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 * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
 * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC.  All Rights Reserved.
package org.openmrs.module.atomfeed;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import junit.framework.Assert;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openmrs.Concept;
import org.openmrs.Encounter;
import org.openmrs.OpenmrsData;
import org.openmrs.OpenmrsObject;
import org.openmrs.Patient;
import org.openmrs.Person;
import org.openmrs.PersonName;
import org.openmrs.User;
import org.openmrs.api.context.Context;
import org.openmrs.test.BaseModuleContextSensitiveTest;
import org.openmrs.test.Verifies;
import org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpServletResponse;

public class AtomFeedUtilTest extends BaseModuleContextSensitiveTest {

    public void setDir() {

     * @see AtomFeedUtil#writeToFeed(String,OpenmrsObject)
     * @verifies initialize header file
    public void writeToFeed_shouldInitializeHeaderFile() throws Exception {
        AtomFeedUtil.writeToFeed("test", new Patient());

     * @see AtomFeedUtil#writeToFeed(String,OpenmrsObject)
     * @verifies prepend valid entry to entries file
    public void writeToFeed_shouldPrependValidEntryToEntriesFile() throws Exception {
        OpenmrsData target = new Encounter();
        // creating almost exact copy of entry to be write to feed (the
        // only difference will be with updated tag value)
        String entry = AtomFeedUtil.getEntry("test1", target);
        int entryLength = entry.length();
        // obtaining feed file object to work with
        File feedFile = AtomFeedUtil.getFeedEntriesFile();
        int prevSize = 0;
        if (feedFile.exists()) {
            prevSize = FileUtils.readFileToString(feedFile).length();
        AtomFeedUtil.writeToFeed("test1", new Encounter());
        String feedEntries = FileUtils.readFileToString(feedFile);
        // asserting by checking if entries file size has grown 
        // for just written atom feed entry
        Assert.assertEquals(feedEntries.length(), entryLength + prevSize + String.format("%n")
                .length() /* consider with new line separator added to the end of each feed */);

     * @see AtomFeedUtil#getUpdatedValue(OpenmrsObject)
    public void getUpdatedValue_shouldReturnDateChangedValueIfPresent() throws Exception {
        Date dateChanged = new Date();
        Patient patient = new Patient();

        Assert.assertEquals(dateChanged, AtomFeedUtil.getUpdatedValue(patient));

     * @see AtomFeedUtil#getUpdatedValue(OpenmrsObject)
    public void getUpdatedValue_shouldReturnDateCreatedValueIfPresentAndDateChangedIsNullOrNotPresent()
            throws Exception {
        Date dateCreated = new Date();
        Patient patient = new Patient();

        Assert.assertEquals(dateCreated, AtomFeedUtil.getUpdatedValue(patient));

     * @see AtomFeedUtil#getUpdatedValue(OpenmrsObject)
    public void getUpdatedValue_shouldNeverReturnNullEvenIfBothDateChangedAndDateCreatedAreNull() throws Exception {
        Patient patient = new Patient();

     * @see AtomFeedUtil#getAuthor(OpenmrsObject)
    public void getAuthor_shouldReturnChangedByValueIfPresent() throws Exception {
        final String username = "test";

        Person person = new Person();
        person.addName(new PersonName("mr", "tester", "man"));
        User changedBy = new User(person);

        Concept concept = new Concept();

        Assert.assertEquals(changedBy.getPersonName().getFullName() + " (" + username + ")",

     * @see AtomFeedUtil#getAuthor(OpenmrsObject)
    public void getAuthor_shouldReturnCreatorIfPresentAndChangedByIsNullOrNotPresent() throws Exception {
        final String username = "test";

        Person person = new Person();
        person.addName(new PersonName("mr", "tester", "man"));
        User creator = new User(person);

        Concept concept = new Concept();

        Assert.assertEquals(creator.getPersonName().getFullName() + " (" + username + ")",

     * @see AtomFeedUtil#getAtomFeedStream(, java.util.Date)
     * @verifies download full stream with null date
    public void getAtomFeedStream_shouldDownloadFullStreamWithNullDate() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse();
        // if atom feed file exists, just get rid of it 
        File feedFile = AtomFeedUtil.getFeedEntriesFile();
        if (feedFile.exists()) {
        // write couple of entries to atom feed 
        AtomFeedUtil.writeToFeed("test1", new Encounter());
        AtomFeedUtil.writeToFeed("test2", new Patient());

        AtomFeedUtil.getAtomFeedStream(response.getOutputStream(), null);

        // get response content to use it when asserting
        String responseContent = response.getContentAsString();

        // test if response contains header file content
        String atomHeader = FileUtils.readFileToString(AtomFeedUtil.getFeedHeaderFile());
        // truncate "</feed>" from the atom header string
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(atomHeader)) {
            atomHeader = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(atomHeader, "</feed>");
        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.contains(responseContent, atomHeader));

        // test that response content also contains both entries
        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.contains(responseContent, "<action>test1</action>"));
        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.contains(responseContent, "<action>test2</action>"));

        // test that response content also contains closing tag </feed>
        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.endsWith(responseContent, "</feed>"));

     * @see AtomFeedUtil#getAtomFeedStream(, java.util.Date)
     * @verifies download partial stream by given date
    public void getAtomFeedStream_shouldDownloadPartialStreamByGivenDate() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse();
        // if atom feed file exists, just get rid of it 
        File feedFile = AtomFeedUtil.getFeedEntriesFile();
        if (feedFile.exists()) {
        // write couple of entries to atom feed 
        AtomFeedUtil.writeToFeed("test1", new Encounter());
        AtomFeedUtil.writeToFeed("test2", new Patient());
        // do some sleep to have asOfDate parameter for filtering entries
        Calendar asOfDate = Calendar.getInstance();
        // add another entries (ones which will be filtered to stream)
        AtomFeedUtil.writeToFeed("test3", new Encounter());
        AtomFeedUtil.writeToFeed("test4", new Patient());

        AtomFeedUtil.getAtomFeedStream(response.getOutputStream(), asOfDate.getTime());

        // get response content to use it when asserting
        String responseContent = response.getContentAsString();

        // test if response contains header file content
        String atomHeader = FileUtils.readFileToString(AtomFeedUtil.getFeedHeaderFile());
        // truncate "</feed>" from the atom header string
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(atomHeader)) {
            atomHeader = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(atomHeader, "</feed>");
        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.contains(responseContent, atomHeader));

        // test that response content also contains both entries, added after sleep
        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.contains(responseContent, "<action>test3</action>"));
        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.contains(responseContent, "<action>test4</action>"));

        // test that response content also contains both entries, added after sleep
        Assert.assertFalse(StringUtils.contains(responseContent, "<action>test1</action>"));
        Assert.assertFalse(StringUtils.contains(responseContent, "<action>test2</action>"));

        // test that response content also contains closing tag </feed>
        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.endsWith(responseContent, "</feed>"));


     * @see AtomFeedUtil#getAtomFeedStream(, java.util.Date)
     * @verifies stream multiline entry
    public void getAtomFeedStream_shouldStreamMultiLineEntry() throws Exception {
        MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse();
        // if atom feed file exists, just get rid of it 
        File feedFile = AtomFeedUtil.getFeedEntriesFile();
        if (feedFile.exists()) {
        // do some sleep to have asOfDate parameter for filtering entries
        Calendar asOfDate = Calendar.getInstance();
        // write couple of entries to atom feed 
        AtomFeedUtil.writeToFeed("test1\ntest2", new Encounter());
        AtomFeedUtil.writeToFeed("test3", new Encounter());
        AtomFeedUtil.writeToFeed("test4", new Patient());

        AtomFeedUtil.getAtomFeedStream(response.getOutputStream(), asOfDate.getTime());

        // get response content to use it when asserting
        String responseContent = response.getContentAsString();

        // test if response contains header file content
        String atomHeader = FileUtils.readFileToString(AtomFeedUtil.getFeedHeaderFile());
        // truncate "</feed>" from the atom header string
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(atomHeader)) {
            atomHeader = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(atomHeader, "</feed>");
        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.contains(responseContent, atomHeader));

        // test that response content also contains entries
        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.contains(responseContent, "test1\ntest2"));
        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.contains(responseContent, "<action>test3</action>"));
        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.contains(responseContent, "<action>test4</action>"));

        // test that response content also contains closing tag </feed>
        Assert.assertTrue(StringUtils.endsWith(responseContent, "</feed>"));


     * @see {@link AtomFeedUtil#getViewUrl(OpenmrsObject)}
    @Verifies(value = "should return url for Patient object", method = "getViewUrl(OpenmrsObject)")
    public void getViewUrl_shouldReturnUrlForPatientObject() throws Exception {
       String patientUuid = "5946f880-b197-400b-9caa-a3c661d23041";
       Patient patient = Context.getPatientService().getPatientByUuid(patientUuid);
       Assert.assertEquals("NEED-TO-CONFIGURE/ws/rest/v1/person/" + patientUuid, AtomFeedUtil.getViewUrl(patient));

     * @see AtomFeedUtil#dateToRFC3339(Date)
     * @verifies not fail given a null date
    public void dateToRFC3339_shouldNotFailGivenANullDate() throws Exception {
        Date nDate = null;

     * @see AtomFeedUtil#dateToRFC3339(Date)
     * @verifies convert date to rfc
    public void dateToRFC3339_shouldConvertDateToRfc() throws Exception {
        TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
        System.out.println("timezone: " + tz.getDisplayName());
        try {
            String expectedOutput = "2012-05-08T22:39:54+03:00";
            Date date = new Date(1336505994083l);
            Assert.assertEquals(expectedOutput, AtomFeedUtil.dateToRFC3339(date));
        } finally {
            TimeZone.setDefault(tz); // reset back to what it was

     * @see {@link AtomFeedUtil#getAuthor(OpenmrsObject)}
    @Verifies(value = "should return the system id of the user if username is blank", method = "getAuthor(OpenmrsObject)")
    public void getAuthor_shouldReturnTheSystemIdOfTheUserIfUsernameIsBlank() throws Exception {
        final String systemId = "random Id";

        Person person = new Person();
        person.addName(new PersonName("mr", "tester", "man"));
        User changedBy = new User(person);

        Concept concept = new Concept();

        Assert.assertEquals(changedBy.getPersonName().getFullName() + " (" + systemId + ")",

     * @see {@link AtomFeedUtil#getAuthor(OpenmrsObject)}
    @Verifies(value = "should return unknown if changedBy and creator are not set", method = "getAuthor(OpenmrsObject)")
    public void getAuthor_shouldReturnUnknownIfChangedByAndCreatorAreNotSet() throws Exception {
        Concept concept = new Concept();
        Assert.assertEquals("Unknown", AtomFeedUtil.getAuthor(concept));