Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Contributors to the openHAB project * * See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional * information. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 */ package; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpStatus; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.common.ThreadPoolManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; /** * The class provides the API for communicating with a NEEO brain * * @author Tim Roberts - Initial Contribution */ @NonNullByDefault public class NeeoApi implements AutoCloseable { /** The property name used for connection change notifications */ public static final String CONNECTED = "connected"; /** The logger */ private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NeeoApi.class); /** The gson used in communications */ private static final Gson GSON = NeeoUtil.createGson(); /** The brain's IP address */ private final String brainIpAddress; /** The URL of the brain */ private final String brainUrl; /** The brain identifier */ private final String brainId; /** The name of the brain */ private final String brainName; /** The known device keys on the brain. */ private final NeeoDeviceKeys deviceKeys; /** The brain's system information */ private final NeeoSystemInfo systemInfo; /** The property change support */ private final PropertyChangeSupport propertySupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); /** The interval, in seconds, to do a check status call */ private final int checkStatusInterval; /** The callback url registered with the brain */ private final URL callbackUrl; /** The ansi escape color conversion */ private static final String[] ANSICOLORS = new String[] { "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white" }; /** The scheduler used to schedule tasks */ private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = ThreadPoolManager .getScheduledPool(NeeoConstants.THREAD_POOL_NAME); /** The connection task (not-null when connecting, null otherwise) */ private final AtomicReference<@Nullable Future<?>> connect = new AtomicReference<>(null); /** The check status task (not-null when connecting, null otherwise) */ private final AtomicReference<@Nullable ScheduledFuture<?>> checkStatus = new AtomicReference<>(null); /** The {@link HttpRequest} used for making requests */ private final AtomicReference<HttpRequest> request = new AtomicReference<>(new HttpRequest()); /** Whether the brain is currently connected */ private final AtomicBoolean connected = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * Constructs the APi from the given IP address, brain identifier and {@link ServiceContext} * * @param ipAddress the non-empty ip address * @param brainId the non-empty brain id * @param context the non-null {@link ServiceContext} * @throws IOException if an exception occurs connecting to the brain */ public NeeoApi(String ipAddress, String brainId, ServiceContext context) throws IOException { NeeoUtil.requireNotEmpty(ipAddress, "ipAddress cannot be empty"); NeeoUtil.requireNotEmpty(brainId, "brainId cannot be empty"); Objects.requireNonNull(context, "context cannot be null"); this.brainIpAddress = ipAddress; this.brainId = brainId; this.brainUrl = NeeoConstants.PROTOCOL + (ipAddress.startsWith("/") ? ipAddress.substring(1) : ipAddress) + ":" + NeeoConstants.DEFAULT_BRAIN_PORT; deviceKeys = new NeeoDeviceKeys(brainUrl); this.systemInfo = getSystemInfo(ipAddress); String name = brainId; try (HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest()) { logger.debug("Getting existing device mappings from {}{}", brainUrl, NeeoConstants.PROJECTS_HOME); final HttpResponse resp = request.sendGetCommand(brainUrl + NeeoConstants.PROJECTS_HOME); if (resp.getHttpCode() != HttpStatus.OK_200) { throw resp.createException(); } final JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); final JsonObject root = parser.parse(resp.getContent()).getAsJsonObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> room : root.getAsJsonObject("rooms").entrySet()) { final JsonObject roomObj = (JsonObject) room.getValue(); if (roomObj.get("hasController").getAsBoolean()) { name = roomObj.get("name").getAsString(); break; } } } this.brainName = name; final Object statusCheck = context.getComponentContext().getProperties() .get(NeeoConstants.CFG_CHECKSTATUSINTERVAL); int checkStatus = 10; if (statusCheck != null) { try { checkStatus = Integer.parseInt(statusCheck.toString()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.debug("{} was not a valid integer, defaulting to 10: {}", NeeoConstants.CFG_CHECKSTATUSINTERVAL, statusCheck); } } checkStatusInterval = checkStatus; // Get the port the service is listening on final int port = HttpServiceUtil.getHttpServicePort(context.getComponentContext().getBundleContext()); final String primaryAddress = context.getNetworkAddressService().getPrimaryIpv4HostAddress(); if (primaryAddress == null) { throw new IOException( "Unable to create a callback URL because there is no primary address specified (please set the primary address in the configuration)"); } callbackUrl = new URL("http://" + primaryAddress + ":" + (port == -1 ? NeeoConstants.DEFAULT_OPENHAB_PORT : port) + NeeoUtil.getServletUrl(brainId)); } /** * Returns the brain's system information * * @return a non-null system information */ public NeeoSystemInfo getSystemInfo() { return this.systemInfo; } /** * Helper method to retrieve the {@link NeeoSystemInfo} from the given ip address * * @param ipAddress the non-empty ip address * @return the non-null {@link NeeoSystemInfo} for the address * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred or the URL is not a brain */ public static NeeoSystemInfo getSystemInfo(String ipAddress) throws IOException { NeeoUtil.requireNotEmpty(ipAddress, "ipAddress cannot be empty"); final String sysInfo = NeeoConstants.PROTOCOL + (ipAddress.startsWith("/") ? ipAddress.substring(1) : ipAddress) + ":" + NeeoConstants.DEFAULT_BRAIN_PORT + NeeoConstants.SYSTEMINFO; try (HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest()) { final HttpResponse res = req.sendGetCommand(sysInfo); if (res.getHttpCode() == HttpStatus.OK_200) { return GSON.fromJson(res.getContent(), NeeoSystemInfo.class); } else { throw res.createException(); } } } /** * Returns the name of the brain * * @return a non-null, non-empty brain name */ public String getBrainName() { return brainName; } /** * Helper method to blink the LED on the given brain IP address * * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred or the URL is not a brain */ public void blinkLed() throws IOException { final String identBrain = NeeoConstants.PROTOCOL + (brainIpAddress.startsWith("/") ? brainIpAddress.substring(1) : brainIpAddress) + ":" + NeeoConstants.DEFAULT_BRAIN_PORT + NeeoConstants.IDENTBRAIN; final HttpRequest rqst = request.get(); final HttpResponse res = rqst.sendGetCommand(identBrain); if (res.getHttpCode() != HttpStatus.OK_200) { throw res.createException(); } } /** * Helper method to get the log file from the brain, convert the ANSI escaped result to HTML and return it * * @return a non-empty string containing the log file from the brain * * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred or the URL is not a brain */ public String getLog() throws IOException { final String logUrl = NeeoConstants.PROTOCOL + (brainIpAddress.startsWith("/") ? brainIpAddress.substring(1) : brainIpAddress) + ":" + NeeoConstants.DEFAULT_BRAIN_PORT + NeeoConstants.GETLOG; final HttpRequest rqst = request.get(); final HttpResponse res = rqst.sendGetCommand(logUrl); if (res.getHttpCode() != HttpStatus.OK_200) { throw res.createException(); } final StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder(1000); bld.append("<pre><div><span>"); final char[] resp = res.getContent().toCharArray(); for (int x = 0; x < resp.length; x++) { final char ch = resp[x]; final char nx = x + 1 == resp.length ? '-' : resp[x + 1]; if ((ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')) { if (x + 1 < resp.length) { bld.append("</span></div><div><span>"); } } else if (ch == 27 && nx == '[') { bld.append("</span>"); x++; String codes = ""; while (x + 1 < resp.length && resp[++x] != 'm') { codes += resp[x]; } String style = ""; for (String code : codes.split(";")) { try { int cint = Integer.parseInt(code); if (cint == 0) { style = ""; } else if (cint == 1) { style += "font-weight:bold;"; } else if (cint == 4) { style += "font-style:italic;"; } else if (cint >= 30 && cint <= 37) { style += "color:" + ANSICOLORS[cint - 30]; } else if (cint >= 40 && cint <= 47) { style += "background-color:" + ANSICOLORS[cint - 40]; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore } } bld.append("<span style='" + style + "'>"); } else { bld.append(ch); } if (x + 1 == resp.length) { bld.append("</span></div></pre>"); } } return bld.toString(); } /** * Start the API by scheduling the connection via {@link #scheduleConnect()} */ public void start() { scheduleConnect(0); } /** * Restarts the API by closing and reopening the connection. Please note that this is currently an alias for * {@link #start()} (which does the same thing) */ public void restart() { start(); } /** * Checks to see if the API is currently connected or not * * @return true if connected, false otherwise */ public boolean isConnected() { return connected.get(); } /** * Schedules a connection attempt in 5 seconds. Simply calls {@link #scheduleConnect(int)} with 5 as it's parameter */ private void scheduleConnect() { scheduleConnect(5); } /** * Schedules a connection attempt (will cancel any prior connection attempt if active) * * @param scheduledTimeInSeconds the time to wait (in seconds) before scheduling a connect */ private void scheduleConnect(int scheduledTimeInSeconds) { NeeoUtil.cancel(connect.getAndSet(scheduler.schedule(() -> { connect(); }, scheduledTimeInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS))); } /** * Schedules a check status attempt (will cancel any prior connection attempt if active)l */ private void scheduleCheckStatus() { NeeoUtil.cancel(checkStatus.getAndSet(scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() -> { checkStatus(); }, checkStatusInterval, checkStatusInterval, TimeUnit.SECONDS))); } /** * Checks the status of the brain via a quick socket connection. If the status is unavailable, we schedule a * connection attempt via {@link #scheduleConnect()} and end this task */ private void checkStatus() { try { try (Socket soc = new Socket()) { soc.connect(new InetSocketAddress(brainIpAddress, NeeoConstants.DEFAULT_BRAIN_PORT), NeeoConstants.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); } logger.debug("Checking connectivity to {}:{} - successful", brainIpAddress, NeeoConstants.DEFAULT_BRAIN_PORT); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.debug("Checking connectivity to {}:{} - unsuccessful - going offline: {}", brainIpAddress, NeeoConstants.DEFAULT_BRAIN_PORT, ex.getMessage(), ex); setConnected(false); NeeoUtil.cancel(checkStatus.getAndSet(null)); scheduleConnect(); } } /** * Attempts to connect to the brain by first registering our API ({@link #registerApi()} and then refreshes our * device keys found on the brain. * Any IOException will be caught and another attempt will be scheduled */ private void connect() { logger.debug("Starting connect for {} at {}", brainId, brainIpAddress); try { setConnected(false); NeeoUtil.close(request.getAndSet(new HttpRequest())); NeeoUtil.checkInterrupt(); registerApi(); NeeoUtil.checkInterrupt(); deviceKeys.refresh(); NeeoUtil.checkInterrupt(); setConnected(true); logger.debug("Connection successful for {} at {}", brainId, brainIpAddress); NeeoUtil.checkInterrupt(); scheduleCheckStatus(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.debug("Connection failed {} at {} (scheduling another connect): {} ", brainId, brainIpAddress, e.getMessage(), e); scheduleConnect(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.debug("Connect was interrupted", e); } } /** * Register our API with the brain * * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private void registerApi() throws IOException { deregisterApi(); final HttpRequest rqst = request.get(); logger.debug("Registering {} for {}{} using callback {}", brainId, brainUrl, NeeoConstants.REGISTER_SDK_ADAPTER, callbackUrl); final String register = GSON.toJson(new NeeoAdapterRegistration( NeeoConstants.ADAPTER_NAME + "-" + InstanceUUID.get(), callbackUrl.toExternalForm())); final HttpResponse resp = rqst.sendPostJsonCommand(brainUrl + NeeoConstants.REGISTER_SDK_ADAPTER, register); if (resp.getHttpCode() != HttpStatus.OK_200) { throw resp.createException(); } } /** * Get's the brain identifier for this API * * @return the brain id */ public String getBrainId() { return brainId; } /** * Gets the brain URL for this API * * @return the brain url */ public String getBrainUrl() { return brainUrl; } /** * Gets the {@link NeeoDeviceKeys} * * @return the device keys */ public NeeoDeviceKeys getDeviceKeys() { return deviceKeys; } /** * Send a notification to the brain * * @param msg the possibly null, possibly empty notification to send * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void notify(String msg) throws IOException { if (isConnected()) { final HttpRequest rqst = request.get(); logger.debug("Sending Notification to brain ({}): {}", brainId, msg); final HttpResponse resp = rqst.sendPostJsonCommand(brainUrl + NeeoConstants.NOTIFICATION, msg); if (resp.getHttpCode() != HttpStatus.OK_200) { throw resp.createException(); } } else { logger.debug("Notification ignored - brain not connected"); } } /** * Deregister our API with the brain. * * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ private void deregisterApi() throws IOException { final HttpRequest rqst = request.get(); try { logger.debug("Deregistering {} for {}{} using callback {}", brainId, brainUrl, NeeoConstants.UNREGISTER_SDK_ADAPTER, callbackUrl); final String deregister = GSON.toJson(new NeeoAdapterRegistration( NeeoConstants.ADAPTER_NAME + "-" + InstanceUUID.get(), callbackUrl.toExternalForm())); final HttpResponse resp = rqst.sendPostJsonCommand(brainUrl + NeeoConstants.UNREGISTER_SDK_ADAPTER, deregister); if (resp.getHttpCode() != HttpStatus.OK_200) { throw resp.createException(); } } finally { NeeoUtil.cancel(checkStatus.getAndSet(null)); } } /** * Executes a recipe for the given deviceKey * * @param deviceKey the non-empty device key * @param on true to start the recipe, false to stop * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void executeRecipe(String deviceKey, boolean on) throws IOException { NeeoUtil.requireNotEmpty(deviceKey, "deviceKey cannot be empty"); final HttpRequest rqst = request.get(); final HttpResponse resp = rqst.sendGetCommand(brainUrl + NeeoConstants.RECIPES); if (resp.getHttpCode() != HttpStatus.OK_200) { throw resp.createException(); } for (NeeoRecipe recipe : GSON.fromJson(resp.getContent(), NeeoRecipe[].class)) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(recipe.getUid(), deviceKey)) { final NeeoRecipeUrls urls = recipe.getUrls(); final String url = urls == null ? null : (on ? urls.getSetPowerOn() : urls.getSetPowerOff()); if (url != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(url)) { final HttpResponse cmdResp = rqst.sendGetCommand(url); if (cmdResp.getHttpCode() != HttpStatus.OK_200) { throw cmdResp.createException(); } } break; } } } /** * Returns the IP Address for the brain * * @return a non-null, non-empty, valid IP Address */ public String getBrainIpAddress() { return brainIpAddress; } /** * Simply cancels any connection attempt and de-registers the API. */ @Override public void close() { // kill our threads NeeoUtil.cancel(checkStatus.getAndSet(null)); NeeoUtil.cancel(connect.getAndSet(null)); try { deregisterApi(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.debug("Exception while deregistring api during close - ignoring: {}", e.getMessage(), e); } finally { // Do this regardless if a runtime exception was thrown NeeoUtil.close(request.get()); setConnected(false); } } /** * Adds a {@link PropertyChangeListener} for the given propertyChange * * @param propertyName a non-null, non-empty property name * @param listener a non-null listener to add */ public void addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener) { NeeoUtil.requireNotEmpty(propertyName, "propertyName must not be empty"); Objects.requireNonNull(listener, "listener cannot be null"); propertySupport.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener); } /** * Removes the {@link PropertyChangeListener} from property change notifications * * @param listener a non-null listener to remove */ public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { Objects.requireNonNull(listener, "listener cannot be null"); propertySupport.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); } /** * Helper method to set the connected status and fire off change listener * * @param connected true if connected, false otherwise */ private void setConnected(boolean connected) { final boolean oldValue = this.connected.getAndSet(connected); if (oldValue != connected) { propertySupport.firePropertyChange(CONNECTED, oldValue, connected); } } }