Java tutorial
/** * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the License * which accompanies this distribution in the file LICENSE.txt */ package org.opengroup.archimate.xmlexchange; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.Namespace; import com.archimatetool.editor.model.DiagramModelUtils; import com.archimatetool.editor.ui.ColorFactory; import com.archimatetool.editor.utils.StringUtils; import com.archimatetool.jdom.JDOMUtils; import com.archimatetool.model.FolderType; import com.archimatetool.model.IAndJunction; import com.archimatetool.model.IArchimateDiagramModel; import com.archimatetool.model.IArchimateElement; import com.archimatetool.model.IArchimateModel; import com.archimatetool.model.IBounds; import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModel; import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelArchimateConnection; import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelArchimateObject; import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelBendpoint; import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelConnection; import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelContainer; import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelGroup; import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelNote; import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelObject; import com.archimatetool.model.IDiagramModelReference; import com.archimatetool.model.IFolder; import com.archimatetool.model.IFontAttribute; import com.archimatetool.model.IIdentifier; import com.archimatetool.model.ILineObject; import com.archimatetool.model.IOrJunction; import com.archimatetool.model.IProperties; import com.archimatetool.model.IProperty; import com.archimatetool.model.IRelationship; /** * Export Archi Model to Open Exchange XML Format using JDOM * * @author Phillip Beauvoir */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") public class XMLModelExporter implements IXMLExchangeGlobals { // ArchiMate model private IArchimateModel fModel; // Properties private Map<String, String> fPropertyDefsList; /** * A map of DC metadata element tags mapped to values */ private Map<String, String> fMetadata; /** * Whether to save organisation of folders */ private boolean fDoSaveOrganisation; /** * Whether to copy XSD files */ private boolean fIncludeXSD; /** * The language code */ private String fLanguageCode; public void exportModel(IArchimateModel model, File outputFile) throws IOException { fModel = model; // JDOM Document Document doc = createDocument(); // Root Element Element rootElement = createRootElement(doc); // Persist model writeModel(rootElement); // Save JDOMUtils.write2XMLFile(doc, outputFile); // XSD if (fIncludeXSD) { File out = new File(outputFile.getParentFile(), XMLExchangePlugin.ARCHIMATE_XSD); XMLExchangePlugin.INSTANCE.copyXSDFile(XMLExchangePlugin.ARCHIMATE_XSD, out); } } /** * Set DC Metadata * @param metadata A map of DC metadata element tags mapped to values */ public void setMetadata(Map<String, String> metadata) { fMetadata = metadata; } boolean hasMetadata() { if (fMetadata != null) { for (String value : fMetadata.values()) { if (StringUtils.isSet(value)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Set whether to save organisation of folders * @param set */ public void setSaveOrganisation(boolean set) { fDoSaveOrganisation = set; } /** * Set whether to copy XSD files to target * @param set */ public void setIncludeXSD(boolean set) { fIncludeXSD = set; } /** * Set the language code to use * @param languageCode */ public void setLanguageCode(String languageCode) { fLanguageCode = languageCode; } /** * @return A JDOM Document */ Document createDocument() { return new Document(); } /** * @param doc * @return The Root JDOM Element */ Element createRootElement(Document doc) { Element rootElement = new Element(ELEMENT_MODEL, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); doc.setRootElement(rootElement); rootElement.addNamespaceDeclaration(JDOMUtils.XSI_Namespace); // rootElement.addNamespaceDeclaration(OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE_EMBEDDED); // Don't include this // DC Namespace if (hasMetadata()) { rootElement.addNamespaceDeclaration(DC_NAMESPACE); } /* * Add Schema Location Attribute which is constructed from Target Namespaces and file names of Schemas */ StringBuffer schemaLocationURI = new StringBuffer(); // Open Group Schema Location schemaLocationURI.append(rootElement.getNamespace().getURI()); schemaLocationURI.append(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$ schemaLocationURI.append(OPEN_GROUP_SCHEMA_LOCATION); // DC Schema Location if (hasMetadata()) { schemaLocationURI.append(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$ schemaLocationURI.append(DC_NAMESPACE.getURI()); schemaLocationURI.append(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$ schemaLocationURI.append(DC_SCHEMA_LOCATION); } rootElement.setAttribute(JDOMUtils.XSI_SchemaLocation, schemaLocationURI.toString(), JDOMUtils.XSI_Namespace); return rootElement; } /** * Write the model */ private void writeModel(Element rootElement) { rootElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER, createID(fModel)); //$NON-NLS-1$ // Gather all properties now fPropertyDefsList = getAllUniquePropertyKeysForModel(); // Metadata writeMetadata(rootElement); // Name writeTextToElement(fModel.getName(), rootElement, ELEMENT_NAME); // Documentation (Purpose) writeTextToElement(fModel.getPurpose(), rootElement, ELEMENT_DOCUMENTATION); // Model Properties writeProperties(fModel, rootElement); // Model Elements writeModelElements(rootElement); // Relationships writeModelRelationships(rootElement); // Organization if (fDoSaveOrganisation) { writeOrganization(rootElement); } // Properties Definitions writeModelPropertiesDefinitions(rootElement); // Views writeViews(rootElement); } // ========================================= Metadata ====================================== /** * Write any DC Metadata */ Element writeMetadata(Element rootElement) { if (!hasMetadata()) { return null; } Element mdElement = new Element(ELEMENT_METADATA, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); rootElement.addContent(mdElement); Element schemaElement = new Element(ELEMENT_SCHEMA, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); schemaElement.setText("Dublin Core"); mdElement.addContent(schemaElement); Element schemaVersionElement = new Element(ELEMENT_SCHEMAVERSION, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); schemaVersionElement.setText("1.1"); mdElement.addContent(schemaVersionElement); for (Entry<String, String> entry : fMetadata.entrySet()) { if (StringUtils.isSet(entry.getKey()) && StringUtils.isSet(entry.getValue())) { Element element = new Element(entry.getKey(), DC_NAMESPACE); element.setText(entry.getValue()); mdElement.addContent(element); } } return null; } // ========================================= Model Elements ====================================== /** * Write the elements from the layers and extensions */ Element writeModelElements(Element rootElement) { Element elementsElement = new Element(ELEMENT_ELEMENTS, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); rootElement.addContent(elementsElement); writeModelElementsFolder(fModel.getFolder(FolderType.BUSINESS), elementsElement); writeModelElementsFolder(fModel.getFolder(FolderType.APPLICATION), elementsElement); writeModelElementsFolder(fModel.getFolder(FolderType.TECHNOLOGY), elementsElement); writeModelElementsFolder(fModel.getFolder(FolderType.MOTIVATION), elementsElement); writeModelElementsFolder(fModel.getFolder(FolderType.IMPLEMENTATION_MIGRATION), elementsElement); writeModelElementsFolder(fModel.getFolder(FolderType.CONNECTORS), elementsElement); return elementsElement; } /** * Write the elements from an Archi folder */ private void writeModelElementsFolder(IFolder folder, Element elementsElement) { if (folder == null) { return; } List<EObject> list = new ArrayList<EObject>(); getElements(folder, list); for (EObject eObject : list) { if (eObject instanceof IArchimateElement) { writeModelElement((IArchimateElement) eObject, elementsElement); } } } /** * Write an element */ Element writeModelElement(IArchimateElement element, Element elementsElement) { Element elementElement = new Element(ELEMENT_ELEMENT, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); elementsElement.addContent(elementElement); // Identifier elementElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER, createID(element)); // Type elementElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, XMLTypeMapper.getArchimateComponentName(element), JDOMUtils.XSI_Namespace); // Name writeTextToElement(element.getName(), elementElement, ELEMENT_LABEL); // Documentation writeTextToElement(element.getDocumentation(), elementElement, ELEMENT_DOCUMENTATION); // Properties writeProperties(element, elementElement); return elementElement; } /** * Return all elements in an Archi folder and its sub-folders */ private void getElements(IFolder folder, List<EObject> list) { if (folder == null) { return; } for (EObject object : folder.getElements()) { list.add(object); } for (IFolder f : folder.getFolders()) { getElements(f, list); } } // ========================================= Model Relationships ====================================== /** * Write the relationships */ Element writeModelRelationships(Element rootElement) { Element relationshipsElement = new Element(ELEMENT_RELATIONSHIPS, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); rootElement.addContent(relationshipsElement); writeModelRelationshipsFolder(fModel.getFolder(FolderType.RELATIONS), relationshipsElement); writeModelRelationshipsFolder(fModel.getFolder(FolderType.DERIVED), relationshipsElement); return relationshipsElement; } /** * Write the relationships from an Archi folder */ private void writeModelRelationshipsFolder(IFolder folder, Element relationshipsElement) { if (folder == null) { return; } List<EObject> list = new ArrayList<EObject>(); getElements(folder, list); for (EObject eObject : list) { if (eObject instanceof IRelationship) { writeModelRelationship((IRelationship) eObject, relationshipsElement); } } } /** * Write a relationship */ Element writeModelRelationship(IRelationship relationship, Element relationshipsElement) { Element relationshipElement = new Element(ELEMENT_RELATIONSHIP, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); relationshipsElement.addContent(relationshipElement); // Identifier relationshipElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER, createID(relationship)); // Source ID relationshipElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE, createID(relationship.getSource())); // Target ID relationshipElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET, createID(relationship.getTarget())); // Type relationshipElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, XMLTypeMapper.getArchimateComponentName(relationship), JDOMUtils.XSI_Namespace); // Name writeTextToElement(relationship.getName(), relationshipElement, ELEMENT_LABEL); // Documentation writeTextToElement(relationship.getDocumentation(), relationshipElement, ELEMENT_DOCUMENTATION); // Properties writeProperties(relationship, relationshipElement); return relationshipElement; } // ========================================= Organization ====================================== Element writeOrganization(Element rootElement) { Element organizationElement = new Element(ELEMENT_ORGANIZATION, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); rootElement.addContent(organizationElement); for (IFolder folder : fModel.getFolders()) { writeFolder(folder, organizationElement); } return organizationElement; } Element writeFolder(IFolder folder, Element parentElement) { if (folder.getFolders().isEmpty() && folder.getElements().isEmpty()) { return null; } Element itemElement = new Element(ELEMENT_ITEM, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); parentElement.addContent(itemElement); // Name writeTextToElement(folder.getName(), itemElement, ELEMENT_LABEL); // Documentation writeTextToElement(folder.getDocumentation(), itemElement, ELEMENT_DOCUMENTATION); for (IFolder subFolder : folder.getFolders()) { writeFolder(subFolder, itemElement); } for (EObject eObject : folder.getElements()) { if (eObject instanceof IIdentifier) { // Don't write Sketch or Canvas Views if (eObject instanceof IDiagramModel && !(eObject instanceof IArchimateDiagramModel)) { continue; } IIdentifier component = (IIdentifier) eObject; Element itemChildElement = new Element(ELEMENT_ITEM, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); itemElement.addContent(itemChildElement); itemChildElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIERREF, createID(component)); } } return itemElement; } // ========================================= Properties ====================================== Element writeModelPropertiesDefinitions(Element rootElement) { if (fPropertyDefsList.isEmpty()) { return null; } Element propertiesDefinitionsElement = new Element(ELEMENT_PROPERTYDEFS, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); rootElement.addContent(propertiesDefinitionsElement); for (Entry<String, String> entry : fPropertyDefsList.entrySet()) { Element propertyDefElement = new Element(ELEMENT_PROPERTYDEF, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); propertiesDefinitionsElement.addContent(propertyDefElement); propertyDefElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER, entry.getValue()); propertyDefElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, entry.getKey()); propertyDefElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, "string"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return propertiesDefinitionsElement; } /** * @return All unique property types in the model */ Map<String, String> getAllUniquePropertyKeysForModel() { Map<String, String> list = new TreeMap<String, String>(); String id = "propid-"; //$NON-NLS-1$ int idCount = 1; for (Iterator<EObject> iter = fModel.eAllContents(); iter.hasNext();) { EObject element =; if (element instanceof IProperty) { String name = ((IProperty) element).getKey(); if (name != null && !list.containsKey(name)) { list.put(name, id + (idCount++)); } } } // Add a special property definition for Junctions so we can declare junction types list.put(PROPERTY_JUNCTION_TYPE, PROPERTY_JUNCTION_ID); return list; } /** * Write all property values for a given element * @param properties * @param parentElement * @return The Element or null */ Element writeProperties(IProperties properties, Element parentElement) { Element propertiesElement = new Element(ELEMENT_PROPERTIES, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); // If this element is an AND or OR Junction, add a property for its type if (properties instanceof IAndJunction || properties instanceof IOrJunction) { String value = (properties instanceof IAndJunction) ? PROPERTY_JUNCTION_AND : PROPERTY_JUNCTION_OR; writePropertyValue(propertiesElement, PROPERTY_JUNCTION_ID, value); } // Other properties for (IProperty property : properties.getProperties()) { String name = property.getKey(); String value = property.getValue(); if (hasSomeText(name)) { String propertyRefID = fPropertyDefsList.get(name); if (propertyRefID != null) { writePropertyValue(propertiesElement, propertyRefID, value); } } } if (propertiesElement.getChildren().size() > 0) { parentElement.addContent(propertiesElement); } return propertiesElement; } /** * Write a Property value referencing a property ref id */ Element writePropertyValue(Element propertiesElement, String propertyRefID, String propertyValue) { Element propertyElement = new Element(ELEMENT_PROPERTY, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); propertiesElement.addContent(propertyElement); propertyElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIERREF, propertyRefID); Element valueElement = new Element(ELEMENT_VALUE, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); propertyElement.addContent(valueElement); writeElementTextWithLanguageCode(valueElement, propertyValue); return propertyElement; } // ========================================= Views ====================================== /** * The negative offset for the current diagram. * The exchange format diagram starts at origin 0,0 with no negative coordinates allowed. * Archi diagram nodes can have negative coordinates, so this is the offset to apply to nodes and bendpoints. * We calculate it once for each diagram. */ private Point fCurrentDiagramNegativeOffset; Element writeViews(Element rootElement) { // Do we have any views? EList<IDiagramModel> views = fModel.getDiagramModels(); if (views.isEmpty()) { return null; } Element viewsElement = new Element(ELEMENT_VIEWS, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); rootElement.addContent(viewsElement); for (IDiagramModel dm : views) { if (dm instanceof IArchimateDiagramModel) { // Calculate negative offset for this diagram fCurrentDiagramNegativeOffset = XMLExchangeUtils.getNegativeOffsetForDiagram(dm); writeView((IArchimateDiagramModel) dm, viewsElement); } } return viewsElement; } Element writeView(IArchimateDiagramModel dm, Element viewsElement) { Element viewElement = new Element(ELEMENT_VIEW, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); viewsElement.addContent(viewElement); // Identifier viewElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER, createID(dm)); // Viewpoint String viewPointName = XMLTypeMapper.getViewpointName(dm.getViewpoint()); if (StringUtils.isSet(viewPointName)) { viewElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_VIEWPOINT, viewPointName); } // Name writeTextToElement(dm.getName(), viewElement, ELEMENT_LABEL); // Documentation writeTextToElement(dm.getDocumentation(), viewElement, ELEMENT_DOCUMENTATION); // Properties writeProperties(dm, viewElement); // Nodes writeNodes(dm, viewElement); // Connections writeConnections(dm, viewElement); return viewElement; } // ========================================= Nodes ====================================== /** * Write all diagram nodes */ void writeNodes(IDiagramModel dm, Element viewElement) { for (IDiagramModelObject child : dm.getChildren()) { writeNode(child, viewElement); } } /** * Write a diagram node */ void writeNode(IDiagramModelObject dmo, Element parentElement) { if (dmo instanceof IDiagramModelArchimateObject) { writeArchimateNode((IDiagramModelArchimateObject) dmo, parentElement); } // Group else if (dmo instanceof IDiagramModelGroup) { writeGroupNode((IDiagramModelGroup) dmo, parentElement); } // Note else if (dmo instanceof IDiagramModelNote) { writeNoteNode((IDiagramModelNote) dmo, parentElement); } // TODO Diagram Model Reference type else if (dmo instanceof IDiagramModelReference) { //writeReferenceNode((IDiagramModelReference)dmo, parentElement); } } /** * Write an ArchiMate node */ Element writeArchimateNode(IDiagramModelArchimateObject dmo, Element parentElement) { Element nodeElement = new Element(ELEMENT_NODE, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); parentElement.addContent(nodeElement); // ID nodeElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER, createID(dmo)); // Element Ref IArchimateElement element = dmo.getArchimateElement(); nodeElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENTREF, createID(element)); // Bounds writeAbsoluteBounds(dmo, nodeElement); // Style writeNodeStyle(dmo, nodeElement); // Children for (IDiagramModelObject child : dmo.getChildren()) { writeNode(child, nodeElement); } return nodeElement; } /** * Write a Group node */ Element writeGroupNode(IDiagramModelGroup group, Element parentElement) { Element nodeElement = new Element(ELEMENT_NODE, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); parentElement.addContent(nodeElement); // ID nodeElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER, createID(group)); // Bounds writeAbsoluteBounds(group, nodeElement); // Type nodeElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, NODE_TYPE_GROUP); // Name writeTextToElement(group.getName(), nodeElement, ELEMENT_LABEL); // Documentation writeTextToElement(group.getDocumentation(), nodeElement, ELEMENT_DOCUMENTATION); // Properties writeProperties(group, nodeElement); // Style writeNodeStyle(group, nodeElement); // Children for (IDiagramModelObject child : group.getChildren()) { writeNode(child, nodeElement); } return nodeElement; } /** * Write a Note node */ Element writeNoteNode(IDiagramModelNote note, Element parentElement) { Element nodeElement = new Element(ELEMENT_NODE, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); parentElement.addContent(nodeElement); // ID nodeElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER, createID(note)); // Bounds writeAbsoluteBounds(note, nodeElement); // Text writeTextToElement(note.getContent(), nodeElement, ELEMENT_LABEL); // Style writeNodeStyle(note, nodeElement); return nodeElement; } /** * Write a node style */ Element writeNodeStyle(IDiagramModelObject dmo, Element nodeElement) { Element styleElement = new Element(ELEMENT_STYLE, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); nodeElement.addContent(styleElement); // Fill Color writeFillColor(dmo, styleElement); // Line color writeLineColor(dmo, styleElement); // Font writeFont(dmo, styleElement); return styleElement; } /** * Write fill colour of a diagram object */ Element writeFillColor(IDiagramModelObject dmo, Element parentElement) { Element fillColorElement = null; RGB rgb = ColorFactory.convertStringToRGB(dmo.getFillColor()); if (rgb == null) { Color color = ColorFactory.getDefaultFillColor(dmo); if (color != null) { rgb = color.getRGB(); } } if (rgb != null) { fillColorElement = new Element(ELEMENT_FILLCOLOR, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); parentElement.addContent(fillColorElement); writeRGBAttributes(rgb, fillColorElement); } return fillColorElement; } // ========================================= Connections ====================================== /** * Write all connections */ void writeConnections(IDiagramModel dm, Element parentElement) { for (IDiagramModelObject child : dm.getChildren()) { writeConnections(child, parentElement); } } /** * Write connections from a diagram model object */ void writeConnections(IDiagramModelObject dmo, Element parentElement) { for (IDiagramModelConnection connection : dmo.getSourceConnections()) { // ArchiMate connection if (connection instanceof IDiagramModelArchimateConnection) { // If it's nested don't write a connection if (!isNestedConnection((IDiagramModelArchimateConnection) connection)) { writeConnection(connection, parentElement); } } // Other connection else { writeConnection(connection, parentElement); } } // Children if (dmo instanceof IDiagramModelContainer) { for (IDiagramModelObject child : ((IDiagramModelContainer) dmo).getChildren()) { writeConnections(child, parentElement); } } } /** * Check whether this is a nested connection */ boolean isNestedConnection(IDiagramModelArchimateConnection connection) { if (connection.getSource() instanceof IDiagramModelArchimateObject && connection.getTarget() instanceof IDiagramModelArchimateObject) { IDiagramModelArchimateObject src = (IDiagramModelArchimateObject) connection.getSource(); IDiagramModelArchimateObject tgt = (IDiagramModelArchimateObject) connection.getTarget(); return src.getChildren().contains(tgt) && DiagramModelUtils.isNestedConnectionTypeRelationship(connection.getRelationship()); } return false; } /** * Write a connection */ Element writeConnection(IDiagramModelConnection connection, Element parentElement) { Element connectionElement = new Element(ELEMENT_CONNECTION, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); parentElement.addContent(connectionElement); // ID connectionElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_IDENTIFIER, createID(connection)); // ArchiMate connection has a Relationship ref if (connection instanceof IDiagramModelArchimateConnection) { connectionElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_RELATIONSHIPREF, createID(((IDiagramModelArchimateConnection) connection).getRelationship())); } // Source node connectionElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE, createID(connection.getSource())); // Target node connectionElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TARGET, createID(connection.getTarget())); // Bendpoints writeConnectionBendpoints(connection, connectionElement); // Style writeConnectionStyle(connection, connectionElement); return connectionElement; } /** * Write connection bendpoints */ void writeConnectionBendpoints(IDiagramModelConnection connection, Element connectionElement) { double bpindex = 1; // index count + 1 double bpcount = connection.getBendpoints().size() + 1; // number of bendpoints + 1 for (IDiagramModelBendpoint bendpoint : connection.getBendpoints()) { // The weight of this Bendpoint should use to calculate its location. // The weight should be between 0.0 and 1.0. A weight of 0.0 will // cause the Bendpoint to follow the start point, while a weight // of 1.0 will cause the Bendpoint to follow the end point double bpweight = bpindex / bpcount; Element bendpointElement = new Element(ELEMENT_BENDPOINT, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); connectionElement.addContent(bendpointElement); IBounds srcBounds = XMLExchangeUtils.getAbsoluteBounds(connection.getSource()); // get bounds of source node double startX = (srcBounds.getX() + (srcBounds.getWidth() / 2)) + bendpoint.getStartX(); startX *= (1.0 - bpweight); double startY = (srcBounds.getY() + (srcBounds.getHeight() / 2)) + bendpoint.getStartY(); startY *= (1.0 - bpweight); IBounds tgtBounds = XMLExchangeUtils.getAbsoluteBounds(connection.getTarget()); // get bounds of target node double endX = (tgtBounds.getX() + (tgtBounds.getWidth() / 2)) + bendpoint.getEndX(); endX *= bpweight; double endY = (tgtBounds.getY() + (tgtBounds.getHeight() / 2)) + bendpoint.getEndY(); endY *= bpweight; int x = (int) (startX + endX); x -= fCurrentDiagramNegativeOffset.x; // compensate for negative space int y = (int) (startY + endY); y -= fCurrentDiagramNegativeOffset.y; // compensate for negative space bendpointElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_X, Integer.toString(x)); bendpointElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_Y, Integer.toString(y)); bpindex++; } } /** * Write a connection style */ Element writeConnectionStyle(IDiagramModelConnection connection, Element parentElement) { Element styleElement = new Element(ELEMENT_STYLE, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); parentElement.addContent(styleElement); // Line Width int lineWidth = connection.getLineWidth(); if (lineWidth != 1) { styleElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_LINEWIDTH, Integer.toString(lineWidth)); } // Line color writeLineColor(connection, styleElement); // Font writeFont(connection, styleElement); return styleElement; } // ========================================= Helpers ====================================== /** * Write line colour of a diagram object * TODO: Should we export connection line color if it is the default black? */ Element writeLineColor(ILineObject lineObject, Element parentElement) { Element lineColorElement = null; RGB rgb = ColorFactory.convertStringToRGB(lineObject.getLineColor()); if (rgb == null) { Color color = ColorFactory.getDefaultLineColor(lineObject); if (color != null) { rgb = color.getRGB(); } } if (rgb != null) { lineColorElement = new Element(ELEMENT_LINECOLOR, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); parentElement.addContent(lineColorElement); writeRGBAttributes(rgb, lineColorElement); } return lineColorElement; } /** * Write font of a diagram component */ Element writeFont(IFontAttribute fontObject, Element styleElement) { Element fontElement = new Element(ELEMENT_FONT, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); String fontString = fontObject.getFont(); if (fontString != null) { try { FontData fontData = new FontData(fontString); fontElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_FONTNAME, fontData.getName()); fontElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_FONTSIZE, Integer.toString(fontData.getHeight())); int style = fontData.getStyle(); String styleString = ""; if ((style & SWT.BOLD) == SWT.BOLD) { styleString += "bold"; } if ((style & SWT.ITALIC) == SWT.ITALIC) { if (StringUtils.isSet(styleString)) { styleString += "|"; } styleString += "italic"; } if (hasSomeText(styleString)) { fontElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_FONTSTYLE, styleString); } } catch (Exception ex) { //ex.printStackTrace(); } } String fontColorString = fontObject.getFontColor(); if (fontColorString != null) { RGB rgb = ColorFactory.convertStringToRGB(fontColorString); if (rgb != null) { Element fontColorElement = new Element(ELEMENT_FONTCOLOR, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); fontElement.addContent(fontColorElement); writeRGBAttributes(rgb, fontColorElement); } } if (hasElementContent(fontElement)) { styleElement.addContent(fontElement); } return fontElement; } /** * Write RGB attribute on an Element */ void writeRGBAttributes(RGB rgb, Element colorElement) { colorElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_R, Integer.toString(; colorElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_G, Integer.toString(; colorElement.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_B, Integer.toString(; } /** * Write absolute bounds of a diagram object */ void writeAbsoluteBounds(IDiagramModelObject dmo, Element element) { IBounds bounds = XMLExchangeUtils.getAbsoluteBounds(dmo); int x = bounds.getX() - fCurrentDiagramNegativeOffset.x; // compensate for negative space int y = bounds.getY() - fCurrentDiagramNegativeOffset.y; // compensate for negative space element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_X, Integer.toString(x)); element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_Y, Integer.toString(y)); element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH, Integer.toString(bounds.getWidth())); element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT, Integer.toString(bounds.getHeight())); } Element writeTextToElement(String text, Element parentElement, String childElementName) { Element element = null; if (hasSomeText(text)) { element = new Element(childElementName, OPEN_GROUP_NAMESPACE); parentElement.addContent(element); writeElementTextWithLanguageCode(element, text); } return element; } private void writeElementTextWithLanguageCode(Element element, String text) { element.setText(text); if (fLanguageCode != null) { element.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_LANG, fLanguageCode, Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE); } } /** * Return true if string has at least some text */ private boolean hasSomeText(String string) { return string != null && !string.isEmpty(); } /** * @return true if element has attributes or a child element */ private boolean hasElementContent(Element element) { return element != null && (element.hasAttributes() || !element.getChildren().isEmpty()); } /** * Create a uniform id */ private String createID(IIdentifier identifier) { if (identifier.getId() != null && identifier.getId().startsWith("id-")) { return identifier.getId(); } return "id-" + identifier.getId(); } }