Java tutorial
/* OpenRemote, the Home of the Digital Home. * Copyright 2008-2012, OpenRemote Inc. * * See the contributors.txt file in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.openremote.web.console.widget.panel.form; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.openremote.web.console.panel.entity.DataValuePair; import org.openremote.web.console.panel.entity.DataValuePairContainer; import org.openremote.web.console.panel.entity.Field; import org.openremote.web.console.panel.entity.FormButton; import org.openremote.web.console.panel.entity.FormLayout; import org.openremote.web.console.service.AutoBeanService; import org.openremote.web.console.service.DataBindingService; import org.openremote.web.console.widget.ConsoleComponent; import org.openremote.web.console.widget.Sensor; import org.openremote.web.console.widget.panel.PanelComponent; import org.openremote.web.console.widget.panel.form.FormButtonComponent.EnumFormButtonAction; import org.openremote.web.console.widget.panel.form.FormButtonComponent.EnumFormButtonType; import org.openremote.web.console.widget.panel.form.FormField.EnumFormInputType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * * @author <a href="">Richard Turner</a> */ public class FormPanelComponent extends PanelComponent { private static final String CLASS_NAME = "formPanelComponent"; private List<FormField> fields = new ArrayList<FormField>(); private List<FormButtonComponent> buttons = new ArrayList<FormButtonComponent>(); private String dataSource = null; private String itemBindingObject = null; private FormHandler handler = null; private AutoBean<?> inputObject = null; private Splittable dataMap = null; private Splittable objectMap = null; private Integer objectIndex = null; public FormPanelComponent() { Grid grid = new Grid(1, 1); grid.setCellPadding(0); grid.setCellSpacing(0); setPanelWidget(grid); } public void addField(FormField field) { if (field != null) { fields.add(field); } } public ConsoleComponent getField(int row) { return (ConsoleComponent) (((Grid) getWidget()).getWidget(row, 0)); } public void addButton(FormButtonComponent button) { if (button != null) { buttons.add(button); } } public List<FormField> getFields() { return fields; } public void setFormHandler(FormHandler handler) { this.handler = handler; } public FormHandler getFormHandler() { return handler; } public void setDataSource(String dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; } public String getDataSource() { return dataSource; } public void setItemBindingObject(String itemBindingObject) { this.itemBindingObject = itemBindingObject; } public String getItemBindingObject() { return itemBindingObject; } public boolean isValid() { boolean valid = true; for (FormField field : fields) { if (!field.isValid()) { valid = false; break; } } return valid; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SUPER CLASS OVERRIDES BELOW // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public Set<Sensor> getSensors() { return null; } @Override public Set<ConsoleComponent> getComponents() { return new HashSet<ConsoleComponent>(buttons); } @Override public String getClassName() { return CLASS_NAME; } @Override public void onRender(int width, int height, List<DataValuePairContainer> data) { Grid grid = (Grid) getWidget(); int rows = fields.size(); grid.resizeRows(rows + 1); int rowHeight = (int) Math.round((double) height / (rows + 1)); if (!isInitialised) { for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { HTMLTable.CellFormatter formatter = grid.getCellFormatter(); FormField field = fields.get(i); formatter.setHeight(i, 0, rowHeight + "px"); formatter.setHorizontalAlignment(i, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); formatter.setVerticalAlignment(i, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); grid.setWidget(i, 0, field); } // Display buttons HorizontalPanel buttonPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); buttonPanel.setWidth("100%"); buttonPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); for (FormButtonComponent button : buttons) { buttonPanel.add((Widget) button); button.setVisible(true); button.initHandlers(); } grid.setWidget(rows, 0, buttonPanel); } // Get data source if it is defined if (dataSource != null && !dataSource.equals("")) { inputObject = DataBindingService.getInstance().getData(dataSource); if (inputObject != null) { dataMap = AutoBeanCodex.encode(inputObject); } if (dataMap != null) { if (itemBindingObject != null && !itemBindingObject.equals("")) { if (!dataMap.isUndefined(itemBindingObject)) { objectMap = dataMap.get(itemBindingObject); } } else { objectMap = dataMap; } // If object map is an indexed object then we need to know which index to use for binding // this has to be specified by a DataValuePair called bindingItem if (objectMap != null && objectMap.isIndexed() && data != null) { // Look for BindingItem dvp for (DataValuePairContainer dvpContainer : data) { DataValuePair dvp = dvpContainer.getDataValuePair(); if (dvp.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("bindingitem")) { String bindingItem = dvp.getValue(); String[] bindingItemKvp = bindingItem.split("="); String fieldName = null; String fieldValue = null; if (bindingItemKvp.length == 2) { fieldName = bindingItemKvp[0]; fieldValue = bindingItemKvp[1]; for (int i = 0; i < objectMap.size(); i++) { Splittable itemMap = objectMap.get(i); String dataMapEntry = itemMap.get(fieldName).asString(); if (dataMapEntry != null && dataMapEntry.equalsIgnoreCase(fieldValue)) { objectIndex = i; break; } } } break; } } } } } // Populate fields using binding data Splittable itemMap = objectMap; if (objectIndex != null) { itemMap = objectMap.get(objectIndex); } for (FormField field : fields) { if (itemMap != null && field.getName() != null && !field.getName().equals("")) { try { Splittable fieldMap = itemMap.get(field.getName()); field.setDefaultValue(fieldMap.asString()); } catch (Exception e) { } } field.onAdd(width, rowHeight); } } @Override public void onUpdate(int width, int height) { for (FormField field : fields) { field.onUpdate(width, height); } } @Override public void onRemove() { for (FormField field : fields) { field.onRemove(); } } /* * This is called by the SUBMIT button before the Navigate Event is fired * button is passed in to allow removal of the navigate event if desired */ public void onSubmit(FormButtonComponent submitBtn) { Splittable submitMap = null; EnumFormButtonAction action = submitBtn.getAction(); // If no object map then just return if (objectMap == null) { return; } if (objectMap.isIndexed() && objectIndex != null) { submitMap = objectMap.get(objectIndex).deepCopy(); } else { switch (action) { case ADD: if (itemBindingObject != null) { AutoBean<?> bean = AutoBeanService.getInstance().getFactory() .create(DataBindingService.getInstance().getClass(itemBindingObject)); submitMap = AutoBeanCodex.encode(bean); } break; case UPDATE: submitMap = objectMap.deepCopy(); break; } } // Convert form fields into a splittable object for (FormField field : fields) { String name = field.getName(); if (name != null) { submitMap.setReified(name, field.getValue()); } } boolean updateSource = false; // Perform form action using collected data switch (action) { case DELETE: if (objectMap.isIndexed() && objectIndex != null) { int newSize = objectMap.size() - 1; for (int i = objectIndex; i < newSize; i++) { objectMap.get(i + 1).assign(objectMap, i); } objectMap.setSize(newSize); } else { inputObject = null; } if (itemBindingObject != null && !itemBindingObject.equals("")) { objectMap.assign(dataMap, itemBindingObject); } else { dataMap = objectMap; } updateSource = true; break; case ADD: case UPDATE: // Convert submit map to an autobean to commit reified values AutoBean<?> bindingBean = null; if (itemBindingObject != null && !itemBindingObject.equals("")) { bindingBean = AutoBeanService.getInstance() .fromJsonString(DataBindingService.getInstance().getClass(itemBindingObject), submitMap); } else { bindingBean = AutoBeanService.getInstance() .fromJsonString(DataBindingService.getInstance().getClass(dataSource), submitMap); } if (action == EnumFormButtonAction.ADD && bindingBean != null) { // Can only add to an array if (objectMap.isIndexed()) { int pos = objectMap.size(); //objectMap.setSize(pos+1); AutoBeanCodex.encode(bindingBean).assign(objectMap, pos); } } if (action == EnumFormButtonAction.UPDATE && bindingBean != null) { // If objectIndex exists then we are editing an array entry so update the corresponding entry if (objectMap.isIndexed() && objectIndex != null) { AutoBeanCodex.encode(bindingBean).assign(objectMap, objectIndex); } else { objectMap = AutoBeanCodex.encode(bindingBean); } } if (itemBindingObject != null && !itemBindingObject.equals("")) { objectMap.assign(dataMap, itemBindingObject); } else { dataMap = objectMap; } updateSource = true; break; } // Update binding object source if (dataMap != null && updateSource) { AutoBean<?> bean = AutoBeanService.getInstance() .fromJsonString(DataBindingService.getInstance().getClass(dataSource), dataMap); if (bean != null) { DataBindingService.getInstance().setData(dataSource, bean); } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BUILD METHOD BELOW HERE // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static FormPanelComponent build(FormLayout layout) throws Exception { FormPanelComponent panel = new FormPanelComponent(); if (layout == null) { return panel; } panel.setHeight(layout.getHeight()); panel.setWidth(layout.getWidth()); panel.setPosition(layout.getLeft(), layout.getTop(), layout.getRight(), layout.getBottom()); panel.setDataSource(layout.getDataSource()); panel.setItemBindingObject(layout.getItemBindingObject()); // Add Fields List<Field> fields = layout.getField(); if (fields != null) { for (Field field : fields) { FormField fieldComp = new FormField(); fieldComp.setLabel(field.getLabel()); fieldComp.setInputType(EnumFormInputType.getInputType(field.getInputType())); fieldComp.setValidationString(field.getValidationString()); fieldComp.setIsOptional(field.getOptional()); fieldComp.setName(field.getName()); fieldComp.setId(field.getId()); panel.addField(fieldComp); } } // Add Buttons List<FormButton> buttons = layout.getButton(); if (buttons != null) { for (FormButton button : buttons) { FormButtonComponent buttonComp; String name = button.getName(); if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { buttonComp = new FormButtonComponent(panel, EnumFormButtonType.getButtonType(button.getType()), name); } else { buttonComp = new FormButtonComponent(panel, EnumFormButtonType.getButtonType(button.getType())); } buttonComp.setNavigate(button.getNavigate()); if (button.getHasControlCommand() != null && button.getId() != null) { buttonComp.setHasControlCommand(button.getHasControlCommand()); buttonComp.setId(button.getId()); } buttonComp.setAction(EnumFormButtonAction.enumValueOf(button.getAction())); panel.addButton(buttonComp); } } return panel; } }