Source code

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 *  Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Misys Open Source Solutions (MOSS) and others
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 *  permissions and limitations under the License.
 *  Contributors:
 *    Misys Open Source Solutions - initial API and implementation
 *    -

package org.openhealthtools.openexchange.audit;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.audit.AuditCodeMappings.ActiveParticipantIds;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.audit.AuditCodeMappings.AuditEventIds;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.audit.AuditCodeMappings.AuditSourceType;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.audit.AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.audit.AuditCodeMappings.EventActionCode;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.audit.AuditCodeMappings.NetworkAccessPointType;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.audit.AuditCodeMappings.ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.audit.AuditCodeMappings.ParticipantObjectRoleCode;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.audit.AuditCodeMappings.ParticipantObjectTypeCode;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.audit.AuditCodeMappings.SecurityAlertType;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.audit.AuditCodeMappings.SuccessCode;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.datamodel.Identifier;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.datamodel.Patient;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.datamodel.PatientIdentifier;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.datamodel.PersonName;
import org.openhealthtools.openexchange.utils.LibraryConfig;

 * The base implementation of an audit message class.  
 * Each IHE Actor requires its own implementation of this base class.
 * This base class, <em>can</em> be used independently, but that is not
 * the standard method, and will not be ATNA compliant. <p />
 * Implementations of the audit log class for specific IHE actors must be
 * instantiated when the actor starts, and stop must be called when the 
 * actor ends, and that instation must not be used again.  If the same actor 
 * restarts, a new instance must be made.  Calling stop will cause that 
 * specific instance of the audit trail to cease functioning. <p />
 * The following ATNA required messages are currently implemented by the given classes.
 * <dl>
 * <dt>Actor-start-stop
 * <dd>All actors implement this via the base class.  It is generally unnecessary to re implement it for the different actors.  Dicom Supp 95 "Application Activity"
 * <dt>Node-authentication-failure
 * <dd>Only for secure node TLS failure, not for user login failure.  Secure Node Actor.  Dicom Sup 95 "Security Alert"
 * <dt>Patient-record-event
 * <dd>Patient record created modified or accessed.  Document Consumer and Document Source.  Dicom Sup 95 "Patient Record"
 * <dt>Import
 * <dd>Generally used whenever a document is sent somewhere.  Document Source.  Dicom Sup 95 "Data Import"
 * <dt>Export
 * <dd>Patient record created recieved from somewhere.  Document Consumer.  Dicom Sup 95 "Data Export"
 * <dt>Procedure-record-event
 * <dd>Procedure record created accessed modified or deleted.  Document Consumer and Document Source.  Dicom Sup 95 "Procedure Record"
 * <dt>Security-administration
 * <dd>Change of security roles, user accounts, authentication ability, and other configuration changes.  In addition, user authentication, failure, and signoff.  Secure Node. Dicom Sup 95 "Security Alert"
 * </dl>
 * @see AuditObjectFactory
 * @author Josh Flachsbart
 * @version 1.0 - Oct 27, 2005
public class IheAuditTrail implements IAuditTrail {

    final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IheAuditTrail.class);
    private String actorName;
    private List<IMessageTransmitter> messengers = null;

     * Handles creation of a logging instance for a given actor.
     * Must be called by implementing sub-classes with the appropriate
     * actor name.  <em>Can</em> be used directlly, but will not produce
     * ATNA compliant messages.
     * @param actorName Name of the ATNA actor that this will generate an audit trail for.
    public IheAuditTrail(String actorName, Iterable<IConnectionDescription> repositories) {
        this.actorName = actorName;
        // Prepare audit streams:
        messengers = new ArrayList<IMessageTransmitter>();
        for (IConnectionDescription repository : repositories) {
            AuditTrailDescription description = new AuditTrailDescription(repository);
            String type = description.getType();
            if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(AuditTrailDescription.TLS5425)) {
                messengers.add(new SyslogTLS5425Messenger(description));
            } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(AuditTrailDescription.UDP5426)) {
                messengers.add(new SyslogUdp5426Messenger(description));
            } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(AuditTrailDescription.BSD)) {
                messengers.add(new BsdMessenger(description));
                //messengers.add(new Log4JMessenger(description));
            } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(AuditTrailDescription.LOG4J)) {
                messengers.add(new Log4JMessenger(description));
            //         else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(AuditTrailDescription.RELIABLE)) {
            //            messengers.add(new RSyslogMessenger(description));
            //         }

     * Adds the required elements and format the message in XML and send it.
     * To send a message, add additional information that is required by the
     * message, then call format and log to do the rest.  It will add the 
     * audit source id, and active participant id for each audit repository
     * (since they might have different local info, e.g. if they are in 
     * different RHIOs) and send the message.
    p    * @param factory
     * @param requestor
    private void formatAndLog(IMessageTransmitter messenger, AuditObjectFactory factory, boolean requestor,
            ActiveParticipantIds ourRole, AuditSourceType... sourceTypes) throws JAXBException {
        AuditTrailDescription desc = messenger.getAuditTrailDescription();

        // add the source id:
        Set<AuditSourceType> auditSourceTypes = new HashSet<AuditSourceType>();
        if (sourceTypes != null) {
            for (AuditSourceType sourceType : sourceTypes) {
                if (sourceType != null)
        factory.addAuditSourceId(desc.getEnterpriseSiteId(), desc.getAuditSourceId(), auditSourceTypes);

        // send the message.

    /////**************   DATA HELPER FUNCTIONS   *********************

    public ActiveParticipant getUser() {
        ActiveParticipant application = null;
        LibraryConfig.ILogContext context = LibraryConfig.getInstance().getLogContext();

        if (context != null) {
            application = new ActiveParticipant();
            application.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Source;
        return application;

    public ActiveParticipant getMedia(ActiveParticipantIds role, String mediaDescription) {
        ActiveParticipant media = new ActiveParticipant();
        media.role = role;
        return media;

    /////**************   DICOM MESSAGES   *********************

     * DICOM Supp 95 message A.1.3.1 (p. 15): Application Activity <p />
     * Requires an event id with the parameters below and a single participant
     * which is the application and a single audit source.  The participant and
     * audit source are provided by the format and log function. <p />
     * Note that we could add the application launcher to this message.
     * @param message The type of application activity that it is.  Generally start or stop.
    protected void applicationActivity(AuditTypeCodes message) throws JAXBException {
        for (IMessageTransmitter messenger : messengers) {
            AuditObjectFactory factory = new AuditObjectFactory(messenger);
            factory.setEventIdType(new EventId(AuditEventIds.ApplicationActivity, message, EventActionCode.Execute,
            AuditTrailDescription desc = messenger.getAuditTrailDescription();
            ActiveParticipant us = new ActiveParticipant(desc.getFacilityName() + "|" + desc.getApplicationName(),
                    actorName, desc.getIp());
            us.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Application;
            formatAndLog(messenger, factory, false, ActiveParticipantIds.Application);

     * DICOM Supp 95 message A.1.3.11 (p. 29): Patient Record <p />
     * @param source the information about the source of patient.  null if not available.
     * @param patient the information about the patient
     * @param typeCode the type of message 
     * @param action What they did with the patient record.
    private void patientRecord(ActiveParticipant source, ParticipantObject patient,
            AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes typeCode, EventActionCode action) throws JAXBException {
        for (IMessageTransmitter messenger : messengers) {
            AuditObjectFactory factory = new AuditObjectFactory(messenger);
            if (patient != null) {
                patient.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.Person;
                patient.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Patient;
                patient.idTypeCode = ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.Patient;

            factory.setEventIdType(new EventId(AuditEventIds.PatientRecord, typeCode, action, SuccessCode.Success));
            if (source != null)

            formatAndLog(messenger, factory, false, ActiveParticipantIds.Destination, source.getAuditSourceType());

     * DICOM Supp 95 message :Data Import <p />
     * @param source the information about the source of patient.  null if not available.
     * @param patient the information about the patient
     * @param typeCode the type of message 
     * @param action What they did with the patient record.
    private void documentImport(ActiveParticipant source, ActiveParticipant destination, ParticipantObject patient,
            ParticipantObject set, AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes typeCode) throws JAXBException {
        for (IMessageTransmitter messenger : messengers) {
            AuditObjectFactory factory = new AuditObjectFactory(messenger);
            if (patient != null) {
                patient.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.Person;
                patient.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Patient;
                patient.idTypeCode = ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.Patient;
            if (set != null)

                    new EventId(AuditEventIds.Import, typeCode, EventActionCode.Create, SuccessCode.Success));
            if (source != null)
            if (destination != null)
            formatAndLog(messenger, factory, false, ActiveParticipantIds.Destination, source.getAuditSourceType());

     * DICOM Supp 95 message A.1.3.4 (p. 19): Data Export <p />
     * This should be used when data leaves control of the system. (E.g. xdm/xdr) <p />
     * Requires an event id with the parameters below.  Also requires the 
     * repository as an active participant, if known, and a description of the 
     * patient accessed as a participant object.  This is the patient id
     * and additional information about the document set affected if available.
     * The SubmisstionSet is required. <p />
     * In addition, a single participant which is the application and a single 
     * audit source.  The participant and audit source are provided by the 
     * format and log function.
     * @param repository Information about the Repository which is source for Registry. 
     * @param patient  the patient related to the Document
     * @param set the SubmissionSet related to the Document
     * @param eventActionCode  the {@link EventActionCode}
    protected void documentExport(ActiveParticipant repository, ActiveParticipant registry,
            ParticipantObject patient, ParticipantObject set, AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes typeCode)
            throws JAXBException {
        for (IMessageTransmitter messenger : messengers) {
            AuditObjectFactory factory = new AuditObjectFactory(messenger);
            if (patient != null) {
                patient.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.Person;
                patient.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Patient;
                patient.idTypeCode = ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.Patient;
            if (set != null)
            // Note, AuditTypeCode is not used for data export.
                    new EventId(AuditEventIds.Export, typeCode, EventActionCode.Read, SuccessCode.Success));
            if (registry != null)

            formatAndLog(messenger, factory, false, ActiveParticipantIds.Destination,

     * DICOM Supp95 message A1.3.13 (p. 33): Query <p />
      * @param source the source information of the application that sends the message
      * @param patients the patients related to the PDQ Query message
      * @param query the PIX/PDQ Query information
    private void patientQuery(ActiveParticipant source, Collection<ParticipantObject> patients,
            ParticipantObject query) throws JAXBException {
        for (IMessageTransmitter messenger : messengers) {
            AuditObjectFactory factory = new AuditObjectFactory(messenger);
            AuditTypeCodes eventtype = null;
            if (query.idTypeCode == ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.PIXQuery)
                eventtype = AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes.PixQuery;
                eventtype = AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes.PDQQuery;

                    new EventId(AuditEventIds.Query, eventtype, EventActionCode.Execute, SuccessCode.Success));
            if (source != null) {
                source.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Source;

            if (patients != null) {
                for (ParticipantObject patient : patients) {
                    patient.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.Person;
                    patient.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Patient;
                    patient.idTypeCode = ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.Patient;
            if (query != null) {
                query.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.SystemObject;
                query.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Query;

            formatAndLog(messenger, factory, false, ActiveParticipantIds.Destination, source.getAuditSourceType());

     * DICOM Supp 95 message A.1.3.4 (p. 19): Data Export <p />
     * This should be used when data leaves control of the system. (E.g. xdm/xdr) <p />
     * Requires an event id with the parameters below.  Also requires the 
     * doctor as an active participant, if known, and a description of the 
     * documents accessed as a participant object.  This is the patient id
     * and additional information about the document affected if available.
     * The patient info is required. <p />
     * In addition, a single participant which is the application and a single 
     * audit source.  The participant and audit source are provided by the 
     * format and log function.
     * @param doctor Information about the doctor.  null if not available.
     * @param patient needs to change.  This is the information about the patient.
     * @param action What they did with the patient record.
    protected void dataExport(ActiveParticipant doctor, ActiveParticipant media, ParticipantObject patient)
            throws JAXBException {
        for (IMessageTransmitter messenger : messengers) {
            AuditObjectFactory factory = new AuditObjectFactory(messenger);
            // Note, AuditTypeCode is not used for data export.
            factory.setEventIdType(new EventId(AuditEventIds.Export, (AuditTypeCodes) null, EventActionCode.Read,

            formatAndLog(messenger, factory, false, ActiveParticipantIds.Application, doctor.getAuditSourceType());

     * DICOM Supp 95 message A.1.3.4 (p. 19): Data Import <p />
     * This should be used when data was not in control of the system. (E.g. xdm/xdr) <p />
     * Requires an event id with the parameters below.  Also requires the 
     * doctor as an active participant, if known, and a description of the 
     * documents accessed as a participant object.  This is the patient id
     * and additional information about the document affected if available.
     * The patient info is required. <p />
     * In addition, a single participant which is the application and a single 
     * audit source.  The participant and audit source are provided by the 
     * format and log function.
     * @param doctor Information about the doctor.  null if not available.
     * @param patient needs to change.  This is the information about the patient.
     * @param action What they did with the patient record.
    protected void dataImport(ActiveParticipant doctor, ActiveParticipant media, ParticipantObject patient)
            throws JAXBException {
        for (IMessageTransmitter messenger : messengers) {
            AuditObjectFactory factory = new AuditObjectFactory(messenger);
            // Note, AuditTypeCode is not used for data export.
            factory.setEventIdType(new EventId(AuditEventIds.Import, (AuditTypeCodes) null, EventActionCode.Create,

            formatAndLog(messenger, factory, false, ActiveParticipantIds.Application, doctor.getAuditSourceType());

     * DICOM Supp95 message A1.3.14 (p. 34): Security Alert <p />
     * This requires a single event id, the comprimised server if known, the
     * reporting server (given by format and log) the identity of the reporting
     * user (assumed to be machine only and therefore unknown) and the offending
     * participants, if known.  We are generally the offending so we just leave
     * ourselves out since we are already in there, however this is a spot for
     * improvement in the future. <p />
     * In addition there appears to be a Participant object, but it is poorly defined
     * and thus is not included here.  This should be changed in the future.
     * @param success Major error means that security has been comprimised.  
     * Success means an informative alert only.  Others mean mitigation was possible.
     * @param otherServer The comprimised server, if known.
    protected void securityAlert(SuccessCode success, ActiveParticipant otherServer) throws JAXBException {
        for (IMessageTransmitter messenger : messengers) {
            AuditObjectFactory factory = new AuditObjectFactory(messenger);
            factory.setEventIdType(new EventId(AuditEventIds.SecurityAlert, SecurityAlertType.NodeAuthentication,
                    EventActionCode.Execute, success));
            if (otherServer != null) {
            // TODO Find out if participant object is required and add it if it is.
            formatAndLog(messenger, factory, true, ActiveParticipantIds.Application,
                    (otherServer != null) ? otherServer.getAuditSourceType() : null);

     * DICOM Supp95 message A1.3.15 (p. 36): User Authentication <p />
     * This message records users logging into the system, as opposed to 
     * security alerts which are for node's authenticating themselves.  The single
     * event id is a login or logout, and whether it succeeded.  The user attempting
     * to authenticate is a required active participant.  The enterprise wide
     * authentication node (e.g. kerberos) is optional, but the actual authentication
     * node is mandatory though included by format and log.
      * @param user User authenticating.  Must not be null.
     * @param isLogin True if user is logging in false if logging out.
     * @param success Whether the loging was successful.
    protected void userAuthentication(ActiveParticipant user, AuditTypeCodes type, SuccessCode success)
            throws JAXBException {
        for (IMessageTransmitter messenger : messengers) {
            AuditObjectFactory factory = new AuditObjectFactory(messenger);
                    new EventId(AuditEventIds.UserAuthentication, type, EventActionCode.Execute, success));
            if (user == null)
                user = getUser();
            if (user == null)
                throw new JAXBException("User not allowed to be null for authentication logging.");
            formatAndLog(messenger, factory, false, ActiveParticipantIds.Application, user.getAuditSourceType());

    /////**************   ACTUAL MESSAGES   *********************

    /**   Sends actor start log message.  Must be called when actor is started. */
    public void start() {
        try {
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log actor start for: " + actorName, e);

    /**   Sends actor stop log message.  Must be called when actor is finished. */
    public void stop() {
        try {
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log actor stop for: " + actorName, e);

     * Call when the node fails to authenticate itself with another node. 
     * Generally you don't log successes since there can be many of those.
     * Described in DICOM Supp95 A 1.3.14 as Security Alert.
     * Described in ITI TF-2 p. 172 as Node-authentication-failure.
    public void nodeAuthenticationFailure(SuccessCode success, IConnectionDescription otherServer) {
        try {
            ActiveParticipant otherServerAP = new ActiveParticipant(otherServer);
            otherServerAP.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Destination;
            this.securityAlert(success, otherServerAP);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log node authentication.", e);

     * Call when a user authenticates himself. 
     * Described in DICOM Supp95 A 1.3.15 as User Authentication.
     * Described in ITI TF-2 p. 172 as Node-authentication-failure.
    public void userLogin(SuccessCode success, ActiveParticipant user) {
        try {
            if (user == null)
                user = getUser();
            if (user != null) {
                user.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Source;
                this.userAuthentication(user, AuditTypeCodes.Login, success);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log user authentication.", e);

     * Call when a user logs out. 
     * Described in DICOM Supp95 A 1.3.15 as User Authentication.
     * Described in ITI TF-2 p. 172 as Node-authentication-failure.
    public void userLogout(SuccessCode success, ActiveParticipant user) {
        try {
            if (user == null)
                user = getUser();
            user.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Source;
            this.userAuthentication(user, AuditTypeCodes.Logout, success);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log user authentication.", e);

     * Call when a record is imported from external media.
     * Described in DICOM Supp95 A 1.3.5 as Data Import.
     * @param patient The patient or document participant object.
     * @param mediaDesc A string describing the media, e.g. the source e-mail address, or "USB Media", etc...
    public void recordImported(ParticipantObject patient, String mediaDesc) {
        try {
            ActiveParticipant user = getUser();
            user.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Destination;
            ActiveParticipant media = getMedia(ActiveParticipantIds.SourceMedia, mediaDesc);
            patient.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Patient;
            patient.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.Person;

            this.dataImport(user, media, patient);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log record import.", e);

     * Call when a record is exported to external media.
     * Described in DICOM Supp95 A 1.3.4 as Data Export.
     * @param patient The patient or document participant object.
     * @param mediaDesc A string describing the media, e.g. the destination e-mail address, or "USB Media", etc...
    public void recordExported(ParticipantObject patient, String mediaDesc) {
        try {
            ActiveParticipant user = getUser();
            ActiveParticipant media = getMedia(ActiveParticipantIds.DestinationMedia, mediaDesc);
            patient.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Patient;
            patient.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.Person;

            this.dataExport(user, media, patient);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log record export.", e);

    /////**************   ILL DEFINED MESSAGES   *********************

     * Audit Logging of PIX Feed Messages. Call this method when processing PIX Create,
     * PIX Update and PIX Update Notification messages.
     * @param source the source information of the application that sends the message
     * @param patient the patient related to the PIX Feed message
     * @param eventActionCode the {@link EventActionCode}
    public void logPixFeed(ActiveParticipant source, ParticipantObject patient, EventActionCode eventActionCode) {
        try {
            if (patient == null) //query is required
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required patient is missing");

            if (source != null) {
                source.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Source;

            patientRecord(source, patient, AuditTypeCodes.PatientIdentityFeed, eventActionCode);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log patient identity feed", e);

     * Audit Logging of PIX Query Messages. Call this method when processing PIX 
     * Query messages.
     * @param source the source information of the application that sends the message
     * @param patient the patient related to the PIX Query message
     * @param query the PIX Query information
    public void logPixQuery(ActiveParticipant source, ParticipantObject patient, ParticipantObject query) {
        try {
            //Participant Objects for Patient Query
            if (query == null) //query is required
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required query is missing");

            query.idTypeCode = ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.PIXQuery;

            Collection patients = new ArrayList<ParticipantObject>();
            patientQuery(source, patients, query);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log PIX Query", e);

     * Audit Logging of PDQ Query Messages. Call this method when processing PDQ 
     * Query messages.
     * @param source the source information of the application that sends the message
     * @param patients the patients related to the PDQ Query message
     * @param query the PDQ Query information
    public void logPdqQuery(ActiveParticipant source, Collection<ParticipantObject> patients,
            ParticipantObject query) {
        try {
            //Participant Objects for Patient Query
            if (query == null) //query is required
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required query is missing");

            query.idTypeCode = ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.PDQQuery;

            patientQuery(source, patients, query);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log PDQ Query", e);

     * Audit Logging of PIX Update Notification Messages. Call this method when processing
     * PIX Update Notification. 
     * @param destination the destination information of the application that receives the message
     * @param patients the patients related to this PIX Update Notification message
    public void logPixUpdateNotification(ActiveParticipant destination, ParticipantObject patient) {
        try {
            if (patient == null) //query is required
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required patient is missing");

            if (destination != null) {
                destination.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Destination;

            for (IMessageTransmitter messenger : messengers) {
                AuditObjectFactory factory = new AuditObjectFactory(messenger);
                patient.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.Person;
                patient.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Patient;
                patient.idTypeCode = ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.Patient;

                factory.setEventIdType(new EventId(AuditEventIds.PatientRecord,
                        AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes.PixUpdateNotification, EventActionCode.Read,
                if (destination != null)

                formatAndLog(messenger, factory, true, ActiveParticipantIds.Source,
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log PIX update notification", e);

       * Audit Logging of Registry Query Messages. Call this method when
       * processing Registry Query messages.
       * @param source
       *            the source information of the application that sends the
       *            message
       * @param patients
       *            the patients related to the PDQ Query message
       * @param query
       *            the Registry Query information
       * @param isStoredQuery
       *            boolean to define the query type
    public void logRegistryQuery(ActiveParticipant source, ActiveParticipant destination,
            List<ParticipantObject> patients, ParticipantObject query, boolean isStoredQuery, boolean isMPQ) {
        try {
            if (query == null) //query is required
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required query is missing");

            //patientQuery(source, patients, query);
            for (IMessageTransmitter messenger : messengers) {
                int count = 0;
                int noOfPatints = 0;
                do {
                    AuditObjectFactory factory = new AuditObjectFactory(messenger);
                    AuditTypeCodes eventtype = null;
                    ParticipantObject patient = null;

                    if (isMPQ) {
                        eventtype = AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes.MultiPatientQuery;
                    } else if (isStoredQuery) {
                        eventtype = AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes.RegistryStoredQuery;
                    } else
                        eventtype = AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes.RegistrySQLQuery;

                    factory.setEventIdType(new EventId(AuditEventIds.Query, eventtype, EventActionCode.Execute,
                    if (source != null) {
                        source.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Source;

                    if (destination != null) {
                        destination.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Destination;

                    if (patients != null && !patients.isEmpty()) {
                        patient = patients.get(count);
                        noOfPatints = patients.size();
                    if (patient != null) {
                        patient.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.Person;
                        patient.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Patient;
                        patient.idTypeCode = ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.Patient;

                    if (query != null) {
                        query.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.SystemObject;
                        query.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Query;
                        if (isMPQ) {
                            query.idTypeCode = AuditCodeMappings.ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.MultiPatientQuery;
                        } else if (isStoredQuery) {
                            query.idTypeCode = AuditCodeMappings.ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.RegistryStoredQuery;
                        } else {
                            query.idTypeCode = AuditCodeMappings.ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.RegistrySQLQuery;

                    formatAndLog(messenger, factory, false, ActiveParticipantIds.Destination,
                } while (count < noOfPatints);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log Registry Query", e);

       * Audit Logging of Repository Query Messages. Call this method when
       * processing Repository Query messages.
       * @param source
       *            the source information of the application that sends the
       *            message
       * @param document
       *            the DocumentURI information
       * @param eventTypeCode
       *            the query type code
    public void logRepositoryQuery(ActiveParticipant source, ActiveParticipant dest,
            Collection<ParticipantObject> documents, AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes eventTypeCode) {
        try {
            if (documents == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required DocumentURI is missing");

            //patientQuery(source, patients, query);
            for (IMessageTransmitter messenger : messengers) {
                AuditObjectFactory factory = new AuditObjectFactory(messenger);

                factory.setEventIdType(new EventId(AuditEventIds.Export, eventTypeCode, EventActionCode.Read,
                if (source != null) {
                    source.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Source;

                dest.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Destination;

                if (documents != null) {
                    for (ParticipantObject document : documents) {
                        document.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.SystemObject;
                        document.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Report;
                        document.idTypeCode = AuditCodeMappings.ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.ReportNumber;

                formatAndLog(messenger, factory, true, ActiveParticipantIds.Destination,
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log Repository Query", e);

     * Audit Logging of XDS Registry Messages. Call this method when processing
     * Register Document Set,
     * @param source
     *            the source information of the application that sends the
     *            message
     * @param patient
     *            the patient related to the Document
     * @param eventActionCode
     *            the {@link EventActionCode}
    public void logDocumentImport(ActiveParticipant source, ActiveParticipant destination,
            ParticipantObject patient, ParticipantObject set, AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes typeCode) {
        try {
            if (patient == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required patient is missing");

            if (set != null) {
                set.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.SystemObject;
                set.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Job;
                set.idTypeCode = ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.SubmissionSet;
            if (source != null) {
                source.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Source;

            if (destination != null) {
                destination.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Destination;

            documentImport(source, destination, patient, set, typeCode);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log Register Document Set", e);

     * Audit Logging of XDS Repository Messages. Call this method when sending
     * data to the registry,
     * @param source
     *            the source information of the application that sends the
     *            message
     * @param patient
     *            the patient related to the Document
     * @param set
     *            the SubmissionSet related to the Document
     * @param typeCode
     *            the {@link AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes}
    public void logDocumentExport(ActiveParticipant source, ActiveParticipant destination,
            ParticipantObject patient, ParticipantObject set, AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes typeCode) {
        try {
            if (set == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required SubmissionSet is missing");

            if (set != null) {
                set.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.SystemObject;
                set.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Job;
                set.idTypeCode = ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.SubmissionSet;
            if (source != null) {
                source.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Source;

            if (destination != null) {
                destination.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Destination;

            documentExport(source, destination, patient, set, typeCode);
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log RegisterDocumentSet", e);

     * Audit Logging of DSUB Subscribe and Unsubscribe.
     * @param source,   
     *             the source information of the application that sends the message
     * @param dest
     *             the destination information of the application that receives the message
     * @param patient
     *             the patient related to subscription
     * @param query
     *             the subscription query
     * @param eventTypeCode
     *             the typecode of the event 
     * @param eventactioncode
     *             the action of the event Ex. Create(C), Delete(D)
    public void logDSUBSubcribe(ActiveParticipant source, ActiveParticipant dest, ParticipantObject patient,
            ParticipantObject query, AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes eventTypeCode,
            EventActionCode eventactioncode) {
        try {
            if (query == null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required Query parameters are missing ");

            for (IMessageTransmitter messenger : messengers) {
                AuditObjectFactory factory = new AuditObjectFactory(messenger);

                        new EventId(AuditEventIds.Query, eventTypeCode, eventactioncode, SuccessCode.Success));
                if (source != null) {
                    source.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Source;
                if (dest != null) {
                    dest.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Destination;
                if (patient != null) {
                    patient.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.Person;
                    patient.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Patient;
                    patient.idTypeCode = ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.Patient;
                if (query != null) {
                    query.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.SystemObject;
                    query.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Query;
                    query.idTypeCode = AuditCodeMappings.ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.DocumentMetadataSubscribe;

                formatAndLog(messenger, factory, true, ActiveParticipantIds.Destination,
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log Repository Query", e);

     * Audit Logging of DSUB notifications to subscribed Document Metadata Notification Recipients based on received Publish transactions
     * @param source,   
     *             the source information of the application that sends the message
     * @param dest
     *             the destination information of the application that receives the message
     * @param patient
     *             the patient related to subscription
     * @param query
     *             the subscription query
     * @param eventTypeCode
     *             the typecode of the event 
     * @param eventactioncode
     *             the action of the event Ex. Create(C), Delete(D)
    public void logDSUBNotify(ActiveParticipant source, ActiveParticipant dest, List<ParticipantObject> documents,
            AuditCodeMappings.AuditTypeCodes eventTypeCode) {
        try {

            for (IMessageTransmitter messenger : messengers) {
                AuditObjectFactory factory = new AuditObjectFactory(messenger);

                factory.setEventIdType(new EventId(AuditEventIds.Export, eventTypeCode, EventActionCode.Read,
                if (source != null) {
                    source.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Source;
                if (dest != null) {
                    dest.role = ActiveParticipantIds.Destination;
                if (documents != null) {
                    for (ParticipantObject document : documents) {
                        document.typeCode = ParticipantObjectTypeCode.SystemObject;
                        document.role = ParticipantObjectRoleCode.Report;
                        document.idTypeCode = ParticipantObjectIdTypeCode.ReportNumber;

                formatAndLog(messenger, factory, true, ActiveParticipantIds.Destination,
        } catch (JAXBException e) {
            log.error("Unable to log Document subscription message", e);

    /////**************   TESTING MESSAGES   *********************

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // User
        //      LogContext context = new LogContext();
        //      context.setClientAddress("");
        //      context.setUserId("");
        //      context.setUserName("Dr. Jones");
        //      LogManager.setLogContext(context);
        //      LibraryConfig.getInstance().setLogContext(new TestLogContext());

        // Other Server
        StandardConnectionDescription otherServer = new StandardConnectionDescription();
        // Patient
        Patient pD = new Patient();
        PatientIdentifier pid = new PatientIdentifier();
        Identifier aa = new Identifier("Test", "", "ISO");
        //      pid.setAssigningAuthority(aa);
        pD.addPatientId(new PatientIdentifier());
        PersonName name = new PersonName();
        ParticipantObject patient = new ParticipantObject(pD);
        //ParticipantObject patient = new ParticipantObject("Susan Formaldehyde", "misys-id-02344321183");
        // Repositories
        ArrayList<IConnectionDescription> repositories = new ArrayList<IConnectionDescription>();
        //repositories.add(new AuditTrailDescription("MISYS", "", AuditTrailDescription.LOG4J, "", "Sun room", "Big Hospital"));

        IheAuditTrail log = new IheAuditTrail("Fake Actor", repositories);
        log.nodeAuthenticationFailure(SuccessCode.MinorFailure, otherServer);
        log.userLogin(SuccessCode.MinorFailure, log.getUser());
        log.userLogin(SuccessCode.Success, log.getUser());
        //log.patientQueryIssued(otherServer, patient, true);
        log.recordImported(patient, "USB Media");
        log.recordExported(patient, "USB Media");
        log.userLogout(SuccessCode.Success, log.getUser());