Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2010-2015, and others. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ package org.openhab.binding.freebox.internal; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Dictionary; import java.util.List; import org.openhab.binding.freebox.FreeboxBindingProvider; import org.openhab.binding.freebox.FreeboxBindingConfig; import org.openhab.core.binding.AbstractActiveBinding; import org.openhab.core.library.types.OnOffType; import org.openhab.core.library.types.StringType; import org.openhab.core.library.types.DecimalType; import org.openhab.core.library.types.DateTimeType; import org.openhab.core.types.Command; import org.openhab.core.items.Item; import; import; import org.osgi.framework.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.matmaul.freeboxos.login.*; import org.matmaul.freeboxos.FreeboxOsClient; import org.matmaul.freeboxos.FreeboxException; import org.matmaul.freeboxos.airmedia.AirMediaConfig; import org.matmaul.freeboxos.connection.ConnectionStatus; import org.matmaul.freeboxos.system.SystemConfiguration; import org.matmaul.freeboxos.upnpav.UPnPAVConfig; import; import org.matmaul.freeboxos.wifi.*; import org.matmaul.freeboxos.lan.LanConfig; import org.matmaul.freeboxos.lan.LanHostsConfig; import org.matmaul.freeboxos.lcd.*; import org.matmaul.freeboxos.netshare.SambaConfig; import org.matmaul.freeboxos.connection.xDslStatus; import org.matmaul.freeboxos.ftp.FtpConfig; /** * Freebox binding for openHAB * This implements needed behaviour in order to get connected to the Freebox * using ad-hoc connection procedure and then enables uses FreeboxAPI to * gather meaningfull informations or execute actions * * @author clinique * @since 1.5.0 */ public class FreeboxBinding extends AbstractActiveBinding<FreeboxBindingProvider> implements ManagedService { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FreeboxBinding.class); private static String appVersion; private static String appID; private static String appName; private static String deviceName; private static String appToken; private static String serverAddress; private static FreeboxOsClient fbClient; private static LoginManager loginManager; private Calendar lastPhoneCheck; /** * the refresh interval which is used to poll values from the Freebox * server (optional, defaults to 60000ms) */ private long refreshInterval = 60000; /** * @{inheritDoc} */ @Override protected long getRefreshInterval() { return refreshInterval; } /** * @{inheritDoc} */ @Override protected String getName() { return "Freebox Refresh Service"; } public void activate() { Bundle bundle = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(getClass()); appVersion = String.format("%d.%d", bundle.getVersion().getMajor(), bundle.getVersion().getMinor()); // something like 1.5 appID = bundle.getSymbolicName(); // org.openhab.binding.freebox appName = bundle.getHeaders().get("Bundle-Name"); // "openHAB Freebox Binding" lastPhoneCheck = Calendar.getInstance(); } private void setItemValue(Item item, boolean value) { eventPublisher.postUpdate(item.getName(), value ? OnOffType.ON : OnOffType.OFF); } private void setItemValue(Item item, String value) { eventPublisher.postUpdate(item.getName(), new StringType(value)); } private void setItemValue(Item item, Long value) { eventPublisher.postUpdate(item.getName(), new DecimalType(value)); } private void setDateTimeValue(Item item, long value) { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTimeInMillis(value * 1000); eventPublisher.postUpdate(item.getName(), new DateTimeType(c)); } /** * @{inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("incomplete-switch") @Override protected void execute() { try { SystemConfiguration sc = fbClient.getSystemManager().getConfiguration(); for (FreeboxBindingProvider provider : providers) { Collection<String> items = provider.getItemNames(); for (String itemName : items) { FreeboxBindingConfig bindingConfig = provider.getConfig(itemName); switch (bindingConfig.commandType) { case REBOOT: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, false); break; case CPUB: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, (long) sc.getTemp_cpub()); break; case CPUM: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, (long) sc.getTemp_cpum()); break; case FAN: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, (long) sc.getFan_rpm()); break; case FWVERSION: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, sc.getFirmware_version()); break; case SW: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, (long) sc.getTemp_sw()); break; case UPTIME: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, sc.getUptimeVal()); break; default: break; } } } } catch (FreeboxException e) {"SystemConfiguration: " + e.getMessage()); } try { ConnectionStatus cs = fbClient.getConnectionManager().getStatus(); for (FreeboxBindingProvider provider : providers) { Collection<String> items = provider.getItemNames(); for (String itemName : items) { FreeboxBindingConfig bindingConfig = provider.getConfig(itemName); switch (bindingConfig.commandType) { case BYTESDOWN: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, cs.getBytes_down()); break; case BYTESUP: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, cs.getBytes_up()); break; case IPV4: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, cs.getIpv4()); break; case LINESTATUS: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, cs.getState()); break; case RATEDOWN: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, cs.getRate_down()); break; case RATEUP: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, cs.getRate_up()); break; default: break; } } } } catch (FreeboxException e) {"ConnectionStatus: " + e.getMessage()); } try { WifiGlobalConfig wc = fbClient.getWifiManager().getGlobalConfig(); for (FreeboxBindingProvider provider : providers) { Collection<String> items = provider.getItemNames(); for (String itemName : items) { FreeboxBindingConfig bindingConfig = provider.getConfig(itemName); switch (bindingConfig.commandType) { case WIFISTATUS: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, wc.getEnabled()); break; default: break; } } } } catch (FreeboxException e) {"WifiGlobalConfig: " + e.getMessage()); } try { LCDConfig lcd = fbClient.getLCDManager().getLCDConfig(); for (FreeboxBindingProvider provider : providers) { Collection<String> items = provider.getItemNames(); for (String itemName : items) { FreeboxBindingConfig bindingConfig = provider.getConfig(itemName); switch (bindingConfig.commandType) { case LCDBRIGHTNESS: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, (long) lcd.getBrightness()); break; case LCDORIENTATION: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, (long) lcd.getOrientation()); break; case LCDFORCED: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, lcd.getOrientationForced()); break; default: break; } } } } catch (FreeboxException e) {"LCDConfig: " + e.getMessage()); } try { xDslStatus xdsl = fbClient.getConnectionManager().getxDslStatus(); for (FreeboxBindingProvider provider : providers) { Collection<String> items = provider.getItemNames(); for (String itemName : items) { FreeboxBindingConfig bindingConfig = provider.getConfig(itemName); switch (bindingConfig.commandType) { case XDSLSTATUS: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, xdsl.getStatus()); break; default: break; } } } } catch (FreeboxException e) {"xDslStatus: " + e.getMessage()); } try { FtpConfig fc = fbClient.getFtpManager().getConfig(); for (FreeboxBindingProvider provider : providers) { Collection<String> items = provider.getItemNames(); for (String itemName : items) { FreeboxBindingConfig bindingConfig = provider.getConfig(itemName); switch (bindingConfig.commandType) { case FTPSTATUS: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, fc.getEnabled()); break; default: break; } } } } catch (FreeboxException e) {"FtpConfig: " + e.getMessage()); } String mode = null; try { LanConfig lc = fbClient.getLanManager().getLanConfig(); mode = lc.getMode(); } catch (FreeboxException e) {"LanConfig: " + e.getMessage()); mode = null; } if ((mode != null) && !mode.equalsIgnoreCase("bridge")) { // Only when Freebox Revolution is not in bridge mode try { AirMediaConfig ac = fbClient.getAirMediaManager().getConfig(); for (FreeboxBindingProvider provider : providers) { Collection<String> items = provider.getItemNames(); for (String itemName : items) { FreeboxBindingConfig bindingConfig = provider.getConfig(itemName); switch (bindingConfig.commandType) { case AIRMEDIASTATUS: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, ac.getEnabled()); break; default: break; } } } } catch (FreeboxException e) {"AirMediaConfig: " + e.getMessage()); } try { UPnPAVConfig uc = fbClient.getUPnPAVManager().getConfig(); for (FreeboxBindingProvider provider : providers) { Collection<String> items = provider.getItemNames(); for (String itemName : items) { FreeboxBindingConfig bindingConfig = provider.getConfig(itemName); switch (bindingConfig.commandType) { case UPNPAVSTATUS: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, uc.getEnabled()); break; default: break; } } } } catch (FreeboxException e) {"UPnPAVConfig: " + e.getMessage()); } } try { SambaConfig sac = fbClient.getNetShareManager().getSambaConfig(); for (FreeboxBindingProvider provider : providers) { Collection<String> items = provider.getItemNames(); for (String itemName : items) { FreeboxBindingConfig bindingConfig = provider.getConfig(itemName); switch (bindingConfig.commandType) { case SAMBAFILESTATUS: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, sac.getFileShareEnabled()); break; case SAMBAPRINTERSTATUS: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, sac.getPrintShareEnabled()); break; default: break; } } } } catch (FreeboxException e) {"SambaConfig: " + e.getMessage()); } try { LanHostsConfig hc = fbClient.getLanManager().getAllLanHostsConfig(); for (FreeboxBindingProvider provider : providers) { Collection<String> items = provider.getItemNames(); for (String itemName : items) { FreeboxBindingConfig bindingConfig = provider.getConfig(itemName); switch (bindingConfig.commandType) { case REACHABLEMAC: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, hc.isMacReachable(bindingConfig.commandParam)); break; case REACHABLEIP: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, hc.isIpReachable(bindingConfig.commandParam)); break; case REACHABLENAME: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, hc.isHostNameReachable(bindingConfig.commandParam)); break; default: break; } } } } catch (FreeboxException e) {"LanHostsConfig: " + e.getMessage()); } try { List<CallEntry> appels = fbClient.getCallManager().getCallEntries(); PhoneCallComparator comparator = new PhoneCallComparator(); Collections.sort(appels, comparator); for (FreeboxBindingProvider provider : providers) { Collection<String> items = provider.getItemNames(); for (CallEntry call : appels) { if (call.getTimeStamp().after(lastPhoneCheck)) { for (String itemName : items) { FreeboxBindingConfig bindingConfig = provider.getConfig(itemName); if (bindingConfig.commandParam == null || bindingConfig.commandParam.equalsIgnoreCase(call.getType())) { switch (bindingConfig.commandType) { case CALLSTATUS: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, call.getType()); break; case CALLDURATION: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, (long) call.getDuration()); break; case CALLNUMBER: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, call.getNumber()); break; case CALLTIMESTAMP: setDateTimeValue(bindingConfig.item, call.getDateTime()); break; case CALLNAME: setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, call.getName()); break; } } } } } lastPhoneCheck.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); } } catch (FreeboxException e) {"CallEntries: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * @{inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("incomplete-switch") @Override protected void internalReceiveCommand(String itemName, Command command) { if (!isProperlyConfigured()) {"Freebox binding is not properly configured. Command is ignored."); return; } for (FreeboxBindingProvider provider : providers) { FreeboxBindingConfig config = provider.getConfig(itemName); if (config == null) continue; Boolean value = null; switch (config.commandType) { case LCDBRIGHTNESS: if (command instanceof DecimalType) { try { LCDConfig lcd = fbClient.getLCDManager().getLCDConfig(); int valeur = ((DecimalType) command).intValue(); lcd.setBrightness(new Integer(valeur)); fbClient.getLCDManager().setLCDConfig(lcd); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } } break; case LCDORIENTATION: if (command instanceof DecimalType) { try { LCDConfig lcd = fbClient.getLCDManager().getLCDConfig(); int valeur = ((DecimalType) command).intValue(); lcd.setOrientation(new Integer(valeur)); lcd.setOrientationForced(true); fbClient.getLCDManager().setLCDConfig(lcd); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } } break; case LCDFORCED: try { LCDConfig lcd = fbClient.getLCDManager().getLCDConfig(); lcd.setOrientationForced(command.equals(OnOffType.ON) ? true : false); fbClient.getLCDManager().setLCDConfig(lcd); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } break; case WIFISTATUS: try { WifiGlobalConfig wc = new WifiGlobalConfig(); wc.setEnabled(command.equals(OnOffType.ON) ? true : false); fbClient.getWifiManager().setGlobalConfig(wc); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } // Get the current state try { WifiGlobalConfig wc = fbClient.getWifiManager().getGlobalConfig(); value = wc.getEnabled(); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } break; case REBOOT: try { fbClient.getSystemManager().Reboot(); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } break; case FTPSTATUS: try { FtpConfig fc = new FtpConfig(); fc.setEnabled(command.equals(OnOffType.ON) ? true : false); fbClient.getFtpManager().setConfig(fc); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } // Get the current state try { FtpConfig fc = fbClient.getFtpManager().getConfig(); value = fc.getEnabled(); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } break; case AIRMEDIASTATUS: try { AirMediaConfig ac = new AirMediaConfig(); ac.setEnabled(command.equals(OnOffType.ON) ? true : false); fbClient.getAirMediaManager().setConfig(ac); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } // Get the current state try { AirMediaConfig ac = fbClient.getAirMediaManager().getConfig(); value = ac.getEnabled(); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } break; case UPNPAVSTATUS: try { UPnPAVConfig uc = new UPnPAVConfig(); uc.setEnabled(command.equals(OnOffType.ON) ? true : false); fbClient.getUPnPAVManager().setConfig(uc); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } // Get the current state try { UPnPAVConfig uc = fbClient.getUPnPAVManager().getConfig(); value = uc.getEnabled(); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } break; case SAMBAFILESTATUS: try { SambaConfig sc = new SambaConfig(); sc.setFileShareEnabled(command.equals(OnOffType.ON) ? true : false); fbClient.getNetShareManager().setSambaConfig(sc); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } // Get the current state try { SambaConfig sc = fbClient.getNetShareManager().getSambaConfig(); value = sc.getFileShareEnabled(); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } break; case SAMBAPRINTERSTATUS: try { SambaConfig sc = new SambaConfig(); sc.setPrintShareEnabled(command.equals(OnOffType.ON) ? true : false); fbClient.getNetShareManager().setSambaConfig(sc); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } // Get the current state try { SambaConfig sc = fbClient.getNetShareManager().getSambaConfig(); value = sc.getPrintShareEnabled(); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } break; } // Refresh items with the current ON/OFF state if (value != null) { updateOnOffItems(config.commandType, value); } } } /** * @{inheritDoc} */ @Override public void updated(Dictionary<String, ?> config) throws ConfigurationException { if (config != null) { setProperlyConfigured(false); deviceName = (String) config.get("device"); if (isBlank(deviceName)) { // The only mandatory parameter is tested first throw new ConfigurationException("freebox", "The parameter 'device' is missing! Please refer to your 'openhab.cfg'"); } String refreshConfig = (String) config.get("refresh"); if (!isBlank(refreshConfig)) { refreshInterval = Long.parseLong(refreshConfig); } serverAddress = (String) config.get("server"); if (isBlank(serverAddress)) serverAddress = ""; appToken = (String) config.get("apptoken"); try { authorize(); } catch (FreeboxException e) {; } setProperlyConfigured((loginManager != null) && loginManager.isConnected());"Freebox binding " + (isProperlyConfigured() ? "" : "not ") + "properly configured"); } } /** * Handles connection to the Freebox, including validation of the Apptoken * if none is provided in 'openhab.cfg' * @throws FreeboxException */ private void authorize() throws FreeboxException { logger.debug("Appname : " + appName); logger.debug("AppVersion : " + appVersion); logger.debug("DeviceName : " + deviceName); logger.debug("AppID :" + appID); fbClient = new FreeboxOsClient(appID, serverAddress); loginManager = fbClient.getLoginManager(); TrackAuthorizeStatus authorizeStatus = TrackAuthorizeStatus.UNKNOWN; if (isBlank(appToken)) { Authorize authorize = loginManager.newAuthorize(appName, appVersion, deviceName); appToken = authorize.getAppToken();"####################################################################");"# Please accept activation request directly on your freebox #");"# Once done, record current Apptoken in your 'openhab.cfg' #");"# " + appToken + " #");"####################################################################"); do { try { Thread.sleep(2000); authorizeStatus = loginManager.trackAuthorize(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {; } } while (authorizeStatus == TrackAuthorizeStatus.PENDING); } else { authorizeStatus = TrackAuthorizeStatus.GRANTED; } if (authorizeStatus != TrackAuthorizeStatus.GRANTED) throw new FreeboxException(authorizeStatus.toString()); logger.debug("Apptoken valide : [" + appToken + "]"); loginManager.setAppToken(appToken); loginManager.openSession(); } /** * Update switch items attached to a particular command type */ private void updateOnOffItems(CommandType commandType, boolean value) { for (FreeboxBindingProvider provider : providers) { Collection<String> items = provider.getItemNames(); for (String itemName : items) { FreeboxBindingConfig bindingConfig = provider.getConfig(itemName); if (bindingConfig.commandType == commandType) { setItemValue(bindingConfig.item, value); } } } } /** * A comparator of phone calls by ascending date and time */ private class PhoneCallComparator implements Comparator<CallEntry> { @Override public int compare(CallEntry call1, CallEntry call2) { int result = 0; if (call1.getTimeStamp().before(call2.getTimeStamp())) { result = -1; } else if (call1.getTimeStamp().after(call2.getTimeStamp())) { result = 1; } return result; } } }