Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 by the respective copyright holders. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ package org.openhab.binding.systeminfo.internal.model; import java.math.BigDecimal; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DecimalType; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.StringType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import oshi.SystemInfo; import oshi.hardware.CentralProcessor; import oshi.hardware.Display; import oshi.hardware.GlobalMemory; import oshi.hardware.HWDiskStore; import oshi.hardware.HardwareAbstractionLayer; import oshi.hardware.NetworkIF; import oshi.hardware.PowerSource; import oshi.hardware.Sensors; import; import; import; import oshi.util.EdidUtil; /** * This implementation of {@link SysteminfoInterface} is using the open source library OSHI to provide system * information. OSHI is a free JNA-based (native) Operating System and Hardware Information library for Java. * * @author Svilen Valkanov * @author Lyubomir Papazov - Move the initialization logic that could potentially take long time to the * initializeSysteminfo method * * @see <a href="">OSHI github repository</a> * */ public class OshiSysteminfo implements SysteminfoInterface { HardwareAbstractionLayer hal; private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OshiSysteminfo.class); // Dynamic objects (may be queried repeatedly) private GlobalMemory memory; private CentralProcessor cpu; private Sensors sensors; // Static objects, should be recreated on each request private OperatingSystem operatingSystem; private NetworkIF[] networks; private Display[] displays; private OSFileStore[] fileStores; private PowerSource[] powerSources; private HWDiskStore[] drives; public static final int PRECISION_AFTER_DECIMAl_SIGN = 1; /** * Some of the methods used in this constructor execute native code and require execute permissions * */ public OshiSysteminfo() { logger.debug("OshiSysteminfo service is created"); } @Override public void initializeSysteminfo() { logger.debug("OshiSysteminfo service starts initializing"); SystemInfo systemInfo = new SystemInfo(); hal = systemInfo.getHardware(); // Doesn't need regular update, they may be queried repeatedly memory = hal.getMemory(); cpu = hal.getProcessor(); sensors = hal.getSensors(); // Static objects, should be recreated on each request. In OSHI 4.0.0. it is planned to change this mechanism - // see // TODO: Once the issue is resolved in OSHI , remove unnecessary object recreations from the public get methods operatingSystem = systemInfo.getOperatingSystem(); networks = hal.getNetworkIFs(); displays = hal.getDisplays(); fileStores = operatingSystem.getFileSystem().getFileStores(); powerSources = hal.getPowerSources(); drives = hal.getDiskStores(); } @SuppressWarnings("null") private Object getDevice(Object[] devices, int index) throws DeviceNotFoundException { if ((devices != null) && (devices.length <= index)) { throw new DeviceNotFoundException("Device with index: " + index + " can not be found!"); } return devices[index]; } private OSProcess getProcess(int pid) throws DeviceNotFoundException { OSProcess process = operatingSystem.getProcess(pid); if (process == null) { throw new DeviceNotFoundException("Error while getting information for process with PID " + pid); } return process; } @Override public StringType getOsFamily() { String osFamily = operatingSystem.getFamily(); return new StringType(osFamily); } @Override public StringType getOsManufacturer() { String osManufacturer = operatingSystem.getManufacturer(); return new StringType(osManufacturer); } @Override public StringType getOsVersion() { String osVersion = operatingSystem.getVersion().toString(); return new StringType(osVersion); } @Override public StringType getCpuName() { String name = cpu.getName(); return new StringType(name); } @Override public StringType getCpuDescription() { String model = cpu.getModel(); String family = cpu.getFamily(); String serialNumber = cpu.getSystemSerialNumber(); String identifier = cpu.getIdentifier(); String vendor = cpu.getVendor(); String architecture = cpu.isCpu64bit() ? "64 bit" : "32 bit"; String descriptionFormatString = "Model: %s %s,family: %s, vendor: %s, sn: %s, identifier: %s "; String description = String.format(descriptionFormatString, model, architecture, family, vendor, serialNumber, identifier); return new StringType(description); } @Override public DecimalType getCpuLogicalCores() { int logicalProcessorCount = cpu.getLogicalProcessorCount(); return new DecimalType(logicalProcessorCount); } @Override public DecimalType getCpuPhysicalCores() { int physicalProcessorCount = cpu.getPhysicalProcessorCount(); return new DecimalType(physicalProcessorCount); } @Override public DecimalType getCpuLoad() { double processorLoad = cpu.getSystemCpuLoad(); BigDecimal processorLoadPercent = getPercentsValue(processorLoad); return new DecimalType(processorLoadPercent); } @Override public DecimalType getMemoryTotal() { long totalMemory = memory.getTotal(); totalMemory = getSizeInMB(totalMemory); return new DecimalType(totalMemory); } @Override public DecimalType getMemoryAvailable() { long availableMemory = memory.getAvailable(); availableMemory = getSizeInMB(availableMemory); return new DecimalType(availableMemory); } @Override public DecimalType getMemoryUsed() { long totalMemory = memory.getTotal(); long availableMemory = memory.getAvailable(); long usedMemory = totalMemory - availableMemory; usedMemory = getSizeInMB(usedMemory); return new DecimalType(usedMemory); } @Override public DecimalType getStorageTotal(int index) throws DeviceNotFoundException { // In the current OSHI version a new query is required for the storage data values to be updated // In OSHI 4.0.0. it is planned to change this mechanism - see fileStores = operatingSystem.getFileSystem().getFileStores(); OSFileStore fileStore = (OSFileStore) getDevice(fileStores, index); long totalSpace = fileStore.getTotalSpace(); totalSpace = getSizeInMB(totalSpace); return new DecimalType(totalSpace); } @Override public DecimalType getStorageAvailable(int index) throws DeviceNotFoundException { // In the current OSHI version a new query is required for the storage data values to be updated // In OSHI 4.0.0. it is planned to change this mechanism - see fileStores = operatingSystem.getFileSystem().getFileStores(); OSFileStore fileStore = (OSFileStore) getDevice(fileStores, index); long freeSpace = fileStore.getUsableSpace(); freeSpace = getSizeInMB(freeSpace); return new DecimalType(freeSpace); } @Override public DecimalType getStorageUsed(int index) throws DeviceNotFoundException { // In the current OSHI version a new query is required for the storage data values to be updated // In OSHI 4.0.0. it is planned to change this mechanism - see fileStores = operatingSystem.getFileSystem().getFileStores(); OSFileStore fileStore = (OSFileStore) getDevice(fileStores, index); long totalSpace = fileStore.getTotalSpace(); long freeSpace = fileStore.getUsableSpace(); long usedSpace = totalSpace - freeSpace; usedSpace = getSizeInMB(usedSpace); return new DecimalType(usedSpace); } @Override public DecimalType getStorageAvailablePercent(int deviceIndex) throws DeviceNotFoundException { // In the current OSHI version a new query is required for the storage data values to be updated // In OSHI 4.0.0. it is planned to change this mechanism - see fileStores = operatingSystem.getFileSystem().getFileStores(); OSFileStore fileStore = (OSFileStore) getDevice(fileStores, deviceIndex); long totalSpace = fileStore.getTotalSpace(); long freeSpace = fileStore.getUsableSpace(); if (totalSpace > 0) { double freePercentDecimal = (double) freeSpace / (double) totalSpace; BigDecimal freePercent = getPercentsValue(freePercentDecimal); return new DecimalType(freePercent); } else { return null; } } @Override public DecimalType getStorageUsedPercent(int deviceIndex) throws DeviceNotFoundException { // In the current OSHI version a new query is required for the storage data values to be updated // In OSHI 4.0.0. it is planned to change this mechanism - see fileStores = operatingSystem.getFileSystem().getFileStores(); OSFileStore fileStore = (OSFileStore) getDevice(fileStores, deviceIndex); long totalSpace = fileStore.getTotalSpace(); long freeSpace = fileStore.getUsableSpace(); long usedSpace = totalSpace - freeSpace; if (totalSpace > 0) { double usedPercentDecimal = (double) usedSpace / (double) totalSpace; BigDecimal usedPercent = getPercentsValue(usedPercentDecimal); return new DecimalType(usedPercent); } else { return null; } } @Override public StringType getStorageName(int index) throws DeviceNotFoundException { OSFileStore fileStore = (OSFileStore) getDevice(fileStores, index); String name = fileStore.getName(); return new StringType(name); } @Override public StringType getStorageType(int deviceIndex) throws DeviceNotFoundException { OSFileStore fileStore = (OSFileStore) getDevice(fileStores, deviceIndex); String type = fileStore.getType(); return new StringType(type); } @Override public StringType getStorageDescription(int index) throws DeviceNotFoundException { OSFileStore fileStore = (OSFileStore) getDevice(fileStores, index); String description = fileStore.getDescription(); return new StringType(description); } @Override public StringType getNetworkIp(int index) throws DeviceNotFoundException { // In the current OSHI version a new query is required for the network data values to be updated // In OSHI 4.0.0. it is planned to change this mechanism - see networks = hal.getNetworkIFs(); NetworkIF netInterface = (NetworkIF) getDevice(networks, index); String[] ipAddresses = netInterface.getIPv4addr(); String ipv4 = (String) getDevice(ipAddresses, 0); return new StringType(ipv4); } @Override public StringType getNetworkName(int index) throws DeviceNotFoundException { NetworkIF netInterface = (NetworkIF) getDevice(networks, index); String name = netInterface.getName(); return new StringType(name); } @Override public StringType getNetworkDisplayName(int index) throws DeviceNotFoundException { NetworkIF netInterface = (NetworkIF) getDevice(networks, index); String adapterName = netInterface.getDisplayName(); return new StringType(adapterName); } @Override public StringType getDisplayInformation(int index) throws DeviceNotFoundException { Display display = (Display) getDevice(displays, index); byte[] edid = display.getEdid(); String manufacturer = EdidUtil.getManufacturerID(edid); String product = EdidUtil.getProductID(edid); String serialNumber = EdidUtil.getSerialNo(edid); int width = EdidUtil.getHcm(edid); int height = EdidUtil.getVcm(edid); String edidFormatString = "Product %s, manufacturer %s, SN: %s, Width: %d, Height: %d"; String edidInfo = String.format(edidFormatString, product, manufacturer, serialNumber, width, height); return new StringType(edidInfo); } @Override public DecimalType getSensorsCpuTemperature() { BigDecimal cpuTemp = new BigDecimal(sensors.getCpuTemperature()); cpuTemp = cpuTemp.setScale(PRECISION_AFTER_DECIMAl_SIGN, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); return cpuTemp.signum() == 1 ? new DecimalType(cpuTemp) : null; } @Override public DecimalType getSensorsCpuVoltage() { BigDecimal cpuVoltage = new BigDecimal(sensors.getCpuVoltage()); cpuVoltage = cpuVoltage.setScale(PRECISION_AFTER_DECIMAl_SIGN, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); return cpuVoltage.signum() == 1 ? new DecimalType(cpuVoltage) : null; } @Override public DecimalType getSensorsFanSpeed(int index) throws DeviceNotFoundException { int[] fanSpeeds = sensors.getFanSpeeds(); int speed = (int) getDevice(ArrayUtils.toObject(fanSpeeds), index); return speed > 0 ? new DecimalType(speed) : null; } @Override public DecimalType getBatteryRemainingTime(int index) throws DeviceNotFoundException { // In the current OSHI version a new query is required for the battery data values to be updated // In OSHI 4.0.0. it is planned to change this mechanism - see powerSources = hal.getPowerSources(); PowerSource powerSource = (PowerSource) getDevice(powerSources, index); double remainingTimeInSeconds = powerSource.getTimeRemaining(); // The getTimeRemaining() method returns (-1.0) if is calculating or (-2.0) if the time is unlimited. BigDecimal remainingTime = getTimeInMinutes(remainingTimeInSeconds); return remainingTime.signum() == 1 ? new DecimalType(remainingTime) : null; } @Override public DecimalType getBatteryRemainingCapacity(int index) throws DeviceNotFoundException { // In the current OSHI version a new query is required for the battery data values to be updated // In OSHI 4.0.0. it is planned to change this mechanism - see powerSources = hal.getPowerSources(); PowerSource powerSource = (PowerSource) getDevice(powerSources, index); double remainingCapacity = powerSource.getRemainingCapacity(); BigDecimal remainingCapacityPercents = getPercentsValue(remainingCapacity); return new DecimalType(remainingCapacityPercents); } @Override public StringType getBatteryName(int index) throws DeviceNotFoundException { PowerSource powerSource = (PowerSource) getDevice(powerSources, index); String name = powerSource.getName(); return new StringType(name); } @Override public DecimalType getMemoryAvailablePercent() { long availableMemory = memory.getAvailable(); long totalMemory = memory.getTotal(); if (totalMemory > 0) { double freePercentDecimal = (double) availableMemory / (double) totalMemory; BigDecimal freePercent = getPercentsValue(freePercentDecimal); return new DecimalType(freePercent); } else { return null; } } @Override public DecimalType getMemoryUsedPercent() { long availableMemory = memory.getAvailable(); long totalMemory = memory.getTotal(); long usedMemory = totalMemory - availableMemory; if (totalMemory > 0) { double usedPercentDecimal = (double) usedMemory / (double) totalMemory; BigDecimal usedPercent = getPercentsValue(usedPercentDecimal); return new DecimalType(usedPercent); } else { return null; } } @Override public StringType getDriveName(int deviceIndex) throws DeviceNotFoundException { HWDiskStore drive = (HWDiskStore) getDevice(drives, deviceIndex); String name = drive.getName(); return new StringType(name); } @Override public StringType getDriveModel(int deviceIndex) throws DeviceNotFoundException { HWDiskStore drive = (HWDiskStore) getDevice(drives, deviceIndex); String model = drive.getModel(); return new StringType(model); } @Override public StringType getDriveSerialNumber(int deviceIndex) throws DeviceNotFoundException { HWDiskStore drive = (HWDiskStore) getDevice(drives, deviceIndex); String serialNumber = drive.getSerial(); return new StringType(serialNumber); } @Override public DecimalType getSwapTotal() { long swapTotal = memory.getSwapTotal(); swapTotal = getSizeInMB(swapTotal); return swapTotal > 0 ? new DecimalType(swapTotal) : null; } @Override public DecimalType getSwapAvailable() { long swapTotal = memory.getSwapTotal(); long swapUsed = memory.getSwapUsed(); long swapAvaialble = swapTotal - swapUsed; swapAvaialble = getSizeInMB(swapAvaialble); return swapAvaialble > 0 ? new DecimalType(swapAvaialble) : null; } @Override public DecimalType getSwapUsed() { long swapTotal = memory.getSwapUsed(); swapTotal = getSizeInMB(swapTotal); return swapTotal > 0 ? new DecimalType(swapTotal) : null; } @Override public DecimalType getSwapAvailablePercent() { long usedSwap = memory.getSwapUsed(); long totalSwap = memory.getSwapTotal(); long freeSwap = totalSwap - usedSwap; if (totalSwap > 0) { double freePercentDecimal = (double) freeSwap / (double) totalSwap; BigDecimal freePercent = getPercentsValue(freePercentDecimal); return new DecimalType(freePercent); } else { return null; } } @Override public DecimalType getSwapUsedPercent() { long usedSwap = memory.getSwapUsed(); long totalSwap = memory.getSwapTotal(); if (totalSwap > 0) { double usedPercentDecimal = (double) usedSwap / (double) totalSwap; BigDecimal usedPercent = getPercentsValue(usedPercentDecimal); return new DecimalType(usedPercent); } else { return null; } } private long getSizeInMB(long sizeInBytes) { return sizeInBytes /= 1024 * 1024; } private BigDecimal getPercentsValue(double decimalFraction) { BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(decimalFraction * 100); result = result.setScale(PRECISION_AFTER_DECIMAl_SIGN, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); return result; } private BigDecimal getTimeInMinutes(double timeInSeconds) { BigDecimal timeInMinutes = new BigDecimal(timeInSeconds / 60); timeInMinutes = timeInMinutes.setScale(PRECISION_AFTER_DECIMAl_SIGN, BigDecimal.ROUND_UP); return timeInMinutes; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * This information is available only on Mac and Linux OS. */ @Override public DecimalType getCpuLoad1() { BigDecimal avarageCpuLoad = getAvarageCpuLoad(1); return avarageCpuLoad.signum() == -1 ? null : new DecimalType(avarageCpuLoad); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * This information is available only on Mac and Linux OS. */ @Override public DecimalType getCpuLoad5() { BigDecimal avarageCpuLoad = getAvarageCpuLoad(5); return avarageCpuLoad.signum() == -1 ? null : new DecimalType(avarageCpuLoad); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * This information is available only on Mac and Linux OS. */ @Override public DecimalType getCpuLoad15() { BigDecimal avarageCpuLoad = getAvarageCpuLoad(15); return avarageCpuLoad.signum() == -1 ? null : new DecimalType(avarageCpuLoad); } private BigDecimal getAvarageCpuLoad(int timeInMunutes) { // This paramater is specified in OSHI Javadoc int index; switch (timeInMunutes) { case 1: index = 0; break; case 5: index = 1; break; case 15: index = 2; break; default: index = 2; } double processorLoads[] = cpu.getSystemLoadAverage(index + 1); BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(processorLoads[index]); result = result.setScale(PRECISION_AFTER_DECIMAl_SIGN, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); return result; } @Override public DecimalType getCpuUptime() { long seconds = cpu.getSystemUptime(); return new DecimalType(getTimeInMinutes(seconds)); } @Override public DecimalType getCpuThreads() { int threadCount = operatingSystem.getThreadCount(); return new DecimalType(threadCount); } @Override public StringType getNetworkMac(int networkIndex) throws DeviceNotFoundException { NetworkIF network = (NetworkIF) getDevice(networks, networkIndex); String mac = network.getMacaddr(); return new StringType(mac); } @Override public DecimalType getNetworkPacketsReceived(int networkIndex) throws DeviceNotFoundException { // In the current OSHI version a new query is required for the network data values to be updated // In OSHI 4.0.0. it is planned to change this mechanism - see networks = hal.getNetworkIFs(); NetworkIF network = (NetworkIF) getDevice(networks, networkIndex); network.updateNetworkStats(); long packRecv = network.getPacketsRecv(); return new DecimalType(packRecv); } @Override public DecimalType getNetworkPacketsSent(int networkIndex) throws DeviceNotFoundException { // In the current OSHI version a new query is required for the network data values to be updated // In OSHI 4.0.0. it is planned to change this mechanism - see networks = hal.getNetworkIFs(); NetworkIF network = (NetworkIF) getDevice(networks, networkIndex); network.updateNetworkStats(); long packSent = network.getPacketsSent(); return new DecimalType(packSent); } @Override public DecimalType getNetworkDataSent(int networkIndex) throws DeviceNotFoundException { // In the current OSHI version a new query is required for the network data values to be updated // In OSHI 4.0.0. it is planned to change this mechanism - see networks = hal.getNetworkIFs(); NetworkIF network = (NetworkIF) getDevice(networks, networkIndex); network.updateNetworkStats(); long bytesSent = network.getBytesSent(); return new DecimalType(getSizeInMB(bytesSent)); } @Override public DecimalType getNetworkDataReceived(int networkIndex) throws DeviceNotFoundException { // In the current OSHI version a new query is required for the network data values to be updated // In OSHI 4.0.0. it is planned to change this mechanism - see networks = hal.getNetworkIFs(); NetworkIF network = (NetworkIF) getDevice(networks, networkIndex); network.updateNetworkStats(); long bytesRecv = network.getBytesRecv(); return new DecimalType(getSizeInMB(bytesRecv)); } @Override public StringType getProcessName(int pid) throws DeviceNotFoundException { if (pid > 0) { OSProcess process = getProcess(pid); String name = process.getName(); return new StringType(name); } else { return null; } } @Override public DecimalType getProcessCpuUsage(int pid) throws DeviceNotFoundException { if (pid > 0) { OSProcess process = getProcess(pid); double cpuUsageRaw = (process.getKernelTime() + process.getUserTime()) / process.getUpTime(); BigDecimal cpuUsage = getPercentsValue(cpuUsageRaw); return new DecimalType(cpuUsage); } else { return null; } } @Override public DecimalType getProcessMemoryUsage(int pid) throws DeviceNotFoundException { if (pid > 0) { OSProcess process = getProcess(pid); long memortInBytes = process.getResidentSetSize(); long memoryInMB = getSizeInMB(memortInBytes); return new DecimalType(memoryInMB); } else { return null; } } @Override public StringType getProcessPath(int pid) throws DeviceNotFoundException { if (pid > 0) { OSProcess process = getProcess(pid); String path = process.getPath(); return new StringType(path); } else { return null; } } @Override public DecimalType getProcessThreads(int pid) throws DeviceNotFoundException { if (pid > 0) { OSProcess process = getProcess(pid); int threadCount = process.getThreadCount(); return new DecimalType(threadCount); } else { return null; } } }