Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Openflexo * * This file is part of Flexo-foundation, a component of the software infrastructure * developed at Openflexo. * * Openflexo is dual-licensed under the European Union Public License (EUPL, either * version 1.1 of the License, or any later version ), which is available at * * and the GNU General Public License (GPL, either version 3 of the License, or any * later version), which is available at . * * You can redistribute it and/or modify under the terms of either of these licenses * * If you choose to redistribute it and/or modify under the terms of the GNU GPL, you * must include the following additional permission. * * Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or * combining it with software containing parts covered by the terms * of EPL 1.0, the licensors of this Program grant you additional permission * to convey the resulting work. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See for details. * * * Please contact Openflexo ( * or visit if you need additional information. * */ package org.openflexo.technologyadapter.jdbc.util; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.ResultSetHandler; import org.openflexo.model.exceptions.ModelDefinitionException; import org.openflexo.technologyadapter.jdbc.model.JDBCColumn; import org.openflexo.technologyadapter.jdbc.model.JDBCConnection; import org.openflexo.technologyadapter.jdbc.model.JDBCFactory; import org.openflexo.technologyadapter.jdbc.model.JDBCLine; import org.openflexo.technologyadapter.jdbc.model.JDBCResultSet; import org.openflexo.technologyadapter.jdbc.model.JDBCResultSetDescription; import org.openflexo.technologyadapter.jdbc.model.JDBCSchema; import org.openflexo.technologyadapter.jdbc.model.JDBCTable; import org.openflexo.technologyadapter.jdbc.model.JDBCValue; import org.openflexo.technologyadapter.jdbc.rm.JDBCResource; /** * SQL request helper * * @author Jean-Charles Roger * @author xtof * * TODO: better manage catalog, * * TODO: test with connection to other databases * */ public class SQLHelper { public static JDBCFactory getFactory(JDBCConnection model) { // Find the correct factory if (model.getResource() instanceof JDBCResource) { return ((JDBCResource) model.getResource()).getFactory(); } try { return new JDBCFactory(); } catch (ModelDefinitionException e) { return null; } } /** * Updates the list of tables for the given schema. * * @param schema * the schema * @param tables * the table list to update * @param factory * the factory used to create the new tables if needed */ public static void updateTables(final JDBCSchema schema, List<JDBCTable> tables, final JDBCFactory factory) throws SQLException { JDBCConnection jdbcConn = schema.getResourceData(); // TODO : maybe resource leak, cannot use lexical scope for auto-closing Connection connection = jdbcConn.getConnection(); // prepare case ignoring map to match tables final Map<String, JDBCTable> sortedTables = new HashMap<>(); for (JDBCTable table : tables) { sortedTables.put(table.getName().toLowerCase(), table); } // query the tables to find new and removed ones final Set<JDBCTable> added = new LinkedHashSet<>(); final Set<JDBCTable> matched = new LinkedHashSet<>(); DatabaseMetaData metadata = connection.getMetaData(); try (ResultSet jdbcTables = metadata.getTables(connection.getCatalog(), jdbcConn.getDbType().getSchemaPattern(), "%", null)) { while ( { String tableName = jdbcTables.getString("TABLE_NAME"); JDBCTable aTable = sortedTables.get(tableName.toLowerCase()); if (aTable == null) { // new table, add it to the list aTable = factory.newInstance(JDBCTable.class); aTable.init(schema, tableName); added.add(aTable); } else { matched.add(aTable); } } } // gets tables to remove Set<JDBCTable> removed = new HashSet<>(); for (JDBCTable table : tables) { if (!matched.contains(table)) removed.add(table); } // clears the tables of the removed ones // using schema adder and removed fires notifications for (JDBCTable table : removed) { schema.removeTable(table); } // adds new tables for (JDBCTable table : added) { schema.addTable(table); } } /** * Updates the list of columns for the given table. * * @param table * the table * @param columns * the table list to update * @param factory * the factory used to create the new columns if needed */ public static void updateColumns(final JDBCTable table, List<JDBCColumn> columns, final JDBCFactory factory) throws SQLException { JDBCConnection jdbcConn = table.getResourceData(); // TODO : maybe resource leak, cannot use lexical scope for auto-closing Connection connection = jdbcConn.getConnection(); // retrieves keys final Set<String> keys = getKeys(table); // prepare case ignoring map to match columns final Map<String, JDBCColumn> sortedColumns = new HashMap<>(); for (JDBCColumn column : columns) { sortedColumns.put(column.getName().toLowerCase(), column); } // query the columns to find new and removed ones final Set<JDBCColumn> added = new LinkedHashSet<>(); final Set<JDBCColumn> matched = new LinkedHashSet<>(); DatabaseMetaData metadata = connection.getMetaData(); try (ResultSet jdbcCols = metadata.getColumns(connection.getCatalog(), jdbcConn.getDbType().getSchemaPattern(), sqlName(table.getName()), "%")) { while ( { /* System.out.println(" --------------------> " + jdbcCols.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); System.out.println("TABLE_CAT: " + jdbcCols.getObject("TABLE_CAT")); System.out.println("TABLE_SCHEM: " + jdbcCols.getObject("TABLE_SCHEM")); System.out.println("TABLE_NAME: " + jdbcCols.getObject("TABLE_NAME")); System.out.println("COLUMN_NAME: " + jdbcCols.getObject("COLUMN_NAME")); System.out.println("DATA_TYPE: " + jdbcCols.getObject("DATA_TYPE")); System.out.println("TYPE_NAME: " + jdbcCols.getObject("TYPE_NAME")); System.out.println("COLUMN_SIZE: " + jdbcCols.getObject("COLUMN_SIZE")); System.out.println("BUFFER_LENGTH: " + jdbcCols.getObject("BUFFER_LENGTH")); System.out.println("DECIMAL_DIGITS: " + jdbcCols.getObject("DECIMAL_DIGITS")); System.out.println("NUM_PREC_RADIX: " + jdbcCols.getObject("NUM_PREC_RADIX")); System.out.println("IS_NULLABLE: " + jdbcCols.getObject("IS_NULLABLE")); System.out.println("REMARKS: " + jdbcCols.getObject("REMARKS")); System.out.println("COLUMN_DEF: " + jdbcCols.getObject("COLUMN_DEF")); System.out.println("SQL_DATA_TYPE: " + jdbcCols.getObject("SQL_DATA_TYPE")); System.out.println("SQL_DATETIME_SUB: " + jdbcCols.getObject("SQL_DATETIME_SUB")); System.out.println("CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH: " + jdbcCols.getObject("CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH")); System.out.println("ORDINAL_POSITION: " + jdbcCols.getObject("ORDINAL_POSITION")); System.out.println("IS_NULLABLE: " + jdbcCols.getObject("IS_NULLABLE")); System.out.println("SCOPE_CATALOG: " + jdbcCols.getObject("SCOPE_CATALOG")); System.out.println("SCOPE_SCHEMA: " + jdbcCols.getObject("SCOPE_SCHEMA")); System.out.println("SCOPE_TABLE: " + jdbcCols.getObject("SCOPE_TABLE")); System.out.println("SOURCE_DATA_TYPE: " + jdbcCols.getObject("SOURCE_DATA_TYPE")); System.out.println("IS_AUTOINCREMENT: " + jdbcCols.getObject("IS_AUTOINCREMENT")); System.out.println("IS_GENERATEDCOLUMN: " + jdbcCols.getObject("IS_GENERATEDCOLUMN")); */ // [TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, TYPE_NAME, COLUMN_SIZE, BUFFER_LENGTH, DECIMAL_DIGITS, // NUM_PREC_RADIX, IS_NULLABLE, REMARKS, COLUMN_DEF, SQL_DATA_TYPE, SQL_DATETIME_SUB, CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH, ORDINAL_POSITION, // IS_NULLABLE, SCOPE_CATALOG, SCOPE_SCHEMA, SCOPE_TABLE, SOURCE_DATA_TYPE, IS_AUTOINCREMENT, IS_GENERATEDCOLUMN] String columnName = jdbcCols.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); String typeName = jdbcCols.getString("TYPE_NAME"); int columnLength = jdbcCols.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE"); boolean isNullable = jdbcCols.getString("IS_NULLABLE").equalsIgnoreCase("YES"); JDBCColumn column = sortedColumns.get(columnName.toLowerCase()); if (column == null) { // new column, add it to the list column = factory.newInstance(JDBCColumn.class); column.init(table, keys.contains(columnName), columnName, typeName, columnLength, isNullable); added.add(column); } else { matched.add(column); } } } // gets columns to remove Set<JDBCColumn> removed = new HashSet<>(); for (JDBCColumn column : columns) { if (!matched.contains(column)) removed.add(column); } // clears the columns of the removed ones // using table adder and removed fires notifications for (JDBCColumn column : removed) { table.removeColumn(column); } // adds new columns for (JDBCColumn column : added) { table.addColumn(column); } } private static Set<String> getKeys(final JDBCTable table) throws SQLException { // TODO : maybe resource leak, cannot use lexical scope for auto-closing Connection connection = table.getResourceData().getConnection(); DatabaseMetaData metadata = connection.getMetaData(); try (ResultSet foundKeys = metadata.getPrimaryKeys(connection.getCatalog(), "PUBLIC", sqlName(table.getName()))) { Set<String> keys = new HashSet<>(); while ( { keys.add(foundKeys.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); } return keys; } } public static JDBCTable createTable(final JDBCSchema schema, final JDBCFactory factory, final String tableName, String[]... attributes) throws SQLException { // TODO : maybe resource leak, cannot use lexical scope for auto-closing Connection connection = schema.getResourceData().getConnection(); String request = createTableRequest(tableName, attributes); System.out.println("request: " + request); return new QueryRunner().insert(connection, request, resultSet -> { JDBCTable table = factory.newInstance(JDBCTable.class); table.init(schema, tableName); return table; }); } private static String createTableRequest(String name, String[]... attributes) { StringBuilder request = new StringBuilder("CREATE TABLE "); request.append(sqlName(name)); request.append(" ("); if (attributes != null) { int length = request.length(); for (String[] attribute : attributes) { if (length < request.length()) request.append(", "); int localLength = request.length(); for (String part : attribute) { if (localLength < request.length()) request.append(" "); request.append(sqlName(part)); } } } request.append(")"); return request.toString(); } public static void dropTable(final JDBCSchema schema, final String tableName) throws SQLException { // TODO : maybe resource leak, cannot use lexical scope for auto-closing Connection connection = schema.getResourceData().getConnection(); new QueryRunner().update(connection, "DROP TABLE " + sqlName(tableName)); } public static JDBCColumn createColumn(final JDBCTable table, final JDBCFactory factory, final String columnName, final String type, boolean isPrimaryKey, int length, boolean isNullable) throws SQLException { // TODO : maybe resource leak, cannot use lexical scope for auto-closing Connection connection = table.getResourceData().getConnection(); String addColumn = createAddColumnRequest(table, columnName, type, isPrimaryKey); new QueryRunner().update(connection, addColumn); JDBCColumn column = factory.newInstance(JDBCColumn.class); column.init(table, isPrimaryKey, columnName, type, length, isNullable); return column; } private static String createAddColumnRequest(JDBCTable table, String columnName, String type, boolean key) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("ALTER TABLE "); result.append(sqlName(table.getName())); result.append(" ADD "); result.append(sqlName(columnName)); result.append(" "); result.append(type); if (key) { result.append(" PRIMARY KEY"); } return result.toString(); } public static void dropColumn(final JDBCTable table, final String columnName) throws SQLException { // TODO : maybe resource leak, cannot use lexical scope for auto-closing Connection connection = table.getResourceData().getConnection(); String dropColumn = "ALTER TABLE " + sqlName(table.getName()) + " DROP COLUMN " + sqlName(columnName); new QueryRunner().update(connection, dropColumn); } public static void grant(JDBCConnection connection, String access, String on, String user) throws SQLException { String grant = "GRANT " + access + " ON " + sqlName(on) + " TO " + sqlName(user) + ""; new QueryRunner().update(connection.getConnection(), grant); } public static String sqlName(String name) { return name.toUpperCase(); } public enum JoinType { NoJoin, InnerJoin, CrossJoin, LeftJoin, RightJoin, FullJoin, SelfJoin, NaturalJoin, UnionJoin; @Override public String toString() { switch (this) { case InnerJoin: return "INNER JOIN"; case CrossJoin: return "CROSS JOIN"; case LeftJoin: return "LEFT JOIN"; case RightJoin: return "RIGHT JOIN"; case FullJoin: return "FULL JOIN"; case SelfJoin: return "SELF JOIN"; case NaturalJoin: return "NATURAL JOIN"; case UnionJoin: return "UNION JOIN"; default: return ""; } } } public static JDBCResultSet select(final JDBCFactory factory, final JDBCTable from, String where, String orderBy, int limit, int offset) throws SQLException { // TODO : maybe resource leak, cannot use lexical scope for auto-closing Connection connection = from.getResourceData().getConnection(); final JDBCResultSetDescription description = factory.makeResultSetDescription(from.getResourceData(), from.getName(), null, null, null, where, orderBy, limit, offset); String request = createSelectRequest(description); return new QueryRunner().query(connection, request, new ResultSetHandler<JDBCResultSet>() { @Override public JDBCResultSet handle(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { return factory.makeJDBCResult(description, resultSet, from.getSchema()); } }); } public static JDBCResultSet select(final JDBCFactory factory, final JDBCTable from, String joinType, JDBCTable join, String on, String where, String orderBy, int limit, int offset) throws SQLException { // TODO : maybe resource leak, cannot use lexical scope for auto-closing Connection connection = from.getResourceData().getConnection(); final JDBCResultSetDescription description = factory.makeResultSetDescription(from.getResourceData(), from.getName(), joinType, join.getName(), on, where, orderBy, limit, offset); String request = createSelectRequest(description); return new QueryRunner().query(connection, request, resultSet -> factory.makeJDBCResult(description, resultSet, from.getSchema())); } public static JDBCResultSet select(final JDBCFactory factory, final JDBCConnection connection, final JDBCResultSetDescription description) throws SQLException { String request = createSelectRequest(description); return new QueryRunner().query(connection.getConnection(), request, resultSet -> factory.makeJDBCResult(description, resultSet, connection.getSchema())); } private static String createSelectRequest(JDBCResultSetDescription description) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("SELECT * FROM "); result.append(description.getFrom()); JoinType joinType = description.decodeJoinType(); if (joinType != JoinType.NoJoin && description.getJoin() != null) { result.append(" "); result.append(joinType); result.append(" "); result.append(description.getJoin()); if (description.getOn() != null) { result.append(" ON "); result.append(description.getOn()); } } if (description.getWhere() != null) { result.append(" WHERE "); result.append(description.getWhere()); } if (description.getOrderBy() != null) { result.append(" ORDER BY "); result.append(description.getOrderBy()); } if (description.getLimit() > 0) { result.append(" LIMIT "); result.append(description.getLimit()); } if (description.getOffset() > 0) { result.append(" OFFSET "); result.append(description.getOffset()); } return result.toString(); } public static JDBCLine insert(final JDBCLine line, final JDBCTable table) throws SQLException { final JDBCConnection connection = table.getResourceData(); String request = createInsertRequest(line, table); String resultKey = new QueryRunner().insert(connection.getConnection(), request, resultSet -> { if (resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount() > 0) {; return resultSet.getString(1); } return null; }); String primaryKey = resultKey != null ? resultKey : line.getKeys().get(0); return table.find(primaryKey); } private static String createInsertRequest(JDBCLine line, JDBCTable table) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("INSERT INTO "); result.append(table.getName()); result.append(" ("); int length = result.length(); for (JDBCValue value : line.getValues()) { if (length < result.length()) result.append(","); result.append(value.getColumn().getName()); } result.append(") VALUES ("); length = result.length(); for (JDBCValue value : line.getValues()) { if (length < result.length()) result.append(","); result.append(sqlValue(value.getColumn().getTypeAsString(), value.getValue())); } result.append(")"); return result.toString(); } public static void update(JDBCValue value, String newValue) throws SQLException { // TODO : maybe resource leak, cannot use lexical scope for auto-closing Connection connection = value.getResourceData().getConnection(); String request = createUpdateRequest(value, newValue); new QueryRunner().update(connection, request); } private static String createUpdateRequest(JDBCValue value, String newValue) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); JDBCColumn column = value.getColumn(); result.append("UPDATE "); result.append(column.getTable().getName()); result.append(" SET "); result.append(column.getName()); result.append(" = "); result.append(sqlValue(value.getColumn().getTypeAsString(), newValue)); result.append(" WHERE "); int length = result.length(); JDBCLine line = value.getLine(); for (JDBCValue otherValue : line.getValues()) { JDBCColumn whereColumn = otherValue.getColumn(); if (whereColumn.isPrimaryKey()) { if (length < result.length()) result.append(" AND "); result.append(whereColumn.getName()); result.append(" = "); result.append(sqlValue(whereColumn.getTypeAsString(), otherValue.getValue())); } } return result.toString(); } public static boolean delete(final JDBCLine line, final JDBCTable table) throws SQLException { final JDBCConnection connection = table.getResourceData(); String request = createDeleteRequest(line, table); int primaryKey = new QueryRunner().update(connection.getConnection(), request); return primaryKey != 1; } private static String createDeleteRequest(JDBCLine line, JDBCTable table) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("DELETE FROM "); result.append(table.getName()); result.append(" WHERE "); int length = result.length(); for (JDBCValue value : line.getValues()) { if (value.getColumn().isPrimaryKey()) { if (length < result.length()) result.append(" and"); result.append(value.getColumn().getName()); result.append(" = "); result.append(sqlValue(value.getColumn().getTypeAsString(), value.getValue())); } } return result.toString(); } public static String sqlValue(String type, String value) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); boolean needsQuotes = needsQuotes(type); if (needsQuotes) result.append("'"); result.append(value); if (needsQuotes) result.append("'"); return result.toString(); } public static boolean needsQuotes(String type) { String upperCaseType = type.toUpperCase(); return upperCaseType.startsWith("CHAR") || upperCaseType.startsWith("VARCHAR") || upperCaseType.startsWith("CLOB"); } }