Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.logic.db.hibernate; import static org.openmrs.logic.datasource.EncounterDataSource.ENCOUNTER_KEY; import static org.openmrs.logic.datasource.EncounterDataSource.LOCATION_KEY; import static org.openmrs.logic.datasource.EncounterDataSource.PROVIDER_KEY; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion; import org.hibernate.criterion.Expression; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.openmrs.Cohort; import org.openmrs.Encounter; import org.openmrs.logic.LogicContext; import org.openmrs.logic.LogicCriteria; import org.openmrs.logic.Duration; import org.openmrs.logic.LogicException; import org.openmrs.logic.LogicExpression; import org.openmrs.logic.LogicExpressionBinary; import org.openmrs.logic.LogicTransform; import org.openmrs.logic.db.LogicEncounterDAO; import org.openmrs.logic.op.OperandCollection; import org.openmrs.logic.op.OperandDate; import org.openmrs.logic.op.OperandNumeric; import org.openmrs.logic.op.OperandText; import org.openmrs.logic.op.Operator; import org.openmrs.logic.util.LogicExpressionToCriterion; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; /** * This class builds the hibernate statements needed to execute logic evaluations for the * EncounterDatasource */ @Repository public class HibernateLogicEncounterDAO extends LogicExpressionToCriterion implements LogicEncounterDAO { protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); /** * Hibernate session factory */ @Autowired private SessionFactory sessionFactory; /** * Set session factory * * @param sessionFactory */ public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; } /** * Convenience method to get the list of hibernate queries for this expression * * @param logicExpression * @param indexDate * @param criteria Criteria object so that certain expressions can add aliases, etc * @return Criterion to be added to the Criteria */ public Criterion getCriterion(LogicExpression logicExpression, Date indexDate, Criteria criteria) { Operator operator = logicExpression.getOperator(); Object rightOperand = logicExpression.getRightOperand(); Object leftOperand = null; if (logicExpression instanceof LogicExpressionBinary) { leftOperand = ((LogicExpressionBinary) logicExpression).getLeftOperand(); } List<Criterion> criterion = new ArrayList<Criterion>(); //if the leftOperand is a String and does not match any components, //see if it is a concept name and restrict accordingly //a null operator implies a concept restriction if (leftOperand instanceof LogicExpression) { // no restrictions if there is no operator // TODO restrict on provider != null for encounterProvider token? } String token = logicExpression.getRootToken(); if (operator == null) { // no restrictions if there is no operator // TODO restrict on provider != null for encounterProvider token? } else if (operator == Operator.BEFORE || operator == Operator.LT) { if (ENCOUNTER_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(token) && rightOperand instanceof OperandDate) { criterion.add("encounterDatetime", rightOperand)); } else { throw new LogicException("'before' is not a valid operator on " + token + " and " + rightOperand); } } else if (operator == Operator.AFTER || operator == Operator.GT) { if (ENCOUNTER_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(token) && rightOperand instanceof OperandDate) { criterion.add("encounterDatetime", rightOperand)); } else { throw new LogicException("'after' is not a valid operator on " + token + " and " + rightOperand); } } else if (operator == Operator.AND || operator == Operator.OR) { if (ENCOUNTER_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(token) && rightOperand instanceof OperandDate) { Criterion leftCriteria = null; Criterion rightCriteria = null; if (leftOperand instanceof LogicExpression) { leftCriteria = this.getCriterion((LogicExpression) leftOperand, indexDate, criteria); } if (rightOperand instanceof LogicExpression) { rightCriteria = this.getCriterion((LogicExpression) rightOperand, indexDate, criteria); } if (leftCriteria != null && rightCriteria != null) { if (operator == Operator.AND) { criterion.add(Restrictions.and(leftCriteria, rightCriteria)); } if (operator == Operator.OR) { criterion.add(Restrictions.or(leftCriteria, rightCriteria)); } } } else { throw new LogicException("'and/or' are not valid operators on " + token + " and " + rightOperand); } } else if (operator == Operator.NOT) { Criterion rightCriteria = null; if (rightOperand instanceof LogicExpression) { rightCriteria = this.getCriterion((LogicExpression) rightOperand, indexDate, criteria); } if (rightCriteria != null) { criterion.add(Restrictions.not(rightCriteria)); } } else if (operator == Operator.CONTAINS) { if (ENCOUNTER_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(token) && rightOperand instanceof OperandText) { criteria.createAlias("encounterType", "encounterType"); criterion.add(Expression.eq("", ((OperandText) rightOperand).asString())); } else if (LOCATION_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(token) && rightOperand instanceof OperandText) { criteria.createAlias("location", "location"); criterion.add(Restrictions.eq("", ((OperandText) rightOperand).asString())); } else if (PROVIDER_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(token) && rightOperand instanceof OperandNumeric) { criteria.createAlias("provider", "provider"); criterion.add(Restrictions.eq("provider.personId", ((OperandNumeric) rightOperand).asInteger())); } else { throw new LogicException("'contains' is not a valid operator on " + token + " and " + rightOperand); } } else if (operator == Operator.IN) { if (ENCOUNTER_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(token) && rightOperand instanceof OperandCollection) { criteria.createAlias("encounterType", "encounterType"); criterion.add("", ((OperandCollection) rightOperand).asCollection())); } else if (LOCATION_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(token) && rightOperand instanceof OperandCollection) { criteria.createAlias("location", "location"); criterion.add("", ((OperandCollection) rightOperand).asCollection())); } else if (PROVIDER_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(token) && rightOperand instanceof OperandCollection) { criteria.createAlias("provider", "provider"); criterion.add("provider.systemId", ((OperandCollection) rightOperand).asCollection())); } else { throw new LogicException("'in' is not a valid operator on " + token + " and " + rightOperand); } } else if (operator == Operator.EQUALS) { if (ENCOUNTER_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(token) && rightOperand instanceof OperandDate) { criterion.add(Restrictions.eq("encounterDatetime", rightOperand)); } else if (ENCOUNTER_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(token) && rightOperand instanceof OperandText) { criteria.createAlias("encounterType", "encounterType"); criterion.add(Restrictions.eq("", ((OperandText) rightOperand).asString())); } else if (LOCATION_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(token) && rightOperand instanceof OperandText) { criteria.createAlias("location", "location"); criterion.add(Restrictions.eq("", ((OperandText) rightOperand).asString())); } else if (PROVIDER_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(token) && rightOperand instanceof OperandText) { criteria.createAlias("provider", "provider"); criterion.add(Restrictions.eq("provider.systemId", ((OperandText) rightOperand).asString())); } else { throw new LogicException("'equals' is not a valid operator on " + token + " and " + rightOperand); } } else if (operator == Operator.LTE) { if (rightOperand instanceof OperandDate) criterion.add(Restrictions.le("encounterDatetime", rightOperand)); else throw new LogicException( "'less than or equals' is not a valid operator on " + token + " and " + rightOperand); } else if (operator == Operator.GTE) { if (rightOperand instanceof OperandDate) criterion.add("encounterDatetime", rightOperand)); else throw new LogicException( "'greater than or equals' is not a valid operator on " + token + " and " + rightOperand); } else if (operator == Operator.LT) { if (rightOperand instanceof OperandDate) criterion.add("encounterDatetime", rightOperand)); else throw new LogicException( "'less than' is not a valid operator on " + token + " and " + rightOperand); } else if (operator == Operator.GT) { if (rightOperand instanceof OperandDate) criterion.add("encounterDatetime", rightOperand)); else throw new LogicException( "'greater than' is not a valid operator on " + token + " and " + rightOperand); } else if (operator == Operator.EXISTS) { // EXISTS can be handled on the higher level (above // LogicService, even) by coercing the Result into a Boolean for // each patient } else if (operator == Operator.ASOF && rightOperand instanceof Date) { indexDate = (Date) rightOperand; criterion.add(Restrictions.le("encounterDatetime", indexDate)); } else if (operator == Operator.WITHIN) { if (rightOperand instanceof Duration) { Duration duration = (Duration) rightOperand; Calendar within = Calendar.getInstance(); within.setTime(indexDate); if (duration.getUnits() == Duration.Units.YEARS) { within.add(Calendar.YEAR, duration.getDuration().intValue()); } else if (duration.getUnits() == Duration.Units.MONTHS) { within.add(Calendar.MONTH, duration.getDuration().intValue()); } else if (duration.getUnits() == Duration.Units.WEEKS) { within.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, duration.getDuration().intValue()); } else if (duration.getUnits() == Duration.Units.DAYS) { within.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, duration.getDuration().intValue()); } else if (duration.getUnits() == Duration.Units.HOURS) { within.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, duration.getDuration().intValue()); } else if (duration.getUnits() == Duration.Units.MINUTES) { within.add(Calendar.MINUTE, duration.getDuration().intValue()); } else if (duration.getUnits() == Duration.Units.SECONDS) { within.add(Calendar.SECOND, duration.getDuration().intValue()); } if (indexDate.compareTo(within.getTime()) > 0) { criterion.add(Restrictions.between("encounterDatetime", within.getTime(), indexDate)); } else { criterion.add(Restrictions.between("encounterDatetime", indexDate, within.getTime())); } } else { throw new LogicException("'within' is not a valid operator on " + token + " and " + rightOperand); } } Criterion c = null; for (Criterion crit : criterion) { if (c == null) { c = crit; } else { c = Restrictions.and(c, crit); } } return c; } // Helper function, converts logic service's criteria into Hibernate's // criteria @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Encounter> logicToHibernate(LogicExpression expression, Cohort who, LogicContext logicContext) throws LogicException { Criteria criteria = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Encounter.class); Date indexDate = logicContext.getIndexDate(); Operator transformOperator = null; LogicTransform transform = expression.getTransform(); Integer numResults = null; if (transform != null) { transformOperator = transform.getTransformOperator(); numResults = transform.getNumResults(); } if (numResults == null) { numResults = 1; } // set the transform and evaluate the right criteria // if there is any if (transformOperator == Operator.LAST) { criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("encounterDatetime")).addOrder(Order.desc("dateCreated")) .addOrder(Order.desc("encounterId")); } else if (transformOperator == Operator.FIRST) { criteria.addOrder(Order.asc("encounterDatetime")).addOrder(Order.asc("encounterId")); } else if (transformOperator == Operator.DISTINCT) { criteria.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); } else { criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("encounterDatetime")); } Criterion c = this.getCriterion(expression, indexDate, criteria); if (c != null) { criteria.add(c); } List<Encounter> results = new ArrayList<Encounter>(); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("voided", false)); criteria.add("patient.personId", who.getMemberIds())); results.addAll(criteria.list()); //return a single result per patient for these operators //I don't see an easy way to do this in hibernate so I am //doing some postprocessing if (transformOperator == Operator.FIRST || transformOperator == Operator.LAST) { HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Encounter>> nResultMap = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Encounter>>(); for (Encounter currResult : results) { Integer currPersonId = currResult.getPatient().getPersonId(); ArrayList<Encounter> prevResults = nResultMap.get(currPersonId); if (prevResults == null) { prevResults = new ArrayList<Encounter>(); nResultMap.put(currPersonId, prevResults); } if (prevResults.size() < numResults) { prevResults.add(currResult); } } if (nResultMap.values().size() > 0) { results.clear(); for (ArrayList<Encounter> currPatientEncounter : nResultMap.values()) { results.addAll(currPatientEncounter); } } } return results; } /** * @see org.openmrs.api.db.EncounterDAO#getEncounters(org.openmrs.Patient, org.openmrs.Location, * Date, Date, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, java.util.Collection, boolean) */ public List<Encounter> getEncounters(Cohort who, LogicCriteria logicCriteria, LogicContext logicContext) throws LogicException { return logicToHibernate(logicCriteria.getExpression(), who, logicContext); } }