = "setStartTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute)"; throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + "can't use the " + method + " method because start-time precision is \"" + prec + "\""); } } /** * Sets the start time if start-time precision = "Seconds". * @params year, month, day, hour, minute, second * @throws RuntimeException if start-time precision is not "Seconds" */ public void setStartTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second) throws RuntimeException { if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 6) { startYearParam.setValue(new Integer(year)); startMonthParam.setValue(new Integer(month)); startDayParam.setValue(new Integer(day)); startHourParam.setValue(new Integer(hour)); startMinuteParam.setValue(new Integer(minute)); startSecondParam.setValue(new Integer(second)); } else { String prec = (String) startTimePrecisionParam.getValue(); String method = "setStartTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second)"; throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + "can't use the " + method + " method because start-time precision is \"" + prec + "\""); } } /** * Sets the start time if start-time precision = "Milliseconds". * @params year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond * @throws RuntimeException if start-time precision is not "Milliseconds" */ public void setStartTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond) throws RuntimeException { if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 7) { startYearParam.setValue(new Integer(year)); startMonthParam.setValue(new Integer(month)); startDayParam.setValue(new Integer(day)); startHourParam.setValue(new Integer(hour)); startMinuteParam.setValue(new Integer(minute)); startSecondParam.setValue(new Integer(second)); startMillisecondParam.setValue(new Integer(millisecond)); } else { String prec = (String) startTimePrecisionParam.getValue(); String method = "setStartTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond)"; throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + "can't use the " + method + " method because start-time precision is \"" + prec + "\""); } } /** * This checks whether the start-time parameter values correspond to an actaul * date (e.g., can't have day=29 if month=2, unless it's a leap year). * Currently this is done by simply rebuilding the startTimeCalendar * (which will throw and exception if there is a problem), but a * more efficient approach could be implemented later. * @return */ private void checkStartTimeValues() { // for efficiency there should be an if statement here to check whether any parameters have changed buildStartTimeCalendar(); } /** * This sets the Start-Time Calendar, making any fields greater than the * Start-Time Precision equal to defaults (usually the lowest allowed value). * This throws an exception if the Day is incompatable with the chosen Month * (and perhaps if any other problems are encountered, although I can't think * of any give our constraints on each parameter). TimeZone is set as "UTC". * @throws Exception */ private void buildStartTimeCalendar() throws RuntimeException { int year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond; // get the precision integer int precisionInt = getStartTimePrecInt(); // get a primitave for each field according to the precision // set the year if (precisionInt > 0) year = ((Integer) startYearParam.getValue()).intValue(); else year = this.START_YEAR_DEFAULT.intValue(); // set the month (subtract one to make compatible with GregorianCalendar indexing) if (precisionInt > 1) month = ((Integer) startMonthParam.getValue()).intValue() - 1; else month = this.START_MONTH_DEFAULT.intValue() - 1; // set the day if (precisionInt > 2) day = ((Integer) startDayParam.getValue()).intValue(); else day = this.START_DAY_DEFAULT.intValue(); // set the hour if (precisionInt > 3) hour = ((Integer) startHourParam.getValue()).intValue(); else hour = this.START_HOUR_DEFAULT.intValue(); // set the minute if (precisionInt > 4) minute = ((Integer) startMinuteParam.getValue()).intValue(); else minute = this.START_MINUTE_DEFAULT.intValue(); // set the second if (precisionInt > 5) second = ((Integer) startSecondParam.getValue()).intValue(); else second = this.START_SECOND_DEFAULT.intValue(); // set the millisecond if (precisionInt > 6) millisecond = ((Integer) startMillisecondParam.getValue()).intValue(); else millisecond = START_MILLISECOND_DEFAULT.intValue(); // now make the calendar startTimeCal = new GregorianCalendar();// startTimeCal.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));//TODO pls check, set to use same time zone // make this throw exceptions for bogus values (rather than fixing them ) startTimeCal.setLenient(false); startTimeCal.set(Calendar.ERA, GregorianCalendar.AD); startTimeCal.set(Calendar.YEAR, year); startTimeCal.set(Calendar.MONTH, month); // make sure day is valid for the chosen month try { startTimeCal.set(Calendar.DATE, day); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Calendar Error: Invalid Day for the chosen Month"); } startTimeCal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour); startTimeCal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute); startTimeCal.set(Calendar.SECOND, second); startTimeCal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, millisecond); } /** * This sets the start-time fields (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, * and millisecond) from the input GregorianCalendar. Fields above * the start-time precision are ignored. For example, if the start- * time precision equals "Hour", then the year, month, day, and hour are * set, but the minute, second, and millisecond fields are not. If start- * time precision equals "None", then none of the fields are filled in. * An exception is throw if the calendar is not in the UTC time zone. * @param cal */ public void setStartTime(GregorianCalendar cal) { if (!cal.getTimeZone().equals(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"))) throw new RuntimeException("calendar must be given in UTC time zone"); int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; // our indexing starts from 1 int day = cal.get(Calendar.DATE); int hour = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); int minute = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); int second = cal.get(Calendar.SECOND); int millisecond = cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND); if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 7) setStartTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond); else if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 6) setStartTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second); else if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 5) setStartTime(year, month, day, hour, minute); else if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 4) setStartTime(year, month, day, hour); else if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 3) setStartTime(year, month, day); else if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 2) setStartTime(year, month); else if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 1) setStartTime(year); else { } // do nothing if getStartTimePrecInt() == 0 } /** * This returns an end-time GregorianCalendar representing the start time * plus the duration. Note that this correctly accounts for leap years * (and leap seconds?) thanks to the sophistication of the * java.util.GregorianCalendar object. Note also the indexing * difference for the Month field (our parameter goes from 1 to 12, whereas * GregorianCalendar.MONTH goes from 0 to 11). */ public GregorianCalendar getEndTimeCalendar() { if (getStartTimePrecInt() > 0) { // build the startTime Calendar buildStartTimeCalendar(); // compute duration in mSec from the duration parameter Double durMsec = new Double(getDuration(MILLISECONDS)); long endTime_mSec = startTimeCal.getTime().getTime() + durMsec.longValue(); GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); cal.setTime(new Date(endTime_mSec)); return cal; } else { String str = "Can't use getEndTime() method because start-time precision = \""; String prec = (String) startTimePrecisionParam.getValue(); throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + str + prec + "\""); } } /** * This returns a ParameterList (e.g., to put in a GUI so users can set values). * This only includes start-time parameters that are within the chosen precision. * @return */ public ParameterList getAdjustableParams() { ParameterList list = new ParameterList(); // always add duration if (isDurationDiscrete) list.addParameter(discreteDurationParam); else list.addParameter(durationParam); if (getStartTimePrecInt() > 0) list.addParameter(startYearParam); if (getStartTimePrecInt() > 1) list.addParameter(startMonthParam); if (getStartTimePrecInt() > 2) list.addParameter(startDayParam); if (getStartTimePrecInt() > 3) list.addParameter(startHourParam); if (getStartTimePrecInt() > 4) list.addParameter(startMinuteParam); if (getStartTimePrecInt() > 5) list.addParameter(startSecondParam); if (getStartTimePrecInt() > 6) list.addParameter(startMillisecondParam); return list; } /** * This returns a GregorianCalendar representation of the start-time fields in the "UTC" * time zone. Those fields above the start-time precision are set to their defaults * (generally the lowest possible value). For example, if start-time precision * equals "Day", then the HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE, SECOND, and MILLISECOND fields * of the returned GregorianCalendar are all set to 0. Note also the indexing * difference for the Month field (our parameter goes from 1 to 12, whereas * GregorianCalendar.MONTH goes from 0 to 11). * @return * @throws Exception */ public GregorianCalendar getStartTimeCalendar() throws RuntimeException { // check that requesting a calendar is valie if (getStartTimePrecInt() == 0) { String str = "cannot use the getStartTimeCalendar() method when start-time precision equals \""; String prec = (String) this.startTimePrecisionParam.getValue(); throw new RuntimeException(START_TIME_ERR + str + prec + "\""); } buildStartTimeCalendar(); return startTimeCal; } /** * This returns the start time in milliseconds in the "UTC" time zone. * @return */ public long getStartTimeInMillis() { return getStartTimeCalendar().getTimeInMillis(); } /** * This sets the start time from milliseconds (which should be * given in the "UTC" time zone). * @return */ public void setStartTimeInMillis(long millis) { GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); cal.setTimeInMillis(millis); setStartTime(cal); } /** * This method will be used by ERFs to listen for changes in Timespan object * @param listener : Object that wants to listen to changes in Timespan object * listener must implement the TimeSpanChangeListener interface */ public void addParameterChangeListener(TimeSpanChangeListener listener) { if (changeListeners == null) changeListeners = new ArrayList(); if (!changeListeners.contains(listener)) changeListeners.add(listener); } /** * this function is called whenenver any parameter changes in the params list * This function then notifies all the listeners about this change * * @param e */ public void parameterChange(ParameterChangeEvent e) { // construct the new Event object EventObject event = new EventObject(this); if (changeListeners == null) return; int numListeners = changeListeners.size(); // dispatch the time span change event to all the listeners for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; i++) { TimeSpanChangeListener listener = (TimeSpanChangeListener) changeListeners.get(i); listener.timeSpanChange(event); } } public Element toXMLMetadata(Element root) { Element xml = root.addElement(TimeSpan.XML_METADATA_NAME); String precision = this.getStartTimePrecision(); xml.addAttribute("startTimePrecision", precision); ArrayList<String> timeTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); timeTypes.add(TimeSpan.START_DAY); timeTypes.add(TimeSpan.START_HOUR); timeTypes.add(TimeSpan.START_MILLISECOND); timeTypes.add(TimeSpan.START_MINUTE); timeTypes.add(TimeSpan.START_MONTH); timeTypes.add(TimeSpan.START_SECOND); timeTypes.add(TimeSpan.START_YEAR); Element startTimes = xml.addElement("startTimes"); int time = 0; // set day for (String type : timeTypes) { try { time = this.getStartTimeFromType(type); startTimes.addAttribute(type.replaceAll(" ", ""), time + ""); } catch (RuntimeException e) { } } xml.addAttribute("duration", this.getDuration() + ""); xml.addAttribute("durationUnits", this.getDurationUnits()); return root; } public static TimeSpan fromXMLMetadata(Element el) { String precision = el.attribute("startTimePrecision").getValue(); String units = el.attribute("durationUnits").getValue(); double duration = Double.parseDouble(el.attribute("duration").getValue()); TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(precision, units); span.setDuration(duration, units); Element startTimes = el.element("startTimes"); int count = startTimes.attributeCount(); int num = 0; int year = -1; int month = -1; int day = -1; int hour = -1; int minute = -1; int second = -1; int millisecond = -1; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Attribute att = startTimes.attribute(i); if (att.getName().equals(TimeSpan.START_DAY.replaceAll(" ", ""))) { day = Integer.parseInt(att.getValue()); num++; } else if (att.getName().equals(TimeSpan.START_HOUR.replaceAll(" ", ""))) { hour = Integer.parseInt(att.getValue()); num++; } else if (att.getName().equals(TimeSpan.START_MILLISECOND.replaceAll(" ", ""))) { millisecond = Integer.parseInt(att.getValue()); num++; } else if (att.getName().equals(TimeSpan.START_MINUTE.replaceAll(" ", ""))) { minute = Integer.parseInt(att.getValue()); num++; } else if (att.getName().equals(TimeSpan.START_MONTH.replaceAll(" ", ""))) { month = Integer.parseInt(att.getValue()); num++; } else if (att.getName().equals(TimeSpan.START_SECOND.replaceAll(" ", ""))) { second = Integer.parseInt(att.getValue()); num++; } else if (att.getName().equals(TimeSpan.START_YEAR.replaceAll(" ", ""))) { year = Integer.parseInt(att.getValue()); num++; } } if (num == 1) span.setStartTime(year); else if (num == 2) span.setStartTime(year, month); else if (num == 3) span.setStartTime(year, month, day); else if (num == 4) span.setStartTime(year, month, day, hour); else if (num == 5) span.setStartTime(year, month, day, hour, minute); else if (num == 6) span.setStartTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second); else if (num == 7) span.setStartTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond); return span; } }