Java tutorial
/* Copyright IBM Corp. 2010, 2016 This file is part of Anomaly Detection Engine for Linux Logs (ADE). ADE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ADE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ADE. If not, see <>. */ package org.openmainframe.ade.scores; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import org.openmainframe.ade.exceptions.AdeException; import org.openmainframe.ade.exceptions.AdeFlowException; import org.openmainframe.ade.impl.PropertyAnnotation.Property; import org.openmainframe.ade.scoringApi.MessageScorer; import org.openmainframe.ade.scoringApi.StatisticsChart; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Calculate scores for the deltas belonging to a message id. A delta is defined as the * time difference in seconds between two of the same message instances. (ie. two messages * with the same message id) For example, if we have some message instance X with id MSGID * appearing at time T1 then the delta value is T1 - T2 where T2 < T1 and T2 is the time of * the MOST RECENT message instance Y with id MSGID. These deltas are used to compute log * probabilities which gets stored in the StatisticsChart. */ public class LastSeenScorer extends MessageScorer { /** * Default logger for this class. */ private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LastSeenScorer.class); /** * The serialized ID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final double DEFAULT_FOR_NEW = 0d; @Property(key = "minimalValueForTallesBin", help = "Minimal count for most common bin. Less than this and no model will be created.", required = false) private int m_minimalMax = 10; @Property(key = "minimalConcentration", help = "minimal required average points per bin", required = false) private double m_minimalConcentration = 2.0; /** * Given a sequence of points in R1 (e.g. times) x1 <= x2 ... <= xn (the * input is the distances [xi+1 - xi]) Look whether there are typical * differences [xi+1 - xi] (up to 3 modes) build clusters around the * mode. The likelihood in each cluster is then by Chebychev inequality * a new point will be considered anomaly if there is a significant * difference between the probability in the training points and the * point in question. */ private class PerodicityBounder implements Serializable { /** * Stores the value of log(.5). */ private final double m_logHalf = Math.log(0.5); /** * The serial ID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Threshold for the minimal points per cluster. */ int mMinimalPointsPerCluster; /** * For determining if we have used this scorer during training. */ boolean mTrained; /** * Maps the time difference in seconds from the most recently seen message instance since some message * instance x with the same message id to the number of times this time difference has been seen. */ TreeMap<Integer, Integer> mPointDifferences; /** * The total number of points we have added. */ int mPoints; /** * Maps point/delta/ values to its score where score is the log of the ratio between max value * and a point's value. (max is the time difference that occurs the most in mPointDifferences and a * point's value is the number of occurrences for this time difference/point). */ private TreeMap<Integer, Double> m_pointScores; /** * Log of the max delta/point value. */ private double m_lMax = 0; /** * The log of ratio between the max point/delta and the total number of points/deltas. */ private double m_llMax = 0; /** * Default constructor for initializing member variables. */ public PerodicityBounder() { mMinimalPointsPerCluster = 10; mTrained = false; mPointDifferences = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>(); m_pointScores = null; mPoints = 0; } /** * Add a set of points. i.e. the time difference in seconds between two of the same message * instances. * @param deltas change in seconds between two of of the same message instances where if MSG1 * occurred at time T then the other message instance time is less than time T and is the * MOST RECENTLY seen message instance with this message id. */ public void addPoints(Integer[] deltas) { if (deltas != null) { for (int delta : deltas) { addPoint(delta); } } } /** * Start training if the number if the total number of points * we have seen is greater than the minimal amount of points per cluster. * When training is done we clear the point differences. * @param name the message id. */ public void train(String name) { assert mTrained == false; assert mPointDifferences.size() > 0; if (mPoints >= mMinimalPointsPerCluster) { if (m_debugPrint) { if (name != null) {"trainig last seen model for " + name); } for (Entry<Integer, Integer> pointDiff : mPointDifferences.entrySet()) {" " + pointDiff.getKey() + ", " + pointDiff.getValue()); } } computeScores(); } mPointDifferences = null; mTrained = true; } /** * Calculate the scores for each point in "mPointDifferences" where the score is the log * of the ratio between max value and a point's value. (max is the time difference that occurs the * most in mPointDifferences and a point's value is the number of occurrences for * this time difference/point). Only attempt this calculation if it satistifies the minimal * requirements as specified by the Property values and if the value is greater than 1. */ private void computeScores() { final int max = getMaxValue(); m_lMax = Math.log(max); m_llMax = -Math.log((double) max / mPoints); if (max > m_minimalMax && ((double) mPoints) / mPointDifferences.size() > m_minimalConcentration) { m_pointScores = new TreeMap<Integer, Double>(); for (Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : mPointDifferences.entrySet()) { final Integer v = entry.getValue(); if (v > 1) { m_pointScores.put(entry.getKey(), m_lMax - Math.log(v)); } } } } /** * Get the time difference in seconds that occurred the most between message instances. * @return the point/delta/time difference in seconds between messages that occurred the most. */ private int getMaxValue() { int max = 0; for (Entry<Integer, Integer> e : mPointDifferences.entrySet()) { final int v = e.getValue(); if (v > max) { max = v; } } return max; } /** * Retrieves the score for each delta by using the scores calculated by "computerScores()." If the * score is not stored for a particular delta then set the score as skipScore where skipScore is retrieved * by obtaining the score at the current delta added to the previous delta. If this value isn't null, then * use it otherwise, call getNeverSeenScore() to retrieve the score. * @param deltas change in seconds between two of of the same message instances where if MSG1 * occurred at time T then the other message instance time is less than time T and is the * MOST RECENTLY seen message instance with this message id. * @return the scores for each delta. */ public double[] getScore(Integer[] deltas) { if (deltas == null) { return new double[0]; } assert (deltas.length > 0); if (m_pointScores == null) { return new double[0]; } final double[] scores = new double[deltas.length]; for (int idx = 0; idx < deltas.length; ++idx) { Double score = m_pointScores.get(deltas[idx]); if (idx > 0) { // if we have one extra message, final Double skipScore = m_pointScores.get(deltas[idx - 1] + deltas[idx]); if (score == null || (skipScore != null && skipScore < score)) { score = skipScore; } } scores[idx] = (score != null) ? score : getNeverSeenScore(); } return scores; } /** * Retrieve the m_llMax variable. * @return The log of the ratio between the max point and the total number of points. */ public double getLLMax() { return m_llMax; } /** * The score for a delta value that isn't in m_pointScores. * @return log(.5) subtracted from the log of the max delta/value. */ public double getNeverSeenScore() { return m_lMax - m_logHalf; } /** * Add a new point to the sequence. We add to m_PointDifferences the difference in seconds from the * last point and the count for how many of this time difference we have seen between any two * consecutive message instances. * @param distanceFromLastPoint The number of seconds distance from the last point. i.e. the last * time this message instance occurred. */ private void addPoint(int distanceFromLastPoint) { assert distanceFromLastPoint >= 0; Integer count = mPointDifferences.get(distanceFromLastPoint); if (count == null) { count = 0; } mPointDifferences.put(distanceFromLastPoint, count + 1); mPoints++; } /** * Print out the object state for debugging purposes. * @param name the message id * @param out the output stream for printing out object state. * @throws AdeException */ public void debugPrint(String name, PrintStream out) throws AdeException { if (name != null) { out.println("Last seen model for " + name + ": " + getLLMax()); } if (m_pointScores != null && !m_pointScores.isEmpty()) { for (Entry<Integer, Double> pointScore : m_pointScores.entrySet()) { out.println(" " + pointScore.getKey() + ", " + pointScore.getValue()); } out.println(" missing, " + -m_logHalf); } } } /** * Maps message id to its periodicity bounder. */ private TreeMap<String, PerodicityBounder> m_lastSeen; /** * For determining if we have used this scorer during training. */ transient private boolean m_trained = false; @Property(key = "printDebug", required = false, help = "Print debug information to system.out") private boolean m_debugPrint = false; /** * Gets the score for each delta as computed by the "getScore" method in PeriodicityBounder. Then set the * statistics chart with the scores obtained, The log of ratio between the max delta and the total number of deltas, * and get the max score seen in the set of scores for each delta to compute the "LobProbGiveLast" statistics * chart value. Then using the max score found calculate the probability and anomaly statistics. The max score, * probability and anomaly statistics are then added to the StatisticsChart. * @param analyzedMessageSummary The analysis results of a MessageSummary object. Message summaries contain * statistics and information on message instances. i.e. text body message, message id, severity, etc. * @param analyzedInterval contains a summary of the interval i.e. information such as time, number of * message ids, etc. * @return The StatisticsChart for collecting double and string statistics. */ @Override public StatisticsChart getScore(IAnalyzedMessageSummary analyzedMessageSummary, IAnalyzedInterval analyzedInterval) throws AdeException { final StatisticsChart sc = new StatisticsChart(); final String messageId = analyzedMessageSummary.getMessageId(); double score = 0d; final PerodicityBounder omm = m_lastSeen.get(messageId); if (omm != null) { final double[] scores = omm.getScore(extractDelta(analyzedMessageSummary)); if (scores.length != 0) { sc.setStat("PerTickScores", Arrays.toString(scores)); for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; ++i) { if (scores[i] > score) { score = scores[i]; } } sc.setStat("LogProbGivenLast", score + omm.getLLMax()); sc.setStat("maxl", omm.getLLMax()); } } else { score = DEFAULT_FOR_NEW; } final Double prob = Math.exp(0 - score); sc.setStat(MAIN, prob); sc.setStat(ANOMALY, 1 - prob); sc.setStat(LOG_PROB, score); return sc; } /** * Determine if the learner needs another iteration by checking * if its been trained already. */ @Override public boolean needsAnotherIteration() throws AdeException { return !m_trained; } /** * Start the learner iteration by initializing necessary variables. */ @Override public void startIteration() throws AdeException { m_trained = false; m_lastSeen = new TreeMap<String, PerodicityBounder>(); } @Override public void beginOfStream() throws AdeException, AdeFlowException { } /** * Go through each message and get the delta values between each instance for this interval. * Then add the points where the points are the delta values extracted. * @param analyzedInterval contains summary results of an interval. */ @Override public void incomingObject(IAnalyzedInterval analyzedInterval) throws AdeException, AdeFlowException { for (IAnalyzedMessageSummary ms : analyzedInterval.getAnalyzedMessages()) { final String messageId = ms.getMessageId(); final Integer[] delta = extractDelta(ms); PerodicityBounder perodicityBounder = m_lastSeen.get(messageId); if (perodicityBounder == null) { perodicityBounder = new PerodicityBounder(); m_lastSeen.put(messageId, perodicityBounder); } perodicityBounder.addPoints(delta); } } /** * Gets the delta values (change in seconds between each message instance) calculated by the * LastSeenLogginScoreContinuous class. Reformats the delta values so it the deltas are in an integer * array. * @param analyzedMessageSummary The analysis results of a MessageSummary object. Message summaries contain * statistics and information on message instances. i.e. text body message, message id, severity, etc. * @return The delta values in an integer array. */ protected Integer[] extractDelta(IAnalyzedMessageSummary ms) { final String rawDelta = ms.getStatistics() .getStringStat(LastSeenLoggingScorerContinuous.class.getSimpleName() + "." + "res"); if (rawDelta.equals("[]")) { return null; } final List<String> stringDelta = Arrays .asList(StringUtils.split(StringUtils.substringBetween(rawDelta, "[", "]"), ", ")); final Integer[] delta = new Integer[stringDelta.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < stringDelta.size(); ++i) { delta[i] = Integer.decode(stringDelta.get(i)); } return delta; } /** * At the end of the stream, get all the message ids and run a train for each * message id. */ @Override public void endOfStream() throws AdeException, AdeFlowException { for (Entry<String, PerodicityBounder> last : m_lastSeen.entrySet()) { final PerodicityBounder pb = last.getValue(); pb.train(last.getKey()); } m_trained = true; } /** * Print full object state for debug purposes. * @param out output stream to print out object state. */ @Override public void debugPrint(PrintStream out) throws AdeException { super.debugPrint(out); for (Entry<String, PerodicityBounder> last : m_lastSeen.entrySet()) { last.getValue().debugPrint(last.getKey(), out); } } }