Java tutorial
/** * Exhibit A - UIRF Open-source Based Public Software License. * * The contents of this file are subject to the UIRF Open-source Based Public * Software License(the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is OpenELIS code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is The University of Iowa. * Portions created by The University of Iowa are Copyright 2006-2008. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file marked "Separately-Licensed" may be * used under the terms of a UIRF Software license ("UIRF Software License"), in * which case the provisions of a UIRF Software License are applicable instead * of those above. */ package org.openelis.modules.patient.client; import static org.openelis.modules.main.client.Logger.logger; import static org.openelis.ui.screen.Screen.Validation.Status.VALID; import static org.openelis.ui.screen.State.QUERY; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openelis.cache.CategoryCache; import org.openelis.constants.Messages; import org.openelis.domain.DictionaryDO; import org.openelis.domain.PatientDO; import org.openelis.domain.PatientRelationVO; import org.openelis.domain.SampleAnalysisVO; import org.openelis.meta.PatientMeta; import org.openelis.modules.analysis.client.AnalysisService; import org.openelis.ui.common.Datetime; import; import; import org.openelis.ui.event.BeforeCloseEvent; import org.openelis.ui.event.BeforeCloseHandler; import org.openelis.ui.event.StateChangeEvent; import org.openelis.ui.resources.UIResources; import org.openelis.ui.screen.AsyncCallbackUI; import org.openelis.ui.screen.Screen; import org.openelis.ui.screen.ScreenHandler; import org.openelis.ui.screen.State; import org.openelis.ui.widget.Button; import org.openelis.ui.widget.Dropdown; import org.openelis.ui.widget.Item; import org.openelis.ui.widget.ModalWindow; import org.openelis.ui.widget.TextBox; import org.openelis.ui.widget.WindowInt; import org.openelis.ui.widget.calendar.Calendar; import org.openelis.ui.widget.table.Row; import org.openelis.ui.widget.table.Table; import org.openelis.ui.widget.table.event.BeforeCellEditedEvent; import org.openelis.ui.widget.table.event.BeforeCellEditedHandler; public abstract class PatientLookupUI extends Screen { @UiTemplate("PatientLookup.ui.xml") interface PatientLookupUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, PatientLookupUI> { }; private static PatientLookupUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(PatientLookupUiBinder.class); @UiField protected Button search, select, cancel; @UiField protected Calendar birthDate; @UiField protected Dropdown<Integer> gender, patientRelation; @UiField protected Dropdown<String> patientState; @UiField protected Table patientTable, sampleTable, nextOfKinTable; @UiField protected TextBox<String> lastName, firstName, nationalId; protected PatientDO queriedPatient, selectedPatient; protected PatientRelationVO selectedNextOfKin; protected boolean selectFirstPatient, dontShowIfNoPatient, queryByNId; protected AsyncCallbackUI<ArrayList<PatientDO>> queryCall; protected AsyncCallbackUI<ArrayList<PatientRelationVO>> fetchByRelatedPatientCall; protected AsyncCallbackUI<ArrayList<SampleAnalysisVO>> fetchByPatientCall; public PatientLookupUI() { initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this)); initialize(); setState(QUERY); fireDataChange(); logger.fine("PatientLookupScreenUI Opened"); } /** * Setup state and data change handles for every widget on the screen */ public void initialize() { ArrayList<DictionaryDO> list; ArrayList<Item<Integer>> model; ArrayList<Item<String>> smodel; // // screen fields and buttons // addScreenHandler(lastName, PatientMeta.getLastName(), new ScreenHandler<String>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { lastName.setEnabled(!queryByNId && isState(QUERY)); lastName.setQueryMode(!queryByNId && isState(QUERY)); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? firstName : cancel; } }); addScreenHandler(firstName, PatientMeta.getFirstName(), new ScreenHandler<String>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { firstName.setEnabled(!queryByNId && isState(QUERY)); firstName.setQueryMode(!queryByNId && isState(QUERY)); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? birthDate : lastName; } }); addScreenHandler(birthDate, PatientMeta.getBirthDate(), new ScreenHandler<Datetime>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { birthDate.setEnabled(!queryByNId && isState(QUERY)); birthDate.setQueryMode(!queryByNId && isState(QUERY)); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? nationalId : firstName; } }); addScreenHandler(nationalId, PatientMeta.getNationalId(), new ScreenHandler<String>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { nationalId.setEnabled(!queryByNId && isState(QUERY)); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? search : birthDate; } }); addScreenHandler(search, "search", new ScreenHandler<Object>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { search.setEnabled(!queryByNId); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? patientTable : nationalId; } }); // // patient table // addScreenHandler(patientTable, "patientTable", new ScreenHandler<ArrayList<Row>>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { patientTable.setEnabled(true); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? select : search; } }); patientTable.addBeforeSelectionHandler(new BeforeSelectionHandler<Integer>() { @Override public void onBeforeSelection(BeforeSelectionEvent<Integer> event) { PatientDO data; data = patientTable.getRowAt(0).getData(); if (queryByNId && (queriedPatient.getId() != null && !queriedPatient.getId().equals(data.getId()))) event.cancel(); } }); patientTable.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Integer>() { public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> event) { patientSelected(); } }); patientTable.addBeforeCellEditedHandler(new BeforeCellEditedHandler() { public void onBeforeCellEdited(BeforeCellEditedEvent event) { // this table cannot be edited event.cancel(); } }); // // next of kin table // addScreenHandler(nextOfKinTable, "nextOfKinTable", new ScreenHandler<ArrayList<Row>>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { nextOfKinTable.setEnabled(!queryByNId); } }); nextOfKinTable.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Integer>() { public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> event) { selectedNextOfKin = nextOfKinTable.getRowAt(nextOfKinTable.getSelectedRow()).getData(); } }); nextOfKinTable.addBeforeCellEditedHandler(new BeforeCellEditedHandler() { public void onBeforeCellEdited(BeforeCellEditedEvent event) { // this table cannot be edited event.cancel(); } }); // // sample table // addScreenHandler(sampleTable, "sampleTable", new ScreenHandler<ArrayList<Row>>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { sampleTable.setEnabled(true); } }); sampleTable.addBeforeCellEditedHandler(new BeforeCellEditedHandler() { public void onBeforeCellEdited(BeforeCellEditedEvent event) { // this table cannot be edited event.cancel(); } }); addScreenHandler(select, "select", new ScreenHandler<Object>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { select.setEnabled(!queryByNId); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? cancel : patientTable; } }); addScreenHandler(cancel, "cancel", new ScreenHandler<Object>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { cancel.setEnabled(true); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? lastName : select; } }); // // load gender dropdown model // list = CategoryCache.getBySystemName("gender"); model = new ArrayList<Item<Integer>>(); for (DictionaryDO resultDO : list) model.add(new Item<Integer>(resultDO.getId(), resultDO.getEntry())); gender.setModel(model); // // load patient relation dropdown model // list = CategoryCache.getBySystemName("patient_relation"); model = new ArrayList<Item<Integer>>(); for (DictionaryDO resultDO : list) model.add(new Item<Integer>(resultDO.getId(), resultDO.getEntry())); patientRelation.setModel(model); // // load state dropdown model // list = CategoryCache.getBySystemName("state"); smodel = new ArrayList<Item<String>>(); for (DictionaryDO resultDO : list) model.add(new Item<Integer>(resultDO.getId(), resultDO.getEntry())); patientState.setModel(smodel); } /** * overridden to respond to the user clicking "select" */ public abstract void select(); /** * overridden to respond to the user clicking "cancel" */ public abstract void cancel(); /** * overriden to respond to a query returning some results */ public abstract void patientsFound(); public void setWindow(WindowInt window) { super.setWindow(window); window.addBeforeClosedHandler(new BeforeCloseHandler<WindowInt>() { public void onBeforeClosed(BeforeCloseEvent<WindowInt> event) { patientTable.setModel(null); sampleTable.setModel(null); nextOfKinTable.setModel(null); } }); } public void setState(State state) { this.state = state; bus.fireEventFromSource(new StateChangeEvent(state), this); } /** * Finds patients based on the data in the DO. If the flag is true then the * lookup screen is not shown if no patient was found; otherwise the screen * is shown regardless. */ public void query(PatientDO data, boolean dontShowIfNoPatient) { window = null; selectedPatient = null; selectedNextOfKin = null; this.dontShowIfNoPatient = dontShowIfNoPatient; lastName.setValue(null); firstName.setValue(null); birthDate.setValue(null); nationalId.setValue(null); queryByNId = false; queriedPatient = data; if (data != null) { /* * allow querying by either the NID or the other fields */ if (data.getNationalId() == null) { lastName.setValue(data.getLastName()); firstName.setValue(data.getFirstName()); birthDate.setValue(data.getBirthDate()); } else { queryByNId = true; nationalId.setValue(data.getNationalId()); } /* * if there is a query specified then select the first patient * returned by the query by default */ selectFirstPatient = true; executeQuery(); } else { showScreen(null); /* * if there is no query specified then make the the user select the * patient */ selectFirstPatient = false; } setState(QUERY); } /** * executes the query for finding patients based on the fields specified by * the user */ @UiHandler("search") protected void search(ClickEvent event) { executeQuery(); } /** * closes the window and notifies the screen that brought up this screen * that a patient was selected */ @UiHandler("select") protected void select(ClickEvent event) { window.close(); select(); } /** * closes the window and notifies the screen that brought up this screen * that no patient was selected */ @UiHandler("cancel") protected void cancel(ClickEvent event) { window.close(); cancel(); } /** * executes the query for finding patients based on the fields specified by * the user */ private void executeQuery() { Query query; ArrayList<QueryData> fields; if (validate().getStatus() != VALID) { setError(Messages.get().gen_correctErrors()); return; } fields = getQueryFields(); if (fields.size() == 0) { /* * window will be null if the popup was never shown */ if (window != null) setError(Messages.get().gen_emptyQueryException()); return; } query = new Query(); query.setFields(fields); query.setRowsPerPage(50); if (window != null) setBusy(Messages.get().gen_querying()); if (queryCall == null) { queryCall = new AsyncCallbackUI<ArrayList<PatientDO>>() { public void success(ArrayList<PatientDO> result) { String error; PatientDO data; /* * load the widgets with the query's results and show the * screen if it isn't showing currently */ setQueryResult(result); patientsFound(); error = null; if (selectFirstPatient) { /* * if the query was executed only for NID then at most * one patient will be returned; otherwise multiple * patients could be returned; show an error if the NID * has been used for a patient different from the one * used for the query; otherwise select the first row */ data = patientTable.getRowAt(0).getData(); if (queryByNId) { if (queriedPatient.getId() == null || queriedPatient.getId().equals(data.getId())) patientTable.selectRowAt(0); else error = Messages.get().patientLookup_nidUsedForOtherPatient(); } else { patientTable.selectRowAt(0); } patientSelected(); } if (window == null) showScreen(error); else if (error != null) setError(error); else setDone(Messages.get().gen_queryingComplete()); } public void notFound() { if (dontShowIfNoPatient) { /* * don't show the popup if no patient was found */ cancel(); return; } /* * clear the widgets; show the screen if it isn't showing * currently */ setQueryResult(null); if (window == null) showScreen(null); else setDone(Messages.get().gen_noRecordsFound()); /* * this allows the user to change the query, because the * previous one didn't return any results */ lastName.setFocus(true); } public void failure(Throwable e) { if (window != null) { setQueryResult(null); setError(Messages.get().gen_queryFailed()); } Window.alert("Error: PatientLookup call query failed; " + e.getMessage()); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } }; } PatientService.get().query(query, queryCall); } /** * loads the table for patients with the passed list and clears the other * tables */ private void setQueryResult(ArrayList<PatientDO> list) { ArrayList<Row> model; Row row; if (list != null) { model = new ArrayList<Row>(); for (PatientDO data : list) { row = new Row(12); row.setCell(0, data.getId()); row.setCell(1, data.getLastName()); row.setCell(2, data.getFirstName()); row.setCell(3, data.getBirthDate()); row.setCell(4, data.getGenderId()); row.setCell(5, data.getNationalId()); row.setCell(6, data.getAddress().getMultipleUnit()); row.setCell(7, data.getAddress().getStreetAddress()); row.setCell(8, data.getAddress().getCity()); row.setCell(9, data.getAddress().getState()); row.setCell(10, data.getAddress().getZipCode()); row.setCell(11, data.getAddress().getHomePhone()); row.setData(data); model.add(row); } } else { model = null; } patientTable.setModel(model); patientSelected(); } /** * resets the selected patient based on the newly selected row and loads the * other tables with the samples and next of kin linked to the patient */ private void patientSelected() { if (patientTable.getSelectedRow() != -1) selectedPatient = patientTable.getRowAt(patientTable.getSelectedRow()).getData(); else selectedPatient = null; select.setEnabled(selectedPatient != null); showSamples(); showNextOfKin(); } /** * loads the samples linked to the selected patient, in the corresponding * table */ private void showSamples() { if (selectedPatient == null) { sampleTable.setModel(null); return; } if (fetchByPatientCall == null) { fetchByPatientCall = new AsyncCallbackUI<ArrayList<SampleAnalysisVO>>() { public void success(ArrayList<SampleAnalysisVO> result) { Row row; ArrayList<Row> model; model = new ArrayList<Row>(); for (SampleAnalysisVO data : result) { row = new Row(4); row.setCell(0, data.getAccessionNumber()); row.setCell(1, data.getReceivedDate()); row.setCell(2, data.getTestName()); row.setCell(3, data.getMethodName()); row.setData(data); model.add(row); } sampleTable.setModel(model); } public void notFound() { sampleTable.setModel(null); } public void failure(Throwable e) { sampleTable.setModel(null); Window.alert("Error: PatientSampleLookup call query failed; " + e.getMessage()); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } }; } AnalysisService.get().fetchByPatientId(selectedPatient.getId(), fetchByPatientCall); } /** * loads the next of kin linked to the selected patient, in the * corresponding table */ private void showNextOfKin() { if (selectedPatient == null) { nextOfKinTable.setModel(null); return; } if (fetchByRelatedPatientCall == null) { fetchByRelatedPatientCall = new AsyncCallbackUI<ArrayList<PatientRelationVO>>() { public void success(ArrayList<PatientRelationVO> result) { ArrayList<Row> model; Row row; model = new ArrayList<Row>(); for (PatientRelationVO data : result) { row = new Row(4); row.setCell(0, data.getLastName()); row.setCell(1, data.getFirstName()); row.setCell(2, data.getBirthDate()); row.setCell(3, data.getRelationId()); row.setData(data); model.add(row); } nextOfKinTable.setModel(model); } public void notFound() { nextOfKinTable.setModel(null); } public void failure(Throwable e) { nextOfKinTable.setModel(null); Window.alert("Error: PatientRelationLookup call query failed; " + e.getMessage()); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } }; } PatientService.get().fetchByRelatedPatientId(selectedPatient.getId(), fetchByRelatedPatientCall); } /** * Shows the screen in a newly created window; sets the focus to a specific * widget based on whether or not there are any patients showing in their * table */ private void showScreen(final String error) { ModalWindow modal; ScheduledCommand cmd; modal = new ModalWindow(); modal.setSize("880px", "355px"); modal.setName(Messages.get().patientLookup_patientLookup()); modal.setCSS(UIResources.INSTANCE.popupWindow()); modal.setContent(this); /* * a ScheduledCommand is used to make sure that the focus to the right * widget is set after the screen starts showing */ cmd = new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { if (patientTable.getRowCount() == 0) lastName.setFocus(true); else if (selectFirstPatient) /* * this is done so that if a patient is selected in the * table then on pressing the tab key, the focus can be set * to the button "Select" */ patientTable.setFocus(true); if (error != null) setError(error); } }; Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(cmd); this.setWindow(modal); } }