Java tutorial
/* * org.openmicroscopy.shoola.agents.treeviewer.util.StatusLabel * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2006-2013 University of Dundee. All rights reserved. * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ package; //Java imports import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.Font; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JProgressBar; import ome.formats.importer.IObservable; import ome.formats.importer.IObserver; import ome.formats.importer.ImportCandidates; import ome.formats.importer.ImportEvent; import ome.formats.importer.ImportEvent.FILESET_UPLOAD_END; import ome.formats.importer.util.ErrorHandler; import omero.cmd.CmdCallback; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import org.openmicroscopy.shoola.util.ui.UIUtilities; import pojos.DataObject; import pojos.FilesetData; import pojos.PixelsData; /** * Component displaying the status of a specific import. * * @author Jean-Marie Burel * <a href=""></a> * @author Donald MacDonald * <a href=""></a> * @author Blazej Pindelski, bpindelski at * @version 3.0 * @since 3.0-Beta4 */ public class StatusLabel extends JPanel implements IObserver { /** The text displayed when the file is already selected.*/ public static final String DUPLICATE = "Already processed, skipping"; /** The text indicating the scanning steps. */ public static final String SCANNING_TEXT = "Scanning..."; /** * Bound property indicating that the original container has been reset. * */ public static final String NO_CONTAINER_PROPERTY = "noContainer"; /** Bound property indicating that children files have been set. */ public static final String FILES_SET_PROPERTY = "filesSet"; /** * Bound property indicating that the file has to be reset * This should be invoked if the log file for example has been selected. */ public static final String FILE_RESET_PROPERTY = "fileReset"; /** Bound property indicating that the import of the file has started. */ public static final String FILE_IMPORT_STARTED_PROPERTY = "fileImportStarted"; /** * Bound property indicating that the container corresponding to the * folder has been created. * */ public static final String CONTAINER_FROM_FOLDER_PROPERTY = "containerFromFolder"; /** Bound property indicating that the status has changed.*/ public static final String CANCELLABLE_IMPORT_PROPERTY = "cancellableImport"; /** Bound property indicating that the debug text has been sent.*/ public static final String DEBUG_TEXT_PROPERTY = "debugText"; /** Bound property indicating that the import is done. */ public static final String IMPORT_DONE_PROPERTY = "importDone"; /** Bound property indicating that the upload is done. */ public static final String UPLOAD_DONE_PROPERTY = "uploadDone"; /** Bound property indicating that the scanning has started. */ public static final String SCANNING_PROPERTY = "scanning"; /** Bound property indicating that the scanning has started. */ public static final String PROCESSING_ERROR_PROPERTY = "processingError"; /** The default text of the component.*/ public static final String DEFAULT_TEXT = "Pending..."; /** Text to indicate that the import is cancelled. */ private static final String CANCEL_TEXT = "Cancelled"; /** Text to indicate that no files to import. */ private static final String NO_FILES_TEXT = "No Files to Import."; /** The width of the upload bar.*/ private static final int WIDTH = 200; /** The maximum number of value for upload.*/ private static final int MAX = 100; /** * The number of processing sets. * 1. Importing Metadata * 2. Processing Pixels * 3. Generating Thumbnails * 4. Processing Metadata * 5. Generating Objects */ /** Map hosting the description of each step.*/ private static final Map<Integer, String> STEPS; /** Map hosting the description of the failure at a each step.*/ private static final Map<Integer, String> STEP_FAILURES; static { STEPS = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); STEPS.put(1, "Importing Metadata"); STEPS.put(2, "Reading Pixels"); STEPS.put(3, "Generating Thumbnails"); STEPS.put(4, "Reading Metadata"); STEPS.put(5, "Generating Objects"); STEPS.put(6, "Complete"); STEP_FAILURES = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); STEP_FAILURES.put(1, "Failed to Import Metadata"); STEP_FAILURES.put(2, "Failed to Read Pixels"); STEP_FAILURES.put(3, "Failed to Generate Thumbnails"); STEP_FAILURES.put(4, "Failed to Read Metadata"); STEP_FAILURES.put(5, "Failed to Generate Objects"); } /** The number of images in a series. */ private int seriesCount; /** The type of reader used. */ private String readerType; /** The files associated to the file that failed to import. */ private String[] usedFiles; /** Flag indicating that the import has been cancelled. */ private boolean markedAsCancel; /** Flag indicating that the import can or not be cancelled.*/ private boolean cancellable; /** * Flag indicating that the file has already been imported or already * in the queue. */ private boolean markedAsDuplicate; /** The size of the file.*/ private String fileSize; /** The size units.*/ private String units; /** The total size of uploaded files.*/ private long totalUploadedSize; /** The label displaying the general import information.*/ private JLabel generalLabel; /** Indicate the progress of the upload.*/ private JProgressBar uploadBar; /** Indicate the progress of the processing.*/ private JProgressBar processingBar; /** The size of the upload,*/ private long sizeUpload; /** The labels displaying information before the progress bars.*/ private List<JLabel> labels; /** Checksum event stored for later retrieval */ private FILESET_UPLOAD_END checksumEvent; /** The exception if an error occurred.*/ private ImportException exception; /** The list of pixels' identifiers returned when the import is complete.*/ private Set<PixelsData> pixels; /** The file associated to that import.*/ private FilesetData fileset; /** Flag indicating if the image is a HCS file or not.*/ private boolean hcs; /** The callback. This should only be set when importing a directory.*/ private Object callback; /** Indicates that the file scanned is a directory.*/ //private boolean directory; /** The id of the log file.*/ private long logFileID; /** The processing step.*/ private int step; /** Indicates if the upload ever started.*/ private boolean uploadStarted; /** The file or folder this component is for.*/ private File sourceFile; /** * Formats the size of the uploaded data. * * @param value The value to display. * @return See above. */ private String formatUpload(long value) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); String v = FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(value); String[] values = v.split(" "); if (values.length > 1) { String u = values[1]; if (units.equals(u)) buffer.append(values[0]); else buffer.append(v); } else buffer.append(v); buffer.append("/"); buffer.append(fileSize); return buffer.toString(); } /** Builds and lays out the UI.*/ private void buildUI() { labels = new ArrayList<JLabel>(); setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); add(generalLabel); JLabel label = new JLabel("Upload"); label.setVisible(false); labels.add(label); add(label); add(uploadBar); add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); label = new JLabel("Processing"); label.setVisible(false); labels.add(label); add(label); add(processingBar); setOpaque(false); } /** Initializes the components.*/ private void initialize() { step = 0; sizeUpload = 0; fileSize = ""; seriesCount = 0; readerType = ""; markedAsCancel = false; cancellable = true; totalUploadedSize = 0; generalLabel = new JLabel(DEFAULT_TEXT); Font f = generalLabel.getFont(); Font derived = f.deriveFont(f.getStyle(), f.getSize() - 2); uploadBar = new JProgressBar(0, MAX); uploadBar.setFont(derived); uploadBar.setStringPainted(true); Dimension d = uploadBar.getPreferredSize(); uploadBar.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(WIDTH, d.height)); processingBar = new JProgressBar(0, STEPS.size()); processingBar.setStringPainted(true); processingBar.setString(DEFAULT_TEXT); processingBar.setFont(derived); uploadBar.setVisible(false); processingBar.setVisible(false); } /** * Handles error that occurred during the processing. * * @param text The text to display if any. * @param fire Indicate to fire a property. */ private void handleProcessingError(String text, boolean fire) { if (isMarkedAsCancel()) return; generalLabel.setText(text); cancellable = false; if (step > 0) processingBar.setString(STEP_FAILURES.get(step)); if (fire) firePropertyChange(PROCESSING_ERROR_PROPERTY, null, this); } /** * Creates a new instance. * * @param sourceFile The file associated to that label. */ public StatusLabel(File sourceFile) { this.sourceFile = sourceFile; initialize(); buildUI(); } /** * Sets the file set when the upload is complete. * To be modified. * * @param fileset The value to set. */ public void setFilesetData(final FilesetData fileset) { this.fileset = fileset; } /** * Sets to <code>true</code> if it is a HCS file, <code>false</code> * otherwise. * * @param hcs Pass <code>true</code> if it is a HCS file, <code>false</code> * otherwise. */ public void setHCS(boolean hcs) { this.hcs = hcs; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if it is a HCS file, <code>false</code> * otherwise. * * @return See above. */ public boolean isHCS() { return hcs; } /** * Returns the file set associated to the import. * * @return See above. */ public FilesetData getFileset() { return fileset; } /** * Sets the collection of files to import. * * @param usedFiles The value to set. */ public void setUsedFiles(String[] usedFiles) { this.usedFiles = usedFiles; if (usedFiles == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < usedFiles.length; i++) { sizeUpload += (new File(usedFiles[i])).length(); } fileSize = FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(sizeUpload); String[] values = fileSize.split(" "); if (values.length > 1) units = values[1]; } /** * Sets the callback. This method should only be invoked when the * file is imported from a folder. * * @param cmd The object to handle. */ public void setCallback(Object cmd) { if (cmd instanceof ImportException) exception = (ImportException) cmd; else if (cmd instanceof CmdCallback || cmd instanceof Boolean) callback = cmd; firePropertyChange(UPLOAD_DONE_PROPERTY, null, this); } /** * Sets the text of {@link #generalLabel}. * * @param text The value to set. */ public void setText(String text) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(text)) { String value = generalLabel.getText(); if (DEFAULT_TEXT.equals(value) || SCANNING_TEXT.equals(value)) generalLabel.setText(text); } else generalLabel.setText(text); } /** Marks the import has cancelled. */ public void markedAsCancel() { generalLabel.setText(CANCEL_TEXT); this.markedAsCancel = true; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the import is marked as cancel, * <code>false</code> otherwise. * * @return See above. */ public boolean isMarkedAsCancel() { return markedAsCancel; } /** Marks the import has duplicate. */ public void markedAsDuplicate() { this.markedAsDuplicate = true; generalLabel.setText(DUPLICATE); } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the import is marked as duplicate, * <code>false</code> otherwise. * * @return See above. */ public boolean isMarkedAsDuplicate() { return markedAsDuplicate; } /** * Returns the text if an error occurred. * * @return See above. */ public String getErrorText() { return ""; } /** * Returns the type of reader used. * * @return See above. */ public String getReaderType() { return readerType; } /** * Returns the files associated to the file failing to import. * * @return See above. */ public String[] getUsedFiles() { return usedFiles; } /** * Returns the source files that have checksum values or <code>null</code> * if no event stored. * * @return See above. */ public List<String> getChecksums() { if (!hasChecksum()) return null; return checksumEvent.checksums; } /** * Returns the checksum values or <code>null</code> if no event stored. * * @return See above. */ public Map<Integer, String> getFailingChecksums() { if (!hasChecksum()) return null; return checksumEvent.failingChecksums; } /** * Returns the source files that have checksum values or <code>null</code> * if no event stored. * * @return See above. */ public String[] getChecksumFiles() { if (!hasChecksum()) return null; return checksumEvent.srcFiles; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the checksums have been calculated, * <code>false</code> otherwise. * * @return */ public boolean hasChecksum() { return checksumEvent != null; } /** * Fires a property indicating to import the files. * * @param files The file to handle. */ public void setFiles(Map<File, StatusLabel> files) { if (isMarkedAsCancel()) return; generalLabel.setText(NO_FILES_TEXT); if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(files.entrySet())) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("Importing "); buffer.append(files.size()); buffer.append(" file"); if (files.size() > 1) buffer.append("s"); generalLabel.setText(buffer.toString()); } firePropertyChange(FILES_SET_PROPERTY, null, files); } /** * Indicates that the original container has been reset. */ public void setNoContainer() { firePropertyChange(NO_CONTAINER_PROPERTY, Boolean.valueOf(false), Boolean.valueOf(true)); } /** * Sets the container corresponding to the folder. * * @param container The container to set. */ public void setContainerFromFolder(DataObject container) { firePropertyChange(CONTAINER_FROM_FOLDER_PROPERTY, null, container); } /** * Replaces the initial file by the specified one. This should only be * invoked if the original file was an arbitrary one requiring to use the * import candidate e.g. <code>.log</code>. * * @param file The new file. */ public void resetFile(File file) { firePropertyChange(FILE_RESET_PROPERTY, null, file); } /** * Returns the number of series. * * @return See above. */ public int getSeriesCount() { return seriesCount; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the import can be cancelled, * <code>false</code> otherwise. * * @return See above. */ public boolean isCancellable() { return cancellable; } /** * Returns the result of the import either a collection of * <code>PixelsData</code> or an exception. * * @return See above. */ public Object getImportResult() { if (exception != null) return exception; if (pixels != null) return pixels; return callback; } /** * Returns the number of pixels objects created or <code>0</code>. * * @return See above. */ public int getNumberOfImportedFiles() { if (pixels != null) return pixels.size(); return 0; } /** * Returns the size of the upload. * * @return See above. */ public long getFileSize() { return sizeUpload; } /** * Returns the ID associated to the log file. * * @return See above. */ public long getLogFileID() { return logFileID; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the upload ever started, <code>false</code> * otherwise. * * @return See above. */ public boolean didUploadStart() { return uploadStarted; } /** * Displays the status of an on-going import. * @see IObserver#update(IObservable, ImportEvent) */ public void update(IObservable observable, ImportEvent event) { if (event == null) return; cancellable = false; if (event instanceof ImportEvent.IMPORT_DONE) { step = 6; processingBar.setValue(step); processingBar.setString(STEPS.get(step)); pixels = (Set<PixelsData>) PojoMapper.asDataObjects(((ImportEvent.IMPORT_DONE) event).pixels); firePropertyChange(IMPORT_DONE_PROPERTY, null, this); } else if (event instanceof ImportCandidates.SCANNING) { if (!markedAsCancel) cancellable = true; if (!markedAsCancel && exception == null) generalLabel.setText(SCANNING_TEXT); if (exception == null) firePropertyChange(SCANNING_PROPERTY, null, this); } else if (event instanceof ErrorHandler.MISSING_LIBRARY) { exception = new ImportException(ImportException.MISSING_LIBRARY_TEXT, ((ErrorHandler.MISSING_LIBRARY) event).exception); handleProcessingError(ImportException.MISSING_LIBRARY_TEXT, false); } else if (event instanceof ErrorHandler.UNKNOWN_FORMAT) { exception = new ImportException(ImportException.UNKNOWN_FORMAT_TEXT, ((ErrorHandler.UNKNOWN_FORMAT) event).exception); if (sourceFile != null && !sourceFile.isDirectory()) handleProcessingError(ImportException.UNKNOWN_FORMAT_TEXT, true); } else if (event instanceof ErrorHandler.FILE_EXCEPTION) { ErrorHandler.FILE_EXCEPTION e = (ErrorHandler.FILE_EXCEPTION) event; readerType = e.reader; usedFiles = e.usedFiles; exception = new ImportException(e.exception); String text = ImportException.FILE_NOT_VALID_TEXT; if (sourceFile != null && sourceFile.isDirectory()) text = ""; handleProcessingError(text, false); } else if (event instanceof ErrorHandler.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION) { ErrorHandler.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION e = (ErrorHandler.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION) event; readerType = e.reader; usedFiles = e.usedFiles; exception = new ImportException(e.exception); handleProcessingError("", true); } else if (event instanceof ImportEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_BYTES) { ImportEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_BYTES e = (ImportEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_BYTES) event; long v = totalUploadedSize + e.uploadedBytes; if (sizeUpload != 0) { uploadBar.setValue((int) (v * MAX / sizeUpload)); } StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); if (v != sizeUpload) buffer.append(formatUpload(v)); else buffer.append(fileSize); buffer.append(" "); if (e.timeLeft != 0) { String s = UIUtilities.calculateHMSFromMilliseconds(e.timeLeft, true); buffer.append(s); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(s)) buffer.append(" Left"); else buffer.append("complete"); } uploadBar.setString(buffer.toString()); } else if (event instanceof ImportEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_COMPLETE) { ImportEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_COMPLETE e = (ImportEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_COMPLETE) event; totalUploadedSize += e.uploadedBytes; } else if (event instanceof ImportEvent.FILESET_UPLOAD_END) { checksumEvent = (ImportEvent.FILESET_UPLOAD_END) event; if (exception == null) { step = 1; processingBar.setValue(step); processingBar.setString(STEPS.get(step)); } } else if (event instanceof ImportEvent.METADATA_IMPORTED) { ImportEvent.METADATA_IMPORTED e = (ImportEvent.METADATA_IMPORTED) event; logFileID = e.logFileId; step = 2; processingBar.setValue(step); processingBar.setString(STEPS.get(step)); } else if (event instanceof ImportEvent.PIXELDATA_PROCESSED) { step = 3; processingBar.setValue(step); processingBar.setString(STEPS.get(step)); } else if (event instanceof ImportEvent.THUMBNAILS_GENERATED) { step = 4; processingBar.setValue(step); processingBar.setString(STEPS.get(step)); } else if (event instanceof ImportEvent.METADATA_PROCESSED) { step = 5; processingBar.setValue(step); processingBar.setString(STEPS.get(step)); } else if (event instanceof ImportEvent.FILESET_UPLOAD_START) { uploadStarted = true; Iterator<JLabel> i = labels.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) {; } generalLabel.setText(""); uploadBar.setVisible(true); processingBar.setVisible(true); firePropertyChange(FILE_IMPORT_STARTED_PROPERTY, null, this); } else if (event instanceof ImportEvent.FILESET_UPLOAD_PREPARATION) { generalLabel.setText("Preparing upload..."); } } }