Source code

Java tutorial


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 * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
 * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC.  All Rights Reserved.
package org.openmrs.module.vcttrac.util;

import java.text.DateFormat; //import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.openmrs.Person;
import org.openmrs.api.context.Context;
import org.openmrs.module.vcttrac.VCTClient;

 * @author Yves GAKUBA
public class FileExporter {

    private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());

     * Auto generated method comment
     * @param request
     * @param response
     * @param patientList
     * @param filename
     * @param title
     * @throws Exception
    public void exportToCSVFile(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
            List<VCTClient> clientList, String filename, String title, String searchDescr) throws Exception {
        ServletOutputStream outputStream = null;

        try {
            outputStream = response.getOutputStream();
            //         Person p;

            response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + filename + "\"");
            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.title.bigtitle", null));
            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("", null) + ", " + title);
                    VCTTracUtil.getMessage("", null) + ", " + searchDescr);
            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.title.generatedby", null) + ", "
                    + Context.getAuthenticatedUser().getPersonName());
            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.title.generatedon", null) + ", "
                    + (new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm").format(new Date())));
            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.title.numberofclients", null) + ", "
                    + clientList.size());
            //         outputStream
            //                 .println("No., Names, Gender, BirthDay, Registration Date, Counseling Done ?, Got Rsultat ?, Result of HIV Test");

            int ids = 0;

            for (VCTClient client : clientList) {
                ids += 1;
                /*p = client.getClient();
                + ","
                + p.getPersonName()
                + ","
                + p.getGender()
                + ","
                + df.format(p.getBirthdate())
                + ","
                + df.format(client.getDateOfRegistration())
                + ","
                + ((client.getCounselingObs() != null) ? "Yes" : "No")
                + ","
                + ((client.getResultObs() != null) ? "Yes" : "No")
                + ","
                + VCTModuleTag.convsetObsValueByConcept(client.getResultObs(), VCTTracUtil

                displayRowValues(outputStream, client, ids);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error(">>VCT>>Export>>in>>CSV>>Format>> " + e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            if (null != outputStream)

     * Auto generated method comment
     * @param outputStream
     * @param showNames
    private void setColumnTitles(ServletOutputStream outputStream) {
        try {

            boolean hasPrivilegeToViewPatientNames = Context.getAuthenticatedUser()
                    .hasPrivilege("View Patient Names");
            boolean hasPrivilegeToViewClientResult = Context.getAuthenticatedUser()
                    .hasPrivilege("View VCT Client result");

            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.column.registrationdate", null) + ", "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.column.number", null) + ", "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.column.clientcode", null) + ", "
                    + ((hasPrivilegeToViewPatientNames)
                            ? VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.column.names", null) + ", "
                            : "")
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.column.gender", null) + ", "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.column.birthday", null) + ", "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.column.counselingdone", null) + ", "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.column.gotresult", null) + ", "
                    + ((hasPrivilegeToViewClientResult)
                            ? VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.column.resultoftest", null)
                            : ""));

        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error(">>VCT>>Export>>in>>CSV>>Format>> Fail to set column titles >> " + e.getMessage());

     * Auto generated method comment
     * @param outputStream
     * @param showNames
     * @param showResult
     * @param id
    private void displayRowValues(ServletOutputStream outputStream, VCTClient client, Integer id) {
        try {

            boolean hasPrivilegeToViewPatientNames = Context.getAuthenticatedUser()
                    .hasPrivilege("View Patient Names");
            boolean hasPrivilegeToViewClientResult = Context.getAuthenticatedUser()
                    .hasPrivilege("View VCT Client result");

            DateFormat df = Context.getDateFormat();

            Person p = client.getClient();
                    .println(df.format(client.getDateOfRegistration()) + ", " + id + ", " + client.getCodeClient()
                            + ", " + ((hasPrivilegeToViewPatientNames) ? p.getPersonName() + ", " : "")
                            + p.getGender() + ", " + df.format(p.getBirthdate()) + ", "
                            + ((client.getCounselingObs() != null)
                                    ? VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.column.yes", null)
                                    : VCTTracUtil.getMessage("", null))
                            + ", "
                            + ((client.getResultObs() != null)
                                    ? VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.column.yes", null)
                                    : VCTTracUtil.getMessage("", null))
                            + ", "
                            + ((hasPrivilegeToViewClientResult)
                                    ? VCTModuleTag.convsetObsValueByConcept(client.getResultObs(),
                                    : ""));

        } catch (Exception e) {
                    ">>VCT>>Export>>in>>CSV>>Format>> Fail to display row values #" + id + " >> " + e.getMessage());

     * Auto generated method comment
     * @param request
     * @param response
     * @param filename
     * @param title
     * @throws Exception
    public void exportToCSVTracNetIndicators(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws Exception {
        ServletOutputStream outputStream = null;
        //      DateFormat df = Context.getDateFormat();
        try {
            outputStream = response.getOutputStream();

            String title = VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnetIndicators", null);
                    "attachment; filename=\"" + title.trim().toLowerCase().replace(" ", "_") + ".csv" + "\"");

            String location = request.getParameter("location");
            Date dateFrom = Context.getDateFormat().parse(request.getParameter("dateFrom"));
            Date dateTo = Context.getDateFormat().parse(request.getParameter("dateTo"));

            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("Encounter.location", null) + " , "
                    + ((location == null || location.compareTo("") == 0) ? ""
                            : Context.getLocationService().getLocation(Integer.valueOf(location)).getName()));
            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.from", null) + " , "
                    + (new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy").format(dateFrom)));
            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("", null) + " , "
                    + (new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy").format(dateTo)));
            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.title.generatedby", null) + " , "
                    + Context.getAuthenticatedUser().getPersonName());
            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.export.title.generatedon", null) + " , "
                    + new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy").format(new Date()));

            Integer loc = Integer.parseInt(location);
            String from = request.getParameter("dateFrom");
            String to = request.getParameter("dateTo");

            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.vct.indicators", null));
            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.criteria", null) + ", "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.female", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null) + " <15, "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.male", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null) + " <15, "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.female", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null) + " 15-24, "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.male", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null) + " 15-24, "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.female", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null) + " 25+, "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.male", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null) + " 25+");

                    .getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.criteria.numberOfNewClientsCounseledAndTestedForHiv", null) + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsCounseledAndTestedForHIV(from, to, loc, 0, 0, 15, "f")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsCounseledAndTestedForHIV(from, to, loc, 0, 0, 15, "m")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsCounseledAndTestedForHIV(from, to, loc, 0, 15, 25, "f")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsCounseledAndTestedForHIV(from, to, loc, 0, 15, 25, "m")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsCounseledAndTestedForHIV(from, to, loc, 0, 25, 0, "f")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsCounseledAndTestedForHIV(from, to, loc, 0, 25, 0, "m"));
                    .getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.criteria.numberOfNewClientsTestedAndReceivedResults", null) + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsTestedAndReceivedResults(from, to, loc, 0, 0, 15, "f")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsTestedAndReceivedResults(from, to, loc, 0, 0, 15, "m")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsTestedAndReceivedResults(from, to, loc, 0, 15, 25, "f")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsTestedAndReceivedResults(from, to, loc, 0, 15, 25, "m")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsTestedAndReceivedResults(from, to, loc, 0, 25, 0, "f")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsTestedAndReceivedResults(from, to, loc, 0, 25, 0, "m"));
            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.criteria.numberOfHivPositiveClients", null)
                    + ", " + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfHIVPositiveClients(from, to, loc, 0, 0, 15, "f") + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfHIVPositiveClients(from, to, loc, 0, 0, 15, "m") + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfHIVPositiveClients(from, to, loc, 0, 15, 25, "f") + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfHIVPositiveClients(from, to, loc, 0, 15, 25, "m") + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfHIVPositiveClients(from, to, loc, 0, 25, 0, "f") + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfHIVPositiveClients(from, to, loc, 0, 25, 0, "m"));


            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.pit.indicators", null));
            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.criteria", null) + ", "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.female", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null) + " <15, "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.male", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null) + " <15, "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.female", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null) + " 15-24, "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.male", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null) + " 15-24, "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.female", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null) + " 25+, "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.male", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null) + " 25+");

                    .getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.criteria.numberOfNewClientsCounseledAndTestedForHiv", null) + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsCounseledAndTestedForHIV(from, to, loc, 1, 0, 15, "f")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsCounseledAndTestedForHIV(from, to, loc, 1, 0, 15, "m")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsCounseledAndTestedForHIV(from, to, loc, 1, 15, 25, "f")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsCounseledAndTestedForHIV(from, to, loc, 1, 15, 25, "m")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsCounseledAndTestedForHIV(from, to, loc, 1, 25, 0, "f")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsCounseledAndTestedForHIV(from, to, loc, 1, 25, 0, "m"));
                    .getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.criteria.numberOfNewClientsTestedAndReceivedResults", null) + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsTestedAndReceivedResults(from, to, loc, 1, 0, 15, "f")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsTestedAndReceivedResults(from, to, loc, 1, 0, 15, "m")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsTestedAndReceivedResults(from, to, loc, 1, 15, 25, "f")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsTestedAndReceivedResults(from, to, loc, 1, 15, 25, "m")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsTestedAndReceivedResults(from, to, loc, 1, 25, 0, "f")
                    + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfNewClientsTestedAndReceivedResults(from, to, loc, 1, 25, 0, "m"));
            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.criteria.numberOfHivPositiveClients", null)
                    + ", " + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfHIVPositiveClients(from, to, loc, 1, 0, 15, "f") + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfHIVPositiveClients(from, to, loc, 1, 0, 15, "m") + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfHIVPositiveClients(from, to, loc, 1, 15, 25, "f") + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfHIVPositiveClients(from, to, loc, 1, 15, 25, "m") + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfHIVPositiveClients(from, to, loc, 1, 25, 0, "f") + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfHIVPositiveClients(from, to, loc, 1, 25, 0, "m"));


            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.couple.indicators", null));
            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.criteria", null) + ", "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.couple.counseled", null) + ", "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.couple.tested", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.couple.all", null) + ", "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.couple.tested", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.couple.oneoftwo", null) + ", "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.couple.tested", null) + " : "
                    + VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.couple.none", null));
            //            +VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.male", null)+" : "+VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null)+" 15-24, "
            //            +VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.female", null)+" : "+VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null)+" 25+, "
            //            +VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.person.male", null)+" : "+VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.age", null)+" 25+");

            outputStream.println(VCTTracUtil.getMessage("vcttrac.tracnet.criteria.numberOfCouples", null) + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfCouplesCounseled(from, to, loc) + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfCouplesCounseledAndTested(from, to, loc, 2) + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfCouplesCounseledAndTested(from, to, loc, 1) + ", "
                    + VCTModuleTag.getNumberOfCouplesCounseledAndTested(from, to, loc, 0));


        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error(">>VCT>>Export>>in>>CSV>>Format>>Tracnet>>Indicators>> " + e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            if (null != outputStream)

