Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 by the respective copyright holders. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ package org.openhab.binding.atlona.internal.pro3; import; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DecimalType; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.OnOffType; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.ThingStatus; import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.ThingStatusDetail; import org.openhab.binding.atlona.internal.AtlonaHandlerCallback; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This is the protocol handler for the PRO3 product line. This handler will issue the protocol commands and will * process the responses from the PRO3 switch. This handler was written to respond to any response that can be sent from * the TCP/IP session (either in response to our own commands or in response to external events [other TCP/IP sessions, * web GUI, front panel keystrokes, etc]). * * @author Tim Roberts * */ class AtlonaPro3PortocolHandler { private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AtlonaPro3PortocolHandler.class); /** * The {@link SocketSession} used by this protocol handler */ private final SocketSession _session; /** * The {@link AtlonaPro3Config} configuration used by this handler */ private final AtlonaPro3Config _config; /** * The {@link AtlonaPro3Capabilities} of the PRO3 model */ private final AtlonaPro3Capabilities _capabilities; /** * The {@link AtlonaPro3Handler} to call back to update status and state */ private final AtlonaHandlerCallback _callback; /** * The model type identified by the switch. We save it for faster refreshes since it will not change */ private String _modelType; /** * The version (firmware) identified by the switch. We save it for faster refreshes since it will not change between * sessions */ private String _version; /** * A special (invalid) command used internally by this handler to identify whether the switch wants a login or not * (see {@link #login()}) */ private static final String NOTVALID_USER_OR_CMD = "notvalid$934%912"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The following are the various command formats specified by the Atlona protocol private static final String CMD_POWERON = "PWON"; private static final String CMD_POWEROFF = "PWOFF"; private static final String CMD_POWER_STATUS = "PWSTA"; private static final String CMD_VERSION = "Version"; private static final String CMD_TYPE = "Type"; private static final String CMD_PANELLOCK = "Lock"; private static final String CMD_PANELUNLOCK = "Unlock"; private static final String CMD_PORT_RESETALL = "All#"; private static final String CMD_PORT_POWER_FORMAT = "x%d$ %s"; private static final String CMD_PORT_ALL_FORMAT = "x%dAll"; private static final String CMD_PORT_SWITCH_FORMAT = "x%dAVx%d"; private static final String CMD_PORT_MIRROR_FORMAT = "MirrorHdmi%d Out%d"; private static final String CMD_PORT_MIRROR_STATUS_FORMAT = "MirrorHdmi%d sta"; private static final String CMD_PORT_UNMIRROR_FORMAT = "UnMirror%d"; private static final String CMD_VOLUME_FORMAT = "VOUT%d %s"; private static final String CMD_VOLUME_MUTE_FORMAT = "VOUTMute%d %s"; private static final String CMD_IROFF = "IROFF"; private static final String CMD_IRON = "IRON"; private static final String CMD_PORT_STATUS = "Status"; private static final String CMD_PORT_STATUS_FORMAT = "Statusx%d"; private static final String CMD_SAVEIO_FORMAT = "Save%d"; private static final String CMD_RECALLIO_FORMAT = "Recall%d"; private static final String CMD_CLEARIO_FORMAT = "Clear%d"; private static final String CMD_MATRIX_RESET = "Mreset"; private static final String CMD_BROADCAST_ON = "Broadcast on"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The following are the various responses specified by the Atlona protocol private static final String RSP_FAILED = "Command FAILED:"; private static final String RSP_LOGIN = "Login"; private static final String RSP_PASSWORD = "Password"; private final Pattern _powerStatusPattern = Pattern.compile("PW(\\w+)"); private final Pattern _versionPattern = Pattern.compile("Firmware (.*)"); private final Pattern _typePattern = Pattern.compile("AT-UHD-PRO3-(\\d+)M"); private static final String RSP_ALL = "All#"; private static final String RSP_LOCK = "Lock"; private static final String RSP_UNLOCK = "Unlock"; private final Pattern _portStatusPattern = Pattern.compile("x(\\d+)AVx(\\d+),?+"); private final Pattern _portPowerPattern = Pattern.compile("x(\\d+)\\$ (\\w+)"); private final Pattern _portAllPattern = Pattern.compile("x(\\d+)All"); private final Pattern _portMirrorPattern = Pattern.compile("MirrorHdmi(\\d+) (\\p{Alpha}+)(\\d*)"); private final Pattern _portUnmirrorPattern = Pattern.compile("UnMirror(\\d+)"); private final Pattern _volumePattern = Pattern.compile("VOUT(\\d+) (-?\\d+)"); private final Pattern _volumeMutePattern = Pattern.compile("VOUTMute(\\d+) (\\w+)"); private static final String RSP_IROFF = "IROFF"; private static final String RSP_IRON = "IRON"; private final Pattern _saveIoPattern = Pattern.compile("Save(\\d+)"); private final Pattern _recallIoPattern = Pattern.compile("Recall(\\d+)"); private final Pattern _clearIoPattern = Pattern.compile("Clear(\\d+)"); private final Pattern _broadCastPattern = Pattern.compile("Broadcast (\\w+)"); private static final String RSP_MATRIX_RESET = "Mreset"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The following isn't part of the atlona protocol and is generated by us private static final String CMD_PING = "ping"; private static final String RSP_PING = "Command FAILED: (ping)"; /** * Constructs the protocol handler from given parameters * * @param session a non-null {@link SocketSession} (may be connected or disconnected) * @param config a non-null {@link AtlonaPro3Config} * @param capabilities a non-null {@link AtlonaPro3Capabilities} * @param callback a non-null {@link AtlonaHandlerCallback} to update state and status */ AtlonaPro3PortocolHandler(SocketSession session, AtlonaPro3Config config, AtlonaPro3Capabilities capabilities, AtlonaHandlerCallback callback) { if (session == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("session cannot be null"); } if (config == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("config cannot be null"); } if (capabilities == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("capabilities cannot be null"); } if (callback == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("callback cannot be null"); } _session = session; _config = config; _capabilities = capabilities; _callback = callback; } /** * Attempts to log into the switch when prompted by the switch. Please see code comments on the exact protocol for * this. * * @return a null if logged in successfully (or if switch didn't require login). Non-null if an exception occurred. * @throws IOException an IO exception occurred during login */ String login() throws Exception { logger.debug("Logging into atlona switch"); // Void to make sure we retrieve them _modelType = null; _version = null; NoDispatchingCallback callback = new NoDispatchingCallback(); _session.addListener(callback); // Burn the initial (empty) return String response; try { response = callback.getResponse(); if (!response.equals("")) {"Altona protocol violation - didn't start with an inital empty response: '{}'", response); } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore - may not having given us an initial "" } // At this point - we are not sure if it's: // 1) waiting for a command input // or 2) has sent a "Login: " prompt // By sending a string that doesn't exist as a command or user // we can tell which by the response to the invalid command _session.sendCommand(NOTVALID_USER_OR_CMD); // Command failed - Altona not configured with IPLogin - return success response = callback.getResponse(); if (response.startsWith(RSP_FAILED)) { logger.debug("Altona didn't require a login"); postLogin(); return null; } // We should have been presented wit a new "\r\nLogin: " response = callback.getResponse(); if (!response.equals("")) {"Altona protocol violation - didn't start with an inital empty response: '{}'", response); } // Get the new "Login: " prompt response response = callback.getResponse(); if (response.equals(RSP_LOGIN)) { if (_config.getUserName() == null || _config.getUserName().trim().length() == 0) { return "Atlona PRO3 has enabled Telnet/IP Login but no username was provided in the configuration."; } // Send the username and wait for a ": " response _session.sendCommand(_config.getUserName()); } else { return "Altona protocol violation - wasn't initially a command failure or login prompt: " + response; } // We should have gotten the password response response = callback.getResponse(); // Burn the empty response if we got one ( if (response.equals("")) { response = callback.getResponse(); } if (!response.equals(RSP_PASSWORD)) { // If we got another login response, username wasn't valid if (response.equals(RSP_LOGIN)) { return "Username " + _config.getUserName() + " is not a valid user on the atlona"; } return "Altona protocol violation - invalid response to a login: " + response; } // Make sure we have a password if (_config.getPassword() == null || _config.getPassword().trim().length() == 0) { return "Atlona PRO3 has enabled Telnet/IP Login but no password was provided in the configuration."; } // Send the password _session.sendCommand(_config.getPassword()); response = callback.getResponse(); // At this point, we don't know if we received a // 1) "\r\n" and waiting for a command // or 2) "\r\nLogin: " if the password is invalid // Send an invalid command to see if we get the failed command response // First make sure we had an empty response (the "\r\n" part) if (!response.equals("")) {"Altona protocol violation - not an empty response after password: '{}'", response); } // Now send an invalid command _session.sendCommand(NOTVALID_USER_OR_CMD); // If we get an invalid command response - we are logged in response = callback.getResponse(); if (response.startsWith(RSP_FAILED)) { postLogin(); return null; } // Nope - password invalid return "Password was invalid - please check your atlona setup"; } /** * Post successful login stuff - mark us online and refresh from the switch */ private void postLogin() { logger.debug("Atlona switch now connected"); _session.clearListeners(); _session.addListener(new NormalResponseCallback()); _callback.statusChanged(ThingStatus.ONLINE, ThingStatusDetail.NONE, null); // Set broadcast to on to receive notifications when // routing changes (via the webpage, or presets or IR, etc) sendCommand(CMD_BROADCAST_ON); // setup the most likely state of these switches (there is no protocol to get them) refreshAll(); } /** * Returns the callback being used by this handler * * @return a non-null {@link AtlonaHandlerCallback} */ AtlonaHandlerCallback getCallback() { return _callback; } /** * Pings the server with an (invalid) ping command to keep the connection alive */ void ping() { sendCommand(CMD_PING); } /** * Refreshes the state from the switch itself. This will retrieve all the state (that we can get) from the switch. */ void refreshAll() { logger.debug("Refreshing matrix state"); if (_version == null) { refreshVersion(); } else { _callback.setProperty(AtlonaPro3Constants.PROPERTY_VERSION, _version); } if (_modelType == null) { refreshType(); } else { _callback.setProperty(AtlonaPro3Constants.PROPERTY_TYPE, _modelType); } refreshPower(); refreshAllPortStatuses(); final int nbrPowerPorts = _capabilities.getNbrPowerPorts(); for (int x = 1; x <= nbrPowerPorts; x++) { refreshPortPower(x); } final int nbrAudioPorts = _capabilities.getNbrAudioPorts(); for (int x = 1; x <= nbrAudioPorts; x++) { refreshVolumeStatus(x); refreshVolumeMute(x); } for (int x : _capabilities.getHdmiPorts()) { refreshPortStatus(x); } } /** * Sets the power to the switch * * @param on true if on, false otherwise */ void setPower(boolean on) { sendCommand(on ? CMD_POWERON : CMD_POWEROFF); } /** * Queries the switch about it's power state */ void refreshPower() { sendCommand(CMD_POWER_STATUS); } /** * Queries the switch about it's version (firmware) */ void refreshVersion() { sendCommand(CMD_VERSION); } /** * Queries the switch about it's type (model) */ void refreshType() { sendCommand(CMD_TYPE); } /** * Sets whether the front panel is locked or not * * @param locked true if locked, false otherwise */ void setPanelLock(boolean locked) { sendCommand(locked ? CMD_PANELLOCK : CMD_PANELUNLOCK); } /** * Resets all ports back to their default state. */ void resetAllPorts() { sendCommand(CMD_PORT_RESETALL); } /** * Sets whether the specified port is powered (i.e. outputing). * * @param portNbr a greater than zero port number * @param on true if powered. */ void setPortPower(int portNbr, boolean on) { if (portNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("portNbr must be greater than 0"); } sendCommand(String.format(CMD_PORT_POWER_FORMAT, portNbr, on ? "on" : "off")); } /** * Refreshes whether the specified port is powered (i.e. outputing). * * @param portNbr a greater than zero port number */ void refreshPortPower(int portNbr) { if (portNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("portNbr must be greater than 0"); } sendCommand(String.format(CMD_PORT_POWER_FORMAT, portNbr, "sta")); } /** * Sets all the output ports to the specified input port. * * @param portNbr a greater than zero port number */ void setPortAll(int portNbr) { if (portNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("portNbr must be greater than 0"); } sendCommand(String.format(CMD_PORT_ALL_FORMAT, portNbr)); } /** * Sets the input port number to the specified output port number. * * @param inPortNbr a greater than zero port number * @param outPortNbr a greater than zero port number */ void setPortSwitch(int inPortNbr, int outPortNbr) { if (inPortNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("inPortNbr must be greater than 0"); } if (outPortNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("outPortNbr must be greater than 0"); } sendCommand(String.format(CMD_PORT_SWITCH_FORMAT, inPortNbr, outPortNbr)); } /** * Sets the hdmi port number to mirror the specified output port number. * * @param hdmiPortNbr a greater than zero port number * @param outPortNbr a greater than zero port number */ void setPortMirror(int hdmiPortNbr, int outPortNbr) { if (hdmiPortNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("hdmiPortNbr must be greater than 0"); } if (outPortNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("outPortNbr must be greater than 0"); } if (_capabilities.getHdmiPorts().contains(hdmiPortNbr)) { sendCommand(String.format(CMD_PORT_MIRROR_FORMAT, hdmiPortNbr, outPortNbr)); } else {"Trying to set port mirroring on a non-hdmi port: {}", hdmiPortNbr); } } /** * Disabled mirroring on the specified hdmi port number. * * @param hdmiPortNbr a greater than zero port number * @param outPortNbr a greater than zero port number */ void removePortMirror(int hdmiPortNbr) { if (hdmiPortNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("hdmiPortNbr must be greater than 0"); } if (_capabilities.getHdmiPorts().contains(hdmiPortNbr)) { sendCommand(String.format(CMD_PORT_UNMIRROR_FORMAT, hdmiPortNbr)); } else {"Trying to remove port mirroring on a non-hdmi port: {}", hdmiPortNbr); } } /** * Sets the volume level on the specified audio port. * * @param portNbr a greater than zero port number * @param level a volume level in decibels (must range from -79 to +15) */ void setVolume(int portNbr, double level) { if (portNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("portNbr must be greater than 0"); } if (level < -79 || level > 15) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("level must be between -79 to +15"); } sendCommand(String.format(CMD_VOLUME_FORMAT, portNbr, level)); } /** * Refreshes the volume level for the given audio port. * * @param portNbr a greater than zero port number */ void refreshVolumeStatus(int portNbr) { if (portNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("portNbr must be greater than 0"); } sendCommand(String.format(CMD_VOLUME_FORMAT, portNbr, "sta")); } /** * Refreshes the specified hdmi port's mirroring status * * @param hdmiPortNbr a greater than zero hdmi port number */ void refreshPortMirror(int hdmiPortNbr) { if (hdmiPortNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("hdmiPortNbr must be greater than 0"); } sendCommand(String.format(CMD_PORT_MIRROR_STATUS_FORMAT, hdmiPortNbr)); } /** * Mutes/Unmutes the specified audio port. * * @param portNbr a greater than zero port number * @param mute true to mute, false to unmute */ void setVolumeMute(int portNbr, boolean mute) { if (portNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("portNbr must be greater than 0"); } sendCommand(String.format(CMD_VOLUME_MUTE_FORMAT, portNbr, mute ? "on" : "off")); } /** * Refreshes the volume mute for the given audio port. * * @param portNbr a greater than zero port number */ void refreshVolumeMute(int portNbr) { if (portNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("portNbr must be greater than 0"); } sendCommand(String.format(CMD_VOLUME_MUTE_FORMAT, portNbr, "sta")); } /** * Turn on/off the front panel IR. * * @param on true for on, false otherwise */ void setIrOn(boolean on) { sendCommand(on ? CMD_IRON : CMD_IROFF); } /** * Refreshes the input port setting on the specified output port. * * @param portNbr a greater than zero port number */ void refreshPortStatus(int portNbr) { if (portNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("portNbr must be greater than 0"); } sendCommand(String.format(CMD_PORT_STATUS_FORMAT, portNbr)); } /** * Refreshes all of the input port settings for all of the output ports. */ private void refreshAllPortStatuses() { sendCommand(CMD_PORT_STATUS); } /** * Saves the current Input/Output scheme to the specified preset number. * * @param presetNbr a greater than 0 preset number */ void saveIoSettings(int presetNbr) { if (presetNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("presetNbr must be greater than 0"); } sendCommand(String.format(CMD_SAVEIO_FORMAT, presetNbr)); } /** * Recalls the Input/Output scheme for the specified preset number. * * @param presetNbr a greater than 0 preset number */ void recallIoSettings(int presetNbr) { if (presetNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("presetNbr must be greater than 0"); } sendCommand(String.format(CMD_RECALLIO_FORMAT, presetNbr)); } /** * Clears the Input/Output scheme for the specified preset number. * * @param presetNbr a greater than 0 preset number */ void clearIoSettings(int presetNbr) { if (presetNbr <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("presetNbr must be greater than 0"); } sendCommand(String.format(CMD_CLEARIO_FORMAT, presetNbr)); } /** * Resets the matrix back to defaults. */ void resetMatrix() { sendCommand(CMD_MATRIX_RESET); } /** * Sends the command and puts the thing into {@link ThingStatus#OFFLINE} if an IOException occurs * * @param command a non-null, non-empty command to send */ private void sendCommand(String command) { if (command == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("command cannot be null"); } if (command.trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("command cannot be empty"); } try { _session.sendCommand(command); } catch (IOException e) { _callback.statusChanged(ThingStatus.OFFLINE, ThingStatusDetail.COMMUNICATION_ERROR, "Exception occurred sending to Atlona: " + e); } } /** * Handles the switch power response. The first matching group should be "on" or "off" * * @param m the non-null {@link Matcher} that matched the response * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handlePowerResponse(Matcher m, String resp) { if (m == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("m (matcher) cannot be null"); } if (m.groupCount() == 1) { switch ( { case "ON": _callback.stateChanged(AtlonaPro3Utilities.createChannelID(AtlonaPro3Constants.GROUP_PRIMARY, AtlonaPro3Constants.CHANNEL_POWER), OnOffType.ON); break; case "OFF": _callback.stateChanged(AtlonaPro3Utilities.createChannelID(AtlonaPro3Constants.GROUP_PRIMARY, AtlonaPro3Constants.CHANNEL_POWER), OnOffType.OFF); break; default: logger.warn("Invalid power response: '{}'", resp); } } else { logger.warn("Invalid power response: '{}'", resp); } } /** * Handles the version (firmware) response. The first matching group should be the version * * @param m the non-null {@link Matcher} that matched the response * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handleVersionResponse(Matcher m, String resp) { if (m == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("m (matcher) cannot be null"); } if (m.groupCount() == 1) { _version =; _callback.setProperty(AtlonaPro3Constants.PROPERTY_VERSION, _version); } else { logger.warn("Invalid version response: '{}'", resp); } } /** * Handles the type (model) response. The first matching group should be the type. * * @param m the non-null {@link Matcher} that matched the response * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handleTypeResponse(Matcher m, String resp) { if (m == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("m (matcher) cannot be null"); } if (m.groupCount() == 1) { _modelType = resp; _callback.setProperty(AtlonaPro3Constants.PROPERTY_TYPE, _modelType); } else { logger.warn("Invalid Type response: '{}'", resp); } } /** * Handles the panel lock response. The response is only on or off. * * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handlePanelLockResponse(String resp) { _callback.stateChanged( AtlonaPro3Utilities.createChannelID(AtlonaPro3Constants.GROUP_PRIMARY, AtlonaPro3Constants.CHANNEL_PANELLOCK), RSP_LOCK.equals(resp) ? OnOffType.ON : OnOffType.OFF); } /** * Handles the port power response. The first two groups should be the port nbr and either "on" or "off" * * @param m the non-null {@link Matcher} that matched the response * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handlePortPowerResponse(Matcher m, String resp) { if (m == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("m (matcher) cannot be null"); } if (m.groupCount() == 2) { try { int portNbr = Integer.parseInt(; switch ( { case "on": _callback.stateChanged(AtlonaPro3Utilities.createChannelID(AtlonaPro3Constants.GROUP_PORT, portNbr, AtlonaPro3Constants.CHANNEL_PORTPOWER), OnOffType.ON); break; case "off": _callback.stateChanged(AtlonaPro3Utilities.createChannelID(AtlonaPro3Constants.GROUP_PORT, portNbr, AtlonaPro3Constants.CHANNEL_PORTPOWER), OnOffType.OFF); break; default: logger.warn("Invalid port power response: '{}'", resp); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.warn("Invalid port power (can't parse number): '{}'", resp); } } else { logger.warn("Invalid port power response: '{}'", resp); } } /** * Handles the port all response. Simply calls {@link #refreshAllPortStatuses()} * * @param resp ignored */ private void handlePortAllResponse(String resp) { refreshAllPortStatuses(); } /** * Handles the port output response. This matcher can have multiple groups separated by commas. Find each group and * that group should have two groups within - an input port nbr and an output port number * * @param m the non-null {@link Matcher} that matched the response * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handlePortOutputResponse(Matcher m, String resp) { if (m == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("m (matcher) cannot be null"); } m.reset(); while (m.find()) { try { int inPort = Integer.parseInt(; int outPort = Integer.parseInt(; _callback.stateChanged(AtlonaPro3Utilities.createChannelID(AtlonaPro3Constants.GROUP_PORT, outPort, AtlonaPro3Constants.CHANNEL_PORTOUTPUT), new DecimalType(inPort)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.warn("Invalid port output response (can't parse number): '{}'", resp); } } } /** * Handles the mirror response. The matcher should have two groups - an hdmi port number and an output port number. * * @param m the non-null {@link Matcher} that matched the response * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handleMirrorResponse(Matcher m, String resp) { if (m == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("m (matcher) cannot be null"); } if (m.groupCount() == 3) { try { int hdmiPortNbr = Integer.parseInt(; // could be "off" (if mirror off), "on"/"Out" (with 3rd group representing out) String oper = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(; if (oper.equals("off")) { _callback.stateChanged(AtlonaPro3Utilities.createChannelID(AtlonaPro3Constants.GROUP_MIRROR, hdmiPortNbr, AtlonaPro3Constants.CHANNEL_PORTMIRRORENABLED), OnOffType.OFF); } else { int outPortNbr = Integer.parseInt(; _callback.stateChanged(AtlonaPro3Utilities.createChannelID(AtlonaPro3Constants.GROUP_MIRROR, hdmiPortNbr, AtlonaPro3Constants.CHANNEL_PORTMIRROR), new DecimalType(outPortNbr)); _callback.stateChanged(AtlonaPro3Utilities.createChannelID(AtlonaPro3Constants.GROUP_MIRROR, hdmiPortNbr, AtlonaPro3Constants.CHANNEL_PORTMIRRORENABLED), OnOffType.ON); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.warn("Invalid mirror response (can't parse number): '{}'", resp); } } else { logger.warn("Invalid mirror response: '{}'", resp); } } /** * Handles the unmirror response. The first group should contain the hdmi port number * * @param m the non-null {@link Matcher} that matched the response * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handleUnMirrorResponse(Matcher m, String resp) { if (m == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("m (matcher) cannot be null"); } if (m.groupCount() == 1) { try { int hdmiPortNbr = Integer.parseInt(; _callback.stateChanged(AtlonaPro3Utilities.createChannelID(AtlonaPro3Constants.GROUP_MIRROR, hdmiPortNbr, AtlonaPro3Constants.CHANNEL_PORTMIRROR), new DecimalType(0)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.warn("Invalid unmirror response (can't parse number): '{}'", resp); } } else { logger.warn("Invalid unmirror response: '{}'", resp); } } /** * Handles the volume response. The first two group should be the audio port number and the level * * @param m the non-null {@link Matcher} that matched the response * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handleVolumeResponse(Matcher m, String resp) { if (m == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("m (matcher) cannot be null"); } if (m.groupCount() == 2) { try { int portNbr = Integer.parseInt(; double level = Double.parseDouble(; _callback.stateChanged(AtlonaPro3Utilities.createChannelID(AtlonaPro3Constants.GROUP_VOLUME, portNbr, AtlonaPro3Constants.CHANNEL_VOLUME), new DecimalType(level)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.warn("Invalid volume response (can't parse number): '{}'", resp); } } else { logger.warn("Invalid volume response: '{}'", resp); } } /** * Handles the volume mute response. The first two group should be the audio port number and either "on" or "off * * @param m the non-null {@link Matcher} that matched the response * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handleVolumeMuteResponse(Matcher m, String resp) { if (m == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("m (matcher) cannot be null"); } if (m.groupCount() == 2) { try { int portNbr = Integer.parseInt(; switch ( { case "on": _callback.stateChanged(AtlonaPro3Utilities.createChannelID(AtlonaPro3Constants.GROUP_VOLUME, portNbr, AtlonaPro3Constants.CHANNEL_VOLUME_MUTE), OnOffType.ON); break; case "off": _callback.stateChanged(AtlonaPro3Utilities.createChannelID(AtlonaPro3Constants.GROUP_VOLUME, portNbr, AtlonaPro3Constants.CHANNEL_VOLUME_MUTE), OnOffType.OFF); break; default: logger.warn("Invalid volume mute response: '{}'", resp); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.warn("Invalid volume mute (can't parse number): '{}'", resp); } } else { logger.warn("Invalid volume mute response: '{}'", resp); } } /** * Handles the IR Response. The response is either on or off * * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handleIrLockResponse(String resp) { _callback.stateChanged( AtlonaPro3Utilities.createChannelID(AtlonaPro3Constants.GROUP_PRIMARY, AtlonaPro3Constants.CHANNEL_IRENABLE), RSP_IRON.equals(resp) ? OnOffType.ON : OnOffType.OFF); } /** * Handles the Save IO Response. Should have one group specifying the preset number * * @param m the non-null {@link Matcher} that matched the response * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handleSaveIoResponse(Matcher m, String resp) { // nothing to handle } /** * Handles the Recall IO Response. Should have one group specifying the preset number. After updating the Recall * State, we refresh all the ports via {@link #refreshAllPortStatuses()}. * * @param m the non-null {@link Matcher} that matched the response * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handleRecallIoResponse(Matcher m, String resp) { refreshAllPortStatuses(); } /** * Handles the Clear IO Response. Should have one group specifying the preset number. * * @param m the non-null {@link Matcher} that matched the response * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handleClearIoResponse(Matcher m, String resp) { // nothing to handle } /** * Handles the broadcast Response. Should have one group specifying the status. * * @param m the non-null {@link Matcher} that matched the response * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handleBroadcastResponse(Matcher m, String resp) { // nothing to handle } /** * Handles the matrix reset response. The matrix will go offline immediately on a reset. * * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handleMatrixResetResponse(String resp) { if (RSP_MATRIX_RESET.equals(resp)) { _callback.statusChanged(ThingStatus.OFFLINE, ThingStatusDetail.COMMUNICATION_ERROR, "System is rebooting due to matrix reset"); } } /** * Handles a command failure - we simply log the response as an error * * @param resp the possibly null, possibly empty actual response */ private void handleCommandFailure(String resp) {"{}", resp); } /** * This callback is our normal response callback. Should be set into the {@link SocketSession} after the login * process to handle normal responses. * * @author Tim Roberts * */ private class NormalResponseCallback implements SocketSessionListener { @Override public void responseReceived(String response) { if (response == null || response == "") { return; } if (RSP_PING.equals(response)) { // ignore return; } Matcher m; m = _portStatusPattern.matcher(response); if (m.find()) { handlePortOutputResponse(m, response); return; } m = _powerStatusPattern.matcher(response); if (m.matches()) { handlePowerResponse(m, response); return; } m = _versionPattern.matcher(response); if (m.matches()) { handleVersionResponse(m, response); return; } m = _typePattern.matcher(response); if (m.matches()) { handleTypeResponse(m, response); return; } m = _portPowerPattern.matcher(response); if (m.matches()) { handlePortPowerResponse(m, response); return; } m = _volumePattern.matcher(response); if (m.matches()) { handleVolumeResponse(m, response); return; } m = _volumeMutePattern.matcher(response); if (m.matches()) { handleVolumeMuteResponse(m, response); return; } m = _portAllPattern.matcher(response); if (m.matches()) { handlePortAllResponse(response); return; } m = _portMirrorPattern.matcher(response); if (m.matches()) { handleMirrorResponse(m, response); return; } m = _portUnmirrorPattern.matcher(response); if (m.matches()) { handleUnMirrorResponse(m, response); return; } m = _saveIoPattern.matcher(response); if (m.matches()) { handleSaveIoResponse(m, response); return; } m = _recallIoPattern.matcher(response); if (m.matches()) { handleRecallIoResponse(m, response); return; } m = _clearIoPattern.matcher(response); if (m.matches()) { handleClearIoResponse(m, response); return; } m = _broadCastPattern.matcher(response); if (m.matches()) { handleBroadcastResponse(m, response); return; } if (RSP_IRON.equals(response) || RSP_IROFF.equals(response)) { handleIrLockResponse(response); return; } if (RSP_ALL.equals(response)) { handlePortAllResponse(response); return; } if (RSP_LOCK.equals(response) || RSP_UNLOCK.equals(response)) { handlePanelLockResponse(response); return; } if (RSP_MATRIX_RESET.equals(response)) { handleMatrixResetResponse(response); return; } if (response.startsWith(RSP_FAILED)) { handleCommandFailure(response); return; }"Unhandled response: {}", response); } @Override public void responseException(Exception e) { _callback.statusChanged(ThingStatus.OFFLINE, ThingStatusDetail.COMMUNICATION_ERROR, "Exception occurred reading from Atlona: " + e); } } /** * Special callback used during the login process to not dispatch the responses to this class but rather give them * back at each call to {@link NoDispatchingCallback#getResponse()} * * @author Tim Roberts * */ private class NoDispatchingCallback implements SocketSessionListener { /** * Cache of responses that have occurred */ private BlockingQueue<Object> _responses = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Object>(5); /** * Will return the next response from {@link #_responses}. If the response is an exception, that exception will * be thrown instead. * * @return a non-null, possibly empty response * @throws Exception an exception if one occurred during reading */ String getResponse() throws Exception { final Object lastResponse = _responses.poll(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (lastResponse instanceof String) { return (String) lastResponse; } else if (lastResponse instanceof Exception) { throw (Exception) lastResponse; } else if (lastResponse == null) { throw new Exception("Didn't receive response in time"); } else { return lastResponse.toString(); } } @Override public void responseReceived(String response) { try { _responses.put(response); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } @Override public void responseException(Exception e) { try { _responses.put(e); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { } } } }