Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the OpenSCADA project * * Copyright (C) 2006-2012 TH4 SYSTEMS GmbH ( * Copyright (C) 2013 Jens Reimann ( * * OpenSCADA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenSCADA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenSCADA. If not, see * <> for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. */ package; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings; import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection; import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard; import org.eclipse.ui.IImportWizard; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench; import org.eclipse.ui.statushandlers.StatusManager; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openscada.sec.ui.DisplayCallbackHandler; import org.openscada.ui.databinding.AdapterHelper; import org.openscada.utils.concurrent.NotifyFuture; import; public class ImportWizard extends Wizard implements IImportWizard { private ConnectionService connection; private final DiffController mergeController; public ImportWizard() { setNeedsProgressMonitor(true); setWindowTitle(Messages.ImportWizard_Title); IDialogSettings settings = Activator.getDefault().getDialogSettings().getSection("importWizard"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (settings == null) { settings = Activator.getDefault().getDialogSettings().addNewSection("importWizard"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } setDialogSettings(Activator.getDefault().getDialogSettings().getSection("importWizard")); //$NON-NLS-1$ this.mergeController = new DiffController(); } @Override public boolean performFinish() { try { getContainer().run(true, false, new IRunnableWithProgress() { @Override public void run(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { try { applyDiff(monitor); } catch (final ExecutionException e) { throw new InvocationTargetException(e); } } }); return true; } catch (final Exception e) { final Status status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.PLUGIN_ID, Messages.ImportWizard_StatusErrorFailedToApply, e); StatusManager.getManager().handle(status, StatusManager.BLOCK); return false; } } protected void applyDiff(final IProgressMonitor parentMonitor) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final SubMonitor monitor = SubMonitor.convert(parentMonitor, 100); monitor.setTaskName(Messages.ImportWizard_TaskName); final Collection<DiffEntry> result = this.mergeController.merge(monitor.newChild(10)); if (result.isEmpty()) { monitor.done(); return; } final Iterable<List<DiffEntry>> splitted = Iterables.partition(result, Activator.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().getInt(PreferenceConstants.P_DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE)); final SubMonitor sub = monitor.newChild(90); try { final int size = Iterables.size(splitted); sub.beginTask(Messages.ImportWizard_TaskName, size); int pos = 0; for (final Iterable<DiffEntry> i : splitted) { sub.subTask(String.format(Messages.ImportWizard_SubTaskName, pos, size)); final List<DiffEntry> entries = new LinkedList<DiffEntry>(); Iterables.addAll(entries, i); final NotifyFuture<Void> future = this.connection.getConnection().applyDiff(entries, null, new DisplayCallbackHandler(getShell(), "Apply diff", "Confirmation for applying diff is required")); future.get(); pos++; sub.worked(1); } } finally { sub.done(); } } @Override public void addPages() { addPage(new LocalDataPage(this.connection, this.mergeController)); addPage(new RemoteDataPage(this.connection, this.mergeController)); addPage(new IgnorePage(this.mergeController)); addPage(new PreviewPage(this.mergeController)); } @Override public void init(final IWorkbench workbench, final IStructuredSelection selection) { this.connection = getConnection(selection); } private ConnectionService getConnection(final IStructuredSelection selection) { if (selection == null) { return null; } final Object o = AdapterHelper.adapt(selection.getFirstElement(), org.openscada.core.connection.provider.ConnectionService.class); if (o instanceof ConnectionService) { return (ConnectionService) o; } else { return null; } } }