Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the License
 * which accompanies this distribution in the file LICENSE.txt
package org.opengroup.archimate.xmlexchange;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.jdom2.Document;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.JDOMException;
import org.jdom2.Namespace;

import com.archimatetool.editor.ui.ColorFactory;
import com.archimatetool.editor.ui.FontFactory;
import com.archimatetool.editor.utils.StringUtils;
import com.archimatetool.jdom.JDOMUtils;
import com.archimatetool.model.IArchimateComponent;
import com.archimatetool.model.IArchimateDiagramModel;
import com.archimatetool.model.IArchimateElement;
import com.archimatetool.model.IArchimateFactory;
import com.archimatetool.model.IArchimateModel;
import com.archimatetool.model.IBounds;
import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelArchimateConnection;
import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelArchimateObject;
import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelBendpoint;
import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelConnection;
import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelContainer;
import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelGroup;
import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelNote;
import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelObject;
import com.archimatetool.model.IFontAttribute;
import com.archimatetool.model.IProperties;
import com.archimatetool.model.IProperty;
import com.archimatetool.model.IRelationship;
import com.archimatetool.model.util.ArchimateModelUtils;

 * XML Model Importer
 * @author Phillip Beauvoir
public class XMLModelImporter implements IXMLExchangeGlobals {

    private IArchimateModel fModel;

    // Properties
    private Map<String, String> fPropertyDefinitionsList;

    public IArchimateModel createArchiMateModel(File instanceFile)
            throws IOException, JDOMException, XMLModelParserException {
        // Create a new Archimate Model and set its defaults
        fModel = IArchimateFactory.eINSTANCE.createArchimateModel();

        // Read file without Schema validation
        Document doc = JDOMUtils.readXMLFile(instanceFile);

        Element rootElement = doc.getRootElement();

        // Parse Property Definitions first
        parsePropertyDefinitions(rootElement.getChild(ELEMENT_PROPERTYDEFS, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE));

        // Parse Root Element

        // Parse ArchiMate Elements
        parseArchiMateElements(rootElement.getChild(ELEMENT_ELEMENTS, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE));

        // Parse ArchiMate Relations
        parseArchiMateRelations(rootElement.getChild(ELEMENT_RELATIONSHIPS, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE));

        // Parse Views
        parseViews(rootElement.getChild(ELEMENT_VIEWS, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE));

        // TODO Parse Organization - not implemented as yet.
        // parseOrganization(rootElement.getChild(ELEMENT_ORGANIZATION, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE));

        return fModel;

    // ========================================= Property Definitions ======================================

    private void parsePropertyDefinitions(Element propertydefsElement) {
        if (propertydefsElement == null) {

        fPropertyDefinitionsList = null;
        fPropertyDefinitionsList = new HashMap<String, String>();

        // Archi only supports String types so we can ignore the data type
        for (Element propertyDefElement : propertydefsElement.getChildren(ELEMENT_PROPERTYDEF,
                OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)) {
            String identifier = propertyDefElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER);
            String name = propertyDefElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
            if (identifier != null && name != null) {
                fPropertyDefinitionsList.put(identifier, name);

    // ========================================= Root Element ======================================

    private void parseRootElement(Element rootElement) {
        // Identifier
        String id = rootElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER);
        if (id != null) {

        // Name
        String name = getChildElementText(rootElement, ELEMENT_NAME, true);
        if (name != null) {

        // Documentation
        String documentation = getChildElementText(rootElement, ELEMENT_DOCUMENTATION, false);
        if (documentation != null) {

        // Properties
        addProperties(fModel, rootElement);

    // ========================================= Properties ======================================

    private void addProperties(IProperties propertiesModel, Element parentElement) {
        Element propertiesElement = parentElement.getChild(ELEMENT_PROPERTIES, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE);
        if (propertiesElement != null) {
            for (Element propertyElement : propertiesElement.getChildren(ELEMENT_PROPERTY, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)) {
                String idref = propertyElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIERREF);

                // Ignore special junction types
                if (PROPERTY_JUNCTION_ID.equals(idref)) {

                if (idref != null) {
                    String propertyName = fPropertyDefinitionsList.get(idref);
                    if (propertyName != null) {
                        String propertyValue = getChildElementText(propertyElement, ELEMENT_VALUE, true);
                        IProperty property = IArchimateFactory.eINSTANCE.createProperty();

    // ========================================= Elements ======================================

    private void parseArchiMateElements(Element elementsElement) throws XMLModelParserException {
        if (elementsElement == null) {
            throw new XMLModelParserException("No Elements found");

        for (Element childElement : elementsElement.getChildren(ELEMENT_ELEMENT, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)) {
            String type = childElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, XSI_NAMESPACE);
            // If type is bogus ignore
            if (type == null) {

            // Junctions are a special case, so we look for a property
            if ("Junction".equals(type)) {
                type = getJunctionType(childElement);

            IArchimateElement element = (IArchimateElement) XMLTypeMapper.createArchimateComponent(type);
            // If element is null throw exception
            if (element == null) {
                throw new XMLModelParserException("Element for type: " + type + " not found.");

            // Identifier first
            String id = childElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER);
            if (id != null) {

            // Add to model

            String name = getChildElementText(childElement, ELEMENT_LABEL, true);
            if (name != null) {

            String documentation = getChildElementText(childElement, ELEMENT_DOCUMENTATION, false);
            if (documentation != null) {

            // Properties
            addProperties(element, childElement);

     * Get the actual Junction type based on a property
    private String getJunctionType(Element element) {
        String junctionType = "Junction";

        Element propertiesElement = element.getChild(ELEMENT_PROPERTIES, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE);
        if (propertiesElement != null) {
            for (Element propertyElement : propertiesElement.getChildren(ELEMENT_PROPERTY, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)) {
                String idref = propertyElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIERREF);
                if (PROPERTY_JUNCTION_ID.equals(idref)) {
                    String propertyValue = getChildElementText(propertyElement, ELEMENT_VALUE, true);
                    if (PROPERTY_JUNCTION_AND.equals(propertyValue)) {
                        junctionType = "AndJunction";
                    } else if (PROPERTY_JUNCTION_OR.equals(propertyValue)) {
                        junctionType = "OrJunction";

        return junctionType;

    // ========================================= Relations ======================================

    private void parseArchiMateRelations(Element relationsElement) throws IOException {
        if (relationsElement == null) { // Optional

        for (Element childElement : relationsElement.getChildren(ELEMENT_RELATIONSHIP, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)) {
            String type = childElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, XSI_NAMESPACE);
            // If type is bogus ignore
            if (type == null) {

            IRelationship relation = (IRelationship) XMLTypeMapper.createArchimateComponent(type);
            // If relation is null throw exception
            if (relation == null) {
                throw new IOException("Relation for type: " + type + " not found.");

            // Identifier first
            String id = childElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER);
            if (id != null) {

            // Source and target
            String sourceID = childElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE);
            String targetID = childElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET);

            EObject eObjectSrc = ArchimateModelUtils.getObjectByID(fModel, sourceID);
            if (!(eObjectSrc instanceof IArchimateElement)) {
                throw new IOException("Source Element not found for id: " + sourceID);

            EObject eObjectTgt = ArchimateModelUtils.getObjectByID(fModel, targetID);
            if (!(eObjectTgt instanceof IArchimateElement)) {
                throw new IOException("Target Element not found for id: " + targetID);

            relation.setSource((IArchimateElement) eObjectSrc);
            relation.setTarget((IArchimateElement) eObjectTgt);

            // Add to model

            String name = getChildElementText(childElement, ELEMENT_LABEL, true);
            if (name != null) {

            String documentation = getChildElementText(childElement, ELEMENT_DOCUMENTATION, false);
            if (documentation != null) {

            // Properties
            addProperties(relation, childElement);

    // ========================================= Organization ======================================

    private void parseOrganization(Element organizationElement) {
        if (organizationElement == null) { // Optional

        for (Element childElement : organizationElement.getChildren(ELEMENT_ITEM, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)) {

    private void parseItem(Element itemElement) {
        // The idea is to see if we can match any referenced elements/relations into a suitable folder
        // and then move them to that folder. At this stage, it's not worth it.

        String idref = itemElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIERREF);

        if (idref != null) {
            EObject eObject = ArchimateModelUtils.getObjectByID(fModel, idref);
            if (eObject instanceof IArchimateComponent) {

        // Folder?
        else {


        for (Element childElement : itemElement.getChildren(ELEMENT_ITEM, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)) {

    // ========================================= Views ======================================

    private void parseViews(Element viewsElement) throws XMLModelParserException {
        if (viewsElement == null) { // Optional

        for (Element viewElement : viewsElement.getChildren(ELEMENT_VIEW, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)) {
            IArchimateDiagramModel dm = IArchimateFactory.eINSTANCE.createArchimateDiagramModel();

            // Identifier first
            String id = viewElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER);
            if (id != null) {

            // Viewpoint
            String viewPointName = viewElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_VIEWPOINT);
            if (viewPointName != null) {
                int viewPointID = XMLTypeMapper.getViewpointID(viewPointName);

            // Name
            String name = getChildElementText(viewElement, ELEMENT_LABEL, true);
            if (name != null) {

            // Documentation
            String documentation = getChildElementText(viewElement, ELEMENT_DOCUMENTATION, false);
            if (documentation != null) {

            // Properties
            addProperties(dm, viewElement);

            // Nodes
            addNodes(dm, viewElement);

            // Connections

    // ========================================= Nodes ======================================

    private void addNodes(IDiagramModelContainer parentContainer, Element parentElement)
            throws XMLModelParserException {
        for (Element nodeElement : parentElement.getChildren(ELEMENT_NODE, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)) {
            IDiagramModelObject dmo = null;

            // This has an element ref so it's an ArchiMate element node
            String elementRef = nodeElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENTREF);
            if (hasValue(elementRef)) {
                EObject eObject = ArchimateModelUtils.getObjectByID(fModel, elementRef);

                if (!(eObject instanceof IArchimateElement)) {
                    throw new XMLModelParserException("Element not found for id: " + elementRef);

                // Create new diagram node object
                IArchimateElement element = (IArchimateElement) eObject;
                dmo = IArchimateFactory.eINSTANCE.createDiagramModelArchimateObject();
                ((IDiagramModelArchimateObject) dmo).setArchimateElement(element);

            // No element ref so this is another type of node, but what is it?
            else {
                boolean isGroup = NODE_TYPE_GROUP.equals(nodeElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE));
                //boolean isNote = NODE_TYPE_TEXT.equals(nodeElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE));

                // Does the graphical node have children?
                // Our notes cannot contain children, so if it does contain children it has to be a Group.
                boolean hasChildren = nodeElement.getChildren(ELEMENT_NODE, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE).size() > 0;

                if (isGroup || hasChildren) {
                    IDiagramModelGroup group = IArchimateFactory.eINSTANCE.createDiagramModelGroup();
                    dmo = group;

                    // Name
                    String name = getChildElementText(nodeElement, ELEMENT_LABEL, true);
                    if (name != null) {

                    // Documentation
                    String documentation = getChildElementText(nodeElement, ELEMENT_DOCUMENTATION, false);
                    if (documentation != null) {

                    // Properties
                    addProperties(group, nodeElement);
                // A Note is our only other option
                else {
                    IDiagramModelNote note = IArchimateFactory.eINSTANCE.createDiagramModelNote();
                    dmo = note;

                    // Text
                    String text = getChildElementText(nodeElement, ELEMENT_LABEL, false);
                    if (text != null) {

            if (dmo != null) {
                // Add Identifier before adding to model
                String identifier = nodeElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER);

                // Add the child first

                // Get the absolute bounds as declared in the XML file
                IBounds absoluteBounds = getNodeBounds(nodeElement);

                // Now convert the given absolute bounds into relative bounds
                IBounds relativeBounds = XMLExchangeUtils.convertAbsoluteToRelativeBounds(absoluteBounds, dmo);

                // Style
                addNodeStyle(dmo, nodeElement.getChild(ELEMENT_STYLE, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE));

                // Child nodes
                if (dmo instanceof IDiagramModelContainer) {
                    addNodes((IDiagramModelContainer) dmo, nodeElement);

     * Get the object bounds as declared in XML. The x, y will be absolute values.
    IBounds getNodeBounds(Element nodeElement) throws XMLModelParserException {
        // Check for x, y, width and height
        String xString = nodeElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_X);
        String yString = nodeElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_Y);
        String wString = nodeElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH);
        String hString = nodeElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT);

        if (!hasValue(xString) || !hasValue(yString) || !hasValue(wString) || !hasValue(hString)) {
            throw new XMLModelParserException("Co-ordinate value not found");

        int x = Integer.valueOf(xString);
        int y = Integer.valueOf(yString);
        int width = Integer.valueOf(wString);
        int height = Integer.valueOf(hString);

        return IArchimateFactory.eINSTANCE.createBounds(x, y, width, height);

     * Node Style
    private void addNodeStyle(IDiagramModelObject dmo, Element styleElement) throws XMLModelParserException {
        if (styleElement == null) {

        // Fill Color
        dmo.setFillColor(getRGBColorString(styleElement.getChild(ELEMENT_FILLCOLOR, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)));

        // Line Color
        dmo.setLineColor(getRGBColorString(styleElement.getChild(ELEMENT_LINECOLOR, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)));

        // Font
        addFont(dmo, styleElement.getChild(ELEMENT_FONT, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE));

    // ======================================= Connections ====================================

    private void addConnections(Element viewElement) throws XMLModelParserException {
        for (Element connectionElement : viewElement.getChildren(ELEMENT_CONNECTION, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)) {

            IDiagramModelConnection connection = null;

            // Get source node
            String sourceRef = connectionElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE);
            EObject eObjectSourceNode = ArchimateModelUtils.getObjectByID(fModel, sourceRef);
            if (eObjectSourceNode == null) {
                throw new XMLModelParserException("Source node not found for id: " + sourceRef);

            // Get target node
            String targetRef = connectionElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET);
            EObject eObjectTargetNode = ArchimateModelUtils.getObjectByID(fModel, targetRef);
            if (eObjectTargetNode == null) {
                throw new XMLModelParserException("Target node not found for id: " + targetRef);

            // An ArchiMate relationship connection
            String relationshipRef = connectionElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_RELATIONSHIPREF);
            if (hasValue(relationshipRef)) {
                // Must be ArchiMate type source node
                if (!(eObjectSourceNode instanceof IDiagramModelArchimateObject)) {
                    throw new XMLModelParserException("Source node is not an ArchiMate node for id: " + sourceRef);

                // Must be ArchiMate type target node
                if (!(eObjectTargetNode instanceof IDiagramModelArchimateObject)) {
                    throw new XMLModelParserException("Target node is not an ArchiMate node for id: " + targetRef);

                // Get relationship
                EObject eObjectRelationship = ArchimateModelUtils.getObjectByID(fModel, relationshipRef);
                if (!(eObjectRelationship instanceof IRelationship)) {
                    throw new XMLModelParserException("Relationship not found for id: " + relationshipRef);

                // Create new ArchiMate connection with relationship
                connection = IArchimateFactory.eINSTANCE.createDiagramModelArchimateConnection();
                ((IDiagramModelArchimateConnection) connection)
                        .setRelationship((IRelationship) eObjectRelationship);
            // Another connection type
            else {
                // Only connect notes and groups
                if (eObjectTargetNode instanceof IDiagramModelArchimateObject
                        && eObjectSourceNode instanceof IDiagramModelArchimateObject) {

                // Create new ordinary connection
                connection = IArchimateFactory.eINSTANCE.createDiagramModelConnection();

            if (connection != null) {
                // Add Identifier before adding to model
                String identifier = connectionElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER);

                // Connect
                connection.connect((IDiagramModelObject) eObjectSourceNode,
                        (IDiagramModelObject) eObjectTargetNode);

                // Bendpoints
                addBendpoints(connection, connectionElement);

                // Style
                addConnectionStyle(connection, connectionElement.getChild(ELEMENT_STYLE, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE));

     * Add bendpoints
    private void addBendpoints(IDiagramModelConnection connection, Element connectionElement)
            throws XMLModelParserException {
        for (Element bendpointElement : connectionElement.getChildren(ELEMENT_BENDPOINT, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)) {
            String xString = bendpointElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_X);
            String yString = bendpointElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_Y);
            if (!hasValue(xString) || !hasValue(yString)) {
                throw new XMLModelParserException("Bendpoint co-ordinate value not found");

            int x = Integer.valueOf(xString);
            int y = Integer.valueOf(yString);

            IDiagramModelBendpoint bendpoint = IArchimateFactory.eINSTANCE.createDiagramModelBendpoint();

            IBounds srcBounds = XMLExchangeUtils.getAbsoluteBounds(connection.getSource());
            IBounds tgtBounds = XMLExchangeUtils.getAbsoluteBounds(connection.getTarget());

            int startX = x - (srcBounds.getX() + (srcBounds.getWidth() / 2));
            int startY = y - (srcBounds.getY() + (srcBounds.getHeight() / 2));

            int endX = x - (tgtBounds.getX() + (tgtBounds.getWidth() / 2));
            int endY = y - (tgtBounds.getY() + (tgtBounds.getHeight() / 2));

     * Connection Style
    private void addConnectionStyle(IDiagramModelConnection connection, Element styleElement)
            throws XMLModelParserException {
        if (styleElement == null) {

        // Line width
        String lineWidthString = styleElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_LINEWIDTH);
        if (hasValue(lineWidthString)) {
            int width = Integer.valueOf(lineWidthString);
            if (width < 0) {
                width = 1;
            if (width > 3) {
                width = 3;

        // Line Color
        connection.setLineColor(getRGBColorString(styleElement.getChild(ELEMENT_LINECOLOR, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)));

        // Font
        addFont(connection, styleElement.getChild(ELEMENT_FONT, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE));

    // ========================================= Helpers ======================================

    private void addFont(IFontAttribute fontObject, Element fontElement) throws XMLModelParserException {
        if (fontElement == null) {

        FontData newFontData = new FontData(FontFactory.getDefaultUserViewFontData().toString());

        String fontName = fontElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_FONTNAME);
        if (hasValue(fontName)) {

        String fontSize = fontElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_FONTSIZE);
        if (hasValue(fontSize)) {
            int val = Double.valueOf(fontSize).intValue();

        String fontStyle = fontElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_FONTSTYLE);
        if (hasValue(fontStyle)) {
            int styleValue = SWT.NORMAL;
            if (fontStyle.contains("bold")) {
                styleValue |= SWT.BOLD;
            if (fontStyle.contains("italic")) {
                styleValue |= SWT.ITALIC;


        // Font color
        fontObject.setFontColor(getRGBColorString(fontElement.getChild(ELEMENT_FONTCOLOR, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)));

     * Get the RGB String for an element, or null.
    String getRGBColorString(Element rgbElement) throws XMLModelParserException {
        String colorStr = null;

        if (rgbElement != null) {
            String rString = rgbElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_R);
            String gString = rgbElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_G);
            String bString = rgbElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_B);

            if (!hasValue(rString) || !hasValue(gString) || !hasValue(bString)) {
                throw new XMLModelParserException("RGB value not found");

            int red = Integer.valueOf(rString);
            int green = Integer.valueOf(gString);
            int blue = Integer.valueOf(bString);

            colorStr = ColorFactory.convertRGBToString(new RGB(red, green, blue));

        return colorStr;

    String getChildElementText(Element parentElement, String childElementName, boolean normalise) {
        //Check for localised element according to the system's locale
        String code = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
        if (code == null) {
            code = "en";

        for (Element childElement : parentElement.getChildren(childElementName, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE)) {
            String lang = childElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_LANG, Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
            if (code.equals(lang)) {
                return normalise ? childElement.getTextNormalize() : childElement.getText();

        // Default to first element found
        Element element = parentElement.getChild(childElementName, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE);
        return element == null ? null : normalise ? element.getTextNormalize() : element.getText();

    boolean hasValue(String val) {
        return StringUtils.isSet(val);