Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 European Spallation Source * Copyright (c) 2014 Cosylab d.d. * * This file is part of Controls Configuration Database. * * Controls Configuration Database is free software: you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, * or any newer version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see */ package org.openepics.discs.conf.dl.common; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.openepics.discs.conf.util.ImportFileStatistics; import; /** * Skeleton for all data loaders. * * @author <a href="">Andra Poar</a> * @author <a href="">Miroslav Pavleski</a> * @author <a href="">Miha Vitorovi?</a> */ public abstract class AbstractDataLoader implements DataLoader { /** The name of the first column in the Excel sheet */ public static final String HDR_OPERATION = "OPERATION"; /** Constant representing the index of the command (Operation) in the data row */ protected static final int COL_INDEX_OPERATION = 0; /** The devices template starts with data in row 10 (0 based == 9) */ public static final int DEFAULT_EXCEL_TAMPLATE_DATA_START_ROW = 9; /** The {@link DataLoaderResult} contains error information and state for the error loading process */ protected DataLoaderResult result = new DataLoaderResult(); /** Contextual data map */ private Map<String, Object> contextualData; /** Indexes of all relevant fields within a row, stateful. */ protected Map<String, Integer> indicies = null; /** For stateful row processing, represents the data for the current row, private, exposed to sub-classes by * {@link #readCurrentRowCellForHeader(String)} */ private List<String> currentRowData = null; /** The command parsed for the current row. */ private String command; @Override public int getImportDataStartIndex() { return DEFAULT_EXCEL_TAMPLATE_DATA_START_ROW; } @Override public abstract int getDataWidth(); /** * Loads data from the input table of strings inputRows, into the database, gracefully handling errors. * Potential error messages and state are returned in the return value. * * @param inputRows a {@link List} of {@link Pair}s consisting of an integer representing excel row number * in left-hand position and a list of strings representing the cells for each column in that row * @param contextualData optional map of objects passed with string keys * * @return {@link DataLoaderResult} which represents error state & information (or lack of) */ @Override public DataLoaderResult loadDataToDatabase(List<Pair<Integer, List<String>>> inputRows, Map<String, Object> contextualData) { if (contextualData == null) { this.contextualData = new HashMap<>(); } else { this.contextualData = contextualData; } init(); int dataRows = 0; int createRows = 0; int updateRows = 0; int deleteRows = 0; currentRowData = null; for (Pair<Integer, List<String>> row : inputRows) { result.resetRowError(); result.setCurrentRowNumber(row.getLeft()); currentRowData = row.getRight(); if (DataLoader.CMD_END.equals(currentRowData.get(COL_INDEX_OPERATION))) { break; } else { ++dataRows; command = checkCommandAndRequiredFields(); if (command == null) { continue; } assignMembersForCurrentRow(); if (result.isRowError()) { continue; } switch (command) { case DataLoader.CMD_UPDATE: case DataLoader.CMD_UPDATE_DEVICE: case DataLoader.CMD_UPDATE_PROPERTY: case DataLoader.CMD_UPDATE_DEVICE_TYPE: case DataLoader.CMD_UPDATE_ENTITY: handleUpdate(command); ++updateRows; break; case DataLoader.CMD_DELETE: case DataLoader.CMD_DELETE_DEVICE: case DataLoader.CMD_DELETE_PROPERTY: case DataLoader.CMD_DELETE_DEVICE_TYPE: case DataLoader.CMD_DELETE_ENTITY: case DataLoader.CMD_DELETE_ENTITY_AND_CHILDREN: case DataLoader.CMD_DELETE_RELATION: case DataLoader.CMD_UNINSTALL: handleDelete(command); ++deleteRows; break; case DataLoader.CMD_CREATE: case DataLoader.CMD_CREATE_DEVICE: case DataLoader.CMD_CREATE_DEVICE_TYPE: case DataLoader.CMD_CREATE_PROPERTY: case DataLoader.CMD_CREATE_ENTITY: case DataLoader.CMD_CREATE_RELATION: case DataLoader.CMD_INSTALL: handleCreate(command); ++createRows; break; default: result.addRowMessage(ErrorMessage.COMMAND_NOT_VALID, HDR_OPERATION, command); } } } result.setImportFileStatistics(new ImportFileStatistics(dataRows, createRows, updateRows, deleteRows)); return result; } /** * <p> * An method invoked from {@link #loadDataToDatabase(List, Map)} prior data-loading * is initiated. * </p> * <p> * Should be used by sub-classes to initialize shared state. In sub-classes {@link #getFromContext(String)} can * be called to get context-specific objects passed in {@link #loadDataToDatabase(List, Map)} * </p> */ protected void init() { result.clear(); setUpIndexesForFields(); } /** * Sub-classes should implement this abstract method to define the name of the unique column (a column used do * uniquely identify a data row, for example a column containing entity names or serial numbers) * * If the method returns null, there is no unique column in the spreadsheet. * * A unique column has special constraints around it (i.e. it must have a value).. * * @return the header column name of the unique column */ protected abstract @Nullable Integer getUniqueColumnIndex(); /** * Invoked by {@link #loadDataToDatabase(List, Map)} for sub-classes to initialize row-bound * state (class fields) from row-data. */ protected abstract void assignMembersForCurrentRow(); /** * <p> * Handle a row that contains an <code>UPDATE</code> command. * </p> * <p> * <b>Precondition:</b> {@link #assignMembersForCurrentRow()} has been invoked. This gives chance * to the sub-class to extract row data for the call to this method. * </p> * @param actualCommand the actual command used in update (update entity itself or its property) */ protected abstract void handleUpdate(String actualCommand); /** * <p> * Handle a row that contains a <code>DELETE</code> command. * </p> * <p> * <b>Precondition:</b> {@link #assignMembersForCurrentRow()} has been invoked. This gives chance * to the sub-class to extract row data for the call to this method. * </p> * @param actualCommand the actual command used in delete (delete entity itself or its property) */ protected abstract void handleDelete(String actualCommand); /** * <p> * Handle a row that contains a <code>CREATE</code> command. * </p> * <p> * <b>Precondition:</b> {@link #assignMembersForCurrentRow()} has been invoked. This gives chance * to the sub-class to extract row data for the call to this method. * </p> * @param actualCommand the actual command used in create (create entity itself or its property) */ protected abstract void handleCreate(String actualCommand); /** * Sub-classes should use this to get data from the context passed from caller. * * @param key the key * @return contextual data */ protected Object getFromContext(String key) { return contextualData.get(key); } /** * Checks the command field and availability of necessary data in the row cells * * @return the {@link String} command or <code>null</code> if checks failed */ private String checkCommandAndRequiredFields() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(indicies); final String command = currentRowData.get(COL_INDEX_OPERATION); final @Nullable Integer uniqueIndex = getUniqueColumnIndex(); for (Entry<String, Integer> indexEntry : indicies.entrySet()) { final String columnName = indexEntry.getKey(); final Integer index = indexEntry.getValue(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(index); // Check if data is missing for given conditions if ((uniqueIndex != null) && uniqueIndex.equals(index)) { if (currentRowData.get(index) == null) { result.addRowMessage(ErrorMessage.REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, columnName); } } } if (result.isRowError()) { return null; } return command; } /** * Sets up a map of row data indices based on the template header row data. This method is implemented in the * actual data loader implementation. */ protected abstract void setUpIndexesForFields(); /** * During row processing, returns a {@link String} cell within the row that belongs to given column * * @param index The index of the column to read * @return the contents of the appropriate column cell within the current row */ protected String readCurrentRowCellForHeader(int index) { return currentRowData.get(index); } /** * Handles all errors that happen if the user is not authorized to perform the operation * * @param logger Instance of logger to log the exception to server log * @param e Exception that was caught in data loader implementation */ protected void handleLoadingError(Logger logger, Exception e) { // NOSONAR logger.log(Level.FINE, e.getMessage(), e); if (e.getCause() instanceof { result.addRowMessage(ErrorMessage.NOT_AUTHORIZED, HDR_OPERATION, command); } else { result.addRowMessage(ErrorMessage.SYSTEM_EXCEPTION); } } }