Java tutorial
/** Exhibit A - UIRF Open-source Based Public Software License. * * The contents of this file are subject to the UIRF Open-source Based * Public Software License(the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * The Original Code is OpenELIS code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is The University of Iowa. * Portions created by The University of Iowa are Copyright 2006-2008. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file marked * "Separately-Licensed" may be used under the terms of a UIRF Software * license ("UIRF Software License"), in which case the provisions of a * UIRF Software License are applicable instead of those above. */ package org.openelis.gwt.widget; import org.openelis.gwt.event.ActionEvent; import org.openelis.gwt.event.ActionHandler; import org.openelis.gwt.event.HasActionHandlers; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class MenuItem extends SimplePanel implements MouseOutHandler, MouseOverHandler, ClickHandler, CloseHandler<PopupPanel>, HasClickHandlers, HasMouseOverHandlers, HasMouseOutHandlers, HasActionHandlers<MenuItem.Action> { public MenuPanel parent; public boolean cursorOn; public Node popupNode; public PopupPanel pop = new PopupPanel(true, false); public boolean popClosed; public boolean popShowing; public MenuPanel child; public MenuPanel menuItemsPanel; public Widget wid; public enum PopPosition { BELOW, BESIDE }; public PopPosition popPosition = PopPosition.BELOW; public enum Action { OPENING, CLOSING }; public AbsolutePanel iconPanel = new AbsolutePanel(); private AbsolutePanel openIcon = new AbsolutePanel(); public String objClass; public Object[] args; public String key; public String label; public String icon; public String labelText; public String description; private boolean enabled; public MenuItem() { } public MenuItem clone() { return new MenuItem(icon, labelText, description); } public MenuItem(String icon, String labelText, String description) { init(icon, labelText, description); label = labelText; } public void init(String icon, String labelText, String description) { this.icon = icon; this.labelText = labelText; this.description = description; Label label = new Label(labelText); label.setStyleName("topMenuItemTitle"); label.addStyleName("locked"); setWidget(create(icon, label, description)); addClickHandler(this); addMouseOverHandler(this); addMouseOutHandler(this); this.label = labelText; } public MenuItem(String icon, Widget wid, String description) { init(icon, wid, description); } public void init(String icon, Widget wid, String description) { setWidget(create(icon, wid, description)); addClickHandler(this); addMouseOverHandler(this); addMouseOutHandler(this); } public MenuItem(Widget wid) { init(wid); } public void init(Widget wid) { setWidget(wid); addClickHandler(this); addMouseOverHandler(this); addMouseOutHandler(this); } public Widget getWidget() { return super.getWidget(); } public Widget create(String icon, Widget wid, String descriptionText) { FlexTable table = new FlexTable(); table.setStyleName("TopMenuRowContainer"); iconPanel.setStyleName(icon); HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.add(wid); hp.setCellWidth(wid, "100%"); hp.add(openIcon); hp.setWidth("100%"); VerticalPanel textPanel = new VerticalPanel(); //Label label = new Label(labelText); wid.setStyleName("topMenuItemTitle"); wid.addStyleName("locked"); Label description; if ("EXCEPTION".equals(descriptionText)) description = new Label(); else description = new Label(descriptionText); description.setStyleName("topMenuItemDesc"); table.setWidget(0, 0, iconPanel); textPanel.add(hp); textPanel.setCellWidth(hp, "100%"); textPanel.add(description); textPanel.setWidth("100%"); table.setWidget(0, 1, textPanel); table.getFlexCellFormatter().setStyleName(0, 0, "topMenuIcon"); table.getFlexCellFormatter().setStyleName(0, 1, "topMenuItemMiddle"); return table; } public static Widget createDefault(String icon, Widget wid, String descriptionText) { FlexTable table = new FlexTable(); table.setStyleName("TopMenuRowContainer"); AbsolutePanel iconPanel = new AbsolutePanel(); iconPanel.setStyleName(icon); VerticalPanel textPanel = new VerticalPanel(); //Label label = new Label(labelText); wid.setStyleName("topMenuItemTitle"); wid.addStyleName("locked"); Label description; if ("EXCEPTION".equals(descriptionText)) description = new Label(); else description = new Label(descriptionText); description.setStyleName("topMenuItemDesc"); table.setWidget(0, 0, iconPanel); textPanel.add(wid); textPanel.add(description); table.setWidget(0, 1, textPanel); table.getFlexCellFormatter().setStyleName(0, 0, "topMenuIcon"); table.getFlexCellFormatter().setStyleName(0, 1, "topMenuItemMiddle"); return table; } public static Widget createTableHeader(String icon, Widget wid) { HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); //hp.setStyleName("TopHeaderRowContainer"); hp.add(wid); wid.setStyleName("HeaderLabel"); hp.setCellWidth(wid, "100%"); AbsolutePanel ap = new AbsolutePanel(); hp.add(ap); hp.setCellWidth(ap, "16px"); ap.setHeight("18px"); ap.setWidth("16px"); hp.setCellHorizontalAlignment(ap, HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); hp.setCellHorizontalAlignment(wid, HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); return hp; } public void setMenuPopup(MenuPanel panel, PopPosition position) { addPopPanel(panel); popPosition = position; if (position == PopPosition.BESIDE) openIcon.setStyleName("MenuArrow"); } public void addPopPanel(MenuPanel panel) { menuItemsPanel = panel; } public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { if (parent != null) parent.itemEnter(this); cursorOn = true; addStyleName("Hover"); } public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) { if (parent != null) parent.itemLeave(this); cursorOn = false; removeStyleName("Hover"); } public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (menuItemsPanel != null) { if (popClosed) popClosed = false; else createPopup(); MouseOverEvent.fireNativeEvent(Document.get().createMouseOverEvent(0, event.getNativeEvent().getScreenX(), event.getNativeEvent().getScreenY(), event.getNativeEvent().getClientX(), event.getNativeEvent().getClientY(), event.getNativeEvent().getCtrlKey(), event.getNativeEvent().getAltKey(), event.getNativeEvent().getShiftKey(), event.getNativeEvent().getMetaKey(), event.getNativeEvent().getButton(), ((Widget) event.getSource()).getElement()), this); return; } if (parent != null && parent.getParent() instanceof PopupPanel) ((PopupPanel) parent.getParent()).hide(); MouseOutEvent.fireNativeEvent(Document.get().createMouseOutEvent(0, event.getNativeEvent().getScreenX(), event.getNativeEvent().getScreenY(), event.getNativeEvent().getClientX(), event.getNativeEvent().getClientY(), event.getNativeEvent().getCtrlKey(), event.getNativeEvent().getAltKey(), event.getNativeEvent().getShiftKey(), event.getNativeEvent().getMetaKey(), event.getNativeEvent().getButton(), ((Widget) event.getSource()).getElement()), this); } public void onClose(CloseEvent<PopupPanel> event) {, Action.CLOSING, this); if (cursorOn) popClosed = true; if (DOM.getElementProperty(((Widget) event.getSource()).getElement(), "closeAll").equals("true")) { if (parent != null && parent.getParent() instanceof PopupPanel) ((PopupPanel) parent.getParent()).hide(); } if (parent != null) { parent.activeItem = null; = false; } removeStyleName("Selected"); popShowing = false; } public void createPopup() { if (parent != null) parent.activeItem = this; if (menuItemsPanel == null) return;, Action.OPENING, this); if (pop.getWidget() == null) { //pop = new PopupPanel(true,false); //ScreenMenuPanel mp = (ScreenMenuPanel)ScreenWidget.loadWidget(popupNode, screen); //use the menuItemsPanel so you can disable certain rows on the fly pop.setWidget(menuItemsPanel); pop.addCloseHandler(this); pop.setStyleName(""); } //to be able to use the widget on a screen we always need to set the position if (popPosition == PopPosition.BELOW) pop.setPopupPosition(getAbsoluteLeft() + 8, getAbsoluteTop() + getOffsetHeight()); else pop.setPopupPosition(getAbsoluteLeft() + getOffsetWidth(), getAbsoluteTop());; popShowing = true; child = ((MenuPanel) pop.getWidget()); DOM.setElementProperty(pop.getElement(), "closeAll", "true"); ((MenuPanel) pop.getWidget()).active = true; DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { ((MenuPanel) pop.getWidget()).setSize(pop.getPopupTop()); } }); addStyleName("Selected"); } public void closePopup() { if (pop != null) { DOM.setElementProperty(pop.getElement(), "closeAll", "false"); pop.hide(); popShowing = false; } } public void enable(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; if (enabled) { sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK); sinkEvents(Event.ONMOUSEOUT); sinkEvents(Event.ONMOUSEOVER); getWidget().removeStyleName("disabled"); } else { unsinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK); unsinkEvents(Event.MOUSEEVENTS); unsinkEvents(Event.ONMOUSEOVER); getWidget().addStyleName("disabled"); } } public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler) { return addHandler(handler, ClickEvent.getType()); } public HandlerRegistration addMouseOverHandler(MouseOverHandler handler) { return addHandler(handler, MouseOverEvent.getType()); } public HandlerRegistration addMouseOutHandler(MouseOutHandler handler) { return addHandler(handler, MouseOutEvent.getType()); } public HandlerRegistration addActionHandler(ActionHandler<Action> handler) { return addHandler(handler, ActionEvent.getType()); } }