Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 openHAB UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ package org.openhab.binding.bosesoundtouch.handler; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DecimalType; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.OnOffType; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.PercentType; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.PlayPauseType; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.StringType; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.Channel; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.ChannelUID; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.Thing; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.ThingStatus; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.ThingStatusDetail; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.binding.BaseThingHandler; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.binding.ThingFactory; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.type.TypeResolver; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.types.Command; import org.openhab.binding.bosesoundtouch.BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants; import org.openhab.binding.bosesoundtouch.internal.items.ContentItem; import org.openhab.binding.bosesoundtouch.internal.items.ContentItem.Source; import org.openhab.binding.bosesoundtouch.internal.items.Preset; import org.openhab.binding.bosesoundtouch.internal.items.RemoteKey; import org.openhab.binding.bosesoundtouch.internal.items.ZoneMember; import org.openhab.binding.bosesoundtouch.types.OperationModeType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory; import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient; import com.squareup.okhttp.Request; import com.squareup.okhttp.RequestBody; import com.squareup.okhttp.Response; import com.squareup.okhttp.ResponseBody; import; import; import; import okio.Buffer; /** * The {@link BoseSoundTouchHandler} is responsible for handling commands, which are * sent to one of the channels. * * @author Christian Niessner - Initial contribution */ public class BoseSoundTouchHandler extends BaseThingHandler implements WebSocketListener { static private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BoseSoundTouchHandler.class); // map for of all registered devices for zone membership lookup... static private Map<String, BoseSoundTouchHandler> allSoundTouchDevices = new HashMap<>(); private String attrDeviceId; // deviceID attribute for XML building... private ChannelUID channelControlUID; private ChannelUID channelMuteUID; private ChannelUID channelNowPlayingAlbumUID; private ChannelUID channelNowPlayingArtUID; private ChannelUID channelNowPlayingArtistUID; private ChannelUID channelNowPlayingDescriptionUID; private ChannelUID channelNowPlayingItemNameUID; private ChannelUID channelNowPlayingStationLocationUID; private ChannelUID channelNowPlayingStationNameUID; private ChannelUID channelNowPlayingPlayStatusUID; private ChannelUID channelNowPlayingTrackUID; private ChannelUID channelNowPlayingSourceUID; private ChannelUID channelOperationModeUID; private ChannelUID channelOperationModeNumUID; private ChannelUID channelPowerUID; private ChannelUID channelVolumeUID; private ChannelUID channelZoneInfoUID; private String currentSource; private ContentItem currentContentItem; private String macAddress; private boolean muted; private OperationModeType operationMode; private HashMap<Integer, Preset> presets; private WebSocket socket; private int socketRequestId; private static enum ZoneState { None, Master, Member }; private ZoneState zoneState; private BoseSoundTouchHandler zoneMaster; private List<ZoneMember> zoneMembers; public BoseSoundTouchHandler(Thing thing) { super(thing); } @Override public void initialize() { macAddress = thing.getUID().getId(); attrDeviceId = "deviceID=\"" + macAddress + "\""; operationMode = OperationModeType.OFFLINE; presets = new HashMap<>(); currentSource = null; channelControlUID = getChannelUID(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_CONTROL); channelMuteUID = getChannelUID(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_MUTE); channelNowPlayingAlbumUID = getChannelUID(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_NOWPLAYINGALBUM); channelNowPlayingArtistUID = getChannelUID(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_NOWPLAYINGARTIST); channelNowPlayingArtUID = getChannelUID(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_NOWPLAYINGART); channelNowPlayingDescriptionUID = getChannelUID( BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_NOWPLAYINGDESCRIPTION); channelNowPlayingItemNameUID = getChannelUID(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_NOWPLAYINGITEMNAME); channelNowPlayingPlayStatusUID = getChannelUID(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_NOWPLAYINGPLAYSTATUS); channelNowPlayingSourceUID = getChannelUID(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_NOWPLAYINGSOURCE); channelNowPlayingStationLocationUID = getChannelUID( BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_NOWPLAYINGSTATIONLOCATION); channelNowPlayingStationNameUID = getChannelUID( BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_NOWPLAYINGSTATIONNAME); channelNowPlayingTrackUID = getChannelUID(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_NOWPLAYINGTRACK); channelOperationModeUID = getChannelUID(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_OPERATIONMODE); channelOperationModeNumUID = getChannelUID(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_OPERATIONMODENUM); channelPowerUID = getChannelUID(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_POWER); channelVolumeUID = getChannelUID(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_VOLUME); channelZoneInfoUID = getChannelUID(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.CHANNEL_ZONEINFO); allSoundTouchDevices.put(macAddress, this); openConnection(); } private ChannelUID getChannelUID(String channelId) { Channel chann = thing.getChannel(channelId); if (chann == null) { // refresh thing... Thing newThing = ThingFactory.createThing(TypeResolver.resolve(thing.getThingTypeUID()), thing.getUID(), thing.getConfiguration()); updateThing(newThing); chann = thing.getChannel(channelId); } return chann.getUID(); } @Override public void handleRemoval() { allSoundTouchDevices.remove(macAddress); super.handleRemoval(); } @Override public void handleCommand(ChannelUID channelUID, Command command) { logger.debug("handleCommand(" + channelUID + ", " + command + ");"); if (thing.getStatus() != ThingStatus.ONLINE) { openConnection(); // try to reconnect.... } if (channelUID.equals(channelVolumeUID)) { sendRequestInWebSocket("volume", null, "<volume " + attrDeviceId + ">" + ((PercentType) command).intValue() + "</volume>"); } else if (channelUID.equals(channelPowerUID)) { OnOffType onOffType = (OnOffType) command; if (operationMode == OperationModeType.STANDBY && onOffType == OnOffType.ON) { simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey.POWER); } if (operationMode != OperationModeType.STANDBY && onOffType == OnOffType.OFF) { simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey.POWER); } } else if (channelUID.equals(channelMuteUID)) { OnOffType onOffType = (OnOffType) command; if (muted && onOffType == OnOffType.OFF) { simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey.MUTE); } if (!muted && onOffType == OnOffType.ON) { simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey.MUTE); } } else if (channelUID.equals(channelControlUID)) { if (command instanceof PlayPauseType) { PlayPauseType ppt = (PlayPauseType) command; if (ppt == PlayPauseType.PLAY) { simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey.PLAY); } else if (ppt == PlayPauseType.PAUSE) { simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey.PAUSE); } } else if (command instanceof StringType) { // try to parse string command... String cmd = command.toString(); String cmdlc = cmd.toLowerCase(); if (cmdlc.startsWith("pause")) { simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey.PAUSE); } else if (cmdlc.startsWith("play")) { simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey.PLAY); } else if (cmdlc.startsWith("preset")) { if (cmdlc.equals("preset1") || cmdlc.equals("preset 1")) { simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey.PRESET_1); } else if (cmdlc.equals("preset2") || cmdlc.equals("preset 2")) { simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey.PRESET_2); } else if (cmdlc.equals("preset3") || cmdlc.equals("preset 3")) { simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey.PRESET_3); } else if (cmdlc.equals("preset4") || cmdlc.equals("preset 4")) { simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey.PRESET_4); } else if (cmdlc.equals("preset5") || cmdlc.equals("preset 5")) { simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey.PRESET_5); } else if (cmdlc.equals("preset6") || cmdlc.equals("preset 6")) { simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey.PRESET_6); } else { logger.warn("Invalid preset: " + cmd); } } else if (cmdlc.startsWith("volume ")) { sendRequestInWebSocket("volume", null, "<volume " + attrDeviceId + ">" + cmdlc.substring(7) + "</volume>"); } else if (cmdlc.startsWith("zone ")) { int sp = cmdlc.indexOf(' ', 5); if (sp > 0) { String action = cmdlc.substring(5, sp); String other = cmd.substring(sp + 1); BoseSoundTouchHandler oh = null; for (Entry<String, BoseSoundTouchHandler> e : allSoundTouchDevices.entrySet()) { BoseSoundTouchHandler o = e.getValue(); // try by mac id if (other.equalsIgnoreCase(e.getKey())) { oh = o; break; } // try by name if (other.equalsIgnoreCase(o.getDeviceName())) { oh = o; break; } } if (oh == null) { logger.warn("Invalid / unknown device: \"" + other + "\" in command " + cmd); } else { if ("add".equals(action)) { boolean found = false; for (ZoneMember m : zoneMembers) { if (oh.macAddress.equals(m.getMac())) { logger.warn( "Zone add: ID " + oh.macAddress + " is already member in zone!"); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { ZoneMember nm = new ZoneMember(); nm.setHandler(oh); nm.setMac(oh.macAddress); Map<String, Object> props = oh.thing.getConfiguration().getProperties(); String host = (String) props .get(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.DEVICE_PARAMETER_HOST); nm.setIp(host); zoneMembers.add(nm); updateZones(); } } else if ("remove".equals(action)) { boolean found = false; for (Iterator<ZoneMember> mi = zoneMembers.iterator(); mi.hasNext();) { ZoneMember m =; if (oh.macAddress.equals(m.getMac())) { mi.remove(); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { logger.warn("Zone remove: ID " + oh.macAddress + " is not a member in zone!"); } else { updateZones(); } } else { logger.warn("Invalid zone command: " + cmd); } } } else { logger.warn("Invalid zone command: " + cmd); } } else { logger.warn("Invalid command: " + cmd); } } else { logger.warn("Invalid command type: " + command.getClass() + ": " + command); } } else { logger.warn("Got command \"" + command + "\" for channel \"" + channelUID.getId() + "\" which is unhandled!"); } } private String getDeviceName() { return thing.getProperties().get(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.DEVICE_INFO_NAME); } private void updateZones() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<zone master=\"").append(macAddress).append("\">"); for (ZoneMember mbr : zoneMembers) { sb.append("<member ipaddress=\"").append(mbr.getIp()).append("\">").append(mbr.getMac()) .append("</member>"); } sb.append("</zone>"); sendRequestInWebSocket("setZone", "mainNode=\"newZone\"", sb.toString()); } protected void openConnection() { zoneState = ZoneState.None; zoneMaster = null; zoneMembers = Collections.emptyList(); updateStatus(ThingStatus.INITIALIZING, ThingStatusDetail.NONE); OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient(); // we need longer timeouts for websocket. client.setReadTimeout(300, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Map<String, Object> props = thing.getConfiguration().getProperties(); String host = (String) props.get(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.DEVICE_PARAMETER_HOST); // try { // BigDecimal port = (BigDecimal) props.get(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.DEVICE_PARAMETER_PORT); // String urlBase = "http://" + host + ":" + port + "/"; // Request request = new Request.Builder().url(urlBase + "info").build(); // Response response = client.newCall(request).execute(); // if (response.code() != 200) { // throw new IOException("Invalid response code: " + response.code()); // } // String resp = response.body().string(); // } catch (IOException e) { // updateStatus(ThingStatus.OFFLINE, ThingStatusDetail.COMMUNICATION_ERROR, e.getMessage()); // } String wsUrl = "http://" + host + ":8080/"; // TODO port 8080 is hardcoded ? Request request = new Request.Builder().url(wsUrl).addHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", "gabbo").build(); WebSocketCall call = WebSocketCall.create(client, request); call.enqueue(this); } // Helper methods. private int sendRequestInWebSocket(String url) { int myId = socketRequestId++; String msg = "<msg><header " + attrDeviceId + " url=\"" + url + "\" method=\"GET\"><request requestID=\"" + myId + "\"><info type=\"new\"/></request></header></msg>"; try { socket.sendMessage(RequestBody.create(WebSocket.TEXT, msg)); } catch (IOException e) { onFailure(e, null); return -1; } return myId; } private int sendRequestInWebSocket(String url, String infoAddon, String postData) { int myId = socketRequestId++; String msg = "<msg><header " + attrDeviceId + " url=\"" + url + "\" method=\"POST\"><request requestID=\"" + myId + "\"><info " + (infoAddon == null ? "" : infoAddon) + " type=\"new\"/></request></header><body>" + postData + "</body></msg>"; try { socket.sendMessage(RequestBody.create(WebSocket.TEXT, msg)); } catch (IOException e) { onFailure(e, null); return -1; } return myId; } private void simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey key, boolean press) { sendRequestInWebSocket("key", press ? "mainNode=\"keyPress\"" : "mainNode=\"keyRelease\"", "<key state=\"" + (press ? "press" : "release") + "\" sender=\"Gabbo\">" + + "</key>"); } private void simulateRemoteKey(RemoteKey key) { simulateRemoteKey(key, true); simulateRemoteKey(key, false); } public void zonesChanged() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); switch (zoneState) { case Master: sb.append("Master; Members: "); break; case Member: sb.append("Member; Master is: "); if (zoneMaster == null) { sb.append("<null>"); } else { sb.append(zoneMaster.getDeviceName()); } sb.append("; Members: "); break; case None: sb.append(""); break; } for (int i = 0; i < zoneMembers.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(zoneMembers.get(i).getHandler().getDeviceName()); } updateState(channelZoneInfoUID, new StringType(sb.toString())); } // WebSocketListener interface @Override public void onClose(int code, String reason) { logger.debug("onClose(" + code + ", \"" + reason + "\")"); updateStatus(ThingStatus.OFFLINE, ThingStatusDetail.COMMUNICATION_ERROR, reason); this.operationMode = OperationModeType.OFFLINE; this.currentContentItem = null; this.checkOperationMode(); } @Override public void onFailure(IOException e, Response response) { logger.error(thing + ": Error during websocket communication: ", e); updateStatus(ThingStatus.OFFLINE, ThingStatusDetail.COMMUNICATION_ERROR, e.getMessage()); this.operationMode = OperationModeType.OFFLINE; this.currentContentItem = null; this.checkOperationMode(); try { socket.close(1011, "Failure: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e1) { logger.error(thing + ": Error while closing websocket communication (during error handling): ", e); } } @Override public void onMessage(ResponseBody message) throws IOException { String msg = message.string(); logger.debug("onMessage(\"" + msg + "\")"); try { XMLReader reader = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); reader.setContentHandler(new ResponseHandler(this)); reader.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(msg))); } catch (IOException e) { // This should never happen - we're not performing I/O! logger.error("Could not parse XML from string '{}'; exception is: ", msg, e); } catch (Throwable s) { logger.error("Could not parse XML from string '{}'; exception is: ", msg, s); } } @Override public void onOpen(WebSocket socket, Response resp) { logger.debug("onOpen(\"" + resp + "\")"); this.socket = socket; this.socketRequestId = 0; updateStatus(ThingStatus.ONLINE); // socket.newMessageSink(PayloadType.TEXT); sendRequestInWebSocket("info"); } @Override public void onPong(Buffer payload) { logger.debug("onPong(\"" + payload + "\")"); } // XML Handlers /** * @author marvin * */ static private class ResponseHandler extends DefaultHandler { enum State { INIT, Msg, MsgHeader, MsgBody, ContentItem, ContentItemItemName, Info, InfoName, InfoType, Presets, Preset, NowPlaying, NowPlayingAlbum, NowPlayingArt, NowPlayingArtist, NowPlayingDescription, NowPlayingPlayStatus, NowPlayingStationLocation, NowPlayingStationName, NowPlayingTrack, Unprocessed, // unprocessed / ignored data UnprocessedNoTextExpected, // unprocessed / ignored data Updates, Volume, VolumeActual, VolumeMuteEnabled, Zone, ZoneMember, ZoneUpdated } private static Map<ResponseHandler.State, Map<String, ResponseHandler.State>> stateSwitchingMap; static { stateSwitchingMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, ResponseHandler.State> msgBodyMap = new HashMap<>(); stateSwitchingMap.put(State.MsgBody, msgBodyMap); msgBodyMap.put("info", State.Info); msgBodyMap.put("volume", State.Volume); msgBodyMap.put("presets", State.Presets); msgBodyMap.put("key", State.Unprocessed); // only confirmation of our key presses... msgBodyMap.put("zone", State.Zone); // only confirmation of our key presses... // info message states Map<String, ResponseHandler.State> infoMap = new HashMap<>(); stateSwitchingMap.put(State.Info, infoMap); infoMap.put("components", State.Unprocessed); // TODO read software version and serial number infoMap.put("name", State.InfoName); infoMap.put("type", State.InfoType); infoMap.put("networkInfo", State.Unprocessed); infoMap.put("margeAccountUUID", State.Unprocessed); infoMap.put("margeURL", State.Unprocessed); infoMap.put("moduleType", State.Unprocessed); infoMap.put("variant", State.Unprocessed); infoMap.put("variantMode", State.Unprocessed); infoMap.put("countryCode", State.Unprocessed); infoMap.put("regionCode", State.Unprocessed); Map<String, State> updatesMap = new HashMap<>(); stateSwitchingMap.put(State.Updates, updatesMap); updatesMap.put("clockDisplayUpdated", State.Unprocessed); // can we get anything useful of that? updatesMap.put("connectionStateUpdated", State.UnprocessedNoTextExpected); updatesMap.put("infoUpdated", State.Unprocessed); updatesMap.put("nowPlayingUpdated", State.MsgBody); updatesMap.put("recentsUpdated", State.Unprocessed); updatesMap.put("volumeUpdated", State.MsgBody); updatesMap.put("zoneUpdated", State.ZoneUpdated); // just notifies but dosn't provide details Map<String, State> volume = new HashMap<>(); stateSwitchingMap.put(State.Volume, volume); volume.put("targetvolume", State.Unprocessed); volume.put("actualvolume", State.VolumeActual); volume.put("muteenabled", State.VolumeMuteEnabled); Map<String, State> nowPlayingMap = new HashMap<>(); stateSwitchingMap.put(State.NowPlaying, nowPlayingMap); nowPlayingMap.put("album", State.NowPlayingAlbum); nowPlayingMap.put("art", State.NowPlayingArt); nowPlayingMap.put("artist", State.NowPlayingArtist); nowPlayingMap.put("ContentItem", State.ContentItem); nowPlayingMap.put("description", State.NowPlayingDescription); nowPlayingMap.put("playStatus", State.NowPlayingPlayStatus); nowPlayingMap.put("stationLocation", State.NowPlayingStationLocation); nowPlayingMap.put("stationName", State.NowPlayingStationName); nowPlayingMap.put("track", State.NowPlayingTrack); nowPlayingMap.put("connectionStatusInfo", State.Unprocessed); // TODO active when Source==Bluetooth // TODO active when Source==Pandora and maybe also other sources - seems to be rating related nowPlayingMap.put("time", State.Unprocessed); nowPlayingMap.put("rating", State.Unprocessed); nowPlayingMap.put("skipEnabled", State.Unprocessed); nowPlayingMap.put("rateEnabled", State.Unprocessed); Map<String, State> contentItemMap = new HashMap<>(); stateSwitchingMap.put(State.ContentItem, contentItemMap); contentItemMap.put("itemName", State.ContentItemItemName); Map<String, State> presetMap = new HashMap<>(); stateSwitchingMap.put(State.Preset, presetMap); presetMap.put("ContentItem", State.ContentItem); Map<String, State> zoneMap = new HashMap<>(); stateSwitchingMap.put(State.Zone, zoneMap); zoneMap.put("member", State.ZoneMember); } private ContentItem contentItem; private Stack<State> states; private State state; private BoseSoundTouchHandler handler; private boolean msgHeaderWasValid; private Preset preset; private boolean volumeMuteEnabled; private ZoneMember zoneMember; ResponseHandler(BoseSoundTouchHandler handler) { states = new Stack<>(); state = State.INIT; this.handler = handler; } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { super.startElement(uri, localName, qName, attributes); logger.debug("startElement(\"" + localName + "\"; state: " + state + ")"); states.push(state); State curState = state; // save for switch statement Map<String, ResponseHandler.State> stateMap = stateSwitchingMap.get(state); state = State.Unprocessed; // set default value; we avoid default in select to have the compiler showing a // warning for unhandled states switch (curState) { case INIT: if ("updates".equals(localName)) { // it just seems to be a ping - havn't seen any data on it.. if (checkDeviceId(localName, attributes)) { state = State.Updates; } else { state = State.Unprocessed; } } else if ("msg".equals(localName)) { // message state = State.Msg; } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.warn("Unhandled XML entity during " + curState + ": " + localName); } state = State.Unprocessed; } break; case Msg: if ("header".equals(localName)) { // message if (checkDeviceId(localName, attributes)) { state = State.MsgHeader; msgHeaderWasValid = true; } else { state = State.Unprocessed; } } else if ("body".equals(localName)) { if (msgHeaderWasValid) { state = State.MsgBody; } else { state = State.Unprocessed; } } else { logger.warn("Unhandled XML entity during " + curState + ": " + localName); state = State.Unprocessed; } break; case MsgHeader: if ("request".equals(localName)) { state = State.Unprocessed; // TODO implement request id / response tracking... } else { logger.warn("Unhandled XML entity during " + curState + ": " + localName); state = State.Unprocessed; } break; case MsgBody: if ("nowPlaying".equals(localName)) { if (!checkDeviceId(localName, attributes)) { state = State.Unprocessed; break; } state = State.NowPlaying; String source = attributes.getValue("source"); if (handler.currentSource == null || !handler.currentSource.equals(source)) { // source changed handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingSourceUID, new StringType(source)); handler.currentSource = source; // clear all "nowPlaying" details on source change... StringType ste = new StringType(""); handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingAlbumUID, ste); handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingArtUID, ste); handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingArtistUID, ste); handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingDescriptionUID, ste); handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingItemNameUID, ste); handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingPlayStatusUID, ste); handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingStationLocationUID, ste); handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingStationNameUID, ste); handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingTrackUID, ste); } } else if ("zone".equals(localName)) { handler.zoneMembers = new ArrayList<>(); String master = attributes.getValue("master"); if (master == null || master.isEmpty()) { handler.zoneMaster = null; handler.zoneState = ZoneState.None; } else { if (master.equals(handler.macAddress)) { // we are the master... handler.zoneState = ZoneState.Master; } else { // an other device is the master handler.zoneState = ZoneState.Master; handler.zoneMaster = allSoundTouchDevices.get(master); if (handler.zoneMaster == null) { logger.warn("Zone update: Unable to find master with ID " + master); } } } state = State.Zone; } else { state = stateMap.get(localName); if (state == null) { logger.warn("Unhandled XML entity during " + curState + ": " + localName); state = State.Unprocessed; } else if (state != State.Volume && state != State.Presets) { if (!checkDeviceId(localName, attributes)) { state = State.Unprocessed; break; } } } break; case Presets: if ("preset".equals(localName)) { state = State.Preset; String id = attributes.getValue("id"); this.preset = new Preset(); this.preset.pos = Integer.parseInt(id); } else { logger.warn("Unhandled XML entity during " + curState + ": " + localName); state = State.Unprocessed; } break; case Zone: zoneMember = new ZoneMember(); zoneMember.setIp(attributes.getValue("ipaddress")); handler.zoneMembers.add(zoneMember); state = stateMap.get(localName); if (state == null) { logger.warn("Unhandled XML entity during " + curState + ": " + localName); state = State.Unprocessed; } break; case ContentItem: case Info: case NowPlaying: case Preset: case Updates: case Volume: state = stateMap.get(localName); if (state == null) { logger.warn("Unhandled XML entity during " + curState + ": " + localName); state = State.Unprocessed; } break; // all entities without any children expected.. case ContentItemItemName: case InfoName: case InfoType: case NowPlayingAlbum: case NowPlayingArt: case NowPlayingArtist: case NowPlayingDescription: case NowPlayingPlayStatus: case NowPlayingStationLocation: case NowPlayingStationName: case NowPlayingTrack: case VolumeActual: case VolumeMuteEnabled: case ZoneMember: case ZoneUpdated: // currently this dosn't provide any zone details.. logger.warn("Unhandled XML entity during " + curState + ": " + localName); state = State.Unprocessed; break; case Unprocessed: // all further things are also unprocessed state = State.Unprocessed; break; case UnprocessedNoTextExpected: state = State.UnprocessedNoTextExpected; break; } if (state == State.ContentItem) { // we started a content item. process data. contentItem = new ContentItem(); String source = attributes.getValue("source"); if (source != null) { try { contentItem.source = Source.valueOf(source); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error(handler.thing + ": Unknown Source: " + source + " - needs to be defined!"); contentItem.source = Source.UNKNOWN; } } contentItem.location = attributes.getValue("location"); contentItem.sourceAccount = attributes.getValue("sourceAccount"); } if (state == State.Presets) { handler.presets.clear(); } if (state == State.Volume) { volumeMuteEnabled = false; } } private boolean checkDeviceId(String localName, Attributes attributes) { String did = attributes.getValue("deviceID"); if (did == null) { logger.warn("No Device-ID in Entity " + localName); return false; } if (!did.equals(handler.macAddress)) { logger.warn("Wrong Device-ID in Entity " + localName + ": Got: " + did + " expected: " + handler.macAddress); return false; } return true; } void setConfigOption(String option, String value) { Map<String, String> prop = handler.thing.getProperties(); String cur = prop.get(option); if (cur == null || !cur.equals(value)) {"Option \"" + option + "\" updated: From \"" + cur + "\" to \"" + value + "\""); handler.thing.setProperty(option, value); } } @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { logger.debug("Text data during " + state + ": " + new String(ch, start, length)); super.characters(ch, start, length); switch (state) { case INIT: case Msg: case MsgHeader: case MsgBody: case Updates: case Volume: case Info: case Preset: case Presets: case NowPlaying: case ContentItem: case UnprocessedNoTextExpected: case Zone: case ZoneUpdated: logger.warn("Unexpected text data during " + state + ": " + new String(ch, start, length)); break; case Unprocessed: // drop quietly.. break; case InfoName: setConfigOption(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.DEVICE_INFO_NAME, new String(ch, start, length)); break; case InfoType: setConfigOption(BoseSoundTouchBindingConstants.DEVICE_INFO_TYPE, new String(ch, start, length)); break; case NowPlayingAlbum: handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingAlbumUID, new StringType(new String(ch, start, length))); break; case NowPlayingArt: handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingArtUID, new StringType(new String(ch, start, length))); break; case NowPlayingArtist: handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingArtistUID, new StringType(new String(ch, start, length))); break; case ContentItemItemName: contentItem.itemName = new String(ch, start, length); break; case NowPlayingDescription: handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingDescriptionUID, new StringType(new String(ch, start, length))); break; case NowPlayingPlayStatus: handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingPlayStatusUID, new StringType(new String(ch, start, length))); break; case NowPlayingStationLocation: handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingStationLocationUID, new StringType(new String(ch, start, length))); break; case NowPlayingStationName: handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingStationNameUID, new StringType(new String(ch, start, length))); break; case NowPlayingTrack: handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingTrackUID, new StringType(new String(ch, start, length))); break; case VolumeActual: handler.updateState(handler.channelVolumeUID, new PercentType(Integer.parseInt(new String(ch, start, length)))); break; case VolumeMuteEnabled: volumeMuteEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(new String(ch, start, length)); break; case ZoneMember: String mac = new String(ch, start, length); zoneMember.setMac(mac); zoneMember.setHandler(allSoundTouchDevices.get(mac)); if (zoneMember.getHandler() == null) { logger.warn("Zone update: Unable to find member with ID " + mac); } break; } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { super.endElement(uri, localName, qName); logger.debug("endElement(\"" + localName + "\")"); final State prevState = state; state = states.pop(); if (prevState == State.Info) { handler.sendRequestInWebSocket("volume"); handler.sendRequestInWebSocket("presets"); handler.sendRequestInWebSocket("now_playing"); handler.sendRequestInWebSocket("getZone"); } if (prevState == State.ContentItem && state == State.NowPlaying) { // update now playing name... if (contentItem.itemName == null) { contentItem.itemName = ""; // null values cause exceptions in openhab... } handler.updateState(handler.channelNowPlayingItemNameUID, new StringType(contentItem.itemName)); handler.currentContentItem = contentItem; handler.checkOperationMode(); } if (prevState == State.ContentItem && state == State.Preset) { preset.contentItem = contentItem; } if (prevState == State.Preset && state == State.Presets) { handler.presets.put(preset.pos, preset); handler.checkOperationMode(); } if (prevState == State.Volume) { if (handler.muted != volumeMuteEnabled) { handler.muted = volumeMuteEnabled; handler.updateState(handler.channelMuteUID, handler.muted ? OnOffType.ON : OnOffType.OFF); } } if (prevState == State.ZoneUpdated) { handler.sendRequestInWebSocket("getZone"); } if (prevState == State.Zone) { handler.zonesChanged(); } } @Override public void skippedEntity(String name) throws SAXException { super.skippedEntity(name); } } protected void checkOperationMode() { OperationModeType nm = OperationModeType.OFFLINE; if (thing.getStatus() == ThingStatus.ONLINE) { if (currentContentItem != null) { if (currentContentItem.source == Source.STANDBY) { nm = OperationModeType.STANDBY; } else { nm = null; for (Preset ps : presets.values()) { if (ps.contentItem.equals(currentContentItem)) { switch (ps.pos) { case 1: nm = OperationModeType.PRESET1; break; case 2: nm = OperationModeType.PRESET2; break; case 3: nm = OperationModeType.PRESET3; break; case 4: nm = OperationModeType.PRESET4; break; case 5: nm = OperationModeType.PRESET5; break; case 6: nm = OperationModeType.PRESET6; break; default: logger.warn(thing + ": Invalid preset active: " + ps.pos); break; } } } if (nm == null) { nm = OperationModeType.OTHER; switch (currentContentItem.source) { case BLUETOOTH: nm = OperationModeType.BLUETOOTH; break; case INTERNET_RADIO: nm = OperationModeType.INTERNET_RADIO; break; case STANDBY: nm = OperationModeType.STANDBY; break; case DEEZER: nm = OperationModeType.DEEZER; break; case PANDORA: nm = OperationModeType.PANDORA; break; case SIRIUSXM: nm = OperationModeType.SIRIUSXM; break; case SPOTIFY: nm = OperationModeType.SPOTIFY; break; case STORED_MUSIC: nm = OperationModeType.MEDIA; break; case UNKNOWN: nm = OperationModeType.OTHER; break; } } } } else { nm = OperationModeType.STANDBY; } } else { nm = OperationModeType.OFFLINE; } if (operationMode != nm) { updateState(channelOperationModeUID, new StringType(; // TODO how to register OperationModeType // prperly? updateState(channelOperationModeNumUID, new DecimalType(nm.ordinal())); // TODO how to register // OperationModeType if (nm == OperationModeType.STANDBY || nm == OperationModeType.STANDBY) { updateState(channelPowerUID, OnOffType.OFF); } else { updateState(channelPowerUID, OnOffType.ON); } this.operationMode = nm; } } }