Java tutorial
/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * SDC * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanVertex; import; public abstract class AbstractOperation { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractOperation.class.getName()); @javax.annotation.Resource protected TitanGenericDao titanGenericDao; public static final String EMPTY_VALUE = null; protected Gson gson = new Gson(); @javax.annotation.Resource protected ApplicationDataTypeCache applicationDataTypeCache; protected DataTypeValidatorConverter dataTypeValidatorConverter = DataTypeValidatorConverter.getInstance(); protected <SomeData extends GraphNode, SomeDefenition> Either<SomeData, TitanOperationStatus> addDefinitionToNodeType( SomeDefenition someDefinition, NodeTypeEnum nodeType, String nodeUniqueId, final GraphEdgeLabels edgeType, Supplier<SomeData> dataBuilder, Supplier<String> defNameGenerator) { String defName = defNameGenerator.get(); log.debug("Got {} {}", defName, someDefinition); SomeData someData = dataBuilder.get(); log.debug("Before adding {} to graph. data = {}", defName, someData); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Either<SomeData, TitanOperationStatus> eitherSomeData = titanGenericDao.createNode(someData, (Class<SomeData>) someData.getClass()); log.debug("After adding {} to graph. status is = {}", defName, eitherSomeData); if (eitherSomeData.isRight()) { TitanOperationStatus operationStatus = eitherSomeData.right().value(); log.error("Failed to add {} to graph. status is {}", defName, operationStatus); return Either.right(operationStatus); } UniqueIdData uniqueIdData = new UniqueIdData(nodeType, nodeUniqueId); log.debug("Before associating {} to {}.", uniqueIdData, defName); Either<GraphRelation, TitanOperationStatus> eitherRelations = titanGenericDao.createRelation(uniqueIdData, eitherSomeData.left().value(), edgeType, null); if (eitherRelations.isRight()) { TitanOperationStatus operationStatus = eitherRelations.right().value(); BeEcompErrorManager.getInstance() .logInternalFlowError( "AddDefinitionToNodeType", "Failed to associate" + nodeType.getName() + " " + nodeUniqueId + "to " + defName + "in graph. status is " + operationStatus, ErrorSeverity.ERROR); return Either.right(operationStatus); } return Either.left(eitherSomeData.left().value()); } protected <SomeData extends GraphNode, SomeDefenition> TitanOperationStatus addDefinitionToNodeType( TitanVertex vertex, SomeDefenition someDefinition, NodeTypeEnum nodeType, String nodeUniqueId, final GraphEdgeLabels edgeType, Supplier<SomeData> dataBuilder, Supplier<String> defNameGenerator) { String defName = defNameGenerator.get(); log.debug("Got {} {}", defName, someDefinition); SomeData someData = dataBuilder.get(); log.debug("Before adding {} to graph. data = {}", defName, someData); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Either<TitanVertex, TitanOperationStatus> eitherSomeData = titanGenericDao.createNode(someData); log.debug("After adding {} to graph. status is = {}", defName, eitherSomeData); if (eitherSomeData.isRight()) { TitanOperationStatus operationStatus = eitherSomeData.right().value(); log.error("Failed to add {} to graph. status is {}", defName, operationStatus); return operationStatus; } TitanOperationStatus relations = titanGenericDao.createEdge(vertex, eitherSomeData.left().value(), edgeType, null); if (!relations.equals(TitanOperationStatus.OK)) { TitanOperationStatus operationStatus = relations; BeEcompErrorManager.getInstance() .logInternalFlowError( "AddDefinitionToNodeType", "Failed to associate" + nodeType.getName() + " " + nodeUniqueId + "to " + defName + "in graph. status is " + operationStatus, ErrorSeverity.ERROR); return operationStatus; } return relations; } interface NodeElementFetcher<ElementDefinition> { TitanOperationStatus findAllNodeElements(String nodeId, List<ElementDefinition> listTofill); } public <ElementDefinition> TitanOperationStatus findAllResourceElementsDefinitionRecursively(String resourceId, List<ElementDefinition> elements, NodeElementFetcher<ElementDefinition> singleNodeFetcher) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Going to fetch elements under resource {}", resourceId); TitanOperationStatus resourceAttributesStatus = singleNodeFetcher.findAllNodeElements(resourceId, elements); if (resourceAttributesStatus != TitanOperationStatus.OK) { return resourceAttributesStatus; } Either<ImmutablePair<ResourceMetadataData, GraphEdge>, TitanOperationStatus> parentNodes = titanGenericDao .getChild(UniqueIdBuilder.getKeyByNodeType(NodeTypeEnum.Resource), resourceId, GraphEdgeLabels.DERIVED_FROM, NodeTypeEnum.Resource, ResourceMetadataData.class); if (parentNodes.isRight()) { TitanOperationStatus parentNodesStatus = parentNodes.right().value(); if (parentNodesStatus != TitanOperationStatus.NOT_FOUND) { BeEcompErrorManager.getInstance().logInternalFlowError( "findAllResourceElementsDefinitionRecursively", "Failed to find parent elements of resource " + resourceId + ". status is " + parentNodesStatus, ErrorSeverity.ERROR); return parentNodesStatus; } } if (parentNodes.isLeft()) { ImmutablePair<ResourceMetadataData, GraphEdge> parnetNodePair = parentNodes.left().value(); String parentUniqueId = parnetNodePair.getKey().getMetadataDataDefinition().getUniqueId(); TitanOperationStatus addParentIntStatus = findAllResourceElementsDefinitionRecursively(parentUniqueId, elements, singleNodeFetcher); if (addParentIntStatus != TitanOperationStatus.OK) { BeEcompErrorManager.getInstance().logInternalFlowError( "findAllResourceElementsDefinitionRecursively", "Failed to find all resource elements of resource " + parentUniqueId, ErrorSeverity.ERROR); return addParentIntStatus; } } return TitanOperationStatus.OK; } protected <T, TStatus> void handleTransactionCommitRollback(boolean inTransaction, Either<T, TStatus> result) { if (!inTransaction) { if (result == null || result.isRight()) { log.error("Going to execute rollback on graph."); titanGenericDao.rollback(); } else { log.debug("Going to execute commit on graph."); titanGenericDao.commit(); } } } public <ElementTypeDefinition> Either<ElementTypeDefinition, StorageOperationStatus> getElementType( Function<String, Either<ElementTypeDefinition, TitanOperationStatus>> elementGetter, String uniqueId, boolean inTransaction) { Either<ElementTypeDefinition, StorageOperationStatus> result = null; try { Either<ElementTypeDefinition, TitanOperationStatus> ctResult = elementGetter.apply(uniqueId); if (ctResult.isRight()) { TitanOperationStatus status = ctResult.right().value(); if (status != TitanOperationStatus.NOT_FOUND) { log.error("Failed to retrieve information on element uniqueId:" + uniqueId + ". status is " + status); } result = Either .right(DaoStatusConverter.convertTitanStatusToStorageStatus(ctResult.right().value())); return result; } result = Either.left(ctResult.left().value()); return result; } finally { handleTransactionCommitRollback(inTransaction, result); } } /** * @param propertyDefinition * @return */ protected StorageOperationStatus validateAndUpdateProperty(IComplexDefaultValue propertyDefinition, Map<String, DataTypeDefinition> dataTypes) { log.trace("Going to validate property type and value. {}", propertyDefinition); String propertyType = propertyDefinition.getType(); String value = propertyDefinition.getDefaultValue(); ToscaPropertyType type = getType(propertyType); if (type == null) { DataTypeDefinition dataTypeDefinition = dataTypes.get(propertyType); if (dataTypeDefinition == null) { log.debug("The type {} of property cannot be found.", propertyType); return StorageOperationStatus.INVALID_TYPE; } StorageOperationStatus status = validateAndUpdateComplexValue(propertyDefinition, propertyType, value, dataTypeDefinition, dataTypes); return status; } String innerType = null; Either<String, TitanOperationStatus> checkInnerType = getInnerType(type, () -> propertyDefinition.getSchema()); if (checkInnerType.isRight()) { return StorageOperationStatus.INVALID_TYPE; } innerType = checkInnerType.left().value(); log.trace("After validating property type {}", propertyType); boolean isValidProperty = isValidValue(type, value, innerType, dataTypes); if (false == isValidProperty) {"The value {} of property from type {} is invalid", value, type); return StorageOperationStatus.INVALID_VALUE; } PropertyValueConverter converter = type.getConverter(); if (isEmptyValue(value)) { log.debug("Default value was not sent for property {}. Set default value to {}", propertyDefinition.getName(), EMPTY_VALUE); propertyDefinition.setDefaultValue(EMPTY_VALUE); } else if (false == isEmptyValue(value)) { String convertedValue = converter.convert(value, innerType, dataTypes); propertyDefinition.setDefaultValue(convertedValue); } return StorageOperationStatus.OK; } protected ToscaPropertyType getType(String propertyType) { ToscaPropertyType type = ToscaPropertyType.isValidType(propertyType); return type; } protected boolean isValidValue(ToscaPropertyType type, String value, String innerType, Map<String, DataTypeDefinition> dataTypes) { if (isEmptyValue(value)) { return true; } PropertyTypeValidator validator = type.getValidator(); boolean isValid = validator.isValid(value, innerType, dataTypes); if (true == isValid) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean isEmptyValue(String value) { if (value == null) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isNullParam(String value) { if (value == null) { return true; } return false; } protected StorageOperationStatus validateAndUpdateComplexValue(IComplexDefaultValue propertyDefinition, String propertyType, String value, DataTypeDefinition dataTypeDefinition, Map<String, DataTypeDefinition> dataTypes) { ImmutablePair<JsonElement, Boolean> validateResult = dataTypeValidatorConverter.validateAndUpdate(value, dataTypeDefinition, dataTypes); if (validateResult.right.booleanValue() == false) { log.debug("The value {} of property from type {} is invalid", value, propertyType); return StorageOperationStatus.INVALID_VALUE; } JsonElement jsonElement = validateResult.left; log.trace("Going to update value in property definition {} {}", propertyDefinition.getName(), (jsonElement != null ? jsonElement.toString() : null)); updateValue(propertyDefinition, jsonElement); return StorageOperationStatus.OK; } protected void updateValue(IComplexDefaultValue propertyDefinition, JsonElement jsonElement) { propertyDefinition.setDefaultValue(getValueFromJsonElement(jsonElement)); } protected String getValueFromJsonElement(JsonElement jsonElement) { String value = null; if (jsonElement == null || jsonElement.isJsonNull()) { value = EMPTY_VALUE; } else { if (jsonElement.toString().isEmpty()) { value = ""; } else { value = jsonElement.toString(); } } return value; } protected Either<String, TitanOperationStatus> getInnerType(ToscaPropertyType type, Supplier<SchemaDefinition> schemeGen) { String innerType = null; if (type == ToscaPropertyType.LIST || type == ToscaPropertyType.MAP) { SchemaDefinition def = schemeGen.get();// propDataDef.getSchema(); if (def == null) { log.debug("Schema doesn't exists for property of type {}", type); return Either.right(TitanOperationStatus.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT); } PropertyDataDefinition propDef = def.getProperty(); if (propDef == null) { log.debug("Property in Schema Definition inside property of type {} doesn't exists", type); return Either.right(TitanOperationStatus.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT); } innerType = propDef.getType(); } return Either.left(innerType); } /** * Convert Constarint object to json in order to add it to the Graph * * @param constraints * @return */ public List<String> convertConstraintsToString(List<PropertyConstraint> constraints) { List<String> result = null; if (constraints != null && false == constraints.isEmpty()) { result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (PropertyConstraint propertyConstraint : constraints) { String constraint = gson.toJson(propertyConstraint); result.add(constraint); } } return result; } public List<PropertyConstraint> convertConstraints(List<String> constraints) { if (constraints == null || constraints.size() == 0) { return null; } List<PropertyConstraint> list = new ArrayList<PropertyConstraint>(); Type constraintType = new TypeToken<PropertyConstraint>() { }.getType(); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(constraintType, new PropertyConstraintDeserialiser()) .create(); for (String constraintJson : constraints) { PropertyConstraint propertyConstraint = gson.fromJson(constraintJson, constraintType); list.add(propertyConstraint); } return list; } }