Java tutorial
/** * Exhibit A - UIRF Open-source Based Public Software License. * * The contents of this file are subject to the UIRF Open-source Based Public * Software License(the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is OpenELIS code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is The University of Iowa. * Portions created by The University of Iowa are Copyright 2006-2008. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file marked "Separately-Licensed" may be * used under the terms of a UIRF Software license ("UIRF Software License"), in * which case the provisions of a UIRF Software License are applicable instead * of those above. */ package org.openelis.modules.attachment.client; import static org.openelis.modules.main.client.Logger.*; import static org.openelis.ui.screen.Screen.ShortKeys.*; import static org.openelis.ui.screen.State.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.openelis.cache.SectionCache; import org.openelis.cache.UserCache; import org.openelis.constants.Messages; import org.openelis.domain.AttachmentDO; import org.openelis.domain.AttachmentIssueViewDO; import org.openelis.domain.SectionDO; import org.openelis.manager.AttachmentManager; import org.openelis.meta.AttachmentMeta; import org.openelis.ui.common.Datetime; import org.openelis.ui.common.EntityLockedException; import org.openelis.ui.common.SectionPermission.SectionFlags; import org.openelis.ui.common.SystemUserPermission; import org.openelis.ui.common.ValidationErrorsList; import; import org.openelis.ui.event.BeforeCloseEvent; import org.openelis.ui.event.BeforeCloseHandler; import org.openelis.ui.event.StateChangeEvent; import org.openelis.ui.screen.AsyncCallbackUI; import org.openelis.ui.screen.Screen; import org.openelis.ui.screen.ScreenHandler; import org.openelis.ui.widget.Button; import org.openelis.ui.widget.Confirm; import org.openelis.ui.widget.Dropdown; import org.openelis.ui.widget.Item; import org.openelis.ui.widget.TextBox; import org.openelis.ui.widget.WindowInt; import org.openelis.ui.widget.calendar.Calendar; import org.openelis.ui.widget.fileupload.DropIndicator; import org.openelis.ui.widget.fileupload.FileDrop; import org.openelis.ui.widget.table.event.BeforeCellEditedEvent; import org.openelis.ui.widget.table.event.BeforeCellEditedHandler; import org.openelis.ui.widget.table.event.CellEditedEvent; import org.openelis.ui.widget.table.event.CellEditedHandler; import org.openelis.ui.widget.tree.Node; import org.openelis.ui.widget.tree.Tree; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class AttachmentScreenUI extends Screen { @UiTemplate("Attachment.ui.xml") interface AttachmentUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, AttachmentScreenUI> { }; public static final AttachmentUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(AttachmentUiBinder.class); protected AttachmentManager manager, previousManager; protected HashMap<Integer, AttachmentManager> managers; protected ArrayList<AttachmentManager> deleteManagers; @UiField protected Calendar createdDate; @UiField protected TextBox<String> description, issueText; @UiField protected Dropdown<Integer> querySection, tableSection; @UiField protected Tree tree; @UiField protected Button searchButton, attachButton, updateButton, deleteButton, commitButton, abortButton; protected AttachmentScreenUI screen; protected FileDrop fileDrop; protected DropIndicator dropIndicator; protected Confirm confirm; protected Query query; protected AsyncCallbackUI<ArrayList<AttachmentManager>> queryCall; protected AsyncCallbackUI<AttachmentManager> fetchForUpdateCall, updateCall, unlockCall; protected AsyncCallback<Void> deleteCall; protected boolean isNewQuery, isLoadedFromQuery, closeHandlerAdded; protected static int ROWS_PER_PAGE = 19; protected static String ATTACHMENT_LEAF = "attachment", ATTACHMENT_ITEM_LEAF = "attachmentItem", CLICK_FOR_MORE_LEAF = "clickForMore"; public AttachmentScreenUI(WindowInt window) throws Exception { setWindow(window); initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this)); initialize(); setState(QUERY); loadTree(null, true, true, false); logger.fine("Attachment Screen Opened"); } public AttachmentScreenUI() throws Exception { initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this)); initialize(); setState(QUERY); loadTree(null, true, true, false); logger.fine("Attachment Screen Opened"); } protected void initialize() { ArrayList<Item<Integer>> model1, model2; screen = this; /* * screen fields and widgets */ addScreenHandler(description, AttachmentMeta.getDescription(), new ScreenHandler<String>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { description.setEnabled(isState(QUERY, DISPLAY)); description.setQueryMode(isState(QUERY, DISPLAY)); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? createdDate : abortButton; } }); addScreenHandler(createdDate, AttachmentMeta.getCreatedDate(), new ScreenHandler<Datetime>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { createdDate.setEnabled(isState(QUERY, DISPLAY)); createdDate.setQueryMode(isState(QUERY, DISPLAY)); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? querySection : description; } }); addScreenHandler(querySection, AttachmentMeta.getSectionId(), new ScreenHandler<Integer>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { querySection.setEnabled(isState(QUERY, DISPLAY)); querySection.setQueryMode(isState(QUERY, DISPLAY)); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? issueText : createdDate; } }); addScreenHandler(issueText, AttachmentMeta.getIssueText(), new ScreenHandler<String>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { issueText.setEnabled(isState(QUERY, DISPLAY)); issueText.setQueryMode(isState(QUERY, DISPLAY)); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? searchButton : querySection; } }); addScreenHandler(searchButton, "searchButton", new ScreenHandler<Object>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { searchButton.setEnabled(isState(QUERY, DISPLAY)); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? tree : issueText; } }); addScreenHandler(tree, "tree", new ScreenHandler<Object>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { tree.setEnabled(true); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? attachButton : searchButton; } }); tree.addBeforeSelectionHandler(new BeforeSelectionHandler<Integer>() { @Override public void onBeforeSelection(BeforeSelectionEvent<Integer> event) { Integer id; Node node; if (!isState(UPDATE)) return; /* * in Update state, only the nodes that belong to the locked * attachment can be selected */ node = tree.getNodeAt(event.getItem()); if (ATTACHMENT_LEAF.equals(node.getType())) id = node.getData(); else if (ATTACHMENT_ITEM_LEAF.equals(node.getType())) id = node.getParent().getData(); else id = null; if (!manager.getAttachment().getId().equals(id)) event.cancel(); } }); tree.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Integer>() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> event) { nodeSelected(event.getSelectedItem()); } }); tree.addDoubleClickHandler(new DoubleClickHandler() { @Override public void onDoubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) { if (!isState(UPDATE, DELETE)) displayAttachment(tree.getNodeAt(tree.getSelectedNode()), null); } }); tree.addBeforeCellEditedHandler(new BeforeCellEditedHandler() { @Override public void onBeforeCellEdited(BeforeCellEditedEvent event) { String name; Integer sectId; SystemUserPermission perm; Node node; node = tree.getNodeAt(tree.getSelectedNode()); if (!ATTACHMENT_LEAF.equals(node.getType()) || !isState(UPDATE) || (event.getCol() != 0 && event.getCol() != 2)) { event.cancel(); return; } perm = UserCache.getPermission(); sectId = manager.getAttachment().getSectionId(); try { if (sectId != null) { /* * allow changing any field of the attachment only if * the user has complete permission to the current * section */ name = SectionCache.getById(sectId).getName(); if (!perm.has(name, SectionFlags.COMPLETE)) { event.cancel(); return; } } /* * make sure that the section can't be changed to one that * the user doesn't have complete permission to */ for (Item<Integer> row : tableSection.getModel()) { name = SectionCache.getById(row.getKey()).getName(); row.setEnabled(perm.has(name, SectionFlags.COMPLETE)); } } catch (Exception e) { Window.alert(e.getMessage()); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); event.cancel(); } } }); tree.addCellEditedHandler(new CellEditedHandler() { public void onCellUpdated(CellEditedEvent event) { Object val; AttachmentDO data; val = tree.getValueAt(event.getRow(), event.getCol()); data = manager.getAttachment(); switch (event.getCol()) { case 0: data.setDescription((String) val); break; case 2: data.setSectionId((Integer) val); break; } } }); tree.setAllowMultipleSelection(true); addScreenHandler(attachButton, "attachButton", new ScreenHandler<Object>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { attachButton.setEnabled(false); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? updateButton : tree; } }); addScreenHandler(updateButton, "updateButton", new ScreenHandler<Object>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { updateButton.setEnabled(isState(DISPLAY, UPDATE) && manager != null); if (isState(UPDATE)) { updateButton.lock(); updateButton.setPressed(true); } } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? deleteButton : tree; } }); addShortcut(updateButton, 'u', CTRL); addScreenHandler(deleteButton, "deleteButton", new ScreenHandler<Object>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { deleteButton.setEnabled(isState(DISPLAY, DELETE) && manager != null); if (isState(DELETE)) { deleteButton.lock(); deleteButton.setPressed(true); } } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? commitButton : updateButton; } }); addShortcut(deleteButton, 'd', CTRL); addScreenHandler(commitButton, "commitButton", new ScreenHandler<Object>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { commitButton.setEnabled(isState(UPDATE, DELETE)); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? deleteButton : abortButton; } }); addShortcut(commitButton, 'm', CTRL); addScreenHandler(abortButton, "abortButton", new ScreenHandler<Object>() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { abortButton.setEnabled(isState(UPDATE, DELETE)); } public Widget onTab(boolean forward) { return forward ? description : commitButton; } }); addShortcut(abortButton, 'o', CTRL); fileDrop = new FileDrop(screen, "openelis/upload") { public void onDrop(DropEvent event) { if (!fileDrop.isEnabled()) return; if (dropIndicator != null) { dropIndicator.removeFromParent(); dropIndicator = null; } super.onDrop(event); } public void onDropSuccess() { ArrayList<AttachmentManager> ams; try { /* * don't let a file be dropped for upload if a record is * locked */ if (isState(UPDATE, DELETE)) return; setBusy(Messages.get().gen_saving()); /* * create attachments for the newly uploaded files and get * the managers for them */ ams = AttachmentService.get().put(); if (managers == null) managers = new HashMap<Integer, AttachmentManager>(); for (AttachmentManager am : ams) managers.put(am.getAttachment().getId(), am); previousManager = null; setState(DISPLAY); if (isLoadedFromQuery) { /* * the tree is showing the attachments returned by a * previous search, so they are cleared and only the * attachment created from the uploaded file is shown */ isLoadedFromQuery = false; loadTree(ams, true, false, isLoadedFromQuery); } else { /* * add the attachment created from uploaded file as the * first one in the tree */ loadTree(ams, false, false, isLoadedFromQuery); } tree.selectNodeAt(0); nodeSelected(0); setDone(Messages.get().gen_savingComplete()); } catch (Exception e) { Window.alert(e.getMessage()); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); clearStatus(); } } }; addStateChangeHandler(new StateChangeEvent.Handler() { public void onStateChange(StateChangeEvent event) { fileDrop.setEnabled(isState(QUERY, DISPLAY)); if (isState(UPDATE, DELETE) && !closeHandlerAdded && window != null) { /* * this handler is not added in initialize() because this * screen can be shown in a modal window and in that case, * the window is not available in initialize() */ window.addBeforeClosedHandler(new BeforeCloseHandler<WindowInt>() { public void onBeforeClosed(BeforeCloseEvent<WindowInt> event) { if (isState(UPDATE, DELETE)) { event.cancel(); setError(Messages.get().gen_mustCommitOrAbort()); } else if (dropIndicator != null) { dropIndicator.removeFromParent(); dropIndicator = null; } } }); closeHandlerAdded = true; } } }); fileDrop.addDragEnterHandler(new DragEnterHandler() { @Override public void onDragEnter(DragEnterEvent event) { LayoutPanel panel; if (dropIndicator == null) { dropIndicator = new DropIndicator(); panel = (LayoutPanel) screen.getWidget(); panel.add(dropIndicator); panel.setWidgetTopBottom(dropIndicator, 0, Unit.PX, 0, Unit.PX); } } }); fileDrop.addDragLeaveHandler(new DragLeaveHandler() { @Override public void onDragLeave(DragLeaveEvent event) { if (dropIndicator != null) { dropIndicator.removeFromParent(); dropIndicator = null; } } }); /* * here two separate models are created for the two dropdowns to make * sure that any items disabled or enabled in one don't affect the other */ model1 = new ArrayList<Item<Integer>>(); model2 = new ArrayList<Item<Integer>>(); for (SectionDO s : SectionCache.getList()) { model1.add(new Item<Integer>(s.getId(), s.getName())); model2.add(new Item<Integer>(s.getId(), s.getName())); } querySection.setModel(model1); tableSection.setModel(model2); /* * call for locking and fetching attachments */ if (fetchForUpdateCall == null) { fetchForUpdateCall = new AsyncCallbackUI<AttachmentManager>() { public void success(AttachmentManager result) { Node node; manager = result; managers.put(manager.getAttachment().getId(), manager); setState(UPDATE); node = tree.getNodeAt(tree.getSelectedNode()); if (ATTACHMENT_ITEM_LEAF.equals(node.getType())) node = node.getParent(); reloadAttachment(node); tree.selectNodeAt(node); tree.startEditing(tree.getSelectedNode(), 0); } public void failure(Throwable e) { Window.alert(e.getMessage()); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage() != null ? e.getMessage() : "null", e); } public void finish() { clearStatus(); } }; } /* * call for updating an attachment */ if (updateCall == null) { updateCall = new AsyncCallbackUI<AttachmentManager>() { public void success(AttachmentManager result) { Node node; manager = result; managers.put(manager.getAttachment().getId(), manager); setState(DISPLAY); node = tree.getNodeAt(tree.getSelectedNode()); if (ATTACHMENT_ITEM_LEAF.equals(node.getType())) node = node.getParent(); reloadAttachment(node); tree.selectNodeAt(node); nodeSelected(tree.getSelectedNode()); clearStatus(); } public void validationErrors(ValidationErrorsList e) { showErrors(e); } public void failure(Throwable e) { Window.alert("commitUpdate(): " + e.getMessage()); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage() != null ? e.getMessage() : "null", e); clearStatus(); } }; } /* * call for unlocking an attachment */ if (unlockCall == null) { unlockCall = new AsyncCallbackUI<AttachmentManager>() { public void success(AttachmentManager result) { Node node; manager = result; managers.put(manager.getAttachment().getId(), manager); setState(DISPLAY); node = tree.getNodeAt(tree.getSelectedNode()); if (ATTACHMENT_ITEM_LEAF.equals(node.getType())) node = node.getParent(); reloadAttachment(node); tree.selectNodeAt(node); nodeSelected(tree.getSelectedNode()); setDone(Messages.get().gen_updateAborted()); } public void failure(Throwable e) { Window.alert(e.getMessage()); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage() != null ? e.getMessage() : "null", e); clearStatus(); } }; } /* * call for deleting attachments */ if (deleteCall == null) { deleteCall = new AsyncCallbackUI<Void>() { public void success(Void result) { setState(DISPLAY); setDone(Messages.get().gen_deletingComplete()); } public void validationErrors(ValidationErrorsList e) { showErrors(e); } public void failure(Throwable e) { Window.alert(e.getMessage()); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage() != null ? e.getMessage() : "null", e); clearStatus(); } }; } } @UiHandler("searchButton") protected void search(ClickEvent event) { search(); } /** * Puts the screen in update state and loads it with a locked attachment. */ @UiHandler("updateButton") protected void update(ClickEvent event) { Integer id; Node node; /* * manager will be null if the user selected the node for loading the * next page or if no node is selected */ if (manager == null) { Window.alert(Messages.get().attachment_selectAnAttachment()); return; } /* * allow update only if all selected nodes belong to the same attachment */ id = null; for (int i : tree.getSelectedNodes()) { node = tree.getNodeAt(i); if (ATTACHMENT_ITEM_LEAF.equals(node.getType())) node = node.getParent(); if (id == null) { id = node.getData(); } else if (!id.equals(node.getData())) { Window.alert(Messages.get().attachment_selectOneAttachment()); return; } } setBusy(Messages.get().gen_lockForUpdate()); AttachmentService.get().fetchForUpdate(manager.getAttachment().getId(), fetchForUpdateCall); } /** * Puts the screen in delete state and deletes the nodes for all selected * attachments */ @UiHandler("deleteButton") protected void delete(ClickEvent event) { Integer id, selNodes[]; String desc, name; AttachmentManager am; SystemUserPermission perm; Node node; ArrayList<Node> removeNodes; /* * manager will be null if the user selected the node for loading the * next page or if no node is selected */ if (manager == null) { Window.alert(Messages.get().attachment_selectAnAttachment()); return; } setState(DELETE); deleteManagers = new ArrayList<AttachmentManager>(); removeNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); perm = UserCache.getPermission(); setBusy(Messages.get().gen_lockForDelete()); /* * go through the selected nodes and make a list of managers and nodes * for the attachments that can be deleted; the list of nodes is used to * remove the nodes in a separate loop; they're not removed in this loop * because that'll mess up the indexes that this loop depends on */ selNodes = tree.getSelectedNodes(); Arrays.sort(selNodes); for (Integer i : selNodes) { node = tree.getNodeAt(i); if (ATTACHMENT_ITEM_LEAF.equals(node.getType())) node = node.getParent(); id = node.getData(); /* * the id will be null if the user selected the node that says * "Click for more records" */ if (id == null) continue; am = managers.get(id); desc = am.getAttachment().getDescription(); /* * try to lock each selected node's attachment and issue and refresh * the node with the fetched data */ try { am = AttachmentService.get().fetchForUpdate(id); AttachmentService.get().fetchIssueForUpdate(id); manager = am; managers.put(id, am); reloadAttachment(node); /* * the attachment will be deleted if it and its issue could be * locked, it isn't attached and the user has permission to * delete it; if it has an issue, ask the user to confirm * deletion */ desc = am.getAttachment().getDescription(); if (am.item.count() > 0) { Window.alert(Messages.get().attachment_cantDeleteAttachedException(desc)); unlockAndReloadAttachment(id, node); continue; } name = SectionCache.getById(am.getAttachment().getSectionId()).getName(); if (!perm.has(name, SectionFlags.CANCEL)) { Window.alert(Messages.get().attachment_deletePermException(desc)); unlockAndReloadAttachment(id, node); continue; } if (am.getIssue() != null) { if (!Window .confirm(Messages.get().attachment_attachmentHasIssue(desc, am.getIssue().getText()))) { unlockAndReloadAttachment(id, node); continue; } } /* * this attachment can be deleted */ deleteManagers.add(am); removeNodes.add(node); } catch (EntityLockedException e) { /* * either the attachment or the issue couldn't be locked; unlock * them both */ Window.alert(Messages.get().attachment_attachmentLockException(desc, e.getUserName(), new Date(e.getExpires()).toString())); unlockAndReloadAttachment(id, node); } catch (Exception e) { Window.alert(e.getMessage()); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage() != null ? e.getMessage() : "null", e); } } /* * remove the nodes whose attachments can be deleted */ if (removeNodes.size() > 0) for (Node n : removeNodes) tree.removeNode(n); /* * don't leave any nodes selected because the user may think that they * will get deleted when "Commit" is clicked, but they won't be; that's * because their attachments either can't be deleted possibly because * they're attached, or the user chose not to delete them because they * have issues */ tree.unselectAll(); manager = null; clearStatus(); } /** * Validates the data on the screen and based on the current state, and * calls the service method to commit the data on the screen, to the * database. Shows any errors/warnings encountered during the commit, * otherwise refreshes the tree with the committed data. */ @UiHandler("commitButton") protected void commit(ClickEvent event) { finishEditing(); if (validate().getStatus() == Validation.Status.ERRORS) { setError(Messages.get().gen_correctErrors()); return; } if (isState(UPDATE)) { setBusy(Messages.get().gen_updating()); AttachmentService.get().update(manager, updateCall); } else if (isState(DELETE)) { if (deleteManagers == null || deleteManagers.size() == 0) { Window.alert(Messages.get().attachment_noAttachmentToDelete()); return; } setBusy(Messages.get().gen_deleting()); AttachmentService.get().delete(deleteManagers, deleteCall); } } /** * Reverts any changes made to the data on the screen and disables editing * of the widgets. If the attachment was locked, calls the service method to * unlock it and loads the screen with that data. */ @UiHandler("abortButton") protected void abort(ClickEvent event) { int i, index; Integer insId, currId; Node root, insNode; finishEditing(); clearErrors(); setBusy(Messages.get().gen_cancelChanges()); if (isState(UPDATE)) { AttachmentService.get().unlock(manager.getAttachment().getId(), unlockCall); } else if (isState(DELETE)) { /* * if some attachment nodes were deleted, unlock their attachments * and issues and re-insert them in the tree */ if (deleteManagers != null) { /* * the attachments in the tree are sorted in descending order of * their ids; re-insert a deleted node right before the first * node whose attachment id is less than the deleted node's * attachment id */ root = tree.getRoot(); while (deleteManagers.size() > 0) { insNode = new Node(6); insId = deleteManagers.get(0).getAttachment().getId(); unlockAndReloadAttachment(insId, insNode); index = -1; /* * find the first attachment whose id is less than this * attachment's */ for (i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(); i++) { currId = root.getChildAt(i).getData(); if (currId == null || insId > currId) { index = i; break; } } /* * either there are no nodes in the tree or this * attachment's id is greater than all other nodes' ids; * insert it at the end */ if (index < 0) index = root.getChildCount() == 0 ? 0 : root.getChildCount() - 1; root.add(insNode, index); deleteManagers.remove(0); } tree.setRoot(root); deleteManagers = null; } setState(DISPLAY); setDone(Messages.get().gen_deleteAborted()); } } /** * If there are any attachments selected in the tree, then passes them to * the screen that brought attachment screen up and closes the window */ @UiHandler("attachButton") protected void attach(ClickEvent event) { Integer currId, prevId, selNodes[]; Node node; ArrayList<AttachmentDO> attachments; selNodes = tree.getSelectedNodes(); prevId = null; attachments = new ArrayList<AttachmentDO>(); for (int i = 0; i < selNodes.length; i++) { node = tree.getNodeAt(selNodes[i]); if (CLICK_FOR_MORE_LEAF.equals(node.getType())) break; /* * if an attachment item's node is selected then get the id of the * attachment from its parent node */ if (ATTACHMENT_ITEM_LEAF.equals(node.getType())) node = node.getParent(); currId = (Integer) node.getData(); if (!currId.equals(prevId)) { attachments.add(managers.get(currId).getAttachment()); prevId = currId; } } attach(attachments); window.close(); } public void setWindow(WindowInt window) { super.setWindow(window); previousManager = null; /* * this flag needs to be reset every time the screen's window changes, * which can happen when the screen is brought up in a modal window and * in that case the handler for BeforeCloseHandler will be needed to be * added to the new window */ closeHandlerAdded = false; } /** * Opens the file linked to the attachment showing on the passed node. If * "name" is null or if it's different from the previous time this method * was called then the file is opened in a new window, otherwise it's opened * in the same window as before. */ public void displayAttachment(Node node, String name) { if (!ATTACHMENT_LEAF.equals(node.getType())) return; try { /* * passing the same name to displayAttachment makes sure that the * files open in the same window */ AttachmentUtil.displayAttachment((Integer) node.getData(), name, window); } catch (Exception e) { Window.alert(e.getMessage()); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Creates and executes a query to fetch the attachments to be shown on the * screen */ public void search() { /* * query is a class variable because this screen doesn't use a screen * navigator but it needs to keep track of the previously executed query * and not a query created from the screen's current data */ query = new Query(); query.setFields(getQueryFields()); query.setRowsPerPage(ROWS_PER_PAGE); isNewQuery = true; isLoadedFromQuery = true; managers = null; executeQuery(query); } /** * Uses the passed query to fetch attachments and refreshes the screen with * the returned data. If "fetchUnattached" is true then only unattached * attachments matching the query are fetched otherwise all matching * attachments are fetched. */ public void executeQuery(final Query query) { setBusy(Messages.get().gen_querying()); if (queryCall == null) { queryCall = new AsyncCallbackUI<ArrayList<AttachmentManager>>() { public void success(ArrayList<AttachmentManager> result) { int index; /* * this map is used to link a tree node with the manager * containing the attachment or attachment item that it's * showing */ if (managers == null) managers = new HashMap<Integer, AttachmentManager>(); for (AttachmentManager am : result) managers.put(am.getAttachment().getId(), am); setState(DISPLAY); index = isNewQuery ? index = 0 : tree.getRowCount() - 1; loadTree(result, isNewQuery, true, isLoadedFromQuery); clearStatus(); tree.selectNodeAt(index); nodeSelected(index); searchSuccessful(); } public void notFound() { setState(QUERY); loadTree(null, isNewQuery, true, isLoadedFromQuery); description.setFocus(true); setDone(Messages.get().gen_noRecordsFound()); } public void lastPage() { int page; /* * make sure that the page doesn't stay one more than the * current one if there are no more pages in this direction */ page = query.getPage(); if (page > 0) query.setPage(page - 1); setError(Messages.get().gen_noMoreRecordInDir()); } public void failure(Throwable e) { Window.alert("Error: Attachment call query failed; " + e.getMessage()); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); setError(Messages.get().gen_queryFailed()); } }; } AttachmentService.get().fetchByQueryDescending(query.getFields(), query.getPage() * query.getRowsPerPage(), query.getRowsPerPage(), queryCall); } /** * Returns true if the screen was opened from another screen for adding new * attachments to the system and then attaching them to a record, like * sample. Otherwise returns false. */ public boolean isAttach() { return false; } /** * Defines the action to be performed when attachments selected by a user * are to be attached to another record like sample */ public void attach(ArrayList<AttachmentDO> attachments) { } /** * Defines the action to be performed after the search executed on the * screen has completed and attachments were found */ public void searchSuccessful() { } /** * Performs specific actions based on node selected in the tree, specified * by the passed index. If an attachment or attachment item was selected * then resets the manager; otherwise tries to load the next page, because * "Click for Next.." is selected. Also, enables or disables widgets. */ private void nodeSelected(int index) { Integer id; Node node; node = tree.getNodeAt(index); id = null; if (ATTACHMENT_LEAF.equals(node.getType())) id = node.getData(); else if (ATTACHMENT_ITEM_LEAF.equals(node.getType())) id = node.getParent().getData(); else if (isState(DISPLAY)) loadNextPage(); /* * id is null if the node "Click for more records" is selected; "Update" * button is enabled if only one node is selected; "Delete" button is * enabled even if multiple nodes are selected */ if (!isState(UPDATE)) updateButton.setEnabled(id != null && (isState(DISPLAY))); if (!isState(DELETE)) deleteButton.setEnabled((id != null || tree.getSelectedNodes().length > 1) && (isState(DISPLAY))); /* * the "Attach" button shouldn't be enabled unless any attachment or * attachment item is selected; but once it is enabled it shouldn't be * disabled on selecting "Click for more..."; that's because the tree * supports multiple selection, and other nodes may be already selected */ if (id != null) attachButton.setEnabled(isAttach() && (isState(DISPLAY))); manager = id != null ? managers.get(id) : null; } /** * Executes the previously run query to fetch the next page of results */ private void loadNextPage() { int page; /* * query is a class variable because this screen doesn't use a screen * navigator but it needs to keep track of the previously executed query * and not a query created from the screen's current data */ page = query.getPage(); query.setPage(page + 1); isNewQuery = false; executeQuery(query); } /** * Loads the tree with the data in the passed managers. If "reloadTree" is * true then loads the tree from scratch, otherwise only adds new nodes; if * "addAfter" is true then adds the new nodes after the current nodes, * otherwise adds them at the beginning. If "isLoadedFromQuery" and * "reloadTree" are both true then adds the node for "Click For More...", * because the tree is getting loaded from the results of a fresh query. */ private void loadTree(ArrayList<AttachmentManager> ams, boolean reloadTree, boolean addAfter, boolean isLoadedFromQuery) { int sel, index; Node root, node; sel = tree.getSelectedNode(); root = tree.getRoot(); if (reloadTree || root == null) { /* * if no records were found by the query, empty the tree if this was * a new search and not getting the next page */ root = new Node(); tree.setRoot(root); if (reloadTree && ams == null) return; } index = -1; if (addAfter) /* * find the index of the last attachment node before the node for * "Click For More..." */ index = tree.getRoot().getChildCount() - 2; /* * create and add the nodes for attachments and attachment items to the * tree; if "reloadTree" is true then the nodes are added to the root * because the tree will be reloaded, otherwise they're added after the * current nodes */ if (ams != null) { for (AttachmentManager am : ams) { node = new Node(6); loadAttachment(node, am); if (reloadTree) root.add(node); else tree.addNodeAt(++index, node); } } if (reloadTree) { if (isLoadedFromQuery) { /* * add the node for "Click for more...", because the tree is * getting reloaded and is showing the results of a query */ node = new Node(1); node.setCell(0, Messages.get().gen_clickForMore()); node.setType(CLICK_FOR_MORE_LEAF); root.add(node); } tree.setRoot(root); } /* * this needs to be done because tree.addNodeAt() gets rid of the * selection */ if (sel > -1) tree.selectNodeAt(sel); } /** * Creates a subtree loaded from the passed manager. Makes passed node the * attachment node and also the root of the subtree. */ private void loadAttachment(Node anode, AttachmentManager am) { int i; AttachmentDO data; AttachmentIssueViewDO issue; Node inode; data = am.getAttachment(); /* * the node for the attachment */ issue = am.getIssue(); anode.setCell(0, data.getDescription()); anode.setCell(1, data.getCreatedDate()); anode.setCell(2, data.getSectionId()); anode.setCell(3, issue != null ? issue.getText() : null); anode.setCell(4, issue != null ? issue.getSystemUserLoginName() : null); anode.setCell(5, data.getId()); anode.setData(data.getId()); anode.setType(ATTACHMENT_LEAF); /* * the nodes for the attachment items; these nodes are of type * AttachmentNode and not Node because otherwise they won't have the * blank icon and so the alignment of the text won't be like the nodes * at the top level */ for (i = 0; i < am.item.count(); i++) { inode = new Node(1); inode.setCell(0, am.item.get(i).getReferenceDescription()); inode.setType(ATTACHMENT_ITEM_LEAF); anode.add(inode); } } /** * Reloads the subtree rooted at the passed node from the latest data in the * manager for the currently selected attachment */ private void reloadAttachment(Node node) { boolean isOpen; isOpen = node.isOpen(); /* * this prevents any problems with trying to show the errors that were * added to the previous nodes and not to the latest ones added below */ tree.clearExceptions(); tree.close(node); node.removeAllChildren(); loadAttachment(node, manager); /* * open the node in the new subtree if they were open in the old one */ if (isOpen); tree.refreshNode(node); } /** * Unlocks the attachment with the passed id and its issue; loads the passed * node with the latest data for the attachment from the database */ private void unlockAndReloadAttachment(Integer attachmentId, Node node) { AttachmentManager am; try { am = AttachmentService.get().unlock(attachmentId); AttachmentService.get().unlockIssue(attachmentId); managers.put(attachmentId, am); node.removeAllChildren(); loadAttachment(node, am); } catch (Exception e) { Window.alert(e.getMessage()); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage() != null ? e.getMessage() : "null", e); } } }