Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of OpenNMS(R). * * Copyright (C) 2012 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * OpenNMS(R) is Copyright (C) 1999-2012 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is a registered trademark of The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * OpenNMS(R) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenNMS(R). If not, see: * * * For more information contact: * OpenNMS(R) Licensing <> * * *******************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import; import org.opennms.core.xml.JaxbUtils; import org.opennms.netmgt.xml.eventconf.Event; import org.opennms.netmgt.xml.eventconf.Events; import org.opennms.netmgt.xml.eventconf.Events.EventCallback; import org.opennms.netmgt.xml.eventconf.Events.EventCriteria; import org.opennms.netmgt.xml.eventconf.Partition; import org.opennms.netmgt.xml.eventconf.Field; import; import; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.dao.DataRetrievalFailureException; public class DefaultEventConfDao implements EventConfDao { private static final String DEFAULT_PROGRAMMATIC_STORE_RELATIVE_PATH = "events/"; /** * Relative URL for the programmatic store configuration, relative to the * root configuration resource (which must be resolvable to a URL). */ private String m_programmaticStoreRelativePath = DEFAULT_PROGRAMMATIC_STORE_RELATIVE_PATH; private Events m_events; private Resource m_configResource; private Partition m_partition; public String getProgrammaticStoreRelativeUrl() { return m_programmaticStoreRelativePath; } public void setProgrammaticStoreRelativeUrl(String programmaticStoreRelativeUrl) { m_programmaticStoreRelativePath = programmaticStoreRelativeUrl; } @Override public void reload() throws DataAccessException { try { loadConfig(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataRetrievalFailureException("Unabled to load " + m_configResource, e); } } @Override public List<Event> getEvents(final String uei) { List<Event> events = m_events.forEachEvent(new ArrayList<Event>(), new EventCallback<List<Event>>() { @Override public List<Event> process(List<Event> accum, Event event) { if (uei.equals(event.getUei())) { accum.add(event); } return accum; } }); return events.isEmpty() ? null : events; } @Override public List<String> getEventUEIs() { return m_events.forEachEvent(new ArrayList<String>(), new EventCallback<List<String>>() { @Override public List<String> process(List<String> ueis, Event event) { ueis.add(event.getUei()); return ueis; } }); } @Override public Map<String, String> getEventLabels() { return m_events.forEachEvent(new TreeMap<String, String>(), new EventCallback<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public Map<String, String> process(Map<String, String> ueiToLabelMap, Event event) { ueiToLabelMap.put(event.getUei(), event.getEventLabel()); return ueiToLabelMap; } }); } @Override public String getEventLabel(final String uei) { Event event = findByUei(uei); return event == null ? null : event.getEventLabel(); } @Override public void saveCurrent() {; } public List<Event> getAllEvents() { return m_events.forEachEvent(new ArrayList<Event>(), new EventCallback<List<Event>>() { @Override public List<Event> process(List<Event> accum, Event event) { accum.add(event); return accum; } }); } @Override public List<Event> getEventsByLabel() { SortedSet<Event> events = m_events.forEachEvent(new TreeSet<Event>(new EventLabelComparator()), new EventCallback<SortedSet<Event>>() { @Override public SortedSet<Event> process(SortedSet<Event> accum, Event event) { accum.add(event); return accum; } }); return new ArrayList<Event>(events); } @Override public void addEvent(Event event) { m_events.addEvent(event); m_events.initialize(m_partition); } @Override public void addEventToProgrammaticStore(Event event) { Events programmaticEvents = m_events.getLoadEventsByFile(m_programmaticStoreRelativePath); if (programmaticEvents == null) { programmaticEvents = new Events(); m_events.addLoadedEventFile(m_programmaticStoreRelativePath, programmaticEvents); } programmaticEvents.addEvent(event); programmaticEvents.initialize(m_partition); } @Override public boolean removeEventFromProgrammaticStore(Event event) { Events programmaticEvents = m_events.getLoadEventsByFile(m_programmaticStoreRelativePath); if (programmaticEvents == null) return false; programmaticEvents.removeEvent(event); if (programmaticEvents.getEventCount() <= 0) { m_events.removeLoadedEventFile(m_programmaticStoreRelativePath); } else { programmaticEvents.initialize(m_partition); } return true; } @Override public boolean isSecureTag(String tag) { return m_events.isSecureTag(tag); } @Override public Event findByUei(final String uei) { return m_events.findFirstMatchingEvent(new EventCriteria() { @Override public boolean matches(Event e) { return uei.equals(e.getUei()); } }); } @Override public Event findByEvent(final org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Event matchingEvent) { return m_events.findFirstMatchingEvent(matchingEvent); } @Override public Events getRootEvents() { return m_events; } public void setConfigResource(String configResource) throws IOException { m_configResource = new UrlResource(configResource); //m_configResource = configResource; } private Events load(Unmarshaller unmarshaller) throws Exception { InputStream stream = null; try { stream = m_configResource.getInputStream(); StreamSource source = new StreamSource(stream); Events events = unmarshaller.unmarshal(source, Events.class).getValue(); return events; } finally { if (stream != null) { stream.close(); } } } //TODO Removed spring dependency - init method per pure blueprint. public void init() throws DataAccessException { loadConfig(); } private synchronized void loadConfig() throws DataAccessException { try { Unmarshaller unmarshaller = JaxbUtils.getUnmarshallerFor(Events.class, null, true); Events events = load(unmarshaller); events.loadEventFiles(m_configResource); m_partition = new EnterpriseIdPartition(); events.initialize(m_partition); m_events = events; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataRetrievalFailureException("Unabled to load " + m_configResource, e); } } private static class EventLabelComparator implements Comparator<Event>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7976730920523203921L; @Override public int compare(final Event e1, final Event e2) { return e1.getEventLabel().compareToIgnoreCase(e2.getEventLabel()); } } }