Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of OpenNMS(R).
 * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 The OpenNMS Group, Inc.
 * OpenNMS(R) is Copyright (C) 1999-2014 The OpenNMS Group, Inc.
 * OpenNMS(R) is a registered trademark of The OpenNMS Group, Inc.
 * OpenNMS(R) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
 * or (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenNMS(R) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with OpenNMS(R).  If not, see:
 * For more information contact:
 *     OpenNMS(R) Licensing <>

package org.opennms.upgrade.api;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.opennms.core.db.DataSourceFactory;
import org.opennms.core.db.install.SimpleDataSource;
import org.opennms.core.utils.ConfigFileConstants;
import org.opennms.core.xml.CastorUtils;
import org.opennms.netmgt.config.opennmsDataSources.DataSourceConfiguration;
import org.opennms.netmgt.config.opennmsDataSources.JdbcDataSource;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * The Abstract class for OpenNMS Upgrade Implementations.
 * <p>This contains the basic methods that may be required for several implementations.</p>
 * @author <a href="">Alejandro Galue</a> 
public abstract class AbstractOnmsUpgrade implements OnmsUpgrade {

    private static final String MERIDIAN = "meridian";

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractOnmsUpgrade.class);

    /** The Constant ZIP_EXT. */
    public static final String ZIP_EXT = ".zip";

    /** The main properties. */
    private Properties mainProperties;

    /** The RRD properties. */
    private Properties rrdProperties;

    /** The OpenNMS version. */
    private String onmsVersion;

    private String onmsProductDescription = "OpenNMS";

    private String onmsProductName = "opennms";

    /** The Data Source. */
    private DataSource dataSource;

     * Instantiates a new abstract OpenNMS upgrade.
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    public AbstractOnmsUpgrade() throws OnmsUpgradeException {

     * Sets the version.
     * <p>This method is intended for JUnit tests.</p>
     * @param version the new version
    protected void setVersion(String version) {
        onmsVersion = version;

     * Sets the product name.
     * <p>This method is intended for JUnit tests.</p>
     * @param productName the new product name
    protected void setProductName(String productName) {
        onmsProductName = productName;

     * Sets the product description.
     * <p>This method is intended for JUnit tests.</p>
     * @param productDescription the new product description
    protected void setProductDescription(String productDescription) {
        onmsProductDescription = productDescription;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.opennms.upgrade.api.OnmsUpgrade#getId()
    public String getId() {
        return getClass().getSimpleName();

     * Gets the home directory.
     * @return the home directory
    protected String getHomeDirectory() {
        return ConfigFileConstants.getHome();

     * Gets the files.
     * @param resourceDir the resource directory
     * @param ext the file extension
     * @return the files
    protected File[] getFiles(final File resourceDir, final String ext) {
        return resourceDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(ext);

     * Register properties.
     * @param properties the properties
    protected void registerProperties(Properties properties) {
        if (properties == null) {
        for (Object o : properties.keySet()) {
            String key = (String) o;
            System.setProperty(key, properties.getProperty(key));

     * Load properties.
     * @param properties the properties
     * @param fileName the file name
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected void loadProperties(Properties properties, String fileName) throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        try {
            File propertiesFile = ConfigFileConstants.getConfigFileByName(fileName);
            properties.load(new FileInputStream(propertiesFile));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new OnmsUpgradeException("Can't load " + fileName);

     * Gets the main properties.
     * @return the main properties
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected Properties getMainProperties() throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        if (mainProperties == null) {
            mainProperties = new Properties();
            loadProperties(mainProperties, "");
        return mainProperties;

     * Gets the RRD properties.
     * @return the RRD properties
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected Properties getRrdProperties() throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        if (rrdProperties == null) {
            rrdProperties = new Properties();
            loadProperties(rrdProperties, "");
        return rrdProperties;

     * Checks if storeByGroup is enabled.
     * @return true, if storeByGroup is enabled
    protected boolean isStoreByGroupEnabled() {
        try {
            return Boolean.parseBoolean(getMainProperties().getProperty("org.opennms.rrd.storeByGroup", "false"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

     * Checks if storeByForeignSource is enabled.
     * @return true, if storeByForeignSource is enabled
    protected boolean isStoreByForeignSourceEnabled() {
        try {
            return Boolean
                    .parseBoolean(getMainProperties().getProperty("org.opennms.rrd.storeByForeignSource", "false"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

     * Gets the RRD strategy.
     * @return the RRD strategy
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected String getRrdStrategy() throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        return getRrdProperties().getProperty("org.opennms.rrd.strategyClass",

     * Checks if is RRDtool enabled.
     * @return true, if is RRDtool enabled
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected boolean isRrdToolEnabled() throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        return !getRrdStrategy().endsWith("JRobinRrdStrategy");

     * Gets the RRD extension.
     * @return the RRD extension
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected String getRrdExtension() throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        if (System.getProperty("org.opennms.rrd.fileExtension") != null) {
            return System.getProperty("org.opennms.rrd.fileExtension");
        } else {
            return isRrdToolEnabled() ? ".rrd" : ".jrb";

     * Gets the DB connection.
     * @return the DB connection
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected Connection getDbConnection() throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        try {
            return dataSource.getConnection();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new OnmsUpgradeException(
                    "Can't obtain a connection to OpenNMS Database because " + e.getMessage(), e);

     * Initializes the data source.
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected void initializeDatasource() throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        if (dataSource != null) {
        try {
            final File cfgFile = ConfigFileConstants
            DataSourceConfiguration dsc = null;
            FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
            try {
                fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(cfgFile);
                dsc = CastorUtils.unmarshal(DataSourceConfiguration.class, fileInputStream);
            } finally {
            for (JdbcDataSource jds : dsc.getJdbcDataSourceCollection()) {
                if (jds.getName().equals("opennms")) {
                    dataSource = new SimpleDataSource(jds);
            if (dataSource == null) {
                throw new OnmsUpgradeException("Can't find theOpenNMS Database settings.");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new OnmsUpgradeException("Can't connect to OpenNMS Database because " + e.getMessage(), e);

     * Populate files list.
     * @param dir the source directory
     * @param filesListInDir the list of files to populate
     * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    private void populateFilesList(File dir, List<File> filesListInDir) throws IOException {
        File[] files = dir.listFiles();
        for (File file : files) {
            if (file.isFile())
                populateFilesList(file, filesListInDir);

     * ZIP a list of files.
     * @param zipFile the output ZIP file
     * @param sourceFolder the source folder
     * @param filesToCompress the list of files to compress
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    private File zipFiles(File zipFile, File sourceFolder, List<File> filesToCompress) throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        try {
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(zipFile);
            ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(fos);
            for (File file : filesToCompress) {
                String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
                log("  Zipping %s\n", filePath);
                ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(
                        filePath.substring(sourceFolder.getAbsolutePath().length() + 1, filePath.length()));
                FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
                byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                int len;
                while ((len = > 0) {
                    zos.write(buffer, 0, len);
            return zipFile;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new OnmsUpgradeException("Cannot ZIP files because " + e.getMessage(), e);

     * ZIP a directory.
     * @param zipFile the output ZIP file
     * @param sourceFolder the source folder
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected void zipDir(File zipFile, File sourceFolder) throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        List<File> filesToCompress = new ArrayList<File>();
        try {
            populateFilesList(sourceFolder, filesToCompress);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new OnmsUpgradeException("Cannot ZIP files because " + e.getMessage(), e);
        zipFiles(zipFile, sourceFolder, filesToCompress);

     * ZIP a file.
     * <p>The name of the ZIP file will be the name of the source file plus ".zip"</p>
     * @param sourceFile the source file
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected File zipFile(File sourceFile) throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        return zipFiles(new File(sourceFile.getAbsolutePath() + ZIP_EXT), sourceFile.getParentFile(),

     * UNZIP a file.
     * @param zipFile the input ZIP file
     * @param outputFolder the output folder
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected void unzipFile(File zipFile, File outputFolder) throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        try {
            if (!outputFolder.exists()) {
                if (!outputFolder.mkdirs()) {
                    LOG.warn("Could not make directory: {}", outputFolder.getPath());
            FileInputStream fis;
            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
            fis = new FileInputStream(zipFile);
            ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(fis);
            ZipEntry ze = zis.getNextEntry();
            while (ze != null) {
                String fileName = ze.getName();
                File newFile = new File(outputFolder, fileName);
                log("  Unzipping to %s\n", newFile.getAbsolutePath());
                new File(newFile.getParent()).mkdirs();
                FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newFile);
                int len;
                while ((len = > 0) {
                    fos.write(buffer, 0, len);
                ze = zis.getNextEntry();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new OnmsUpgradeException("Cannot UNZIP file because " + e.getMessage(), e);

     * Gets the currently installed OpenNMS version.
     * @return the OpenNMS version
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected String getOpennmsVersion() throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        if (onmsVersion == null) {
            File versionFile = new File(getHomeDirectory(), "jetty-webapps/opennms/WEB-INF/");
            Properties properties = new Properties();
            try {
                properties.load(new FileInputStream(versionFile));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new OnmsUpgradeException("Can't load " + versionFile);
            final String version = properties.getProperty("version.display");
            if (version == null) {
                throw new OnmsUpgradeException("Can't retrive OpenNMS version");
            final Pattern versionPattern = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+).*?$");
            final Matcher m = versionPattern.matcher(version);
            if (m.matches()) {
                onmsVersion =;
            } else {
                onmsVersion = version;
        return onmsVersion;

     * Locate OpenNMS product.
    private void locateOpenNMSProduct() {
        try {
            final InputStream installerProperties = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/");
            if (installerProperties != null) {
                final Properties props = new Properties();
                onmsProductName = (String) props.get("");
                onmsProductDescription = (String) props.get("install.package.description");
        } catch (final IOException e) {

     * Gets the OpenNMS product name.
     * @return the OpenNMS product name
    public String getOpennmsProductName() {
        return onmsProductName;

     * Gets the OpenNMS product description.
     * @return the OpenNMS product description
    public String getOpennmsProductDescription() {
        return onmsProductDescription;

     * Checks if is meridian.
     * @return true, if is meridian
    public boolean isMeridian() {
        return getOpennmsProductName().equals(MERIDIAN);

    public static enum VersionOperator {
        LT, LE, EQ, GE, GT

    protected boolean isInstalledVersion(VersionOperator op, int mayor, int minor, int release)
            throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        int[] installedVersion = getInstalledVersion();

        int supplied = versionToInteger(mayor, minor, release);
        int installed = versionToInteger(installedVersion[0], installedVersion[1], installedVersion[2]);

        switch (op) {
        case LT:
            return installed < supplied;
        case LE:
            return installed <= supplied;
        case EQ:
            return installed == supplied;
        case GE:
            return installed >= supplied;
        case GT:
            return installed > supplied;

        throw new OnmsUpgradeException("Should never happen.");

     * Checks if the installed version of OpenNMS is greater or equals than the supplied version.
     * @param mayor the mayor
     * @param minor the minor
     * @param release the release
     * @return true, if the current installed version is greater or equals than $major.$minor.$release</p>
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected boolean isInstalledVersionGreaterOrEqual(int mayor, int minor, int release)
            throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        return isInstalledVersion(VersionOperator.GE, mayor, minor, release);

    protected int[] getInstalledVersion() throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        String version = getOpennmsVersion();
        String[] a = version.split("\\.");
        int c_major = isMeridian() ? Integer.parseInt(a[0]) + 13 : Integer.parseInt(a[0]); // Meridian ~ 14.0.4
        int c_minor = isMeridian() ? Integer.parseInt(a[1]) + 1 : Integer.parseInt(a[1]); // Be sure it's greater than 14.0.3
        int c_release = Integer.parseInt(a[2]);
        return new int[] { c_major, c_minor, c_release };

    protected static int versionToInteger(int mayor, int minor, int release) throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        return (mayor * 100 + minor * 10 + release);

     * Prints the settings.
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected void printMainSettings() throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        log("OpenNMS Home: %s\n", getHomeDirectory());
        log("OpenNMS Version: %s\n", getOpennmsProductDescription() + " " + getOpennmsVersion());
        log("Is RRDtool enabled? %s\n", isRrdToolEnabled());
        log("Is storeByGroup enabled? %s\n", isStoreByGroupEnabled());
        log("Is storeByForeignSource enabled? %s\n", isStoreByForeignSourceEnabled());
        log("RRD Extension: %s\n", getRrdExtension());
        log("RRD Strategy: %s\n", getRrdStrategy());

     * Prints the full settings.
     * @throws OnmsUpgradeException the OpenNMS upgrade exception
    protected void printFullSettings() throws OnmsUpgradeException {
        printProperties("Main Properties", getMainProperties());
        printProperties("RRD Properties", getRrdProperties());

     * Prints the properties.
     * @param title the title
     * @param properties the properties
    private void printProperties(String title, Properties properties) {
        List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Object k : properties.keySet()) {
            keys.add((String) k);
        log("%s\n", title);
        for (String key : keys) {
            log("  %s = %s\n", key, properties.getProperty(key));

     * Log.
     * @param msgFormat the message format
     * @param args the message's arguments
    protected void log(String msgFormat, Object... args) {
        System.out.printf("  " + msgFormat, args);
