Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 European Spallation Source * Copyright (c) 2014 Cosylab d.d. * * This file is part of Controls Configuration Database. * * Controls Configuration Database is free software: you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, * or any newer version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see */ package org.openepics.discs.ccdb.core.auditlog; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.model.AuditRecord; import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.model.EntityType; import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.model.EntityTypeOperation; import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.model.InstallationRecord; import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.model.Slot; import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.model.SlotArtifact; import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.model.SlotPair; import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.model.SlotPropertyValue; import org.openepics.discs.ccdb.core.util.Conversion; import; import; import; /** * @author <a href="">Andra Poar</a> * */ public class SlotEntityLogger implements EntityLogger<Slot> { @Override public Class<Slot> getType() { return Slot.class; } @Override public List<AuditRecord> auditEntries(Object entity, EntityTypeOperation operation) { final Slot slot = (Slot) entity; /* * TODO This is a hack to correctly generate logs when creating new slot through GUI or data loaders. * This MUST be removed and DAO layer should be separated to business logic layer and DAO layer where DAO * layer ONLY communicates with the database and business logic layer controls the work flow and other * business rules related activities. */ final List<AuditRecord> auditRecords = new ArrayList<>(); auditRecords.addAll(createAuditRecords(slot, operation)); if (operation == EntityTypeOperation.CREATE && slot.getPairsInWhichThisSlotIsAChildList().size() == 1) { // Create an audit record for the parent slot as well. // For parent slot adding a new child is an UPDATE operation. auditRecords.addAll(createAuditRecords( slot.getPairsInWhichThisSlotIsAChildList().get(0).getParentSlot(), EntityTypeOperation.UPDATE)); } return auditRecords; } private List<AuditRecord> createAuditRecords(Slot slot, EntityTypeOperation operation) { final Map<String, String> propertiesMap = new TreeMap<>(); if (slot.getSlotPropertyList() != null) { for (SlotPropertyValue propValue : slot.getSlotPropertyList()) { final String entryValue = propValue.getPropValue() == null ? null : propValue.getPropValue().auditLogString(100, 50); propertiesMap.put(propValue.getProperty().getName(), entryValue); } } final Map<String, String> artifactsMap = new TreeMap<>(); if (slot.getSlotArtifactList() != null) { for (SlotArtifact artifact : slot.getSlotArtifactList()) { artifactsMap.put(artifact.getName(), artifact.getUri()); } } final Multimap<String, String> childrenMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); if (slot.getPairsInWhichThisSlotIsAParentList() != null) { for (SlotPair slotPair : slot.getPairsInWhichThisSlotIsAParentList()) { childrenMap.put(slotPair.getChildSlot().getName(), slotPair.getSlotRelation().getName().toString()); } } final Multimap<String, String> parentsMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); if (slot.getPairsInWhichThisSlotIsAChildList() != null) { for (SlotPair slotPair : slot.getPairsInWhichThisSlotIsAChildList()) { parentsMap.put(slotPair.getParentSlot().getName(), slotPair.getSlotRelation().getIname()); } } final Map<String, String> installationDeviceMap = new TreeMap<>(); InstallationRecord lastInstallationRecord = null; for (InstallationRecord installationRecord : slot.getInstallationRecordList()) { if (lastInstallationRecord == null || installationRecord.getModifiedAt().after(lastInstallationRecord.getModifiedAt())) { lastInstallationRecord = installationRecord; } } if (lastInstallationRecord != null) { final SimpleDateFormat timestampFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(Conversion.DATE_TIME_FORMAT); final String installationDeviceSerial = lastInstallationRecord.getDevice().getSerialNumber(); installationDeviceMap.put("inventoryID", installationDeviceSerial); installationDeviceMap.put("installationDate", timestampFormat.format(lastInstallationRecord.getInstallDate())); if (lastInstallationRecord.getUninstallDate() != null) { installationDeviceMap.put("uninstallationDate", timestampFormat.format(lastInstallationRecord.getUninstallDate())); } } final AuditLogUtil logUtil = new AuditLogUtil(slot) .removeTopProperties( Arrays.asList("id", "modifiedAt", "modifiedBy", "version", "name", "componentType")) .addStringProperty("componentType", slot.getComponentType().getName()) .addArrayOfMappedProperties("slotPropertyList", propertiesMap) .addArrayOfMappedProperties("slotArtifactList", artifactsMap) .addArrayOfMappedProperties("childrenSlots", childrenMap.asMap()) .addArrayOfMappedProperties("parentSlots", parentsMap.asMap()) .addArrayOfMappedProperties("installation", installationDeviceMap) .addArrayOfProperties("tagsList", EntityLoggerUtil.getTagNamesFromTagsSet(slot.getTags())); return ImmutableList.of(logUtil.auditEntry(operation, EntityType.SLOT, slot.getName(), slot.getId())); } }