Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (C) 2010 SYSNET International, Inc. <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * */ package org.openhie.openempi.dao.hibernate; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.transform.Transformers; import org.openhie.openempi.dao.PersonLinkDao; import org.openhie.openempi.model.Person; import org.openhie.openempi.model.PersonLink; import org.openhie.openempi.util.ValidationUtil; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateCallback; public class PersonLinkDaoHibernate extends UniversalDaoHibernate implements PersonLinkDao { public void createTable(final String tableName, final String leftDatasetTableName, final String rightDatasetTableName, final boolean withIndexesAndConstraints) { log.trace("Creating table " + tableName); ValidationUtil.sanityCheckFieldName(leftDatasetTableName); ValidationUtil.sanityCheckFieldName(rightDatasetTableName); getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { // 1. Create Table String tableFullName = getTableFullName(tableName); StringBuilder sqlCreateTable = new StringBuilder("CREATE TABLE public." + tableFullName + "(" + PERSON_LINK_ID_COLUMN_NAME + " BIGINT NOT NULL," + LEFT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + " BIGINT NOT NULL," + RIGHT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + " BIGINT NOT NULL," + BINARY_VECTOR_COLUMN_NAME + " varchar(65536)," + CONTINOUS_VECTOR_COLUMN_NAME + " varchar(65536)," + WEIGHT_COLUMN_NAME + " double precision NOT NULL," + LINK_STATUS_COLUMN_NAME + " integer NOT NULL"); sqlCreateTable.append(");"); Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlCreateTable.toString()); int num = query.executeUpdate(); if (withIndexesAndConstraints) addIndexesAndConstraintsInHibernate(session, tableFullName, 1L, leftDatasetTableName, rightDatasetTableName); session.flush(); return num; } }); } public void removeTable(final String tableName) { log.trace("Removing table " + tableName); getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { String tableFullName = getTableFullName(tableName); // 1. Remove foreign key constraint for left_person_id String sqlDropFKConstraint = "ALTER TABLE " + tableFullName + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + FK_CONSTNRAINT_NAME_PREFIX + tableFullName + "_" + LEFT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ";"; Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlDropFKConstraint); int num = query.executeUpdate(); // 2. Remove foreign key constraint for right_person_id sqlDropFKConstraint = "ALTER TABLE " + tableFullName + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + FK_CONSTNRAINT_NAME_PREFIX + tableFullName + "_" + RIGHT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ";"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlDropFKConstraint); num = query.executeUpdate(); // 3. Drop weight index String sqlDropIndex = "DROP INDEX " + tableFullName + "_" + WEIGHT_COLUMN_NAME + INDEX_CONSTNRAINT_NAME_POSTFIX + ";"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlDropIndex); num = query.executeUpdate(); // 4. Drop right_person_id index sqlDropIndex = "DROP INDEX " + tableFullName + "_" + RIGHT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + INDEX_CONSTNRAINT_NAME_POSTFIX + ";"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlDropIndex); num = query.executeUpdate(); // 5. Drop right_person_id index sqlDropIndex = "DROP INDEX " + tableFullName + "_" + LEFT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + INDEX_CONSTNRAINT_NAME_POSTFIX + ";"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlDropIndex); num = query.executeUpdate(); // 6. Drop primary index sqlDropIndex = "DROP INDEX " + tableFullName + INDEX_CONSTNRAINT_NAME_POSTFIX + ";"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlDropIndex); num = query.executeUpdate(); // 7. Drop primary key constraint String sqlDropPKConstraint = "ALTER TABLE " + tableFullName + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + tableFullName + PK_CONSTNRAINT_NAME_POSTFIX + ";"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlDropPKConstraint); num = query.executeUpdate(); // 8. Drop Sequence String sqlDropSequence = "DROP SEQUENCE " + tableFullName + SEQUENCE_NAME_POSTFIX + ";"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlDropSequence); num = query.executeUpdate(); // 9. Drop Table String sqlDropTable = "DROP TABLE public." + tableFullName + ";"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlDropTable); num = query.executeUpdate(); session.flush(); return num; } }); } private void addPersonLinkInHibernate(Session session, String tableName, PersonLink personLink) { log.debug("Storing a person link."); String tableFullName = getTableFullName(tableName); boolean generateId = (personLink.getPersonLinkId() == null); StringBuilder sqlInsertPerson = new StringBuilder( "INSERT INTO public." + tableFullName + " (" + PERSON_LINK_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ", " + LEFT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ", " + RIGHT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ", " + (personLink.getBinaryVector() != null ? (BINARY_VECTOR_COLUMN_NAME + ", ") : "") + (personLink.getContinousVector() != null ? (CONTINOUS_VECTOR_COLUMN_NAME + ", ") : "") + WEIGHT_COLUMN_NAME + ", " + LINK_STATUS_COLUMN_NAME + ") VALUES (" + (generateId ? ("nextval('" + tableFullName + SEQUENCE_NAME_POSTFIX + "')") : "?") + ",?,?" + (personLink.getBinaryVector() != null ? ",?" : "") + (personLink.getContinousVector() != null ? ",?" : "") + ",?,?)" + (generateId ? (" RETURNING " + PERSON_LINK_ID_COLUMN_NAME) : "") + ";"); Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlInsertPerson.toString()); int position = 0; if (personLink.getPersonLinkId() != null) { query.setLong(position, personLink.getPersonLinkId()); position++; } query.setLong(position, personLink.getLeftPersonId()); position++; query.setLong(position, personLink.getRightPersonId()); position++; if (personLink.getBinaryVector() != null) { query.setString(position, personLink.getBinaryVector()); position++; } if (personLink.getContinousVector() != null) { query.setString(position, personLink.getContinousVector()); position++; } query.setDouble(position, personLink.getWeight()); position++; query.setInteger(position, personLink.getLinkState()); if (generateId) { BigInteger bigInt = (BigInteger) query.uniqueResult(); long id = bigInt.longValue(); personLink.setPersonLinkId(id); log.debug("Finished saving the person link with id " + id); } else { query.executeUpdate(); log.debug("Finished saving the person link with id " + personLink.getPersonLinkId()); } } public void addPersonLink(final String tableName, final PersonLink personLink) { getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { addPersonLinkInHibernate(session, tableName, personLink); session.flush(); return 1; } }); } public void addPersonLinks(final String tableName, final List<PersonLink> personLinks) { getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { int num = 0; for (PersonLink personLink : personLinks) { addPersonLinkInHibernate(session, tableName, personLink); num++; } session.flush(); return num; } }); } private void addIndexesAndConstraintsInHibernate(Session session, final String tableFullName, final long seqStart, final String leftDatasetTableName, final String rightDatasetTableName) { log.trace("Adding indexes and constraints to table " + tableFullName); // 2. Create Sequence String sqlCreateSequence = "CREATE SEQUENCE " + tableFullName + SEQUENCE_NAME_POSTFIX + " " + "START WITH " + seqStart + " " + "INCREMENT BY 1 " + "NO MAXVALUE " + "NO MINVALUE " + "CACHE 1;"; Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlCreateSequence); @SuppressWarnings("unused") int num = query.executeUpdate(); // 3. Create primary index String sqlCreateIndex = "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX " + tableFullName + INDEX_CONSTNRAINT_NAME_POSTFIX + " ON " + tableFullName + " USING btree (" + PERSON_LINK_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ");"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlCreateIndex); num = query.executeUpdate(); // 4. Create left_person_id index sqlCreateIndex = "CREATE INDEX " + tableFullName + "_" + LEFT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + INDEX_CONSTNRAINT_NAME_POSTFIX + " ON " + tableFullName + " USING btree (" + LEFT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ");"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlCreateIndex); num = query.executeUpdate(); // 5. Create right_person_id index sqlCreateIndex = "CREATE INDEX " + tableFullName + "_" + RIGHT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + INDEX_CONSTNRAINT_NAME_POSTFIX + " ON " + tableFullName + " USING btree (" + RIGHT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ");"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlCreateIndex); num = query.executeUpdate(); // 6. Create weight index sqlCreateIndex = "CREATE INDEX " + tableFullName + "_" + WEIGHT_COLUMN_NAME + INDEX_CONSTNRAINT_NAME_POSTFIX + " ON " + tableFullName + " USING btree (" + WEIGHT_COLUMN_NAME + ");"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlCreateIndex); num = query.executeUpdate(); // 7. Create primary key constraint String sqlAddPKConstraint = "ALTER TABLE ONLY " + tableFullName + " ADD CONSTRAINT " + tableFullName + PK_CONSTNRAINT_NAME_POSTFIX + " PRIMARY KEY (" + PERSON_LINK_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ");"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlAddPKConstraint); num = query.executeUpdate(); // 8. Create foreign key constraint for left_person_id String sqlAddFKConstraint = "ALTER TABLE ONLY " + tableFullName + " ADD CONSTRAINT " + FK_CONSTNRAINT_NAME_PREFIX + tableFullName + "_" + LEFT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + " FOREIGN KEY (" + LEFT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ") REFERENCES " + DATASET_TABLE_NAME_PREFIX + leftDatasetTableName + "(" + PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ");"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlAddFKConstraint); num = query.executeUpdate(); // 9. Create foreign key constraint for right_person_id sqlAddFKConstraint = "ALTER TABLE ONLY " + tableFullName + " ADD CONSTRAINT " + FK_CONSTNRAINT_NAME_PREFIX + tableFullName + "_" + RIGHT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + " FOREIGN KEY (" + RIGHT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ") REFERENCES " + DATASET_TABLE_NAME_PREFIX + rightDatasetTableName + "(" + PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ");"; query = session.createSQLQuery(sqlAddFKConstraint); num = query.executeUpdate(); } public void addIndexesAndConstraints(final String tableName, final long seqStart, final String leftDatasetTableName, final String rightDatasetTableName) { ValidationUtil.sanityCheckFieldName(leftDatasetTableName); ValidationUtil.sanityCheckFieldName(rightDatasetTableName); final String tableFullName = getTableFullName(tableName); getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { addIndexesAndConstraintsInHibernate(session, tableFullName, seqStart, leftDatasetTableName, rightDatasetTableName); session.flush(); return 1; } }); } public List<PersonLink> getPersonLinks(String tableName, Person leftPerson, Person rightPerson) { log.trace("Looking for links between person " + leftPerson + " and " + rightPerson); List<PersonLink> links = getPersonLinksPagedInternal(tableName, leftPerson, rightPerson, 0L, 0); if (links.isEmpty()) { log.trace("No links found between person " + leftPerson + " and " + rightPerson); return null; } log.trace("Found " + links.size() + " links between person " + leftPerson + " and " + rightPerson); return links; } public List<PersonLink> getLinksForLeftPerson(String tableName, Person person) { log.trace("Looking for links to this left person " + person.getPersonId()); List<PersonLink> links = getPersonLinksPagedInternal(tableName, person, null, 0L, 0); log.trace("Found " + links.size() + " links to left person " + person.getPersonId()); return links; } public List<PersonLink> getLinksForRightPerson(String tableName, Person person) { log.trace("Looking for links to this right person " + person.getPersonId()); List<PersonLink> links = getPersonLinksPagedInternal(tableName, null, person, 0L, 0); log.trace("Found " + links.size() + " links to right person " + person.getPersonId()); return links; } public List<PersonLink> getPersonLinksPaged(String tableName, Person leftPerson, Person rightPerson, long firstResult, int maxResults) { log.trace("Looking for links paged (" + firstResult + ", " + maxResults + ") between person " + leftPerson + " and " + rightPerson); List<PersonLink> links = getPersonLinksPagedInternal(tableName, leftPerson, rightPerson, firstResult, maxResults); if (links.isEmpty()) { log.trace("No links found between person " + leftPerson + " and " + rightPerson); return null; } log.trace("Found page of size " + links.size() + " links between person " + leftPerson + " and " + rightPerson); return links; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<PersonLink> getPersonLinksPagedInternal(final String tableName, final Person leftPerson, final Person rightPerson, final long firstResult, final int maxResults) { log.trace("Looking for links between person " + leftPerson + " and " + rightPerson); return (List<PersonLink>) getHibernateTemplate().execute(new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { StringBuilder sqlSelectLinks = new StringBuilder("SELECT " + PERSON_LINK_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ", " + LEFT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ", " + RIGHT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + ", " + BINARY_VECTOR_COLUMN_NAME + ", " + CONTINOUS_VECTOR_COLUMN_NAME + ", " + WEIGHT_COLUMN_NAME + " FROM public." + getTableFullName(tableName)); if (leftPerson != null || rightPerson != null) { sqlSelectLinks.append(" WHERE ("); if (leftPerson != null) sqlSelectLinks.append(LEFT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + "=" + leftPerson.getPersonId()); if (rightPerson != null) { if (leftPerson != null) sqlSelectLinks.append(" AND "); sqlSelectLinks.append(RIGHT_PERSON_ID_COLUMN_NAME + "=" + rightPerson.getPersonId()); } sqlSelectLinks.append(")"); } sqlSelectLinks.append(" ORDER BY " + WEIGHT_COLUMN_NAME + " ASC"); boolean paging = maxResults > 0; if (paging) { sqlSelectLinks.append(" LIMIT " + maxResults); sqlSelectLinks.append(" OFFSET " + firstResult); } sqlSelectLinks.append(";"); List<PersonLink> links = session.createSQLQuery(sqlSelectLinks.toString()) .setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(PersonLink.class)).list(); return links; } }); } public String getTableFullName(String tableName) { ValidationUtil.sanityCheckFieldName(tableName); return LINK_TABLE_NAME_PREFIX + tableName.toLowerCase(); } }