Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2010-2015, and others. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ package org.openhab.binding.echonetlite.internal; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.openhab.core.binding.AbstractActiveBinding; import org.openhab.core.library.types.OnOffType; import org.openhab.core.library.types.StringType; import org.openhab.core.types.Command; import org.openhab.core.types.State; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; /** * @author aklevy, Kazuhiro Matsuda * @since 1.8.0 */ /** * This thread sends command to ECHONETLite devices and checks whether the reply sent by the device * is a error message or not * */ public class ECHONETLiteConnectingThread extends Thread { //private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ECHONETLiteBinding.class); private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ECHONETLiteConnectingThread.class); /** * The UDP connector */ private ECHONETLiteUDPConnector udpConnector; /** * Host to which the UDP message will be sent */ private String host; private String itemName; /** * Data to be sent */ private byte[] data; private org.openhab.core.types.State oldState; //private State oldState; private org.openhab.core.types.State state = null; //private State state = null; private EventPublisher eventPublisher = null; public void setEventPublisher(EventPublisher pEventPublisher) { this.eventPublisher = pEventPublisher; } public void unsetEventPublisher(EventPublisher eventPublisher) { this.eventPublisher = null; } public ECHONETLiteConnectingThread(String in, int port, byte[] dt, String hst, org.openhab.core.types.State state) { udpConnector = new ECHONETLiteUDPConnector(port, port); itemName = in; data = dt; host = hst; oldState = state; } /** * Sends commands to ECHONETLite devices And receives the reply from ECHONETLite device */ public void run() { // Sends the command to devices sendMessage(); // Receives the reply from devices final char[] response = receiveMessage(); state = StringType.valueOf(String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(response), 16))); if (oldState == null || !state.toString().equals(oldState.toString())) { eventPublisher.postUpdate(itemName, state); } udpConnector.disconnect(); } /** * Sends ECHONETLite message to ECHONETLite devices */ public void sendMessage() { try { udpConnector.sendDatagram(data, host); logger.debug("The following command " + data + " was successfully sent to ECHONETLite device with the following IP Address " + InetAddress.getByName(host).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("could not send command to the ECHONETLite device"); } } /** * Receives ECHONETLite reply message Checks if it is an error message */ char[] receiveMessage() { logger.debug("checking the response from the ECHONETLite device"); char[] res = { '0', '0', '0', '0' }; try { String response = udpConnector.receiveDatagram(host); if (response.equals("nothing")) { logger.debug("Nothing was sent back from ECHONETLite devices"); } else { char[] code = new char[response.length()]; response.getChars(0, response.length(), code, 0); if (response.length() > 21) { if (response.length() > 22 && code[20] == '5') {"An error message (ESV=" + code[20] + code[21] + ") was sent back by the ECHONETLite device, the device's state was not updated: please check the message sent previously"); } else if (code[20] == '7') { if (code[21] == '1') {"SetC was successfully executed by the ECHONETLite device"); res = ArrayUtils.subarray(code, 26, 28); } else if (code[21] == '2') {"Get was successfully executed by the ECHONETLite device"); int resSize = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(ArrayUtils.subarray(code, 26, 28)), 16); int resFrom = 28; int resTo = 28 + resSize * 2; res = ArrayUtils.subarray(code, resFrom, resTo); } else {"receive unknown response"); } } } } return res; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.toString()); logger.error("error when receiving message from ECHONETLite devices"); return res; } } }