Java tutorial
/* OpenRemote, the Home of the Digital Home. * Copyright 2008-2009, OpenRemote Inc. * * See the contributors.txt file in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.openremote.beehive.api.service.impl; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.openremote.beehive.Configuration; import org.openremote.beehive.Constant; import org.openremote.beehive.api.service.SVNDelegateService; import org.openremote.beehive.api.service.SyncHistoryService; import org.openremote.beehive.domain.SyncHistory; import org.openremote.beehive.domain.Vendor; import org.openremote.beehive.exception.SVNException; import org.openremote.beehive.file.LIRCElement; import org.openremote.beehive.repo.Actions; import org.openremote.beehive.repo.ChangeCount; import org.openremote.beehive.repo.DateFormatter; import org.openremote.beehive.repo.DiffResult; import org.openremote.beehive.repo.DifferenceModel; import org.openremote.beehive.repo.LIRCEntry; import org.openremote.beehive.repo.LogMessage; import org.openremote.beehive.repo.SVNClientFactory; import org.openremote.beehive.repo.SvnCommand; import org.openremote.beehive.repo.DiffStatus.Element; import org.openremote.beehive.repo.LogMessage.ChangePath; import org.openremote.beehive.utils.DateUtil; import org.openremote.beehive.utils.FileUtil; import org.openremote.beehive.utils.StringUtil; import org.openremote.beehive.utils.SvnUtil; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.ISVNClientAdapter; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.ISVNDirEntry; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.ISVNInfo; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.ISVNLogMessage; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.ISVNLogMessageChangePath; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.ISVNStatus; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.SVNClientException; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.SVNNodeKind; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.SVNRevision; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.SVNStatusKind; import org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.SVNUrl; /** * SVNDelegateServiceImpl wrap all svn operations * @author Tomsky * */ public class SVNDelegateServiceImpl extends BaseAbstractService<Vendor> implements SVNDelegateService { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SVNDelegateServiceImpl.class.getName()); private Configuration configuration; private SyncHistoryService syncHistoryService; private ISVNClientAdapter svnClient = SVNClientFactory.getSVNClient(); private static Map<String, Object> fileLocks = new HashMap<String, Object>(); public Configuration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } public void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; } public void setSyncHistoryService(SyncHistoryService syncHistoryService) { this.syncHistoryService = syncHistoryService; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @throws SVNException */ public void commit(String[] paths, String message, String username) { Date date = new Date(); SyncHistory syncHistory = new SyncHistory(); syncHistory.setStartTime(new Date()); String logPath = DateUtil.addTimestampToFilename(date, Constant.COMMIT_PROGRESS_FILE); syncHistory.setLogPath(logPath); syncHistory.setType("commit"); syncHistory.setStatus("running");; String commitFilePath = configuration.getSyncHistoryDir() + File.separator + logPath; svnClient.setUsername(username); int totalPath = paths.length; FileUtil.deleteFileOnExist(new File(commitFilePath)); File[] files = new File[totalPath]; if (totalPath > 0) { try { for (int i = 0; i < totalPath; i++) { String[] arr = paths[i].split("\\|"); String path = arr[0]; String status = arr[1]; files[i] = new File(configuration.getWorkCopyDir() + path); if (status != null) { if (status.equals(Actions.UNVERSIONED.toString())) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) { svnClient.addDirectory(files[i], false); } else { svnClient.addFile(files[i]); } } if (status.equals(Actions.MISSING.toString())) { svnClient.update(files[i], SVNRevision.HEAD, true); svnClient.remove(new File[] { files[i] }, true); } } else {"The file of " + files[i] + " is not exist!"); } } if (configuration.getWorkCopyDir().startsWith("/")) { // linux svnClient.commit(files, message, true); } else { // windows int mod = 500; int commitTimes = totalPath / mod + 1; int lastCommitCount = totalPath % mod; commitTimes = lastCommitCount > 0 ? commitTimes : commitTimes - 1; for (int i = 0; i < commitTimes; i++) { if (i == commitTimes - 1 && lastCommitCount > 0) { File[] subFiles = new File[lastCommitCount]; System.arraycopy(files, i * mod, subFiles, 0, lastCommitCount); svnClient.commit(subFiles, message, true); } else { File[] subFiles = new File[mod]; System.arraycopy(files, i * mod, subFiles, 0, mod); svnClient.commit(subFiles, message, true); } } } FileUtil.writeLineToFile(commitFilePath, DateFormatter.format(date) + " Completed!"); } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("Commit changes occur exception! maybe you have commit too many changes.", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException( "Commit changes occur exception! maybe you have commit too many changes.", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_COMMIT_ERROR); throw ee; } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void copyFromUploadToWC(String srcPath, String destPath) { File srcFile = new File(srcPath); File destFile = new File(configuration.getWorkCopyDir() + destPath); if (!fileLocks.containsKey(destPath)) { fileLocks.put(destPath, new Object()); } synchronized (fileLocks.get(destPath)) { if (destFile.exists()) { destFile.delete(); } FileUtil.copyFile(srcFile, destFile);"Copy file " + srcPath + " to " + destFile.getPath()); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public DiffResult diff(String path) { DiffResult dr = new DiffResult(); String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); File file = new File(configuration.getWorkCopyDir() + path); File tempFile = new File(configuration.getWorkCopyDir() + File.separator + uuid); if (!file.isDirectory()) { try { svnClient.diff(file, tempFile, true); String strDiff = FileUtils.readFileToString(tempFile, "UTF8"); tempFile.delete(); InputStream is = svnClient.getContent(new File(SvnUtil.escapeFileName(file.getAbsolutePath())), SVNRevision.HEAD); String left = StringUtil.readInputStreamToStringBuffer(is).toString(); ISVNStatus[] status = svnClient.getStatus(file, false, true); String right = null; if (SVNStatusKind.NORMAL.equals(status[0].getTextStatus())) { dr.setLeft(null); dr.setRight(null); } else if (SVNStatusKind.UNVERSIONED.equals(status[0].getTextStatus())) { dr.setLeft(null); right = FileUtil.readFileToString(file).toString(); dr.setRight(DifferenceModel.getUntouchedLines(right)); } else if (SVNStatusKind.DELETED.equals(status[0].getTextStatus()) || SVNStatusKind.MISSING.equals(status[0].getTextStatus())) { dr.setLeft(DifferenceModel.getUntouchedLines(left)); dr.setRight(null); } else { DifferenceModel diff = new DifferenceModel(strDiff); right = FileUtil.readFileToString(file).toString(); dr.setLeft(diff.getLeftLines(left)); dr.setRight(diff.getRightLines(right)); ChangeCount changeCount = new ChangeCount(diff.getAddedItemsCount(), diff.getModifiedItemsCount(), diff.getDeletedItemsCount()); dr.setChangeCount(changeCount); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Read " + tempFile.getName() + " to string occur error!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Read " + tempFile.getName() + " to string occur error!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_IO_ERROR); throw ee; } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("Get difference of " + path + " error!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Get difference of " + path + " error!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_DIFF_ERROR); throw ee; } } return dr; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public DiffResult diff(String url, long oldRevision, long newRevision) { DiffResult dr = new DiffResult(); String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); File tempFile = new File(configuration.getWorkCopyDir() + File.separator + uuid); try { SVNUrl svnUrl = new SVNUrl(configuration.getSvnDir() + SvnUtil.escapeFileName(url)); svnClient.diff(new SVNUrl(configuration.getSvnDir() + url), new SVNRevision.Number(oldRevision), new SVNRevision.Number(newRevision), tempFile, false); String strDiff = FileUtil.readFileToString(tempFile).toString(); tempFile.delete(); InputStream leftIS = svnClient.getContent(svnUrl, new SVNRevision.Number(oldRevision)); String left = StringUtil.readInputStreamToStringBuffer(leftIS).toString(); InputStream rightIS = svnClient.getContent(svnUrl, new SVNRevision.Number(newRevision)); String right = StringUtil.readInputStreamToStringBuffer(rightIS).toString(); DifferenceModel diff = new DifferenceModel(strDiff); dr.setLeft(diff.getLeftLines(left)); dr.setRight(diff.getRightLines(right)); ChangeCount changeCount = new ChangeCount(diff.getAddedItemsCount(), diff.getModifiedItemsCount(), diff.getDeletedItemsCount()); dr.setChangeCount(changeCount); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Create svnUrl " + url + " failed!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Create svnUrl " + url + " failed!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_URL_ERROR); throw ee; } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error( "Get difference of " + url + " between version " + oldRevision + " and version " + newRevision, e); SVNException ee = new SVNException( "Get difference of " + url + " between version " + oldRevision + " and version " + newRevision, e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_DIFF_ERROR); throw ee; } return dr; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void doExport(String srcUrl, String destPath, int revision, boolean force) { try { svnClient.doExport(new SVNUrl(configuration.getSvnDir() + SvnUtil.escapeFileName(srcUrl)), new File(destPath), new SVNRevision.Number(revision), force); } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("Error when export form " + srcUrl + " to " + destPath, e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Export " + srcUrl + " occur exception!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_EXPORT_ERROR); throw ee; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Create svnUrl " + srcUrl + " failed!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Create svnUrl " + srcUrl + " failed!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_URL_ERROR); throw ee; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<LIRCEntry> getList(String url, long revision) { List<LIRCEntry> entryList = new ArrayList<LIRCEntry>(); try { long headRevision = getHeadRevision(); ISVNDirEntry[] list = svnClient.getList( new SVNUrl(configuration.getSvnDir() + SvnUtil.escapeFileName(url)), new SVNRevision.Number(revision), false); for (ISVNDirEntry dirEntry : list) { LIRCEntry entry = new LIRCEntry(); entry.setPath(dirEntry.getPath()); entry.setVersion(dirEntry.getLastChangedRevision().getNumber()); entry.setAuthor(dirEntry.getLastCommitAuthor()); entry.setDate(dirEntry.getLastChangedDate()); if (dirEntry.getLastChangedRevision().getNumber() == headRevision) { entry.setHeadversion(true); } entry.setSize(dirEntry.getSize()); if (dirEntry.getNodeKind().equals(SVNNodeKind.FILE)) { entry.setFile(true); } entryList.add(entry); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Create svnUrl " + url + " failed!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Create svnUrl " + url + " failed!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_URL_ERROR); throw ee; } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("Get the list files of directory " + url + " occur exception", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Get the list files of directory " + url + " occur exception", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_GETLIST_ERROR); throw ee; } return entryList; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<LogMessage> getLogs(String url) { List<LogMessage> lms = new ArrayList<LogMessage>(); try { ISVNLogMessage[] logs; logs = svnClient.getLogMessages(new SVNUrl(configuration.getSvnDir() + SvnUtil.escapeFileName(url)), SVNRevision.HEAD, new SVNRevision.Number(1)); for (ISVNLogMessage logMessage : logs) { LogMessage lm = new LogMessage(); lm.setRevision(logMessage.getRevision().toString()); lm.setAuthor(logMessage.getAuthor()); lm.setDate(logMessage.getDate()); lm.setComment(logMessage.getMessage()); for (ISVNLogMessageChangePath change : logMessage.getChangedPaths()) { ChangePath cp = ChangePath(change.getPath(), change.getAction()); lm.addChangePath(cp); } lms.add(lm); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Create svnUrl " + url + " failed!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Create svnUrl " + url + " failed!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_URL_ERROR); throw ee; } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("Get logs of " + url + " occur exception", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Get logs of " + url + " occur exception", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_GETLOG_ERROR); throw ee; } return lms; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void revert(String path, boolean recurse) { File file = new File(configuration.getWorkCopyDir() + path); try { svnClient.revert(file, recurse); } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("The file " + path + " can't revert!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Revert " + path + " occur exception", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_REVERT_ERROR); throw ee; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void rollback(String path, long revision) { // svnClient.setUsername(username); File file = new File(configuration.getWorkCopyDir() + path); try { if (file.isFile()) { InputStream is = svnClient.getContent( new SVNUrl(configuration.getSvnDir() + SvnUtil.escapeFileName(path)), new SVNRevision.Number(revision)); FileUtil.createFile(is, file); } else { revert(path, true); deleteFile(file); String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); File tempFile = new File(configuration.getWorkCopyDir() + File.separator + uuid); svnClient.doExport(new SVNUrl(configuration.getSvnDir() + SvnUtil.escapeFileName(path)), tempFile, new SVNRevision.Number(revision), true); FileUtils.copyDirectory(tempFile, file); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tempFile); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Create svnUrl " + path + " failed!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Create svnUrl " + path + " failed!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_URL_ERROR); throw ee; } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("Rollback " + path + " to revision " + revision + " occur svnException", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException( "Rollback " + path + " to revision " + revision + " occur svnException", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_ROLLBACK_ERROR); throw ee; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("copy or delete file occur error!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("copy or delete file occur error!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_IO_ERROR); throw ee; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void deleteFileFromRepo(String filePath, String username) { File path = new File(configuration.getWorkCopyDir() + filePath); svnClient.setUsername(username); try { svnClient.revert(path, true); if (path.exists()) { svnClient.remove(new File[] { path }, true); } } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("Delete file " + filePath + " from svn repository occur exception", e); throw new SVNException("Delete file " + filePath + " from svn repository occur exception", e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void cancelOperation() { try { svnClient.cancelOperation(); } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("Cancel svn operation fail", e); throw new SVNException("Cancel svn operation fail", e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Element> getDiffStatus(String path) { return SvnCommand.getStatus(configuration.getWorkCopyDir() + path).getDiffStatus(); } /** * This method is used for delete the file or directory in workCopy except the ".svn" * */ private void deleteFile(File path) { for (File file : path.listFiles()) { if (file.isFile()) { file.delete(); } if (file.isDirectory() && !file.getName().equals(".svn")) { deleteFile(file); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isBlankSVN() { boolean isBlank = false; try { SVNUrl svnUrl = new SVNUrl(configuration.getSvnDir()); if (svnClient.getList(svnUrl, SVNRevision.HEAD, true).length == 0) { isBlank = true; } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Create root svnUrl failed!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Create root svnUrl failed!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_URL_ERROR); throw ee; } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("Judge svn repo whether blank, get list error!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Judge svn repo whether blank, get list error!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_GETLIST_ERROR); throw ee; } return isBlank; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public long getHeadRevision() { ISVNInfo svnInfo = null; try { svnInfo = svnClient.getInfo(new SVNUrl(configuration.getSvnDir())); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Create root svnUrl failed!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Create root svnUrl failed!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_URL_ERROR); throw ee; } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("Get head revision failed", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Get head revision failed", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_GETINFO_ERROR); throw ee; } if (svnInfo != null) { return svnInfo.getLastChangedRevision().getNumber(); } return 0; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public LogMessage getHeadLog(String path) { LogMessage headLog = new LogMessage(); try { ISVNLogMessage[] logs = svnClient.getLogMessages( new SVNUrl(configuration.getSvnDir() + SvnUtil.escapeFileName(path)), SVNRevision.HEAD, SVNRevision.HEAD, new SVNRevision.Number(1), true, false, 1); headLog.setRevision(logs[0].getRevision().toString()); headLog.setAuthor(logs[0].getAuthor()); headLog.setDate(logs[0].getDate()); headLog.setComment(logs[0].getMessage()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Create svnUrl " + path + " failed!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException( "Create svnUrl " + path + " failed! Maybe you have not install the svn server.", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_URL_ERROR); throw ee; } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("Get head revision message of " + path, e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Get head revision message of " + path, e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_GETLOG_ERROR); throw ee; } return headLog; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<String> getFileContent(String path, long revision) { List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); try { SVNRevision svnrevision = SVNRevision.HEAD; if (revision != 0) { svnrevision = new SVNRevision.Number(revision); } InputStream is = svnClient.getContent( new File(configuration.getWorkCopyDir() + SvnUtil.escapeFileName(path)), svnrevision); lines = IOUtils.readLines(is); } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("Get file content of " + path + " from workCopy failed", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Get file content of " + path + " from workCopy failed", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_GETCONTENT_ERROR); throw ee; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Get content of " + path + " occur error!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Get content of " + path + " occur error!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_IO_ERROR); throw ee; } return lines; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public LogMessage getLogByRevision(String path, long revision) { LogMessage logMessage = new LogMessage(); try { ISVNLogMessage[] logs = svnClient.getLogMessages( new SVNUrl(configuration.getSvnDir() + SvnUtil.escapeFileName(path)), new SVNRevision.Number(revision), new SVNRevision.Number(revision), new SVNRevision.Number(1), true, false, 1); logMessage.setRevision(logs[0].getRevision().toString()); logMessage.setAuthor(logs[0].getAuthor()); logMessage.setDate(logs[0].getDate()); logMessage.setComment(logs[0].getMessage()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Create svnUrl " + path + " failed!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Create svnUrl " + path + " failed!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_URL_ERROR); throw ee; } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("Get log message of " + path + " failed", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Get log message of " + path + " failed", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_GETLOG_ERROR); throw ee; } return logMessage; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Actions compareFileByLastModifiedDate(LIRCElement lirc) { Actions action = Actions.NORMAL; File workFile = new File( StringUtil.appendFileSeparator(configuration.getWorkCopyDir()) + lirc.getRelativePath()); if (workFile.exists()) { try { Date uploadDate = lirc.getUploadDate(); boolean underSVN = false; for (String fileName : workFile.getParentFile().list()) { if (".svn".equals(fileName)) { underSVN = true; break; } } if (underSVN) { ISVNInfo svnInfo = svnClient .getInfoFromWorkingCopy(new File(SvnUtil.escapeFileName(workFile.getAbsolutePath()))); if (svnInfo.getLastChangedDate() != null && uploadDate.compareTo(svnInfo.getLastChangedDate()) > 0) { action = Actions.MODIFIED; } } else if (uploadDate.compareTo(new Date(workFile.lastModified())) > 0) { action = Actions.MODIFIED; } } catch (SVNClientException e) { logger.error("Get file " + workFile.getName() + " info error, this may occur by the fileName not case sensitive!", e); SVNException ee = new SVNException("Get file " + workFile.getName() + " info error, this may occur by the fileName not case sensitive!", e); ee.setErrorCode(SVNException.SVN_GETINFO_ERROR); throw ee; } } else { action = Actions.ADDED; } return action; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String[] getDiffPaths(String path) { List<Element> ds = getDiffStatus(path); String[] paths = new String[ds.size()]; Element element; for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { element = ds.get(i); paths[i] = element.getPath() + "|" + element.getStatus().getValue(); } return paths; } }