Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.module.chica; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openmrs.Concept; import org.openmrs.ConceptName; import org.openmrs.Encounter; import org.openmrs.FieldType; import org.openmrs.Form; import org.openmrs.FormField; import org.openmrs.Location; import org.openmrs.Obs; import org.openmrs.Patient; import org.openmrs.api.APIException; import org.openmrs.api.EncounterService; import org.openmrs.api.FormService; import org.openmrs.api.LocationService; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.logic.LogicService; import org.openmrs.logic.result.Result; import org.openmrs.module.atd.FormWriter; import org.openmrs.module.atd.ParameterHandler; import org.openmrs.module.atd.datasource.FormDatasource; import org.openmrs.module.atd.hibernateBeans.PatientATD; import org.openmrs.module.atd.hibernateBeans.Statistics; import org.openmrs.module.atd.service.ATDService; import org.openmrs.module.atd.xmlBeans.Field; import org.openmrs.module.atd.xmlBeans.Records; import org.openmrs.module.chica.service.ChicaService; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutil.threadmgmt.ChirdlRunnable; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutil.threadmgmt.ThreadManager; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutil.util.ChirdlUtilConstants; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutil.util.IOUtil; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutil.util.Util; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutil.util.XMLUtil; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutilbackports.hibernateBeans.FormInstance; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutilbackports.hibernateBeans.PatientState; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutilbackports.service.ChirdlUtilBackportsService; import org.openmrs.module.dss.DssElement; import org.openmrs.module.dss.DssManager; import org.openmrs.module.dss.hibernateBeans.Rule; import org.openmrs.module.dss.hibernateBeans.RuleEntry; import org.openmrs.module.dss.service.DssService; /** * Class used to access the specific portions of form on the fly. * * @author Steve McKee */ public class DynamicFormAccess { private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); /** * Default Constructor */ public DynamicFormAccess() { } /** * Returns the results of running rules for the form fields marked as "Prioritized Merge Field". * * @param formId The identifier of the form. * @param formInstanceId The form instance Identifier of the form. * @param encounterId The encounter identifier associated with the form. * @param maxElements The maximum number of elements to populate. * @return List of Field objects containing the field information as well as the result information from the rules. */ public List<Field> getPrioritizedElements(Integer formId, Integer formInstanceId, Integer encounterId, Integer maxElements) { List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>(maxElements); EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); Encounter encounter = encounterService.getEncounter(encounterId); Integer locationId = encounter.getLocation().getLocationId(); LocationService locationService = Context.getLocationService(); Location location = locationService.getLocation(locationId); FormService formService = Context.getFormService(); Form form = formService.getForm(formId); String formName = form.getName(); FormInstance formInstance = new FormInstance(locationId, formId, formInstanceId); PatientState patientState = org.openmrs.module.atd.util.Util .getProducePatientStateByFormInstanceAction(formInstance); Integer locationTagId = patientState.getLocationTagId(); HashMap<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); parameters.put("sessionId", patientState.getSessionId()); parameters.put("formInstance", new FormInstance(locationId, formId, formInstanceId)); parameters.put("locationTagId", locationTagId); parameters.put("locationId", locationId); parameters.put("location", location.getName()); parameters.put("encounterId", encounterId); parameters.put("mode", "PRODUCE"); Patient patient = patientState.getPatient(); DssManager dssManager = new DssManager(patient); FieldType mergeType = getFieldType("Merge Field"); FieldType priorMergeType = getFieldType("Prioritized Merge Field"); LinkedHashMap<FormField, Object> fieldToResult = new LinkedHashMap<FormField, Object>(); Map<String, Integer> dssMergeCounters = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); List<FieldType> fieldTypes = new ArrayList<FieldType>(); fieldTypes.add(mergeType); fieldTypes.add(priorMergeType); List<FormField> formFields = Context.getService(ChirdlUtilBackportsService.class).getFormFields(form, fieldTypes, true); List<Integer> fieldIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (FormField formField : formFields) { fieldIds.add(formField.getField().getFieldId()); } Map<Integer, PatientATD> fieldIdToPatientATDMap = org.openmrs.module.atd.util.Util .getPatientATDs(formInstance, fieldIds); List<DssElement> elementList = new ArrayList<DssElement>(); ATDService atdService = Context.getService(ATDService.class); Integer startPriority = getStartPriority(atdService, formInstanceId, locationId, formName); Map<Integer, PatientATD> waitForScanFieldIdToAtdMap = new HashMap<Integer, PatientATD>(); String numPrompts = org.openmrs.module.chirdlutilbackports.util.Util.getFormAttributeValue(formId, "numPrompts", locationTagId, locationId); if (numPrompts == null) { log.error("Missing form attribute 'numPrompts' for form: " + formId); return fields; } int populatedElements = 0; int maxDssElements = 0; try { maxDssElements = Integer.parseInt(numPrompts); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } for (FormField currFormField : formFields) { org.openmrs.Field currField = currFormField.getField(); String defaultValue = currField.getDefaultValue(); if (defaultValue == null) { continue; } FieldType currFieldType = currField.getFieldType(); HashMap<String, Object> ruleParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(parameters); //fix lazy initialization error //currField = formService.getField(currField.getFieldId()); if (currFieldType.equals(priorMergeType)) { // check to see if the current field has already been populated PatientATD patientATD = fieldIdToPatientATDMap.get(currField.getFieldId()); if (patientATD != null) { if (++populatedElements == maxDssElements) { break; } // check to see if it's been answered yet List<Statistics> stats = atdService.getStatByIdAndRule(formInstanceId, patientATD.getRule().getRuleId(), formName, locationId); if (stats != null && stats.size() > 0) { Statistics stat = stats.get(0); if (stat.getScannedTimestamp() != null) { // add null as a place keeper so we can keep the position for the atd statistics. elementList.add(null); continue; } waitForScanFieldIdToAtdMap.put(currField.getFieldId(), patientATD); } } //---------start set concept rule parameter Concept concept = currField.getConcept(); if (concept != null) { try { String elementString = ((ConceptName) concept.getNames().toArray()[0]).getName(); ruleParameters.put("concept", elementString); } catch (Exception e) { ruleParameters.put("concept", null); } } else { ruleParameters.put("concept", null); } //---------end set concept rule parameter //process prioritized merge type fields String ruleType = defaultValue; Integer dssMergeCounter = dssMergeCounters.get(ruleType); if (dssMergeCounter == null) { dssMergeCounter = 0; } //fill in the dss elements for this type //(this will only get executed once even though it is called for each field) //We need to set the max number of prioritized elements to generate if (dssManager.getMaxDssElementsByType(ruleType) == 0) { dssManager.setMaxDssElementsByType(ruleType, maxDssElements); } dssManager.getPrioritizedDssElements(ruleType, startPriority, maxElements, ruleParameters); //get the result for this field Result result = processDssElements(dssManager, dssMergeCounter, currField.getFieldId(), ruleType); // if (result != null) { elementList.add(dssManager.getDssElement(dssMergeCounter, ruleType)); // } dssMergeCounter++; dssMergeCounters.put(ruleType, dssMergeCounter); fieldToResult.put(currFormField, result); } else if (currFieldType.equals(mergeType)) { //store the leaf index as the result if the //current field has a parent if (currFormField.getParent() != null) { fieldToResult.put(currFormField, defaultValue); } } } //process Results LinkedHashMap<String, String> fieldNameResult = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (FormField currFormField : fieldToResult.keySet()) { String resultString = null; //fix lazy initialization error //org.openmrs.Field currField = formService.getField(currFormField.getField().getFieldId()); org.openmrs.Field currField = currFormField.getField(); String fieldName = currField.getName(); Object fieldResult = fieldToResult.get(currFormField); if (fieldResult == null) { continue; } if (fieldResult instanceof Result) { resultString = ((Result) fieldResult).get(0).toString(); } else { //if the field has a parent, process the result as a leaf index //of the parent results if (currFormField.getParent() == null) { resultString = (String) fieldResult; } else { try { int leafPos = Integer.parseInt((String) fieldResult); FormField parentField = currFormField.getParent(); Result parentResult = (Result) fieldToResult.get(parentField); if (parentResult != null) { resultString = parentResult.get(leafPos).toString(); } else { resultString = null; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } } if (resultString != null) { //remove everything at or after the @ symbol (i.e. @Spanish) int atIndex = resultString.indexOf("@"); if (atIndex >= 0) { resultString = resultString.substring(0, atIndex); } } fieldNameResult.put(fieldName, resultString); } for (String fieldName : fieldNameResult.keySet()) { String resultString = fieldNameResult.get(fieldName); if (resultString == null) { continue; } Field field = new Field(); field.setId(fieldName); field.setValue(resultString); fields.add(field); } saveDssElementsToDatabase(patient, formInstance, elementList, encounter, locationTagId, formName, waitForScanFieldIdToAtdMap); serializeFields(formInstance, locationTagId, fields, new ArrayList<String>()); // DWE CHICA-430 Add new ArrayList<String>() return fields; } /** * Populate all the form fields marked as "Merge Field". * * @param formId The form identifier. * @param formInstanceId The form instance identifier. * @param encounterId The encounter identifier associated with the form. * @return List of Field object containing field information as well the results of populating the fields. */ public List<Field> getMergeElements(Integer formId, Integer formInstanceId, Integer encounterId) { List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>(); EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); Encounter encounter = encounterService.getEncounter(encounterId); Integer locationId = encounter.getLocation().getLocationId(); LocationService locationService = Context.getLocationService(); Location location = locationService.getLocation(locationId); FormService formService = Context.getFormService(); Form form = formService.getForm(formId); FormInstance formInstance = new FormInstance(locationId, formId, formInstanceId); PatientState patientState = org.openmrs.module.atd.util.Util .getProducePatientStateByFormInstanceAction(formInstance); Integer locationTagId = patientState.getLocationTagId(); HashMap<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); parameters.put("sessionId", patientState.getSessionId()); parameters.put("formInstance", new FormInstance(locationId, formId, formInstanceId)); parameters.put("locationTagId", locationTagId); parameters.put("locationId", locationId); parameters.put("location", location.getName()); parameters.put("encounterId", encounterId); parameters.put("mode", "PRODUCE"); Patient patient = patientState.getPatient(); ATDService atdService = Context.getService(ATDService.class); FieldType mergeType = getFieldType("Merge Field"); List<FieldType> fieldTypes = new ArrayList<FieldType>(); fieldTypes.add(mergeType); LinkedHashMap<FormField, Object> fieldToResult = new LinkedHashMap<FormField, Object>(); List<FormField> formFields = Context.getService(ChirdlUtilBackportsService.class).getFormFields(form, fieldTypes, false); for (FormField currFormField : formFields) { org.openmrs.Field currField = currFormField.getField(); //fix lazy initialization error //currField = formService.getField(currField.getFieldId()); String defaultValue = currField.getDefaultValue(); if (defaultValue == null) { continue; } parameters.put("formFieldId", currFormField.getFormFieldId()); // DWE CHICA-437 //store the leaf index as the result if the //current field has a parent if (currFormField.getParent() == null) { Result result = atdService.evaluateRule(defaultValue, patient, parameters); fieldToResult.put(currFormField, result); } } //process Results LinkedHashMap<String, String> fieldNameResult = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (FormField currFormField : fieldToResult.keySet()) { String resultString = null; //fix lazy initialization error //org.openmrs.Field currField = formService.getField(currFormField.getField().getFieldId()); org.openmrs.Field currField = currFormField.getField(); String fieldName = currField.getName(); Object fieldResult = fieldToResult.get(currFormField); if (fieldResult == null) { continue; } if (fieldResult instanceof Result) { resultString = ((Result) fieldResult).get(0).toString(); } else { resultString = (String) fieldResult; } if (resultString != null) { //remove everything at or after the @ symbol (i.e. @Spanish) int atIndex = resultString.indexOf("@"); if (atIndex >= 0) { resultString = resultString.substring(0, atIndex); } } fieldNameResult.put(fieldName, resultString); } for (String fieldName : fieldNameResult.keySet()) { String resultString = fieldNameResult.get(fieldName); if (resultString == null) { continue; } Field field = new Field(); field.setId(fieldName); field.setValue(resultString); fields.add(field); } //Process rules with null priority that have @ value in write action //These rules directly write results to a specific field DssService dssService = Context.getService(DssService.class); List<RuleEntry> nonPriorRuleEntries = dssService.getNonPrioritizedRuleEntries(form.getName()); for (RuleEntry currRuleEntry : nonPriorRuleEntries) { Rule currRule = currRuleEntry.getRule(); if (currRule.checkAgeRestrictions(patient)) { currRule.setParameters(parameters); Result result = dssService.runRule(patient, currRule); for (Result currResult : result) { String resultString = currResult.toString(); mapResult(resultString, fields); } } } serializeFields(formInstance, locationTagId, fields, new ArrayList<String>()); // DWE CHICA-430 Add new ArrayList<String>() return fields; } /** * Save the results of the fields marked as "Export Field". * * @param formInstance FormInstance object containing the relevant form information. * @param locationTagId The location tag identifier. * @param encounterId The encounter identifier associated with the form. * @param patient The patient the form belongs to. * @param formFieldMap Map from the HTTP request that contains the field name to values. * @param parameterHandler The parameterHandler used for rule execution. */ public void saveExportElements(FormInstance formInstance, Integer locationTagId, Integer encounterId, Patient patient, Map<String, String[]> formFieldMap, ParameterHandler parameterHandler) { HashMap<String, Field> fieldMap = new HashMap<String, Field>(); FormService formService = Context.getFormService(); Form form = formService.getForm(formInstance.getFormId()); LinkedHashMap<FormField, String> formFieldToValue = new LinkedHashMap<FormField, String>(); FieldType exportType = getFieldType("Export Field"); List<FieldType> fieldTypes = new ArrayList<FieldType>(); fieldTypes.add(exportType); List<FormField> formFields = Context.getService(ChirdlUtilBackportsService.class).getFormFields(form, fieldTypes, false); List<Integer> fieldIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (FormField formField : formFields) { fieldIds.add(formField.getField().getFieldId()); } Iterator<FormField> formFieldIterator = formFields.iterator(); while (formFieldIterator.hasNext()) { FormField formField =; org.openmrs.Field field = formField.getField(); String fieldName = field.getName(); if (!formFieldMap.containsKey(fieldName)) { continue; } Field valueField = new Field(fieldName); fieldMap.put(fieldName, valueField); String[] valueObj = formFieldMap.get(fieldName); if (valueObj == null || valueObj.length == 0) { formFieldToValue.put(formField, null); continue; } String value = valueObj[0]; formFieldToValue.put(formField, value); valueField.setValue(value); } consume(formInstance, patient, locationTagId, encounterId, fieldMap, formFieldToValue, parameterHandler, form); Context.getService(ChicaService.class).saveAnswers(fieldMap, formInstance, encounterId, patient, formFieldToValue.keySet()); fieldMap.clear(); formFieldToValue.clear(); } /** * Consume the information populated on a form. * * @param formInstance FormInstance object containing the relevant form information. * @param patient The patient the form belongs to. * @param locationTagId The location tag identifier. * @param encounterId The associated encounter identifier. * @param fieldMap Map of field name to Field object. * @param formFieldToValue Map of FormField to field value. * @param parameterHandler The parameter handler used for rule execution. * @param form The form containing the data to consume. */ private void consume(FormInstance formInstance, Patient patient, Integer locationTagId, Integer encounterId, HashMap<String, Field> fieldMap, LinkedHashMap<FormField, String> formFieldToValue, ParameterHandler parameterHandler, Form form) { ATDService atdService = Context.getService(ATDService.class); Integer locationId = formInstance.getLocationId(); PatientState patientState = org.openmrs.module.atd.util.Util .getProducePatientStateByFormInstanceAction(formInstance); Integer sessionId = patientState.getSessionId(); FieldType prioritizedMergeType = getFieldType("Prioritized Merge Field"); String mode = "CONSUME"; LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, Rule>> rulesToRunByField = new LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, Rule>>(); LogicService logicService = Context.getLogicService(); FormDatasource formDatasource = (FormDatasource) logicService.getLogicDataSource("form"); try { formInstance = formDatasource.setFormFields(fieldMap, formInstance, locationTagId); } catch (Exception e) { this.log.error("Error setting form fields to be consumed"); this.log.error(e.getMessage()); this.log.error(Util.getStackTrace(e)); return; } if (formInstance == null) { log.error("Form instance came back null"); return; } Encounter encounter = Context.getEncounterService().getEncounter(encounterId); locationId = encounter.getLocation().getLocationId(); Location location = Context.getLocationService().getLocation(locationId); String locationName = null; if (location != null) { locationName = location.getName(); } List<Field> fieldsToAdd = new ArrayList<Field>(); Map<Integer, PatientATD> fieldIdToPatientAtdMap = new HashMap<Integer, PatientATD>(); for (FormField currField : formFieldToValue.keySet()) { org.openmrs.Field field = currField.getField(); String fieldName = field.getName(); Concept currConcept = field.getConcept(); String ruleName = field.getDefaultValue(); LinkedHashMap<String, Rule> rulesToRun = null; Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); FormField parentField = currField.getParent(); //if parent field is not null look at parent //field for rule to execute Rule rule = null; if (parentField != null) { FieldType currFieldType = field.getFieldType(); if (currFieldType.equals(prioritizedMergeType)) { ruleName = null;//no rule to execute unless patientATD finds one } Integer fieldId = parentField.getField().getFieldId(); PatientATD patientATD = fieldIdToPatientAtdMap.get(fieldId); if (patientATD == null) { patientATD = atdService.getPatientATD(formInstance, fieldId); } if (patientATD != null) { rule = patientATD.getRule(); ruleName = rule.getTokenName(); fieldIdToPatientAtdMap.put(fieldId, patientATD); } } String lookupFieldName = null; Integer formFieldId = null; // DWE CHICA-437 Get the form field id here so that it can be used to determine if obs records should be voided when rules are evaluated if (parentField != null) { lookupFieldName = parentField.getField().getName(); formFieldId = parentField.getFormFieldId(); } else { lookupFieldName = fieldName; formFieldId = currField.getFormFieldId(); } if (ruleName != null) { rulesToRun = rulesToRunByField.get(lookupFieldName); if (rulesToRun == null) { rulesToRun = new LinkedHashMap<String, Rule>(); rulesToRunByField.put(lookupFieldName, rulesToRun); } Rule ruleLookup = rulesToRun.get(ruleName); if (ruleLookup == null) { if (rule != null) { ruleLookup = rule; } else { ruleLookup = new Rule(); ruleLookup.setTokenName(ruleName); } ruleLookup.setParameters(parameters); rulesToRun.put(ruleName, ruleLookup); } else { parameters = ruleLookup.getParameters(); } } //------------start set rule parameters parameters.put("sessionId", sessionId); parameters.put("formInstance", formInstance); parameters.put("locationTagId", locationTagId); parameters.put("locationId", locationId); parameters.put("location", locationName); parameters.put("mode", mode); parameters.put("encounterId", encounterId); if (rule != null) { parameters.put("ruleId", rule.getRuleId()); } if (currConcept != null) { try { String elementString = ((ConceptName) currConcept.getNames().toArray()[0]).getName(); parameters.put("concept", elementString); } catch (Exception e) { parameters.put("concept", null); } } else { parameters.put("concept", null); } if (fieldName != null) { parameters.put("fieldName", lookupFieldName); String value = formFieldToValue.get(currField); parameters.put(lookupFieldName, value); Field saveField = new Field(); saveField.setId(fieldName); saveField.setValue(value); fieldsToAdd.add(saveField); } // DWE CHICA-437 if (formFieldId != null) { parameters.put("formFieldId", formFieldId); } //----------end set rule parameters } HashMap<String, Integer> childIndex = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (FormField currField : formFieldToValue.keySet()) { LinkedHashMap<String, Rule> rulesToRun = null; Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); FormField parentField = currField.getParent(); //look for parentField if (parentField != null) { FieldType parentFieldType = parentField.getField().getFieldType(); String parentRuleName = parentField.getField().getDefaultValue(); String parentFieldName = parentField.getField().getName(); if (parentFieldType.equals(prioritizedMergeType)) { parentRuleName = null;//no rule to execute unless patientATD finds one } Integer fieldId = parentField.getField().getFieldId(); PatientATD patientATD = fieldIdToPatientAtdMap.get(fieldId); if (patientATD == null) { patientATD = atdService.getPatientATD(formInstance, fieldId); } if (patientATD != null) { Rule rule = patientATD.getRule(); parentRuleName = rule.getTokenName(); fieldIdToPatientAtdMap.put(fieldId, patientATD); } //if there is a parent rule, add a parameter for the child's fieldname //add the parent rule if it is not in rules to run if (parentRuleName != null) { rulesToRun = rulesToRunByField.get(parentFieldName); if (rulesToRun == null) { rulesToRun = new LinkedHashMap<String, Rule>(); rulesToRunByField.put(parentFieldName, rulesToRun); } Rule ruleLookup = rulesToRun.get(parentRuleName); if (ruleLookup == null) { ruleLookup = new Rule(); ruleLookup.setParameters(parameters); ruleLookup.setTokenName(parentRuleName); rulesToRun.put(parentRuleName, ruleLookup); } else { parameters = ruleLookup.getParameters(); } String childFieldName = currField.getField().getName(); Integer index = childIndex.get(parentFieldName); if (index == null) { index = 0; } parameters.put("child" + index, childFieldName); parameters.put(childFieldName, formFieldToValue.get(currField)); childIndex.put(parentFieldName, ++index); } } } //run all the consume rules Integer formInstanceId = formInstance.getFormInstanceId(); String formName = form.getName(); String formType = org.openmrs.module.chirdlutil.util.Util.getFormType(form.getFormId(), locationTagId, locationId); // CHICA-1234 Look up the formType for (LinkedHashMap<String, Rule> rulesToRun : rulesToRunByField.values()) { for (String currRuleName : rulesToRun.keySet()) { Rule rule = rulesToRun.get(currRuleName); Map<String, Object> parameters = rule.getParameters(); parameterHandler.addParameters(parameters, fieldMap, formType); // CHICA-1234 Added formType parameter atdService.evaluateRule(currRuleName, patient, parameters); setScannedTimestamps(formInstanceId, rule.getRuleId(), formName, locationId); } } // DWE CHICA-430 Now that rules have run and obs records have been added/updated/voided // create the list of fields to remove from the xml List<String> elementsToRemoveList = createElementsToRemoveList(form, formInstanceId, encounter, locationTagId, locationId); fieldIdToPatientAtdMap.clear(); serializeFields(formInstance, locationTagId, fieldsToAdd, elementsToRemoveList); // DWE CHICA-430 Add elementsToRemoveList } /** * Looks up an openmrs FieldType by name * * @param fieldTypeName name of the field type * @return FieldType openmrs field type with the given name */ public FieldType getFieldType(String fieldTypeName) { FormService formService = Context.getFormService(); List<FieldType> fieldTypes = formService.getAllFieldTypes(); Iterator<FieldType> iter = fieldTypes.iterator(); FieldType currFieldType = null; while (iter.hasNext()) { currFieldType =; if (currFieldType.getName().equals(fieldTypeName)) { return currFieldType; } } return null; } /** * Return the Result object based Rule that was ran for a field. * * @param dssManager DssManager handling the context information. * @param dssMergeCounter The position of the DssElement in the list. * @param fieldId The identifier of the field. * @param type The rule type. * @return Result object or null if one cannot be found. */ private Result processDssElements(DssManager dssManager, int dssMergeCounter, Integer fieldId, String type) { DssElement dssElement = dssManager.getDssElement(dssMergeCounter, type); if (dssElement != null) { dssElement.addParameter("fieldId", fieldId); return dssElement.getResult(); } return null; } /** * Saves the necessary information to the database for the rule execution. * * @param patient The patient the rules were executed against. * @param formInstance The FormInstance object containing the relevant form information. * @param elementList List of DssElement object containing the Result information for the form fields. * @param encounter The encounter associated with the form. * @param locationTagId The location tag identifier. * @param formName The name of the form. * @param waitForScanFieldIdToAtdMap Map of field identifier to PatientATD object for fields that are awaiting scans. */ private void saveDssElementsToDatabase(Patient patient, FormInstance formInstance, List<DssElement> elementList, Encounter encounter, Integer locationTagId, String formName, Map<Integer, PatientATD> waitForScanFieldIdToAtdMap) { Integer patientId = patient.getPatientId(); ATDService atdService = Context.getService(ATDService.class); DssService dssService = Context.getService(DssService.class); Integer formInstanceId = formInstance.getFormInstanceId(); Integer locationId = formInstance.getLocationId(); Integer encounterId = encounter.getEncounterId(); for (int i = 0; i < elementList.size(); i++) { DssElement currDssElement = elementList.get(i); if (currDssElement == null) { continue; } Integer fieldId = (Integer) currDssElement.getParameter("fieldId"); PatientATD patientATD = waitForScanFieldIdToAtdMap.get(fieldId); if (patientATD == null) { atdService.addPatientATD(formInstance, currDssElement, encounterId, patientId); addStatistic(dssService, atdService, patient, currDssElement, formInstanceId, i, encounter, formName, locationTagId, locationId); } else if (currDssElement.getRuleId() != patientATD.getRule().getRuleId()) { Integer ruleId = currDssElement.getRuleId(); Rule rule = null; Integer priority = null; RuleEntry ruleEntry = dssService.getRuleEntry(ruleId, formName); if (ruleEntry != null) { rule = ruleEntry.getRule(); priority = ruleEntry.getPriority(); } else { rule = dssService.getRule(ruleId); } patientATD.setRule(rule); Result result = currDssElement.getResult(); if (result != null) { if (result.get(0) != null) { patientATD.setText(result.get(0).toString()); } else { patientATD.setText(result.toString()); } } patientATD.setCreationTime(new Date()); atdService.updatePatientATD(patientATD); List<Statistics> stats = atdService.getStatByIdAndRule(formInstanceId, ruleId, formName, locationId); for (Statistics stat : stats) { stat.setRuleId(ruleId); stat.setPriority(priority); stat.setPrintedTimestamp(new Date()); atdService.updateStatistics(stat); } } } } /** * Adds statistical information for field rule execution. * * @param dssService DssService used to access Rule information. * @param atdService AtdService used to create and save statistical information. * @param patient The patient associated with the process. * @param currDssElement The current DssElement element to save statistical information. * @param formInstanceId The form instance identifier. * @param questionPosition The position of the question on the form. * @param encounter The encounter associated with the statistical information. * @param formName The name of the form. * @param locationTagId The location tag identifier. * @param locationId The location identifier. */ private void addStatistic(DssService dssService, ATDService atdService, Patient patient, DssElement currDssElement, Integer formInstanceId, int questionPosition, Encounter encounter, String formName, Integer locationTagId, Integer locationId) { Integer ruleId = currDssElement.getRuleId(); // Try to get rule entry to determine priority Integer priority = null; RuleEntry ruleEntry = dssService.getRuleEntry(ruleId, formName); if (ruleEntry != null) { priority = ruleEntry.getPriority(); } Statistics statistics = new Statistics(); statistics.setAgeAtVisit(Util.adjustAgeUnits(patient.getBirthdate(), null)); statistics.setPriority(priority); statistics.setFormInstanceId(formInstanceId); statistics.setLocationTagId(locationTagId); statistics.setPosition(questionPosition + 1); statistics.setRuleId(ruleId); statistics.setPatientId(patient.getPatientId()); statistics.setFormName(formName); statistics.setEncounterId(encounter.getEncounterId()); statistics.setLocationId(locationId); statistics.setPrintedTimestamp(new Date()); atdService.createStatistics(statistics); } /** * Retrieves the start priority of the rule execution based on other rules that have already been executed. * * @param atdService ATDService object used to access statistical information. * @param formInstanceId The form instance identifier. * @param locationId The location identifier. * @param formName The form name. * @return The start priority of the rule execution. */ private Integer getStartPriority(ATDService atdService, Integer formInstanceId, Integer locationId, String formName) { Integer startPriority = new Integer(-1); List<Statistics> stats = atdService.getStatByFormInstance(formInstanceId, formName, locationId); for (Statistics stat : stats) { Integer priority = stat.getPriority(); Date scannedDate = stat.getScannedTimestamp(); if (priority == null || scannedDate == null) { continue; } if (priority > startPriority) { startPriority = priority; } } return startPriority + 1; } /** * Sets the scanned timestamps for a specific form and rule. * * @param formInstanceId The form instance identifier. * @param ruleId The rule identifier. * @param formName The name of the form. * @param locationId The location identifier. */ private void setScannedTimestamps(Integer formInstanceId, Integer ruleId, String formName, Integer locationId) { if (ruleId == null) { return; } ATDService atdService = Context.getService(ATDService.class); List<Statistics> stats = atdService.getStatByIdAndRule(formInstanceId, ruleId, formName, locationId); if (stats == null) { return; } for (Statistics stat : stats) { if (stat.getScannedTimestamp() == null) { stat.setScannedTimestamp(new Date()); atdService.updateStatistics(stat); } } } /** * Parses a rule result string into a Field object and adds it to the provided list of fields. * * @param resultString The result string to parse. * @param fields The list to add the parsed result string to. */ private void mapResult(String resultString, List<Field> fields) { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(resultString, ","); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String currResult = tokenizer.nextToken(); int atIndex = currResult.indexOf("@"); if (atIndex >= 0 && atIndex + 1 < currResult.length()) { String fieldName = currResult.substring(atIndex + 1, currResult.length()).trim(); currResult = currResult.substring(0, atIndex).trim(); if (currResult.length() > 0) { Field field = new Field(); field.setId(fieldName); field.setValue(currResult); fields.add(field); } } } } /** * Serializes the fields to disk. * * @param formInstance FormInstance object to identify the form that will have the fields add/updated. * @param locationTagId The locationTagId where the form was created. * @param fields The fields to add/update. * @param elementsToRemoveList - DWE CHICA-430 Added parameter that contains a list of xml elements to remove */ private void serializeFields(FormInstance formInstance, Integer locationTagId, List<Field> fields, List<String> elementsToRemoveList) { ChirdlRunnable runnable = new FormWriter(formInstance, locationTagId, fields, elementsToRemoveList); // DWE CHICA-430 Add elementsToRemoveList; ThreadManager manager = ThreadManager.getInstance(); manager.execute(runnable, formInstance.getLocationId()); } /** * DWE CHICA-430 * Gets a list of xml elements to remove. Elements will be removed if the obs record has been voided. * * Currently only used for the PSF * * @param formId * @param formInstanceId * @param encounterId * @param locationTagId * @param locationId * @return list of element ids to remove */ private List<String> createElementsToRemoveList(Form form, Integer formInstanceId, Encounter encounter, Integer locationTagId, Integer locationId) { String displayAndUpdatePreviousValues = org.openmrs.module.chirdlutilbackports.util.Util .getFormAttributeValue(form.getFormId(), ChirdlUtilConstants.FORM_ATTR_DISPLAY_AND_UPDATE_PREVIOUS_VALUES, locationTagId, locationId); if (displayAndUpdatePreviousValues != null && displayAndUpdatePreviousValues.equalsIgnoreCase(ChirdlUtilConstants.FORM_ATTR_VAL_TRUE)) // Currently only used for the PSF { try { List<String> elementsToRemoveList = new ArrayList<String>(); ATDService atdService = Context.getService(ATDService.class); //ObsService obsService = Context.getObsService(); List<org.openmrs.Encounter> encounters = new ArrayList<org.openmrs.Encounter>(); encounters.add(encounter); FieldType mergeType = getFieldType(ChirdlUtilConstants.FORM_FIELD_TYPE_EXPORT); List<FieldType> fieldTypes = new ArrayList<FieldType>(); fieldTypes.add(mergeType); // Get the list of export fields for this form List<FormField> formFields = Context.getService(ChirdlUtilBackportsService.class) .getFormFields(form, fieldTypes, false); for (FormField formField : formFields) { Concept concept = formField.getField().getConcept(); if (concept != null) { // Find obs records using the atd_statistics table and the form field id List<Obs> obsList = atdService.getObsWithStatistics(encounter.getEncounterId(), concept.getConceptId(), formField.getFormFieldId(), true); // Check to see if any of the obs records have been voided for the encounter // If an obs has been voided, but a new one was created, it will be added back to the xml // with the "fieldsToAdd" list for (Obs obs : obsList) { if (obs.getVoided()) { elementsToRemoveList.add(formField.getField().getName()); break; } } } } return elementsToRemoveList; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to create list of xml elements to remove (formId = " + form.getId() + " formInstanceId = " + formInstanceId + ").", e); return new ArrayList<String>(); } } else { return new ArrayList<String>(); } } /** * DWE CHICA-430 * Get a list of "Export Field" types with values that were previously entered for the form * for this encounter * * Currently only used for the PSF * * @param formId * @param formInstanceId * @param encounterId * @return list of fields with values that were previously entered for the form */ public List<Field> getExportElements(Integer formId, Integer formInstanceId, Integer encounterId, Integer locationTagId) { try { EncounterService encounterService = Context.getEncounterService(); Encounter encounter = encounterService.getEncounter(encounterId); Integer locationId = encounter.getLocation().getId(); List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>(); FormService formService = Context.getFormService(); Form form = formService.getForm(formId); String displayAndUpdatePreviousValues = org.openmrs.module.chirdlutilbackports.util.Util .getFormAttributeValue(formId, ChirdlUtilConstants.FORM_ATTR_DISPLAY_AND_UPDATE_PREVIOUS_VALUES, locationTagId, locationId); if (displayAndUpdatePreviousValues != null && displayAndUpdatePreviousValues.equalsIgnoreCase(ChirdlUtilConstants.FORM_ATTR_VAL_TRUE)) // Currently only used for the PSF { FormInstance formInstance = new FormInstance(locationId, formId, formInstanceId); String scanDirectory = IOUtil.formatDirectoryName( org.openmrs.module.chirdlutilbackports.util.Util.getFormAttributeValue(formId, XMLUtil.DEFAULT_EXPORT_DIRECTORY, locationTagId, locationId)); if (scanDirectory == null) {"No " + XMLUtil.DEFAULT_EXPORT_DIRECTORY + " found for Form: " + formId + " Location ID: " + locationId + " Location Tag ID: " + locationTagId + "."); return new ArrayList<Field>(); } File file = new File(scanDirectory, formInstance.toString() + ChirdlUtilConstants.FILE_EXTENSION_20); if (file.exists() && file.length() > 0) { try { Records records = (Records) XMLUtil.deserializeXML(Records.class, new FileInputStream(file)); Map<String, Field> fieldMap = new HashMap<String, Field>(); List<Field> currentFields = records.getRecord().getFields(); // Create a map with the current fields so the map can be used to lookup field values for (Field field : currentFields) { fieldMap.put(field.getId(), field); } FieldType exportType = getFieldType(ChirdlUtilConstants.FORM_FIELD_TYPE_EXPORT); List<FieldType> fieldTypes = new ArrayList<FieldType>(); fieldTypes.add(exportType); // Get the list of export fields for this form List<FormField> formFields = Context.getService(ChirdlUtilBackportsService.class) .getFormFields(form, fieldTypes, false); // Locate values for the export fields for (FormField formField : formFields) { String fieldName = formField.getField().getName(); Field field = new Field(); field.setId(fieldName); Field currentField = fieldMap.get(fieldName); if (currentField != null) { field.setValue(currentField.getValue()); } else { field.setValue(""); } fields.add(field); } } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error(ioe.getMessage() + "(length = " + file.length() + ")"); log.error(Util.getStackTrace(ioe)); return new ArrayList<Field>(); } return fields; } else { return new ArrayList<Field>(); } } else { return new ArrayList<Field>(); } } catch (APIException apie) { log.error(apie.getMessage()); log.error(Util.getStackTrace(apie)); return new ArrayList<Field>(); } } }