Java tutorial
package org.opennaas.extensions.router.junos.actionssets.digester.test; /* * #%L * OpenNaaS :: Router :: Junos ActionSet * %% * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014 Fundaci Privada i2CAT, Internet i Innovaci a Catalunya * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.Assert; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.junos.commandsets.digester.IPInterfaceParser; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.ComputerSystem; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.EthernetPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.GREService; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.GRETunnelConfiguration; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.GRETunnelEndpoint; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.GRETunnelService; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.IPProtocolEndpoint; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.LogicalDevice; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.NetworkPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.NetworkPortVLANSettingData; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.ProtocolEndpoint; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolIFType; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.Service; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.ServiceAccessPoint; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.System; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.VLANEndpoint; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.VRRPGroup; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.VRRPProtocolEndpoint; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class IPInterfaceParserTest { private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IPInterfaceParserTest.class); @Test public void testStatusParserTest() throws Exception { System model = createSampleModel(); IPInterfaceParser parser = new IPInterfaceParser(model); String message = readStringFromFile("/parsers/getconfig.xml"); parser.init(); parser.configurableParse(new ByteArrayInputStream(message.getBytes())); String str = "\n"; model = parser.getModel(); str += printGRETunnels(model); for (LogicalDevice device : model.getLogicalDevices()) { if (device instanceof EthernetPort) { EthernetPort port = (EthernetPort) device; Assert.assertNotNull("OperationalStatus must be set", port.getOperationalStatus()); str += "- EthernetPort: " + '\n'; str += port.getName() + '.' + port.getPortNumber() + '\n'; str += port.getOperationalStatus(); str += '\n'; for (ProtocolEndpoint protocolEndpoint : port.getProtocolEndpoint()) { if (protocolEndpoint instanceof IPProtocolEndpoint) { IPProtocolEndpoint ipProtocol = (IPProtocolEndpoint) protocolEndpoint; str += "ipv4: " + ipProtocol.getIPv4Address() + '\n'; str += "ipv6: " + ipProtocol.getIPv6Address() + '\n'; } } } else { str += "not searched device"; } }; } @Test public void multipleIPsPerInterfaceTest() throws Exception { System model = new ComputerSystem(); IPInterfaceParser parser = new IPInterfaceParser(model); String message = readStringFromFile("/parsers/ethernetPortWIthMultipleIPs.xml"); parser.init(); parser.configurableParse(new ByteArrayInputStream(message.getBytes())); String str = "\n"; model = parser.getModel(); Assert.assertEquals("Model shouldn't have any service.", 0, model.getHostedService().size()); List<LogicalDevice> logicalDevices = model.getLogicalDevices(); Assert.assertEquals("Model should have 4 differents logical devices.", 5, logicalDevices.size()); for (LogicalDevice device : logicalDevices) { Assert.assertTrue("Model should only have Ethernet ports.", device instanceof EthernetPort); EthernetPort ethPort = (EthernetPort) device; if (ethPort.getName().equals("ge-2/0/0") && ethPort.getPortNumber() == 12) { Assert.assertNotNull("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12 should have a description.", ethPort.getDescription()); List<ProtocolEndpoint> protocolEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpoint(); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12 should have 3 ProtocolEndpoints", 3, protocolEndpoints.size()); List<IPProtocolEndpoint> ipEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpointsByType(IPProtocolEndpoint.class); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12 should have 2 IPProtocolEndpoints", 2, ipEndpoints.size()); List<VLANEndpoint> vlanEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpointsByType(VLANEndpoint.class); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12 should have 1 VlanProtocolEndpoint", 1, vlanEndpoints.size()); IPProtocolEndpoint ipEndpoint = ipEndpoints.get(0); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12 should only have IPv4 IPProtocolEndpoints", ProtocolIFType.IPV4, ipEndpoint.getProtocolIFType()); Assert.assertNull("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12 should not have configured IPv6 addresses", ipEndpoint.getIPv6Address()); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12 should not have configured IPv6 prefix length", 0, ipEndpoint.getPrefixLength()); Assert.assertTrue( ipEndpoint.getIPv4Address() + " is not a valid address for Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12", ipEndpoint.getIPv4Address().equals("") || ipEndpoint.getIPv4Address().equals("")); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12 should have configured IPv4 with /30 mask", "", ipEndpoint.getSubnetMask()); ipEndpoint = ipEndpoints.get(1); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12 should only have IPv4 IPProtocolEndpoints", ipEndpoint.getProtocolIFType(), ProtocolIFType.IPV4); Assert.assertNull("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12 should not have configured IPv6 addresses", ipEndpoint.getIPv6Address()); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12 should not have configured IPv6 prefix length", 0, ipEndpoint.getPrefixLength()); Assert.assertTrue( ipEndpoint.getIPv4Address() + " is not a valid address for Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12", ipEndpoint.getIPv4Address().equals("") || ipEndpoint.getIPv4Address().equals("")); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12 should have configured IPv4 with /30 mask", "", ipEndpoint.getSubnetMask()); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.12 should only have VlanEndpoint with VlanID 12", 12, vlanEndpoints.get(0).getVlanID()); } if (ethPort.getName().equals("ge-2/0/0") && ethPort.getPortNumber() == 201) { Assert.assertNotNull("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.201 should have a description.", ethPort.getDescription()); List<ProtocolEndpoint> protocolEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpoint(); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.201 should have 2 ProtocolEndpoints", 2, protocolEndpoints.size()); List<IPProtocolEndpoint> ipEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpointsByType(IPProtocolEndpoint.class); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.201 should have 1 IPProtocolEndpoints", 1, ipEndpoints.size()); List<VLANEndpoint> vlanEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpointsByType(VLANEndpoint.class); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.201 should have 1 VlanProtocolEndpoint", 1, vlanEndpoints.size()); IPProtocolEndpoint ipEndpoint = ipEndpoints.get(0); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.201 should only have IPv4 IPProtocolEndpoints", ProtocolIFType.IPV4, ipEndpoint.getProtocolIFType()); Assert.assertNull("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.201 should not have configured IPv6 addresses", ipEndpoint.getIPv6Address()); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.201 should not have configured IPv6 prefix length", 0, ipEndpoint.getPrefixLength()); Assert.assertTrue( ipEndpoint.getIPv4Address() + " is not a valid address for Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.201", ipEndpoint.getIPv4Address().equals("")); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.201 should have configured IPv4 with /24 mask", "", ipEndpoint.getSubnetMask()); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.201 should only have VlanEndpoint with VlanID 201", 201, vlanEndpoints.get(0).getVlanID()); } if (ethPort.getName().equals("ge-2/0/0") && ethPort.getPortNumber() == 202) { Assert.assertNotNull("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.202 should have a description.", ethPort.getDescription()); List<ProtocolEndpoint> protocolEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpoint(); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.202 should have 2 ProtocolEndpoints", 2, protocolEndpoints.size()); List<IPProtocolEndpoint> ipEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpointsByType(IPProtocolEndpoint.class); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.202 should have 1 IPProtocolEndpoints", 1, ipEndpoints.size()); List<VLANEndpoint> vlanEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpointsByType(VLANEndpoint.class); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.202 should have 1 VlanProtocolEndpoint", 1, vlanEndpoints.size()); IPProtocolEndpoint ipEndpoint = ipEndpoints.get(0); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.202 should only have IPv6 IPProtocolEndpoints", ProtocolIFType.IPV6, ipEndpoint.getProtocolIFType()); Assert.assertNull("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.202 should not have configured IPv4 addresses", ipEndpoint.getIPv4Address()); Assert.assertNull("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.202 should not have configured IPv4 subnet mask", ipEndpoint.getSubnetMask()); Assert.assertTrue( ipEndpoint.getIPv6Address() + " is not a valid address for Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.201", ipEndpoint.getIPv6Address().equals("FEDC:43::32:50")); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.202 should have configured IPv6 with /64 prefix", 64, ipEndpoint.getPrefixLength()); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port ge-2/0/0.202 should only have VlanEndpoint with VlanID 202", 202, vlanEndpoints.get(0).getVlanID()); } if (ethPort.getName().equals("fe-0/3/2") && ethPort.getPortNumber() == 0) { Assert.assertNotNull("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0 should have a description.", ethPort.getDescription()); List<ProtocolEndpoint> protocolEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpoint(); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0 should have 3 ProtocolEndpoints", 3, protocolEndpoints.size()); List<IPProtocolEndpoint> ipEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpointsByType(IPProtocolEndpoint.class); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0 should have 2 IPProtocolEndpoints", 2, ipEndpoints.size()); List<VLANEndpoint> vlanEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpointsByType(VLANEndpoint.class); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0 should have 1 VlanProtocolEndpoint", 1, vlanEndpoints.size()); IPProtocolEndpoint ipEndpoint = ipEndpoints.get(0); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0 should only have IPv6 IPProtocolEndpoints", ProtocolIFType.IPV6, ipEndpoint.getProtocolIFType()); Assert.assertNull("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0 should not have configured IPv4 addresses", ipEndpoint.getIPv4Address()); Assert.assertNull("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0 should not have configured IPv4 subnet mask", ipEndpoint.getSubnetMask()); Assert.assertTrue( ipEndpoint.getIPv6Address() + " is not a valid address for Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0", ipEndpoint.getIPv6Address().equals("FEDC:43::32:1") || ipEndpoint.getIPv6Address().equals("FEDC:43::32:2")); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0 should have configured IPv6 with /64 prefix length", 64, ipEndpoint.getPrefixLength()); ipEndpoint = ipEndpoints.get(1); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0 should only have IPv6 IPProtocolEndpoints", ProtocolIFType.IPV6, ipEndpoint.getProtocolIFType()); Assert.assertNull("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0 should not have configured IPv4 addresses", ipEndpoint.getIPv4Address()); Assert.assertNull("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0 should not have configured IPv4 subnet mask", ipEndpoint.getSubnetMask()); Assert.assertTrue( ipEndpoint.getIPv6Address() + " is not a valid address for Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0", ipEndpoint.getIPv6Address().equals("FEDC:43::32:1") || ipEndpoint.getIPv6Address().equals("FEDC:43::32:2")); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0 should have configured IPv6 with /64 prefix length", 64, ipEndpoint.getPrefixLength()); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.0 should only have VlanEndpoint with VlanID 32", 32, vlanEndpoints.get(0).getVlanID()); } if (ethPort.getName().equals("fe-0/3/2") && ethPort.getPortNumber() == 1) { Assert.assertNotNull("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1 should have a description.", ethPort.getDescription()); List<ProtocolEndpoint> protocolEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpoint(); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1 should have 3 ProtocolEndpoints", 3, protocolEndpoints.size()); List<IPProtocolEndpoint> ipEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpointsByType(IPProtocolEndpoint.class); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1 should have 2 IPProtocolEndpoints", 2, ipEndpoints.size()); List<VLANEndpoint> vlanEndpoints = ethPort.getProtocolEndpointsByType(VLANEndpoint.class); Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1 should have 1 VlanProtocolEndpoint", 1, vlanEndpoints.size()); IPProtocolEndpoint ipEndpoint1 = ipEndpoints.get(0); IPProtocolEndpoint ipEndpoint2 = ipEndpoints.get(1); Assert.assertNotNull( "ProtocolIFType should be set in IPProtocolEndpoint of Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1.", ipEndpoint1.getProtocolIFType()); Assert.assertNotNull( "ProtocolIFType should be set in IPProtocolEndpoint of Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1.", ipEndpoint2.getProtocolIFType()); Assert.assertFalse( "IPProtocolEndpoints should have differents protocols in Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1", ipEndpoint1.getProtocolIFType().equals(ipEndpoint2.getProtocolIFType())); for (IPProtocolEndpoint ipEndpoint : ipEndpoints) { if (ipEndpoint.getProtocolIFType().equals(ProtocolIFType.IPV4)) { Assert.assertNull( "IPv4 IPProtocolEndpoint in Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1 should not have configured IPv6 addresses", ipEndpoint.getIPv6Address()); Assert.assertEquals( "IPv4 IPProtocolEndpoint in Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1 should not have configured IPv6 prefix length", 0, ipEndpoint.getPrefixLength()); Assert.assertEquals( "IPv4 IPProtocolEndpoint in Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1 should have the address", "", ipEndpoint.getIPv4Address()); Assert.assertEquals( "IPv4 IPProtocolEndpoint in Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1 should have the mask", "", ipEndpoint.getSubnetMask()); } if (ipEndpoint.getProtocolIFType().equals(ProtocolIFType.IPV6)) { Assert.assertNull( "IPv6 IPProtocolEndpoint in Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1 should not have configured IPv4 addresses", ipEndpoint.getIPv4Address()); Assert.assertNull( "IPv6 IPProtocolEndpoint in Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1 should not have configured IPv4 subnet mask", ipEndpoint.getSubnetMask()); Assert.assertEquals( "IPv6 IPProtocolEndpoint in Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1 should have the address FEDC:43::32:3", "FEDC:43::32:3", ipEndpoint.getIPv6Address()); Assert.assertEquals( "IPv6 IPProtocolEndpoint in Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1 should have a prefix lenght of 64", 64, ipEndpoint.getPrefixLength()); } } Assert.assertEquals("Ethernet Port fe-0/3/2.1 should only have VlanEndpoint with VlanID 35", 35, vlanEndpoints.get(0).getVlanID()); } } } @Test public void testGREIsNotCreatedIfNoUnitConfigurated() throws Exception { System model = createSampleModel(); IPInterfaceParser parser = new IPInterfaceParser(model); String message = readStringFromFile("/parsers/getconfigWithoutGREUnit.xml"); parser.init(); parser.configurableParse(new ByteArrayInputStream(message.getBytes())); String str = "\n"; model = parser.getModel(); List<GRETunnelService> greServices = model.getAllHostedServicesByType(new GRETunnelService()); Assert.assertTrue("There should be no GREService if no gre unit is configured", greServices.isEmpty());; } @Test public void testGREIsNotCreatedIfNoGRE() throws Exception { System model = createSampleModel(); IPInterfaceParser parser = new IPInterfaceParser(model); String message = readStringFromFile("/parsers/getconfigWithoutGRE.xml"); parser.init(); parser.configurableParse(new ByteArrayInputStream(message.getBytes())); String str = "\n"; model = parser.getModel(); List<GRETunnelService> greServices = model.getAllHostedServicesByType(new GRETunnelService()); Assert.assertTrue("There should be no GREService if no gre is configured", greServices.isEmpty());; } @Test public void testGreServiceCreatedwithGRE() throws Exception { System model = createSampleModel(); IPInterfaceParser parser = new IPInterfaceParser(model); String message = readStringFromFile("/parsers/getconfig.xml"); parser.init(); parser.configurableParse(new ByteArrayInputStream(message.getBytes())); String str = "\n"; List<GREService> greServiceList = model.getAllHostedServicesByType(new GREService()); Assert.assertEquals("There should be a GREService if a gre interface is present.", greServiceList.size(), 1); GREService greService = greServiceList.get(0); Assert.assertEquals("There GREService name should be gr-0/1/0 and not " + greService.getName(), greService.getName(), "gr-0/1/0"); Assert.assertTrue( "The number of GRE Services in the model are not the same as the number of GRE in the config file", greService.getProtocolEndpoint().size() == 1); ProtocolEndpoint pE = greService.getProtocolEndpoint().get(0);; Assert.assertEquals("The name of the GRE interface should be gr-0/1/0.0 and not " + pE.getName(), pE.getName(), "gr-0/1/0.0"); } private String printGRETunnels(System model) { String str = ""; int greCount = 0; for (Service service : model.getHostedService()) { if (service instanceof GRETunnelService) { greCount++; String name = ((GRETunnelService) service).getName(); GRETunnelConfiguration gretunnelConfiguration = ((GRETunnelService) service) .getGRETunnelConfiguration(); str += " - GRE Tunnel Configuration : " + "\n"; String source = gretunnelConfiguration.getSourceAddress(); String destination = gretunnelConfiguration.getDestinationAddress(); int key = gretunnelConfiguration.getKey(); str += name + "\n"; str += "key : " + String.valueOf(key) + "\n"; str += "source : " + source + "\n"; str += "destination : " + destination + "\n"; int protocolEpCount = 0; for (ProtocolEndpoint pE : service.getProtocolEndpoint()) { if (pE instanceof GRETunnelEndpoint) { protocolEpCount++; GRETunnelEndpoint gE = (GRETunnelEndpoint) pE; String ip = gE.getIPv4Address(); if (ip == null) { ip = gE.getIPv6Address(); str += "ipv6 :" + ip + "\n"; } else { str += "ipv4 : " + ip + "\n"; } } } Assert.assertTrue(protocolEpCount > 0); } } Assert.assertTrue("There is only one gre, but it's not configured (we know in config there's only one)", greCount == 1); return str; } private System createSampleModel() { System model = new ComputerSystem(); // create interfaces to check OSPFEnpoint is created on them EthernetPort interface1 = new EthernetPort(); interface1.setName("fe-0/1/3"); interface1.setPortNumber(0); IPProtocolEndpoint ipProtocolEndpoint = new IPProtocolEndpoint(); ipProtocolEndpoint.setIPv4Address(""); ipProtocolEndpoint.setSubnetMask(""); interface1.addProtocolEndpoint(ipProtocolEndpoint); model.addLogicalDevice(interface1); return model; } @Test public void testVRRPConfigParserTest() throws Exception { System model = createSampleModel(); IPInterfaceParser parser = new IPInterfaceParser(model); String message = readStringFromFile("/parsers/getConfigWithVRRP.xml"); parser.init(); parser.configurableParse(new ByteArrayInputStream(message.getBytes())); String str = "\n"; model = parser.getModel(); for (LogicalDevice device : model.getLogicalDevices()) { if (device instanceof NetworkPort) { NetworkPort port = (NetworkPort) device; str += "- NetworkPort: " + '\n'; str += port.getName() + '.' + port.getPortNumber() + '\n'; for (ProtocolEndpoint protocolEndpoint : port.getProtocolEndpoint()) { if (protocolEndpoint instanceof IPProtocolEndpoint) { IPProtocolEndpoint ipProtocol = (IPProtocolEndpoint) protocolEndpoint; for (ServiceAccessPoint bindedProtocolEndpoint : ipProtocol .getBindedServiceAccessPoints()) { if (bindedProtocolEndpoint instanceof VRRPProtocolEndpoint) { str += "VRRP endpoint ==> "; VRRPProtocolEndpoint vrrpProtocolEndpoint = (VRRPProtocolEndpoint) bindedProtocolEndpoint; str += "priority: " + vrrpProtocolEndpoint.getPriority() + ", "; Assert.assertEquals(ProtocolIFType.IPV4, ((VRRPProtocolEndpoint) bindedProtocolEndpoint).getProtocolIFType()); str += "protocol: " + ((VRRPProtocolEndpoint) bindedProtocolEndpoint).getProtocolIFType() + ", "; Service service = vrrpProtocolEndpoint.getService(); Assert.assertTrue("VRRPProtocolEndpoint must have a Service instace of VRRPGroup", service instanceof VRRPGroup); VRRPGroup vrrpGroup = (VRRPGroup) service; Assert.assertNotNull("VRRPGroup must have a VRRP name (ID)", vrrpGroup.getVrrpName()); str += "VRRP group: " + vrrpGroup.getVrrpName() + ", "; Assert.assertNotNull("VRRPGroup must have a virtual IP address", vrrpGroup.getVirtualIPAddress()); str += "virtual IP address: " + vrrpGroup.getVirtualIPAddress(); str += '\n'; } } } } str += '\n'; } else { str += "not searched device"; } }; int vrrpGroups = 0; int vrrpProtocolEndpoints = 0; List<Service> routerServices = model.getHostedService(); for (Service service : routerServices) { if (service instanceof VRRPGroup) { vrrpGroups++; VRRPGroup vrrpGroup = (VRRPGroup) service; Assert.assertTrue("Our VRRPGroup vrrpName must be 201", vrrpGroup.getVrrpName() == 201); Assert.assertTrue("Our VRRPGroup virtual IP address mult be", vrrpGroup.getVirtualIPAddress().equals("")); List<ProtocolEndpoint> protocolEndpoints = vrrpGroup.getProtocolEndpoint(); for (ProtocolEndpoint protocolEndpoint : protocolEndpoints) { Assert.assertTrue( "ProtocolEndpoint's binded to VRRPGroup must be instances of VRRPProtocolEndpoint", protocolEndpoint instanceof VRRPProtocolEndpoint); vrrpProtocolEndpoints++; VRRPProtocolEndpoint vrrpProtocolEndpoint = (VRRPProtocolEndpoint) protocolEndpoint; Assert.assertTrue("Our VRRPProtocolEndpoint's must have priority 100 or 200", vrrpProtocolEndpoint.getPriority() == 100 || vrrpProtocolEndpoint.getPriority() == 200); } } } Assert.assertTrue("Our configuration must have one VRRPGroup", vrrpGroups == 1); Assert.assertTrue("Our configuration must have two VRRPProtocolEndpoint's", vrrpProtocolEndpoints == 2); } @Test public void testVRRPIPv6ConfigParser() throws Exception { System model = createSampleModel(); IPInterfaceParser parser = new IPInterfaceParser(model); String message = readStringFromFile("/parsers/getConfigWithVRRPIPv6.xml"); parser.init(); parser.configurableParse(new ByteArrayInputStream(message.getBytes())); model = parser.getModel(); List<VRRPGroup> vrrpList = model.getAllHostedServicesByType(new VRRPGroup()); Assert.assertEquals("Model should have only one VRRPGroup.", 1, vrrpList.size()); VRRPGroup group = vrrpList.get(0); Assert.assertEquals("VRRPGroup's name should be 201", 201, group.getVrrpName()); Assert.assertEquals("VRRPGroup's virtual address should be fec0::5:0:0:7", "fec0::5:0:0:7", group.getVirtualIPAddress()); Assert.assertEquals("VRRPGroup's virtual link address should be fe80::5:0:0:7", "fe80::5:0:0:7", group.getVirtualLinkAddress()); List<ProtocolEndpoint> protocolEndpointList = group.getProtocolEndpoint(); Assert.assertEquals("VRRPGroup service should have 1 protocol endpoint. ", 1, protocolEndpointList.size()); ProtocolEndpoint pE = protocolEndpointList.get(0); Assert.assertTrue("VRRPGroup should only have VRRPProtocolEndpoints.", pE instanceof VRRPProtocolEndpoint); VRRPProtocolEndpoint vE = (VRRPProtocolEndpoint) pE; Assert.assertEquals("VRRPProtocolEndpoint should have a priority value of 200.", 200, vE.getPriority()); Assert.assertEquals("VRRPProtocolEndpoint should have been configured with IPv6 protocol.", ProtocolIFType.IPV6, vE.getProtocolIFType()); String str = "\n"; for (LogicalDevice device : model.getLogicalDevices()) { if (device instanceof NetworkPort) { NetworkPort port = (NetworkPort) device; str += "- NetworkPort: " + '\n'; str += port.getName() + '.' + port.getPortNumber() + '\n'; for (ProtocolEndpoint protocolEndpoint : port.getProtocolEndpoint()) { if (protocolEndpoint instanceof IPProtocolEndpoint) { IPProtocolEndpoint ipProtocol = (IPProtocolEndpoint) protocolEndpoint; for (ServiceAccessPoint bindedProtocolEndpoint : ipProtocol .getBindedServiceAccessPoints()) { if (bindedProtocolEndpoint instanceof VRRPProtocolEndpoint) { str += "VRRP endpoint ==> "; VRRPProtocolEndpoint vrrpProtocolEndpoint = (VRRPProtocolEndpoint) bindedProtocolEndpoint; str += "priority: " + vrrpProtocolEndpoint.getPriority() + ", "; Assert.assertEquals(ProtocolIFType.IPV6, ((VRRPProtocolEndpoint) bindedProtocolEndpoint).getProtocolIFType()); str += "protocol: " + ((VRRPProtocolEndpoint) bindedProtocolEndpoint).getProtocolIFType() + ", "; Service service = vrrpProtocolEndpoint.getService(); Assert.assertTrue("VRRPProtocolEndpoint must have a Service instace of VRRPGroup", service instanceof VRRPGroup); VRRPGroup vrrpGroup = (VRRPGroup) service; Assert.assertNotNull("VRRPGroup must have a VRRP name (ID)", vrrpGroup.getVrrpName()); str += "VRRP group: " + vrrpGroup.getVrrpName() + ", "; Assert.assertNotNull("VRRPGroup must have a virtual IP address", vrrpGroup.getVirtualIPAddress()); str += "virtual IP address: " + vrrpGroup.getVirtualIPAddress() + ", "; str += "virtual link address: " + vrrpGroup.getVirtualLinkAddress(); str += '\n'; } } } } str += '\n'; } else { str += "not searched device"; } }; } @Ignore @Test public void testMultipleVRRPGroupsConfigParser() { // TODO } @Test /** * This test checks that the model created from the /parsers/ethernetSwitching.xml by the IPInterfaceParser contains * two NetworkPorts, one of them with an associated (and different) NetworkPortVLANSettingData. * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException */ public void testEthernetSwitching() throws IOException, SAXException { String message = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/parsers/ethernetSwitching.xml")); System model = new ComputerSystem(); IPInterfaceParser parser = new IPInterfaceParser(model); parser.init(); parser.configurableParse(new ByteArrayInputStream(message.getBytes())); System updatedModel = parser.getModel(); Assert.assertNotNull("Model should not be null", updatedModel); List<LogicalDevice> logicalDevices = model.getLogicalDevices(); Assert.assertEquals("Model should have 2 differents logical devices.", 2, logicalDevices.size()); Assert.assertTrue("Both logical devices should be instance of NetworkPort", logicalDevices.get(0) instanceof NetworkPort); Assert.assertTrue("Both logical devices should be instance of NetworkPort", logicalDevices.get(1) instanceof NetworkPort); NetworkPort port1 = (NetworkPort) logicalDevices.get(0); NetworkPort port2 = (NetworkPort) logicalDevices.get(1); Assert.assertEquals("Name of NetworkPort should be fe-0/1/0", "fe-0/1/0", port1.getName()); Assert.assertEquals("Name of NetworkPort should be fe-0/1/0", "fe-0/1/0", port2.getName()); // One port has portNumber 100 and the other one portNumber 200 Assert.assertTrue(port1.getPortNumber() == 100 || port1.getPortNumber() == 200); Assert.assertTrue(port2.getPortNumber() == 100 || port2.getPortNumber() == 200); Assert.assertTrue(port1.getPortNumber() != port2.getPortNumber()); // check networkPortVlanSettingData associated to each port for (LogicalDevice ld : logicalDevices) { NetworkPort port = (NetworkPort) ld; Assert.assertNotNull("NetworkPort " + port.getName() + "." + port.getPortNumber() + " should have an associated ElementSettingData.", port.getElementsSettingData()); Assert.assertEquals( "NetworkPort " + port.getName() + "." + port.getPortNumber() + " should have an associated ElementSettingData.", 1, port.getElementsSettingData().size()); Assert.assertTrue( "ElementSetting data associated to NetworkPort" + port.getName() + "." + port.getPortNumber() + " should be instance of NetworkPortVLANSettingData", port.getElementsSettingData().get(0) instanceof NetworkPortVLANSettingData); NetworkPortVLANSettingData settingData = (NetworkPortVLANSettingData) port.getElementsSettingData() .get(0); if (port.getPortNumber() == 100) { Assert.assertTrue("NetworkPortVLANSettingData should have native-vlan-id == 100", settingData.getNativeVlanId() == 100); Assert.assertEquals("NetworkPortVLANSettingData should have \"trunk\" port-mode", "trunk", settingData.getPortMode()); } else { Assert.assertTrue("NetworkPortVLANSettingData should have native-vlan-id == 200", settingData.getNativeVlanId() == 200); Assert.assertEquals("NetworkPortVLANSettingData should have \"access\" port-mode", "access", settingData.getPortMode()); } } } /** * Simple parser. It was used for proves with xml files * * @param stream * @return */ private String readStringFromFile(String pathFile) throws Exception { String answer = null; InputStream inputFile = getClass().getResourceAsStream(pathFile); InputStreamReader streamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputFile); StringBuffer fileData = new StringBuffer(1000); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(streamReader); char[] buf = new char[1024]; int numRead = 0; while ((numRead = != -1) { String readData = String.valueOf(buf, 0, numRead); fileData.append(readData); buf = new char[1024]; } reader.close(); answer = fileData.toString(); return answer; } }