Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-2016 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Locale; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Example for writing ImmoXML files. * <p> * This example illustrates the programatic creation of ImmoXML documents and * how they are written into XML. * * @since 1.0 * @author Andreas Rudolph */ public class ImmoXmlWritingExample { private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ImmoXmlWritingExample.class); private final static String PACKAGE = "/org/openestate/io/examples"; private final static ObjectFactory FACTORY = ImmoXmlUtils.getFactory(); private final static boolean PRETTY_PRINT = true; /** * Start the example application. * * @param args * command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // init logging PropertyConfigurator.configure(ImmoXmlWritingExample.class.getResource(PACKAGE + "/")); // create an Immoxml object with some example data // this object corresponds to the <immoxml> root element in XML Immoxml immoxml = FACTORY.createImmoxml(); immoxml.setUebertragung(createUebertragung()); immoxml.getAnbieter().add(createAnbieter()); // convert the Immoxml object into a XML document ImmoXmlDocument doc = null; try { doc = ImmoXmlDocument.newDocument(immoxml); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Can't create XML document!"); LOGGER.error("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); System.exit(1); } // write XML document into a try { write(doc, File.createTempFile("output-", ".xml")); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Can't create temporary file!"); LOGGER.error("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); System.exit(1); } // write XML document into a write(doc, new NullOutputStream()); // write XML document into a write(doc, new NullWriter()); // write XML document into a string and send it to the console writeToConsole(doc); } /** * Create an {@link Anbieter} with some example data. * * @return * created example object */ protected static Anbieter createAnbieter() { // create an example agency Anbieter anbieter = FACTORY.createAnbieter(); anbieter.setAnbieternr("123456"); anbieter.setFirma("Agency Name"); anbieter.setImmoxmlAnid("123456"); // add some real estates to the agency anbieter.getImmobilie().add(createImmobilie()); anbieter.getImmobilie().add(createImmobilie()); return anbieter; } /** * Create an {@link Immobilie} with some example data. * * @return * created example object */ protected static Immobilie createImmobilie() { // create an example real estate Immobilie immobilie = FACTORY.createImmobilie(); // add some administrative informations immobilie.setVerwaltungTechn(FACTORY.createVerwaltungTechn()); immobilie.getVerwaltungTechn().setAktion(FACTORY.createAktion()); immobilie.getVerwaltungTechn().getAktion().setAktionart(Aktion.AktionArt.CHANGE); immobilie.getVerwaltungTechn().setObjektnrIntern(RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(10)); // set categorization immobilie.setObjektkategorie(FACTORY.createObjektkategorie()); immobilie.getObjektkategorie().setNutzungsart(FACTORY.createNutzungsart()); immobilie.getObjektkategorie().getNutzungsart().setANLAGE(RandomUtils.nextInt(0, 2) == 1); immobilie.getObjektkategorie().getNutzungsart().setGEWERBE(RandomUtils.nextInt(0, 2) == 1); immobilie.getObjektkategorie().getNutzungsart().setWAZ(RandomUtils.nextInt(0, 2) == 1); immobilie.getObjektkategorie().getNutzungsart().setWOHNEN(RandomUtils.nextInt(0, 2) == 1); immobilie.getObjektkategorie().setVermarktungsart(FACTORY.createVermarktungsart()); immobilie.getObjektkategorie().getVermarktungsart().setKAUF(true); immobilie.getObjektkategorie().setObjektart(FACTORY.createObjektart()); Haus singleFamilyHouse = FACTORY.createHaus(); singleFamilyHouse.setHaustyp(Haus.Haustyp.EINFAMILIENHAUS); immobilie.getObjektkategorie().getObjektart().getHaus().add(singleFamilyHouse); // add some informations about the location immobilie.setGeo(FACTORY.createGeo()); immobilie.getGeo().setPlz(RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5)); immobilie.getGeo().setOrt("Berlin"); immobilie.getGeo().setLand(FACTORY.createLand()); immobilie.getGeo().getLand().setIsoLand(Locale.GERMANY.getISO3Country()); // add some informations about prices immobilie.setPreise(FACTORY.createPreise()); immobilie.getPreise().setHeizkosten(new BigDecimal("456.0")); immobilie.getPreise().setKaufpreis(new BigDecimal("123456.79")); // add some informations about features immobilie.setAusstattung(FACTORY.createAusstattung()); immobilie.getAusstattung().setGartennutzung(true); immobilie.getAusstattung().setHeizungsart(FACTORY.createHeizungsart()); immobilie.getAusstattung().getHeizungsart().setZENTRAL(true); immobilie.getAusstattung().getHeizungsart().setFUSSBODEN(true); // add some descriptions immobilie.setFreitexte(FACTORY.createFreitexte()); immobilie.getFreitexte().setObjekttitel("A title for the property."); immobilie.getFreitexte().setObjektbeschreibung("Some longer descriptive text about the property."); // set the contact person immobilie.setKontaktperson(FACTORY.createKontaktperson()); immobilie.getKontaktperson().setName("Max Mustermann"); immobilie.getKontaktperson().setEmailDirekt(""); immobilie.getKontaktperson().setTelDurchw("030/123456789"); immobilie.getKontaktperson().setPlz(RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5)); immobilie.getKontaktperson().setOrt("Berlin"); immobilie.getKontaktperson().setLand(FACTORY.createLand()); immobilie.getKontaktperson().getLand().setIsoLand(Locale.GERMANY.getISO3Country()); return immobilie; } /** * Create an {@link Uebertragung} with some example data. * * @return * created example object */ protected static Uebertragung createUebertragung() { // create an example transfer Uebertragung uebertragung = FACTORY.createUebertragung(); uebertragung.setArt(Uebertragung.Art.OFFLINE); uebertragung.setSendersoftware("OpenEstate-IO"); uebertragung.setTechnEmail(""); uebertragung.setUmfang(Uebertragung.Umfang.VOLL); return uebertragung; } /** * Write an {@link ImmoXmlDocument} into a {@link File}. * * @param doc * the document to write * * @param file * the file, where the document is written to */ protected static void write(ImmoXmlDocument doc, File file) {"writing document with version " + doc.getDocumentVersion()); try { doc.toXml(file, PRETTY_PRINT);"> written to: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Can't write document into a file!"); LOGGER.error("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); System.exit(1); } } /** * Write an {@link ImmoXmlDocument} into an {@link OutputStream}. * * @param doc * the document to write * * @param output * the stream, where the document is written to */ protected static void write(ImmoXmlDocument doc, OutputStream output) {"writing document with version " + doc.getDocumentVersion()); try { doc.toXml(output, PRETTY_PRINT);"> written to a"); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Can't write document into an OutputStream!"); LOGGER.error("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); System.exit(1); } } /** * Write an {@link ImmoXmlDocument} into a {@link Writer}. * * @param doc * the document to write * * @param output * the writer, where the document is written to */ protected static void write(ImmoXmlDocument doc, Writer output) {"writing document with version " + doc.getDocumentVersion()); try { doc.toXml(output, PRETTY_PRINT);"> written to a"); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Can't write document into an OutputStream!"); LOGGER.error("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); System.exit(1); } } /** * Write an {@link ImmoXmlDocument} into a {@link String} and print the * results to the console. * * @param doc * the document to write */ protected static void writeToConsole(ImmoXmlDocument doc) {"writing document with version " + doc.getDocumentVersion()); try { String xml = doc.toXmlString(PRETTY_PRINT);"-", 50) + SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR + xml); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Can't write document into a string!"); LOGGER.error("> " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); System.exit(1); } } }