Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package; import org.openmrs.Encounter; import org.openmrs.Location; import org.openmrs.Patient; import org.openmrs.api.FormService; import org.openmrs.api.LocationService; import org.openmrs.module.emrapi.patient.PatientDomainWrapper; import org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.HtmlForm; import org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.HtmlFormEntryService; import org.openmrs.module.htmlformentryui.HtmlFormUtil; import org.openmrs.module.pihmalawi.PihMalawiWebConstants; import; import; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.SimpleObject; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.UiUtils; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.annotation.InjectBeans; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.annotation.SpringBean; import; import; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.resource.ResourceFactory; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class MastercardPageController { public void controller(@RequestParam(value = "patientId", required = false) Patient patient, @RequestParam(value = "headerForm") String headerForm, @RequestParam(value = "flowsheets") String[] flowsheets, @RequestParam(value = "viewOnly", required = false) Boolean viewOnly, @RequestParam(value = "requireEncounter", required = false) Boolean requireEncounter, UiUtils ui, PageModel model, @SpringBean("htmlFormEntryService") HtmlFormEntryService htmlFormEntryService, @SpringBean("formService") FormService formService, @SpringBean("locationService") LocationService locationService, @SpringBean("coreResourceFactory") ResourceFactory resourceFactory, @InjectBeans PatientDomainWrapper patientDomainWrapper, PageRequest pageRequest) { patientDomainWrapper.setPatient(patient); model.addAttribute("patient", patientDomainWrapper); model.addAttribute("headerForm", headerForm); model.addAttribute("flowsheets", flowsheets); model.addAttribute("requireEncounter", (requireEncounter == null || requireEncounter)); Location defaultLocation = null; Integer locationId = pageRequest.getSession().getAttribute(PihMalawiWebConstants.SESSION_LOCATION_ID, Integer.TYPE); if (locationId != null) { defaultLocation = locationService.getLocation(locationId); } List<Encounter> allEncounters = new ArrayList<Encounter>(); List<String> alerts = new ArrayList<String>(); String headerFormResource = "pihmalawi:htmlforms/" + headerForm + ".xml"; HtmlForm headerHtmlForm = getHtmlFormFromResource(headerFormResource, resourceFactory, formService, htmlFormEntryService); model.addAttribute("headerForm", headerForm); Encounter headerEncounter = null; List<Encounter> headerEncounters = getEncountersForForm(patient, headerHtmlForm); if (headerEncounters.size() > 0) { headerEncounter = headerEncounters.get(headerEncounters.size() - 1); // Most recent if (headerEncounters.size() > 1) { alerts.add("WARNING: More than one " + headerHtmlForm.getName() + " encounters exist for this patient. Displaying the most recent only."); } allEncounters.add(headerEncounter); } model.addAttribute("headerEncounter", headerEncounter); Map<String, HtmlForm> flowsheetForms = new LinkedHashMap<String, HtmlForm>(); Map<String, List<Integer>> flowsheetEncounters = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<Integer>>(); if (flowsheets != null) { for (String flowsheet : flowsheets) { String flowsheetResource = "pihmalawi:htmlforms/" + flowsheet + ".xml"; HtmlForm htmlForm = getHtmlFormFromResource(flowsheetResource, resourceFactory, formService, htmlFormEntryService); flowsheetForms.put(flowsheet, htmlForm); List<Integer> encIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Encounter> encounters = getEncountersForForm(patient, htmlForm); for (Encounter e : encounters) { encIds.add(e.getEncounterId()); allEncounters.add(e); } flowsheetEncounters.put(flowsheet, encIds); } } model.addAttribute("flowsheetForms", flowsheetForms); model.addAttribute("flowsheetEncounters", flowsheetEncounters); model.addAttribute("alerts", alerts); if (defaultLocation == null) { Date maxDate = null; if (allEncounters.size() > 0) { for (Encounter e : allEncounters) { if (maxDate == null || maxDate.compareTo(e.getEncounterDatetime()) < 0) { maxDate = e.getEncounterDatetime(); defaultLocation = e.getLocation(); } } } } model.addAttribute("defaultLocationId", defaultLocation == null ? null : defaultLocation.getLocationId()); model.addAttribute("viewOnly", viewOnly == Boolean.TRUE); model.addAttribute("returnUrl", ui.pageLink("pihmalawi", "mastercard", SimpleObject.create("patientId", patient.getId(), "headerForm", headerForm, "flowsheets", flowsheets, "viewOnly", viewOnly))); } /** * @return an HtmlForm that is represented by the given resource in the web project */ protected HtmlForm getHtmlFormFromResource(String resource, ResourceFactory rf, FormService fs, HtmlFormEntryService hfs) { try { HtmlForm form = HtmlFormUtil.getHtmlFormFromUiResource(rf, fs, hfs, resource); if (form == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No form found for resource " + resource); } return form; } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load htmlform from resource " + resource); } } /** * @return all encounters for the given patient that have the same encounter type as the given form */ protected List<Encounter> getEncountersForForm(Patient p, HtmlForm form) { EncountersForPatientDataDefinition edd = new EncountersForPatientDataDefinition(); edd.addType(form.getForm().getEncounterType()); List<Encounter> ret = DataUtil.evaluateForPatient(edd, p.getPatientId(), List.class); return ret == null ? new ArrayList<Encounter>() : ret; } }