Java tutorial
/* * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.module.emrapi.adt; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.openmrs.Encounter; import org.openmrs.EncounterRole; import org.openmrs.EncounterType; import org.openmrs.Form; import org.openmrs.Location; import org.openmrs.Obs; import org.openmrs.Order; import org.openmrs.Patient; import org.openmrs.PersonAttribute; import org.openmrs.PersonAttributeType; import org.openmrs.Provider; import org.openmrs.User; import org.openmrs.Visit; import org.openmrs.api.APIException; import org.openmrs.api.EncounterService; import org.openmrs.api.LocationService; import org.openmrs.api.PatientService; import org.openmrs.api.ProviderService; import org.openmrs.api.VisitService; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.api.impl.BaseOpenmrsService; import org.openmrs.module.emrapi.EmrApiConstants; import org.openmrs.module.emrapi.EmrApiProperties; import org.openmrs.module.emrapi.adt.exception.ExistingVisitDuringTimePeriodException; import org.openmrs.module.emrapi.disposition.Disposition; import org.openmrs.module.emrapi.domainwrapper.DomainWrapperFactory; import org.openmrs.module.emrapi.merge.PatientMergeAction; import org.openmrs.module.emrapi.patient.PatientDomainWrapper; import org.openmrs.module.emrapi.visit.VisitDomainWrapper; import org.openmrs.serialization.SerializationException; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class AdtServiceImpl extends BaseOpenmrsService implements AdtService { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private EmrApiProperties emrApiProperties; private PatientService patientService; private EncounterService encounterService; private VisitService visitService; private ProviderService providerService; private LocationService locationService; private DomainWrapperFactory domainWrapperFactory; private List<PatientMergeAction> patientMergeActions; public void setPatientService(PatientService patientService) { this.patientService = patientService; } public void setLocationService(LocationService locationService) { this.locationService = locationService; } public void setEmrApiProperties(EmrApiProperties emrApiProperties) { this.emrApiProperties = emrApiProperties; } public void setEncounterService(EncounterService encounterService) { this.encounterService = encounterService; } public void setVisitService(VisitService visitService) { this.visitService = visitService; } public void setProviderService(ProviderService providerService) { this.providerService = providerService; } public void setDomainWrapperFactory(DomainWrapperFactory domainWrapperFactory) { this.domainWrapperFactory = domainWrapperFactory; } public void setPatientMergeActions(List<PatientMergeAction> patientMergeActions) { this.patientMergeActions = patientMergeActions; } // for testing public List<PatientMergeAction> getPatientMergeActions() { return patientMergeActions; } @Override public void closeInactiveVisits() { List<Visit> openVisits = visitService.getVisits(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, false); for (Visit visit : openVisits) { if (shouldBeClosed(visit)) { try { closeAndSaveVisit(visit); } catch (Exception ex) { log.warn("Failed to close inactive visit " + visit, ex); } } } } private boolean shouldBeClosed(Visit visit) { if (visit.getStopDatetime() != null) { return false; // already closed } VisitDomainWrapper visitDomainWrapper = domainWrapperFactory.newVisitDomainWrapper(visit); if (visitDomainWrapper.isAdmitted() || visitDomainWrapper.isAwaitingAdmission()) { return false; // don't close the visit if patient is admitted or waiting admission } Disposition mostRecentDisposition = visitDomainWrapper.getMostRecentDisposition(); if (mostRecentDisposition != null && mostRecentDisposition.getKeepsVisitOpen() != null && mostRecentDisposition.getKeepsVisitOpen()) { return false; // don't close the visit if the most recent disposition is one that keeps visit opens } Date now = new Date(); Date mustHaveSomethingAfter = DateUtils.addHours(now, -emrApiProperties.getVisitExpireHours()); if (, mustHaveSomethingAfter) >= 0) { return false; } if (visit.getEncounters() != null) { for (Encounter candidate : visit.getEncounters()) { if (, mustHaveSomethingAfter) >= 0) { return false; } } } return true; } @Override public boolean visitsOverlap(Visit v1, Visit v2) { Location where1 = v1.getLocation(); Location where2 = v2.getLocation(); if ((where1 == null && where2 == null) || isSameOrAncestor(where1, where2) || isSameOrAncestor(where2, where1)) { // "same" location, so check if date ranges overlap (assuming startDatetime is never null) return (OpenmrsUtil.compareWithNullAsLatest(v1.getStartDatetime(), v2.getStopDatetime()) <= 0) && (OpenmrsUtil.compareWithNullAsLatest(v2.getStartDatetime(), v1.getStopDatetime()) <= 0); } return false; } /** * Anything that calls this needs to be @Transactional * * @param patient * @param department * @return */ private Visit getActiveVisitHelper(Patient patient, Location department) { Date now = new Date(); List<Visit> candidates = visitService.getVisitsByPatient(patient); Visit ret = null; for (Visit candidate : candidates) { if (isSuitableVisit(candidate, department, now)) { ret = candidate; } } return ret; } @Override @Transactional public VisitDomainWrapper getActiveVisit(Patient patient, Location location) { VisitDomainWrapper visitSummary = null; Visit activeVisit = getActiveVisitHelper(patient, location); if (activeVisit != null) { visitSummary = wrap(activeVisit); } return visitSummary; } @Override @Transactional public void closeAndSaveVisit(Visit visit) { visit.setStopDatetime(guessVisitStopDatetime(visit)); visitService.saveVisit(visit); } @Override @Transactional public Visit ensureActiveVisit(Patient patient, Location department) { Visit activeVisit = getActiveVisitHelper(patient, department); if (activeVisit == null) { Date now = new Date(); activeVisit = buildVisit(patient, department, now); visitService.saveVisit(activeVisit); } return activeVisit; } @Transactional public Visit ensureVisit(Patient patient, Date visitTime, Location department) { if (visitTime == null) { visitTime = new Date(); } Visit visit = null; List<Patient> patientList = Collections.singletonList(patient); // visits that have not ended by the encounter date. List<Visit> candidates = visitService.getVisits(null, patientList, null, null, null, visitTime, null, null, null, true, false); if (candidates != null) { for (Visit candidate : candidates) { if (isSuitableVisit(candidate, department, visitTime)) { return candidate; } } } if (visit == null) { visit = buildVisit(patient, department, visitTime); visitService.saveVisit(visit); } return visit; } private Date guessVisitStopDatetime(Visit visit) { if (visit.getEncounters() == null || visit.getEncounters().size() == 0) { return visit.getStartDatetime(); } Iterator<Encounter> iterator = visit.getEncounters().iterator(); Encounter latest =; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Encounter candidate =; if (, latest.getEncounterDatetime()) > 0) { latest = candidate; } } return latest.getEncounterDatetime(); } /** * This method is synchronized to prevent multiple check-ins in a row at the same location and during the same visit. * See #579. * * @see org.openmrs.module.emrapi.adt.AdtService#checkInPatient(org.openmrs.Patient, org.openmrs.Location, org.openmrs.Provider, java.util.List, java.util.List, boolean) */ @Override @Transactional public synchronized Encounter checkInPatient(Patient patient, Location where, Provider checkInClerk, List<Obs> obsForCheckInEncounter, List<Order> ordersForCheckInEncounter, boolean newVisit) { if (checkInClerk == null) { checkInClerk = getProvider(Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); } Visit activeVisit = getActiveVisitHelper(patient, where); if (activeVisit != null && newVisit) { closeAndSaveVisit(activeVisit); activeVisit = null; } if (activeVisit == null) { activeVisit = ensureActiveVisit(patient, where); } Encounter lastEncounter = getLastEncounter(patient); if (lastEncounter != null && activeVisit.equals(lastEncounter.getVisit()) && emrApiProperties.getCheckInEncounterType().equals(lastEncounter.getEncounterType()) && where.equals(lastEncounter.getLocation())) { log.warn("Patient id:{} tried to check-in twice in a row at id:{} during the same visit", patient.getId(), where.getId()); return lastEncounter; } Encounter encounter = buildEncounter(emrApiProperties.getCheckInEncounterType(), patient, where, null, new Date(), obsForCheckInEncounter, ordersForCheckInEncounter); encounter.addProvider(emrApiProperties.getCheckInClerkEncounterRole(), checkInClerk); activeVisit.addEncounter(encounter); encounterService.saveEncounter(encounter); return encounter; } // Commenting this out since the feature isn't in use yet, and it refers to payment, which isn't supposed to be in this module // @Override // @Transactional // public Encounter createCheckinInRetrospective(Patient patient, Location location, Provider clerk, Obs paymentReason, Obs paymentAmount, Obs paymentReceipt, Date checkinDate) { // Visit encounterVisit = buildVisit(patient, location, checkinDate); // // List<Obs> paymentObservations = new ArrayList<Obs>(); // Obs paymentGroup = new Obs(); // paymentGroup.setConcept(emrApiProperties.getPaymentConstructConcept()); // paymentGroup.addGroupMember(paymentReason); // paymentGroup.addGroupMember(paymentAmount); // paymentGroup.addGroupMember(paymentReceipt); // paymentObservations.add(paymentGroup); // Encounter checkinEncounter = buildEncounter(emrApiProperties.getCheckInEncounterType(), patient, location, checkinDate, paymentObservations, null); // checkinEncounter.addProvider(emrApiProperties.getCheckInClerkEncounterRole(), clerk); // encounterVisit.addEncounter(checkinEncounter); // // checkinEncounter = encounterService.saveEncounter(checkinEncounter); // // return checkinEncounter; // } private Provider getProvider(User accountBelongingToUser) { Collection<Provider> candidates = providerService.getProvidersByPerson(accountBelongingToUser.getPerson(), false); if (candidates.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "User " + accountBelongingToUser.getUsername() + " does not have a Provider account"); } else if (candidates.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException( "User " + accountBelongingToUser.getUsername() + " has more than one Provider account"); } else { return candidates.iterator().next(); } } private Encounter buildEncounter(EncounterType encounterType, Patient patient, Location location, Form form, Date when, List<Obs> obsToCreate, List<Order> ordersToCreate) { Encounter encounter = new Encounter(); encounter.setPatient(patient); encounter.setEncounterType(encounterType); encounter.setLocation(location); encounter.setForm(form); encounter.setEncounterDatetime(when); if (obsToCreate != null) { for (Obs obs : obsToCreate) { obs.setObsDatetime(new Date()); encounter.addObs(obs); } } if (ordersToCreate != null) { for (Order order : ordersToCreate) { encounter.addOrder(order); } } return encounter; } private Visit buildVisit(Patient patient, Location location, Date when) { Visit visit = new Visit(); visit.setPatient(patient); visit.setLocation(getLocationThatSupportsVisits(location)); visit.setStartDatetime(when); visit.setVisitType(emrApiProperties.getAtFacilityVisitType()); return visit; } /** * Looks at location, and if necessary its ancestors in the location hierarchy, until it finds one tagged with * "Visit Location" * * @param location * @return location, or an ancestor * @throws IllegalArgumentException if neither location nor its ancestors support visits */ @Override public Location getLocationThatSupportsVisits(Location location) { if (location == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Location does not support visits"); } else if (location.hasTag(EmrApiConstants.LOCATION_TAG_SUPPORTS_VISITS)) { return location; } else { return getLocationThatSupportsVisits(location.getParentLocation()); } } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<Location> getAllLocationsThatSupportVisits() { return locationService.getLocationsByTag(emrApiProperties.getSupportsVisitsLocationTag()); } /** * @param visit * @param location * @param when * @return true if when falls in the visits timespan AND location is within visit.location */ @Override public boolean isSuitableVisit(Visit visit, Location location, Date when) { if (, visit.getStartDatetime()) < 0) { return false; } if (OpenmrsUtil.compareWithNullAsLatest(when, visit.getStopDatetime()) > 0) { return false; } return isSameOrAncestor(visit.getLocation(), location); } /** * @param a * @param b * @return true if a.equals(b) or a is an ancestor of b. */ private boolean isSameOrAncestor(Location a, Location b) { if (a == null || b == null) { return a == null && b == null; } return a.equals(b) || isSameOrAncestor(a, b.getParentLocation()); } /** * @see org.openmrs.module.emrapi.adt.AdtService#getActiveVisits(org.openmrs.Location) */ @Override public List<VisitDomainWrapper> getActiveVisits(Location location) { if (location == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Location is required"); } Set<Location> locations = getChildLocationsRecursively(location, null); List<Visit> candidates = visitService.getVisits(null, null, locations, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, false); List<VisitDomainWrapper> active = new ArrayList<VisitDomainWrapper>(); for (Visit candidate : candidates) { if (itBelongsToARealPatient(candidate)) { active.add(wrap(candidate)); } } return active; } @Override public List<VisitDomainWrapper> getInpatientVisits(Location visitLocation, Location ward) { if (visitLocation == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Location is required"); } Set<Location> locations = getChildLocationsRecursively(visitLocation, null); List<Visit> candidates = visitService.getVisits(null, null, locations, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, false); List<VisitDomainWrapper> inpatientVisits = new ArrayList<VisitDomainWrapper>(); for (Visit candidate : candidates) { VisitDomainWrapper visitDomainWrapper = wrap(candidate); if (itBelongsToARealPatient(candidate) && visitDomainWrapper.isAdmitted()) { if (ward != null) { Encounter latestAdtEncounter = visitDomainWrapper.getLatestAdtEncounter(); if (latestAdtEncounter != null && (latestAdtEncounter.getLocation().getId().compareTo(ward.getId()) == 0)) { inpatientVisits.add(visitDomainWrapper); } } else { inpatientVisits.add(visitDomainWrapper); } } } return inpatientVisits; } private boolean itBelongsToARealPatient(Visit candidate) { Patient patient = candidate.getPatient(); PatientDomainWrapper domainWrapper = new PatientDomainWrapper(patient, emrApiProperties, null, null, null, null); return !domainWrapper.isTestPatient(); } @Override public Encounter getLastEncounter(Patient patient) { // speed this up by implementing it directly in a DAO List<Encounter> byPatient = encounterService.getEncountersByPatient(patient); if (byPatient.size() == 0) { return null; } else { return byPatient.get(byPatient.size() - 1); } } @Override public int getCountOfEncounters(Patient patient) { // speed this up by implementing it directly in a DAO return encounterService.getEncountersByPatient(patient).size(); } @Override public int getCountOfVisits(Patient patient) { // speed this up by implementing it directly in a DAO return visitService.getVisitsByPatient(patient, true, false).size(); } /** * Utility method that returns all child locations and children of its child locations * recursively * * @param location * @param foundLocations * @return */ private Set<Location> getChildLocationsRecursively(Location location, Set<Location> foundLocations) { if (foundLocations == null) foundLocations = new LinkedHashSet<Location>(); foundLocations.add(location); if (location.getChildLocations() != null) { for (Location l : location.getChildLocations()) { foundLocations.add(l); getChildLocationsRecursively(l, foundLocations); } } return foundLocations; } @Transactional @Override public void mergePatients(Patient preferred, Patient notPreferred) { boolean preferredWasUnknown = domainWrapperFactory.newPatientDomainWrapper(preferred).isUnknownPatient(); boolean notPreferredWasUnknown = domainWrapperFactory.newPatientDomainWrapper(notPreferred) .isUnknownPatient(); if (preferredWasUnknown && !notPreferredWasUnknown) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot merge a permanent record into an unknown one"); } List<Visit> preferredVisits = visitService.getVisitsByPatient(preferred, true, false); List<Visit> notPreferredVisits = visitService.getVisitsByPatient(notPreferred, true, false); // if the non-preferred patient has any visits that overlap with visits of the preferred patient, we need to merge them together for (Visit losing : notPreferredVisits) { if (!losing.isVoided()) { for (Visit winning : preferredVisits) { if (!winning.isVoided() && visitsOverlap(losing, winning)) { mergeVisits(winning, losing); break; } } } } // merging in visits from the non-preferred patient (and extending visit durations) may have caused preferred-patient visits to overlap Collections.sort(preferredVisits, new Comparator<Visit>() { @Override public int compare(Visit left, Visit right) { return OpenmrsUtil.compareWithNullAsEarliest(left.getStartDatetime(), right.getStartDatetime()); } }); for (int i = 0; i < preferredVisits.size(); ++i) { Visit visit = preferredVisits.get(i); if (!visit.isVoided()) { for (int j = i + 1; j < preferredVisits.size(); ++j) { Visit candidate = preferredVisits.get(j); if (!candidate.isVoided() && visitsOverlap(visit, candidate)) { mergeVisits(visit, candidate); } } } } if (patientMergeActions != null) { for (PatientMergeAction patientMergeAction : patientMergeActions) { patientMergeAction.beforeMergingPatients(preferred, notPreferred); } } try { patientService.mergePatients(preferred, notPreferred); // if we merged an unknown record into a permanent one, remove the unknown flag; if we merged two unknown records, keep it if (!preferredWasUnknown) { removeAttributeOfUnknownPatient(preferred); } } catch (SerializationException e) { throw new APIException("Unable to merge patients due to serialization error", e); } if (patientMergeActions != null) { for (PatientMergeAction patientMergeAction : patientMergeActions) { patientMergeAction.afterMergingPatients(preferred, notPreferred); } } } private void removeAttributeOfUnknownPatient(Patient preferred) { PersonAttributeType unknownPatientPersonAttributeType = emrApiProperties .getUnknownPatientPersonAttributeType(); PersonAttribute attribute = preferred.getAttribute(unknownPatientPersonAttributeType); if (attribute != null) { preferred.removeAttribute(attribute); patientService.savePatient(preferred); } } public boolean areConsecutiveVisits(List<Integer> visits, Patient patient) { if (patient != null && visits != null && (visits.size() > 0)) { List<Visit> patientVisits = visitService.getVisitsByPatient(patient, true, false); if ((patientVisits != null) && (patientVisits.size() > 0)) { ArrayList<Integer> allVisits = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int j = 0; for (Visit visit : patientVisits) { allVisits.add(j++, visit.getId()); } if (allVisits.containsAll(visits)) { //find the index of the first candidate for a consecutive visit int i = allVisits.indexOf(visits.get(0)); //make sure there are still more elements in the list than the the number of candidate consecutives if ((allVisits.size() - i) >= visits.size()) { for (Integer candidateVisit : visits) { if (allVisits.get(i).compareTo(candidateVisit) == 0) { i++; } else { return false; } } return true; } } } } return false; } public Visit mergeConsecutiveVisits(List<Integer> visits, Patient patient) { if (areConsecutiveVisits(visits, patient)) { Visit mergedVisit = visitService.getVisit(visits.get(0)); if (visits.size() > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < visits.size(); i++) { mergedVisit = mergeVisits(mergedVisit, visitService.getVisit(visits.get(i))); } } return mergedVisit; } return null; } public Visit mergeVisits(Visit preferred, Visit nonPreferred) { // extend date range of winning if (OpenmrsUtil.compareWithNullAsEarliest(nonPreferred.getStartDatetime(), preferred.getStartDatetime()) < 0) { preferred.setStartDatetime(nonPreferred.getStartDatetime()); } if (preferred.getStopDatetime() != null && OpenmrsUtil.compareWithNullAsLatest(preferred.getStopDatetime(), nonPreferred.getStopDatetime()) < 0) { preferred.setStopDatetime(nonPreferred.getStopDatetime()); } // move encounters from losing into winning if (nonPreferred.getEncounters() != null) { for (Encounter e : nonPreferred.getEncounters()) { e.setPatient(preferred.getPatient()); preferred.addEncounter(e); encounterService.saveEncounter(e); } } nonPreferred.setEncounters(null); // we need to manually the encounters from the non-preferred visit before voiding or all the encounters we just moved will also get voided! visitService.voidVisit(nonPreferred, "EMR - Merge Patients: merged into visit " + preferred.getVisitId()); visitService.saveVisit(preferred); return preferred; } private void addProviders(Encounter encounter, Map<EncounterRole, ? extends Collection<Provider>> providers) { for (Map.Entry<EncounterRole, ? extends Collection<Provider>> entry : providers.entrySet()) { EncounterRole encounterRole = entry.getKey(); for (Provider provider : entry.getValue()) { encounter.addProvider(encounterRole, provider); } } } private boolean hasAny(Map<?, ? extends Collection<?>> providers) { if (providers == null) { return false; } for (Collection<?> byType : providers.values()) { if (byType != null && byType.size() > 0) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void addPatientMergeAction(PatientMergeAction patientMergeAction) { if (this.patientMergeActions == null) { this.patientMergeActions = new ArrayList<PatientMergeAction>(); } this.patientMergeActions.add(patientMergeAction); } @Override public void removePatientMergeAction(PatientMergeAction patientMergeAction) { if (this.patientMergeActions == null) { this.patientMergeActions = new ArrayList<PatientMergeAction>(); } this.patientMergeActions.remove(patientMergeAction); } @Transactional @Override public Encounter createAdtEncounterFor(AdtAction action) { if (action.getVisit() == null || action.getLocation() == null || !hasAny(action.getProviders())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must provide a visit, location, and provider"); } VisitDomainWrapper visit = wrap(action.getVisit()); action.getType().checkVisitValid(visit); Date adtDatetime = action.getActionDatetime(); if (adtDatetime == null) { adtDatetime = new Date(); } visit.errorIfOutsideVisit(adtDatetime, "ADT Datetime outside of visit bounds"); EncounterType adtEncounterType = action.getType().getEncounterType(emrApiProperties); Form adtForm = action.getType().getForm(emrApiProperties); Encounter encounter = buildEncounter(adtEncounterType, visit.getVisit().getPatient(), action.getLocation(), adtForm, adtDatetime, null, null); addProviders(encounter, action.getProviders()); visit.addEncounter(encounter); encounterService.saveEncounter(encounter); return encounter; } @Override @Deprecated // use new VisitDomainWrapperFactory instead (this service method has been delegated to use the new factory) public VisitDomainWrapper wrap(Visit visit) { return domainWrapperFactory.newVisitDomainWrapper(visit); } @Override @Transactional public VisitDomainWrapper createRetrospectiveVisit(Patient patient, Location location, Date startDatetime, Date stopDatetime) throws ExistingVisitDuringTimePeriodException { if (startDatetime.after(new Date())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("emrapi.retrospectiveVisit.startDateCannotBeInFuture"); } if (stopDatetime.after(new Date())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("emrapi.retrospectiveVisit.stopDateCannotBeInFuture"); } if (startDatetime.after(stopDatetime)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("emrapi.retrospectiveVisit.endDateBeforeStartDateMessage"); } if (hasVisitDuring(patient, location, startDatetime, stopDatetime)) { throw new ExistingVisitDuringTimePeriodException("emrapi.retrospectiveVisit.patientAlreadyHasVisit"); } Visit visit = buildVisit(patient, location, startDatetime); visit.setStopDatetime(stopDatetime); return wrap(visitService.saveVisit(visit)); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<VisitDomainWrapper> getVisits(Patient patient, Location location, Date startDatetime, Date endDatetime) { List<VisitDomainWrapper> visitDomainWrappers = new ArrayList<VisitDomainWrapper>(); for (Visit visit : visitService.getVisits( Collections.singletonList(emrApiProperties.getAtFacilityVisitType()), Collections.singletonList(patient), Collections.singletonList(getLocationThatSupportsVisits(location)), null, null, endDatetime, startDatetime, null, null, true, false)) { visitDomainWrappers.add(wrap(visit)); } return visitDomainWrappers; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public boolean hasVisitDuring(Patient patient, Location location, Date startDatetime, Date stopDatetime) { List<VisitDomainWrapper> visits = getVisits(patient, location, startDatetime, stopDatetime); return visits == null || visits.size() == 0 ? false : true; } @Override public List<Location> getInpatientLocations() { return locationService.getLocationsByTag(emrApiProperties.getSupportsAdmissionLocationTag()); } }