Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
 * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC.  All Rights Reserved.

package org.openmrs.module.amrsreports.builder;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.openmrs.api.AdministrationService;
import org.openmrs.api.context.Context;
import org.openmrs.module.amrsreports.util.TableBuilderUtil;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

public class PregnancyTableBuilder {

    private static PregnancyTableBuilder instance;

    public static PregnancyTableBuilder getInstance() {
        if (instance == null)
            instance = new PregnancyTableBuilder();
        return instance;

    private PregnancyTableBuilder() {
        // pass

    private static final String DROP_TABLE = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `amrsreports_pregnancy`";

    private static final String CREATE_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE `amrsreports_pregnancy` ("
            + "  `pregnancy_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT," + "  `person_id` int(11) NOT NULL,"
            + "  `pregnancy_date` datetime NOT NULL," + "  `due_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL,"
            + "  `due_date_source` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL," + "  `due_date_invalid` boolean DEFAULT FALSE,"
            + "  `edd_fh` datetime DEFAULT NULL," + "  `edd_edc` datetime DEFAULT NULL,"
            + "  `edd_wkmn` datetime DEFAULT NULL," + "  `edd_lmp` datetime DEFAULT NULL,"
            + "  `episode` int DEFAULT 0," + "  `pregstatus` int(1) DEFAULT 0," + "  `probpreg` int(1) DEFAULT 0,"
            + "  `testpreg` int(1) DEFAULT 0," + "  `dangerpreg` int(1) DEFAULT 0,"
            + "  `reasnvispreg` int(1) DEFAULT 0," + "  `durpreg` int(1) DEFAULT 0,"
            + "  `fundpreg` int(1) DEFAULT 0," + "  `ancpreg` int(1) DEFAULT 0," + "  `eddpreg` int(1) DEFAULT 0,"
            + "  `arvpreg` int(1) DEFAULT 0," + "  PRIMARY KEY (`pregnancy_id`),"
            + "  KEY `amrsreport_pregnancy_pregdate` (`pregnancy_date`),"
            + "  CONSTRAINT `amrsreport_unique_person_pregdate` UNIQUE (`person_id`, `pregnancy_date`)" +
            //               "  CONSTRAINT `amrsreport_pregnancy_person_ref` FOREIGN KEY (`person_id`) REFERENCES `person` (`person_id`)" +
            ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";

    private static String MACRO_UPDATE_COLUMN = "insert into amrsreports_pregnancy (" + "  person_id, "
            + "  pregnancy_date, " + "  :column" + " )" + "  select " + "    e.patient_id as person_id,"
            + "    DATE_FORMAT(e.encounter_datetime, '%Y-%m-%d') as p_date," + "    1" + "  from " + "    obs o"
            + "    join encounter e" + "      on e.encounter_id = o.encounter_id and e.voided = 0"
            + "    join person p" + "      on e.patient_id = p.person_id and p.voided = 0" + "    join patient pt"
            + "      on e.patient_id = pt.patient_id and pt.voided = 0" + "  where " + "    o.voided = 0"
            + "    and ( :criteria )" + "  order by" + "    person_id asc, p_date asc" + " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE"
            + "  :column = 1";

    private static final String UPDATE_EDD_LMP = "insert into amrsreports_pregnancy (" + "  person_id, "
            + "  pregnancy_date, " + "  edd_lmp" + " )" + "  select " + "    e.patient_id as person_id,"
            + "    DATE_FORMAT(e.encounter_datetime, '%Y-%m-%d') as p_date,"
            + "    DATE_ADD(value_datetime, INTERVAL (287) DAY) as d_date" + "  from " + "    obs o"
            + "    join encounter e" + "      on e.encounter_id = o.encounter_id and e.voided = 0"
            + "    join person p" + "      on e.patient_id = p.person_id and p.voided = 0" + "    join patient pt"
            + "      on e.patient_id = pt.patient_id and pt.voided = 0" + "  where " + "    o.voided = 0"
            + "    and concept_id in (1836)" + "    and value_datetime IS NOT NULL" + "  order by"
            + "    person_id asc, p_date asc" + " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" + "  edd_lmp = VALUES(edd_lmp)";

    private static final String UPDATE_EDD_FROM_EDC = "insert into amrsreports_pregnancy (" + "  person_id, "
            + "  pregnancy_date, " + "  edd_edc," + "  eddpreg" + " )" + "  select "
            + "    e.patient_id as person_id," + "    DATE_FORMAT(e.encounter_datetime, '%Y-%m-%d') as p_date,"
            + "    value_datetime as d_date," + "    1" + "  from " + "    obs o" + "    join encounter e"
            + "      on e.encounter_id = o.encounter_id and e.voided = 0" + "    join person p"
            + "      on e.patient_id = p.person_id and p.voided = 0" + "    join patient pt"
            + "      on e.patient_id = pt.patient_id and pt.voided = 0" + "  where " + "    o.voided = 0"
            + "    and concept_id in (1854, 5596)" + "    and value_datetime IS NOT NULL" + "  order by"
            + "    person_id asc, p_date asc" + " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" + "  edd_edc = VALUES(edd_edc),"
            + "  eddpreg = 1";

    private static String MACRO_UPDATE_EDD = "INSERT INTO amrsreports_pregnancy (" + "   person_id,"
            + "   pregnancy_date," + "   :source," + "   :column" + " ) SELECT" + "   e.patient_id as person_id, "
            + "   DATE_FORMAT(e.encounter_datetime, '%Y-%m-%d') AS p_date,"
            + "   DATE_ADD(o.obs_datetime, INTERVAL (280 - (o.value_numeric * :days)) DAY) AS d_date," + "   1"
            + " FROM" + "   obs o INNER JOIN encounter e ON e.encounter_id = o.encounter_id AND e.voided = 0"
            + " WHERE" + "   o.voided = 0" + "   and ( :criteria )" + "  order by" + "    person_id asc, p_date asc"
            + " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" + "   :source = VALUES(:source)," + "   :column = 1";

    private static final String UPDATE_FALSE_EDD = "" + "UPDATE amrsreports_pregnancy"
            + " SET due_date_invalid=true" + " WHERE" + "   pregnancy_date >= DATE_ADD(due_date, INTERVAL 37 DAY)";

    private static final String UPDATE_EDD_PREFERENCE = "UPDATE amrsreports_pregnancy" + " SET due_date ="
            + "   IF(edd_lmp IS NOT NULL, edd_lmp," + "     IF(edd_edc IS NOT NULL, edd_edc,"
            + "       IF(edd_wkmn IS NOT NULL, edd_wkmn," + "         IF(edd_fh IS NOT NULL, edd_fh, NULL)))),"
            + " due_date_source =" + "   IF(edd_lmp IS NOT NULL, 'LMP'," + "     IF(edd_edc IS NOT NULL, 'EDC',"
            + "       IF(edd_wkmn IS NOT NULL, 'GEST'," + "         IF(edd_fh IS NOT NULL, 'FH', NULL))))";

    private static final String DISTINCT_PEOPLE_WITH_DUE_DATES = "select distinct person_id"
            + " from amrsreports_pregnancy" + " where due_date is not null and due_date_invalid is false";

    private static String EDDS_FOR_PERSON = "select pregnancy_id, pregnancy_date, due_date"
            + " from amrsreports_pregnancy" + " where person_id = :personId" + "   and due_date is not null"
            + " order by pregnancy_date asc";

    private static String MACRO_UPDATE_EPISODE = "update amrsreports_pregnancy" + " SET episode = :episode"
            + " WHERE pregnancy_id = :rowId";

    private static final Integer ACCEPTABLE_EDD_GAP = 40;

     * drops, creates and fills out the pregnancy table
    public void execute() {
        AdministrationService admin = Context.getAdministrationService();

        // drop the table

        // recreate the table

        // update several columns
        updateColumn("pregstatus", "concept_id = 5272 and value_coded = 1065 and e.form_id <> 245");
        updateColumn("probpreg", "concept_id in (6042, 1790) and value_coded in (44, 47, 46)");
                "(concept_id = 45 and value_coded = 703) or (concept_id = 1856 and value_coded <> 1175)");
        updateColumn("reasnvispreg", "concept_id in (1834, 1835) and value_coded = 1831");
        updateColumn("ancpreg", "concept_id = 2055 and value_coded = 1065");
                "(concept_id = 1181 and value_coded = 1148)" + " or (concept_id = 1251 and value_coded = 1776)"
                        + " or (concept_id = 1992 and value_coded not in (1066, 67))");

        // update due dates based on obsDatetime and valueNumeric

        // obs date + (280 days - # days in weeks gestation from fundal height)
        updateEDD("edd_fh", 7, "concept_id = 1855", "fundpreg");

        // obs date + (280 days - # days in months gestation)
        updateEDD("edd_wkmn", 30, "concept_id = 5992 AND value_numeric <= 9", "durpreg");

        // obs date + (280 days - # days in weeks gestation) ... value over 9 is considered to mean weeks
        updateEDD("edd_wkmn", 7, "concept_id = 5992 AND value_numeric > 9", "durpreg");

        // obs date + (280 days - # days in weeks pregnant)
        updateEDD("edd_wkmn", 7, "concept_id = 1279", "durpreg");

        // update due dates based on valueDatetime

        // EDD = valueDatetime of LMP + 287 days

        // EDD = valueDatetime of EDC observation

        // select EDD based on priorities

        // indicate whether a due date is probably not valid

        // get unique people
        List<List<Object>> people = admin.executeSQL(DISTINCT_PEOPLE_WITH_DUE_DATES, true);

        // loop through them
        for (List<Object> person : people) {
            Integer personId = (Integer) person.get(0);

            // get EDDs
            List<List<Object>> edds = admin.executeSQL(EDDS_FOR_PERSON.replaceAll(":personId", personId.toString()),

            // set a few variables
            Integer episode = 0;
            Date benchmark = null;

            // loop through EDDs
            for (List<Object> row : edds) {

                Integer rowId = (Integer) row.get(0);
                Date edd = (Date) row.get(2);

                // if the benchmark has not been set yet (first time)
                // or the edd is after the specified benchmark,
                // start a new episode.
                if (benchmark == null || edd.after(benchmark)) {
                    Date encDate = (Date) row.get(1);
                    benchmark = addWeeksToDate(encDate, ACCEPTABLE_EDD_GAP);

                // update this row with the episode number
                updateEpisode(rowId, episode);

    private void updateEpisode(Integer rowId, Integer episode) {
        if (rowId == null || episode == null)

        String query = MACRO_UPDATE_EPISODE.replaceAll(":rowId", rowId.toString()).replaceAll(":episode",


     * updates a given column based on provided criteria
    private void updateColumn(String column, String criteria) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(column) || StringUtils.isBlank(criteria))

        String query = MACRO_UPDATE_COLUMN.replaceAll(":criteria", criteria).replaceAll(":column", column);


     * updates due_date based on provided criteria
    private void updateEDD(String source, Integer days, String criteria, String column) {
        if (days == null || StringUtils.isBlank(criteria))

        String query = MACRO_UPDATE_EDD.replaceAll(":source", source).replaceAll(":criteria", criteria)
                .replaceAll(":days", days.toString()).replaceAll(":column", column);


     * adds a number of days to a given date
    private Date addWeeksToDate(Date date, Integer weeks) {
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        c.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH, weeks);
        return c.getTime();
