Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Contributors to the openHAB project * * See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional * information. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 */ package; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.ZoneOffset; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.UUID; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.types.Command; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; /** * Handles all REST API Requests * * @author David Graeff - Initial contribution */ @NonNullByDefault public class RESTApi { public static final String PATH = "/api"; private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HueEmulationService.class); private final HueDataStore ds; private final Gson gson; private final UserManagement userManagement; private final ConfigManagement configManagement; private @NonNullByDefault({}) EventPublisher eventPublisher; public static enum HttpMethod { GET, POST, PUT, DELETE } public RESTApi(HueDataStore ds, UserManagement userManagement, ConfigManagement configManagement, Gson gson) { this.ds = ds; this.userManagement = userManagement; this.configManagement = configManagement; this.gson = gson; } public void setEventPublisher(@Nullable EventPublisher eventPublisher) { this.eventPublisher = eventPublisher; } /** * Cuts of the first part of a path and returns the remaining one. */ private Path remaining(Path path) { if (path.getNameCount() > 1) { return path.subpath(1, path.getNameCount()); } else { return Paths.get("/"); } } /** * Handles /api and forwards any deeper path * * @param isDebug */ @SuppressWarnings("null") public int handle(HttpMethod method, String body, Writer out, Path path, boolean isDebug) throws IOException, JsonParseException { if (!"api".equals(path.getName(0).toString())) { return 404; } if (path.getNameCount() == 1) { // request for API key if (method != HttpMethod.POST) { return 405; } if (!ds.config.linkbutton) { return 10403; } final HueCreateUser userRequest; userRequest = gson.fromJson(body, HueCreateUser.class); if (userRequest.devicetype == null || userRequest.devicetype.isEmpty()) { throw new JsonParseException("devicetype not given"); } String apiKey = userRequest.username; if (apiKey == null || apiKey.length() == 0) { apiKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } userManagement.addUser(apiKey, userRequest.devicetype); try (JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(out)) { HueSuccessResponseCreateUser h = new HueSuccessResponseCreateUser(apiKey); gson.toJson(Collections.singleton(new HueResponse(h)), new TypeToken<List<?>>() { }.getType(), writer); } return 200; } updateDataStore(); Path userPath = remaining(path); return handleUser(method, body, out, userPath.getName(0).toString(), remaining(userPath), path, isDebug); } /** * Handles /api/config and /api/{user-name} and forwards any deeper path */ public int handleUser(HttpMethod method, String body, Writer out, String userName, Path remainingPath, Path fullURI, boolean isDebug) throws IOException, JsonParseException { if ("config".equals(userName)) { // Reduced config try (JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(out)) { gson.toJson(ds.config, new TypeToken<HueUnauthorizedConfig>() { }.getType(), writer); } return 200; } if (!userManagement.authorizeUser(userName)) { if (ds.config.linkbutton && ds.config.createNewUserOnEveryEndpoint) { userManagement.addUser(userName, "Formerly authorized device"); } else { return 403; } } if (remainingPath.getNameCount() == 0) { /** /api/{username} */ switch (method) { case GET: out.write(gson.toJson(ds)); return 200; default: return 405; } } String function = remainingPath.getName(0).toString(); switch (function) { case "lights": return handleLights(method, body, out, remaining(remainingPath), fullURI, isDebug); case "groups": return handleGroups(method, body, out, remaining(remainingPath)); case "config": return handleConfig(method, body, out, remaining(remainingPath), userName); default: return 404; } } /** * Handles /api/{user-name}/config and /api/{user-name}/config/whitelist * The own whitelisted user can remove itself with a DELETE */ public int handleConfig(HttpMethod method, String body, Writer out, Path remainingPath, String authorizedUser) throws IOException, JsonParseException { if (remainingPath.getNameCount() == 0) { switch (method) { case GET: out.write(gson.toJson(ds.config)); return 200; case PUT: final HueChangeRequest changes; changes = gson.fromJson(body, HueChangeRequest.class); if (changes.devicename != null) { ds.config.devicename = changes.devicename; } if (changes.dhcp != null) { ds.config.dhcp = changes.dhcp; } if (changes.linkbutton != null) { ds.config.linkbutton = changes.linkbutton; configManagement.checkPairingTimeout(); } configManagement.writeToFile(); return 200; default: return 405; } } else if (remainingPath.getNameCount() >= 1 && "whitelist".equals(remainingPath.getName(0).toString())) { return handleConfigWhitelist(method, out, remaining(remainingPath), authorizedUser); } else { return 404; } } public int handleConfigWhitelist(HttpMethod method, Writer out, Path remainingPath, String authorizedUser) throws IOException { switch (remainingPath.getNameCount()) { case 0: switch (method) { case GET: out.write(gson.toJson(ds.config.whitelist)); return 200; default: return 405; } case 1: String username = remainingPath.getName(0).toString(); switch (method) { case GET: ds.config.whitelist.get(username); out.write(gson.toJson(ds.config.whitelist)); return 200; case DELETE: // Only own user can be removed if (username.equals(authorizedUser)) { userManagement.removeUser(authorizedUser); return 200; } else { return 403; } default: return 405; } default: return 405; } } @SuppressWarnings({ "null", "unused" }) public int handleLights(HttpMethod method, String body, Writer out, Path remainingPath, Path fullURI, boolean isDebug) throws IOException, JsonParseException { /** /api/{username}/lights */ if (remainingPath.getNameCount() == 0) { switch (method) { case GET: if (isDebug) { out.write("Exposed lights:\n\n"); for (HueDevice hueDevice : ds.lights.values()) { out.write(hueDevice.toString()); out.write("\n"); } } else { ds.lights.values().forEach(v -> v.updateState()); out.write(gson.toJson(ds.lights)); } return 200; case POST: try (JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(out)) { List<HueResponse> responses = new ArrayList<>(); responses.add(new HueResponse(new HueSuccessResponseStartSearchLights())); gson.toJson(responses, new TypeToken<List<?>>() { }.getType(), writer); } return 200; default: return 405; } } String id = remainingPath.getName(0).toString(); /** /api/{username}/lights/new */ if ("new".equals(id)) { switch (method) { case GET: out.write(gson.toJson(new HueNewLights())); return 200; default: return 405; } } final int hueID; try { hueID = new Integer(id); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 404; } HueDevice hueDevice = ds.lights.get(hueID); if (hueDevice == null) { return 404; } /** /api/{username}/lights/{id} */ if (remainingPath.getNameCount() == 1) { hueDevice.updateState(); out.write(gson.toJson(hueDevice)); return 200; } if (remainingPath.getNameCount() == 2) { switch (method) { case PUT: return handleLightChangeState(fullURI, method, body, out, hueID, hueDevice); default: return 405; } } return 404; } @SuppressWarnings({ "null", "unused" }) public int handleGroups(HttpMethod method, String body, Writer out, Path remainingPath) throws IOException { /** /api/{username}/groups */ if (remainingPath.getNameCount() == 0) { switch (method) { case GET: out.write(gson.toJson(ds.groups)); return 200; case POST: int hueid = ds.generateNextGroupHueID(); try (JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(out)) { List<HueResponse> responses = new ArrayList<>(); responses.add(new HueResponse(new HueSuccessCreateGroup(hueid))); gson.toJson(responses, new TypeToken<List<?>>() { }.getType(), writer); } return 200; default: return 405; } } String id = remainingPath.getName(0).toString(); final int hueID; try { hueID = new Integer(id); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 404; } /** /api/{username}/groups/{id} */ if (remainingPath.getNameCount() == 1) { Object value = ds.groups.get(hueID); if (value == null) { return 404; } else { out.write(gson.toJson(value)); return 200; } } return 404; } /** * Hue API call to set the state of a light. * Enpoint: /api/{username}/lights/{id}/state */ @SuppressWarnings({ "null", "unused" }) private int handleLightChangeState(Path fullURI, HttpMethod method, String body, Writer out, int hueID, HueDevice hueDevice) throws IOException, JsonParseException { HueStateChange state = gson.fromJson(body, HueStateChange.class); if (state == null) { throw new JsonParseException("No state change data received!"); } // logger.debug("Received state change: {}", gson.toJson(state)); // Apply new state and collect success, error items Map<String, Object> successApplied = new TreeMap<>(); List<String> errorApplied = new ArrayList<>(); Command command = hueDevice.applyState(state, successApplied, errorApplied); // If a command could be created, post it to the framework now if (command != null) { logger.debug("sending {} to {}", command, hueDevice.item.getName()); eventPublisher .post(ItemEventFactory.createCommandEvent(hueDevice.item.getName(), command, "hueemulation")); } // Generate the response. The response consists of a list with an entry each for all // submitted change requests. If for example "on" and "bri" was send, 2 entries in the response are // expected. Path contextPath = fullURI.subpath(2, fullURI.getNameCount() - 1); List<HueResponse> responses = new ArrayList<>(); successApplied.forEach((t, v) -> { responses .add(new HueResponse(new HueSuccessResponseStateChanged(contextPath.resolve(t).toString(), v))); }); errorApplied.forEach(v -> { responses.add(new HueResponse(new HueErrorMessage(HueResponse.NOT_AVAILABLE, contextPath.resolve(v).toString(), "Could not set"))); }); try (JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(out)) { gson.toJson(responses, new TypeToken<List<?>>() { }.getType(), writer); } return 200; } /** * Update changing parameters of the data store like the time. */ public void updateDataStore() { ds.config.UTC =; ds.config.localtime =; } }