Java tutorial
/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, * v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can * obtain one at OpenMRS is also distributed under * the terms of the Healthcare Disclaimer located at * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS Inc. OpenMRS is a registered trademark and the OpenMRS * graphic logo is a trademark of OpenMRS Inc. */ package org.openmrs.module.casereport; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.openmrs.Cohort; import org.openmrs.Concept; import org.openmrs.DrugOrder; import org.openmrs.Obs; import org.openmrs.Order; import org.openmrs.OrderType; import org.openmrs.Patient; import org.openmrs.Person; import org.openmrs.Visit; import org.openmrs.api.APIException; import org.openmrs.api.OrderService; import org.openmrs.api.PatientService; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.module.casereport.api.CaseReportService; import org.openmrs.module.reporting.cohort.definition.SqlCohortDefinition; import org.openmrs.module.reporting.definition.DefinitionContext; import org.openmrs.module.reporting.evaluation.EvaluationContext; import org.openmrs.module.reporting.evaluation.EvaluationException; import org.openmrs.module.reporting.evaluation.parameter.Parameter; import org.openmrs.scheduler.TaskDefinition; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsUtil; public class CaseReportUtil { protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CaseReportUtil.class); private static Concept getCeilConceptByCode(String code) { Concept concept = Context.getConceptService().getConceptByMapping(code, CaseReportConstants.SOURCE_CIEL_HL7_CODE); if (concept == null) { throw new APIException( "Failed to find concept with mapping " + CaseReportConstants.SOURCE_CIEL_HL7_CODE + ":" + code); } return concept; } private static List<Obs> getMostRecentObsByPatientAndConceptMapping(Patient patient, String code, Integer limit) { if (patient == null) { throw new APIException("Patient cannot be null"); } List<Person> patients = Collections.singletonList((Person) patient); List<Concept> concepts = Collections.singletonList(getCeilConceptByCode(code)); return Context.getObsService().getObservations(patients, null, concepts, null, null, null, Collections.singletonList("obsDatetime"), limit, null, null, null, false); } /** * Gets the 3 most recent viral load observations for the specified patient, they are ordered in a * way such that the most recent comes first and the earliest is last. Note that the method can * return less than 3 items in case the patient has had less than 3 of them in total in the past. * * @param patient the patient to match against * @return a list of the most recent viral load observations * @should return the 3 most recent Viral load observations */ public static List<Obs> getMostRecentViralLoads(Patient patient) { return getMostRecentObsByPatientAndConceptMapping(patient, CaseReportConstants.CIEL_CODE_VIRAL_LOAD, 3); } /** * Gets the 3 most recent cd4 count observations for the specified patient, they are ordered in a * way such that the most recent comes first and the earliest is last. Note that the method can * return less than 3 items in case the patient has had less than 3 of them in total in the past. * * @param patient the patient to match against * @return a list of the most recent cd4 count observations * @should return the 3 most recent cd4 count observations */ public static List<Obs> getMostRecentCD4counts(Patient patient) { return getMostRecentObsByPatientAndConceptMapping(patient, CaseReportConstants.CIEL_CODE_CD4_COUNT, 3); } /** * Gets the 3 most HIV test result observations for the specified patient, they are ordered in a way * such that the most recent comes first and the earliest is last. Note that the method can return * less than 3 items in case the patient has had less than 3 of them in total in the past. * * @param patient the patient to match against * @return a list of the most recent HIV test observations * @should return the 3 most recent HIV test observations */ public static List<Obs> getMostRecentHIVTests(Patient patient) { return getMostRecentObsByPatientAndConceptMapping(patient, CaseReportConstants.CIEL_CODE_HIV_TEST, 3); } /** * Gets the most recent WHO stage observation for the specified patient. * * @param patient the patient to match against * @return the most recent WHO stage observation * @should return the most recent WHO stage observation */ public static Obs getMostRecentWHOStage(Patient patient) { List<Obs> whoStages = getMostRecentObsByPatientAndConceptMapping(patient, CaseReportConstants.CIEL_CODE_WHO_STAGE, 1); if (whoStages.isEmpty()) { return null; } return whoStages.get(0); } /** * Gets the active ARV drug orders for the specified patient * * @param patient the patient to match against * @param asOfDate reference date * @return a list of active ARV drug orders * @should get the active ARV drug orders for the specified patient */ public static List<DrugOrder> getActiveArvDrugOrders(Patient patient, Date asOfDate) { Concept arvMedset = getCeilConceptByCode(CaseReportConstants.CIEL_CODE_ARV_MED_SET); OrderService os = Context.getOrderService(); OrderType orderType = os.getOrderTypeByUuid(OrderType.DRUG_ORDER_TYPE_UUID); List<Order> orders = os.getActiveOrders(patient, orderType, null, asOfDate); List<DrugOrder> arvDrugOrders = new ArrayList<>(); for (Order order : orders) { DrugOrder drugOrder = (DrugOrder) order; if (arvMedset.getSetMembers().contains(order.getConcept())) { arvDrugOrders.add(drugOrder); } } return arvDrugOrders; } /** * Gets the most recent observation for the reason why the specified patient stopped taking ARVs. * * @param patient the patient to match against * @return the most recent observation for the reason why the patient stopped taking ARVs * @should return the most recent obs for the reason why the patient stopped taking ARVs */ public static Obs getMostRecentReasonARVsStopped(Patient patient) { List<Obs> reasons = getMostRecentObsByPatientAndConceptMapping(patient, CaseReportConstants.CIEL_CODE_REASON_FOR_STOPPING_ARVS, 1); if (reasons.isEmpty()) { return null; } return reasons.get(0); } /** * Gets the last visit made by the specified patient * * @param patient the patient to match against * @return the last visit for the specified patient * @should return the last visit for the specified patient */ public static Visit getLastVisit(Patient patient) { final List<Visit> visits = Context.getVisitService().getVisitsByPatient(patient, true, false); Collections.sort(visits, Collections.reverseOrder(new Comparator<Visit>() { @Override public int compare(Visit v1, Visit v2) { return, v2.getStartDatetime()); } })); if (visits.isEmpty()) { return null; } return visits.get(0); } public static boolean collContainsItemWithValue(Collection<? extends UuidAndValue> coll, String value) { for (UuidAndValue uv : coll) { if (value.equals(uv.getValue())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets the concept that matches the specified mapping string, the mapping is expected to be of the * form SOURCE_IDENTIFIER e.g CIEL_856 * * @param mappingString the string to match against * @param failIfNotFound specifies if an exception should be thrown if no match is found * @return the matched concept */ public static Concept getConceptByMappingString(String mappingString, boolean failIfNotFound) { String[] sourceAndCode = StringUtils.split(mappingString, CaseReportConstants.CONCEPT_MAPPING_SEPARATOR); if (sourceAndCode.length == 1 && failIfNotFound) { throw new APIException("Invalid concept mapping: " + mappingString); } String source = sourceAndCode[0]; String code = sourceAndCode[1]; Concept concept = Context.getConceptService().getConceptByMapping(code, source); if (concept == null && failIfNotFound) { throw new APIException("Failed to find concept with mapping: " + mappingString); } return concept; } /** * Looks up a concept with a concept mapping to the specified source and code * * @param code the code to match * @param source the name of the concept source to match * @return the concept */ public static Concept getConceptByMapping(String code, String source) { Concept concept = Context.getConceptService().getConceptByMapping(code, source); if (concept == null) { throw new APIException("No concept found with a mapping to source: " + source + " and code: " + code); } return concept; } /** * Gets the SqlCohortDefinition that matches the specified trigger name, will throw an APIException * if multiple cohort queries are found that match the trigger name * * @param triggerName the name to match against * @return the sql cohort query that matches the name * @throws APIException * @should return null if no cohort query is found that matches the trigger name * @should fail if multiple cohort queries are found that match the trigger name * @should not return a retired cohort query * @should return the matched cohort query */ public static SqlCohortDefinition getSqlCohortDefinition(String triggerName) throws APIException { SqlCohortDefinition ret = null; List<SqlCohortDefinition> matches = DefinitionContext.getDefinitionService(SqlCohortDefinition.class) .getDefinitions(triggerName, true); if (matches.size() > 1) { throw new APIException("Found multiple Sql Cohort Queries with name:" + triggerName); } else if (matches.size() == 0 || matches.get(0).isRetired()) { String msg; if (matches.size() == 0) { msg = "Cannot find a Sql Cohort Query with name:" + triggerName; } else { msg = triggerName + " is a retired Sql Cohort Query"; } log.warn(msg); } else { ret = matches.get(0); } return ret; } /** * Runs the SQL cohort query with the specified name and creates a case report for each matched * patient of none exists * * @param taskDefinition the scheduler taskDefinition inside which the trigger is being run * @throws APIException * @throws EvaluationException * @should fail if no sql cohort query matches the specified trigger name * @should create case reports for the matched patients * @should set the last execution time in the evaluation context * @should add a new trigger to an existing queue item for the patient * @should not create a duplicate trigger for the same patient * @should set the concept mappings in the evaluation context * @should fail for a task where the last execution time cannot be resolved */ public synchronized static void executeTask(TaskDefinition taskDefinition) throws APIException, EvaluationException { if (taskDefinition == null) { throw new APIException("TaskDefinition can't be null"); } String triggerName = taskDefinition.getProperty(CaseReportConstants.TRIGGER_NAME_TASK_PROPERTY); if (StringUtils.isBlank(triggerName)) { throw new APIException(taskDefinition.getName() + " task doesn't have a " + CaseReportConstants.TRIGGER_NAME_TASK_PROPERTY + " property"); } SqlCohortDefinition definition = getSqlCohortDefinition(triggerName); if (definition == null) { throw new APIException("No sql cohort query was found that matches the name: " + triggerName); } EvaluationContext evaluationContext = new EvaluationContext(); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); if (definition.getParameter(CaseReportConstants.LAST_EXECUTION_TIME) != null) { Date lastExecutionTime = taskDefinition.getLastExecutionTime(); if (lastExecutionTime == null && taskDefinition.getRepeatInterval() != null && taskDefinition.getRepeatInterval() > 0) { //TODO add a unit test for this //default to now minus repeat interval lastExecutionTime = DateUtils.addSeconds(new Date(), -taskDefinition.getRepeatInterval().intValue()); } if (lastExecutionTime == null) { throw new APIException("Failed to resolve the value for the last execution time"); } params.put(CaseReportConstants.LAST_EXECUTION_TIME, lastExecutionTime); } if (definition.getParameters() != null) { for (Parameter p : definition.getParameters()) { if (p.getName().startsWith(CaseReportConstants.CIEL_MAPPING_PREFIX)) { Concept concept = CaseReportUtil.getConceptByMappingString(p.getName(), true); params.put(p.getName(), concept.getConceptId()); } } } evaluationContext.setParameterValues(params); Cohort cohort = (Cohort) DefinitionContext.evaluate(definition, evaluationContext); PatientService ps = Context.getPatientService(); CaseReportService caseReportService = Context.getService(CaseReportService.class); List<CaseReport> autoSubmitReports = new ArrayList<>(cohort.getMemberIds().size()); for (Integer patientId : cohort.getMemberIds()) { Patient patient = ps.getPatient(patientId); if (patient == null) { throw new APIException("No patient found with patientId: " + patientId); } boolean autoSubmit = false; if ("true".equals(taskDefinition.getProperty(CaseReportConstants.AUTO_SUBMIT_TASK_PROPERTY))) { autoSubmit = true; } CaseReport caseReport = createReportIfNecessary(patient, autoSubmit, triggerName); if (caseReport != null) { //We can't auto submit an existing report because the surveillance officer needs //to take a look at the other triggers to be included in the existing report if (caseReport.getId() == null && autoSubmit) { caseReport.setAutoSubmitted(true); autoSubmitReports.add(caseReport); } caseReportService.saveCaseReport(caseReport); } else { log.debug(patient + " already has an item in the queue with the trigger " + triggerName); } } for (CaseReport caseReport : autoSubmitReports) { //TODO reports should be auto submitted in parallel try { CaseReportForm form = new CaseReportForm(caseReport); caseReport.setReportForm(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(form)); caseReportService.submitCaseReport(caseReport); } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Failed to auto submit " + caseReport, t); } } } /** * Creates a case report the specified patient with the specified triggers, if the parent already * has an existing case report then no new one is created instead the unique triggers are added to * the existing case report. If the patient already has a case report with all the specified * triggers then nothing happens. * * @param patient the patient to create a case report for * @param createNew Specifies if a new case report MUST be created * @param triggerNames the triggers to add * @return the created trigger or none was created or if all the triggers are duplicates */ public static CaseReport createReportIfNecessary(Patient patient, boolean createNew, String... triggerNames) { CaseReport caseReport; CaseReport existingCR = Context.getService(CaseReportService.class).getCaseReportByPatient(patient); if (createNew || existingCR == null) { caseReport = new CaseReport(); caseReport.setPatient(patient); } else { caseReport = existingCR; } int addedTriggerCount = 0; for (String t : triggerNames) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(t)) { if (existingCR == null || existingCR.getCaseReportTriggerByName(t) == null) { caseReport.addTrigger(new CaseReportTrigger(t)); addedTriggerCount++; } } else { throw new APIException("Trigger name cannot be blank"); } } if (existingCR != null && addedTriggerCount == 0) { //This patient had a queue item and all the 'new' triggers were duplicates //Therefore don't create duplicates for the same patient return null; } return caseReport; } }