Java tutorial
/* Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2016 This file is part of Anomaly Detection Engine for Linux Logs (ADE). ADE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ADE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ADE. If not, see <>. */ package org.openmainframe.ade.ext.output; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import javax.xml.bind.PropertyException; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory; import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar; import javax.xml.validation.Schema; import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory; import org.openmainframe.ade.Ade; import; import; import org.openmainframe.ade.exceptions.AdeException; import org.openmainframe.ade.exceptions.AdeFlowException; import org.openmainframe.ade.exceptions.AdeInternalException; import org.openmainframe.ade.ext.utils.EXT_TABLES_SQL; import org.openmainframe.ade.ext.xml.v2.Systems; import org.openmainframe.ade.ext.xml.v2.SystemsIntervalType; import org.openmainframe.ade.ext.xml.v2.SystemsSystemType; import org.openmainframe.ade.ext.xml.v2.Systems.ModelInfo; import org.openmainframe.ade.ext.xml.v2.Systems.NumberIntervals; import org.openmainframe.ade.ext.xml.v2.types.ExtLimitedModelIndicator; import org.openmainframe.ade.impl.PropertyAnnotation.Property; import; import; import org.openmainframe.ade.impl.dataStore.DatastorePeriodAndSerialNumFinder; import org.openmainframe.ade.impl.dataStore.SQL; import org.openmainframe.ade.impl.dbUtils.QueryPreparedStatementExecuter; import org.openmainframe.ade.impl.flow.factory.jaxb.FramingFlowType; import org.openmainframe.ade.impl.utils.FileUtils; import org.openmainframe.ade.output.AnalyzedIntervalOutputer; import org.openmainframe.ade.utils.AdeFileUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * Stores the interval analysis results (score and number of messages ids) in XML format. The results can be later read and be visualized. */ public class ExtJaxbAnalyzedPeriodV2XmlStorer extends AnalyzedIntervalOutputer { /** * Whether index.xml file should be refreshed every 2 minutes */ @Property(key = "outputOnTheFly", help = "Refresh the index file with every new interval.", required = false) private boolean m_refreash_periods = false; /** * Whether the xsl directory should be created */ @Property(key = "createXSLDirectory", help = "Whether to create the XSL directory with files associated with this XML.", required = false) private boolean m_createXSLDirectory = false; /** * Whether the XML output should be formatted */ @Property(key = "formatXMLOutput", help = "Whether to format the XML output.", required = false) private boolean m_formatXMLOutput = false; /** * The logger object */ private static Logger s_logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExtJaxbAnalyzedPeriodV2XmlStorer.class); /** * formatter to round number to single digit */ private final static DecimalFormat SingleDigitFormatter = new DecimalFormat("#.#"); /** * JAXB context * * Note: JAXB context cannot be defined at Package level (i.e. org.openmainframe.ade.z.xml), * and ObjectFactory cannot be included. * When JAXB context is defined at package level or ObjectFactory is included, * all the classes under the package or listed in ObjectFactory will be considered. * i.e. if our goal is to marshall the Interval XML file, the Index XML file will also * be "considered". * * Since Interval XML file and Index XML file has two different namespace, * both namespace will be included in the XML file (one as default, one as ns2). */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static final Class[] ADEEXT_JAXB_CONTEXT = { Systems.class, ModelInfo.class, NumberIntervals.class, SystemsIntervalType.class, SystemsSystemType.class }; /** * The schema file */ public static final String XML_PLEX_V2_XSD = "/xml/AdeCorePlexV2.xsd"; /** * The directory of the XSL file, this will be outputted to the XML header. */ private static final String XSL_FILENAME = "./xslt/AdeCorePlexV2.xsl"; /** * The list of all XSLT resources */ static final String[] s_xslResources = { "AdeCorePlexV2.xsl", "global.css" }; /** * Reason for missing intervals */ private static final String MISSING_INTERVAL_REASON_NO_CONNECTION = "not connected"; /** * The marshaller object */ protected static Marshaller s_marshaller; /** * The XML Version */ private static final int XML_VERSION = 2; /** * The model meta data */ private XMLMetaDataRetriever m_xmlMetaData; /** * The output filename */ private String m_outputFileName; /** * The period directory */ private File m_periodDir; /** * Number of intervals for the current period */ private int m_numIntervals; /** * The startDate of the current period */ private Date m_periodStartDate; /** * The cachedPeriod */ private PeriodImpl m_cachedPeriod; /** * The last know model internal ID */ private Integer m_lastKnownModelInternalID = -1; /** * GregorianCalendar object to generate XML date */ private GregorianCalendar m_gc; /** * Date factory */ private static DatatypeFactory s_dataTypeFactory = null; /** * The source this period represent */ private ISource m_source; /** * the framing flow type */ private FramingFlowType m_framingFlowType; /** * The period finder */ protected DatastorePeriodAndSerialNumFinder m_periodFinder; /** * Array containing data for the interval */ private AnalyzedIntervalData[] m_aiVec; /** * Whether we are currently in a period. */ protected boolean m_inPeriod = false; /** * Class storing interval data */ static protected class AnalyzedIntervalData { protected String m_results_file; protected int m_num_unique_msg_ids; protected int m_numNewMessages; protected int m_numNeverSeenBeforeMessages; protected double m_anomaly_score; protected ExtLimitedModelIndicator m_modelQualityIndicator = ExtLimitedModelIndicator.Unknown; public AnalyzedIntervalData() { super(); } public void clear() { m_num_unique_msg_ids = 0; m_results_file = ""; m_anomaly_score = 0.0; m_modelQualityIndicator = ExtLimitedModelIndicator.Unknown; m_numNewMessages = 0; m_numNeverSeenBeforeMessages = 0; } public int getNumUniqueMsgIds() { return m_num_unique_msg_ids; } public int getNumNewMessages() { return m_numNewMessages; } public int getNumNeverSeenBeforeMessages() { return m_numNeverSeenBeforeMessages; } public double getAnomalyScore() { return m_anomaly_score; } public String getResultFile() { return m_results_file; } public ExtLimitedModelIndicator getModelQualityIndicator() { return m_modelQualityIndicator; } public void setNumUniqueMsgIds(int numUniqueMsgIds) { m_num_unique_msg_ids = numUniqueMsgIds; } public void setNumNewMessages(int numNewMessages) { m_numNewMessages = numNewMessages; } public void setNumNeverSeenBeforeMessages(int numNeverSeenBeforeMessages) { m_numNeverSeenBeforeMessages = numNeverSeenBeforeMessages; } public void setAnomalyScore(double anomalyScore) { m_anomaly_score = anomalyScore; } public void setResultFile(String resultFile) { m_results_file = resultFile; } public void setModelQualityIndicator(ExtLimitedModelIndicator modelQualityIndicator) { m_modelQualityIndicator = modelQualityIndicator; } } /** * Default constructor * @throws AdeException */ public ExtJaxbAnalyzedPeriodV2XmlStorer() throws AdeException { super(); m_gc = new GregorianCalendar(); try { s_dataTypeFactory = DatatypeFactory.newInstance(); } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) { throw new AdeInternalException("Failed to instantiate data factory for calendar", e); } } /** * Setup the source and flowlayout */ @Override public void setupSourceAndFlowType(ISource source, FramingFlowType framingFlowType) throws AdeException { m_source = source; m_framingFlowType = framingFlowType; m_xmlMetaData = new XMLMetaDataRetriever(); /* Use the new period finder */ m_periodFinder = new DatastorePeriodAndSerialNumFinder(m_source, m_framingFlowType, XMLUtil.getXMLHardenedDurationInMillis(framingFlowType)); m_aiVec = null; } /** * Whether we want to create the xsl directory */ public Boolean isCreateXSLDirectory() throws AdeException { return m_createXSLDirectory; } /** * Create the XSLT Directory * @param analyzedInterval * @throws AdeException */ protected void createXsltDirectory(IAnalyzedInterval analyzedInterval) throws AdeException { if (isCreateXSLDirectory()) { File xsltDir = new File(m_periodDir, "xslt"); if (!xsltDir.exists()) { AdeFileUtils.createDirs(xsltDir); File inputXsltDir = Ade.getAde().getConfigProperties().getXsltDir(); for (String resource : s_xslResources) { File resourceOutputFile = new File(xsltDir, resource); if (resourceOutputFile.exists()) { continue; } final File xslResourceFile; if (inputXsltDir != null) { xslResourceFile = new File(inputXsltDir, resource); } else { URL xslResourceUrl = Ade.class.getResource("/xml/" + resource); try { xslResourceFile = new File(xslResourceUrl.toURI()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new AdeInternalException("could not transform URL to URI: " + xslResourceUrl, e); } } AdeFileUtils.copyFile(xslResourceFile, resourceOutputFile); } } } } /** * Begin of Stream */ @Override public void beginOfStream() throws AdeException, AdeFlowException { if (s_marshaller == null) { JAXBContext jaxbContext; try { jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(ADEEXT_JAXB_CONTEXT); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new AdeInternalException( "failed to create JAXBContext object for package " + Arrays.toString(ADEEXT_JAXB_CONTEXT), e); } try { s_marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller(); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new AdeInternalException("failed to create JAXB Marshaller object", e); } try { s_marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, m_formatXMLOutput); s_marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT, Boolean.TRUE); s_marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_NO_NAMESPACE_SCHEMA_LOCATION, XML_PLEX_V2_XSD); } catch (PropertyException e) { throw new AdeInternalException("failed to set formatted output for JAXB Marshaller object", e); } SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(javax.xml.XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); File xmlParent = Ade.getAde().getConfigProperties().getXsltDir().getAbsoluteFile(); xmlParent = xmlParent.getParentFile(); File systemSchema = new File(xmlParent, XML_PLEX_V2_XSD); Schema schema; try { URL systemSchemaURL = systemSchema.toURI().toURL(); schema = sf.newSchema(systemSchemaURL); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new AdeInternalException("failed to create XML Schemal for event log analysis results", e); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new AdeInternalException( "failed to create URL from Schema path: " + systemSchema.getAbsolutePath(), e); } s_marshaller.setSchema(schema); } /* Retrieve the Model Data Here. Force refresh, in case the Model's Analysis Group Change without impacting * the model internal ID. */ m_xmlMetaData.retrieveXMLMetaData(m_lastKnownModelInternalID, true, m_framingFlowType.getDuration()); /* Write out the period when it's begin of stream, within a period */ if (m_inPeriod) { writePeriod(); } } /** * Override superclass to use the new JAXB classes. */ @Override public void incomingObject(IAnalyzedInterval analyzedInterval) throws AdeException, AdeFlowException { if (analyzedInterval.getInterval().getSource().getSourceId().equals(m_source)) { throw new AdeFlowException("Cannot process analyzed interval of source other than " + m_source.getSourceId() + ". Got analyzed interval from source " + analyzedInterval.getInterval().getSource().getSourceId()); } Date periodStart = PeriodUtils .getContainingPeriodStart(new Date(analyzedInterval.getIntervalEndTime() - 1)); if (!periodStart.equals(m_periodStartDate)) { if (m_inPeriod) { closePeriod(); } startNewPeriod(analyzedInterval); } int index = getIntervalIndex(analyzedInterval); m_lastKnownModelInternalID = analyzedInterval.getModelInternalId(); /* Retrieve the Model Data Here. Force refresh, in case the Model's Analysis Group Change without impacting * the model internal ID. */ /* Note: Checking of model version is not required here. This method is used to output the analysis result * using an existing model. If the model is not understandable by our code, this method would not have been * called. */ m_xmlMetaData.retrieveXMLMetaData(m_lastKnownModelInternalID, true, m_framingFlowType.getDuration()); /* Note: the value in m_aiVec must be the same as the value from AdeCore. Any manipulation of the * value to be output to the XML is done in writePeriod(). */ m_aiVec[index].m_results_file = Ade.getAde().getConfigProperties().getOutputFilenameGenerator() .getIntervalXmlFileRelativeToIndex(analyzedInterval, m_framingFlowType); m_aiVec[index].m_num_unique_msg_ids = analyzedInterval.getNumUniqueMessageIds(); m_aiVec[index].m_anomaly_score = analyzedInterval.getScore(); m_aiVec[index].m_modelQualityIndicator = m_xmlMetaData.getLimitedModelIndicator(); NewAndNeverSeenBeforeMessages messages = NewAndNeverSeenBeforeMessagesUtils .processAnalyzedInterval(analyzedInterval); m_aiVec[index].m_numNewMessages = messages.getNumNewMessages(); m_aiVec[index].m_numNeverSeenBeforeMessages = messages.getNumNeverSeenBeforeMessages(); if (m_refreash_periods) { writePeriod(); } } /** * Handle the the of stream */ @Override public void endOfStream() throws AdeException { if (m_inPeriod) { closePeriod(); } } /** * Determine the index for the interval. */ protected int getIntervalIndex(IAnalyzedInterval analyzedInterval) throws AdeException { m_periodFinder.setIntervalStartTime(analyzedInterval.getIntervalStartTime()); /* Note: cannot use periodFinder.getLastSerialNum() to get the serial number for partial interval before * Ade terminate. This last interval will have interval start line up to the Analysis Window Length. * And, interval end points to the timestamp of last log message processed. * * periodFinder.getLastSerialNum() will based on the current interval start to determine the serial. Since XML * Hardened interval is different than the analysis Windows, we need to use the interval end time instead. */ return ExtOutputFilenameGenerator.getIntervalSerialNumber(analyzedInterval.getIntervalEndTime(), m_framingFlowType); } /** * Handle the starting of a new period. * * @param ai * @throws AdeException */ private void startNewPeriod(IAnalyzedInterval ai) throws AdeException { long m_oneIntervalEndTime = ai.getIntervalEndTime() - 1; Date intervalEndDate = new Date(m_oneIntervalEndTime); m_periodStartDate = PeriodUtils.getContainingPeriodStart(intervalEndDate); m_periodFinder.setIntervalStartTime(m_periodStartDate.getTime()); m_cachedPeriod = m_periodFinder.getLastPeriod(); m_numIntervals = m_periodFinder.getIntervalsPerPeriod(); if (m_aiVec == null || m_aiVec.length != m_numIntervals) { m_aiVec = new AnalyzedIntervalData[m_numIntervals]; for (int i = 0; i < m_numIntervals; ++i) { m_aiVec[i] = new AnalyzedIntervalData(); } } for (int i = 0; i < m_numIntervals; ++i) { m_aiVec[i].clear(); } // load from the DB any pre-analyzed intervals new ExtLoadAnalyzedIntervals().executeQuery(); new ExtLoadAnalyzedResultsExtIntervals().executeQuery(); m_periodDir = Ade.getAde().getConfigProperties().getOutputFilenameGenerator() .getPeriodDir(ai.getInterval().getSource(), m_periodStartDate); FileUtils.createDirs(m_periodDir); createXsltDirectory(ai); m_outputFileName = m_periodDir.getPath() + "/index.xml"; m_inPeriod = true; } /** * Close the period * @throws AdeException */ private void closePeriod() throws AdeException { writePeriod(); m_inPeriod = false; } /** * Write out the period * @param outputFileName * @throws AdeException */ private void writePeriod() throws AdeException { /* Initialize the Period JAXB classes */ Systems systems = new Systems(); /* * Write out the header */ systems.setVersion(XML_VERSION); Date startTime = PeriodUtils.getContainingPeriodStart(m_periodStartDate); m_gc.setTimeInMillis(startTime.getTime()); XMLGregorianCalendar startXMLDate = s_dataTypeFactory.newXMLGregorianCalendar(m_gc); systems.setStartTime(startXMLDate); Date endTime = PeriodUtils.getNextPeriodStart(m_periodStartDate); m_gc.setTimeInMillis(endTime.getTime()); XMLGregorianCalendar endXMLDate = s_dataTypeFactory.newXMLGregorianCalendar(m_gc); systems.setEndTime(endXMLDate); systems.setGmtOffset(m_xmlMetaData.getGMTOffset(m_source.getSourceId())); systems.setIntervalSize(m_xmlMetaData.getIntervalLengthInSeconds()); /* NumberIntervals complex type */ NumberIntervals numberOfIntervals = new NumberIntervals(); systems.setNumberIntervals(numberOfIntervals); numberOfIntervals.setValue(XMLUtil.getNumberOfSnapshots(m_framingFlowType)); numberOfIntervals.setAnalysisSnapshotSize(XMLUtil.getXMLHardenedDurationInSeconds(m_framingFlowType)); /* ModelInfo complex type */ ModelInfo modelInfo = new ModelInfo(); systems.setModelInfo(modelInfo); modelInfo.setAnalysisGroup(m_xmlMetaData.getAnalysisGroupName()); modelInfo.setModelCreationDate(m_xmlMetaData.getModelCreationDate()); modelInfo.setTrainingPeriod(m_xmlMetaData.getNumberOfDaysInTraining()); /* * Write out the interval */ SystemsSystemType system = new SystemsSystemType(); systems.setSystem(system); system.setLogType(m_xmlMetaData.getLogType()); system.setSysId(m_source.getSourceId()); /* Write out the list of system */ List<SystemsIntervalType> listOfInterval = system.getInterval(); for (int i = 0; i < m_numIntervals; ++i) { SystemsIntervalType intervalType = new SystemsIntervalType(); listOfInterval.add(intervalType); if (m_aiVec[i].m_results_file != null && m_aiVec[i].m_results_file.length() > 0) { intervalType.setMissing(false); } else { intervalType.setMissing(true); intervalType.setMissingReason(MISSING_INTERVAL_REASON_NO_CONNECTION); } intervalType.setIndex(i); double value = Double.parseDouble(SingleDigitFormatter.format(m_aiVec[i].m_anomaly_score * 100)); intervalType.setAnomalyScore(value); intervalType.setNumUniqueMsgIds(m_aiVec[i].m_num_unique_msg_ids); intervalType.setNumNewMessages(m_aiVec[i].m_numNewMessages); intervalType.setNumNeverSeenBeforeMessages(m_aiVec[i].m_numNeverSeenBeforeMessages); intervalType.setLimitedModel(m_aiVec[i].m_modelQualityIndicator.toString()); } /* Write out the XML */ writeToXML(systems, s_marshaller); } /** * Output the content to a XML file. This method intended for override by subclass * to customize the XML output format. * * @param analyzedInterval * @param jaxbSystem * @param marshaller * @param source * @throws AdeException */ private void writeToXML(Systems jaxbSystem, Marshaller marshaller) throws AdeException { File outFile = new File(m_outputFileName); /* Write the results to a temporary file and rename the file into * its final destination after the write is complete and successful. * This lessens the chance for an incomplete results file to be * created. * * Create the temporary file in the same directory as the eventual * destination to help avoid potential failures of the renameTo() * method that might result if the temporary file were on a separate * filesystem. */ File tempOutputFile = new File(outFile.getParent(), outFile.getName() + ".tmp"); if (m_verbose) { System.out.println("saving xml in " + outFile.getAbsolutePath()); } OutputStreamWriter xmlStreamWriter; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { File parentdir = outFile.getParentFile(); parentdir.mkdirs(); fos = new FileOutputStream(tempOutputFile); xmlStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); xmlStreamWriter.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> \n"); xmlStreamWriter.write("<?xml-stylesheet href='" + XSL_FILENAME + "' type='text/xsl' ?>\n"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AdeInternalException("Failed to create xml file for system " + outFile.getName() + " of source " + m_source.getSourceId(), e); } try { marshaller.marshal(jaxbSystem, xmlStreamWriter); xmlStreamWriter.close(); xmlStreamWriter = null; if (outFile.exists()) { /* Delete the renameTo file. If it exist, rename will fail */ outFile.delete(); } if (!tempOutputFile.renameTo(outFile)) { s_logger.error("failed to rename " + tempOutputFile.getName() + " to " + outFile.getName()); throw new IOException("failed to rename " + tempOutputFile.getName() + " to " + outFile.getName()); } } catch (JAXBException | IOException e) { throw new AdeInternalException("Failed to write xml file for period " + outFile.getName() + " of source " + m_source.getSourceId(), e); } finally { try { if (fos != null) { fos.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { s_logger.error("Failed to close xml file for period " + outFile.getName() + " of source " + m_source.getSourceId(), e); }; } } /** * Inner class responsible to load period data from the database. */ protected class ExtLoadAnalyzedIntervals extends QueryPreparedStatementExecuter { public ExtLoadAnalyzedIntervals() { super("SELECT INTERVAL_SERIAL_NUM,INTERVAL_SCORE,NUM_UNIQUE_MESSAGE_IDS,START_TIME,MODEL_INTERNAL_ID,ADE_VERSION FROM " + SQL.ANALYSIS_RESULTS + " where PERIOD_INTERNAL_ID = ?"); } @Override protected void setParameters(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException, AdeException { stmt.setInt(1, m_cachedPeriod.getInternalId()); } @Override protected void handleResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, AdeException { int pos = 1; int serialNum = rs.getInt(pos++); double score = rs.getDouble(pos++); int numUniqueMessages = rs.getInt(pos++); Long startTime = rs.getLong(pos++); if (serialNum < m_aiVec.length) { /* Note: the value in m_aiVec must be the same as the value from AdeCore. Any manipulation of the * value to be output to the XML is done in writePeriod(). */ m_aiVec[serialNum].m_anomaly_score = score; m_aiVec[serialNum].m_num_unique_msg_ids = numUniqueMessages; m_aiVec[serialNum].m_results_file = getIntervalXMLFileName(serialNum, startTime); } } /** * Determine the interval XML filename using the serial num */ protected String getIntervalXMLFileName(int serialNum, long startTime) throws AdeException { ExtOutputFilenameGenerator outputFilenameGenerator = (ExtOutputFilenameGenerator) Ade.getAde() .getConfigProperties().getOutputFilenameGenerator(); return outputFilenameGenerator.getIntervalXmlFileRelativeToIndex(serialNum); } } /** * Inner class responsible to load period data from the database. */ protected class ExtLoadAnalyzedResultsExtIntervals extends QueryPreparedStatementExecuter { public ExtLoadAnalyzedResultsExtIntervals() { super("SELECT INTERVAL_SERIAL_NUM,NUM_NEW_MESSAGES,NUM_NEVER_SEEN_BEFORE_MESSAGES, LIMITED_MODEL FROM " + EXT_TABLES_SQL.ANALYSIS_RESULTS_ADEEXT + " where PERIOD_INTERNAL_ID = ?"); } @Override protected void setParameters(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException, AdeException { stmt.setInt(1, m_cachedPeriod.getInternalId()); } @Override protected void handleResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, AdeException { int pos = 1; int serialNum = rs.getInt(pos++); int numNewMessages = rs.getInt(pos++); int numNeverSeenBeforeMessages = rs.getInt(pos++); ExtLimitedModelIndicator modelQualityIndicator = ExtLimitedModelIndicator.valueOf(rs.getString(pos++)); if (serialNum < m_aiVec.length) { m_aiVec[serialNum].setNumNewMessages(numNewMessages); m_aiVec[serialNum].setNumNeverSeenBeforeMessages(numNeverSeenBeforeMessages); m_aiVec[serialNum].setModelQualityIndicator(modelQualityIndicator); } } } }