Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009, OpenIAM LLC * This file is part of the OpenIAM Identity and Access Management Suite * * OpenIAM Identity and Access Management Suite is free software: * you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenIAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Lesser GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenIAM. If not, see <>. * */ /** * */ package org.openiam.idm.srvc.synch.srcadapter; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.synch.domain.SynchReviewEntity; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.synch.dto.*; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.synch.service.MatchObjectRule; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.synch.service.TransformScript; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.synch.service.ValidationScript; import org.openiam.idm.srvc.synch.util.DatabaseUtil; import org.openiam.provision.service.ProvisionService; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Reads a CSV file for use during the synchronization process * * @author suneet */ @Component public class RDBMSAdapter extends AbstractSrcAdapter { private LineObject rowHeader = new LineObject(); private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RDBMSAdapter.class); private Connection con = null; @Value("${rdbmsvadapter.thread.count}") private int THREAD_COUNT; @Value("${rdbmsvadapter.thread.delay.beforestart}") private int THREAD_DELAY_BEFORE_START; @Override public SyncResponse startSynch(final SynchConfig config) { return startSynch(config, null, null); } @Override public SyncResponse startSynch(final SynchConfig config, SynchReviewEntity sourceReview, final SynchReviewEntity resultReview) { log.debug("RDBMS SYNCH STARTED ^^^^^^^^"); SyncResponse res = new SyncResponse(ResponseStatus.SUCCESS); SynchReview review = null; if (sourceReview != null) { review = synchReviewDozerConverter.convertToDTO(sourceReview, false); } LineObject rowHeaderForReport = null; InputStream input = null; try { final ValidationScript validationScript = org.mule.util.StringUtils.isNotEmpty( config.getValidationRule()) ? SynchScriptFactory.createValidationScript(config, review) : null; final List<TransformScript> transformScripts = SynchScriptFactory.createTransformationScript(config, review); final MatchObjectRule matchRule = matchRuleFactory.create(config.getCustomMatchRule()); // check if matchRule exists if (validationScript == null || transformScripts == null || matchRule == null) { res = new SyncResponse(ResponseStatus.FAILURE); res.setErrorText("The problem in initialization of RDBMSAdapter, please check validationScript= " + validationScript + ", transformScripts=" + transformScripts + ", matchRule=" + matchRule + " all must be set!"); res.setErrorCode(ResponseCode.INVALID_ARGUMENTS); return res; } if (sourceReview != null && !sourceReview.isSourceRejected()) { return startSynchReview(config, sourceReview, resultReview, validationScript, transformScripts, matchRule); } if (!connect(config)) { SyncResponse resp = new SyncResponse(ResponseStatus.FAILURE); resp.setErrorCode(ResponseCode.FAIL_SQL_ERROR); return resp; } java.util.Date lastExec = null; if (config.getLastExecTime() != null) { lastExec = config.getLastExecTime(); } final String changeLog = config.getQueryTimeField(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(config.getQuery()); // if its incremental synch, then add the change log parameter if (config.getSynchType().equalsIgnoreCase("INCREMENTAL")) { // execute the query if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sql.toString()) && (lastExec != null)) { String temp = sql.toString().toUpperCase(); // strip off any trailing semi-colons. Not needed for jbdc temp = StringUtils.removeEnd(temp, ";"); if (temp.contains("WHERE")) { sql.append(" AND "); } else { sql.append(" WHERE "); } sql.append(changeLog).append(" >= ?"); } } log.debug("-SYNCH SQL=" + sql.toString()); log.debug("-last processed record =" + lastExec); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); if (config.getSynchType().equalsIgnoreCase("INCREMENTAL") && (lastExec != null)) { ps.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(lastExec.getTime())); } ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); // get the list of columns ResultSetMetaData rsMetadata = rs.getMetaData(); DatabaseUtil.populateTemplate(rsMetadata, rowHeader); //Read Resultset to List List<LineObject> results = new LinkedList<LineObject>(); while ( { LineObject rowObj = rowHeader.copy(); DatabaseUtil.populateRowObject(rowObj, rs, changeLog); results.add(rowObj); } // test log.debug("Result set contains following number of columns : " + rowHeader.getColumnMap().size()); // Multithreading int allRowsCount = results.size(); if (allRowsCount > 0) { int threadCoount = THREAD_COUNT; int rowsInOneExecutors = allRowsCount / threadCoount; int remains = rowsInOneExecutors > 0 ? allRowsCount % (rowsInOneExecutors * threadCoount) : 0; if (remains != 0) { threadCoount++; } log.debug("Thread count = " + threadCoount + "; Rows in one thread = " + rowsInOneExecutors + "; Remains rows = " + remains); System.out.println("Thread count = " + threadCoount + "; Rows in one thread = " + rowsInOneExecutors + "; Remains rows = " + remains); List<Future> threadResults = new LinkedList<Future>(); // store the latest processed record by thread indx final Map<String, Timestamp> recentRecordByThreadInx = new HashMap<String, Timestamp>(); final ExecutorService service = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); for (int i = 0; i < threadCoount; i++) { final int threadIndx = i; final int startIndex = i * rowsInOneExecutors; // Start index for current thread int shiftIndex = threadCoount > THREAD_COUNT && i == threadCoount - 1 ? remains : rowsInOneExecutors; // Part of the rowas that should be processing with this thread final List<LineObject> part = results.subList(startIndex, startIndex + shiftIndex); threadResults.add(service.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { Timestamp mostRecentRecord = proccess(config, resultReview, provService, part, validationScript, transformScripts, matchRule, resultReview, startIndex); recentRecordByThreadInx.put("Thread_" + threadIndx, mostRecentRecord); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { log.error(e); /* synchStartLog.updateSynchAttributes("FAIL", ResponseCode.CLASS_NOT_FOUND.toString(), e.toString()); auditHelper.logEvent(synchStartLog); */ } } })); //Give THREAD_DELAY_BEFORE_START seconds time for thread to be UP (load all cache and begin the work) Thread.sleep(THREAD_DELAY_BEFORE_START); } Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { public void run() { service.shutdown(); try { if (!service.awaitTermination(SHUTDOWN_TIME, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { //optional * log.warn("Executor did not terminate in the specified time."); //optional * List<Runnable> droppedTasks = service.shutdownNow(); //optional ** log.warn("Executor was abruptly shut down. " + droppedTasks.size() + " tasks will not be executed."); //optional ** } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error(e); /* synchStartLog.updateSynchAttributes("FAIL", ResponseCode.INTERRUPTED_EXCEPTION.toString(), e.toString()); auditHelper.logEvent(synchStartLog); */ SyncResponse resp = new SyncResponse(ResponseStatus.FAILURE); resp.setErrorCode(ResponseCode.INTERRUPTED_EXCEPTION); } } }); waitUntilWorkDone(threadResults); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { log.error(cnfe); res = new SyncResponse(ResponseStatus.FAILURE); res.setErrorCode(ResponseCode.CLASS_NOT_FOUND); return res; } catch (FileNotFoundException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); log.error(fe); // auditBuilder.addAttribute(AuditAttributeName.DESCRIPTION, "FileNotFoundException: "+fe.getMessage()); // auditLogProvider.persist(auditBuilder); SyncResponse resp = new SyncResponse(ResponseStatus.FAILURE); resp.setErrorCode(ResponseCode.FILE_EXCEPTION); log.debug("RDBMS SYNCHRONIZATION COMPLETE WITH ERRORS ^^^^^^^^"); return resp; } catch (IOException io) { io.printStackTrace(); /* synchStartLog.updateSynchAttributes("FAIL", ResponseCode.IO_EXCEPTION.toString(), io.toString()); auditHelper.logEvent(synchStartLog); */ SyncResponse resp = new SyncResponse(ResponseStatus.FAILURE); resp.setErrorCode(ResponseCode.IO_EXCEPTION); log.debug("RDBMS SYNCHRONIZATION COMPLETE WITH ERRORS ^^^^^^^^"); return resp; } catch (SQLException se) { log.error(se); closeConnection(); /* synchStartLog.updateSynchAttributes("FAIL", ResponseCode.SQL_EXCEPTION.toString(), se.toString()); auditHelper.logEvent(synchStartLog); */ SyncResponse resp = new SyncResponse(ResponseStatus.FAILURE); resp.setErrorCode(ResponseCode.SQL_EXCEPTION); resp.setErrorText(se.toString()); return resp; } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error(e); SyncResponse resp = new SyncResponse(ResponseStatus.FAILURE); resp.setErrorCode(ResponseCode.INTERRUPTED_EXCEPTION); } finally { if (resultReview != null) { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(resultReview.getReviewRecords())) { // add header row resultReview.addRecord(generateSynchReviewRecord(rowHeader, true)); } } closeConnection(); } log.debug("RDBMS SYNCH COMPLETE.^^^^^^^^"); return new SyncResponse(ResponseStatus.SUCCESS); } private Timestamp proccess(SynchConfig config, SynchReviewEntity review, ProvisionService provService, List<LineObject> part, final ValidationScript validationScript, final List<TransformScript> transformScripts, MatchObjectRule matchRule, SynchReviewEntity resultReview, int ctr) throws ClassNotFoundException { Timestamp mostRecentRecord = null; for (LineObject rowObj : part) { log.debug("-RDBMS ADAPTER: SYNCHRONIZING RECORD # ---" + ctr++); log.debug(" - Record update time=" + rowObj.getLastUpdate()); if (mostRecentRecord == null) { mostRecentRecord = rowObj.getLastUpdate(); } else { // if current record is newer than what we saved, then update the most recent record value if (mostRecentRecord.before(rowObj.getLastUpdate())) { log.debug("- MostRecentRecord value updated to=" + rowObj.getLastUpdate()); mostRecentRecord.setTime(rowObj.getLastUpdate().getTime()); } } processLineObject(rowObj, config, resultReview, validationScript, transformScripts, matchRule); } return mostRecentRecord; } public Response testConnection(SynchConfig config) { try { Class.forName(config.getDriver()); con = DriverManager.getConnection(config.getConnectionUrl(), config.getSrcLoginId(), config.getSrcPassword()); closeConnection(); Response resp = new Response(ResponseStatus.SUCCESS); return resp; } catch (SQLException e) { Response resp = new Response(ResponseStatus.FAILURE); resp.setErrorCode(ResponseCode.SQL_EXCEPTION); resp.setErrorText(e.getMessage()); return resp; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { Response resp = new Response(ResponseStatus.FAILURE); resp.setErrorCode(ResponseCode.CLASS_NOT_FOUND); resp.setErrorText(e.getMessage()); return resp; } } private boolean connect(SynchConfig config) { try { Class.forName(config.getDriver()); con = DriverManager.getConnection(config.getConnectionUrl(), config.getSrcLoginId(), config.getSrcPassword()); return true; } catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cf) { cf.printStackTrace(); } return false; } private void closeConnection() { try { con.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } } }