Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009, OpenIAM LLC * This file is part of the OpenIAM Identity and Access Management Suite * * OpenIAM Identity and Access Management Suite is free software: * you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenIAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Lesser GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenIAM. If not, see <>. * */ /** * */ package org.openiam.spml2.spi.jdbc; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.audit.dto.IdmAuditLog; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.audit.service.IdmAuditLogDataService; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.auth.login.LoginDataService; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.mngsys.dto.ManagedSys; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.mngsys.service.ManagedSystemDataService; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.mngsys.service.ManagedSystemObjectMatchDAO; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.policy.service.PolicyDAO; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.res.dto.Resource; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.res.dto.ResourceProp; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.res.service.ResourceDataService; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.secdomain.service.SecurityDomainDataService; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.user.service.UserDataService; import org.openiam.provision.type.ExtensibleAttribute; import org.openiam.provision.type.ExtensibleObject; import org.openiam.spml2.base.AbstractSpml2Complete; import org.openiam.provision.type.ExtensibleUser; import org.openiam.spml2.interf.ConnectorService; import org.openiam.spml2.msg.*; import org.openiam.spml2.msg.password.*; import org.openiam.spml2.msg.suspend.ResumeRequestType; import org.openiam.spml2.msg.suspend.SuspendRequestType; import javax.jws.WebParam; import javax.jws.WebService; import java.sql.*; import java.sql.Date; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; /** * Enables provisionign and deprovisioning to custom tables in a database. This is usually the case when mapping to * a custom database structure for an application * * @author suneet */ @WebService(endpointInterface = "org.openiam.spml2.interf.ConnectorService", targetNamespace = "", portName = "ApplicationTablesConnectorPort", serviceName = "ApplicationTablesConnector") public class AppTableConnectorImpl extends AbstractSpml2Complete implements ConnectorService { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AppTableConnectorImpl.class); protected JDBCConnectionMgr connectionMgr; protected AppTableAddCommand addCommand; protected AppTableDeleteCommand delCommand; protected AppTableSetPasswordCommand setPasswordCommand; protected AppTableLookupCommand lookupCommand; protected AppTableSuspendCommand suspendCommand; protected AppTableResumeCommand resumeCommand; protected AppTableModifyCommand modifyCommand; public ResponseType testConnection(ManagedSys managedSys) { ResponseType response = new ResponseType(); response.setStatus(StatusCodeType.SUCCESS); Connection con = null; try { con = connectionMgr.connect(managedSys); } catch (SQLException se) { log.error(se.toString()); response.setStatus(StatusCodeType.FAILURE); response.setError(ErrorCode.SQL_ERROR); response.addErrorMessage(se.toString()); return response; } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { log.error(cnfe.toString()); response.setStatus(StatusCodeType.FAILURE); response.setError(ErrorCode.INVALID_CONFIGURATION); response.addErrorMessage(cnfe.toString()); return response; } finally { /* close the connection to the directory */ try { if (con != null) { con.close(); } } catch (Exception n) { log.error(n); } } return response; } public AddResponseType add(AddRequestType reqType) { return addCommand.add(reqType); } public ModifyResponseType modify(ModifyRequestType reqType) { return modifyCommand.modify(reqType); } public ResponseType delete(DeleteRequestType reqType) { return delCommand.delete(reqType); } public LookupResponseType lookup(LookupRequestType reqType) { return lookupCommand.lookup(reqType); } public ResponseType setPassword(SetPasswordRequestType request) { return setPasswordCommand.setPassword(request); } public ResponseType expirePassword( @WebParam(name = "request", targetNamespace = "") ExpirePasswordRequestType request) { return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public ResetPasswordResponseType resetPassword( @WebParam(name = "request", targetNamespace = "") ResetPasswordRequestType request) { return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public ValidatePasswordResponseType validatePassword( @WebParam(name = "request", targetNamespace = "") ValidatePasswordRequestType request) { return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } public ResponseType suspend(SuspendRequestType request) { return suspendCommand.suspend(request); } public ResponseType resume(ResumeRequestType request) { return resumeCommand.resume(request); } public void log(String objectTypeId, String actionId, String actionStatus, String reason, String domainId, String userId, String principal, String linkedLogId, String clientId) { IdmAuditLog log = new IdmAuditLog(objectTypeId, actionId, actionStatus, reason, domainId, userId, principal, linkedLogId, clientId); } public JDBCConnectionMgr getConnectionMgr() { return connectionMgr; } public void setConnectionMgr(JDBCConnectionMgr connectionMgr) { this.connectionMgr = connectionMgr; } public AppTableAddCommand getAddCommand() { return addCommand; } public void setAddCommand(AppTableAddCommand addCommand) { this.addCommand = addCommand; } public AppTableDeleteCommand getDelCommand() { return delCommand; } public void setDelCommand(AppTableDeleteCommand delCommand) { this.delCommand = delCommand; } public AppTableSetPasswordCommand getSetPasswordCommand() { return setPasswordCommand; } public void setSetPasswordCommand(AppTableSetPasswordCommand setPasswordCommand) { this.setPasswordCommand = setPasswordCommand; } public AppTableLookupCommand getLookupCommand() { return lookupCommand; } public void setLookupCommand(AppTableLookupCommand lookupCommand) { this.lookupCommand = lookupCommand; } public AppTableSuspendCommand getSuspendCommand() { return suspendCommand; } public void setSuspendCommand(AppTableSuspendCommand suspendCommand) { this.suspendCommand = suspendCommand; } public AppTableResumeCommand getResumeCommand() { return resumeCommand; } public void setResumeCommand(AppTableResumeCommand resumeCommand) { this.resumeCommand = resumeCommand; } public AppTableModifyCommand getModifyCommand() { return modifyCommand; } public void setModifyCommand(AppTableModifyCommand modifyCommand) { this.modifyCommand = modifyCommand; } }