Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.module.pmtct.web.view.chart; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import; import org.openmrs.Concept; import org.openmrs.ConceptAnswer; import org.openmrs.Encounter; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.api.context.UserContext; import org.openmrs.module.pmtct.PMTCTModuleTag; import org.openmrs.module.pmtct.db.PmtctService; import org.openmrs.module.pmtct.util.ContextProvider; import org.openmrs.module.pmtct.util.PMTCTConfigurationUtils; import org.openmrs.module.pmtct.util.PMTCTConstants; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; /** * */ public class InfantPieChartView extends AbstractChartView { /** * @see org.openmrs.module.pmtct.web.view.chart.AbstractChartView#createChart(java.util.Map, * javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) */ @Override protected JFreeChart createChart(Map<String, Object> model, HttpServletRequest request) { UserContext userContext = Context.getUserContext(); ApplicationContext appContext = ContextProvider.getApplicationContext(); PMTCTModuleTag tag = new PMTCTModuleTag(); List<Object> res = new ArrayList<Object>(); DefaultPieDataset pieDataset = new DefaultPieDataset(); String title = "", descriptionTitle = "", dateInterval = ""; Concept concept = null; SimpleDateFormat df = Context.getDateFormat(); Encounter matEnc = null; Date today = new Date(); Date oneYearFromNow = new Date(new Date().getTime() - PMTCTConstants.YEAR_IN_MILLISECONDS); String endDate = df.format(today); String startDate = df.format(oneYearFromNow); dateInterval = "(" + new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy").format(oneYearFromNow) + " - " + new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy").format(today) + ")"; if (request.getParameter("type").compareTo("1") == 0) { try { // Date myDate = new Date("1/1/" + ((new Date()).getYear() + 1900)); // String startDate = df.format(myDate); // Date today=new Date(); // Date oneYearFromNow=new Date(new Date().getTime() - PMTCTConstants.YEAR_IN_MILLISECONDS); PmtctService pmtct; pmtct = Context.getService(PmtctService.class); try { res = pmtct.getGeneralStatForInfantTests_Charting_IFM(startDate, endDate); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } List<String> infantFeedingMethodOptions = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Integer> infantFeedingMethodValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Collection<ConceptAnswer> answers = Context.getConceptService() .getConcept(PMTCTConstants.INFANT_FEEDING_METHOD).getAnswers(); for (ConceptAnswer str : answers) { infantFeedingMethodOptions.add(str.getAnswerConcept().getName().getName()); infantFeedingMethodValues.add(0); } infantFeedingMethodOptions.add("Others"); infantFeedingMethodValues.add(0); for (Object ob : res) { int patientId = (Integer) ((Object[]) ob)[0]; matEnc = tag.getMaternityEncounterInfo(patientId); String infantFeedingMethod = tag.observationValueByConcept(matEnc, PMTCTConstants.INFANT_FEEDING_METHOD); int i = 0; boolean found = false; for (String s : infantFeedingMethodOptions) { if ((s.compareToIgnoreCase(infantFeedingMethod)) == 0) { infantFeedingMethodValues.set(i, infantFeedingMethodValues.get(i) + 1); found = true; } i++; } if (!found) { infantFeedingMethodValues.set(infantFeedingMethodValues.size() - 1, infantFeedingMethodValues.get(infantFeedingMethodValues.size() - 1) + 1); } } int i = 0; for (String s : infantFeedingMethodOptions) { if (infantFeedingMethodValues.get(i) > 0) { Float percentage = new Float(100 * infantFeedingMethodValues.get(i) / res.size()); pieDataset.setValue(s + " (" + infantFeedingMethodValues.get(i) + " , " + percentage + "%)", percentage); } i++; } title = appContext.getMessage("", null, userContext.getLocale()); concept = Context.getConceptService().getConcept(PMTCTConstants.INFANT_FEEDING_METHOD); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else if (request.getParameter("type").compareTo("2") == 0) { try { // Date myDate2 = new Date("1/1/" + ((new Date()).getYear() + 1900)); // String startDate2 = df.format(myDate2); // Date today=new Date(); // Date oneYearFromNow=new Date(new Date().getTime() - PMTCTConstants.YEAR_IN_MILLISECONDS); // String endDate2 = df.format(today); // String startDate2 = df.format(oneYearFromNow); // dateInterval = "(" + new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy").format(oneYearFromNow) + " - " + new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy").format(today) + ")"; PmtctService pmtct; pmtct = Context.getService(PmtctService.class); try { res = pmtct.getGeneralStatForInfantTests_Charting_SerAt9Months(startDate, endDate); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } List<String> hivTestResultOptions = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Integer> ser9m_hivTestResultValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Collection<ConceptAnswer> answers = Context.getConceptService() .getConcept(PMTCTConstants.RESULT_OF_HIV_TEST).getAnswers(); for (ConceptAnswer str : answers) { hivTestResultOptions.add(str.getAnswerConcept().getName().getName()); ser9m_hivTestResultValues.add(0); } hivTestResultOptions.add("Others"); ser9m_hivTestResultValues.add(0); for (Object ob : res) { int val = 0; String temp = "", ser9m_hivTestResult = ""; temp = "" + ((Object[]) ob)[2]; val = (temp.compareTo("") == 0) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(temp); if (val > 0) ser9m_hivTestResult = tag.getConceptNameById(temp); int i = 0; boolean ser9m_found = false; for (String s : hivTestResultOptions) { if ((s.compareToIgnoreCase(ser9m_hivTestResult)) == 0) { ser9m_hivTestResultValues.set(i, ser9m_hivTestResultValues.get(i) + 1); ser9m_found = true; } i++; } if (!ser9m_found) { ser9m_hivTestResultValues.set(ser9m_hivTestResultValues.size() - 1, ser9m_hivTestResultValues.get(ser9m_hivTestResultValues.size() - 1) + 1); } } int i = 0; for (String s : hivTestResultOptions) { if (ser9m_hivTestResultValues.get(i) > 0) { Float percentage = new Float(100 * ser9m_hivTestResultValues.get(i) / res.size()); pieDataset.setValue(s + " (" + ser9m_hivTestResultValues.get(i) + " , " + percentage + "%)", percentage); } i++; } title = appContext.getMessage("", null, userContext.getLocale()); concept = null; descriptionTitle = Context.getEncounterService() .getEncounterType(PMTCTConfigurationUtils.getSerology9MonthEncounterTypeId()).getName(); descriptionTitle += dateInterval; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else if (request.getParameter("type").compareTo("3") == 0) { try { // Date myDate3 = new Date("1/1/" + ((new Date()).getYear() + 1900)); // String startDate3 = df.format(myDate3); // String endDate3 = df.format(today); // String startDate3 = df.format(oneYearFromNow); // dateInterval = "(" + new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy").format(oneYearFromNow) + " - " + new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy").format(today) + ")"; PmtctService pmtct; pmtct = Context.getService(PmtctService.class); try { res = pmtct.getGeneralStatForInfantTests_Charting_SerAt18Months(startDate, endDate); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } List<String> hivTestResultOptions = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Integer> ser18m_hivTestResultValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Collection<ConceptAnswer> answers = Context.getConceptService() .getConcept(PMTCTConstants.RESULT_OF_HIV_TEST).getAnswers(); for (ConceptAnswer str : answers) { hivTestResultOptions.add(str.getAnswerConcept().getName().getName()); ser18m_hivTestResultValues.add(0); } hivTestResultOptions.add("Others"); ser18m_hivTestResultValues.add(0); for (Object ob : res) { int val = 0; String temp = "", ser18m_hivTestResult = ""; temp = "" + ((Object[]) ob)[2]; val = (temp.compareTo("") == 0) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(temp); if (val > 0) ser18m_hivTestResult = tag.getConceptNameById(temp); int i = 0; boolean ser18m_found = false; for (String s : hivTestResultOptions) { if ((s.compareToIgnoreCase(ser18m_hivTestResult)) == 0) { ser18m_hivTestResultValues.set(i, ser18m_hivTestResultValues.get(i) + 1); ser18m_found = true; } i++; } if (!ser18m_found) { ser18m_hivTestResultValues.set(ser18m_hivTestResultValues.size() - 1, ser18m_hivTestResultValues.get(ser18m_hivTestResultValues.size() - 1) + 1); } } int i = 0; for (String s : hivTestResultOptions) { if (ser18m_hivTestResultValues.get(i) > 0) { Float percentage = new Float(100 * ser18m_hivTestResultValues.get(i) / res.size()); pieDataset.setValue( s + " (" + ser18m_hivTestResultValues.get(i) + " , " + percentage + "%)", percentage); } i++; } title = appContext.getMessage("", null, userContext.getLocale()); concept = null; descriptionTitle = Context.getEncounterService() .getEncounterType(PMTCTConfigurationUtils.getSerology18MonthEncounterTypeId()).getName(); descriptionTitle += dateInterval; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else if (request.getParameter("type").compareTo("4") == 0) { try { PmtctService pmtct; pmtct = Context.getService(PmtctService.class); try { res = pmtct.getGeneralStatForInfantTests_Charting_PCR(startDate, endDate); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } List<String> hivTestResultOptions = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Integer> pcr_hivTestResultValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Collection<ConceptAnswer> answers = Context.getConceptService() .getConcept(PMTCTConstants.RESULT_OF_HIV_TEST).getAnswers(); for (ConceptAnswer str : answers) { hivTestResultOptions.add(str.getAnswerConcept().getName().getName()); pcr_hivTestResultValues.add(0); } hivTestResultOptions.add("Others"); pcr_hivTestResultValues.add(0); for (Object ob : res) { int val = 0; String temp = "", pcr_hivTestResult = ""; temp = "" + ((Object[]) ob)[2]; val = (temp.compareTo("") == 0) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(temp); if (val > 0) pcr_hivTestResult = tag.getConceptNameById(temp); int i = 0; boolean pcr_found = false; for (String s : hivTestResultOptions) { if ((s.compareToIgnoreCase(pcr_hivTestResult)) == 0) { pcr_hivTestResultValues.set(i, pcr_hivTestResultValues.get(i) + 1); pcr_found = true; } i++; } if (!pcr_found) { pcr_hivTestResultValues.set(pcr_hivTestResultValues.size() - 1, pcr_hivTestResultValues.get(pcr_hivTestResultValues.size() - 1) + 1); } } int i = 0; for (String s : hivTestResultOptions) { if (pcr_hivTestResultValues.get(i) > 0) { Float percentage = new Float(100 * pcr_hivTestResultValues.get(i) / res.size()); pieDataset.setValue(s + " (" + pcr_hivTestResultValues.get(i) + " , " + percentage + "%)", percentage); } i++; } title = appContext.getMessage("", null, userContext.getLocale()); concept = null; descriptionTitle = Context.getEncounterService() .getEncounterType(PMTCTConfigurationUtils.getPCRTestEncounterTypeId()).getName(); descriptionTitle += dateInterval; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createPieChart(title + " : " + ((null != concept) ? concept.getPreferredName(userContext.getLocale()) + dateInterval : descriptionTitle), pieDataset, true, true, false); return chart; } }