Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 by the respective copyright holders. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.items.Item; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.items.ItemRegistry; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.items.ItemRegistryChangeListener; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DecimalType; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.HSBType; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.OnOffType; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.OpenClosedType; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.types.State; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Processor of openHAB Items. Parses ISS tags and creates and registers {@link AbstractDevice} implementations where * applicable. * * @author Pepijn de Geus - Initial contribution */ public class ItemProcessor implements ItemRegistryChangeListener { private static final String PREFIX_ISS = "iss:"; private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ItemProcessor.class); private final ItemRegistry itemRegistry; private final DeviceRegistry deviceRegistry; private final ActionRegistry actionRegistry; private final ImperiHomeConfig config; public ItemProcessor(ItemRegistry itemRegistry, DeviceRegistry deviceRegistry, ActionRegistry actionRegistry, ImperiHomeConfig config) { this.itemRegistry = itemRegistry; this.deviceRegistry = deviceRegistry; this.actionRegistry = actionRegistry; this.config = config; allItemsChanged(null); itemRegistry.addRegistryChangeListener(this); } public void destroy() { itemRegistry.removeRegistryChangeListener(this); // Destroy all Devices (unregisters state listeners) synchronized (deviceRegistry) { for (AbstractDevice device : deviceRegistry) { device.destroy(); } deviceRegistry.clear(); } } private void parseItem(Item item) { Map<TagType, List<String>> issTags = getIssTags(item); if (!issTags.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("Found item {} with ISS tags: {}", item, issTags); DeviceType deviceType = getDeviceType(item, issTags); if (deviceType == null) { logger.warn("Unrecognized device type for item: {}", item); } else { AbstractDevice device = getDeviceInstance(deviceType, item); device.setId(getDeviceId(item)); device.setName(getLabel(item, issTags)); device.setInverted(isInverted(issTags)); device.setActionRegistry(actionRegistry); setIcon(device, issTags); setDeviceRoom(device, issTags); setDeviceLinks(device, item, issTags); setMapping(device, item, issTags); setUnit(device, issTags); device.processCustomTags(issTags); // Set initial state logger.debug("Setting initial state of {} to {}", device, item.getState()); device.stateUpdated(item, item.getState()); logger.debug("Item parsed to device: {}", device); synchronized (deviceRegistry) { deviceRegistry.add(device); } } } } private void setIcon(AbstractDevice device, Map<TagType, List<String>> issTags) { if (!issTags.containsKey(TagType.ICON)) { return; } String icon = issTags.get(TagType.ICON).get(0); if (!icon.toLowerCase().startsWith("http")) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(config.getRootUrl())) { logger.error("Can't set icon; 'openhab.rootUrl' not set in configuration"); return; } icon = config.getRootUrl() + "icon/" + icon; } device.addParam(new DeviceParam(ParamType.DEFAULT_ICON, icon)); } private AbstractDevice getDeviceInstance(DeviceType deviceType, Item item) { switch (deviceType) { case SWITCH: return new SwitchDevice(item); case DIMMER: return new DimmerDevice(item); case RGB_LIGHT: return new RgbLightDevice(item); case TEMPERATURE: return new TemperatureDevice(item); case TEMP_HYGRO: return new TempHygroDevice(item); case LUMINOSITY: return new LuminosityDevice(item); case HYGROMETRY: return new HygrometryDevice(item); case CO2: return new Co2SensorDevice(item); case ELECTRICITY: return new ElectricityDevice(item); case SCENE: return new SceneDevice(item); case MULTI_SWITCH: return new MultiSwitchDevice(item); case GENERIC_SENSOR: return new GenericSensorDevice(item); case PRESSURE: return new PressureDevice(item); case UV: return new UvDevice(item); case NOISE: return new NoiseDevice(item); case RAIN: return new RainDevice(item); case WIND: return new WindDevice(item); case LOCK: return new LockDevice(item); case SHUTTER: return new ShutterDevice(item); case THERMOSTAT: return new ThermostatDevice(item); case CO2_ALERT: case SMOKE: case DOOR: case MOTION: case FLOOD: return new TrippableDevice(deviceType, item); default: break; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown device type: " + deviceType); } private String getLabel(Item item, Map<TagType, List<String>> issTags) { if (issTags.containsKey(TagType.LABEL)) { return issTags.get(TagType.LABEL).get(0); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.getLabel())) { String label = item.getLabel().trim(); if (label.matches("\\[.*\\]$")) { label = label.substring(0, label.indexOf('[')); } return label; } return item.getName(); } private boolean isInverted(Map<TagType, List<String>> issTags) { return issTags.containsKey(TagType.INVERT) && BooleanUtils.toBoolean(issTags.get(TagType.INVERT).get(0)); } private void setDeviceRoom(AbstractDevice device, Map<TagType, List<String>> issTags) { String roomName = "No room"; if (issTags.containsKey(TagType.ROOM)) { roomName = issTags.get(TagType.ROOM).get(0); } device.setRoom(DigestUtil.sha1(roomName)); device.setRoomName(roomName); } private void setDeviceLinks(AbstractDevice device, Item item, Map<TagType, List<String>> issTags) { if (issTags.containsKey(TagType.LINK)) { // Pass device registry to device for linked device lookup device.setDeviceRegistry(deviceRegistry); // Parse link tags for (String link : issTags.get(TagType.LINK)) { String[] parts = link.split(":"); if (parts.length == 2) { device.addLink(parts[0].toLowerCase().trim(), parts[1].trim()); } else { logger.error("Item has incorrect link format (should be 'iss:link:<type>:<item>'): {}", item); } } // Check required links for (String requiredLink : device.getType().getRequiredLinks()) { if (!device.getLinks().containsKey(requiredLink)) { logger.error("Item doesn't contain required link {} for {}: {}", requiredLink, device.getType().getApiString(), item); } } } } /** * Parses a mapping tag, if it exists. Format: "iss:mapping:1=Foo,2=Bar,3=Foobar". */ private void setMapping(AbstractDevice device, Item item, Map<TagType, List<String>> issTags) { if (issTags.containsKey(TagType.MAPPING)) { String mapItems = issTags.get(TagType.MAPPING).get(0); Map<String, String> mapping = new HashMap<>(); for (String mapItem : mapItems.split(",")) { String[] keyVal = mapItem.split("=", 2); if (keyVal.length != 2) { logger.error("Invalid mapping syntax for Item {}", item); return; } mapping.put(keyVal[0].trim(), keyVal[1].trim()); } device.setMapping(mapping); } } /** * Parses the unit tag, if it exists. Format: "iss:unit:C". */ private void setUnit(AbstractDevice device, Map<TagType, List<String>> issTags) { if (issTags.containsKey(TagType.UNIT)) { if (!(device instanceof AbstractNumericValueDevice)) { logger.warn("Unit tag is not supported for device {}", device); return; } ((AbstractNumericValueDevice) device).setUnit(issTags.get(TagType.UNIT).get(0)); } } /** * Determines the Device type for the given Item. Uses the 'type' tag first, tries to auto-detect the type if no * such tag exists. */ private DeviceType getDeviceType(Item item, Map<TagType, List<String>> issTags) { if (issTags.containsKey(TagType.TYPE)) { return DeviceType.forApiString(issTags.get(TagType.TYPE).get(0)); } List<Class<? extends State>> acceptedDataTypes = item.getAcceptedDataTypes(); String name = item.getName().toLowerCase(); if (acceptedDataTypes.contains(DecimalType.class)) { if (name.contains("tempe")) { return DeviceType.TEMPERATURE; } else if (name.contains("lumi")) { return DeviceType.LUMINOSITY; } else if (name.contains("hygro")) { return DeviceType.HYGROMETRY; } else if (name.contains("wind")) { return DeviceType.WIND; } else { return DeviceType.GENERIC_SENSOR; } } if (acceptedDataTypes.contains(HSBType.class)) { return DeviceType.RGB_LIGHT; } if (acceptedDataTypes.contains(OpenClosedType.class)) { return DeviceType.DOOR; } if (acceptedDataTypes.contains(OnOffType.class)) { return DeviceType.SWITCH; } return null; } private Map<TagType, List<String>> getIssTags(Item item) { Map<TagType, List<String>> tags = new EnumMap<>(TagType.class); for (String tag : item.getTags()) { if (tag.startsWith(PREFIX_ISS)) { String issTag = tag.substring(PREFIX_ISS.length()); for (TagType tagType : TagType.values()) { if (issTag.startsWith(tagType.getPrefix() + ':')) { String tagValue = issTag.substring(tagType.getPrefix().length() + 1); if (!tags.containsKey(tagType)) { tags.put(tagType, new LinkedList<String>()); } else if (!tagType.isMultiValue()) { logger.error("Found multiple values for tag {} - only first value is used", tagType.getPrefix()); } tags.get(tagType).add(tagValue); break; } } } } return tags; } /** * Removes the given item for the device list. * * @param item Item to remove. */ private void removeItem(Item item) { removeItem(item.getName()); } /** * Removes the given item for the device list. * * @param itemName Name of the Item to remove. */ private void removeItem(String itemName) { String deviceId = getDeviceId(itemName); AbstractDevice device; synchronized (deviceRegistry) { device = deviceRegistry.remove(deviceId); } if (device != null) { logger.debug("Removing Device from ISS registry for Item: {}", itemName); device.destroy(); } } /** * Generates an unique device ID for the given item. * @param item Item to get device ID for. * @return Device ID. */ public static String getDeviceId(Item item) { return getDeviceId(item.getName()); } /** * Generates an unique device ID for the given item name. * @param itemName Item name. * @return Device ID. */ public static String getDeviceId(String itemName) { return DigestUtil.sha1(itemName); } @Override public void added(Item item) { logger.debug("Processing item added event"); parseItem(item); } @Override public void removed(Item item) { logger.debug("Processing item removed event"); removeItem(item); } @Override public void updated(Item oldItem, Item newItem) { logger.debug("Processing item updated event"); removeItem(oldItem); parseItem(newItem); } @Override public void allItemsChanged(Collection<String> oldItems) { synchronized (deviceRegistry) { logger.debug("Processing allItemsChanged event"); if (oldItems != null) { for (String oldItem : oldItems) { removeItem(oldItem); } } if (deviceRegistry.hasDevices()) { logger.warn("There are still Devices left after processing all Items from allItemsChanged(): {}", deviceRegistry.getDevices()); deviceRegistry.clear(); } for (Item item : itemRegistry.getItems()) { parseItem(item); } } } }