Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.module.spreadsheetimport; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.module.spreadsheetimport.objects.NameValue; /** * */ public class DatabaseBackend { /** Logger for this class and subclasses */ protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SpreadsheetImportUtil.class); /** * Make name pretty */ public static String makePrettyName(String name) { String result = ""; boolean capitalizeNext = true; for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { char c = name.charAt(i); if (c == '_') { result += " "; capitalizeNext = true; } else if (capitalizeNext) { result += Character.toUpperCase(c); capitalizeNext = false; } else { result += c; } } return result; } /** * Convert table_name.column_name to Table Name: Column Name */ public static String makePrettyTableDotColumn(String tableDotColumn) { int index = tableDotColumn.indexOf("."); String table = tableDotColumn.substring(0, index); String column = tableDotColumn.substring(index + 1); return makePrettyName(table) + ": " + makePrettyName(column); } /** * Map: key = tableName.column, value = Table: Column */ private static Map<String, String> tableColumnMap = null; private static Map<String, List<String>> tableColumnListMap = null; public static Map<String, List<String>> getTableColumnListMap() throws Exception { if (tableColumnListMap == null) reverseEngineerDatabaseTable(); return tableColumnListMap; } public static Map<String, String> getTableColumnMap() throws Exception { if (tableColumnMap == null) reverseEngineerDatabaseTable(); return tableColumnMap; } private static void reverseEngineerDatabaseTable() throws Exception { tableColumnMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(); tableColumnListMap = new TreeMap<String, List<String>>(); Connection conn = null; Exception exception = null; try { // Connect to db Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); Properties p = Context.getRuntimeProperties(); String url = p.getProperty("connection.url"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, p.getProperty("connection.username"), p.getProperty("connection.password")); // All tables DatabaseMetaData dmd = conn.getMetaData(); ResultSet rs = dmd.getTables(null, null, "", null); while ( { String tableName = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME"); // All columns List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ResultSet rsColumns = dmd.getColumns(null, null, tableName, ""); while ( { columnNames.add(rsColumns.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); } rsColumns.close(); // // Remove imported keys ResultSet rsImportedKeys = dmd.getImportedKeys(null, null, tableName); while ( { String columnName = rsImportedKeys.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME"); if (columnNames.contains(columnName) && "obs".equalsIgnoreCase(tableName) && !"value_coded".equalsIgnoreCase(columnName)) { // hack: only allow obs.value_coded to go through columnNames.remove(columnName); } } rsImportedKeys.close(); List<String> clonedColumns = new ArrayList<String>(); clonedColumns.addAll(columnNames); // Add to map for (String columnName : clonedColumns) { String tableDotColumn = tableName + "." + columnName; tableColumnMap.put(tableDotColumn, makePrettyTableDotColumn(tableDotColumn)); } // Remove primary key ResultSet rsPrimaryKeys = dmd.getPrimaryKeys(null, null, tableName); while ( { String columnName = rsPrimaryKeys.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); if (columnNames.contains(columnName)) { columnNames.remove(columnName); } } rsPrimaryKeys.close(); tableColumnListMap.put(tableName, columnNames); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e.toString()); exception = e; } finally { if (conn != null) { try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } } public static List<NameValue> getMapNameToAllowedValue(String tableName) throws Exception { List<NameValue> retVal = new ArrayList<NameValue>(); // Map<String, String> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); Connection conn = null; Statement s = null; Exception exception = null; try { // Connect to db Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); Properties p = Context.getRuntimeProperties(); String url = p.getProperty("connection.url"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, p.getProperty("connection.username"), p.getProperty("connection.password")); s = conn.createStatement(); // Primary key String primaryKey = tableName + "_id"; // Guess DatabaseMetaData dmd = conn.getMetaData(); ResultSet rsPrimaryKeys = dmd.getPrimaryKeys(null, null, tableName); if ( { primaryKey = rsPrimaryKeys.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); } rsPrimaryKeys.close(); ResultSet rs = null; // Try 0: if table is person, then look for person_name if ("person".equals(tableName)) { try { rs = s.executeQuery( "SELECT CONCAT(given_name, ' ', family_name) name, `person_name`.`person_id` primary_key FROM `users` INNER JOIN `person_name` on `users`.`person_id` = `person_name`.`person_id` INNER JOIN `user_role` on `users`.`user_id` = `user_role`.`user_id` WHERE `user_role`.`role` = 'Provider'"); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e.toString()); } } // Try 1: name field in tableName if (rs == null) { try { rs = s.executeQuery("select name, " + primaryKey + " from " + tableName + " order by name"); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e.toString()); } } // Try 2: name field in table_name if (rs == null) { try { rs = s.executeQuery( "select name, " + primaryKey + " from " + tableName + "_name order by name"); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e.toString()); } } // Try 3: just use table_id as both key and value if (rs == null) { rs = s.executeQuery("select " + primaryKey + ", " + primaryKey + " from " + tableName); } while ( { NameValue nameValue = new NameValue(); nameValue.setName(rs.getString(1)); nameValue.setValue(rs.getString(2)); retVal.add(nameValue); } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e.toString()); exception = e; } finally { if (s != null) { try { s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (conn != null) { try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } else { return retVal; } } public static Map<String, String> getMapOfImportedKeyTableNameToColumnNamesForTable(String tableName) throws Exception { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); Connection conn = null; Exception exception = null; try { // Connect to db Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); Properties p = Context.getRuntimeProperties(); String url = p.getProperty("connection.url"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, p.getProperty("connection.username"), p.getProperty("connection.password")); // Not NULLable columns DatabaseMetaData dmd = conn.getMetaData(); List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ResultSet rsColumns = dmd.getColumns(null, null, tableName, ""); while ( { if (!rsColumns.getString("IS_NULLABLE").equals("YES")) { columnNames.add(rsColumns.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); } } rsColumns.close(); // Imported keys ResultSet rsImportedKeys = dmd.getImportedKeys(null, null, tableName); while ( { String columnName = rsImportedKeys.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME"); if (columnNames.contains(columnName)) { result.put(rsImportedKeys.getString("PKTABLE_NAME"), columnName); } } rsImportedKeys.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e.toString()); exception = e; } finally { if (conn != null) { try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } else { return result; } } public static String importData(Map<UniqueImport, Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn>> rowData, boolean rollbackTransaction) throws Exception { Connection conn = null; Statement s = null; Exception exception = null; String sql = null; String encounterId = null; try { // Connect to db Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); Properties p = Context.getRuntimeProperties(); String url = p.getProperty("connection.url"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, p.getProperty("connection.username"), p.getProperty("connection.password")); conn.setAutoCommit(false); s = conn.createStatement(); List<String> importedTables = new ArrayList<String>(); // Import for (UniqueImport uniqueImport : rowData.keySet()) { String tableName = uniqueImport.getTableName(); boolean isEncounter = "encounter".equals(tableName); boolean isPerson = "person".equals(tableName); boolean isPatientIdentifier = "patient_identifier".equals(tableName); boolean isObservation = "obs".equals(tableName); boolean skip = false; // SPECIAL TREATMENT // for encounter, if the data is available in the row, it means we're UPDATING observations for an EXISTING encounter, so we don't have to create encounter // otherwise, we need to create a new encounter if (isEncounter) { Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn> columnSet = rowData.get(uniqueImport); for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn column : columnSet) { Object columnValue = column.getValue(); if (!columnValue.equals("")) { column.setGeneratedKey(columnValue.toString()); skip = true; importedTables.add("encounter"); // fake as just imported encounter break; } } if (skip) continue; } // SPECIAL TREATMENT // for observation, if the data to be inserted is empty, then simply skip if (isObservation) { Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn> columnSet = rowData.get(uniqueImport); for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn column : columnSet) { Object columnValue = column.getValue(); if (columnValue.equals("")) { skip = true; importedTables.add("observation"); // fake as just imported observation, not meaningful, just for consistency purpose break; } } if (skip) continue; } if (isPerson) { boolean isIdentifierExist = false; // SPECIAL TREATMENT 1 // if the patient_identifier.identifier is specified and it is linked to a person, then use that person instead // note: patient.patient_id == person.person_id ( UniqueImport patientIdentifier = new UniqueImport("patient_identifier", null); if (rowData.containsKey(patientIdentifier)) { Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn> patientIdentifierColumns = rowData .get(patientIdentifier); for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn patientIdentifierColumn : patientIdentifierColumns) { String columnName = patientIdentifierColumn.getColumnName(); if ("identifier".equals(columnName)) { isIdentifierExist = true; sql = "select patient_id from patient_identifier where identifier = " + patientIdentifierColumn.getValue(); System.out.println("Searching for existing patient of id " + patientIdentifierColumn.getValue()); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql); if ( { String patientId = rs.getString(1); System.out.println("Found patient with patient_id = " + patientId); // no need to insert person, use the found patient_id as person_id Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn> columnSet = rowData.get(uniqueImport); for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn column : columnSet) { column.setGeneratedKey(patientId); } importedTables.add("person"); // fake as just imported person importedTables.add("patient"); // fake as just imported patient importedTables.add("patient_identifier"); // fake as just imported patient_identifier importedTables.add("person_name"); // fake as just imported person_name importedTables.add("person_address"); // fake as just imported person_address skip = true; } rs.close(); break; } } } if (skip) continue; // now, if we proceed to this point, it means patient identifier, if exists, does not match, and in that case, no point to match with person name // SPECIAL TREATMENT 2 // if first name, last name, middle name, gender, and birthdate match existing record, then use that record instead UniqueImport personName = new UniqueImport("person_name", null); if (rowData.containsKey(personName) && !isIdentifierExist) { Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn> personNameColumns = rowData.get(personName); // getting gender, birthdate from person Object gender = null; Object birthdate = null; for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn personColumn : rowData.get(uniqueImport)) { String columnName = personColumn.getColumnName(); if ("birth_date".equals(columnName)) birthdate = personColumn.getValue(); if ("gender".equals(columnName)) gender = personColumn.getValue(); } // getting first name, last name, middle name from person Object givenName = null; Object familyName = null; Object middleName = null; for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn personNameColumn : personNameColumns) { String columnName = personNameColumn.getColumnName(); if ("given_name".equals(columnName)) givenName = personNameColumn.getValue(); if ("family_name".equals(columnName)) familyName = personNameColumn.getValue(); if ("middle_name".equals(columnName)) middleName = personNameColumn.getValue(); } // find matching person name sql = "select person.person_id from person_name join person where gender " + (gender == null ? "is NULL" : "= " + gender) + " and birthdate " + (birthdate == null ? "is NULL" : "= " + birthdate) + " and given_name " + (givenName == null ? "is NULL" : "= " + givenName) + " and family_name " + (familyName == null ? "is NULL" : "= " + familyName) + " and middle_name " + (middleName == null ? "is NULL" : "= " + middleName); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql); String personId = null; if ( { // matched => no need to insert person, use the found patient_id as person_id Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn> columnSet = rowData.get(uniqueImport); for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn column : columnSet) { column.setGeneratedKey(personId); } importedTables.add("person"); // fake as just imported person importedTables.add("patient"); // fake as just imported patient importedTables.add("person_name"); // fake as just imported person_name importedTables.add("person_address"); // fake as just imported person_address skip = true; } } if (skip) continue; } if (isPatientIdentifier && importedTables.contains("patient_identifier")) continue; // Data from columns Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn> columnSet = rowData.get(uniqueImport); String columnNames = ""; String columnValues = ""; Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumnPrespecifiedValue> columnPrespecifiedValueSet = null; Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumnColumn> columnColumnsImportBefore = null; boolean isFirst = true; for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn column : columnSet) { // special treatment for encounter: simply ignore this loop since we don't want to insert encounter_id if (isEncounter) { columnPrespecifiedValueSet = column.getColumnPrespecifiedValues(); columnColumnsImportBefore = column.getColumnColumnsImportBefore(); // inject date_created columnNames += "date_created"; columnValues += "now()"; // find encounter_datetime based on observation date time java.sql.Date encounterDatetime = new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); Set<UniqueImport> uniqueImports = rowData.keySet(); for (UniqueImport u : uniqueImports) { if ("obs".equals(u.getTableName())) { Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn> obsColumns = rowData.get(u); for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn obsColumn : obsColumns) { if ("obs_datetime".equals(obsColumn.getColumnName())) { String obsColumnValue = obsColumn.getValue().toString(); obsColumnValue = obsColumnValue.substring(1, obsColumnValue.length() - 1); Date obsColumnValueDate = java.sql.Date.valueOf(obsColumnValue); if (obsColumnValueDate.before(encounterDatetime)) encounterDatetime = obsColumnValueDate; } } } } columnNames += ", encounter_datetime"; columnValues += ",'" + encounterDatetime.toString() + "'"; isFirst = false; break; } // Check for duplicates if (column.getDisallowDuplicateValue()) { sql = "select " + column.getColumnName() + " from " + column.getTableName() + " where " + column.getColumnName() + " = " + column.getValue(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sql); System.out.println(sql); } ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql); boolean foundDuplicate =; rs.close(); if (foundDuplicate) { throw new SpreadsheetImportDuplicateValueException(column); } } if (isFirst) { // Should be same for all columns in unique import columnPrespecifiedValueSet = column.getColumnPrespecifiedValues(); columnColumnsImportBefore = column.getColumnColumnsImportBefore(); isFirst = false; } else { columnNames += ","; columnValues += ","; } columnNames += column.getColumnName(); columnValues += column.getValue().toString(); } // Data from pre-specified values for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumnPrespecifiedValue columnPrespecifiedValue : columnPrespecifiedValueSet) { if (isFirst) isFirst = false; else { columnNames += ","; columnValues += ","; } columnNames += columnPrespecifiedValue.getColumnName(); columnValues += columnPrespecifiedValue.getPrespecifiedValue().getValue(); } // Data from columns import before if (!columnColumnsImportBefore.isEmpty()) { // Set up Map<String, String> mapPrimaryKeyColumnNameToGeneratedKey = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumnColumn columnColumn : columnColumnsImportBefore) { String primaryKeyColumnName = columnColumn.getColumnName(); String columnGeneratedKey = columnColumn.getColumnImportFirst().getGeneratedKey(); if (mapPrimaryKeyColumnNameToGeneratedKey.containsKey(primaryKeyColumnName)) { String mapGeneratedKey = mapPrimaryKeyColumnNameToGeneratedKey .get(primaryKeyColumnName); if (!mapGeneratedKey.equals(columnGeneratedKey)) { throw new SpreadsheetImportUnhandledCaseException(); } } else { mapPrimaryKeyColumnNameToGeneratedKey.put(primaryKeyColumnName, columnGeneratedKey); } // TODO: I believe patient and person are only tables with this relationship, if not, then this // needs to be generalized if (primaryKeyColumnName.equals("patient_id") && importedTables.contains("person") && !importedTables.contains("patient")) { sql = "insert into patient (patient_id, creator) values (" + columnGeneratedKey + ", " + Context.getAuthenticatedUser().getId() + ")"; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sql); } s.executeUpdate(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); // ResultSet rs = s.getGeneratedKeys(); //; // if (!columnGeneratedKey.equals(rs.getString(1))) { // throw new SpreadsheetImportUnhandledCaseException(); // } importedTables.add("patient"); } } // Add columns for (String columnName : mapPrimaryKeyColumnNameToGeneratedKey.keySet()) { if (isFirst) isFirst = false; else { columnNames += ","; columnValues += ","; } columnNames += columnName; columnValues += mapPrimaryKeyColumnNameToGeneratedKey.get(columnName); } } // SPECIAL TREATMENT: if this is observation, then check for column obs_datetime. If not available, then use current time if (isObservation) { boolean hasDatetime = false; for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn column : columnSet) { if ("obs_datetime".equals(column.getColumnName())) { hasDatetime = true; break; } } if (!hasDatetime) { columnNames += ",obs_datetime"; columnValues += ",now()"; } columnNames += ", date_created"; columnValues += ",now()"; } // SPECIAL TREATMENT: if this is patient identifier, then set location_id to NULL, to avoid CONSTRAINT `patient_identifier_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`location_id`) REFERENCES `location` (`location_id`)) if (isPatientIdentifier) { columnNames += ", location_id"; columnValues += ", NULL"; } // creator columnNames += ",creator"; columnValues += "," + Context.getAuthenticatedUser().getId(); // uuid DatabaseMetaData dmd = conn.getMetaData(); ResultSet rsColumns = dmd.getColumns(null, null, uniqueImport.getTableName(), "uuid"); if ( { columnNames += ",uuid"; columnValues += ",uuid()"; } rsColumns.close(); // Insert tableName sql = "insert into " + uniqueImport.getTableName() + " (" + columnNames + ")" + " values (" + columnValues + ")"; System.out.println(sql); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sql); } s.executeUpdate(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); ResultSet rs = s.getGeneratedKeys();; for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn column : columnSet) { column.setGeneratedKey(rs.getString(1)); } // SPECIAL TREATMENT: update Encounter ID back to the Excel file by returning it to the caller if (isEncounter) encounterId = rs.getString(1); rs.close(); importedTables.add(uniqueImport.getTableName()); } } catch (SQLSyntaxErrorException e) { throw new SpreadsheetImportSQLSyntaxException(sql, e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e.toString()); exception = e; throw new SpreadsheetImportSQLSyntaxException(sql, e.getMessage()); // TODO: for web debug purpose only, should comment out later } finally { if (s != null) { try { s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (conn != null) { if (rollbackTransaction) { conn.rollback(); } else { conn.commit(); } try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } return encounterId; } public static void validateData(Map<UniqueImport, Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn>> rowData) throws SQLException, SpreadsheetImportTemplateValidationException { Connection conn = null; Statement s = null; String sql = null; SQLException exception = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { // Connect to db Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); Properties p = Context.getRuntimeProperties(); String url = p.getProperty("connection.url"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, p.getProperty("connection.username"), p.getProperty("connection.password")); s = conn.createStatement(); for (UniqueImport uniqueImport : rowData.keySet()) { if ("obs".equals(uniqueImport.getTableName())) { Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn> obsColumns = rowData.get(uniqueImport); for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn obsColumn : obsColumns) { String columnName = obsColumn.getColumnName(); String conceptId = getPrespecifiedConceptIdFromObsColumn(obsColumn); if (conceptId == null) throw new SpreadsheetImportTemplateValidationException("no prespecified concept ID"); if ("value_coded".equals(columnName)) { // skip if empty if (obsColumn.getValue().equals("")) continue; // verify the answers are the concepts which are possible answers //sql = "select answer_concept from concept_answer join concept_name on concept_answer.answer_concept = concept_name.concept_id where = '" + obsColumn.getValue() + "' and concept_answer.concept_id = '" + conceptId + "'"; sql = "select answer_concept from concept_answer where answer_concept = '" + obsColumn.getValue() + "' and concept_id = '" + conceptId + "'"; rs = s.executeQuery(sql); if (! { sql = "select name from concept_name where concept_id = " + conceptId; rs = s.executeQuery(sql);; String conceptName = rs.getString(1); throw new SpreadsheetImportTemplateValidationException( "invalid concept answer for the prespecified concept ID " + conceptName); } } else if ("value_text".equals(columnName)) { // skip if empty if (obsColumn.getValue().equals("")) continue; // verify the number of characters is less than the allowed length } else if ("value_numeric".equals(columnName)) { // skip if empty if (obsColumn.getValue().equals("")) continue; // verify it's within the range specified in the concept definition sql = "select hi_absolute, low_absolute from concept_numeric where concept_id = '" + conceptId + "'"; rs = s.executeQuery(sql); if (! throw new SpreadsheetImportTemplateValidationException( "prespecified concept ID " + conceptId + " is not a numeric concept"); double hiAbsolute = rs.getDouble(1); double lowAbsolute = rs.getDouble(2); double value = 0.0; try { value = Double.parseDouble(obsColumn.getValue().toString()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new SpreadsheetImportTemplateValidationException( "concept value is not a number"); } if (hiAbsolute < value || lowAbsolute > value) throw new SpreadsheetImportTemplateValidationException( "concept value " + value + " of column " + columnName + " is out of range " + lowAbsolute + " - " + hiAbsolute); } else if ("value_datetime".equals(columnName) || "obs_datetime".equals(columnName)) { // skip if empty if (obsColumn.getValue().equals("")) continue; // verify datetime is defined and it can not be in the future String value = obsColumn.getValue().toString(); String date = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1); if (Timestamp.valueOf(date).after(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()))) throw new SpreadsheetImportTemplateValidationException("date is in the future"); } } } else if ("patient_identifier".equals(uniqueImport.getTableName())) { Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn> piColumns = rowData.get(uniqueImport); for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn piColumn : piColumns) { String columnName = piColumn.getColumnName(); if (!"identifier".equals(columnName)) continue; String pitId = getPrespecifiedPatientIdentifierTypeIdFromPatientIdentifierColumn(piColumn); if (pitId == null) throw new SpreadsheetImportTemplateValidationException( "no prespecified patient identifier type ID"); sql = "select format from patient_identifier_type where patient_identifier_type_id = " + pitId; rs = s.executeQuery(sql); if (! throw new SpreadsheetImportTemplateValidationException( "invalid prespcified patient identifier type ID"); String format = rs.getString(1); if (format != null && format.trim().length() != 0) { String value = piColumn.getValue().toString(); value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(format); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(value); if (!matcher.matches()) throw new SpreadsheetImportTemplateValidationException( "Patient ID is not conforming to patient identifier type"); } } } } } catch (SQLException e) { log.debug(e.toString()); exception = e; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log.debug(e.toString()); } catch (InstantiationException e) { log.debug(e.toString()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { log.debug(e.toString()); } finally { if (rs != null) try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (s != null) { try { s.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } if (conn != null) { try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } } public static Locale getCurrentUserLocale() { Connection conn = null; Statement s = null; String language = "en_GB"; try { // Connect to db Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); Properties p = Context.getRuntimeProperties(); String url = p.getProperty("connection.url"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, p.getProperty("connection.username"), p.getProperty("connection.password")); Integer userId = Context.getAuthenticatedUser().getId(); s = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s .executeQuery("select property_value from user_property where user_id=" + userId.toString()); if ( language = rs.getString(1); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e.toString()); } Locale locale = new Locale(language); return locale; } private static String getPrespecifiedConceptIdFromObsColumn(SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn obsColumn) { Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumnPrespecifiedValue> prespecifiedColumns = obsColumn .getColumnPrespecifiedValues(); for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumnPrespecifiedValue prespecifiedColumn : prespecifiedColumns) { String prespecifiedColumnName = prespecifiedColumn.getColumnName(); if ("concept_id".equals(prespecifiedColumnName)) return prespecifiedColumn.getPrespecifiedValue().getValue(); } return null; } private static String getPrespecifiedPatientIdentifierTypeIdFromPatientIdentifierColumn( SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumn piColumn) { Set<SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumnPrespecifiedValue> prespecifiedColumns = piColumn .getColumnPrespecifiedValues(); for (SpreadsheetImportTemplateColumnPrespecifiedValue prespecifiedColumn : prespecifiedColumns) { String prespecifiedColumnName = prespecifiedColumn.getColumnName(); if ("identifier_type".equals(prespecifiedColumnName)) return prespecifiedColumn.getPrespecifiedValue().getValue(); } return null; } }