Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


|*                       The OpenPplSoft Runtime Project                     *|
|*                                                                           *|
|*              This file is distributed under the MIT License.              *|
|*                         See for details.                       *|

package org.openpplsoft.runtime;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

import org.openpplsoft.sql.*;
import org.openpplsoft.trace.*;
import org.openpplsoft.types.ScrollEmissionContext;


 * Accepts emissions from the OPS runtime and verifies
 * them against a PS tracefile; the exact tracefile is
 * determined by the value of system properties passed
 * to OPS at execution.
public final class TraceFileVerifier {

    private static List<IEmission> unenforcedEmissions;
    private static Map<String, Boolean> ignoredStmts;
    private static String currTraceLine = "";
    private static int currTraceLineNbr;
    private static BufferedReader traceFileReader;
    private static Pattern sqlTokenPattern, bindValPattern, pcStartPattern, pcBeginPattern, pcInstrPattern,
            pcEndPattern, pcFldDefaultPattern, pcExceptionCaughtPattern, beginScrollsPattern, endScrollsPattern,
            beginLevelPattern, recPattern, rowPattern, cRecBufPattern, cFldBufPattern, scrollIdxPattern,
            prmHdrPattern, prmEntryPattern, endLevelPattern, relDispStartPattern, relDispFinishPattern,
            relDispFldStartPattern, relDispFldCompletePattern, keylistGenStartPattern, keylistGenDetectedKeyPattern,
            keylistGenFindingKeyPattern, keylistGenNotInKeyBufferPattern, keylistGenSearchingCompBuffersPattern,
            keylistGenScanningLevelPattern, keylistGenScanningRecordPattern, keylistGenFoundInRecordPattern,
            keylistGenFoundInCBufferPattern, keylistGenNotInCompBuffersPattern, keylistGenNotInCompKeylistPattern,
            keylistGenNotInInstallRecordPattern, keylistGenNotInPSOPTIONSPattern;

    private static int coverageAreaStartLineNbr, coverageAreaEndLineNbr;
    private static int numEnforcedSQLEmissions, numPCEmissionMatches;
    private static int numTraceSQLStmts, numTraceSQLStmtsIgnored;
    private static int numOPSOptionalPCInstrsEmitted;

    // Define regex group indices here rather than as magic nbrs.
    private static final int GROUP1 = 1;
    private static final int GROUP2 = 2;
    private static final int GROUP3 = 3;
    private static final int GROUP4 = 4;
    private static final int GROUP5 = 5;
    private static final int GROUP6 = 6;
    private static final int GROUP7 = 7;
    private static final int GROUP8 = 8;
    private static final int GROUP9 = 9;
    private static final int GROUP10 = 10;
    private static final int GROUP11 = 11;

    private static boolean isPausedAndWaitingToSyncUp, isInPRMEmissionRegion;
    private static IEmission emissionToSyncUpOn;

    private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(TraceFileVerifier.class.getName());

    static {
        unenforcedEmissions = new ArrayList<IEmission>();
        ignoredStmts = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
        sqlTokenPattern = Pattern.compile("\\sStmt=(.*)");
        bindValPattern = Pattern.compile("\\sBind-(\\d+)\\stype=\\d+\\slength=\\d+\\svalue=(.*)");
        pcStartPattern = Pattern.compile(
                "\\s+>>>\\s+(start|start-ext)\\s+Nest=(\\d+)" + "\\s+([A-Za-z_0-9]*?)\\s+([A-Za-z\\._0-9]+)");
        pcBeginPattern = Pattern
                .compile("\\s>>>>>\\s+Begin\\s+([A-Za-z\\._0-9]+)\\s+level" + "\\s+(\\d+)\\s+row\\s+(\\d+)");
        pcEndPattern = Pattern
                .compile("\\s+<<<\\s(end|end-ext)" + "\\s+Nest=(\\d+)\\s+([A-Za-z0-9_]*?)\\s+([A-Za-z\\._0-9]+)");
        pcFldDefaultPattern = Pattern
        pcExceptionCaughtPattern = Pattern
        beginScrollsPattern = Pattern.compile("Begin\\s+Scrolls\\s+(.*)");
        endScrollsPattern = Pattern.compile("End\\s+Scrolls");
        beginLevelPattern = Pattern.compile(
        endLevelPattern = Pattern.compile("((\\|\\s{2})*)End\\s+level\\s+(\\d+)\\[row\\s+(\\d+)\\]");
        recPattern = Pattern.compile(
        rowPattern = Pattern.compile("((\\|\\s{2})*)Row\\s(\\d+)\\sat\\s.{8}.");
        cRecBufPattern = Pattern
        cFldBufPattern = Pattern.compile("((\\|\\s{2})*\\s{2})([A-Z_0-9]+)\\(.{8}\\)='(.*?)';\\s?(.+)?\\s?");
        scrollIdxPattern = Pattern.compile("((\\|\\s{2})*)Scroll\\s([0-9]+)");
        prmHdrPattern = Pattern.compile("PRM\\s([A-Z_0-9]+)\\.([A-Z]+)\\.([A-Z]+)\\sversion\\s\\d+\\scount=(\\d+)");
        prmEntryPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s{4}([A-Z_0-9]+\\.[A-Z_0-9]+)$");
        relDispStartPattern = Pattern.compile("Starting\\sRelated\\sDisplay\\sprocessing$");
        relDispFinishPattern = Pattern.compile("Finished\\sRelated\\sDisplay\\sprocessing$");
        relDispFldStartPattern = Pattern
        relDispFldCompletePattern = Pattern.compile(
        keylistGenStartPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s{8}\\sStarting\\sKeylist\\sgeneration$");
        keylistGenDetectedKeyPattern = Pattern
        keylistGenFindingKeyPattern = Pattern
        keylistGenNotInKeyBufferPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s{16}\\sNot\\sFound\\sin\\skey\\sbuffer$");
        // IMPORTANT: The typo below ("Seaching", not "Searching") is intentional;
        // this typo is present in the tracefiles emitted by PS.
        keylistGenSearchingCompBuffersPattern = Pattern
        keylistGenScanningLevelPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s{20}Scanning\\slevel\\s(\\d+)$");
        // Note: this pattern excludes any and all trailing semicolons.
        pcInstrPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s+\\d+:\\s+(.+?[;]*)$");
        keylistGenScanningRecordPattern = Pattern
        keylistGenFoundInRecordPattern = Pattern
        keylistGenFoundInCBufferPattern = Pattern
        keylistGenNotInCompBuffersPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s{16}\\sNot\\sfound\\sin\\scomponent\\sbuffers$");
        keylistGenNotInCompKeylistPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s{16}\\sNot\\sfound\\sin\\scomponent\\skeylist$");
        keylistGenNotInInstallRecordPattern = Pattern
        keylistGenNotInPSOPTIONSPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s{16}\\sNot\\sfound\\sin\\sPSOPTIONS$");

    private TraceFileVerifier() {

     * Initializes the verifier with the component runtime
     * profile that will be verified.
     * @param profile the component runtime profile to verify
    public static void init(final ComponentRuntimeProfile profile) {
         * Open trace file for reading.
        try {
            traceFileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("trace/" + profile.getTraceFileName())));
        } catch (final fnfe) {
            throw new OPSVMachRuntimeException(fnfe.getMessage(), fnfe);


    public static boolean isVerifierPaused() {
        return isPausedAndWaitingToSyncUp;

     * Some SQL statements in the PS tracefile are not issued by OPS,
     * either b/c they're unnecessary/redundant or relate to functionality
     * not yet supported. Passing a file containing a list of SQL statements
     * to this method will cause the verifier to ignore them if they are found
     * in the tracefile.
     * @param filename name of file in classpath containing SQL stmts to ignore.
    public static void ignoreStmtsInFile(final String filename) {
        try {
            final Resource ignoredSqlRsrc = new ClassPathResource(filename);
            final BufferedReader ignoreFileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(ignoredSqlRsrc.getFile()));

            String line;
            while ((line = ignoreFileReader.readLine()) != null) {
                ignoredStmts.put(line, true);
        } catch (final fnfe) {
            throw new OPSVMachRuntimeException(fnfe.getMessage(), fnfe);
        } catch (final ioe) {
            throw new OPSVMachRuntimeException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);

     * The verifier will not fail if it is passed an emission that does not
     * correspond to the next emission in the PS tracefile via this method.
     * @param opsEmission emission from OPS that should not be enforced
    public static void submitUnenforcedEmission(final IEmission opsEmission) {
        //    log.debug(opsEmission);

     * The verifier WILL fail if it is passed an emission that does not
     * correspond to the next emission in the PS tracefile via this method.
     * @param opsEmission emission from OPS that SHOULD be enforced
    public static void submitEnforcedEmission(final IEmission opsEmission) {
        if (!(opsEmission instanceof OPSStmt)) {

        if (isPausedAndWaitingToSyncUp) {
            log.debug("[VERIFIER:PAUSED] Waiting for interpreter to emit: {}", emissionToSyncUpOn);

        IEmission traceEmission;
        if (coverageAreaStartLineNbr == 0) {
             * If this is the first emission being matched, seek
             * to the match in the trace file. It is assumed that the first
             * OPS emission is a SQL statement due to the need to get component
             * metadata; if this routine is used to check tracefiles that have been
             * generated with a non-empty cache, this assumption may not be valid.
            do {
                traceEmission = getNextTraceEmission();
            } while (traceEmission != null && !opsEmission.equals(traceEmission));

            if (traceEmission != null) {
                coverageAreaStartLineNbr = currTraceLineNbr;
        } else {
            if (isPausedAndWaitingToSyncUp) {
                traceEmission = emissionToSyncUpOn;
            } else {
                traceEmission = getNextTraceEmission();

        if (traceEmission == null) {
            throw new OPSVMachRuntimeException("Reached EOF of trace file; no " + "emission match is possible.");

        if (opsEmission.equals(traceEmission)) {
            // Increment emission-specific counter.
            if (opsEmission instanceof OPSStmt) {
            } else {

            if (isPausedAndWaitingToSyncUp) {
                log.debug("[VERIFIER:RESUMED] Interpreter has just synced up on matching " + "emission: {}",
                isPausedAndWaitingToSyncUp = false;
                emissionToSyncUpOn = null;
        } else if (isPausedAndWaitingToSyncUp) {
            log.debug("[VERIFIER:DISCARDING] OPS emission ({}) does not match emission to sync " + "up on: {}",
                    opsEmission, emissionToSyncUpOn);

             * Look at DERIVED_CS.SRVC_IND_NEG.RowInit. There is a
             * Break statement without a trailing
             * semicolon. Although this is legal (in PeopleCode, semicolons
             * are optional for the last
             * statement in any statement list), the PeopleTools bytecode
             * interpreter does not appear
             * to interpret this correctly in the context of When statement
             * lists in Evaluate statements;
             * it appears to skip When branches until it reaches the
             * next statement with a semicolon.
             * I do not want to have to add semicolons to all programs where
             * this is the case, so I am going
             * to temporarily pause trace file verification until the interpreter
             * emits that next
             * statement with a semicolon. In theory, this should only cause
             * the verifier to be paused for
             * a few emissions.
        } else if (opsEmission instanceof PCInstruction && traceEmission instanceof PCInstruction
                && ((PCInstruction) traceEmission).getInstruction().equals("Break")) {

            // If we don't have a match and the trace file emitted a Break w/o semicolon, pause
            // and wait for interpreter to sync up.
            isPausedAndWaitingToSyncUp = true;
            emissionToSyncUpOn = getNextTraceEmission();

            log.debug("[VERIFIER:PAUSING] Encountered Break w/o semicolon in tracefile; "
                    + "this is a known problem emission, so we will wait for interpreter to sync up "
                    + "on the trace emission immediately after it: {}", emissionToSyncUpOn);
        } else if (opsEmission instanceof PCInstruction && ((PCInstruction) opsEmission).isOptional()) {

            // Unlike above, we do NOT skip to the next trace emission; OPS must match against
            // this one.
            isPausedAndWaitingToSyncUp = true;
            emissionToSyncUpOn = traceEmission;

            log.debug("[VERIFIER:PAUSING] Ignoring optional OPS instruction (" + opsEmission + ") "
                    + "and waiting for OPS to emit: {}", emissionToSyncUpOn);


        } else {
            log.fatal("=== Emission Mismatch! =======================");
            log.fatal("OPS emitted: {}", opsEmission);
            log.fatal("Trace file expects: {}", traceEmission);
            throw new OPSVMachRuntimeException("Emission mismatch.");

    private static IEmission getNextTraceEmission() {

        // do-while because we want to check the line returned from the prior call
        // to getNextTraceLine().
        do {

            final Matcher sqlMatcher = sqlTokenPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (sqlMatcher.find()) {

                final PSStmt psStmt = new PSStmt(, currTraceLineNbr);

                // If the stmt is in the ignored file, skip it.
                if (ignoredStmts.containsKey(psStmt.getOriginalStmt())) {

                // Keep reading lines for bind values.
                while ((currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine()) != null) {
                    final Matcher bindValMatcher = bindValPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
                    if (bindValMatcher.find()) {
                    } else {
                        // statement has one or more bind values.
                        return psStmt;
                // statement has no bind values.
                return psStmt;

            final Matcher pcStartMatcher = pcStartPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (pcStartMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new PCStart(,,

            final Matcher pcBeginMatcher = pcBeginPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (pcBeginMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new PCBegin(, Integer.parseInt(,

            final Matcher pcInstrMatcher = pcInstrPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (pcInstrMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new PCInstruction(;

            final Matcher pcEndMatcher = pcEndPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (pcEndMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new PCEnd(,,,

            final Matcher pcFldDefaultMatcher = pcFldDefaultPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (pcFldDefaultMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                final PCFldDefaultEmission fldDefEmission = new PCFldDefaultEmission(
                if ( != null) {
                if ( != null) {
                return fldDefEmission;

            final Matcher pcExCaughtMatcher = pcExceptionCaughtPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (pcExCaughtMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                final PCExceptionCaught exEmission = new PCExceptionCaught(,
                return exEmission;

            final Matcher beginScrollsMatcher = beginScrollsPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (beginScrollsMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new BeginScrolls(ScrollEmissionContext.fromLabel(;

            final Matcher endScrollsMatcher = endScrollsPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (endScrollsMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new EndScrolls();

            final Matcher beginLevelMatcher = beginLevelPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (beginLevelMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new BeginLevel(,
                        Integer.parseInt(, != null,
               != null,

            final Matcher endLevelMatcher = endLevelPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (endLevelMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new EndLevel(, Integer.parseInt(,

            final Matcher recMatcher = recPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (recMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new RecInScroll(,,
                        Integer.parseInt(, Integer.parseInt(;

            final Matcher rowMatcher = rowPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (rowMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new RowInScroll(, Integer.parseInt(;

            final Matcher cRecBufMatcher = cRecBufPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (cRecBufMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new CRecBuf(,,

            final Matcher cFldBufMatcher = cFldBufPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (cFldBufMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new CFldBuf(,,

            final Matcher scrollIdxMatcher = scrollIdxPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (scrollIdxMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new ScrollIndex(,

            final Matcher prmHdrMatcher = prmHdrPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (prmHdrMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                isInPRMEmissionRegion = true;
                return new PRMHeader(,,
              , Integer.parseInt(;

            if (isInPRMEmissionRegion) {
                final Matcher prmEntryMatcher = prmEntryPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
                if (prmEntryMatcher.find()) {
                    // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                    currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                    return new PRMEntry(;

            final Matcher relDispStartMatcher = relDispStartPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (relDispStartMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new RelDispStart();

            final Matcher relDispFinishMatcher = relDispFinishPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (relDispFinishMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new RelDispFinish();

            final Matcher relDispFldStartMatcher = relDispFldStartPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (relDispFldStartMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new RelDispFldStart(;

            final Matcher relDispFldCompleteMatcher = relDispFldCompletePattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (relDispFldCompleteMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new RelDispFldComplete(;

            final Matcher keylistGenStartMatcher = keylistGenStartPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (keylistGenStartMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new KeylistGenStart();

            final Matcher keylistGenDetectedKeyMatcher = keylistGenDetectedKeyPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (keylistGenDetectedKeyMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new KeylistGenDetectedKey(;

            final Matcher keylistGenFindingKeyMatcher = keylistGenFindingKeyPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (keylistGenFindingKeyMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new KeylistGenFindingKey(;

            final Matcher keylistGenNotInKeyBufferMatcher = keylistGenNotInKeyBufferPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (keylistGenNotInKeyBufferMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new KeylistGenNotInKeyBuffer();

            final Matcher keylistGenSearchingCompBuffersMatcher = keylistGenSearchingCompBuffersPattern
            if (keylistGenSearchingCompBuffersMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new KeylistGenSearchingCompBuffers(;

            final Matcher keylistGenScanningLevelMatcher = keylistGenScanningLevelPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (keylistGenScanningLevelMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new KeylistGenScanningLevel(Integer.parseInt(;

            final Matcher keylistGenScanningRecordMatcher = keylistGenScanningRecordPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (keylistGenScanningRecordMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new KeylistGenScanningRecord(,

            final Matcher keylistGenFoundInRecordMatcher = keylistGenFoundInRecordPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (keylistGenFoundInRecordMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new KeylistGenFoundInRecord(,

            final Matcher keylistGenFoundInCBufferMatcher = keylistGenFoundInCBufferPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (keylistGenFoundInCBufferMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new KeylistGenFoundInCBuffer(;

            final Matcher keylistGenNotInCompBuffersMatcher = keylistGenNotInCompBuffersPattern
            if (keylistGenNotInCompBuffersMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new KeylistGenNotInCompBuffers();

            final Matcher keylistGenNotInCompKeylistMatcher = keylistGenNotInCompKeylistPattern
            if (keylistGenNotInCompKeylistMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new KeylistGenNotInCompKeylist();

            final Matcher keylistGenNotInInstallRecordMatcher = keylistGenNotInInstallRecordPattern
            if (keylistGenNotInInstallRecordMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new KeylistGenNotInInstallRecord();

            final Matcher keylistGenNotInPSOPTIONSMatcher = keylistGenNotInPSOPTIONSPattern.matcher(currTraceLine);
            if (keylistGenNotInPSOPTIONSMatcher.find()) {
                // We don't want the next call to check this line again.
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
                return new KeylistGenNotInPSOPTIONS();

            if (currTraceLine.endsWith("Page Constructed")) {
                isInPRMEmissionRegion = false;
                currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine();
        } while ((currTraceLine = getNextTraceLine()) != null);
        return null;

    private static String getNextTraceLine() {
        String line = null;

        try {
            line = traceFileReader.readLine();
        } catch (final ioe) {
            throw new OPSVMachRuntimeException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
        return line;

     * External code should call this method to signal to the verifier
     * that no more emissions will be emitted.
    public static void closeTraceFile() {
        try {
        } catch (final ioe) {
            log.warn("Encountered IOException while attempting to close trace file.");

     * Outputs the verifier's info collected during execution. This method
     * should be called after all processing is complete, or if the OPS
     * runtime encounters an exception before successful completion, it
     * should be called prior to exiting.
     * @param mismatchFlag true if execution completed successfully,
     *    false otherwise
    public static void logVerificationSummary(final boolean mismatchFlag) {

        if (!mismatchFlag) {
            coverageAreaEndLineNbr = currTraceLineNbr;
        }"==============================================================");"[{}] Trace File Verification Summary", mismatchFlag ? "FAILURE" : "SUCCESS");"==============================================================");"Trace lines seen:\t\t\t{}", currTraceLineNbr);"SQL Stmts in Ignore File:\t\t{}", ignoredStmts.size());"SQL Stmts Seen (Total / Ignored):\t{}\t\t{}", numTraceSQLStmts, numTraceSQLStmtsIgnored);"Adhoc SQL Emissions:\t\t\t{}", unenforcedEmissions.size());"Enforced SQL Emissions:\t\t\t{}", numEnforcedSQLEmissions);"Enforced PC Emissions:\t\t\t{}", numPCEmissionMatches);"Optional PC Emissions:\t\t\t{}", numOPSOptionalPCInstrsEmitted);"Total Emissions:\t\t\t\t{}", numEnforcedSQLEmissions + unenforcedEmissions.size()
                + numPCEmissionMatches + numOPSOptionalPCInstrsEmitted);"Component Structure Valid?\t\t\t\t{}",
                ComponentStructureVerifier.hasBeenVerified() ? "YES" : "!!NO!!");"Coverage Area Bounded?\t\t\t\t{}", mismatchFlag ? "!!NO!!" : "YES");"Coverage Area (Start / End Lines):\tL_{}\t\tL_{}", coverageAreaStartLineNbr,
                coverageAreaEndLineNbr);"\nNext unmatched emission in trace file: {}", getNextTraceEmission());