Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-2016 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Currency; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Record from the IDX format. * * @since 1.0 * @author Andreas Rudolph */ public class IdxRecord extends CsvRecord { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IdxRecord.class); private final static Pattern LINEBREAK = Pattern.compile("<br\\s*/?>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); protected final static String VERSION = "IDX" + IdxFormat.VERSION; public final static int LENGTH = 183; public final static int PICTURE_LIMIT = 13; /** * general fields */ /** Version, str(50) */ protected final static int FIELD_VERSION = 0; /** Software-Kennung, str(50) */ protected final static int FIELD_SENDER_ID = 1; /** letzte nderung, datetime(DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss) */ protected final static int FIELD_LAST_MODIFIED = 177; /** vom Portal vergebene ID, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_ADVERTISEMENT_ID = 178; /** Platzhalter 1 */ protected final static int FIELD_SPAREFIELD_1 = 179; /** Platzhalter 2 */ protected final static int FIELD_SPAREFIELD_2 = 180; /** Platzhalter 3 */ protected final static int FIELD_SPAREFIELD_3 = 181; /** Platzhalter 4 */ protected final static int FIELD_SPAREFIELD_4 = 182; /** * fields for the property */ /** Objekt-Kategorie, str(25) */ protected final static int FIELD_OBJECT_CATEGORY = 2; /** Objekt-Typ, int(3) */ protected final static int FIELD_OBJECT_TYPE = 3; /** Objekt-Vermarktung, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_OFFER_TYPE = 4; /** Liegenschaftsreferenz, str(80) */ protected final static int FIELD_REF_PROPERTY = 5; /** Hausreferenz, str(80) */ protected final static int FIELD_REF_HOUSE = 6; /** Objektreferenz, str(80) */ protected final static int FIELD_REF_OBJECT = 7; /** Strae, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_OBJECT_STREET = 8; /** PLZ, str(10) */ protected final static int FIELD_OBJECT_ZIP = 9; /** Ort, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_OBJECT_CITY = 10; /** Bundesland/Kanton, str(2) */ protected final static int FIELD_OBJECT_STATE = 11; /** Land, str(2) */ protected final static int FIELD_OBJECT_COUNTRY = 12; /** Region, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_REGION = 13; /** Anmerkung zur Lage / Situationsbeschrieb, str(50) */ protected final static int FIELD_OBJECT_SITUATION = 14; /** Verfgbar ab, date(DD.MM.YYYY) */ protected final static int FIELD_AVAILABLE_FROM = 15; /** Objekt-Titel, str(70) */ protected final static int FIELD_OBJECT_TITLE = 16; /** Objekt-Beschreibung, str(4000) */ protected final static int FIELD_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION = 17; /** Kaufpreis / Gesamtmiete, int(10) (aufgerundet) */ protected final static int FIELD_SELLING_PRICE = 18; /** Pauschalmiete, int(10) (aufgerundet) */ protected final static int FIELD_RENT_NET = 19; /** Nebenkosten, int(10) (aufgerundet) */ protected final static int FIELD_RENT_EXTRA = 20; /** Preiseinheit, str(10) */ protected final static int FIELD_PRICE_UNIT = 21; /** Whrung, str(3) */ protected final static int FIELD_CURRENCY = 22; /** Bruttorendite, str(19) (offer_type=SALE & Category=HOUSE & Type=7 only) */ protected final static int FIELD_GROSS_PREMIUM = 23; /** Etage, int(6) */ protected final static int FIELD_FLOOR = 24; /** Zimmerzahl, int(5,1) */ protected final static int FIELD_NUMBER_OF_ROOMS = 25; /** Wohnungszahl, int(5,1) */ protected final static int FIELD_NUMBER_OF_APARTMENTS = 26; /** Wohnflche, int(10) */ protected final static int FIELD_SURFACE_LIVING = 27; /** Gesamt / Grundstcksflche, int(10) */ protected final static int FIELD_SURFACE_PROPERTY = 28; /** Nutzflche, int(10) */ protected final static int FIELD_SURFACE_USABLE = 29; /** Volumen, int(10) */ protected final static int FIELD_VOLUME = 30; /** Baujahr, int(4) */ protected final static int FIELD_YEAR_BUILT = 31; /** Aussicht ???, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_VIEW = 32; /** Kamin/Feuerstelle, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_FIREPLACE = 33; /** Kabel-TV, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_CABLETV = 34; /** Fahrstuhl, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_ELEVATOR = 35; /** kinderfeundlich, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_CHILD_FRIENDLY = 36; /** Parkmglichkeit, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_PARKING = 37; /** Garage, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_GARAGE = 38; /** Balkon, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_BALCONY = 39; /** Dachboden, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_ROOF_FLOOR = 40; /** Distanz zum PNV in Meter, int(5) (1min = 50meter) */ protected final static int FIELD_DISTANCE_PUBLIC_TRANSPORT = 41; /** Distanz zur Einkaufsmglichkeit in Meter, int(5) (1min = 50meter) */ protected final static int FIELD_DISTANCE_SHOP = 42; /** Distanz zum Kindergarten in Meter, int(5) (1min = 50meter) */ protected final static int FIELD_DISTANCE_KINDERGARTEN = 43; /** Distanz zur Primarschule in Meter, int(5) (1min = 50meter) */ protected final static int FIELD_DISTANCE_SCHOOL1 = 44; /** Distanz zur Oberstufe in Meter, int(5) (1min = 50meter) */ protected final static int FIELD_DISTANCE_SCHOOL2 = 45; /** URL, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_URL = 67; /** Verffentlichung bis, date(DD.MM.YYYY) */ protected final static int FIELD_PUBLISH_UNTIL = 85; /** ???, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_DESTINATION = 86; /** Distanz zur Autobahn in Meter, int(5) (1min = 50meter) */ protected final static int FIELD_DISTANCE_MOTORWAY = 108; /** Deckenhhe in Meter, int(10,2) */ protected final static int FIELD_CEILING_HEIGHT = 109; /** Hallenhhe in Meter, int(10,2) */ protected final static int FIELD_HALL_HEIGHT = 110; /** max. Bodenlast in kg/m, int(10,1) */ protected final static int FIELD_MAXIMAL_FLOOR_LOADING = 111; /** max. Kranlast in kg, int(10,1) */ protected final static int FIELD_CARRYING_CAPACITY_CRANE = 112; /** max. Fahrstuhllast in kg, int(10,1) */ protected final static int FIELD_CARRYING_CAPACITY_ELEVATOR = 113; /** ISDN-Anschluss, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_ISDN = 114; /** Rollstuhl geeignet, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_WHEELCHAIR_ACCESSIBLE = 115; /** Tiere erlaubt, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_ANIMAL_ALLOWED = 116; /** Rampe, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_RAMP = 117; /** Hebebhne, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_LIFTING_PLATFORM = 118; /** Bahn-Anschluss, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_RAILWAY_TERMINAL = 119; /** Toilette, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_RESTROOMS = 120; /** Wasseranschluss, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_WATER_SUPPLY = 121; /** Abwasseranschluss, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_SEWAGE_SUPPLY = 122; /** Stromanschluss, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_POWER_SUPPLY = 123; /** Gasanschluss, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_GAS_SUPPLY = 124; /** Informationen zur Gemeinde, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_MUNICIPAL_INFO = 125; /** Homegate-URL, str(100) */ protected final static int FIELD_OWN_OBJECT_URL = 126; /** Verffentlichungs-ID ???, int(10) */ protected final static int FIELD_PUBLISHING_ID = 140; /** Weiterleitungs-ID ???, int(10) */ protected final static int FIELD_DELIVERY_ID = 141; /** Gemeinschaftsgeschft, Provisionsteilung, int(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_COMMISSION_SHARING = 158; /** Gemeinschaftsgeschft, Eigenanteil der Provision, str(10) */ protected final static int FIELD_COMMISSION_OWN = 159; /** Gemeinschaftsgeschft, Partner, str(10) */ protected final static int FIELD_COMMISSION_PARTNER = 160; /** Etagenzahl, int(2) */ protected final static int FIELD_NUMBER_OF_FLOORS = 162; /** Renovierungsjahr, int(4) */ protected final static int FIELD_YEAR_RENOVATED = 163; /** WG, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_FLAT_SHARING_COMMUNITY = 164; /** Eckhaus, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_CORNER_HOUSE = 165; /** Mittelhaus, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_MIDDLE_HOUSE = 166; /** Bauland erschlossen, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_BUILDING_LAND_CONNECTED = 167; /** inkl. Gartenhaus, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_GARDENHOUSE = 168; /** Hochparterre, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_RAISED_GROUND_FLOOR = 169; /** Neubau, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_NEW_BUILDING = 170; /** Altbau, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_OLD_BUILDING = 171; /** Im Baurecht, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_UNDER_BUILDING_LAWS = 172; /** berdacht, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_UNDER_ROOF = 173; /** Swimmingpool, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_SWIMMINGPOOL = 174; /** Energiehaus-Bauweise, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_MINENERGY_GENERAL = 175; /** zertifiziertes Energiehaus, str(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_MINENERGY_CERTIFIED = 176; /** * fields for the agency */ /** Anbieter-ID, str(10) */ protected final static int FIELD_AGENCY_ID = 68; /** Anbieter-Name, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_AGENCY_NAME = 69; /** Anbieter-Name 2, str(255) */ protected final static int FIELD_AGENCY_NAME2 = 70; /** Anbieter-Kontaktperson ???, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_AGENCY_REFERENCE = 71; /** Anbieter-Strae, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_AGENCY_STREET = 72; /** Anbieter-PLZ ???, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_AGENCY_ZIP = 73; /** Anbieter-Ort, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_AGENCY_CITY = 74; /** Anbieter-Land, str(2) */ protected final static int FIELD_AGENCY_COUNTRY = 75; /** Anbieter-Telefon, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_AGENCY_PHONE = 76; /** Anbieter-Mobiltelefon, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_AGENCY_MOBILE = 77; /** Anbieter-Fax, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_AGENCY_FAX = 78; /** Anbieter-Mail, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_AGENCY_EMAIL = 79; /** Anbieter-Logo, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_AGENCY_LOGO = 80; /** Anbieter-Logo 2, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_AGENCY_LOGO2 = 161; /** * fields for the contact person */ /** Besucherkontakt-Name, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_VISIT_NAME = 81; /** Besucherkontakt-Telefon, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_VISIT_PHONE = 82; /** Besucherkontakt-Mail, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_VISIT_EMAIL = 83; /** Besucherkontakt-Notiz, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_VISIT_REMARK = 84; /** * fields for attachments */ /** Bild 1, Datei, str(200) (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_1_FILE = 46; /** Bild 1, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_1_TITLE = 51; /** Bild 1, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_1_TEXT = 56; /** Bild 1, URL, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_1_URL = 99; /** Bild 2, Datei, str(200) (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_2_FILE = 47; /** Bild 2, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_2_TITLE = 52; /** Bild 2, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_2_TEXT = 57; /** Bild 2, URL, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_2_URL = 100; /** Bild 3, Datei, str(200) (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_3_FILE = 48; /** Bild 3, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_3_TITLE = 53; /** Bild 3, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_3_TEXT = 58; /** Bild 3, URL, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_3_URL = 101; /** Bild 4, Datei, str(200) (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_4_FILE = 49; /** Bild 4, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_4_TITLE = 54; /** Bild 4, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_4_TEXT = 59; /** Bild 4, URL, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_4_URL = 102; /** Bild 5, Datei, str(200) (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_5_FILE = 50; /** Bild 5, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_5_TITLE = 55; /** Bild 5, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_5_TEXT = 60; /** Bild 5, URL, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_5_URL = 103; /** Bild 6, Datei, str(200) (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_6_FILE = 87; /** Bild 6, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_6_TITLE = 91; /** Bild 6, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_6_TEXT = 95; /** Bild 6, URL, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_6_URL = 104; /** Bild 7, Datei, str(200) (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_7_FILE = 88; /** Bild 7, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_7_TITLE = 92; /** Bild 7, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_7_TEXT = 96; /** Bild 7, URL, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_7_URL = 105; /** Bild 8, Datei, str(200) (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_8_FILE = 89; /** Bild 8, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_8_TITLE = 93; /** Bild 8, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_8_TEXT = 97; /** Bild 8, URL, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_8_URL = 106; /** Bild 9, Datei, str(200) (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_9_FILE = 90; /** Bild 9, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_9_TITLE = 94; /** Bild 9, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_9_TEXT = 98; /** Bild 9, URL, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_9_URL = 107; /** Bild 10, Datei, str(200) (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_10_FILE = 142; /** Bild 10, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_10_TITLE = 146; /** Bild 10, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_10_TEXT = 150; /** Bild 10, URL, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_10_URL = 154; /** Bild 11, Datei, str(200) (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_11_FILE = 143; /** Bild 11, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_11_TITLE = 147; /** Bild 11, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_11_TEXT = 151; /** Bild 11, URL, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_11_URL = 155; /** Bild 12, Datei, str(200) (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_12_FILE = 144; /** Bild 12, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_12_TITLE = 148; /** Bild 12, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_12_TEXT = 152; /** Bild 12, URL, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_12_URL = 156; /** Bild 13, Datei, str(200) (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_13_FILE = 145; /** Bild 13, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_13_TITLE = 149; /** Bild 13, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_13_TEXT = 153; /** Bild 13, URL, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_PICTURE_13_URL = 157; /** Video, Datei, str(200) (*.mov, *.avi, *.rpm, *.mpeg, *.mpg, *.wmv, *.mp4, *.flv) */ protected final static int FIELD_MOVIE_FILE = 61; /** Video, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_MOVIE_TITLE = 62; /** Video, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_MOVIE_TEXT = 63; /** Dokument, Datei, str(200) (*.pdf, *.rtf, *.doc) */ protected final static int FIELD_DOCUMENT_FILE = 64; /** Dokument, Titel, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_DOCUMENT_TITLE = 65; /** Dokument, Beschreibung, str(1800) */ protected final static int FIELD_DOCUMENT_TEXT = 66; /** * fields for billing */ /** Rechnungsadresse, Anrede, int(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_BILLING_SALUTATION = 127; /** Rechnungsadresse, Vorname, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_BILLING_FIRST_NAME = 128; /** Rechnungsadresse, Nachname, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_BILLING_NAME = 129; /** Rechnungsadresse, Firma, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_BILLING_COMPANY = 130; /** Rechnungsadresse, Strae, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_BILLING_STREET = 131; /** Rechnungsadresse, Strae 2, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_BILLING_POST_BOX = 132; /** Rechnungsadresse, PLZ, str(10) */ protected final static int FIELD_BILLING_ZIP = 133; /** Rechnungsadresse, Ort, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_BILLING_PLACE_NAME = 134; /** Rechnungsadresse, Land, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_BILLING_COUNTRY = 135; /** Rechnungsadresse, Telefon, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_BILLING_PHONE = 136; /** Rechnungsadresse, Telefon 2, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_BILLING_PHONE2 = 137; /** Rechnungsadresse, Mobiltelefon, str(200) */ protected final static int FIELD_BILLING_MOBILE = 138; /** Rechnungsadresse, Sprache, int(1) */ protected final static int FIELD_BILLING_LANGUAGE = 139; public IdxRecord() { super(); this.set(FIELD_VERSION, VERSION); } public String getAdvertisementId() { return this.get(FIELD_ADVERTISEMENT_ID); } public String getAgencyCity() { return this.get(FIELD_AGENCY_CITY); } public String getAgencyCountry() { return this.get(FIELD_AGENCY_COUNTRY); } public String getAgencyEmail() { return this.get(FIELD_AGENCY_EMAIL); } public String getAgencyFax() { return this.get(FIELD_AGENCY_FAX); } public String getAgencyId() { return this.get(FIELD_AGENCY_ID); } @Deprecated public String getAgencyLogo() { return this.get(FIELD_AGENCY_LOGO); } @Deprecated public String getAgencyLogo2() { return this.get(FIELD_AGENCY_LOGO2); } @Deprecated public String getAgencyMobile() { return this.get(FIELD_AGENCY_MOBILE); } public String getAgencyName() { return this.get(FIELD_AGENCY_NAME); } public String getAgencyName2() { return this.get(FIELD_AGENCY_NAME2); } public String getAgencyPhone() { return this.get(FIELD_AGENCY_PHONE); } public String getAgencyReference() { return this.get(FIELD_AGENCY_REFERENCE); } public String getAgencyStreet() { return this.get(FIELD_AGENCY_STREET); } public String getAgencyZip() { return this.get(FIELD_AGENCY_ZIP); } public Calendar getAvailableFrom() { try { return IdxFormat.parseDateAsCalendar(this.get(FIELD_AVAILABLE_FROM)); } catch (ParseException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read availability date!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public String getBillingCompany() { return this.get(FIELD_BILLING_COMPANY); } public String getBillingCountry() { return this.get(FIELD_BILLING_COUNTRY); } public String getBillingFirstName() { return this.get(FIELD_BILLING_FIRST_NAME); } public Language getBillingLanguage() { return Language.parse(this.get(FIELD_BILLING_LANGUAGE)); } public String getBillingMobile() { return this.get(FIELD_BILLING_MOBILE); } public String getBillingName() { return this.get(FIELD_BILLING_NAME); } public String getBillingPlaceName() { return this.get(FIELD_BILLING_PLACE_NAME); } public String getBillingPhone() { return this.get(FIELD_BILLING_PHONE); } public String getBillingPhone2() { return this.get(FIELD_BILLING_PHONE2); } public String getBillingPostBox() { return this.get(FIELD_BILLING_POST_BOX); } public Salutation getBillingSalutation() { return Salutation.parse(this.get(FIELD_BILLING_SALUTATION)); } public String getBillingStreet() { return this.get(FIELD_BILLING_STREET); } public String getBillingZip() { return this.get(FIELD_BILLING_ZIP); } public BigDecimal getCarryingCapacityCrane() { try { return IdxFormat.parseDecimal(this.get(FIELD_CARRYING_CAPACITY_CRANE)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read carrying capacity for the crane!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public BigDecimal getCarryingCapacityElevator() { try { return IdxFormat.parseDecimal(this.get(FIELD_CARRYING_CAPACITY_ELEVATOR)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read carrying capacity for the elevator!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public BigDecimal getCeilingHeight() { try { return IdxFormat.parseDecimal(this.get(FIELD_CEILING_HEIGHT)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read ceiling height!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } @Deprecated public String getCommissionOwn() { return this.get(FIELD_COMMISSION_OWN); } @Deprecated public String getCommissionPartner() { return this.get(FIELD_COMMISSION_PARTNER); } public Currency getCurrency() { String value = this.get(FIELD_CURRENCY); try { return (value != null) ? Currency.getInstance(value) : null; } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read currency from '" + value + "'!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Long getDeliveryId() { try { return IdxFormat.parseLong(this.get(FIELD_DELIVERY_ID)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read delivery id!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } @Deprecated public String getDestination() { return this.get(FIELD_DESTINATION); } public Integer getDistanceKindergarten() { try { return IdxFormat.parseInteger(this.get(FIELD_DISTANCE_KINDERGARTEN)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read distance to kindergarten!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Integer getDistanceMotorway() { try { return IdxFormat.parseInteger(this.get(FIELD_DISTANCE_MOTORWAY)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read distance to motorway!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Integer getDistancePublicTransport() { try { return IdxFormat.parseInteger(this.get(FIELD_DISTANCE_PUBLIC_TRANSPORT)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read distance to public transport!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Integer getDistanceSchool1() { try { return IdxFormat.parseInteger(this.get(FIELD_DISTANCE_SCHOOL1)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read distance to primary school!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Integer getDistanceSchool2() { try { return IdxFormat.parseInteger(this.get(FIELD_DISTANCE_SCHOOL2)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read distance to secondary school!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Integer getDistanceShop() { try { return IdxFormat.parseInteger(this.get(FIELD_DISTANCE_SHOP)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read distance to shopping!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Media getDocument() { String file = this.get(FIELD_DOCUMENT_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_DOCUMENT_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_DOCUMENT_TEXT)) : null; } public Integer getFloor() { try { return IdxFormat.parseInteger(this.get(FIELD_FLOOR)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read floor!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public GrossPremium getGrossPremium() { return GrossPremium.parse(this.get(FIELD_GROSS_PREMIUM)); } public BigDecimal getHallHeight() { try { return IdxFormat.parseDecimal(this.get(FIELD_HALL_HEIGHT)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read hall height!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Calendar getLastModified() { try { return IdxFormat.parseDateTimeAsCalendar(this.get(FIELD_LAST_MODIFIED)); } catch (ParseException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read last modification date!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public BigDecimal getMaximalFloorLoading() { try { return IdxFormat.parseDecimal(this.get(FIELD_MAXIMAL_FLOOR_LOADING)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read maximal floor loading!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Media getMovie() { String file = this.get(FIELD_MOVIE_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_MOVIE_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_MOVIE_TEXT)) : null; } public BigDecimal getNumberOfApartments() { try { return IdxFormat.parseDecimal(this.get(FIELD_NUMBER_OF_APARTMENTS)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read number of apartments!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Integer getNumberOfFloors() { try { return IdxFormat.parseInteger(this.get(FIELD_NUMBER_OF_FLOORS)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read number of floors!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public BigDecimal getNumberOfRooms() { try { return IdxFormat.parseDecimal(this.get(FIELD_NUMBER_OF_ROOMS)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read number of rooms!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public ObjectCategory getObjectCategory() { return ObjectCategory.parse(this.get(FIELD_OBJECT_CATEGORY)); } public String getObjectCity() { return this.get(FIELD_OBJECT_CITY); } public String getObjectCountry() { return this.get(FIELD_OBJECT_COUNTRY); } public String getObjectDescription() { return this.get(FIELD_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION); } public String getObjectSituation() { return this.get(FIELD_OBJECT_SITUATION); } public String getObjectState() { return this.get(FIELD_OBJECT_STATE); } public String getObjectStreet() { return this.get(FIELD_OBJECT_STREET); } public String getObjectTitle() { return this.get(FIELD_OBJECT_TITLE); } public ObjectType getObjectType() { ObjectCategory cat = this.getObjectCategory(); return (cat != null) ? ObjectType.parse(cat, this.get(FIELD_OBJECT_TYPE)) : null; } public String getObjectZip() { return this.get(FIELD_OBJECT_ZIP); } public OfferType getOfferType() { return OfferType.parse(this.get(FIELD_OFFER_TYPE)); } public String getOwnObjectUrl() { return this.get(FIELD_OWN_OBJECT_URL); } public Media getPicture(int i) { switch (i) { case 1: return this.getPicture1(); case 2: return this.getPicture2(); case 3: return this.getPicture3(); case 4: return this.getPicture4(); case 5: return this.getPicture5(); case 6: return this.getPicture6(); case 7: return this.getPicture7(); case 8: return this.getPicture8(); case 9: return this.getPicture9(); case 10: return this.getPicture10(); case 11: return this.getPicture11(); case 12: return this.getPicture12(); case 13: return this.getPicture13(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported picture position " + i + "!"); } } public Media getPicture1() { String file = this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_1_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_1_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_1_TEXT), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_1_URL)) : null; } public Media getPicture2() { String file = this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_2_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_2_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_2_TEXT), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_2_URL)) : null; } public Media getPicture3() { String file = this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_3_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_3_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_3_TEXT), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_3_URL)) : null; } public Media getPicture4() { String file = this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_4_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_4_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_4_TEXT), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_4_URL)) : null; } public Media getPicture5() { String file = this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_5_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_5_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_5_TEXT), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_5_URL)) : null; } public Media getPicture6() { String file = this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_6_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_6_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_6_TEXT), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_6_URL)) : null; } public Media getPicture7() { String file = this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_7_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_7_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_7_TEXT), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_7_URL)) : null; } public Media getPicture8() { String file = this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_8_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_8_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_8_TEXT), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_8_URL)) : null; } public Media getPicture9() { String file = this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_9_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_9_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_9_TEXT), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_9_URL)) : null; } public Media getPicture10() { String file = this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_10_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_10_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_10_TEXT), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_10_URL)) : null; } public Media getPicture11() { String file = this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_11_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_11_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_11_TEXT), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_11_URL)) : null; } public Media getPicture12() { String file = this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_12_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_12_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_12_TEXT), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_12_URL)) : null; } public Media getPicture13() { String file = this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_13_FILE); return (file != null) ? new Media(file, this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_13_TITLE), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_13_TEXT), this.get(FIELD_PICTURE_13_URL)) : null; } public Media[] getPictures() { List<Media> pictures = new ArrayList<Media>(); for (int i = 1; i <= PICTURE_LIMIT; i++) { Media picture = this.getPicture(i); if (picture != null) pictures.add(picture); } return pictures.toArray(new Media[pictures.size()]); } public PriceUnit getPriceUnit() { return PriceUnit.parse(this.get(FIELD_PRICE_UNIT)); } public Long getPublishingId() { try { return IdxFormat.parseLong(this.get(FIELD_PUBLISHING_ID)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read publishing id!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } @Deprecated public Calendar getPublishUntil() { try { return IdxFormat.parseDateAsCalendar(this.get(FIELD_PUBLISH_UNTIL)); } catch (ParseException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read publish until date!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } @Override protected int getRecordLenth() { return LENGTH; } @Deprecated public String getRegion() { return this.get(FIELD_REGION); } public String getRefHouse() { return this.get(FIELD_REF_HOUSE); } public String getRefObject() { return this.get(FIELD_REF_OBJECT); } public String getRefProperty() { return this.get(FIELD_REF_PROPERTY); } public Long getRentExtra() { try { return IdxFormat.parseLong(this.get(FIELD_RENT_EXTRA)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read extra rent!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Long getRentNet() { try { return IdxFormat.parseLong(this.get(FIELD_RENT_NET)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read net rent!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Long getSellingPrice() { try { return IdxFormat.parseLong(this.get(FIELD_SELLING_PRICE)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read selling price!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public String getSenderId() { return this.get(FIELD_SENDER_ID); } public String getSparefield1() { return this.get(FIELD_SPAREFIELD_1); } public String getSparefield2() { return this.get(FIELD_SPAREFIELD_2); } public String getSparefield3() { return this.get(FIELD_SPAREFIELD_3); } public String getSparefield4() { return this.get(FIELD_SPAREFIELD_4); } public Long getSurfaceLiving() { try { return IdxFormat.parseLong(this.get(FIELD_SURFACE_LIVING)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read living surface!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Long getSurfaceProperty() { try { return IdxFormat.parseLong(this.get(FIELD_SURFACE_PROPERTY)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read property surface!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Long getSurfaceUsable() { try { return IdxFormat.parseLong(this.get(FIELD_SURFACE_USABLE)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read usable surface!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public String getUrl() { return this.get(FIELD_URL); } public String getVersion() { return this.get(FIELD_VERSION); } @Deprecated public String getVisitEmail() { return this.get(FIELD_VISIT_EMAIL); } public String getVisitName() { return this.get(FIELD_VISIT_NAME); } public String getVisitPhone() { return this.get(FIELD_VISIT_PHONE); } public String getVisitRemark() { return this.get(FIELD_VISIT_REMARK); } public Long getVolume() { try { return IdxFormat.parseLong(this.get(FIELD_VOLUME)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read volume!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Integer getYearBuilt() { try { return IdxFormat.parseInteger(this.get(FIELD_YEAR_BUILT)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read build year!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public Integer getYearRenovated() { try { return IdxFormat.parseInteger(this.get(FIELD_YEAR_RENOVATED)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Can't read renovation year!"); LOGGER.warn("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); return null; } } public boolean isAnimalAllowed() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_ANIMAL_ALLOWED))); } public boolean isBalcony() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_BALCONY))); } public boolean isBuildingLandConnected() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_BUILDING_LAND_CONNECTED))); } public boolean isCableTv() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_CABLETV))); } public boolean isChildFriendly() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_CHILD_FRIENDLY))); } @Deprecated public boolean isCommissionSharing() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_COMMISSION_SHARING))); } public boolean isCornerHouse() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_CORNER_HOUSE))); } public boolean isElevator() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_ELEVATOR))); } public boolean isFlatSharingCommunity() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_FLAT_SHARING_COMMUNITY))); } public boolean isFireplace() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_FIREPLACE))); } public boolean isGarage() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_GARAGE))); } public boolean isGardenhouse() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_GARDENHOUSE))); } public boolean isGasSupply() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_GAS_SUPPLY))); } public boolean isIsdn() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_ISDN))); } public boolean isLiftingPlatform() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_LIFTING_PLATFORM))); } public boolean isMiddleHouse() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_MIDDLE_HOUSE))); } public boolean isMinEnergyCertified() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_MINENERGY_CERTIFIED))); } public boolean isMinEnergyGeneral() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_MINENERGY_GENERAL))); } @Deprecated public boolean isMunicipalInfo() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_MUNICIPAL_INFO))); } public boolean isNewBuilding() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_NEW_BUILDING))); } public boolean isOldBuilding() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_OLD_BUILDING))); } public boolean isParking() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_PARKING))); } public boolean isPowerSupply() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_POWER_SUPPLY))); } public boolean isRailwayTerminal() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_RAILWAY_TERMINAL))); } public boolean isRaisedGroundFloor() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_RAISED_GROUND_FLOOR))); } public boolean isRamp() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_RAMP))); } public boolean isRestrooms() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_RESTROOMS))); } @Deprecated public boolean isRoofFloor() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_ROOF_FLOOR))); } public boolean isSwimmingpool() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_SWIMMINGPOOL))); } public boolean isUnderBuildingLaws() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_UNDER_BUILDING_LAWS))); } public boolean isUnderRoof() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_UNDER_ROOF))); } public boolean isSewageSupply() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_SEWAGE_SUPPLY))); } public boolean isView() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_VIEW))); } public boolean isWaterSupply() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_WATER_SUPPLY))); } public boolean isWheelchairAccessible() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(IdxFormat.parseBoolean(this.get(FIELD_WHEELCHAIR_ACCESSIBLE))); } public static IdxRecord newRecord(CSVRecord record) { IdxRecord idxRecord = new IdxRecord(); idxRecord.parse(record); return idxRecord; } @Override protected void parse(CSVRecord record) { String version = StringUtils.trimToNull(record.get(FIELD_VERSION)); if (version != null && !VERSION.equalsIgnoreCase(version) && !IdxFormat.VERSION.equalsIgnoreCase(version)) { LOGGER.warn("IDX version '" + version + "' is not supported. Trying to parse the record anyway."); } super.parse(record); } @Override protected String parse(String value) { // replace <br> elements with native line separator in any parsed value value = StringUtils.trimToNull(value); if (value == null) return null; Matcher m = LINEBREAK.matcher(value); return (m.find()) ? m.replaceAll(SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR) : value; } @Override protected Iterable<String> print() { // make sure, that is version is present before printing String version = this.getVersion(); if (version == null) this.setVersion(VERSION); return super.print(); } public void setAdvertisementId(String value) { this.set(FIELD_ADVERTISEMENT_ID, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setAgencyCity(String value) { this.set(FIELD_AGENCY_CITY, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setAgencyCountry(String value) { value = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(value); this.set(FIELD_AGENCY_COUNTRY, IdxFormat.getCountryCode(value)); } public void setAgencyEmail(String value) { this.set(FIELD_AGENCY_EMAIL, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setAgencyFax(String value) { this.set(FIELD_AGENCY_FAX, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setAgencyId(String value) { this.set(FIELD_AGENCY_ID, IdxFormat.printString(value, 10)); } @Deprecated public void setAgencyLogo(String value) { this.set(FIELD_AGENCY_LOGO, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } @Deprecated public void setAgencyLogo2(String value) { this.set(FIELD_AGENCY_LOGO2, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } @Deprecated public void setAgencyMobile(String value) { this.set(FIELD_AGENCY_MOBILE, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setAgencyName(String value) { this.set(FIELD_AGENCY_NAME, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setAgencyName2(String value) { this.set(FIELD_AGENCY_NAME2, IdxFormat.printString(value, 255)); } public void setAgencyPhone(String value) { this.set(FIELD_AGENCY_PHONE, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setAgencyReference(String value) { this.set(FIELD_AGENCY_REFERENCE, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setAgencyStreet(String value) { this.set(FIELD_AGENCY_STREET, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setAgencyZip(String value) { this.set(FIELD_AGENCY_ZIP, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setAnimalAllowed(boolean value) { this.setAnimalAllowed(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setAnimalAllowed(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_ANIMAL_ALLOWED, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setAvailableFrom(Calendar value) { this.set(FIELD_AVAILABLE_FROM, IdxFormat.printDate(value)); } public void setAvailableFrom(Date value) { this.set(FIELD_AVAILABLE_FROM, IdxFormat.printDate(value)); } public void setBalcony(boolean value) { this.setBalcony(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setBalcony(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_BALCONY, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setBillingCompany(String value) { this.set(FIELD_BILLING_COMPANY, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setBillingCountry(String value) { this.set(FIELD_BILLING_COUNTRY, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setBillingFirstName(String value) { this.set(FIELD_BILLING_FIRST_NAME, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setBillingLanguage(Language value) { this.set(FIELD_BILLING_LANGUAGE, (value != null) ? value.print() : null); } public void setBillingMobile(String value) { this.set(FIELD_BILLING_MOBILE, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setBillingName(String value) { this.set(FIELD_BILLING_NAME, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setBillingPlaceName(String value) { this.set(FIELD_BILLING_PLACE_NAME, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setBillingPhone(String value) { this.set(FIELD_BILLING_PHONE, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setBillingPhone2(String value) { this.set(FIELD_BILLING_PHONE2, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setBillingPostBox(String value) { this.set(FIELD_BILLING_POST_BOX, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setBillingSalutation(Salutation value) { this.set(FIELD_BILLING_SALUTATION, (value != null) ? value.print() : null); } public void setBillingStreet(String value) { this.set(FIELD_BILLING_STREET, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setBillingZip(String value) { this.set(FIELD_BILLING_ZIP, IdxFormat.printString(value, 10)); } public void setBuildingLandConnected(boolean value) { this.setBuildingLandConnected(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setBuildingLandConnected(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_BUILDING_LAND_CONNECTED, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setCableTv(boolean value) { this.setCableTv(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setCableTv(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_CABLETV, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setCarryingCapacityCrane(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_CARRYING_CAPACITY_CRANE, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 10, 1)); } public void setCarryingCapacityElevator(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_CARRYING_CAPACITY_ELEVATOR, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 10, 1)); } public void setCeilingHeight(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_CEILING_HEIGHT, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 10, 2)); } public void setChildFriendly(boolean value) { this.setChildFriendly(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setChildFriendly(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_CHILD_FRIENDLY, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } @Deprecated public void setCommissionOwn(String value) { this.set(FIELD_COMMISSION_OWN, IdxFormat.printString(value, 10)); } @Deprecated public void setCommissionPartner(String value) { this.set(FIELD_COMMISSION_PARTNER, IdxFormat.printString(value, 10)); } @Deprecated public void setCommissionSharing(boolean value) { this.setCommissionSharing(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } @Deprecated public void setCommissionSharing(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_COMMISSION_SHARING, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setCornerHouse(boolean value) { this.setCornerHouse(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setCornerHouse(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_CORNER_HOUSE, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setCurrency(Currency value) { this.set(FIELD_CURRENCY, (value != null) ? value.getCurrencyCode() : null); } @Deprecated public void setDestination(String value) { this.set(FIELD_DESTINATION, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setDistanceKindergarten(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_DISTANCE_KINDERGARTEN, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 5)); } public void setDistanceMotorway(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_DISTANCE_MOTORWAY, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 5)); } public void setDistancePublicTransport(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_DISTANCE_PUBLIC_TRANSPORT, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 5)); } public void setDistanceSchool1(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_DISTANCE_SCHOOL1, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 5)); } public void setDistanceSchool2(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_DISTANCE_SCHOOL2, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 5)); } public void setDistanceShop(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_DISTANCE_SHOP, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 5)); } public void setDocument(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_DOCUMENT_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_DOCUMENT_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_DOCUMENT_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); } public void setElevator(boolean value) { this.setElevator(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setElevator(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_ELEVATOR, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setFireplace(boolean value) { this.setFireplace(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setFireplace(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_FIREPLACE, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setFlatSharingCommunity(boolean value) { this.setFlatSharingCommunity(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setFlatSharingCommunity(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_FLAT_SHARING_COMMUNITY, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setFloor(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_FLOOR, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 6)); } public void setGarage(boolean value) { this.setGarage(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setGarage(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_GARAGE, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setGardenhouse(boolean value) { this.setGardenhouse(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setGardenhouse(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_GARDENHOUSE, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setGasSupply(boolean value) { this.setGasSupply(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setGasSupply(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_GAS_SUPPLY, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setGrossPremium(GrossPremium value) { this.set(FIELD_GROSS_PREMIUM, (value != null) ? value.print() : null); } public void setHallHeight(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_HALL_HEIGHT, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 10, 2)); } public void setIsdn(boolean value) { this.setIsdn(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setIsdn(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_ISDN, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setLastModified(Calendar value) { this.set(FIELD_LAST_MODIFIED, IdxFormat.printDateTime(value)); } public void setLastModified(Date value) { this.set(FIELD_LAST_MODIFIED, IdxFormat.printDateTime(value)); } public void setLiftingPlatform(boolean value) { this.setLiftingPlatform(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setLiftingPlatform(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_LIFTING_PLATFORM, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setMaximalFloorLoading(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_MAXIMAL_FLOOR_LOADING, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 10, 1)); } public void setMiddleHouse(boolean value) { this.setMiddleHouse(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setMiddleHouse(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_MIDDLE_HOUSE, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setMinEnergyCertified(boolean value) { this.setMinEnergyCertified(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setMinEnergyCertified(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_MINENERGY_CERTIFIED, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setMinEnergyGeneral(boolean value) { this.setMinEnergyGeneral(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setMinEnergyGeneral(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_MINENERGY_GENERAL, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setMovie(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_MOVIE_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_MOVIE_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_MOVIE_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); } @Deprecated public void setMunicipalInfo(boolean value) { this.setMunicipalInfo(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } @Deprecated public void setMunicipalInfo(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_MUNICIPAL_INFO, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setNewBuilding(boolean value) { this.setNewBuilding(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setNewBuilding(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_NEW_BUILDING, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setNumberOfApartments(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_NUMBER_OF_APARTMENTS, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 5, 1)); } public void setNumberOfFloors(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_NUMBER_OF_FLOORS, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 2)); } public void setNumberOfRooms(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_NUMBER_OF_ROOMS, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 5, 1)); } protected void setObjectCategory(ObjectCategory value) { this.set(FIELD_OBJECT_CATEGORY, (value != null) ? value.print() : null); } public void setObjectCity(String value) { this.set(FIELD_OBJECT_CITY, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setObjectCountry(String value) { value = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(value); this.set(FIELD_OBJECT_COUNTRY, IdxFormat.getCountryCode(value)); } public void setObjectDescription(String value) { this.set(FIELD_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION, IdxFormat.printString(value, 4000)); } public void setObjectSituation(String value) { this.set(FIELD_OBJECT_SITUATION, IdxFormat.printString(value, 50)); } public void setObjectState(String value) { value = StringUtils.trimToEmpty(value); this.set(FIELD_OBJECT_STATE, (value.length() == 2) ? value.toUpperCase() : null); } public void setObjectStreet(String value) { this.set(FIELD_OBJECT_STREET, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setObjectTitle(String value) { this.set(FIELD_OBJECT_TITLE, IdxFormat.printString(value, 70)); } public void setObjectType(ObjectType value) { this.setObjectCategory((value != null) ? value.getCategory() : null); this.set(FIELD_OBJECT_TYPE, (value != null) ? value.print() : null); } public void setObjectZip(String value) { this.set(FIELD_OBJECT_ZIP, IdxFormat.printString(value, 10)); } public void setOldBuilding(boolean value) { this.setOldBuilding(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setOldBuilding(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_OLD_BUILDING, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setOfferType(OfferType value) { this.set(FIELD_OFFER_TYPE, (value != null) ? value.print() : null); } public void setOwnObjectUrl(String value) { this.set(FIELD_OWN_OBJECT_URL, IdxFormat.printString(value, 100)); } public void setParking(boolean value) { this.setParking(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setParking(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_PARKING, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setPicture(Media value, int i) { switch (i) { case 1: this.setPicture1(value); break; case 2: this.setPicture2(value); break; case 3: this.setPicture3(value); break; case 4: this.setPicture4(value); break; case 5: this.setPicture5(value); break; case 6: this.setPicture6(value); break; case 7: this.setPicture7(value); break; case 8: this.setPicture8(value); break; case 9: this.setPicture9(value); break; case 10: this.setPicture10(value); break; case 11: this.setPicture11(value); break; case 12: this.setPicture12(value); break; case 13: this.setPicture13(value); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported picture position " + i + "!"); } } public void setPicture1(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_1_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_1_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_1_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_1_URL, (value != null && file != null) ? value.getUrl() : null); } public void setPicture2(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_2_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_2_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_2_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_2_URL, (value != null && file != null) ? value.getUrl() : null); } public void setPicture3(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_3_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_3_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_3_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_3_URL, (value != null && file != null) ? value.getUrl() : null); } public void setPicture4(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_4_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_4_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_4_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_4_URL, (value != null && file != null) ? value.getUrl() : null); } public void setPicture5(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_5_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_5_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_5_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_5_URL, (value != null && file != null) ? value.getUrl() : null); } public void setPicture6(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_6_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_6_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_6_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_6_URL, (value != null && file != null) ? value.getUrl() : null); } public void setPicture7(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_7_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_7_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_7_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_7_URL, (value != null && file != null) ? value.getUrl() : null); } public void setPicture8(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_8_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_8_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_8_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_8_URL, (value != null && file != null) ? value.getUrl() : null); } public void setPicture9(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_9_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_9_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_9_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_9_URL, (value != null && file != null) ? value.getUrl() : null); } public void setPicture10(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_10_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_10_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_10_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_10_URL, (value != null && file != null) ? value.getUrl() : null); } public void setPicture11(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_11_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_11_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_11_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_11_URL, (value != null && file != null) ? value.getUrl() : null); } public void setPicture12(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_12_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_12_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_12_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_12_URL, (value != null && file != null) ? value.getUrl() : null); } public void setPicture13(Media value) { String file = (value != null) ? StringUtils.trimToNull(value.getFileName()) : null; this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_13_FILE, file); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_13_TITLE, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getTitle(), 200) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_13_TEXT, (value != null && file != null) ? IdxFormat.printString(value.getDescription(), 1800) : null); this.set(FIELD_PICTURE_13_URL, (value != null && file != null) ? value.getUrl() : null); } public void setPictures(Iterable<Media> values) { int pos = 1; if (values != null) { for (Media value : values) { this.setPicture(value, pos); pos++; if (pos > PICTURE_LIMIT) break; } } for (int i = pos; i <= PICTURE_LIMIT; i++) this.setPicture(null, i); } public void setPowerSupply(boolean value) { this.setPowerSupply(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setPowerSupply(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_POWER_SUPPLY, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setPriceUnit(PriceUnit value) { this.set(FIELD_PRICE_UNIT, (value != null) ? value.print() : null); } @Deprecated public void setPublishUntil(Calendar value) { this.set(FIELD_PUBLISH_UNTIL, IdxFormat.printDate(value)); } @Deprecated public void setPublishUntil(Date value) { this.set(FIELD_PUBLISH_UNTIL, IdxFormat.printDate(value)); } public void setRailwayTerminal(boolean value) { this.setRailwayTerminal(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setRailwayTerminal(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_RAILWAY_TERMINAL, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setRaisedGroundFloor(boolean value) { this.setRaisedGroundFloor(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setRaisedGroundFloor(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_RAISED_GROUND_FLOOR, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setRamp(boolean value) { this.setRamp(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setRamp(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_RAMP, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setRefHouse(String value) { this.set(FIELD_REF_HOUSE, IdxFormat.printString(value, 80)); } public void setRefObject(String value) { this.set(FIELD_REF_OBJECT, IdxFormat.printString(value, 80)); } public void setRefProperty(String value) { this.set(FIELD_REF_PROPERTY, IdxFormat.printString(value, 80)); } @Deprecated public void setRegion(String value) { this.set(FIELD_REGION, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setRentExtra(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_RENT_EXTRA, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 10)); } public void setRentNet(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_RENT_NET, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 10)); } public void setRestrooms(boolean value) { this.setRestrooms(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setRestrooms(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_RESTROOMS, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } @Deprecated public void setRoofFloor(boolean value) { this.setRoofFloor(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } @Deprecated public void setRoofFloor(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_ROOF_FLOOR, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setSellingPrice(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_SELLING_PRICE, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 10)); } public void setSenderId(String value) { this.set(FIELD_SENDER_ID, IdxFormat.printString(value, 50)); } public void setSewageSupply(boolean value) { this.setSewageSupply(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setSewageSupply(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_SEWAGE_SUPPLY, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setSparefield1(String value) { this.set(FIELD_SPAREFIELD_1, IdxFormat.printString(value, 255)); } public void setSparefield2(String value) { this.set(FIELD_SPAREFIELD_2, IdxFormat.printString(value, 255)); } public void setSparefield3(String value) { this.set(FIELD_SPAREFIELD_3, IdxFormat.printString(value, 255)); } public void setSparefield4(String value) { this.set(FIELD_SPAREFIELD_4, IdxFormat.printString(value, 255)); } public void setSurfaceLiving(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_SURFACE_LIVING, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 10)); } public void setSurfaceProperty(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_SURFACE_PROPERTY, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 10)); } public void setSurfaceUsable(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_SURFACE_USABLE, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 10)); } public void setSwimmingpool(boolean value) { this.setSwimmingpool(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setSwimmingpool(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_SWIMMINGPOOL, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setUnderBuildingLaws(boolean value) { this.setUnderBuildingLaws(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setUnderBuildingLaws(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_UNDER_BUILDING_LAWS, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setUnderRoof(boolean value) { this.setUnderRoof(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setUnderRoof(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_UNDER_ROOF, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setUrl(String value) { this.set(FIELD_URL, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setVersion(String value) { this.set(FIELD_VERSION, IdxFormat.printString(value, 50)); } public void setView(boolean value) { this.setView(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setView(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_VIEW, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } @Deprecated public void setVisitEmail(String value) { this.set(FIELD_VISIT_EMAIL, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setVisitName(String value) { this.set(FIELD_VISIT_NAME, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setVisitPhone(String value) { this.set(FIELD_VISIT_PHONE, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setVisitRemark(String value) { this.set(FIELD_VISIT_REMARK, IdxFormat.printString(value, 200)); } public void setVolume(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_VOLUME, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 10)); } public void setWaterSupply(boolean value) { this.setWaterSupply(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setWaterSupply(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_WATER_SUPPLY, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setWheelcharAccessible(boolean value) { this.setWheelcharAccessible(Boolean.valueOf(value)); } public void setWheelcharAccessible(Boolean value) { this.set(FIELD_WHEELCHAIR_ACCESSIBLE, IdxFormat.printBoolean((value != null) ? value : false)); } public void setYearBuilt(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_YEAR_BUILT, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 4)); } public void setYearRenovated(Number value) { this.set(FIELD_YEAR_RENOVATED, IdxFormat.printNumber(value, 4)); } }